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Semester: 1st Subject Type: CORE Facilitator:

Content Standard Performance standard Most Essential Learning Competency
The learners are enabled to
The learner understands: FIRST QUARTER MELC 1. Students discover the core
1. The Christian Worldview Identify the core teachings and values of the teachings (and connected values) of
Christian faith while showing respect to the Christianity
differing traditions and denominations

Students observe different traditions arising MELC 2. The students will discern the
from common teachings and values connection between teaching, values, and
practices that is common among different
Christian traditions

2. The Human Problem: Sin and Its Define sin (the Human ) based on select MELC 3. Students will define sin based on
Consequences passages select passages

Name some of the most prevalent MELC 4. Students recognize the

consequences of sin, in persons, and in society consequences in persons and society

Be aware of the insidious nature of sin and MELC 5. The students will recognize
shun it. immorality wrong-doing and value life
promoting decisions and actions
3. The Kingdom of God SECOND QUARTER
(Jesus' Mission our Mission) Recognize the reality of God's transforming MELC 6. Students recognize the presence of
realm (Reign of God) in the world and in the Reign of God as proclaimed in the
our society (Zacchaeus Matthew 5:1-12, Scripture (Matt. Mark 1:15; 5: 1-12; 6:9-15
19::16-30; Mark 1:15; Luke 19:1-10) Luke 19: 1-10, Matthew 19:16-30)

Connect Reign of God with familiar words such MELC 7: Students equate Kingdom of God with
as salvation, transformation (personal and transformation, eternal life, salvation, new
social) eternal life, New Heavens and New heavens and new earth.

MELC 8. Students list implications of God's

reign in personal life in socio-political reality

MELC 9. Students will engage an activity as a

and plan and implement an outreach activity way of participation in the work of the
towards those who need it most Kingdom

MELC 10. Students commits to the ways of the


Values Integration:
Students value and practice faith, shun evil, and value participation in saving acts of the kingdom

Authentic Performance Task Oral and Written Works Metacognitive Assessment
First Quarter: The Christian Faith and The Human Problem
G - The students are able to state the core values of the Christian 1. Personal sharing of each Students will examine, compare, and
faith and share how these are practiced and come up with one’s faith formulate commonalities and
common affirmation and cogent understanding of the Human 2. Common statement of differences of his/her faith with that
Problem from Christian Perspective shared values and beliefs of other faith and their implications
R – Students will serve a participants in dialogue with their peers 3. Write -up on Sin- the Human to his/her personal journey and
A – assumed international youth conference of different religions Problem communal interactions.
and worldviews 4. Activity process inventory Students define the human problem,
S – in a situation where they are asked that makes you Christian? 5. Quiz/ QA analyze its root cause to human
What do you have in common? And what is the Christian sinfulness, and discern its
understanding of the human problem? consequences to individuals and
P – as Resource persons present statement of common values and society, and promote life-enhancing
practices, and the Christian teaching on Sin or Human Problem values.
S - The student’s will be graded based on their participation and
practice of the core values of the Christian faith their learning
activity the clarity and cogency of their presentation.

Second Quarter 2nd Quarter Assessment

G - Students recognize the proclamation of the Reign of God as 1. Jesus mission: the Essay: The Reign Of God: The
good news manifested in the presence of movements for establishment of the Reign of Solution to the Human Problem
transformation, healing, and Peace (the Kingdom of God) and plan god on Earth
and perform an outreach activity to the those around them who 2. Written Project plan with
need it most objective and rationale
R - Students will assume the role of bearers of good news and 3. Implementation Process:
agents of transformation in their communities Evaluation of participation
A – parents and community members and learning insights
S – community quarantines when many are restricted from 4. Integration of lesson
earning a living concepts in project plan
P – A practical and achievable plan of action that apply lesson, 5. QA: Quiz
they themselves will implement
S – The project would be graded on the bases on the attainment of
the stated objective, implementation process, and perceived
impact on the implementors and recipients.

Date Learning Targets Medium & 5E Blended Learning
Materials Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate

Aug. Classroom and My  Forum: Self-  Students  Religion is an Objectives and main focus of the Self-
24- soul Orientation Introductions( would think important course. introductions as
Sept 5 Your name of the main identity Discuss importance of faith to it relates to
and main marks of their maker you as person Faith
identity identity as a
markers) person and  Students will Trial quiz
Ex. I am Lina, a compose be asked if
Christian, their won faith is
Filipino in self- important to
heart, color, introductions. them
taste, and way
of life. I am
the only
Daughter in
four siblings. I

 Trial quiz on
course outline

Sept 7-  Assignment  With their Teacher then The Silliman University

12 Learning group (5’s discuss and Reformed Faith Affirmation (See
activity: Each ideally of the explain the core Church Manual and faith
student will same values based on Heritage of SU
choose either denomination the core
to follow the s), they share teachings of loads/2017/06/Church-
pattern of a the written Christianity Manual.pdf
sun with rays. product of
At the center their
of the sun the interview and
student designate
interviews a someone to
leader of their present it to
Church/religio the whole
n to name 5 group
values and the
teachings of
on and at
least 10 most
Sept. The Human Problem  Assigned Mapped Notes Discussion of the Action evaluation: Is it sin? Participation in
14-26 (sin and Death) reading using will be shared reading material: Teacher presents actions for learning activity
MELC 3. Students different which will students to analyze if sin or not
will define sin colors to generate
based on select Highlight: 1. comparison and
passages Grey: evaluation as well
definitions of as analysis
sin. Underline:
Root cause of
Sin? Why sin
is wrong?
 Consequences
of sin: yellow

Sept MELC 4. Students Group Discussion of Root cause of sin: Group Activity:WHY?WHY? Presentations
28- students see the presentations: some current Why it is WHY? What’s wrong/What’s the present valid
Oct.10 connection Statements about problems and its wrong/sinful: Problem analysis of the
between current situation relevance to Consequences in problems
evil/sinful and its root Human Sinfulness persons and Start with a important fact in confronting
desire/motivation Causes society relation to human problem until people and
, actions/ and (Reading you arrive at the root cause of societies
manifestations of BBB Material) the problem. If any statement is
sin in culture, not valid, you cannot arrive at
structures, root cause? Change statement
thought system to valid.
(ex. racism)
Ex. Human beings are suffering
from extreme weather
Why? (group finds state the
answer) Because of
environmental degradation.

Why? Because of

Why? Because there is no


Why? That is the question =)!

Why: Our nature is the reason

Why because we have no

limitations and are controlled by
sinful motivations

Why? Because we want to

follow our own decision or
because of the rejection of
God’s salvation, new
and the new Creation

Slogan-making and presentation

Oct. MELC5.The students Poster and slogan- How then should Reading material: Slogan graded
12-24 will recognize making by group we live? Toyohiko by message
immorality wrong- Bible reading, Kagawa/Martin content,
doing and value life discussion and Luther King relevance,
promoting decisions sharing of Jr./Mother clarity, and
and actions experiences Theresa/ Nelson over-all
Mandela presentation

Reign/Kingdom of
The Gospel of the Kingdom,
Oct. MELC 6. Students Bible What solutions Reading and Bible Project Tell the good
26-nov. recognize the Soul: Open Forum has humans come synthesizing from news of the
7 presence of the up to deal with the text (Bible) Kingdom Group
Reign of God as Evil: essay
proclaimed in the Groups discuss
Scripture (Matt. and post their
Mark 1:15; 5: 1-12; opinions
6:9-15 Luke 19: 1-
10, Matthew 19:16-

Related familiar words: eternal

Nov. 9- MELC 7: Students Soul: Lesson What is Jesus Discussion of the life, salvation, heaven, new
28 equate Kingdom of answer to the concept Reign of heavens and new earth, social The Reign of
God with Human Problem God concept and political transformation, God: Group
transformation, personal transformation, new Picture Essay
eternal life, birth
salvation, new
heavens and new

John 3:1-21 “Jesus and

Nov. MELC 8. Students Bible What causes Case study: Nicodemus” “My response
30- list implications of Soul:Video People to Zacchaeus (Matt. to Jesus if I
Dec. 18 God's reign in change? Or what 19:16-30 were
personal life in can change Saint Francis of Nicodemus”
socio-political reality People Asisi
videoclips reflection

Evaluate project proposals

MELC 9. Students Groupings: Group Project: Incorporate Integration of
will engage an Mysoul: Plan a group concepts learned concepts
activity as a way of Workshop outreach to reach in this topic in learned, group
participation in the out to those most your rationale participation
work of the in need in your and objectives and insights
Kingdom area with learned through
objectives, the groups’
rationale, and activity
action plan and evaluation and
implement it. learning

Second Quarter 2nd Quarter Assessment

G - Students recognize the proclamation of the Reign of God as 6. Jesus mission: the Essay: The Reign Of God: The
good news manifested in the presence of movements for establishment of the Reign of Solution to the Human Problem
transformation, healing, and Peace (the Kingdom of God) and plan god on Earth
and perform an outreach activity to the those around them who 7. Written Project plan with
need it most objective and rationale
R - Students will assume the role of bearers of good news and 8. Implementation Process:
agents of transformation in their communities Evaluation of participation
A – parents and community members and learning insights
S – community quarantines when many are restricted from 9. Integration of lesson
earning a living concepts in project plan
P – A practical and achievable plan of action that apply lesson, 10. QA: Quiz
they themselves will implement
S – The project would be graded on the bases on the attainment of
the stated objective, implementation process, and perceived
impact on the implementors and recipients.

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