Workshop 2 - Problem Solving

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English Learning Guide

Competency 1
Unit 4: Problem Solving
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

Name: Cristian Camilo Ramírez Rueda Cohort: Date:

20999572 - 2 08 / 04 / 2021

Training program: Tecnólogo en Gestión Empresarial Instructor:

Diego Fernando Morales Cortes


This workshop will help you recognize vocabulary about problems that can be sorted out with multiple
solutions, find out opportunities in problems to get positive outcomes and some strategies according to

Objective: From the development of these activities, you will be able to analyze, manage and sort out
a problem, taking into account different strategies and suitable solutions at your workplace.

1. Work in groups and discuss the following questions:

• Do you consider strategies are important to sort out a problem? Why?
Of course, yes, since without a proposed strategy there would be no fixed course for the problem, and it would not be
possible to carry out a step-by-step solution and reach a solution.
Por supuesto que sí, ya que sin una estrategia propuesta no habría un rumbo fijo para el problema, y no se podría llevar
a cabo una solución paso a paso y llegar a una solución.
• Is it easier to find different solutions for a problem at work, in a collective or individual way?
It is easier collectively, since there are more people and each questioner will give different ideas and
Es más fácil colectivamente, ya que hay más personas y cada interrogador dará diferentes ideas y
• When do you consider a problem as a possible opportunity to get good outcomes? Explain your
A problem will always be a good situation that shows that we must improve in terms of that situation,
it is an opportunity since it allows us to strengthen our skills, and have growth at a professional level.
Un problema siempre será una buena situación que demuestre que debemos mejorar en cuanto a esa
situación, es una oportunidad ya que nos permite fortalecer nuestras habilidades, y tener crecimiento
a nivel profesional.
2. Individual work: Describing problems

Look for the meaning of the following adjectives and expressions:

-critical -insignificant -irrelevant -minor -ongoing - persistent -severe - trivial -unimportant -
urgent - quick-fix - long shot - hiccup -defect -obstacle

Critical: The word critical is a term that has widespread use in our language and that we apply to refer to various
Crítico: La palabra crítico es un término que tiene un uso muy extendido en nuestro idioma y que aplicamos para
referirnos a diversos problemas.

Insignificant: It does not deserve to be taken into account for its little importance or courage made an insignificant
Insignificante: No merece ser tenido en cuenta por su poca importancia o coraje cometió un error insignificante.

Irrelevant: Therefore, irrelevant means what is not relevant, which does not stand out or does not stand out, which is
not important.
Irrelevante: Por lo tanto, irrelevante significa lo que no es relevante, lo que no se destaca o no se destaca, lo que no
es importante.

Minor: That it's less size or amount than anything else your salary is less than mine.
Menor: Que es menos tamaño o cantidad que cualquier otra cosa, tu salario es menor que el mío.

Quick-fix: One solution may be the answer to a question.

Solución rápida: una solución puede ser la respuesta a una pregunta.

Hiccup: Although we commonly think that the word refers to the noise we emit, in reality, hiccups consist of a
Spasmodic and involuntary contraction of the diaphragm.
Hipo: Aunque comúnmente pensamos que la palabra se refiere al ruido que emitimos, en realidad, el hipo consiste
en una contracción espasmódica e involuntaria del diafragma.

Unimportant: Unimportant: modest; insignificant; minuscule; unimportant.

Poco importante: Poco importante: modesto; insignificante; minúscula; sin importancia.

Ongoing: Gait is a term used to refer to the way a patient walk.

Continuo: Marcha es un término que se utiliza para referirse a la forma en que camina un paciente.

Persistent: The fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
Persistente: El hecho de continuar en una opinión o curso de acción a pesar de la dificultad u oposición.

Severe: (Of something bad or undesirable) very great; intense.

Severo: (De algo malo o indeseable) muy grande; intenso.
Trivial: Of little value or importance.
Trivial: De poco valor o importancia.

Urgent: Urgent means something that cannot be postponed or transferred, which does not allow delays, delays.
Urgente: Urgente significa algo que no se puede posponer ni transferir, que no permite retrasos, retrasos.

Obstacle: Which makes it difficult to fulfill a purpose or action, you always put obstacles to my initiatives.
Obstáculo: Lo que dificulta el cumplimiento de un propósito o acción, siempre pones obstáculos a mis iniciativas.

Defect: Lack or imperfection in a person's own qualities.

Defecto: Falta o imperfección en las propias cualidades de una persona.

• Which five adjectives or expressions describe problems or issues that usually need serious
The adjective of:
 Critical
 Severe
 Urgency
 Persistent
 Quick fix
El adjetivo de:
 Crítico
 Severo
 Urgencia
 Persistente
 Arreglo rápido

• Which adjectives or expressions describe issues that don’t deserve much attention?

 Insignificant
 Irrelevant
 Minor
 Unimportant

 Insignificante
 Irrelevante
 Menor
 Sin importancia

GC-F -005 V. 01

English Learning Guide

Competency 1
Unit 4: Problem Solving
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF
3. Skills practice: Do the following activities to practice the learnt vocabulary and English

3.1. Listening Practice: steps to identify possible solutions to a problem

The actions focused to find out the accurate steps to get problem solved, are divided into a variety
of strategies from which it is possible to select the best option, according to the context. That’s why
through this task, you will get familiar with some vocabulary you will find in the video below.

Write down a short definition for each word or expression:

• Fishbone diagram • Rubric • Pros and cons
• Identify • Strengths • Maximize
• Develop • Execute • Weaknesses • Test
• Assess • Threats • Symptom
• Goal • Measurable • Troubleshooting • Actionable
• Time-bound • Milestone • • Resources
Analytics • Surveys • Full-blown

Maximize: Maximizing is about leveraging or exploiting Actionable: A process can be defined as "a continuous
as much as possible certain resources or functions. sequence of facts or operations that have a certain unit or
are reproduced regularly"
Full-blown: A rule can be a rule or precept, a mode Resources: Resource refers to when someone has
established for the execution of something something. Typically, resources are materials or other
assets that are transformed to produce a benefit and may
or may not be more available in the process.
Identify: Identifying yourself refers to the action of Measurable: Measurable means the possibility, suspicion
recognizing whether a person or something is what is or susceptibility of being calculated or determined or also
being sought that an element or thing can or is capable of calculating an
element or thing by means of a unit and also a verse of a
Develop: Make something grow or progress to develop Threats: A threat is a gesture, expression, or action that
culture anticipates the intent to harm someone in the event that
the threatened person does not meet certain
Execute: Execute is the action of starting the loading of a Weaknesses: Weakness is the quality of the weak. It
program or executable file. means lack of strength, for example: my mother every day
complains about her weakness.
Assess: Assess whether it is to identify and verify Strengths: Strength is a virtue that allows the individual
knowledge, objectives, skills, not in order to give a note to face, endure, and overcome obstacles that go against
but to observe and analyze how processes progress good and its spiritual part.
Goal: (Of a creative work) referring to itself or to the Rubric: It also means the title that is placed at the
conventions of its genre; self-referential. beginning of a chapter or part of a writing, or a caption, is
a label.
Time-bound: A time limit, maximum timeframe, or Fishbone diagram: The fish chart can be defined as a tool
deadline is a limited period of time, or a particular point in used at the organizational or business level that seeks to
time, during which a goal or task must be achieved. fully and correctly propose a scheme that allows to
establish a completely acceptable problem solving to
improve the work or corporate environment.
Maximizar: Maximizar se trata de aprovechar o explotar Accionable: un proceso se puede definir como "una
tanto como sea posible ciertos recursos o funciones. secuencia continua de hechos u operaciones que tienen
una determinada unidad o se reproducen con
En toda regla: Una regla puede ser una regla o un Recursos: El recurso se refiere a cuando alguien tiene
precepto, un modo establecido para la ejecución de algo. algo. Por lo general, los recursos son materiales u otros
activos que se transforman para producir un beneficio y
pueden o no estar más disponibles en el proceso.
Identificarse: Identificarse se refiere a la acción de Medible: Medible significa la posibilidad, sospecha o
reconocer si una persona o algo es lo que se busca. susceptibilidad de ser calculado o determinado o también
que un elemento o cosa pueda o sea capaz de calcular un
elemento o cosa mediante una unidad y también un verso
de una composición.
Desarrollar: Hacer que algo crezca o progrese para Amenazas: Una amenaza es un gesto, expresión o acción
desarrollar la cultura que anticipa la intención de dañar a alguien en caso de que
la persona amenazada no cumpla con ciertos requisitos.
Ejecutar: Ejecutar es la acción de iniciar la carga de un Debilidades: La debilidad es la cualidad del débil.
programa o archivo ejecutable. Significa falta de fuerza, por ejemplo: mi madre todos los
días se queja de su debilidad.
Evaluar: Evaluar si se trata de identificar y verificar Fortalezas: La fortaleza es una virtud que permite al
conocimientos, objetivos, habilidades, no para dar una individuo enfrentar, soportar y superar obstáculos que
nota sino para observar y analizar cómo avanzan los van en contra del bien y su parte espiritual.
Meta: (De una obra creativa) referida a sí misma o las Rúbrica: también significa que el título que se coloca al
convenciones de su género; autorreferencial. principio de un capítulo o parte de un escrito, o un título,
es una etiqueta.
Con límite de tiempo: Un límite de tiempo, un plazo Diagrama de espina de pescado: El diagrama de pescado
máximo o una fecha límite es un período de tiempo se puede definir como una herramienta utilizada a nivel
limitado, o un momento específico en el tiempo, durante el organizacional o empresarial que busca proponer
cual se debe lograr una meta o una tarea. completa y correctamente un esquema que permita
establecer una resolución de problemas completamente
aceptable para mejorar el ambiente laboral o corporativo.

Now, watch the following video on the link1 and answer these
• What does the acronym I.D.E.A stand for?
The acronym idea for solving problems can help you be a productive part of that transformation if one wants to label a
situation as a challenge of opportunity or a problem
The idea is a simple four-step process to solve any problem we face

 Identify
 Develop
 Execute
 Assess

La idea del acrónimo para resolver problemas puede ayudarlo a ser una parte productiva de esa transformación si
desea etiquetar una situación como un desafío de oportunidad o un problema.
La idea es un proceso simple de cuatro pasos para resolver cualquier problema al que nos enfrentamos.

 Identificar
 Desarrollar
 Ejecutar
 Evaluar
• What is the importance of symptoms recognition when solving problems?
It is important to identify the recognition of the symptom since according to the method if we want to solve a problem we
have to discover the underlying bone its causes and symptoms so that we can treat the real problem.
Es importante identificar el reconocimiento del síntoma ya que según el método si queremos solucionar un problema
tenemos que descubrir el hueso subyacente sus causas y síntomas para poder tratar el problema real.

• According to the video, is it useful to organize the problem in a graphic way? Why?
If it could be organized in the fish scheme since it would be done carefully and the information would be very clear and
Si pudiera organizarse en el esquema de pesca, ya que se haría con cuidado y la información sería muy clara y

• Which step evidences the variety of possible solutions to a problem considering its causes?
Running the troubleshooting run is where we focus on implementing the real homework on our goals designed to
achieve our solution since the solution is achieved the root cause should be reduced or eliminated.
Ejecutar la ejecución de solución de problemas es donde nos enfocamos en implementar la tarea real sobre nuestros
objetivos diseñados para lograr nuestra solución, ya que la solución se logra, la causa raíz debe reducirse o eliminarse.

• How can we compare or determine the best solution or path to follow to solve a problem?
We need to determine which solution is ours best option this means comparing solutions with each other and selecting
the one that will maximize the return on our investment of time and resources to compare you can use pros and a
weighted rubric or for more sophisticated approach perform an exchange analysis where you look at the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats of each solution after selecting one solution.
Necesitamos determinar qué solución es nuestra mejor opción, esto significa comparar soluciones entre sí y
seleccionar la que maximizará el retorno de nuestra inversión de tiempo y recursos para comparar, puede usar pros y
una rúbrica ponderada o, para un enfoque más sofisticado, realizar una Análisis de intercambio donde observa las
fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas de cada solución después de seleccionar una solución.
• What is your opinion about this problem-solving model?
I like this method since it was very well explained step by step, and it tells us about the main factors that must be
covered for the solution of problems that are
 Identify
 Develop
 Execute
 Assess
Me gusta este método ya que fue muy bien explicado paso a paso, y nos informa sobre los principales factores que
deben cubrirse para la solución de problemas que son
 Identificar
 Desarrollar
 Ejecutar
 Evaluar

Taken from used by SENA for
academic purposes, exclusively.
GC-F -005 V. 01

English Learning Guide

Competency 1
Unit 4: Problem Solving
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

3.2.Reading Practice: 3 types of problem solvers

Work in pairs to read the following text. Before reading the text, look for the underlined words/
expressions and make a list of synonyms and explain their meaning using your own words. You can
also make some notes and look for the vocabulary that you don’t understand.

3 Types of Problem Solvers: Which One Are You?2

Employers want to hire people that are going to get things done. They want people that when faced with
a problem, actively solve it. They are looking for people who are part of the solution not people who are
part of the problem. You need to show them you are a problem solver. There are generally three different
types of problem solvers:

• The Independents – These are the people that look at a problem and solve it on their own right
• The Thinkers – These are the people that think critically about any situation before making a
• The Askers – These are the people that ask someone for the answer to ensure that they’re
solving the problem the “right way.”

Which one are employers looking for? Well, they want you to be all three in one. They want to see that
you’re willing to do all of the above – that you take initiative, do nothing carelessly, and are willing to
ask questions. What they also want to see is that the problem is solved in that specific order. That is
why it is probably that during a job interview you will be asked the following:

Tell me about a situation where you had to solve a difficult problem. What did you do? What was the
outcome? What do you wish you had done differently?

When faced with this type of behavioral interview question, make sure that you show you are an
“initiative taking” problem solver first. Avoid sounding like you seek help right away. Also, try to avoid
making the problem something that you caused. Focus on problems you found, or problems caused by
others. You need to show that you can:

• Identify the problem

• Analyze the situation
• Implement the solution

Here is 1 example answer:

types-of-problem-solvers-which-one-are-you/ used by SENA
for pedagogical purpose, exclusively.
GC-F -005 V. 01

Text adapted from

English Learning Guide

Competency 1
Unit 4: Problem Solving
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

“Customer service was receiving a significant number of complaints about stock arriving way too late. I
reviewed our delivery schedule then met with the staff involved in the customer delivery process. We
identified that the problem seemed to be that the orders for stock were not being processed fast enough.
I recommended a change in our data entry system and regular follow-up with customers was added to
the process. This solved the late delay problem and ensured customers felt their needs were met in a
better way through regular communication.”

In this scenario, the applicant shows they were able to assess the problem, analyze the situation and
implement a solution that included an improvement in the customer relationship.

Answering these types of behavioral interview questions isn’t easy. You definitely need to think about
your answer beforehand and have a good example scenario prepared. What problem would you

Now, work in pairs to socialize the information given in the text and answer the following questions:

• Why is it important to be an “initiative taking” problem solver?

It is important since first you can get experience for the future if a similar situation happens and second because by
showing initiative you will improve your attitudes as a leader.
Es importante ya que primero puedes adquirir experiencia para el futuro si ocurre una situación similar y segundo
porque mostrando iniciativa mejorarás tus actitudes como líder.
• What was the piece of advice about the strategy provided in the text?
The advice or strategy was a change in the data entry system and I added continuous follow-up with clients.
El consejo o estrategia fue un cambio en el sistema de entrada de datos y agregué seguimiento continuo con los

• According to the text, is there any specific process to solve problems?

The text gives us a concrete way to solve the problems in a specific order which ensures that the problem can be
identified, analyzed and later solved successfully.
El texto nos da una forma concreta de resolver los problemas en un orden específico que asegura que el problema
pueda ser identificado, analizado y posteriormente resuelto con éxito.

• What would it be your answers to the questions from the text in a job interview?
On one occasion at school, we had to make a presentation of a final work but our group had separated due to
coexistence problems and the leader had left and we did not have an order and we were very late so I organized for us
to meet and distribute the work that it was missing evenly and implemented an order so as not to fall behind again and
we were able to deliver the complete work at the end.

I would have liked to be able to avoid the separation of the group and to have had more communication between us
from the beginning.

En una ocasión en el colegio tuvimos que hacer una presentación de un trabajo final pero nuestro grupo se había
separado por problemas de convivencia y el líder se había ido y no teníamos orden y llegamos muy tarde así que
organicé para que nos encontráramos y distribuir el trabajo que faltaba de manera uniforme e implementar un pedido
para no volver a atrasarnos y pudimos entregar el trabajo completo al final.

Me hubiera gustado poder evitar la separación del grupo y haber tenido más comunicación entre nosotros desde el

• What type of problem solver are you? Why? Explain your answer.
I identify myself with two types of problem solver which are, the independent one since almost always in the problems I
try to solve them by myself and the second with which I feel identified is the one that asks why when I don't know how to
solve something and that's it. I tried by my means they preferred to ask and thus learn from something unknown.
Me identifico con dos tipos de solucionadores de problemas que son, el independiente ya que casi siempre en los
problemas trato de resolverlos yo solo y el segundo con el que me siento identificado es el que pregunta por qué
cuando no sé cómo. Resolver algo y eso es todo. Intenté por mis medios que preferían preguntar y así aprender de
algo desconocido.

• Share your answers with the rest of the class.

3.3.Writing Practice: paragraph about what you would do to solve a problem.

Work in pairs and practice the following conversation about a problem at work3

Colleague A: Hi Daniel, it looks like we have a serious problem. I'm at the conference and I've got my
presentation on in 25 minutes but the laptop has just crashed on me and I've lost all my PowerPoint
Colleague B: Good grief! Are you saying it won't even start up?
Colleague A: Yes, exactly.
Colleague B: OK, let's not panic. I don't suppose you made a backup of the data?
Colleague A: Yes, I did actually. There should be a CD on my desk.
Colleague B: Yes, I can see it from here. Look, what I suggest is that you get on to the organisers and
have them reschedule your presentation. I'll send down my assistant with a replacement laptop
Colleague A: I'm not sure about that idea. The conference centre seems quite far from our office.
How long will it take her to get here?
Colleague B: Only about 30 minutes, assuming the traffic doesn't hold her up. So, the best thing
would be to arrange your presentation for 3 o'clock.
Colleague A: Right, that makes sense. I'll go and sort it out right away.

Now, analyze the following conversation a do the following activities

Part a: Now identify and write the parts or expressions from the dialogues in the following

Declaring a problem: Hi Daniel, we seem to have a serious problem. I'm at the conference and have my presentation
in 25 minutes, but my laptop crashed and I lost all my PowerPoint slides!
Finding out more details: ¿Are you saying that it won't even start? ¿I assume you didn't back up the data?
Diagnosing a problem: But my laptop crashed and I lost all my PowerPoint slides!
Making a suggestion: What I suggest is that you contact the organizers and ask them to reschedule your presentation.
I will send my assistant with a replacement laptop.
Accepting a suggestion: Right that makes sense. I'll go and figure it out right away.
Rejecting a suggestion: I'm not sure about that idea. The conference center seems quite far from our office. How long
will it take you to get here?
Taking action: Only about 30 minutes, assuming the traffic doesn't hold her up. So, the best thing would be to arrange
your presentation for 3 o'clock.

Part b: Write in at least one paragraph what you would have done to sort out this problem, try to use new vocabulary
and expressions learnt.
What I would have done to solve this problem is to tell the colleague to try to entertain the audience while the computer
was taken to him, and that he will wait for calm since it is something that can be done to anyone, he would also tell him
that for each presentation that do always carry a USB in case it happens that the computer does not work, this situation
would be highlighted as an emergency and critical.
Lo que yo hubiera hecho para solucionar este problema es decirle al colega que intente entretener a la audiencia
mientras le llevan la computadora, y que esperará a que la calma ya que es algo que se le puede hacer a cualquiera,
también le diría. Él que por cada presentación que sí lleven siempre un USB en caso de que suceda que la
computadora no funcione, esta situación se destacaría como una emergencia y crítica.
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 4: Problem Solving
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

3.4.Speaking Practice: role play about problem solving at work.

In pairs, choose and role-play one of the following situations using the expressions from this lesson
(invent the dialogue). Take a role to be Colleague A or Colleague B.

Problem 1: You can't get hold of the sales director and you need to speak to her immediately
because one of your clients has an urgent request.

• Declare the problem. • You want to know more details:

• Provide details: • Is she not answering her calls?
• She's not answering her calls. • Has Colleague A tried emailing?
• You've tried emailing her. • Diagnose the problem and make
• Accept or reject suggestions. Take suggestions.

Problem 2: You haven't received any payment from one of your clients.

• Declare the problem. • You want to know more details:

• Provide details: • When was the payment due?
• The payment was due one month ago. • • Has the client received the invoice? •
You've sent the invoice twice. Has Colleague A emailed the client? •
• You've sent an email reminding the Has Colleague A called the client? • Is
client. this the first time?
• You haven't called the client about it. • • Diagnose the problem and make
This is the first time you've had a suggestions.
problem with this client.
• Accept or reject suggestions. Take
Problem 3: One of your best clients is thinking about switching to one of your competitors.

• Declare the problem. • You want to know more details:

• Provide details: • Why?
• The competitor is offering a cheaper • Has Colleague A offered the client a
price. discount?

• You have offered your client a 5 per • How much?

cent discount. • Diagnose the problem and make
• Accept or reject suggestions. Take suggestions.

4. Extension activities: the extension activities will help you improve your performance in the
topics. You need to reach at least five hours of practice on your own.

To do some Simple past review visit:

To improve and practice the use of Modal verbs visit:

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