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1. How does these five pictures represent your freshman?
- These five pictures represent my freshman year by the how young and determined I was to be in basketball and in
the biomedical program. Not only that but these pictures show how happy and confident I was in my first year of
high school. They also show how of the major project I had to complete for my final exam project in PBS (biomed
2. Why did you choose the pictures?
- First and foremost the reason why I choose the left bottom picture is because kaylani is a friend of mine that I first
meet freshman year during yearbook class. Her and I didn’t believe that we would become best friends and not fade
apart but now we're best friends 4 year and counting. The reason behinding putting my freshman basketball team is
because thanks to my coach and wonderful teammates I grew to learn the meaning of what a team is and how we
should communicate and work together to achieve success. Following up I choose to add the pig heart that is
labeled and my Ana Gracia final exam project poster because I had a blast learning and informing my classmates
about what I believe Ana died from. Since the main goal of my PSB (biomed) class was to solve a case file all year
long. Lastly the picture of myself I added because it was the first picture I took on my first day of being a high
1. How does these five pictures represent your sophomore year?
- My sophomore year was one of the most stressful and sleepless nights. However, it was one one of the funniest and most
uplifting years of my life. These photos are a representation of my sophomore year because without the love and support of my
friends, coach, and family I wouldn’t have grow to learn that sometimes there are things your going to have to go through to
because the better version of yourself.
2. Why did you choose the pictures?
- There are many reasons why I choose these photos and that is because thanks to these people I not only learned from them but
I got to experience what having fun is. I personally chose the image of Enrique and Laura dancing because I remembered that I
sucked at moving with the beat and they were trying to teach me to to slow dancing for the sweet 15 we were going to have in
our spanish class. Next I choose the image of my coach and I because he pushed me to push myself even when I doubt myself.
He taught me that basketball season that anything is possible as long as to work hard for it push through pass your limits. He
made me value what hard work is and how to work hard for what I want. In life. Next the image of the eye I choose because I
thought it was cool that we got dissect a cow's eye and see the different layer the eye consist of that make us human able to see
life. Lastly I put an image of my little cousins and me because they are my babies I raised them and took care of them when my
aunt was out.
1. How does these five pictures represent junior year?
- These five picture represent my junior year because I was lucky enough to get to be close with some of my closest
best friends and family members during the pandemic. However, of course following the mask mandate and 6 feet
social distancing. Junior year was pretty stressful and it was the year where I hit rock bottom because some of my
loved ones passes always, but among being able to see and spend time with my family. I learned to value life and
those who I have by myself. These picture show the value and love my friends and family has for one another
2. Why did you choose the pictures?
- I personally choose to input pictures of my parent and grandparents because after 14 years of not seeing my
grandparents they came out to las vegas and I got to see them again. Not only that but my grandparents play a major
factor in my life ever since I was 4 years old. They showed my respect and family value among friendship. While my
parents taught me to not be afraid to face life and evey challenge it throw at me because they have my back. Beyond
those photos I choose to add a picture with my bestfriends because after a long online school year we were able to
hangout for the first time after a long time. Moving forward my I choose to add a picture of myself and one with my
cousin because I would help my cousin with his homework when he was having a hard time.
1. How does these five pictures represent your senior year?
- These photos represent my senior year because I just recently just started going to the gym and I also went ahead and
dyed my hair a little brown color because I wanted to have a change for once. This year being my last year I am challenging
myself to try new things out and get out my comfort zone and that is what exactly these pictures are representing. These
picture shows what new things I am trying out and how I am growing as a person to become reasonable and independent.
It being my last year of high school these photos show my senior year on how fast and amazing this year as been, before I
leave for college and never going to high school again
2. Why did you choose the pictures?
- I choose to add a porm pictue of me and my best friends in prom because I was not going to go to prom but I am thankful
I did because it was so much fun. And I got to spend valuable time with friends before we split ways to different colleges.
Beyond having fun in prom night I added pictures of my dyed hair and the gym because I am getting myself out my
comfort zone and becoming more confident with myself and the things I do. Afterall I choose to also add a picture of the
novel frankenstein and a photo of the sky because walking home and reading the book frankenstein made me find peace
and calmness. Just as I also added a picture of me and some co- workers working because this year I did get my first job
and am learning how to be responsible financially for when I move out.

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