XXX-EHS-GL-003 - Working With Electricity

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GUIDELINES Version <1.0>

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Working with Electricity

Table of Contents:

1. Objective........................................................................................................................................................ 2
2. Scope of Application........................................................................................................................................ 2
2.1. Scope....................................................................................................................................................................2
2.2. Responsibilities......................................................................................................................................................2
3. Reference Documents..................................................................................................................................... 2
4. Terminology, Definitions, Abbreviations........................................................................................................... 2
5. Procedure...................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.1. General safety rules...............................................................................................................................................3
5.2. Working around electrical equipments..................................................................................................................3
5.3. Signage.................................................................................................................................................................3
5.4. Personal Protective Equipments............................................................................................................................3
5.5. Emergency / First Aid.............................................................................................................................................3
5.6. Training.................................................................................................................................................................4
6. Attachments................................................................................................................................................... 4

Legal Owner Identification number Rev. Date Lang. Sheet

Julius Berger Nigeria PLC XXX-EHS-GL-003 o 06.01.2016 en 1 of 4
© JULIUS BERGER NIGERIA PLC 2016. All rights reserved.
GUIDELINES Version <1.0>


To provide guidance on hazards, risks and control measures in association with works involving electricity.




This guideline describes the minimum standard to be applied on all projects, however where any part of this guideline
conflicts with or is of a lower standard than local regulations, then the corresponding section of the local regulation
will apply.


The JULIUS BERGER NIGERIA PLC Project EHS Advisor shall ensure that this guideline is communicated to the JULIUS
BERGER NIGERIA PLC Site EHS Advisor/Representative.

The JULIUS BERGER NIGERIA PLC Site EHS Advisor/Representative shall ensure that:

 This document is brought to the attention of the appropriate JULIUS BERGER NIGERIA PLC Site/Project
Management, JULIUS BERGER NIGERIA PLC Partners and Subcontractors
 Where local requirements are not met by this guideline, the guideline is amended to suit or other suitable
provisions are made

The management of JULIUS BERGER NIGERIA PLC and its Partners will ensure that the workers, over whom they have
direct control, comply with this guideline and that subcontractors are managed accordingly.

All site supervisory personnel shall monitor compliance and report any breach of any guideline to the appropriate


 XXX-EHS-GL-008 Permit to Work System

 XXX-EHS-GL-010 Lock-Out Tag-Out
 XXX-EHS-GL-029 Risk Assessment
 XXX-EHS-GL-013 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


Electrical work Work on any cable, wire, equipment, power tool or apparatus that is or has been
energised or connected to an electrical installation or system.
Competent person Person trained, experienced and duly authorised to carry out a particular function.

Legal Owner Identification number Rev. Date Lang. Sheet

Julius Berger Nigeria PLC XXX-EHS-GL-003 o 06.01.2016 en 2 of 4
© JULIUS BERGER NIGERIA PLC 2016. All rights reserved.
GUIDELINES Version <1.0>


General safety rules

Prior to any work being carried out on any electrical equipment an assessment must be carried out of the risks
involved and the safety measures necessary to eliminate or minimise the risk.
All electrical work must be undertaken by qualified electricians/electrical engineers and, subject to a permit to work,
as described under XXX-EHS–GL–008 permit to work system, and locked and tagged-out according to the
requirements described in XXX-EHS–GL–010 LOTO Management

Work on apparatus that is part of the permanent fixed system and has been put into service is to be carried out in
accordance with these rules.

Distribution boards in offices, workshops, stores and on the construction site must have the means of electrical
isolation on the outside of the cabinet, must be protected by fuses or circuit breakers and an RCD, must have lockable
doors and must be earthed /grounded.

Working around electrical equipment

All electrical systems, equipment, apparatus, wires and cables must be presumed live unless proved dead.
Consideration must be given to stored energy that may be retained in, equipment and apparatus after its
disconnection/isolation from the system.


One or more of the following alerting techniques shall be used to warn and protect employees from hazards which
could cause injury due to electric shock, burns, or failure of electrical equipment and associated components; and to
keep unqualified and unauthorized employees a safe distance from the equipment to be worked on:
 Use safety signs, safety symbols or safety barricade tape to warn employees about electrical hazards, which may
endanger them.
 Use barricades with safety signs where it is necessary to prevent or limit employee access to work areas that
expose employees to un-insulated energized conductors or circuit parts. Do not use barricades constructed (either
partially or in total) of conductive materials where they might cause an electrical contact hazard.

Personal Protective Equipment

 Safety glasses: with permanent side shields shall be worn at all times when working on electrical equipment.
 Electrical Safety Gloves shall be worn when working around energized electrical equipment. Gloves must be
selected based on the work being done and level of risk.
 Clothing: Do not wear synthetic clothing made entirely of, or a blend of: acetate, nylon, rayon, or polyester. 100%
cotton clothing is recommended.
 Do not wear conductive articles of jewellery and clothing, such as watch bands, bracelets, rings, key chains,
necklaces, cloth with conductive thread, or metal headgear when performing electrical work.

Emergency / First Aid

Emergency situation involving electricity shall be managed applying the following rules, in addition/complement to
the usual emergency rules such has raising alarm and calling for medical help.
First Aid for Electric Shock Victims
 Do not touch the victim!
 Unplug the appliance or turn off the power at the control panel.
 If you cannot turn off the power, use a piece of wood, like a broom handle, dry rope or dry clothing, to separate
the victim from the power source.
 Do not try to move a victim touching a high voltage wire.

Legal Owner Identification number Rev. Date Lang. Sheet

Julius Berger Nigeria PLC XXX-EHS-GL-003 o 06.01.2016 en 3 of 4
© JULIUS BERGER NIGERIA PLC 2016. All rights reserved.
GUIDELINES Version <1.0>

First Aid for Electrical Burn Victims

Electrical burns vary in severity depending upon: (1) how long the body is in contact with the electric current; (2) the
strength of the current; (3) the type of current; and (4) the direction the current takes though the body. Often these
burns are deep. There may be more than one area burned. One area may be where the current entered the body and
another may be where it left. Electrical burn wounds may look minor on the outside, but could be severe on the

If a person has received an electrical burn, check for shock and follow the steps outlined above. If the person is
conscious and there are no signs of shock (such as being cold, clammy, pale and having a rapid pulse), begin treating
the burned area. Do not apply grease or oil to the burn. Cover the burn with a dry, sterile dressing, but do not cool the
burn. Keep the victim from getting chilled. Seek medical attention as soon as possible


Persons required to work on any electrical system, equipment, apparatus, appliance, power tools etc. must be
qualified electricians or electrical engineers.

Users of electrical equipment must be adequately trained in the safe use of the equipment, instructed to carry out
daily visual inspections and told/shown what to look for in carrying out a visual inspection.



Identification Storage Recovery Protection Discard



Review History

Review Date Items Description of Items Reviewed Responsible

00 - Initial Issue

Legal Owner Identification number Rev. Date Lang. Sheet

Julius Berger Nigeria PLC XXX-EHS-GL-003 o 06.01.2016 en 4 of 4
© JULIUS BERGER NIGERIA PLC 2016. All rights reserved.

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