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Microsoft EXCEL

MS Excel is one of the most important software or a program of

Microsoft Office package of Microsoft Company.
Which is used to:

1. Prepare production report,

2. Salary sheet,
3. Sales Reports,
4. Mark sheets
5. Pay-rolls,
6. Time Table,
7. Calculation

Extension- .xlsx
Run Command- excel
Spreadsheet is a collection of rows & columns. It is also called as

Rows are horizontal and columns are vertical.

Intersection of rows & columns is called “cell”.

There are 10,48,576 Rows (depending on version) & XFD is the Last
Shortcut to select: -
1. First row: - Ctrl + UP Arrow key.
2. To select last row: - Ctrl + Down Arrow key.
3. First column: - Ctrl + left Arrow key.
4. To select last column: - Ctrl + right Arrow key.
5. To select Next sheet: - Ctrl + Page Down
6. To select Previous sheet: - Ctrl + Page Up
7. To add a new sheet: - Shift + F11

 Hold down Ctrl key & click & drag to get the numbers in series.

e.g. 1,2,3,4……….

 To Edit the active cell: - F2 or double click on that cell.

Some Useful shortcut keys while working on Windows OS: -
1. Alt + Spacebar + X: - To maximize the window.
2. Alt + Spacebar + R: - To Restore the window.
3. Alt + Spacebar + N: - To Minimize the window.
4. Alt + Tab: - To take & select the windows which are opened on the taskbar.
5. Alt + F4: - To Close the window.
6. Shift + Delete: - To delete any file/ folder permanently. (Be Very Careful).
7. Windows + R: - Run Command
8. Windows + E: - To open Windows Explorer

Tab: - Menu Bar

Tabs are present on Ribbon.
e.g. File, Home, Insert, etc.

Quick Access Toolbar: - Next to Title Bar

Frequently Used Options.
By Default: - Save, Undo, Redo.

Now open Excel Data for Lectures
=IF (Condition, True Value, False Value)

By default, Sorting will be done on the 1st column.
But if want to sort on other column, like Monthly Salary,
then: -
Data – Sort or in Home – Sort & Filter – Custom Sort
Sort by – Monthly Salary.

Filter: -
Select the data.
Go in Data – Filter
Text Filters – Begins with – ‘J’
Number Filter - Salary > 4000
Advanced Filter: -
It is used if we want to show the output in a different location.
Write the condition separately next to the original data.
Now, select the entire data.
Data – Filter – Advanced.
Click on Copy to another location.

Select the List range and Criteria range.

In Copy to: Click on a single cell in that sheet.
Click on Ok.

Financial Formula PMT, FV, PV

PMT = Payment Term i.e. EMI
Select B5 cell and Go in Formulas-: Insert Function fx
Select PMT function.
Rate: - B2/12 Months because we want to calculate for 1 month.
Nper: - Select B3 because Total Period is 60 Months.
Pv: - Minus -B1 because – Loan Amount
Click on OK.
So, EMI will be 3113.75/-

Now select the data from B5 to F9

Data What-If Analysis Data Table

Since, 7%, 8%, 9% and 10% are written horizontally, in Row Input Cell: B2
wherein 9% rate written, will come.
Similarly, since 36, 48, 60 and 72 are written vertically, in Column Input Cell:
B3 wherein 60 period written, will come.
Thus, we will get it for 7%, 8%, 9% & 10%

Future Value
Select B15 cell and Go in Formulas-: Insert Function fx
Select FV function.
Rate: - B12/12 Months because we want to calculate for 1 month.
Nper: - Select B13 * 12 Months because Total Period is 60 Months.
Pmt: - Minus –B11 because – Loan Amount
Click on OK.
So, Answer will be 5,04,509.88/-

Now select the data from B15 to G19

Data What-If Analysis Data Table

Now click on C16 & see the Formula Bar. It will show: -

It’s showing Table Formula because it is considered as Table which consists of

Rows & Columns.

Fixed Deposits
To get 7,00,000/- after 7 years @8% P.A., how much investment like F.D.
(Fixed Deposit), I should make now? It means what is P.V. ?
Select B25 cell and Go in Formulas-: Insert Function fx
Select PV function.
Rate: - B22/12 Months because we want to calculate for 1 month.
Nper: - Select B23 * 12 Months because Total Period is 60 Months.
Pmt: - 0 Zero as it is Not given to us.
FV: - Minus – B21 as FV is given in B21 as 7,00,000/-
Hence, we will have to make investment like F.D. of 4,00,590.11/- today to get
7,00,000/- after 7 years.
Now select the data from B25 to F30
Data What-If Analysis Data Table

Row Input Cell: $B$22

Column Input Cell: $B$23

First click on Goal Seek sheet.
Select B5 in which 3113.75/- is there.
Now Data What-If-AnalysisGoal Seek
Set Cell: B5
To Value: 4000/- because I want & I can pay 4000/- EMI.
By Changing Cell: B1 in which 1,50,000/- is given because Loan Amount will
change if I will change the EMI amount.
Accordingly, we can change B2 Rate or B3 Period also depending on our need.
Goal Seek will be applicable on Formulas only.

Insert Pivot Table & Chart

Select Pivot Table sheet.
Select the entire data. Insert Pivot Table
New WorksheetOK. New sheet will be added.
Now, if we want to find out how much income & expense in January
i.e. the Summary Report from the large data i.e.
Now Click & Drag Income and Expenses in Values as it contains
numerical value. Click & Drag Month in Rows.
Click & Drag Year in Columns.
Pivot Chart: -
Month-wise and Year-wise Pivot Chart
Select Pivot Table sheet.
Select the entire data. Insert Pivot Chart
Now, click & drag Year in Rows. Click & drag Month in Report
Click & drag Income & Expenses in Values.
Select Pivot Table 1 sheet.
Select the entire data. Insert Pivot Table
Now, if we want to find out Branch-wise Account Type, thenClick
& Drag “Branch” in Row Labels, Account Type in Column Label and
Amount in Values. Customer and Date in Filters, if you want. (Not
If you will not use Filters, then you can use Insert Slicer option if
you want.

Page Setup
PAGE LAYOUT MenuPage SetupClick on
the Right Corner Small Arrow.
i) PageLandscape
ii) Margins Tick on Horizontally (at the bottom)
iii) Header & FooterCustom Header:-
In Center Section, write “Dr. V. N. BRIMS” Ok.
Custom Footer:-
In Right Section, click on Insert Page Number
(Next to ‘A’)
In Left Section, &Date & Time Ok.
iv) SheetRows to repeat at top: - Select first
v) Finally give all borders.

ViewFreeze Panes
Select 3rd Row in Page Setup sheet in Excel Data
for Lecture File and then click on ViewFreeze
PanesFreeze Panes.
Password Protection
Review Protect Sheet
Review Unprotect Sheet
FileSave As
Select the location.
e.g. DeskTop
Now click on black arrow near Tools (at the
General Options
Password to Open: -
Password to Modify: -
Remove Password if you don’t want.

To search for a specific record.
If table data is vertical, then use VLOOKUP.
But if table data is horizontal, then use
And for any table, we can use LOOKUP.
VLOOKUP: - Vertical Lookup
Open VLOOKUP sheet & use the formula.
e.g. If income is 2,83,000, then what will be the
tax rate?
e.g. If income is 45,500, then what will be the tax
HLOOKUP: - Horizontal Lookup
Open HLOOKUP sheet & use the formula.
Open LOOKUP sheet & use the formula.

Multiple Tables: -
Select Multiple Tables sheet.
There are 2 Tables: -
<3 Years Tenure
3+ Years Tenure
We have to find Commission Rate of every Sales
Write the following formula in D2: -
=VLOOKUP (C2, IF(B2>3,Table2,Table5),2)

Statistical Formulas: -
I) First select “Sales Data” sheet.

Analysis Toolpack
Go… the bottom.
Click on 1st Option Analysis Toolpack.
And click on last option Solver Add-in.
Now click on DataData Analysis (Top Right
Select Anova: Single Factor
Input Range: - B1:D4
Tick Labels in First Row.
Output Range: - Click on any cell outside
II) First select “Sales Figures” sheet.

Now click on DataData Analysis (Top Right

Select Anova: Two-Factor without Replication
Replication means duplication.
Since it is Two-Factor, it will have Product + Year
Input Range: - A1:D4
Tick on Labels.
Output Range: - Click & select any cell outside

Histogram: -
First select “Sheet 5”
Here we want to calculate Scores: -
Between 10 to 50
Between 50 to 100
First click on DataData Analysis (Top Right
Select Histogram
Input Range: - B2:D11
Bin Range: - A14:A16
Click on Labels
Output Range: - Click & select any cell outside
Click on Chart Output at the bottom.

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