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Advanced Plus Mid-course test

Listening 3 Recording 10 Listen to a young teacher

discussing learning and inspiration. Underline
1 Recording 9 Listen and match speakers 1–6 the correct answer, a), b) or c).
with their views on an invention or discovery
a)–g). There is one extra answer you do not 1 Amy works in a school which is c
need. a) continuing to have problems with attainment.
b) failing to meet student needs.
1 Peter    c   c) beginning to address issues regarding success.
2 Chloe            2 The staff began to address the school’s issue ___
3 Dave            a) in isolation.
4 Anja            b) by cooperating with other agencies.
5 Andy            c) due to comments made by the authorities.
6 Melanie            3 Amy highlights that, initially, many of the changes
Which speaker … a) were simple to put in place.
a) admires the way some game-changing technology b) proved challenging to put in place.
occurred through a moment of inspiration? c) were initially resisted by pupils.
b) acknowledges the personal benefit an invention 4 Amy suggests that success depends upon ___
has brought? a) increased funding being offered.
c) is interested in the disparity between the planned b) staff and pupils exchanging ideas.
invention and what was made? c) a clear philosophy being maintained.
d) enjoys the fact that a negative situation had a 5 Amy mentions the importance of role model
positive outcome? education as a way of ___
e) lacks certainty about the circumstances of the a) prioritising learning.
invention? b) inspiring students to work harder.
f) has an interest in the discovery due to their c) stimulating reflection.
personal vocation? 6 Amy explains that successful role models were
g) doubts that there is any practical benefit to the ___
invention? a) drawn from the local area.
b) drawn from the school environment.
5 c) both a and b.

2 Recording 9 Listen again and write true (T) or
false (F). Grammar
1 Peter thinks that the toy he describes has had 4 Complete the text with the different verb tenses
an enduring appeal. F  in the box. There are two options you do not
2 Chloe feels that the majority of people have a need.
limited understanding of the incredible process
had been had it been have been
undertaken with the discovery she describes.     
having been having to have had
3 Dave says that the person who created the
was having had been having
invention was inspired in a moment of anger.     
4 Anja chose her invention as she feels it
represents the cutting edge in the field in 1
Having been brought up in a small coastal village
which it is currently used.      affected by plastic waste brought ashore by
5 Andy explains that while the discovery he incoming tides, I 2           following the progress of
describes occurred in error initially, a Boyan Slat’s ocean clean-up project with some
painstaking process followed to understand it interest. 3           the drive to do something positive
clearly.      about what is a seemingly impossible task is an
6 Melanie doesn’t believe that the best admirable quality indeed. I 4           hoping that I
inventions are merely a product of chance would be able to attend one of the talks that Boyan
encounters.      gave while in London, but unfortunately I 5           an
important family reunion at that time. I would love
5 6
           the opportunity to share some of my own
ideas about approaches to removing waste from the
oceans. 7           possible, I would have shown him
my designs.

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Advanced Plus Mid-course test

5 Complete the second sentence with no more Vocabulary

than five words so that it means the same as the
first. Use the word in CAPITALS. 7 Complete the sentences with one word.

1 Everyone likes ice-cream, don’t they. 1 I think that we should be careful not to put
ANYONE celebrities on a pedestal  – they are as fallible as
Is there anyone who doesn’t like ice-cream? anyone else.
2 The road will probably flood because of the rain. 2 To ensure that the system worked, the team
LIABLE conducted p         __  studies over a six month
The road _____________________ in this rain. period.
3 I really enjoy a morning run, it’s good for you. 3 After losing his job through long-term illness he
SAID found himself living on w         __  .
There’s _____________________ for running in 4 Sometimes you have to just do something out of
the morning. impulse – rely on i         __  rather than thinking
4 It would have been much better if you’d told me. things through.
OUGHT 5 The government has committed to e         __ 
I think _____________________ me what regulations on gender equality in the workplace.
happened. 6 She was doing very well in the opinion polls, but
5 Did someone finally fix your bike? managed to lose her lead after making some
HAD c         __  comments about immigration.
Have you _____________________ ? 7 I’m always pleasantly surprised when pupils take
6 I think that there has been some kind of mistake. the i         __  and lead the discussion on their
SEEMS own.
It _____________________ there’s been some 8 I’m not sure of the exact translation, but I think I
kind of mistake. can make an e         __  guess at it.
7 I don’t care about their opinion one bit. 9 The sharing economy is an example of an
WHAT u         __  term which conceals a multitude of
_____________________ is irrelevant to me. different business models.
8 Joe’s worked at the head office since 2015.
Joe ____________________ us for several years. 8 Complete the sentences using the correct form
of a verb from the box and a suitable
7 preposition. Two words are not needed.
carry engage filter gloss learn set
6 Underline the correct alternative. state strive sway
1 Creating/Created by the team which brought you
Snow White, this latest production is a truly 1 Their algorithm has been particularly successful in
mesmerising ballet. filtering  out  comments left by trolls.
2 Not to have been/be asked hurt a great deal. I’d 2 Further research established that there was an
expected to be treated a good deal better than that. undiscovered particle involved in the process,
3 You wouldn’t believe the amount of pressure motion a new wave of experiments.
we’re under. We are expected/expect to do three 3 Our school has particularly strong ethos and an
to four hours of self-study per day. ongoing mission in learning. We’re continually
4 When questioned by the police he admitted success.
having/to have stolen the wallet at the station. 4 It’s not that I have anything particularly against
5 Listen, I’m not really that bothered if the napkins him, but I refuse to                       public opinion. I
are red or blue. I’ll be happy whatever/whichever need some evidence of his integrity.
you choose. 5 While there are benefits to being able to remember
6 I remember to open/remember opening the door, facts and figures,                       rote is too
but after that everything is blank. mechanical a process.
7 The charity has made/has been making big steps 6 Students who had displayed short attention spans
towards being more sustainable this year. when undertaking more conventional activities
8 Unless/Without knowing what the problem is, seemed to be much more                       the
there’s little way that I can help you. practical work.
7 There was some speculation that there had been a
7 cover-up on behalf of the company, or at best they
were responsible for                       the truth.

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Advanced Plus Mid-course test

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2018

Advanced Plus Mid-course test

9 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form 11 Complete the text with the words in the box.
of the word in brackets. There are three words you do not need.
1 He lacks many of the qualifications required for account agreed correct elaborate run
the role, but he’s incredibly enthusiastic. positive speculate take tended
2 During his time in office his brash attitude and Now, 1correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m seeing some
uncaring approach to the team has only                 confusion on your behalf. So, I’m going to 2          
(force) my rather poor view of him. the situation past you again. Right, well, while
3 Several of the team felt that Julia’s idea had a lot teaching staff have 3           to be supportive of the
of potential, but when it came to the projected curriculum changes, we’ve found that there’s a
benefits, I found her arguments fairly                 reluctance to engage when it comes to those in
(persuade). middle management. Now one might 4           that
4 Sarah would have happily submitted the initial this lack of engagement is related to the associated
draft of the article, but Hannah’s such a                 increase in administration that the change has
(perfect), several rewrites were required. entailed, but at the moment we’re dealing with raw
5 Questions have been asked about the ethical data, and don’t have any conclusive answers. What I
responsibilities of companies operating within the would say is there is definitely an increase in
less regulated areas of collaborative                 interaction between the authority and those staff
(consume) models. members who have reservations, so we’re seeing
6 We hadn’t expected to raise such a large sum in that as a 5           . However, we have had to take
our first weeks of the campaign, but donors were into 6           a small percentage of more vocal
(stint) in their generosity. schools who have enlisted the pupil–parent body in
7 Although there are some reservations regarding seeking further clarification regarding funding and
the cost entailed in research, Kline’s latest outcomes.
innovation could be                (transform) for the
industry at large. 5

12 Complete the sentences with one word.
1 Well, that is a relevant point that you’ve made. It’s
Function certainly worth considering how the proposals are
10 Choose the correct answer to complete the going to impact on learning.
sentences, a), b) or c). 2 So come on, try driving the new Lexus Cobra
today. What have you been            for?
1 OK, Steve could you      c     off the discussion this 3 Although it’s understandable that there are
morning, please? concerns about increasing overall crime rates,
a) get b) knock c) kick what we have to            into account is that the
rates of violent crime are actually in decline.
2 At            time in your life have you ever had it so
4 There’s a definite trend emerging in the way
people have started to use the technology. One
a) one b) no c) this
example is the way film is being streamed on
3 That’s a good point. Could you            on that? handheld devices, another            of this is the
a) look b) elaborate c) explore dominance of streaming in the music industry.
5 I’m interested in what you have to say about the
4 My overall            is that fewer people are
way that honesty is a fluid concept for many
streaming content than predicted.
people. It’s a fascinating            that I’d like to
a) illustration b) interest c) impression
explore in more detail.
5 While I appreciate your concern, I think that 6 Before we move on I think that there’s another
figure has been taken out of            . key point that needs            – what is happening
a) content b) context c) control with regards to the environmental impact of the
6 If I could just            one example from the survey

a) cite b) speculate c) reflect

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Advanced Plus Mid-course test

Reading weakness, then an unhealthy perfectionism will start

to manifest itself.
13 Read the text and match paragraphs 1–6 with 5 ________
headings a)–f) opposite. In terms of externally-imposed views of perfection,
Nobody’s perfect the usual suspects are lined up. Millennials tend to
engage with social media more than previous
1 The perils of perfectionism generations, and there is the concomitant anxiety
It is one of those ubiquitous phrases that we have regarding body image and social integration when
probably all at one time uttered, ‘Actually, I’m a bit one looks at its influence on behaviours. However,
of a perfectionist.’ A stock response to those any opprobrium levelled at online culture should
frustratingly loaded interview questions about your perhaps be reined in. As a society at large we push
perceived weaknesses, the phrase itself seems fairly aspirational values – often young people turn to
banal. Perfectionism, after all, doesn’t really sound social media to avoid these pressures, not to
like an undesirable trait. But according to recent perpetuate them.
research carried out by UK academics, there are 6 ________
distinct drawbacks when that mind-set is given too So, is there any way which this phenomenon can be
great a prominence. Perfectionism, it would seem, reversed, or are we doomed to becoming more self-
can all too easily give rise to an intense sense of critical, and less in touch with what we can feasibly
pressure. And that pressure inevitably results in achieve? An Australian study has perhaps offered
detriment to long-term mental health. The research some glimmer of hope. While investigating the
is particularly pertinent when one considers that connection between perfectionism and depression,
millennials are deemed to be the most perfectionist researchers found that self-compassion could be the
generation to date. answer. Simple processes, such as acknowledging
2 ________ one’s self-critical inner voice, and reframing its
The psychologists, who examined data collated from observations in a more friendly manner could
more than 40,000 subjects across the UK and North noticeably reduce anxiety levels. According to their
America, initially explained perfectionism as a findings, individuals who are self-compassionate
combination of excessively high personal standards recognise that imperfections are universal and
and overtly critical self-evaluations. To allow for therefore they are less likely to be judgmental. So,
more detailed analysis, the notion of perfectionism perhaps we should demand less, and promote values
was divided into three distinct, yet related, that are a little more nurturing.
categories. Self-oriented perfectionism describes
when individuals attach irrational importance to a) The perils of perfectionism
being perfect, and hold unrealistic expectations of b) What drives the quest to be perfect?
their ability to attain high standards. Socially c) Self-forgiveness: one way to address the issue
prescribed perfectionism conveys a belief that social d) Online influence and social demands
context is excessively demanding, and individuals e) Defining the problem
need to maintain the highest possible standards to f) A growing concern
secure approval. The final category, other-oriented
perfectionism, explains the way that perfectionists 5
impose unrealistic standards on those around them.
3 ________
By cross-referencing the data sets with information
already gathered in the period from 1989 to 2016,
the researchers quickly established that
perfectionism is on the rise. Over the period in
question, self-oriented perfectionism increased by
10%, other-oriented perfectionism by 16% and
social-prescribed perfectionism by 32%.
Explanations for this notable shift are varied, but
there are a number of factors which certainly could
be at play.
4 ________
In many western cultures, competitiveness and
stronger individualism are actively encouraged.
When combined with increasingly anxious and
controlling parental practices, this can have a huge
impact on how success is viewed. If nobody wants
to fail, and mistakes are perceived as a form of

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Advanced Plus Mid-course test

14 Read the article again. Underline true (T), or 16 A covering email: You read the following
false (F). advert online. Write a covering letter
applying for the post. Write 200–250 words.
1 The author believes that our understanding of
perfectionism is inaccurate or ill-founded. T/F Online campaigner for global environmental
2 Levels of perfectionism in society are charity
currently in decline. T/F €35,000–€40,000
3 The study which the author refers to explores This is a rare opportunity to take on an exciting role
the global reach of views on perfectionism T/F within our team. We’re seeking enthusiastic, self-
4 Researchers have failed to define the motivated individuals with a creative drive and
complexities of what comprises excellent communication skills. Work with us to
perfectionism. T/F extend our support network, and move our strategy
5 The study builds on published data to provide onto a range of digital platforms.
a historical overview of the issue. T/F You will need:
6 Individuals seem to be more susceptible to - excellent IT skills
the views of society than their own attitudes - creativity
to perfectionism. T/F - flexibility
7 The author feels that the way children are Send us your CV and a covering letter to …
brought up shapes their understanding of
achievement. T/F                                                                                      
8 The author states that culturally, individuals                                                                                      
are aware of the benefits of errors. T/F                                                                                      
9 The author feels that people are too quick to                                                                                      
criticise social media for society’s ills. T/F                                                                                      
10 The author believes that social media offers                                                                                      
sanctuary rather than sanction. T/F                                                                                      
11 According to the author, there is little                                                                                      
chance of reversing the trend towards self-                                                                                      
criticism. T/F                                                                                      
15 Underline the correct alternative.                                                                                      
1 I am applying for the role as your company has an
excellent reputation/is well thought of within the
broader profession.
2 As I have already completed several internships
within the industry, I am customary/accustomed to
working in a time-sensitive capacity.
3 Please don’t hesitate to contact me at your
consideration/convenience to discuss my
application in more detail.
4 As requested/required, please find my CV and
references enclosed.
5 I am confident in my ability to adapt/adopt to the
demands of a dynamic and challenging work
6 While my current role focusses on a more creative
brief, I have extensive experience in/on leading
customer facing sales campaigns.
Total: 100

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