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It feels like old times again.

This work in this historic series is about making the people

aware of high-level political groups (with inordinate influence in the world). During this
generation, many people sincerely reject hate speech. Yet, others want to advance the lie
that “misinformation” is about confronting the powers that be. That isn’t the case. When
we expose Operation Phoenix, MK Ultra, and Operation Mockingbird, we want the world
to know that the people must not want to be dominated by a select group of people. We
reject unjust wars, pollution, and any form of oppression. We desire that power is solely
among the people. That is why progressive government is made by and for the people
consequently. After almost four decades of living on this Earth, I never backed down from
my core ideologies. I still believe in freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, and black
liberation. Outlining the truth in our time is important so future generations can witness
truth about our time, including the past. I’m happy today that Almighty God has given
me the intellect and inspiration to show these facts to the human race. The origins of the
Pilgrim Society, the Bilderberg Group, and other organizations are here.
This image showed the LBJ White House Cabinet Room on March 26, 1968.
Depicted: Assistant Press Secretary Tom Johnson, Dean Acheson,
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Douglas Dillon, Vice President Hubert H.
Humphrey, Robert Murphy, General Omar Bradley, Cyrus Vance, George Ball,
Press Secretary George Christian, General Maxwell Taylor, President Lyndon
B. Johnson, General Earle Wheeler, Arthur Dean, General Matthew Ridgway,
McGeorge Bundy. Many of these people have ties to the CFR, the Skulls and
Bones, and other elitists political groups. Their policies failed in the Vietnam
War. Many of them were nicknamed “The Wise Men.” They once supported
the Vietnam War, and then they wanted LBJ to negotiate for peace.

The Table of Contents

1. Preface
2. The Pilgrim Society
3. The RIIA and the CFR
4. The Bilderberg Group
5. The Trilateral Commission
6. The Club of Rome
7. Other Political Organizations
8. Activism for Justice
In life, mysteries are being revealed all of the time. One of the truths coming about is that there is
supranational politics. There are high level political and economic groups with disproportionate power
in the world who control the majority of the Earth's wealth. These organizations, with their actions and
policies, heavily contribute to the massive economic inequality and other socio-economic problems that
we witness today in 2022. One example is a recent report about how some of the super wealthy use
their resources to try to escape paying their fair share of taxation. Many of the same hypocritical
xenophobes who complain about immigrants and migrants ignore how colonialism, anti-immigrant
bigotry, and imperialism have harmed many people of the world (and that Europe and America have
always had people of diverse ethnicities living in both places for a long time. Diversity is strength).

Not to mention that Western imperialism has contributed to the migrant crisis. For decades, heroic
scholars and authors have written on this subject. Some folks have been slandered as "theories" or
"extremists" for bringing up the fact that some want a new world order or global government on Earth,
but we should never apologize for having the right to develop independent inquiry or investigations of
any topic under the sun. That is part of our freedom as independently thinking human beings. The
censorship agenda is ever real. In real life, I many of my comments were deleted by YouTube for making
normal, non-profane words about various issues. Sometimes, I had to repeat my words more than 5
times in order for my commentaries to be seen in Youtube. That is why this censorship agenda is real,
and the corporate media doesn't report on this on large measure. The reason is that some of them have
a vested interest in keeping the public not knowing about real issues from oppression involving the
people in Nicaragua to the real history of America (why do you think far right extremists are trying to
unjustly ban books in schools and libraries). Why do you think very few people know about MK Ultra,
the extent of NSA spying on the world's population, the existence of Operation Mockingbird (when the
CIA used agents to infiltrate the mainstream media decades ago), and the NSM 200 Memo (that overtly
wants depopulation against black people and other people of color in the world as supported by Henry

Like any group, the establishment is divided up into many factions. There are liberal, conservative, and
other establishment type of figures. The corporate, moderate Democrats are funded by the same people
as the corporate Republicans. The leaders of both major political parties have been complicit in the mass
incarceration state, the Iraq War, the imperialism plus war crimes overseas, and other evils. History is
unique plus nuisance, and we know many parts of history. Why do you think neo-cons like Nicole
Wallace (who worked for the Bush/Cheney war crime machine, and she supported Sarah Palin), Ana
Navarro (his father was one leader of the Contra guerilla death squads in Nicaragua who was funded by
the CIA), Joe Scarborough (who glorifies the atomic bomb dropper Harry Truman), and others are paid
greatly by corporate media outlets?

Facts on High Level Political Groups

The 1001 Club is not known by Here is the picture of John On July 23, 1950, this image
many people. It has a more McCone, Nelson Rockefeller, showed Dwight D. Eisenhower,
international membership Robert McNamara, and Dean Herbert Hoover, Edward Teller,
than the Pilgrim Society. Both Rusk. The latter three were and Ernest Lawrence at the
groups originated from the known Pilgrim Society members. Bohemian Grove. The Bohemian
UK. Some of their famous These human beings have a Grove have business leaders,
members were/are: Henry whole lot of influence on the politicians, military leaders, and
Ford II, Maurice Strong, developments of domestic and other people come together to
Conrad Black, Gustav foreign policy matters of the 20th talk about issues. Many people in
Cisneros, Y.K. Pao, etc. The century. Robert McNamara in a the group are Republicans, and
Pilgrim Society has mostly documentary about the Vietnam some are Democrats. Many
British and American War admitted that JFK seriously British people have visited the
membership. The 101 Club considered pulling out American Grove like Andrew Knight,
was created to influence and troops out of Vietnam by 1965. Queen Elizabeth, and Prince
control much of the natural David Rockefeller was a very Philip. The Cremation of Care
resources of the Earth. The close friend of Allen Dulles and ceremony takes place, and many
image above is Gustav Richard Helms. Nelson prostitutes are found in the
Cisneros. Rockefeller, like LBJ, supported Grove too.
the Vietnam War.
They may legitimately criticize Trump and his extremists, but they refuse to call for revolutionary change
involving healthcare, education, and other issues (they certainly aren't advocating reparations for
African Americans). The reason is that they are not independent progressive people. Many media
corporate spokespersons are former FBI, former CIA, former NSA, and former Wall Street agents. That
signifies a pattern that the establishment owns and controls the corporate, mainstream media. We know
that neoliberals and neo-cons work together, and many multinational corporations contribute to
economic inequality in the first place. As we know, the covert parts of history are still suppressed by
many folks from Operation Mockingbird to the secret MK Ultra programs that modern day history books
in large measure refuse to show to the general public. One example is how John Loftus said that much
of the real history is suppressed, and he had high security clearances in the U.S. and NATO. In politics,
we have governmental bodies and international institutions like the U.N, the E.U, NATO, and even G8
meetings. Also, there are economic powerbases like
the World Bank, the IMF, the OECD, and the WTO
that deal with political, military, and economic issues
globally. Subsequently, there are shady things done
by groups like the BCCI bank, the CIA, the MI6, the
Mossad, and other organizations. The establishment
had infiltrated many people who are Democrats
(with foundation influence, Eastern Establishment
money fund them in the billions of dollars) and
Republicans (with high corporate interests funding FOX News’ promotion of itself as Fair and
them). In fact, it's a documented fact that Big Pharma Balanced is hilarious and laughable. Their
and Big Oil fund the leaders of both the GOP and the media coverage in 2022 is centered in
Democrats. appeasing Trump, neo-fascists, and far right
extremism in America. They exploit the name
of God in trying to advance their retrograde
views. That is why they glorify bigots like
Tucker Carlson. Knight of St. Gregory Rupert
That is why in the corporate media, they may allow Murdoch has headed FOX News for years.
you to talk about some issues. Yet, when you talk
about comprehensive issues like having class struggle (among the working class and the poor of every
background worldwide), advocating universal health care, critiquing capitalism, promoting liberation for
black people including all oppressed people, universal education, job security, and an end to imperialism,
then that same corporate media (even some in CNN) would show hostility to you. We know that FOX
News is a far-right propaganda network. That's self-evident and easy to see. Sean Hannity and Tucker
Carlson have shown themselves to be disgraceful individuals. I don't trust FOX's lies on progressive
people. The corporate establishment is neoliberal in its orientation; therefore, they may give people
token reformism but not revolutionary change. That point must always be emphasized. In other words,
you must talk about Wall Street, class issues, and racial justice issues in getting a comprehensive look on
how the world works (and create solutions in changing the world for the better). For example, if you
want to eliminate racism in society, you need more than just laws passed, though progressive laws must
be passed. You must eliminate economic oppression (and fight poverty), end structures of racial
oppression, educate people on the beauty of Blackness, and address other class issues. It's time to show
more of the truth. I feel like old times again, since I have been doing this for over 15 years old. The power
structure at the top has a superclass of people (in the liberal establishment, conservative establishment,
the Vatican network, the Middle East establishment, etc.), then international political groups, then
multinational corporations, and then they control the masses of the people. So, we have the right to
expose how a select group of mostly men have inordinate control over the majority of the Earth's
resources. The following information is what many in the corporate media won't present, but the truth
will always be shown here 100 percent. Now, let's go and explore these vital issues.

The Pilgrim Society

The Pilgrim Society has been around since 1902. I have heard of this group for a long time. Even Fritz
Springmeier have written about this organization. They are one of the most powerful political organizations
in the world now. They have influences in corporations, businesses, and other aspects of this modern-day
society. John T. Whiteford said that the Pilgrim Society have ties to John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Thomas
W. Lamont, and other people of the House of Morgan. The Pilgrim Society is about uniting Americans and
British elites in forming a large powerbase of influence in world society. Many of the robber barons back in
the 19th and 20th centuries (some of them are part of the Pilgrim Society) had ancestors from the UK. We
know the robber barons back in the day used monopolies, bad working conditions, and financial corruption
to advance massive profits. Nothing is new under the sun. The Pilgrim Society is part of the international
banking system too. Professor Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope book on page 324 admitted that this is the
aim of international bankers: "...[The aim of the international bankers was] nothing less than to create a
world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country
and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the
central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings
and conferences." The Eastern Establishment (made up heavily of people from the Northeast with positive
links to the British aristocracy and private clubs) wanted European history to be used as inspiration of foreign
policy, but the new school establishment types or neo-cons wanted America to be on a messianic missionary
mission to spread democracy worldwide, even by force. The Pilgrim Society is an Anglo-American powerful

The Pilgrim Society wanted to have more ties among America and the UK. The St. George's Society of NYC
and the American Society of London worked together in this endeavor too. The early Pilgrim Society members
had meetings at hotels like the Victoria, the Waldorf, the Astoria, the Carlton Ritz, and the Savoy. Lindsay
Russell, General Roberts, and Sir Harry Brittain had their first meeting in the UK at the Carlton Hotel on July
11, 1902. The Pilgrims in America and Britain have links to many families like the Warburgs, the Harcourts,
the Rothschilds, etc. They have links to JPMorgan Chase and other international banking interests. The
Pilgrims are the WASP elitists and other groups of people. From law firms to insurance companies including
media companies (i.e. Pilgrim Society member Henry Luce founded Time Magazine in 1923), the Pilgrim
Society has influence on these entities. New York and London banks have members from the Pilgrim Society.
The Pilgrim Society are some of the leaders of the global elite. David Rockefeller, Kissinger, and other people
are known people of the Pilgrim group. The Pilgrims worked with many Catholic leaders in order to explain
diplomatic relationships with the Vatican. Many of them have ties to the Knights of the Garter, the Knights
of the Thistle, Freemasonry, and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. A large number of Pilgrims are CFR
members, CFR executives, part of the Federal Reserve, etc. Pilgrim Society members work both with Zionists
and Saudi wealthy elites too. Back in the 1950's, the Pilgrim Society member Sir Eric Drake wanted the coup
in 1953 against Iranian Mohammed Mossadeq over Iran's nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
(AIOC). It is no secret that many Pilgrim Society families like Morgans, Rockefellers, Carnegies, Osborns,
Harrimans, etc. promoted eugenics movements of the early 20th century. Eugenics is the evil, racist
philosophy that a person who is different is merited no dignity, sterilization, and treated as inferior. The truth
is that all human beings are created equal from God, and they are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness period. Many Western banking interests aided the Nazi Empire originally via IBM, etc. For example,
Thomas Watson was the leader of IBM during WWII. He was a 33rd Degree Freemason and he was a member
of the Bohemian Grove. Watson didn't do anything when IBM's German subsidiary supplied the Nazis with
punch card computer technology that contributed to extension of the Holocaust (i.e. Shoah). This has been
documented in Edwin Black's book entitled, "IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi
Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation." It is also no secret that many Wall Street bankers,
industrialists, etc. supported fascist movements in Europe. In America, fascist groups existed during the
1930's and the 1940's like the American Liberty League and the National Association of Manufacturers. These
groups hated President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, because FDR advanced many progressive policies. Some
British aristocrats supported Hitler and the Nazis. That is why Hitler, at a time, wanted an English/German
alliance. Hitler was inspired to carry out his evils by the racist Westerners in America who promoted eugenics,
Native American genocide, slavery, and other evils. The modern eugenics movement was supported by Sir
Francis Galton or Darwin's cousin. Madison Grant was one of the most racist men in history. He was the
chairman of the Zoological Society. Madison was not only a eugenicist. He wrote a book called The Passing
Of the Great Race that promoted the myth of white racial supremacy and eugenics overtly. The co-author of
the book was fellow eugenicist Henry F. Osborn.

It is no secret that many high-level banking interests enabled Hitler and the Nazis. They supported the Nazis, because they
were far-right extremists who hated communism and wanted no massive rights for workers. For example, the German
industrial cartel I.G. Farben aided the Nazis. Antony C. Sutton in his book called, "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler"
documented how German bankers and other American banking interests aided the Nazis Empire. We know about IBM
and the computing system that the Nazis used to facilitate the Holocaust. Adam LeBor wrote an article entitled, "How
bankers helped the Nazis" for The Sydney Morning Herald on August 1, 2013, detailing how the BIS worked with many
Nazis. According to John Strausbaugh, the author of the book Victory City, A History Of New York and New Yorkers During
World War II, “Via the BIS, the American and British bankers would maintain a mostly secret friendship with their Nazi and
Japanese counterparts straight through World War II while thousands and thousands of American and British men in
uniform were being killed and maimed in the fight to defeat the Nazis and Japanese.” The leader of the BIS was a Wall
Street banker named Thomas McKittrick. During World War II BIS received gold as interest payments from the German
Reichstag which later investigations showed had been looted from the central banks of Belgium and the Netherlands.
Between 1933 and 1945 the BIS board of directors included Walther Funk, a prominent Nazi official, and Emil Puhl
responsible for processing dental gold looted from concentration camp victims, as well as Hermann Schmitz, the director
of IG Farben, and Baron von Schroeder, the owner of the J.H. Stein Bank [de], all of whom were later convicted of war
crimes or crimes against humanity.
More names of Prominent Pilgrim Society members

Winston Churchill Lord Guthrie (He was a SAS Lord Carrington (He was John Major (He was Malcolm Pratt
(He was a British veteran, leader in N.M. the Secretary General of a MP from 1979- Aldrich (He was a
Prime Minister, Rothschild & Sons, Vice NATO, a British 2001, and he was graduate of Yale, a
pictured with President of the Knights of Conservative Politician, the conservative Skulls and Bones
Druids, and was a Malta (SMOM), and and a World War II Prime Minister of member in 1922,
well-known supported the 2003 Iraq veteran). the UK from 1990 to and is a cousin of
Freemason). invasion). 1997). the banker
Winthrop Aldrich).

In 1933, he became involved in a controversy known as the Business Plot, when he told a congressional
committee that a group of wealthy industrialists were planning a military coup to overthrow President
Franklin D. Roosevelt, with Butler selected to lead a march of veterans to become dictator, similar to fascist
regimes at that time. The individuals involved all denied the existence of a plot, and the media ridiculed the
allegations, but a final report by a special House of Representatives Committee confirmed some of Butler's

Many Pilgrims opposed FDR's New Deal policies of stopping stock speculation, using watch dog agencies for
banks, and having large scale construction projects for the unemployed. Social security, helping the homeless,
and promoting a national minimum wage existed before Truman. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was
not perfect, but he was right to use many progressive policies to advance the general welfare of society. That
is why you already know that I'm progressive on economic issues now and forever.

Pilgrim Allen Dulles was once head of the CIA, and we know that Dulles was one of the biggest imperialists in
American society. Dulles worked with General Walter Bedell Smith to promote the 1954 Guatemalan coup.
In 1960, Dulles and Eisenhower promoted the unjust killing of nationalist leader Patrice Lumumba. Today,
the Pilgrim Society is still in existence now. Pilgrim Conrad Black is a neo-con. Pilgrim General David Petraeus
was an Army commander in Afghanistan and in Iraq. He was a CIA director under President Barack Obama.
Historically, many families involved in the Pilgrim Society or Wall Street interests are Ford, du Pont,
Rockefeller, Dulles, Harriman, Dillon, Mellon, McCormick, Hartford, Harkness, Duke, Pew, Pitcairn, Clark,
Reynolds, Kress, Morgan Aldrich, Rothschild, Dulles, etc.

The RIIA and the CFR

The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) came from the Round Table groups. The Round Table groups
was the ideological ancestor of the RIIA. Cecil Rhodes was the racist UK industrialist and South African
financier who wanted to make the British Empire to rule the world in making the "Anglo-Saxon race” control
the whole world. That was from his own words. Rhodes wanted British imperialism to dominate Africa from
Cairo to Cape Town. He wanted to have a monopoly of diamond mines in South Africa. Rhodes sent money
to elitists via his will. The Rhodes Scholarship Fund promoted globalism ever since the early 20th century.
The Council on Foreign Relations was formed in 1921. The CFR is a council of many elitists and political leaders
with the goal of globalization, dealing with international issues, and debate certain issues. The CFR is a think
tank that heavily deals with foreign policy issues. They have advised Presidents for decades from Woodrow
Wilson to Joseph Biden. Its membership, which numbers 5,103, has included senior politicians, more than a
dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures.

CFR meetings convene government officials, global business leaders and prominent members of the
intelligence and foreign-policy community to discuss international issues. CFR has published the bi-monthly
journal Foreign Affairs since 1922, and runs the David Rockefeller Studies Program, which influences foreign
policy by making recommendations to the presidential administration and diplomatic community, testifying
before Congress, interacting with the media, and publishing on
foreign policy issues. The CFR was created after the end of WWI.
In the late 1930s, the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller
Foundation began contributing large amounts of money to the
Council. In 1938, they created various Committees on Foreign
Relations, which later became governed by the American
Committees on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C.,
throughout the country, funded by a grant from the Carnegie
Corporation. Influential men were to be chosen in a number of The Council on Foreign Relations think
cities and would then be brought together for discussions in their thank is based in Manhattan, New York
own communities as well as participating in an annual City. Its current President is Richard N.
Haas. Its members have about 5,103
conference in New York. These local committees served to
people filled with bankers, CIA
influence local leaders and shape public opinion to build support directors, media people, secretaries of
for the Council's policies, while also acting as "useful listening states, and some of the most powerful
posts" through which the Council and U.S. government could people in America. The CFR has
"sense the mood of the country." The Council on Foreign sponsored more than fifty reports,
Relations have had a huge role in the creation of the United including the Independent Task Force
Nations. The CFR has promoted containment, arms control, on the Future of North America that
published report No. 53, entitled
climate, and other issues in the 21st century. To put it on a scale,
Building a North American Community,
the CFR is mostly neoliberal (or moderate) in their political in May 2005 (advocates a greater
outlook. economic and social integration
between Canada, Mexico, and the
United States as a region).

Numerous Council on Foreign Relations Members

J. Tomilson Ann Fudge Richard Henry Kravis Joseph Nye (a George E. Vin Weber
Hill (have ties (have links to Holbrooke (a Jesuit trained Rupp (part of (part of the
to the General (member of the businessman) person at Harvard PNAC
Blackstone Electric) Bilderberg Georgetown University) movement)
Group) Group) University)

Peter G. Stephen A. Condoleezza Carla A. Hills Warren B. Foaud Ajami Tom Brokaw
Peterson (a Schwarzman (A Rice (a former (former Rudman (a (well-known
former head Bonesman or a Secretary of Secretary of (Jesuit trained Bilderberger) media
of the Federal Knight of State and Housing and at Boston journalist and
Reserve Bank Eulogia) former Urban College Law author)
of New York graduate of Development School)
City) Notre Dame) under Gerald
On page 405 of his Memoirs, David Rockefeller wrote:

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United
States characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and conspiring with others around
the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you
will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

The Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Group is one of the most famous, powerful political group in the world today. It was created
by Dr. Joseph Rettinger (1888-1960) who was an economist, political philosopher, and political leader. The
Bilderberg Group have annual meetings in places worldwide. They promote free market Western capitalism,
neoliberalism, and other likeminded interests globally. This proves that the real global elites are not some
socialists but neoliberal capitalists. The group’s founding place was at the Bilderberg Hotel in the
Netherlands. The Bilderberg Group was created in 1954, and it is a group that wanted more dialogue among
Europe and North America. Probably the greatest scholar of the Bilderberg Group is author Daniel Eustlin.
Participants include political leaders, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media, numbering
between 120 and 150. Attendees are entitled to use information gained at meetings, but not attribute it to
a named speaker. This is to encourage candid debate, while maintaining privacy. Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands have chaired its meetings until 1976. The current Chairman is Henri de Castries. Rettinger
wanted to stop anti-Americanism in Western Europe. Retinger approached Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands who agreed to promote the idea, together with former Belgian prime minister Paul van Zeeland,
and the then head of Unilever, Paul Rijkens. Bernhard in turn contacted Walter Bedell Smith, the then head
of the CIA, who asked Eisenhower adviser Charles Douglas Jackson to deal with the suggestion. The guest list
was to be drawn up by inviting two attendees from each nation, one of each to represent “conservative” and
“liberal” points of view. Fifty delegates from 11 countries in Western Europe attended the first conference,
along with 11 Americans.

People from politics, economics, industry, finance, academia, and the media attend. About 120-150 people
are there. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and North America. Leaders of IBM, Xerox,
Royal Dutch Shell, Nokia and Daimler. Heads of state, including former King Juan Carlos I of Spain and former
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, have attended meetings. A source connected to the group told The Daily
Telegraph in 2013 that other individuals, whose names are not publicly issued, sometimes turn up “just for
the day" at the group’s meetings. In 2001, Denis Healey, a Bilderberg group founder and a steering committee
member for 30 years, said, “To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not
wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and
killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world
would be a good thing.”

Oliver Stone recently made an appearance to talk about President Kennedy's views on the Vietnam War. JFK was not
perfect, and we know of his imperfections. Yet, President Kennedy did more for civil rights, in less than 3 years, than
Presidents Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower combined. President Kennedy wanted African Americans in the Coast
Guard parade during his inauguration. President Kennedy signed 2 affirmative action orders within one year. These
orders fought discrimination in the federal government. The Kennedy administration supported the Brown V. Board
decision. JFK funded voting drives in America. We have more than enough evidence to prove that President Kennedy
wanted 1,000 troops withdrawn from Vietnam in 1963 and all U.S. troops gone by 1965. JFK submitted his omnibus civil
rights bill to Congress in February 1963, and he gave a speech to support equality and civil rights explicitly in June of
1963. Kennedy supported nationalist movements in Africa, and he supported the nationalist leader of Indonesia as
proven in the book of JFK vs. Allen Dulles: Battleground Indonesia. That book was published in 2020. So, President John
F. Kennedy was not perfect, but he did many progressive actions when he was President.
According to the web page of the group, the meetings are conducted under the Chatham House Rule,
allowing the participants to use any information they gained during the meeting, but not to disclose the
names of the speakers or any other participants. According to former chairman Étienne Davignon in 2011, a
major attraction of Bilderberg group meetings is that they provide an opportunity for participants to speak
and debate candidly and to find out what major figures really think, without the risk of off-the-cuff comments
becoming fodder for controversy in the media. It is no secret that the agenda of the European Union has
been promoted by the Bilderberg Group. In Alden Hatch's biography of Bernhard, he said that the Bilderberg
Group gave birth to the European Community which would later be the European Union. We know that the
European Union has increased its political power since its founding. Ian Richardson sees Bilderberg as the
transnational power elite, “an integral, and to some extent critical, part of the existing system of global
governance”, that is “not acting in the interests of the whole.” An article in The Guardian in June 2017
criticized the world view expressed in an agenda published by the Bilderberg group.
The Political Establishment’s Influence on Many Presidents
With constant research, it is no of the Pilgrim Society. Both of that the leaders of the Democrats
secret that the Rockefeller them were involved in the and the Republicans are funded (in
political/economic interests along Rockefeller Foundation. President many cases) by the same
with other Pilgrim Society-allied John F. Kennedy was different
groups have influenced U.S. from the Eisenhower
politics since the days of the administration. JFK changed
Eisenhower administration at foreign policy by being in favor of
least. The families of Morgan, many nationalist and socialist
Whitney, Harriman, and Bruce movements (which was taboo
back then). He didn't want a super
military involvement in the
Vietnam War forever, he signed a Republican presidential
nuclear test ban treaty with the candidate Sen. John McCain
Soviet Union in 1963, he called for (left) and Democratic
a long-term goal of peace in his presidential candidate Barack
American University speech (back Obama were at the Alfred E.
in 1963 too), and he refused to Smith Memorial Foundation
support an invasion of Cuba. This Dinner on October 16, 2008. At
Powerful words from the late caused hostility from the center is Bishop Edward Michael
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. establishment towards JFK on Cardinal Egan. (Jim Watson
influenced the Truman many issues. /AFP/Getty Images). Many
administration. For example, Dean political people among both
Acheson or the Secretary of State Many Ford and Rockefeller major parties are friends or
under Truman was a CFR member Foundations tied people were in acquaintances.
and a Pilgrim Society member. He the administrations of JFK and
was part of the Scroll and Key LBJ like Robert McNamara (a
(from Yale), and his son would be Pilgrim), Dean Rusk (a CFR establishment interests. They may
a member of the Skulls and Bones. member, a Pilgrim, and a member debate on issues dealing with
His daughter married William of the Bilderberg Group), etc. Even taxes and cultural wars, but they
Bundy (a close friend of David Lyndon Johnson once tried to share similarities on long-term
Rockefeller). CIA Director Walter convince his friend Nelson foreign policy matters, the war on
Bedell Smith was a member of Rockefeller to run for President terror, civil liberties, and other
both the CFR and the Pilgrim against Richard Nixon in 1968. economic issues. We live in a time
Society. He was a co-founder of Even during the Obama years, when far-right extremists are
the Bilderberg group back during Rockefeller, Open Society, and proposing and passing laws
the 1950s with Prince Bernhard Ford Foundations have links to violating the human rights of my
and David Rockefeller. Smith was cabinet members. The CNP people and other people. When
the one who supported the evil funded the Trump campaign in one group's rights are threatened,
CIA coup of Guatemala in 1954 many ways. Trump has many all our rights are in jeopardy, so we
after the Guatemalan government establishment ties like being in a have to be clear on that point.
wanted to nationalize United Fruit. 94 guest December 2000 dinner Therefore, we should have our
Smith was linked to the Dulles with people like Henry Kissinger, independent thinking, but we
Brothers. Averell Harriman was a Lynn Forester de Rothschild, should have the progressive core
CFR member and a Pilgrim for Richard Perle, etc. Trilateral convictions that justice for all,
years. Dwight D. Eisenhower was Commission member Dina Habib environmental justice, voting
a CFR member and a Pilgrim Powell was part of the Trump rights, health care for all, racial
executive. We know that John cabinet. Rex Tillerson (who is now justice, civil liberties, equality for
Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles a critic of Trump) was Secretary of all, and the love of truth be
were CFR members and members State under Trump. This proves preserved forever and ever.
Trilateralist Zbigniew Brzezinski (TC’s co-founder) wrote in his Between Two Ages – America’s
Role in the Technotronic Era: “people, governments and economies of all nations must serve the
needs of multinational banks and corporations. (The Constitution is) inadequate...the old
framework of international politics, with their sphere of influence...the fiction of
clearly no longer compatible with reality...”

The Trilateral Commission

The Trilateral Commission’s origin and goals are self-explanatory. The Trilateral Commission is a non-
governmental discussion group. It was created by David Rockefeller in July 1973 in order to promote more
cooperation between Japan, Western Europe, and North America. They have headquarters in Tokyo for the
Asia Pacific branch, Paris for the European branch, and Washington, D.C. for the American branch. It has over
390 members and the chair people are Akihiko Tanaka, Jean-Claude Trichet, and Meghan O’Sullivan. The
group wanted to end discords among regions of the world. One famous founder of the group was Zbigniew
Brzezinski, a Rockefeller advisor. Brzezinski also worked in the Carter administration and invested in the
mujahideen to fight the Soviets during the late 1970’s. He was Carter’s National Security Advisor from 1977
to 1981. He worked at Columbia University too. Famous members are Caroline Daniel, Walter Mondale,
Joseph Nye, Robert R. Bowie, William Scranton, and other human beings. Social critic and academic Noam
Chomsky has criticized the commission as undemocratic, pointing to its publication The Crisis of Democracy,
which describes the strong popular interest in politics during the 1970s as an “excess of democracy.” The
Trilateral Commission had a huge influence on the foreign policy of the Carter administration.

Ironically, President Jimmy Carter would be much progressive after his Presidency was over. In his 1980 book
With No Apologies, Republican Senator Barry Goldwater suggested that the discussion group was “a skillful,
coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary,
intellectual, and ecclesiastical... [in] the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political
governments of the nation-states involved.” David Rockefeller was a Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York and leading member of the CFR. He was one major founder of the Trilateral Commission. Brzezinski
wrote many books detailing his agenda. One early one was “Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the
Technetronic Era.” It was published in 1970. In it, he called for a new international monetary system. He
wrote that, “Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal
vision...The nation state is gradually yielding its sovereignty...More intensive efforts to shape a new world
monetary structure will have to be undertaken.” He called for a world government in pg. 308 in that book.
His other book, The Grand Chessboard called for America to have more of an involvement in Central Asia and
Eurasia to gain resources. How much more blatant can you get. Many multinational corporation leaders are
members of the Trilateral Commission too.

"The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled

society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by
traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous
surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files
containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files
will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities."
- Zbigniew Brzezinski

“There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates,
to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we
may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any
other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it
for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its papers and secret
records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it
and to many of its instruments…my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown,
and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known…because the American branch of this
organization (sometimes called the “Eastern Establishment”) has played a very significant role in the
history of the United States in the last generation.”

–Dr. Carroll Quigley, a professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University. Dr.
Quigley was Bill Clinton’s mentor while he was at Georgetown University.
*For the record, I
don’t agree with the
creation of a new
world order, and I
definitely don’t agree
with the
establishment of
global government.

The Club of Rome

The Club of Rome was created at the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Italy, the Club of Rome consists of one
hundred full members selected from current and former heads of state and government, UN administrators,
high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from
around the globe. It stimulated considerable public attention in 1972 with the first report to the Club of
Rome, The Limits to Growth. Since July 1, 2008 the organization has been based in Winterthur, Switzerland.
The Club of Rome was formed in April 1968 by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King, a
Scottish scientist. It was formed when a small international group of people from the fields of academia, civil
society, diplomacy, and industry met at Villa Farnesina in Rome, hence the name. The group deals with
environmental and population issues. The club also has honorary members. Notable honorary members
include Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, Orio Giarini, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Mikhail Gorbachev,
King Juan Carlos I of Spain, Horst Köhler, and Manmohan Singh. Their report of Limits to Growth. It states
that human beings are depleting the resources of the globe. Their 1991 publication of The First Global
Revolution called the real enemy of the world itself humanity because of climate change and water shortages
plus other issues. The truth is that humanity itself collectively is not the real enemy. The real enemy is a
system of oppression causing these things to exist in the first place. The Club of Rome omits that world
population growth will level and decline by 2050. Many, who advance the catastrophic population growth
myth (like Henry Kissinger), have been advocates of massive, evil depopulation efforts in Africa, Latin
America, and South Carolina (where black people and other people of color live at). The Club of Rome has
promoted literature to advance the goal of a new international order.
Carrol J. Quigley – Professor of International Affairs at Georgetown University, Bill Clinton’s
mentor. The Ango-American Establishment:

“There is... an inner core of intimate associates who unquestionably knew that they were members
of a group devoted to a common purpose and an outer circle of a larger number on whom the inner
circle acted by personal persuasion, patronage distribution, and social pressure. It is probable that
most members of the outer circle were not conscious that they were being used by a secret society.”

Other Political Organizations

There are many secret political groups that few people know about. One is the Multinational Chairman’s
Group. The Multinational Chairman’s Committee have members meet in private with the prime minister of
England. They have meetings with other members of government that they want to speak to in private.
Famous members of the Multinational Chairman’s Group include Lord John Brown, Niall Fitzgerald, Sir John
Bond, Sir Christopher Hogg, and Martin Broughton. The group of Le Cercle is one of the most secretive groups
in the world. It is also known as Cercle Pinay by its original French founder. Jean Violet helped to organize it.
Famous Le Cercle members were Otto Von Habsburg, Antoine Pinay, Jean Monnet, Konrad Adenauer, and
Giulio Andreotti. They had links to the European Union, the European Coal and Steel Community of France,
Germany, and Italy. Jean Monnet worked with leaders of the Chinese Green Gang Triad like Tse-Ven Soong
or Chiang Kai-shek. In a speech before the elitist Council on Foreign Relations organization in New York earlier
in 2010, President of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet called for the imposition of global
governance to be bossed by the G20 and the Bank of International Settlements in the name of safeguarding
the global economy. Many groups are influenced by the occult teachings. Alice Bailey, a leading spokesperson
of the occultic Theosophical Society and member of Co-Masonry confirmed what Freemasonry is all about.
She stated that, “The Masonic Movement is the custodian of the Law, the holder of the Mysteries, and the
seat of initiation… a far more occult organization than can be realized… intended to be the training school
for coming advanced occultists.” (SOURCE: “President Clinton Will Continue The New World Order”; Dennis
”NEW WORLD ORDER” Editor: James R. Patrick Citizens for Academic Excellence, 1994, 28-48). In his book,
Morals and Dogma, Pike states: “Every lodge is a temple of religion, and its teaching instruction in religion...
Masonry is the successor to the Mysteries.”

The Paradox of Elon Musk

Now, Elon Musk has an agreement to buy Twitter in $44 billion. Elon Musk is the world's richest person on Earth. The
deal will take the company private. The deal is about the shareholders getting $54.20 in cash for each share of Twitter
stock they own matching Musk's original offer and marking a 38% premium over the stock price the day before Musk
revealed his stake in the company. Musk claims to support free speech and democracy. The problem is that threats
against people and hate speech are not representative of true free speech. Free speech doesn't mean that people are
free from consequences. With one's words, there should exist accountability for those words. So, I don't believe in
authoritarian censorship. Censorship have unjustly happened in YouTube and other social media platforms. It's evil and
unfair. That censorship on the Internet has nothing to do with refuting misinformation, but it has to do with suppression
voices in opposition to corruption from the establishment. That is real, and it has no place anywhere on Earth. Yet, we
must have a balance to make sure that threats and hate speech are not tolerated in any social media platforms too.
We shall see what the next chapter of Twitter will be. Also, Elon Musk is known to have illegally threatened to take
away stock options if employees unionized, has had 43 workers’ rights violations filed against his company since 2010,
and has other issues. Musk tweeted misogynistic words to Senator Elizabeth Warren, because Warren legitimately
wants him to pay his fair share of taxes. So, Elon Musk is not some savior of freedom. He is a corporate capitalist
exploiter who desires profit and power above anything else. His Telsa company in California have workers accusing
people of racism against black employees.
Bohemian Grove 33rd Degree Skulls and The Boule The Bavarian
Freemasons Bones Illuminati
1. Richard Nixon (The 1. Albert Pike 1. Austan Goolsbee 1. Henry McKee Minton 1. Adam Weishaupt
37th President of the (Confederate (professor and (a doctor and one of the (Jesuit trained
United States of America general and author). economist). founders of Sigma Pi Phi). philosopher, and founder
and former California of the Bavarian
Senator). Illuminati).
2. Ronald Reagan (The 2. Harry Truman 2. Paul Giamatti 2. Douglas Wilder 2. Ferdinand of
40th President of the (The 33rd President (American actor and (American lawyer, and the Brunswick (German
United States of America of the United States film producer) first black American Duke)
and former California of America). Governor of America
Governor). since Reconstruction)
3. Harvey Hancock (an 3. J. Edgar Hoover 3. Steven Mnuchin 3. Kenneth Chenault 3. Franz Xaver von Zach
aviation executive, well (Former Director of (American (American business (Hungarian astronomer)
known supporter of the FBI, a lying investment banker executive and the third
Nixon and Eisenhower, hypocrite, and and film producer African American CEO of
and journalist). organizer of and the 77th United a Fortune 500 company).
COINTELPRO). States secretary of
4. Glenn T. Seaborg 4. Earl Warren 4. John Kerry 4. Vernon Jordan 4. Johann Wolfgang von
(American chemist). (Former Supreme (Former American (American business Goethe (German writer,
Court Justice). Senator and executive, Bilderberger, polymath, statesman,
diplomat). and civil rights leader). scientist, and novelist).
5. William Randolph 5. Jesse Jackson 5. George W. Bush 5. Eric Holder (The 82nd 5. Johann Gottfried
Hearst (famous (A civil rights leader, (The 43rd President Attorney General of the Herder (German
journalist and honorary author, and former of the Untied States United States of philosopher, theologian,
member of the Presidential of America). America). poet, and literacy critic).
Bohemian Grove). candidate).
6. Edwin W. Pauley 6. Norman Vincent 6. William H. 6. Mel Watt (American 6. Adolph Freiherr
(American businessman Peale (American Donaldson (The 27th politician and former Knigge (German writer
and political leader). pastor). Chairman of the U.S. director of the Federal and Freemason)
Securities and Housing Finance Agency)
Commission (SEC).
7. James F. Bowman 7. Brent Morris 7. William F. Buckley 7. Andrew Young (civil 7. Joseph von
(The co-founder of the (Masonic apologist). Jr. (American rights leader and former Sonnenfels (an Austrian
Bohemian Grove). conservative author Atlanta mayor) and German jurist plus
and political novelist. He was a close
commentator). friend of Mozart).
Quotes of Political Leaders advocating for the New World Order or Global Government
1. George Herbert Walker Bush: 2. “The new world order that will 3. “The old world order changed 4. “One of the least understood
September 11, 1990: “Out of these answer economic, military, and when this war-storm broke. The old strategies of the world revolution
troubled times, our objective—a political problems, he said, ‘urgently international order passed away as now moving rapidly toward its goal
new world order—can emerge. requires, I believe, that the United suddenly, as unexpectedly, and as is the use of mind control as a major
Today, that new world is struggling States take the leadership among completely as if it had been wiped means of obtaining the consent of
to be born, a world quite different all free peoples to make the out by a gigantic flood, by a great the people who will be subjects of
from the one we have known.” underlying concepts and tempest, or by a volcanic eruption. the New World Order.”
aspirations of national sovereignty The old world order died with the –K.M. Heaton, National Educator
truly meaningful through the federal setting of that day’s sun and a new
approach.” world order is being born while I
—Nelson Rockefeller, New York speak, with birth-pangs so terrible
Times, February 1962 that it seems almost incredible that
life could come out of such fearful
suffering and such overwhelming
When many lie and say that no political leaders sorrow.”
advocated for the new world order or global —Nicholas Murray Butler, Union
League of Philadelphia, Nov. 27,
government, these quotes refute that lie. 1915

5. "The existing order is breaking 6. “In short, the ‘house of world 7. “In the next century, nations as 8. “Our new world rests on order.
down at a very rapid rate, and the order’ will have to be built from the we know it will be obsolete; all The danger is disorder. And in
main uncertainty is whether bottom up rather than f rom the top states will recognize a single, global today’s world, it can now spread
mankind can exert a positive role in down. It will look like a great authority. National sovereignty like contagion.”
shaping a new world order or is ‘booming, buzzing confusion,’ to wasn’t such a great idea after all.” —Tony Blair
doomed to await collapse in a use William James’ famous —Strobe Talbot, Deputy Secretary
passive posture. We believe a new description of reality, but an end run of State, TIME, July l992
order will be born no later than early around national sovereignty,
in the next century and that the eroding it piece by piece, will
death throes of the old and the birth accomplish much more than the
pangs of the new will be a testing old-fashioned frontal assault.”
time for the human species." —Richard N. Gardner, former
-Richard A. Falk’s 1975 book called deputy assistant Secretary of State
“On the Creation of a Just World for
Order” (in the section called International Organizations under The image on the left showed the location of the first
Toward the New World Order: Kennedy and Johnson, and a
Modest Methods and Drastic member of the Trilateral
meeting of the Bilderberg Group in 1954 at the Bilderberg
Visions). Commission, wrote this in the April Hotel in the Netherlands. The image on the right is the
1974 issue of the Council on Chairman of the Bilderberg Group who is Henri de
Foreign Relation’s (CFR) journal
Foreign Affairs (pg. 558). Castries, 5th Count of Castries (who is from France).

9. "My country's history, Mr. 10. "We believe we are creating the 11. "If instant world government, 12. “The only way we who believe in
President, tells us that it is possible beginning of a new world order Charter review, and a greatly the vision of a democratic world
to fashion unity while cherishing coming out of the collapse of the strengthened International Court federal government can effectively
diversity, that common action is U.S.-Soviet antagonisms." —Brent do not provide the answers, what overcome this reactionary
possible despite the variety of Scowcroft (August 1990), quoted in hope for progress is there? The movement is to organize a strong
races, interests, and beliefs we see the Washington Post (May 1991). answer will not satisfy those who educational counteroffensive
here in this chamber. Progress and seek simple solutions to complex stretching from the most publicly
peace and justice are attainable. So problems, but it comes down visible people in all fields to the
we say to all peoples and essentially to this: The hope for the humblest individuals in every
governments: Let us fashion foreseeable lies, not in building up a community. That is the vision and
together a new world order." — few ambitious central institutions of program of the World Federalist
Henry Kissinger, in address before universal membership and general Association.” (Walter Cronkite at
the General Assembly of the United jurisdiction as was envisaged at the W.F.A.'s Norman Cousins Global
Nations, October 1975). end of the last war, but rather in the Governance Award on October 19,
much more decentralized, 1999).
disorderly and pragmatic process
of inventing or adapting institutions
of limited jurisdiction and selected
membership to deal with specific
problems on a case-by-case basis
... In short, the 'house of world order'
will have to be built from the bottom
up rather than from the top down. It
will look like a great 'booming,
buzzing confusion,' to use William
James' famous description of
Here are Nelson Rockefeller and Richard reality, but an end run around
national sovereignty, eroding it
Nixon. Both men have tons of ties to global piece by piece, will accomplish
elitists over the course of decades. much more than the old-fashioned
frontal assault." —Richard N.
Gardner, in Foreign Affairs (April
After these long years, we still advocate for justice. Since the attacks on the Twin Towers and the
Pentagon on 9/11, we have lived on a new era of our time. Later, we saw a seemingly, never ending
continually War on Terror on multiple continents. We have seen this war on terror contribute to
economic and social problems along with massive police state like spy programs worldwide, even in
America. The Patriot Act has policies in it that blatantly violate human constitutional and human rights.
We know facts. It is a fact that the CIA and the MI6 have been involved in coups, supporting military
dictatorships overseas, and other nefarious actions. It is a fact that there is a supranational network of
hundreds of elitists and thousands of political organizations along with NGOs with huge influence in
Western political life. The common lie promoted by the far-right and some media pundits is that
Democrats have gone too far left. This lie has been promoted by Elon Musk. The truth is that the
grassroots progressives have always been progressive. The Democratic establishment leaders have
moved to the right in recent decades. Back in the 1970's, there was talk of massive economic benefits
for workers. There was talk of the Second Bill of Rights back in the 1940's too. Now, the DLC and other
moderate groups have held real legislation hostage. Most Americans are progressive. 88 percent of all
Americans want lower drug prices. 84 percent of Americans want to expand Medicare. 73 percent of all
Americans support paid family leave. The vast majority of Americans want the super-wealthy to pay their
fair share of taxation. These are all common-sense policies that most Americans subscribe to. It is
common sense to advocate for a living wage, climate justice, universal healthcare, public colleges, and
police demilitarization. The far-right believe in glorifying Putin, have billionaire tax cuts, support bans on
books that promote equality, and some advance the lie that the 2020 election was stolen.

30 Years After the Los

Angeles Rebellion
Hyepin Im, left, President and founder of Faith and
Community Empowerment, received a shirt with an
image of Latasha Harlins from Harlins' cousin, Shinese
Harlins-Kilgore, at Florence and Normandie on the 30th
anniversary of the L.A. riots. (Mel Melcon / Los Angeles

Also, there was the murder of Latisha Harlins,

who was a teenage black girl. Racial
tensions, police brutality, deindustrialization,
the War on Drugs, an imperfect judicial
system, and other factors contributed to the
Los Angeles rebellion. During the rebellion,
the American military and the California
National Guard came about to end the
conflict. There were about 63 deaths, 2,383
injuries, and about 12,111 people arrested
during the 1992 LA rebellion.

After the 1992 rebellion, many things

This year is exactly 30 years after the 1992 Los Angeles rebellion. I remember
changed. Life is more complex in the world
those events like yesterday. I was in the 3rd grade during elementary school
(there is a lower African American population
when it happened. The events in 1992 that happened in Los Angeles were
in California in general now in 2022 than in
decades in the making. During the 2nd Great Migration (from 1940-1970),
1992. We have economic inequality that has
millions of African Americans traveled from the South into the Midwest and
the West Coast (in cities like Los Angeles, San Diego, Seattle, San Francisco, not decreased. Also, hate crimes have
etc.). Many black people wanted to leave the oppression of Jim Crow increased now than 5 years ago against
black people, Asian people, and other human
apartheid, but they ironically found racism, police brutality, and economic
beings), and we have a long way to go in
oppression in the West Coast too. Racism and bigotry aren't limited to one
achieving what we desire which is justice for
region. It's found globally like a disease. Many police officers act as occupying
all. As a black human being, I always believe
forces, and the prison industrial complex have ruined the lives of many black
in black liberation too.
people. The rebellion also dealt with the Asian and Latino communities too.
The rebellion existed after four officers were acquitted in their arrest and
unjust assault of Rodney King.
The picture above showed the first government delegation to Ukraine since the beginning
of the invasion, the prime ministers of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovenia met with
Zelenskyy in Kyiv on March 15, 2022. I have made my views on the Russian invasion of
Ukraine clear. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a war crime, evil, and an attempt by the
far-right reactionary Vladimir Putin to form an imperialistic empire like the Tsars of old.
This war is about an inter-imperialistic conflict between the West (with NATO) and Russia.
The Ukrainian people have every right to defend their nation against Russian aggression.
I don’t support a no-fly zone over Ukraine which could cause WWIII. We support protests
in Russia against Putin’s war. The only long-term solution is peace, help sent to refugees,
the growth of an independent Ukraine, and the end of the Russian invasion completely.

The only solution is really independent, progressive solutions. Strong labor unions are part of human
existence that should exist. We should have a living wage, fair working hours, the abolishment of child
labor, pensions, and watchdog groups to monitor banks and corporations. There must be a strong social
safety net like Social Security. Education should be accessible by any human being. There should be
taxation on the super wealthy which is fair. Also, economic justice won’t exist without racial justice. We
are clear that any human being of any color should be treated with dignity and with respect. A vital
commandment is to treat our neighbors as ourselves. That means immigrants and migrants too.

The actor Mathew McConaughey gave an emotional speech about the necessity to advance responsible
gun regulations. The events in Buffalo, Uvalde, and other places of America prove to us that we need a
change. Record mass shootings in America alone in 2022 is unacceptable. The status quo doesn't cut it,
and the status quo have caused the deaths of numerous human beings. For a GOP Senator saying that
South Dakotans need AR-15s to shoot prairie dogs outlines his lies and insensitivity to the victims of gun
violence. An AR-15 will cause a prairie dog to die in mere seconds brutally. Matthew talked about the
victims being so completely mutilated by the high-powered weapon that shoes and DNA evidence had
to be used to identify some of the victims. Matthew wants to raise the age of owning an AR-15s to 21,
red flag laws, the existence of federal background checks, and other legitimate regulations. Some human
beings want an assault weapons ban too. The viciousness of far-right extremists and the NRA is
horrendously clear. It is the height of hypocrisy for the NRA to ban weapons in their convention at
Houston when Trump gave his speech, but the NRA wanted near unconditional ownership of weapons
without regulations at all. This gun violence epidemic is real, and gun safety measures have nothing to
do with harming or eliminating the Second Amendment. It has to do with saving lives and promoting a
sane, safe, and progressive society. Black liberation is a legitimate goal that I subscribe to as a black
human being. After these decades of me living on this Earth, I have maintained my core convictions. I
have never given up, and I believe in justice and equality for all. I will mention more information on this
Mysteries of Life series as well.

By Timothy
My Core Convictions
“You don’t have to live next to me. Just Give me my
BEAUTIFUL -Nina Simone

The Protection of Civil Environmental Justice The Freedom of The Rejection of

Liberties Speech, Press, and Tyranny and the
Religion Rejection of Fascism

Equality for all Advancing the General Economic Justice Racial Justice
Welfare (and a Social
Safety Net)
We won’t stop, because we won’t too.
There will be more information about
these issues shown too.

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