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Project Proposal

Being part of the recruitment team for the clinic definitely has its challenges. Trying to

find the right people and hoping that they don’t screen fail can be very difficult. We try to make

sure that the participants enrolled are representative of Atlanta and the surrounding areas. I want

to analyze our past recruitment efforts and use the data to improve future efforts. I also want to

create a Facebook page or website that people can visit and see the ongoing studies we have,

upcoming studies, general information about our clinic, and a survey they can fill out if they are

interested in participating in a study. This will overall help us immensely for future recruitment,

by knowing what areas we need to work on being more present about recruiting for our studies

and have the ability to see from the interest forms who would be a good candidate for the studies.

Goal #1: Gather feedback and collect data from current participants about recruitment.

Objective #1: Create an anonymous survey for enrolled participants to fill out asking

how they heard about the clinic/studies, other places they would have heard about the

clinic/studies, has the pandemic played a part in looking for research studies, and other feedback


Objective #2: Send the survey to participants either via email or have them scan a QR

code when they come to the clinic.

Objective #3: Organize responses from the anonymous survey by multiple factors. Some

factors are age range, sex, race, general location, and the study they are a part of.

Objective #4: Analyze the data to figure out the areas that need more work when we start

recruitment for future studies.

Goal #2: Have a general information page about the clinic where people can go for updates and

interest forms.

Objective #1: Create a webpage or redo the Facebook page to become a resource for

people to go to.

Objective #2: Create a general interest survey through RedCap or another trusted


Objective #3: Link the survey to the page for people to fill out.

Objective #4: Continuously update the page to keep people informed about what studies

we are doing and general information.

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