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Habit Formation

and Learning in
Young Children
Dr. David Whitebread and Dr. Sue Bingham
University of Cambridge
2 Section Habit Formation and
Learning in Young Children

Introduction 3 Interventions to support acquisition of
counting concepts 18
Section 1: How do children learn and develop 4
Conservation 18
The acquisition of knowledge 4
Interventions to support acquisition of
Imitation 5
conservation concepts 18
Statistical or inductive learning 5
Concepts of exchange and equivalence 18
Controlling cognitive processes 5
Interventions to support acquisition of concepts
Metacognition 7 of exchange and equivalence 19
Language 8 Concepts of ‘earning’ and ‘income’ 19
Motivation 9 Interventions to support acquisition of concepts
of ‘earning’ and ‘income’ 19
Section 2: Who are the relevant infuencers
and what are their roles in developing The Development of Executive Functions 20
children’s behaviour? 10
Abilities to plan ahead 20
Parenting practices and parenting styles 10
Interventions to support making the concept
Teacher influences 11 of ‘future’ more tangible 20
Peer influences 12 Interventions to support giving children
experiences in choice-making 20
Media influences 12
Teachers 22
Advertising 14
School interventions shown to foster executive
Section 3: What can parents/caregivers
function development in young children 22
and teachers do to encourage positive habits
of self-regulation in young children and support Media literacy training 23
their financial understanding? 16
Conclusion 24
Parent/caregiver education 16
References 25
Shaping young children’s financial behaviours 16
Interventions to support young children’s financial
cognitive development 17
Counting 17
Habit Formation and Introduction 3
Learning in Young Children


Helping people to manage their money better is

at the heart of the Money Advice Service business
plan for 2013/14. To be able to do this we need
to have a deep understanding of habits that can
impact on financial capability later in life. This
report aims to provide insight and ideas about
how to prepare the next generation to manage
their money. It will also form part of a wider research
programme, into all aspects of financial capability.
In this review, the term ‘habit’ is widened from the
commonplace definition meaning an oft-repeated
action or an established practice or custom requiring
little thought (such as brushing one’s hair or adding
sugar to one’s coffee) to mean unconscious mental
propensities or processes, revealed as behavioural
tendencies and dispositions as the child engages
with the events and challenges of everyday life.
Such ‘habits of mind’ theoretically also require
little or no effort on the part of the child to initiate
or sustain them and would include inclinations to Basic cognitive processes include:
take responsible risks, persistence, manage nn I mitation - children learning through their
impulsivity and think ‘outside the box’ when in observations; and
problem-solving situations. In their book The
Habits of Mind (2008), psychologists Costa and nn I nduction - children detecting patterns in
Kallik describe how such habits of mind may be their experiences and constructing their
cultivated in children (or ‘habits of thought’, as conceptual knowledge of the world.
John Dewey originally referred to them). They
show how children can be taught, at home and their thinking, remembering and problem-solving.
at school, how to ‘habituate’ effective problem- These processes are relevant and fundamental
solving strategies and techniques into their mental to the whole range of the child’s development,
repertoire so that they develop the propensity for including their emotional and social abilities and
skilful problem-solving in a variety of life settings. behaviours.
Within the first section of this report, we explain In the second section we investigate the key
how various cognitive and metacognitive processes ‘influences’ in children’s habit-of-mind formation
emerge within the young child before the age of and how they have an effect, as revealed through
seven years, enabling them to learn about the the child’s externalised behaviours. Then, in the
world and their specific environment, and to develop final section, we discuss the evidence that these
as learners. mental processes and dispositions can be taught
and practised, so that they become habitual ways
We then go on to examine how, within these early
of working towards thoughtful, purposeful, self-
years of life, growing self-awareness in the child
regulated action in facing the challenges of life.
leads to self-regulation, the ability to take increased
control of their own mental processing, including
4 Section 1: How do young Habit Formation and
children learn and develop? Learning in Young Children

Section 1: How do young

children learn and develop?

In contemporary developmental psychology,

children’s learning is seen as being limited only
by their lack of experience and accumulated
knowledge. Increasingly sophisticated
technologies for observation have been developed,
enabling the systematic gathering of psychological
data relating to young children’s behaviours and
actions, and enabling complex analysis of their
patterns and tendencies. New environments may
pose challenges in that a young child’s lack of
experience may make it difficult for them to see
the relevance and priorities of a situation and to
work out the best way to proceed. When these
are made clear by the context and through the
guidance of significant others (eg: parents, carers,
teachers, older siblings) however, children’s
potential for learning is extraordinary. What
develops through the early years of learning is the
child’s knowledge base, their metacognition (i.e.
their awareness of and ability to control their own As the child interacts within their environment in
cognitive activity) and their abilities to self-regulate, their daily lives, they observe dynamic interactions
as described in the following sections. The between people and objects and their brains
development of language is central to the whole attempt to make meaning of it all. They do this by
process as a symbolic and abstract system. constructing a series of cause-and-effect
explanations about the structure and functions of
The acquisition of knowledge the things they perceive, attempting either to
Developmental cognitive neuroscience assimilate or accommodate the new experiences
experiments have established that many into their existing ‘categorical framework’ or making
fundamental processes which underpin thinking, new categories in their search for further features
reasoning and learning are present and fully that make category members similar or different.
functioning at birth or become available within An intrinsic and active desire to understand their
the first 4-5 years of life (Goswami, 2008). During environment, to be in active control of their own
this period, the brain increases in size fourfold experiences and to make relationships with other
largely as a consequence of a rapid increase in children and adults leads to an amassing of
the number of synaptic connections between knowledge about the causes and effects of what
neurons in the cerebral cortex. Whilst there is is perceived around them. Thus, young children’s
no doubt that there are genetic and physiological fundamental assumptions about the structure of
differences between brains, the evidence their world and about the underlying nature of its
suggests that each child’s development and categories crucially depend on their experiences.
learning are highly dependent upon the type of
physical and social environment in which they
live, since these synaptic connections arise from
and are selectively adapted by the child’s specific
Habit Formation and Section 1: How do young 5
Learning in Young Children children learn and develop?

Imitation to make sense of a new experience or new

information related to a separate context. This
Young children are proficient at learning through
capacity to transfer learning or ‘generalise’ from
imitation from a very early age. Since the late 1970s,
one situation to another, explains how children
Meltzoff and colleagues have been investigating
adapt to new situations, and start to tackle new
evidence of infants imitating both facial and manual
challenges and problems (e.g. Chen & Siegler,
gestures, highlighting the complex physical and
neural activity involved in even simple imitation.
There is now evidence to suggest that this is
achieved by the ‘mirror neuron’ system (Rizzolatti
The general propensity for inductive
and Craighero, 2004); the same neurons fire both
learning also explains why learning
when an individual observes another person
from experience, particularly for young
performing a particular action as when they
children, is always more powerful than
perform the action themselves. This system seems
learning through instruction.
to underpin imitative behaviours and is also
important in explaining how we understand others’
minds and intentions, and how we empathise with These processes of inductive learning are active
others’ emotional states. Furthermore, humans as the child proceeds through early childhood,
are able not only to imitate current observed relying upon appropriately motivating and
behaviours, but also to defer reproducing the stimulating social interactions as the child starts
behaviour until a later point in time since we are to acquire speech. In trying to make sense of
able to mentally represent objects and events in everyday events, the young child hears adults
our memory. This ability again appears to be using words to label objects, events and actions.
present from an early age, and to develop rapidly Knowledge of words is important for the child’s
in very young children (eg. Meltzoff, 1988). As a cognitive development because they constitute
consequence, as we review in a later section, symbols; a word represents an object or an action,
modelling of behaviours by adults is a powerful but it is not the object or the event itself. This
means of supporting learning in children. facility for symbolic representation allows objects
or events which are not currently perceived to be
Statistical or inductive learning imagined in the child’s mind. This facilitates
A second learning process which is in place from reflection upon the past and planning for the
birth is statistical or inductive learning, namely the future. Ways to help make the future tangible for
process by which patterns and regularities in the children are discussed in a later section.
stream of experience are identified. Inductive
learning underpins the ways in which the human Controlling cognitive processes
visual and auditory systems develop (Kirkham, The development of mental propensities and
Siemmer and Johnson, 2002) and so clearly forms processes and their associated behaviours during
the foundation of a very large part of human early childhood involves not only constructing a
learning. It accounts for how young children learn bank of knowledge, but becoming able to use
language with such ease and speed, how they that knowledge appropriately to solve problems,
form concepts and detect categories from their to reason and plan. The faculties required to
experience and how they seem so ready and able control the use and application of knowledge are
to understand causal relationships between called executive functions within the psychology
events. Once a child has actively constructed literature. It is the development of the following
patterns from their experience through these basic executive functions which influence
inductive reasoning processes, they start to apply children’s abilities to apply their knowledge in
the patterns identified and learnt in the first context
6 Section 1: How do young Habit Formation and
children learn and develop? Learning in Young Children

various situations, to control their cognitive, Several complex attentional flexibility tasks have
emotional and motivational processes, and to been developed in which the child is asked to
learn intentionally. initially follow a rule (eg: press the button when
you see a red shape) and then switch to a new
The most important executive functions include
or opposite rule (eg: press the button when you
(Miyake, Friedman, Emerson, Witzki and Howerter,
see a triangle). Virtually every study that has
looked at this and similar tasks has found age
Inhibition - being able to restrain one’s instinctive differences from 3 to 5 years in children’s ability
reactions to switch to the new rule (Carlson, 2005; Carlson
and Moses, 2001; Carlson, Moses and Breton,
 flexibility in applying ideas or rules
2002; Carlson, Moses, and Claxton, 2004; Cole
 memory, the ability to hold information and Mitchell, 2000; Dowsett and Livesey, 2000;
in mind while processing it. Jones Rothbart and Posner, 2003). Carlson’s
Each of these functions is vital to the processes (2005) data indicate that this ability develops
whereby children develop the metacognitive and quickly at 3 years of age: Whereas only 51% of
self-regulatory abilities which enable them to young 3s pass this task, the number jumps to
become effective learners. 76% for older 3s (Carlson, 2005), suggesting a
sudden increase in the ability to coordinate
Within the last decade, there has been much inhibition and activation during this age period.
developmental research into young children’s More difficult versions of initiating–suppressing
executive functioning and how these basic tasks includes ‘games’ like Simon Says (Murray
processes enable flexible learning (Kochanska, and Kochanska, 2002), which are challenging
Barry, Jiminez, Hollatz and Woodard, 2008; Zelazo even for 4 and 5 year-olds. Such tasks are made
Muller, Frye and Marcovitch, 2003). Inhibitory difficult by increasing the prepotency of the
control is defined as the increasingly habituated dominant response. For example, Simon Says
capacity to plan, to purposefully control impulses involves inhibiting an action that the experimenter
and to suppress inappropriate behaviours both tells the child to do and demonstrates.
(Rothbart, Ahadi and Hardy, 1994). One task used Children also show a large improvement on this
to measure inhibitory control in young children task at 3 years, with 24% of young 3s, 42% of
requires them to delay gratification of a desire, by older 3s, and 67% of young 4s passing the task
suppressing a ‘prepotent’ (pre-existing and ready) (Carlson, 2005).
response. The child is required to choose between
a small reward now and a larger reward for later. Working memory is the brain system for short-
Cross-sectional studies have found age differences term retention of both visual and speech
in the number of children who choose to delay information enabling the recall of past events and
for a larger reward from 3 to 5 years (Lemmon planning for the future. It comprises a limited
and Moore, 2001; Lemmon and Moore, 2007). space in the brain which can hold information on
Not only do 4 year-olds choose the delayed, larger a temporary basis while it is processed for use in
option more often, but their choices also reflect other cognitive tasks, such as reasoning,
a consideration of size differences between the comprehension and learning (eg. Gathercole,
immediate and delayed options (Lemmon and Pickering, Ambridge and Wearing, 2004). It is
Moore, 2007). termed working memory as information is not
merely stored, but is actively processed and
Habit Formation and Section 1: How do young 7
Learning in Young Children children learn and develop?

restructured in relation to existing knowledge. It Metacognition

is these processes which enable the powerful
Learning to learn is not a single phenomenon or
inductive learning from experience which we see
skill, but a group of practices that enhance an
in young children. The ability to hold a
individual’s capacities to learn. In his work on
representation of information in mind over a time
learning about learning, Watkins (2001) suggests
delay develops before 6 months of age (Pelphrey
that learning to learn consists of several different
and Reznick, 2002). Capacity continues to
entities, namely:
increase beyond the preschool years (Luciana,
2003; Rasmussen and Bisanz, 2005). More Making
 learning an object of attention
complex working memory abilities include the
updating or manipulating of these information Making learning an object of conversation
representations, which develop in the second Making
 learning an object of reflection
year and throughout the preschool period (Alloway,
Making learning an object of learning.
Gathercole, Willis and Adams, 2004; Gathercole,
1998). During the preschool period, children Above all these entities, at the core of learning to
gradually become able to hold more items in mind, learn, is metacognition. Individuals think, but they
and for longer periods of time (Pelphrey and also think about their thinking. They learn, but
Reznick, 2002); the evidence suggests they also need to learn about their learning.
improvement in the storage of both auditory Metacognition is the word used to describe this
information and visual–spatial information (Bull, ability; the capacity to monitor, assess, control
Espy, Senn, 2004; Espy and Bull, 2005; Ewing- and change how one thinks and learns. So,
Cobbs, Prasad, Landry and Kramer, 2004; phrased less formally, learning to learn involves
Gathercole, 1998; Kemps, Rammelaere and reflecting upon one’s learning and purposefully
Desmet, 2000; Luciana, 2003). applying the results of one’s reflections to further
Studies which assess the correlation between
language and executive functions in preschoolers It incorporates:
have generally found positive correlations between Understanding the demands made by a
measures of executive function and verbal ability specific learning task
in preschool children (Razza, 2007; Carlson et al.,
2004; Muller, Zelazo, and Imrisek, 2005). Particularly Knowing about intellectual processes and
striking are the high correlations between verbal how they work
ability and tasks assessing attentional flexibility, Evaluating and generating strategies that are
the ability to switch from one pattern of behaviour the most suited to cope with the task
or method of working to another (Hongwanishkul,
Happaney, Lee, and Zelazo, 2005; Muller et al., Becoming more successful in selecting
2005; Perner, Lang, and Kloo, 2002). effective strategies to cope with the task.
When a child is faced by a new task or problem,
attempts different strategies, or ways of
proceeding, and ‘monitors’ how well they are
doing in order to complete or solve it, this is
regarded as a metacognitive experience.
8 Section 1: How do young Habit Formation and
children learn and develop? Learning in Young Children

Throughout development, as mental habits of self-talk, or as a tool for “thinking out loud.” Initially,
mind and consequent behaviours are being self-talk continues to function as a tool of social
formed, the accumulated metacognitive interaction, used in the presence of others and
knowledge derived from previous metacognitive diminishing when the child is alone. However, it
experiences leads to increasingly efficient gradually becomes a method for directing and
performance. It also ensures that cognitive effort regulating the child’s own behaviour as, by around
on an activity is increasingly smoothly co- 7 years of age, their speech becomes increasingly
ordinated, automatic and efficient, as it becomes internalised and transforms into thought, thus
more familiar and practised. Some of this allowing for self-regulated, conscious functioning
processing is conscious (mostly when unfamiliar on current tasks. Children use this as a technique
tasks are attempted) but much metacognitive for controlling both action and thought to reflect
activity happens completely without conscious on the reasons and motivations for their own
awareness. In these ways specific tendencies or behaviour (Winsler and Naglieri, 2003). Further,
dispositions become habituated into the child’s having verbal labels allows the child to keep two
mental frame of reference, observable in their things in mind at once, and being able to remember
behaviours in approaching further activities. verbal instructions enables staying on track in the
The significance of a child’s ability to monitor and task (Gordon and Olson, 1998).
regulate their own cognitions, and to develop
increasingly sophisticated metacognitive
Language also assists the young child’s
capabilities, has been demonstrated empirically
developing capacities to reflect and plan
across a wide range of human development and
by facilitating their mental consideration
areas of the educational curriculum. This includes,
of alternatives before taking action. As
for example, reasoning and problem-solving
an aid to memory, language helps the
(Kean, 2010), mathematics (de Corte, Verschaffel,
child refer backwards in time or project
Eynde, 2003), reading and text comprehension
forwards into the future, enhancing
(Maki and McGuire, 2002), memory (Reder,
learning from past experience for future
Angstadt, Cary, Ayers and Erickson, 2002) and
motor development (Sangster-Jokic and
Whitebread, 2011). It has also been well
established for quite some time that children with It also facilitates the construction, reconstruction
learning difficulties commonly exhibit metacognitive and recombination of material in memory to form
deficits (Sugden, 1989). new concepts, ideas and solutions to problems
(Zimmerman and Schunk, 2001).
Language As the higher level processing and control systems
Developing metacognitive or ‘self-regulatory’ of the brain mature and children’s processing
abilities have been found to be crucially dependent skills become more sophisticated and efficient,
on language development. Although language they are increasingly capable of reflection on their
starts off as being a tool for social interaction, own thinking processes. Astington and Pelletier
from around 3 years of age the child begins to (2005) argue that talking about the mind focuses
guide their own behaviour by using language in the child’s attention on explicit mental explanations
Habit Formation and Section 1: How do young 9
Learning in Young Children children learn and develop?

of behaviour, introducing them to a vocabulary of This includes work related to:

terms for unseen and abstract concepts such as
thoughts, feeling, ideas, memories, and so forth ‘self-efficacy’ (Bandura, 2001); children’s belief
that they can improve their abilities through
that are inaccessible to direct observation. Work
effort, leading to a ‘mastery’ frame-of-mind
by Schraw and Sinatra (2004) reveals that this
understanding begins to develop in early interest (Dweck, 2000); leading to engagement
childhood; 3-4 year olds are able to use simple and involvement frames-of-mind
verbs for mental operations correctly (e.g. knowing,
learning, remembering), but more complex ‘self-determination’ (Ryan and Deci 2000);
the satisfaction of children’s needs for feelings
concepts (such as estimating, believing, predicting)
of competence, autonomy and ‘relatedness’
are still difficult for children at age 6 years. The
(positive social relationships).
development of conscious awareness of cognitive
processing marks an important advance in A further psychological process, which is a facet
metacognitive control. Children who are capable of self-regulation related to children’s awareness
of metacognitive control can now learn to direct and control of their emotions, is behavioural
and monitor their learning, thinking and problem- appraisal, a mental practice that enables the
solving activities more reliably and independently. analysis and re-organisation of their behaviour at
They can become “responsible” for their own will. The controlling of excitement, the appropriate
learning and thinking, as well as their behaviour, expression of emotion and the assessment of
in significant ways, which form the foundations related behaviours constitute an important part
for their development as self-regulating learners. of self-regulated functioning by young children
and a large body of research has related emotion
regulation to social competence (e.g. Eisenberg,
Motivation Spinrad and Morris, 2002).
However, importantly, underpinning the
employment of both cognitive and metacognitive These developments in metacognition, language
processes within any learning context are the and motivational awareness and control in the
child’s motivation and levels of self-confidence. first 7 years enable children to start to learn
The child’s beliefs about the intrinsic value of any deliberately, as they are required to do in formal
learning activities they undertake, their emotional education.
responses to the activities (i.e. feelings of
competency as they approach the learning), their
level of interest and the activity’s relevance to However, it would be a mistake to delay
them on a personal level, will all be factors introducing children to important ideas
influencing their motivation. until this stage is reached. As we have
seen, important learning can take place
A range of empirical studies have confirmed the through experience and in playful
relationships between cognitive and motivational contexts in younger children, both in
aspects of self-regulation. Schunk and their own independent activity and
Zimmerman’s (2008) edited collection contains through interaction with adults.
reviews of much of the significant work in this
10 Section 2: Who are the relevant influencers and what Habit Formation and
are their roles in developing children’s behaviour? Learning in Young Children

Section 2: Who are the relevant

influencers and what are their roles in
developing children’s behaviour?
Vygotsky’s (1978) theoretical model of human
development and learning, socio-constructivism,
is characterised by the belief that self-learning
comes about through exploration, interaction and
reflection. These are key elements of the learning
process evolving from the child’s critical curiosity
within a co-operative learning framework (Schaffer,
2004). In essence, development occurs through
a process of engagement and participation in
relationships with trusted and caring others who
model psychological propensities and processes,
and provide opportunities for practising them in
real-life situations. Such influential social
interactions occur with parents or other caregivers,
teachers and peers.

Parenting practices and

parenting styles
Parenting practices are defined as particular
behaviours that parents use to prepare their child
to adapt to a particular social group. For example, Parenting style, on the other hand, can be seen
when socialising their children to succeed in as the emotional climate in which a child is raised.
school, parents might practise particular habits Parenting styles have been characterised by
with them, such as doing homework together, as dimensions of parental responsiveness and
well as providing their children with time to read ‘demandingness’ (Baumrind, 1971), which interact
and the materials with which to work, and to produce four broad categories of parenting:
attending school functions (Pino Pasternak and
Whitebread, 2010). Constructs such as levels of
High parent Low parent
parental involvement, parental monitoring and
responsiveness responsiveness
parental goals, values and aspirations in relation
to their child’s education are affected by a range High parent Authoritative; Authoritarian;
of factors, including socio-economic status (SES). ‘demandingness’
negotiating rules and telling child what to do
guidance whilst having and rigidly enforcing
high expectations of rules
the child

Low parent Indulgent; Negligent;

Allowing child to do Disregarding the child
whatever they wish
Habit Formation and Section 2: Who are the relevant influencers and what 11
Learning in Young Children are their roles in developing children’s behaviour?

Parenting style is largely based on the influence clear and conscious goals, or ‘classroom rules’.
of one’s own parents and culture, as well as being They are expected to delay, defer and accept
affected by both the parents’ and children’s changes without becoming aggressive or
temperaments (Whitebread and Basilio, 2012). disorganised by frustration, and cope well with
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the evidence consistently high arousal, whether due to environmental
finds that the ‘authoritative’ parenting style is challenge or fatigue (Sroufe, 1995). As this
associated with a range of positive academic and socialisation proceeds during the Reception year,
well-being outcomes (eg. Grolnick, 2009). Early teachers begin to shift control to the child in age
sensitive parenting is associated with higher level and skill appropriate ways; this social competence
of children’s general abilities to regulate their requires emotion self-regulation and social
cognitive functioning (Lugo-Gill and Tamis- knowledge, pre-dispositions and specific social
LeMonda, 2008), their emotional behaviours skills (Katz and McClellan, 1997). By the age of
(Sroufe, 1996) and with a well-regulated stress seven years, teachers require the child to exhibit
physiology (Gunnar and Quevedo, 2008). increasingly sophisticated aspects of social
competence, such as overcoming shyness
Parenting practices and styles in relation to their
(Coplan and Armer, 2005) improved social skills
children’s activities in the early years have a
such as appropriate eye contact and knowing
powerful influence upon the child’s cognitive ability
when to start, prolong and curtail a conversation,
(e.g. Melhuish et al, 2001, 2008; Grolnick and
for example, as well as the ability to inhibit negative
Ryan, 1989). Practices such as reading and using
behaviours (e.g., aggression) and to comply
complex language, as well as dispositions such
increasingly with classroom display rules (Porges,
as responsiveness and warmth in interactions are
2003). Teachers of seven year old children and
all associated with improved developmental
beyond have low tolerance for behaviourally
outcomes (Bradley, 2002). Such practices and
disordered children who do not exhibit appropriate
dispositions may not only support the child to
social behaviour; they interact with these children
acquire skills directly, but also thereby develop
in a more negative, critical, and punishing manner
their motivation and disposition towards learning
(Coie and Koeppl, 1990).
in general (eg. Grolnick, 2009; Melhuish, 2010;
Love et al, 2005). The implications of this work Several observational studies of early years and
for parenting classes are discussed in a later primary school classrooms have identified
section. characteristics of classroom environments which
impact upon children’s developing self-regulatory
Teacher influences abilities. For example, Perry (1998) observed 2nd
and 3rd grade classrooms in Canada (6-8 year
Several studies have examined how children’s olds) doing literacy activities over a period of six
dispositions and behaviours in school relate to months. Based on her observations she identified
the quality of the pupil-teacher relationship. two different types of classrooms: High and Low
Throughout the challenging and novel school self-regulated learning (SRL) classrooms.
environment to which the child must adjust from
as early as 3 years of age, when they enter a High-SRL classrooms were characterised by
nursery school or class, a high quality pupil- challenging and open-ended writing activities;
teacher relationship supports the child through opportunities for children to control the level of
offering praise, encouragement, guidance, and challenge and opportunities for them to engage
discipline (Pianta, Steinberg and Rollins, 1995). in self-assessment; autonomy support through
Over the course of the academic year spent in strategy instruction and encouragement of a
Reception (4-5 years old), teachers expect children mastery-oriented approach fostering positive
to be able to increasingly regulate their frames of feelings towards challenge and emphasising
mind and behaviours appropriately in line with personal progress and mistakes as opportunities
12 Section 2: Who are the relevant influencers and what Habit Formation and
are their roles in developing children’s behaviour? Learning in Young Children

for learning. In contrast, in Low-SRL classrooms By 3 to 4 years of age, the majority of both boys’
children were more likely to be engaged in and girls’ social interactions are with members of
restricted types of activities with limited choices. the same gender (Fabes, Shepard, Guthrie and
Evaluation procedures were mainly controlled by Martin, 1997; Maccoby and Jacklin, 1987). Cross-
the adult and were similar for all students cultural research also confirms the prevalence of
emphasising performance and triggering social this pattern of social interaction (e.g., Carter, 1987).
comparison. Students in the High-SRL classrooms Through the primary school years the proportion
were more able than the students in the Low-SRL of same-gender peer preferences increases; for
classrooms to engage in systematic and strategic example, Maccoby and Jacklin (1987) reported
approaches towards the tasks, operating in a that 6 1/2 year-olds interacted with same-gender
flexible way and seeking assistance appropriately. peers 11 times more often than they interacted
Further, while the students in the High-SRL with other-gender peers.
classrooms showed prevalence of a mastery-
oriented approach (i.e. children showing intrinsic
Media Influences
motivation to engage with challenging tasks) which
was evident even in students with low ability, the In the UK, fouteen years ago, 63% of all children
students in the Low-SRL classrooms were more aged 2–18 years had a television in their bedroom,
prone to avoid engagement in challenging tasks with substantial proportions of 2-4 year olds (26%)
and to show motivational vulnerabilities (i.e. quickly and 5-7 year olds (39%) enjoying such freedom
giving up when faced with a difficulty or challenge) (Livingston and Bovill, 1999) to spend an average
Perry, Vandekamp, Mercer and Nordby, 2002). of 2½ hours each day watching TV. The Young
Significantly, the evidence further suggests that People New Media survey (Livingstone, 2002;
well self-regulated children are relatively immune Livingstone and Bovill, 2001) showed that in British
from the effects of different classroom children’s bedrooms, around the same time, 21%
environments. Poorly self-regulated children, on of 6-17 year olds had a video recorder, while 34%
the other hand, are much more dramatically had TV-linked games. Just a few years on, the
affected. ‘UK Children Go Online’ project, in updating this
work, found that 19% had internet access in their
bedroom (Livingstone and Bober, 2005). Clearly,
Peer influences the current position is likely to have developed
Success in establishing friendships is a central even further.
issue in development during the early years period
The results of several studies support the
and depends upon a child’s ability to develop an
hypothesis that childhood television viewing may
attitude of negotiation and reciprocity, to regulate
contribute to the development of attention
emotions and control behaviour appropriately in
problems and suggest that the effects may be
relation to the peer group (Eisenberg, Hofer &
long-lasting (e.g. Landhuis et al., 2007); the
Vaughan, 2007). Simply being with other children
hypothesis has been that frequent changes in
is insufficient to create social competence (Clarke-
scenes and content disrupt young children’s ability
Stewart, Gruber and Fitzgerald, 1994); inadequate,
to sustain attention. A study by Christakis,
unsuccessful or aggressive patterns of interaction
Zimmerman and Di Giuseppe, 2004 found that
may continue into adolescence. Children under
early exposure to television during critical periods
the age of 7 years still frequently require adult
of synaptic development in the brain to be
assistance to inhibit impulses, solve social
associated with subsequent attentional problems
problems and to strengthen pro-social attitudes
and a re-analysis of longitudinal data collected
as well as accommodating peers’ individual
during the 1980s (Singer, Zuckerman and Singer,
differences, other children’s desires, suggestions
1980) found a small correlation between early
or needs and to cope with frustration (Katz and
television exposure at ages one and three years
McClellan, 1997).
Habit Formation and Section 2: Who are the relevant influencers and what 13
Learning in Young Children are their roles in developing children’s behaviour?

and subsequent symptoms of attention problems In 2012, Nesta commissioned the London
at age seven (Obel et al., 2004). In another study, Knowledge Lab (LKL) and Learning Sciences
early exposure to violent and non-educational Research Institute (LSRI), University of
entertainment programming was positively Nottingham, to analyse how technology has
associated with later symptoms of attention deficit been used in the UK education systems and
but exposure to educational television was not lessons from around the world, in order to
related to attentional problems (Mistry, Minkovitz, better understand the impact on learning
Strobino and Borzekowski, 2007). experiences. The researchers examined 1,022
academic papers, multiple blogs and reviews
Several studies have found that academic
from the UK, continental Europe, America
achievement is linked to early exposure to
and Asia. From this pool they identified 124
educational television programming (Bryant,
research and 86 teacher–led example cases
Alexander and Brown, 1983; Fisch, 2004); these
of innovation which were backed by sound
studies demonstrated immediate and potentially
evidence. Starting from a focus upon the
long-lasting effects of some educational
types of learning that children do in
programmes on problem-solving skills, especially
classrooms, (such as ‘learning through
for regular viewers of the programmes. Another
making’, ‘learning through enquiry’) the
extensive study reported that viewing educational
researchers asked whether technologies are
programming at age five was positively associated
making learning more effective. The report
with high school grades in English, maths, and
acknowledges that empirical evidence relating
science (Anderson et al, 2001); Early exposure to
to the ‘success’ of digital technology in
educational programming was also positively
classrooms is embryonic and that an early
linked with a range of other factors such as leisure
mistake, that of ‘putting the technology before
time reading and involvement in extracurricular
the pedagogy’ has led to technological
development for commercial reasons in some
Of course, there are dangers in attributing causal cases. Nonetheless, Decoding Learning
links from these studies of TV viewing and various (Luckin et al, 2012) finds evidence of much
measures of ability and achievement. It could high quality technology supporting effective
easily be, for example, that watching large amounts learning; that emerging technologies show
of ‘entertainment’ or ‘educational’ TV are the potential to have strong effects upon
associated with a range of other parenting and attainment when used to enhance and link
home environment factors, and it is these, rather proven learning practices; but that the overall
than the TV viewing per se, that have an influence potential of effective digital technologies in
on subsequent development. schools will be realised primarily through
innovative teaching practice. The report
concludes that success will come from
There is little evidence of significant commercial developers, researchers, teachers
success in improving children’s and learners working together to develop,
educational outcomes through the use test and spread imaginative new technologies
of digital technologies in schools, in (Luckin et al, 2012, p. 63).
spite of the fact that between 2007 and
2012 more than £1 billion was spent on
items ranging from interactive
whiteboards to tablets in classrooms.
14 Section 2: Who are the relevant influencers and what Habit Formation and
are their roles in developing children’s behaviour? Learning in Young Children

Advertising influences preschool and primary On the other hand, because of their
school-aged children on many levels, including increased spending power, children
the relatively immediate product-persuasion and youth have become a valuable
effects intended by the advertiser, as well as more target market for advertisers; web sites
cumulative types of influences that accrue from and other forms of new-media content
exposure to large numbers of commercials over specifically designed for teens and
time. Being able to recognise that advertisements children, have burgeoned in recent
differ from programmes appears to emerge early years.
on in development, but young children do not
realise that a message can portray only positive
There is growing criticism over the ways in which
information, whilst withholding negative
children’s rights to privacy may be violated by
information, in order to manipulate another’s
online advertising and unfair or deceptive practices
mental state (Aloise-Young, 1993; Bennett and
and concerns have been voiced relating to the
Yeeles, 1990). Further, there is evidence that
‘commercial’ dangers of the internet, such as the
young children do not question the authoritative
rise of user data–collection practices, and the
status of television messages, and the younger
migration of violent video games to on-line media.
the child is, the more likely they are to believe that
In the US, The Centre for Media Education has
advertisements always tell the truth (Oates, Blades
identified several new forms of online marketing
and Gunter, 2002).
practices targeted at children, including ‘branded
Dorr’s literature search (1986) found that it is only communities’ and ‘viral marketing’, and has
between 7 and 9 years of age that children expressed concern over the economic pressure
understand the persuasive intent of advertising. towards alliances between civic sites and
In a study by Gaines and Esserman (1981), only commercial ventures, believing that the increasing
1% of 4- to 5-year-olds realised that the goal of commercialization of the web could create a media
an advertisement was ‘‘to try and make you buy environment that may be harmful to children
things’’, rising to 28% in 6- to 8-year-olds. (Montgomery, 2001; Turow, 2000).
The explosive growth of the Internet is ushering Techniques are frequently employed to enhance
in a new digital media culture, but this emergence the appearance of a product of course, in digital
is seen by some as a double-edged sword for media and television advertisements – a fact which
children (Montgomery 2001). Children are adults understand and take into account when
embracing the new technologies much more assessing the product, but which young children
rapidly than adults, and it is possible that the before the age of 4 or 5 years are ‘taken in by’
power of digital technology could be harnessed (Bartsch and London, 2000). There is evidence
as a beneficial force in the lives of young people, that young children are heavily affected by product
opening up new opportunities for self-expression, factors and do not understand that appearances
learning, and community. can differ from reality (Flavell, Flavell, Gree and
Korfmacher, 1990). The ability to distinguish reality
on television from fantasy appears after the age
of 4 years (Berry and Keiko Asamen, 1993), by
which time children typically develop the
appropriate cognitive skills, including a ‘theory of
Habit Formation and Section 2: Who are the relevant influencers and what 15
Learning in Young Children are their roles in developing children’s behaviour?

A study by Pine and Nash (2002) found that broader sociological influence and it has been
increasing amounts of commercial television argued that advertising cultivates a materialistic
watched by young children were matched by an value system in young people (e.g. Baran, Mok,
increase in the overall amount of toys requested. Land, and Kang, 1989).
In other words, there is a general effect of
advertising on children’s desires and evidence of
young children’s susceptibility to the persuasive Children who are exposed to many
intent of commercials. However, with the exception adverts are thus educated about a
of two well-established products, there was an particular lifestyle and they learn
overall lack of a relationship between the branded certain attitudes related to the role or
products requested and the frequency of televised importance of money, what products
advertisements for them. Pine and Nash are needed, how they are to be used and
interpreted this to mean that advertisements may how products are supposed to make
not have an individual impact on the under-7s, them feel. Seen thus, materialism can
but may simply contribute to a general increase be defined as the view that products
in desire. and their acquisition are the basis for
More cumulative types of influences accrue from determining one’s personal worth.
exposure to large numbers of commercials over
time (APA report, 2001). Preference for one brand Material possessions become the source of
over another can result from exposure to seeing judgment by others as well as the source of one’s
a commercial just once (Resnik and Stern, 1977; own self-evaluation. In the US, Adler et al. (1980)
Goldberg and Gorn, 1978), although stronger found stronger materialistic values among fourth
effects are more likely to result from repeated to seventh graders who were heavy television
exposure (Gorn and Goldberg, 1982). Both Atkin viewers than among their lighter-viewing
(1978) and Galst and White (1976) found that the classmates. In addition, Bachmann, Roedder &
amount of television viewing was a significant Rao (1993) found that as children progress from
predictor of the frequency of children’s product- early childhood to adolescence, they develop an
purchase requests at the supermarket; 75% of awareness that peer groups are an important
all parent–child exchanges about products were influence in some types of product decisions.
child demands for merchandise advertised on
television. This pattern has been observed more
recently in other countries as well; Buijzen and However, children under 8 years had
Valkenburg (2000) reported that Dutch children’s not yet developed an understanding of
requests for Christmas gifts were significantly the social significance of using products
related to their television viewing and cross-cultural in different contexts, nor of the
research comparing families from Japan, England, difference between luxuries and
and the United States has demonstrated a positive necessities.
relationship between children’s amount of
television viewing and their product-purchase
requests (Robertson, Ward, Gatignon, & Klees,
1989). The cumulative impact from the amount
of advertising seen by children may exert far
16 Section 3: What can parents/caregivers and teachers do Habit Formation and
to encourage positive habits of self-regulation in young Learning in Young Children
children and support their financial understanding?

Section 3: What can parents/caregivers and

teachers do to encourage positive habits of self-
regulation in young children and support their
financial understanding?
Parent/Caregiver Education
In England, informal parent support is currently
provided by a variety of people such as lay
mothers, health visitors, social workers, teachers,
and nursery nurses. They either provide help and
advice on an ad hoc, demand-led basis or facilitate
informal support programmes. There are also
however more formal types of parent support
programmes, which aim to give parents the skills
to identify, define, and respond to problem
behaviour. These programmes often use a group
work approach and are relatively structured and
replicable. Parent education is a systematically
and conceptually based programme, intended to
impart information, awareness or skills to the
participants on aspects of parenting. It aims to
be both a solution to child behavioural problems
and a means to prevent progression to more
serious illness. Effective parenting programmes
seek to help parents develop skills in use, key parenting skills, and that these skills can
perceptiveness, responsiveness and flexibility be improved (Hutchings, Gardner and Lane, 2004).
(Scott, 2010). Interest in evidence-based parenting programs
Parenting programmes can be generally divided in the UK has increased in recent years as policy-
into two broad categories: makers seek proven and cost-effective methods
of improving child well-being (Klett-Davies,
relationship focussed approaches Skaliotis and Wollny, 2009).
behaviourist approaches.
Relationship-focussed approaches use techniques
Shaping young children’s
like active listening, understanding and financial behaviours
acknowledgement of a child’s feelings. Parents Initially, young children will participate in practices
are encouraged to use natural and commonsensical alongside their parents, teachers and significant
consequences to control children’s behaviour. others without really understanding their bases
Behavioural approaches are based on observable (Bodnar 2005; Roland-Levy 1990).
child behaviour and the environmental factors that
initiate and sustain behaviour patterns. Behavioural
programmes use specific techniques to reinforce Yet children, being essentially social
desirable behaviour and control undesirable learners, acquire cultural practices
behaviour, usually involving structured reward effortlessly and gradually assimilate
systems for ‘good’ behaviour. Randomised ‘‘values, attitudes, standards, norms,
controlled trials attest to the effectiveness of many knowledge, and behaviours that
of these parenting programmes in improving child contribute to [their] financial viability
outcomes and in treating conduct problems (Allen, and well-being’’ (Schuchardt et al., p.86,
2011). Such programmes are based on the 2009).
premise that many children develop problem
behaviours because parents lack, or inconsistently
Habit Formation and Section 3: What can parents/caregivers and teachers do 17
Learning in Young Children to encourage positive habits of self-regulation in young
children and support their financial understanding?

For example, when a child first receives ‘pocket Lau 1998; Roos et al. 2005). Social context also
money’, or first deposits money in a piggy shapes economic beliefs, attitudes, and values,
bank, he or she is probably being encouraged leading to different levels of knowledge and
and led by a significant adult (parent, financial behaviour (Bowman, 2010). The
grandparent) and it is the social and emotional delineation and abstraction of the specific set of
motivations for interaction which instigate these structures and processes involved in many
behaviours. financial behaviours may be attempted when
further cognitive maturation has been achieved.
The enjoyment of doing something
with the parent, the familiar habit of Interventions to support
the weekly shopping trip or the feeling young children’s financial
of mastery in participating in “adult” cognitive development
activities like going to the bank, provide
As we have seen, the ability of very young children
sufficient meaning and motive for
to understand concepts - including basic financial
young children.
concepts - is dependent upon their cognitive
development. Interventions and policies intended
It is suggested that interventions to introduce or to shape or ‘lever’ children’s habit formation, need
change young children’s financial behaviours to take into account the different level of cognition
should take advantage of such motivations. among young children, since pitched too high,
Children develop financial and economic they may have little educational impact or, at worst,
understanding when they have ‘‘personal may confuse or mislead children.
economic experiences’’ (Schug and Birkey 1985,
p. 41). For example, sources and amounts of
money that children control influence their learning By the age of seven years, several basic
(Doss Marlowe and Godwin, 1995; Furnham 1999; concepts relating broadly to later
Meeks 1998). If parents and teachers support ‘finance’ behaviours will typically have
and model specific decision-making, it is probable developed. These are outlined below.
that children will engage in the behaviour and
potentially develop such financial habits (Beutler
and Dickson 2008; Furnham and Argyle 1998).
Very young children can often be seen counting
In a wide-ranging review of financial objects in a set more than once and either
socialization in families, Rettig and stopping arbitrarily or not knowing when to stop.
Mortenson (1986) found evidence that Between 2 and 3 years of age, children are able
children learn from observation, to distinguish counting words from other labelling
instruction, and practice. terms (Wynne, 1990) and by four, many children
are able to express counting concepts (Gelman
Although young children under the age of seven and Merk, 1986) such as one-to-one
years are unlikely to develop sophisticated correspondence (understanding that when
understanding or conceptions about the counting a set of objects, each object needs to
processes underpinning such practices, they do be counted); stable order (knowing that numbers
develop a limited understanding relating to why are stated in the same order all the time); order
they are done, and how they are effective (Holden, irrelevance (the order does not matter as long as
Kalish, Scheinholtz, Dietrich and Novak, 2009).; each object is counted once; abstraction (that
18 Section 3: What can parents/caregivers and teachers do Habit Formation and
to encourage positive habits of self-regulation in young Learning in Young Children
children and support their financial understanding?

anything can be counted as long as the items in Interventions to support

the set can be distinguished) and cardinality that
the last number stated/counted represents the
acquisition of
total number in the set. A child can usually conservation concepts
understand the concept of ‘equals’ by the age of Children need executive function improvement to
five years. inhibit their erroneous intuitive perceptual
responses and acquire the conservation principle
Interventions to support (Houdé and Guichart, 2001). Teachers and parents
acquisition of can support the development of children’s
counting concepts executive functions, especially their capacities to
inhibit, in ways described below.
Children are likely to gain knowledge about
counting through real world encounters; they are
often asked to count things (cakes on a plate, Concepts of exchange
chairs around the table etc.). Parents and teachers and equivalence
demonstrate counting for them. The principles Understanding money exchanges requires a sense
of counting are reinforced via these experiences of giving and receiving and of equivalence.
and so are new theories that children are Differentiating between ‘wants’ versus ‘needs’
constructing about numbers and counting. (and choosing between alternatives) is cognitively
Comparing two or more objects by one feature and emotionally demanding for very young children.
at a time is a useful game which teachers and Three to four year olds know what money is for
adults can play with young children (e.g. five year within a shopping context and can explain that it
olds). Using comparative language, such as is used to buy things, but are nonetheless seen
bigger/smaller or heavier/lighter, can help the child to handle and want to take goods without paying
isolate and contrast essential characteristics, (Berti & Bombi, 1988). With age and familiarity with
noticing similarities and differences. shopping situations, they become more aware of
‘prices’ and the rules that are involved in exchange.
Understanding money transactions requires an
By four to five years, children
understanding that value is not measured by coin
understand that they need to pay for
size; in other words, it is not the case that because
merchandise, but may not understand
a coin is bigger in physical size that it is also bigger
that coins have different values.
in value. If given the choice of 5 pennies or one
five pence piece, the very young child will probably
choose the 5 pennies because it seems ‘more’;
By five to six years of age, children understand
it is difficult for them to account for both amount
that some denominations do not carry enough
and relative worth of the coins at once. However,
value to buy some items. It is not until children
typically by the age of 7 years the child is able to
approach seven years of age that they begin to
cognitively ‘represent’ value.
understand money can be exchanged for goods
and that ‘change’ is returned by the shopkeeper
only when denominations larger than the cost of
the item are offered by the purchaser (Berti and
Bombi, 1988). Further abilities to ‘represent’ are
Habit Formation and Section 3: What can parents/caregivers and teachers do 19
Learning in Young Children to encourage positive habits of self-regulation in young
children and support their financial understanding?

required to understand that “money” and goods until children reach early adolescence. Younger
can be exchanged through credit cards and children especially are unlikely to understand an
cheques, which are not themselves the “money” allowance as a form of wage, although they become
behind the exchange but ‘represent’ value. aware that adults work for payment (a ‘wage’).
However, it is probably not until after the age of
seven that children begin to understand that Interventions to support
exchanges involve a set of unseen transactions
among other parties (de Clercq, 2009). acquisition of concepts of
‘earning’ and ‘income’
Interventions to support Talking about the different types of work that
acquisition of concepts of adults do, and the different amounts of money
exchange and equivalence that are awarded for different types of work, is a
valuable way to raise children’s awareness of
Since some young children have difficulties
‘earnings’. Allowing the child to take on small-
understanding that money needs to be ‘given up’
scale ‘jobs’ around the home for pocket money
in a transaction, it may be helpful for parents and
may be a method of adults bringing to life for
teachers to initiate situations in which the child is
children the concept of ‘earning’ money, or in
encouraged to use real money to make purchases
other words, giving up time and effort for a
– in order to teach the lesson that money can be
monetary reward. As children age, they have
spent only once. Often a young child might expect
more experiences in this realm, thus more
to have more sweets after buying and eating up
opportunities to fine-tune their understanding.
their packet, or they might expect to be able to
Children will probably experience an occasion on
change their minds about a purchase and have
which they themselves, or a parent, may not be
something different without paying out more
able to afford a particular purchase or else might
money for it. Parents can make special ‘one
not be able to obtain money when they require
pound’ shopping trips to reinforce this concept
it. ‘Window-shopping’ provides good opportunities
of exchange; giving the child one pound to spend
to discuss facts relating to not being able to afford
in the toy or sweet shop means that the child will
everything that is wanted, but that another
need to focus carefully on choosing which item
individual possibly can. These experiences
they really want, so they will not be disappointed
provide a salutary environment in which to reason
later – and then giving their pound up for it. That
about equality or inequality in the economic world
pound is then ‘gone for good’.
and perhaps even fairness or justness.

Concepts of ‘earning’
and ‘income’
Many children receive a regular “income” in the
form of ‘pocket money’ and thereby, many children’s
understanding of income is shaped by this cultural
practice. For young children, pocket money is often
seen as a sign of parental approval, or a way of
being kind; Yamamoto and Takahashi (2008) found
that the financial significance of ‘pocket money’ (i.e.
a grant of money) does not become understood
20 Section 3: What can parents/caregivers and teachers do Habit Formation and
to encourage positive habits of self-regulation in young Learning in Young Children
children and support their financial understanding?

The development of Interventions to support

Executive Functions making the concept of ‘future’
Until a child has reached a point of some more tangible
sophistication in the development of their executive Making the concept more concrete, by linking it
functions, they are unable to plan and delay to a meaningful event, such as a birthday or
gratification – two abilities at the root of financial holiday (Friedman, 2000), or conveying a near
concepts such as saving, for example. date as being a measurable number of ‘sleeps’
away in time helps parents and teachers to ground
Abilities to plan ahead the concept in terms that are more real for children.
A concept of ‘the future’ is fundamental to many
aspects of financial understanding. For example,
To help children ‘practise’ waiting until
the process of saving requires a child to have a
they have saved enough to be able to
sense of their future self that is different from, but
buy an object of desire, they may benefit
also an extension of their current self. Saving
from tangible activities such as making
relies upon an individual differentiating between
a savings chart, indicating how much
‘now’ versus ‘later’ as well as being able to delay
money has been saved (by, for example
their gratification, or in other words, being willing
colouring in some coins on the chart)
and able to decline a small reward in the present
and how many more need to be saved
for a larger reward in the future.
(remaining uncoloured).
Research has shown that children develop the
ability to differentiate the times of future events
Interventions to support
between the ages of 4 and 10 years, but 4-5 year
olds are very limited in being able to distinguish giving children experiences
future distances, confusing future events with in choice-making
events that have happened in the recent past and Several studies have found that children join in
not even giving longer estimates that are months simple ‘saving’ behaviours not because they
in the future than from events that will occur in understand the concepts behind this form of
the next days or weeks (Friedman, 2000). Seven ‘delay of gratification’, but because they enjoy
year olds are unable to judge future distances participating in an “adultlike” behaviour, or wish
beyond about one month but it seems that by to comply with parental expectations (e.g. Deci,
approximately eight years, when children typically Connell and Ryan 1989; Moller, Deci, Ryan, 2006).
become able to recite the months of the year in Several studies suggest that supporting young
sequence, they become able to consistently judge children in learning to exercise conscious control
the times of future months from different starting over their own decisions rather than ‘automatically’
points within the year. choosing the most immediate or attractive option,
can be successful – for example, Hom and Fabes
(1985) revealed specifically that if children are
involved in the decision-making process and
thereby understand the choices they have, for
example in relation to the type of reward to be
received afterwards, the act of delaying is
accomplished more successfully (and see Webley
Habit Formation and Section 3: What can parents/caregivers and teachers do 21
Learning in Young Children to encourage positive habits of self-regulation in young
children and support their financial understanding?

Several studies have shown that younger children money may have been saved up. Opportunities
can be helped to make choices in delay of to explain the bigger financial picture can be taken
gratification situations if they are taught strategies by parents in the daily decisions about how to
to help deal with the delay. Such findings offer spend time; for example, going to see a film
bases for parents or teachers in supporting involves not just the price of admission, but petrol
children in choosing between having and spending for the car, popcorn or snacks and drinks, time
money immediately, or saving it for later spending and energy. This will help children be more aware
instead. For example, if the child is taught when making financial decisions. Understanding
‘distraction techniques’ to take their mind off the the concept of borrowing can be supported by
desirable immediate choice (or the most attractive parent and child actively borrowing an item, paying
characteristic of that choice) they find it less for the opportunity to loan the item and then later
difficult to delay (Mischel, Shoda and Rodriguez, returning it (e.g. a book from the library or a hiring
1989). So parents can distract the child from their video from a shop).
immediate desires to spend by helping them to
In summary, since they are dependent upon
plan and think about an attractive alternative (such
parents and have few property or monetary
as going for a bike ride), which might help them
resources that they control independently, a
overcome any inclination to make an impulse
‘lever’ aiming to teach young children explicit
decision. Alternatively, the adult might direct the
forms of financial ‘curriculum’ knowledge, is
child’s attention towards the specific item of desire
likely to be ineffectual in shaping or changing
in order to influence the child’s decision making
their behaviours.
as a strategy to delay gratification; for example
making a game of focussing upon the design of
money notes and encouraging the child to collect However, there are basic approaches
one of each of a five pound note, a ten pound and skills which can be modelled,
note and so on, so that they can see the different discussed and demonstrated by parents
images on each. with young children, such as the basic
benefits and tools of sharing, saving,
Shopping experiences help to demonstrate buying
and purchasing that will instil efficient
decisions to children. A young child might help
habits and practices.
their parent compile a shopping list of needed
items for the home; lists help people to prioritise
what is needed (sometimes in preference to what A key point here is that situations need to be
is desired) and they help people to plan how much constructed so that the child experiences the
to spend – thereby helping them not to overspend. process or idea rather than just being told
The child may enjoy accompanying the parent to about it.
the shop. Becoming aware of price labels on
items, comparing prices, choosing items which
are less expensive or that are ‘on sale’, deciding
which size packet to buy, how many packets and
how much money to spend in total may be
decisions in which the child can observe or
participate. An important financial lesson may
present itself; that if there is not enough money
to buy a certain item, a decision between two
choices then becomes necessary by the shopper,
who needs to opt either to buy a less expensive
item or wait until another occasion, when enough
22 Section 3: What can parents/caregivers and teachers do Habit Formation and
to encourage positive habits of self-regulation in young Learning in Young Children
children and support their financial understanding?

Teachers School interventions shown

The findings of Boekaerts, De Koning and Vedder, to foster executive
(2006), summarising research on the classroom function development in
practices that facilitate or undermine the quality young children
of students’ engagement in the classroom are
insightful. The clarity and pace of the teacher’s An extensive literature developing and evaluating
instruction, the amount of structure provided, the educational interventions intended to promote
amount of autonomy granted, the teacher’s metacognitive and self-regulatory abilities has
enthusiasm, humour and fairness, as well as their shown that they are highly teachable. Dignath,
expectations about students’ capabilities are Buettner and Langfeldt (2008) have recently
influential upon the way children self-regulate their completed a meta-analysis of studies focusing
learning (Boekaerts et al, 2006). specifically on children of Primary school age and
found consistently positive outcomes from a range
The pupil-teacher relationship has been shown of interventions. Typically, these interventions have
to predict academic success over several years involved making metacognitive and learning
(Hamre and Pianta, 2001; Pianta and Stuhlman, strategies explicit, by encouraging children to
2004). More specifically, the pupil-teacher reflect upon and talk about their learning. Several
relationship affects children’s motivation to learn. pedagogical techniques of this kind have been
Children who are highly motivated and self- investigated and developed, all of which are
confident are more engaged in the learning effective in supporting young children’s new
process (Deci and Ryan, 1985). A positive, warm knowledge or skill acquisition through guiding
relationship with a teacher motivates students to their reinforcement of the new learning.
achieve to please their teachers (Urdan and Maehr,
1995). Furthermore, teachers use a warm and These include:
positive relationship with their students to ‘co-operative groupwork’ (Forman and Cazden,
encourage and reinforce appropriate self- 1985): a range of techniques involving children
regulatory behaviours that are important for in collaborative activites which oblige them to
learning (Tyson, 2000). Conversely, children who articulate their own understandings, evaluate
have a relationship characterized by conflict with their own performance and be reflective about
the teacher are less engaged in the classroom their own learning.
and are more likely to struggle academically (Ladd
‘self-explanations’ (Siegler, 2002): an
and Burgess, 2001). Removing students from a
instructional practice which requires children
supportive teacher relationship to one in which
to give ‘how’ and ‘why’ explanations about,
they perceive lower support decreases academic
for example, scientific phenomena or the
motivation (Midgley, Feldlaufer and Eccles, 1989).
events in a story, and then asks children to
Thus, it is clear that the student-teacher relationship
give explanations of their own and an adult’s
is important in promoting children’s academic
success via classroom engagement as well as
improved motivation.
Habit Formation and Section 3: What can parents/caregivers and teachers do 23
Learning in Young Children to encourage positive habits of self-regulation in young
children and support their financial understanding?

‘self-assessment’ (Black and William, 1998) Media literacy training

a range of pedagogical ideas involving Research in a variety of topic areas has explored
children’s self-assessment of their own the potential for negating some of the media’s
learning, including, for example, children undesirable influences by increasing children’s
making their own choices about the level of critical viewing skills through media literacy training
difficulty of tasks to be undertaken, and (Brown, 1991; 2001). There is a small body of
selecting their best work for reflective evidence testing the effectiveness of school-based
portfolios. media literacy programme efforts (Boush, 2001;
Brown, 1991; 2001), including the knowledge that
‘debriefing’ (Leat and Lin, 2003): a range of
techniques for reflecting upon an activity or commercials are meant to persuade and therefore
piece of learning including ‘encouraging must be viewed cautiously. However, since
pupils to ask questions’, ‘making pupils children under the age of 8 years focus more on
explain themselves’ and ‘communicating the how something looks than what is said about it
purpose of lessons’. (Hoffner, Cantor, and Thorson, 1989; John, 1999),
if the visual aspects of an advertisement contradict
A series of specific interventions have been the semantic meaning of an intervention, young
shown to support the development of executive children’s reactions are likely to be dominated by
functions in young children; successful the impression made by the visual, with little
programmes tend to involve repeated practice impact from the modifying words in the media
and progressively increase the challenge to literacy training effort. Comprehension of material
executive functions (e.g. Blair and Razza, 2007). provided in an intervention strategy may also be
The objective behind such interventions is to limited among younger children, due to immaturities
foster a child’s creativity, adaptability, self-control, in vocabulary (Cantor and Wilson, 1984), in
and self-discipline, not just for school learning, inference-drawing (Collins, 1983), and in
but for life-long learning, in which abilities will be understanding sentences with complex
required in all sorts of circumstances to ‘think grammatical forms (Wilson and Cantor, 1987).
laterally’, give a measured rather than an One study has recorded a reduction in children’s
impulsive response, to persist and stay focused. desires for the advertised products as the result
A range of activities have been shown to improve of a media literacy training effort (Feshbach,
children’s executive functions: computerized Feshbach and Cohen, 1982). On the whole
training, non-computerized games, and specific however, given the typical immaturities in children’s
school curricula. Although not yet very plentiful, cognitive development below the age of 8 years,
the existing literature intended to support it seems unlikely that media literacy training can
children’s development in these skill areas play a significant role in alleviating concern about
supports the plausibility of improving self- the fairness of advertising to children.
regulation through relatively short-term
24 Conclusion Habit Formation and
Learning in Young Children


In summary, the evidence indicates that teaching

young children explicit forms of ‘financial’
knowledge per se is likely to be ineffectual in
shaping or changing their behaviours.
Since young children are dependent on parents
and have few material goods or monetary
resources that they control independently, it is
the basic approaches and skills which are
modelled, discussed and demonstrated by
parents and other significant adults, that are likely
to be influential ‘levers’, instilling efficient habits
and practices. Opportunities for parents and
teachers to support a child’s capacities to defer
gratification, to understand the ‘future’ in concrete
terms , to talk about their understanding and new
knowledge, all aid the development of a child’s
executive functions, underpinning their self
regulation, including the implementation of any
‘habits of mind’.

With maturity and in appropriate

contexts, such self regulation will
include the basic benefits and tools of
sharing, saving, and purchasing that
occur in everyday situations.
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