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Eliminate Fleas Without Poisons

Integrated Pest Management is a nontoxic way to effectively control fleas.

oday, spot-on flea products are
advertised in every sort of media
available to animal guardians and
veterinarians, and are touted as safe
and effective. However, as we
discussed last month (“Are Spot-On Flea
Killers Safe?”), the safety record of these
products is not as spotless as the
manufacturers would make us believe. After
all, they contain pesticides, which are
poisons, and they also contain toxic
ingredients that are not disclosed to
consumers – or even veterinarians – without
applying through the Freedom of
Information Act.
The danger presented by these products
is apparent in the hundreds of incident re-
ports that sit in the Environmental Protec-
tion Agency’s files – not to mention the
manufacturer’s own animal laboratory stud-
ies. These logs indicate hundreds of deaths
A power
powerfulful vacuum is a dog’
dog’ss best friend – especially if it has a “cor ner” or “cr
“corner” evice”
and illnesses of cats and dogs who have been attachment that enables you to vacuum any cracks in the floorfloor,, which harbor flea lar vae
treated with these products by their guard- and pupae. Fr equently vacuum ar
Frequently eas under and ar
areas ound the dog’
around dog’ss bed, wher e flea
ians and veterinarians. Veterinarians have eggs ar
aree found. Flea eggs, lar vae, and pupae rrepr
larvae, epr esent 99 per
epresent cent of a flea’
percent flea’ss population.
even reported their own systemic reactions
to the products. plied in a manner that minimizes risks to Some dogs may host a small population of
In spite of this documentation, some of human and animal health, beneficial and fleas for years without exhibiting problems;
the manufacturers continue to claim that nontarget organisms, and the environment. others may suffer a single flea bite that trig-
their products cause no internal or external The first step in any IPM program is to gers a major allergic reaction. In most
health effects to animals or people. They learn everything we can about the target, in homes, it is often the dog’s scratching and
even go so far as to assert that the products this case, the flea. Who is the flea, and what chewing himself that leads his guardians into
are not absorbed into the skin of the animal are his habits? With this knowledge, we can some form of flea control.
or human; this is not true, according to stud- implement an effective, nontoxic approach The flea progresses through four life
ies by the Environmental Protection Agency – and the knowledge that everyone in our stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The time
(see “Are Spot-On Flea Killers Safe?” Feb- household and surrounding environment is span, choice of place to inhabit, and climate
ruary 2002). safe from the ravages of pesticides. conditions are relevant to each stage of de-
You have options All about fleas The average life span of a flea is about
Fortunately, we have safe alternatives – Ctenocephalides felix, the “cat flea,” is what six weeks, but under certain conditions they
effective, nontoxic methods to keep our we find in greatest numbers on our dogs and can live as long as a year. While in the adult
companion animals and households free in our homes; they represent 85 to 95 per- stage, the flea lives on our dog’s skin, and
from fleas and their irritating and sometimes cent of all household fleas found in North even lays its eggs there. However, the eggs
debilitating impacts. The safest and most America. But Pulex irritans, the “human laid by the females (up to 200-600 eggs in
effective way to eliminate fleas utilizes an flea,” and Ctenocephalides canis, the “dog her lifetime) fall off and hatch in the envi-
approach called “integrated pest manage- flea,” can also be found. Their bites can ronment, not on the animal.
ment” (IPM). cause varying degrees of problems in our When these eggs hatch, the emerging
IPM is an ecosystem-based strategy that dogs, including an allergic skin reaction larvae feed on the feces of the adult fleas,
focuses on long-term prevention of pests. known as “flea allergy dermatitis,” tape- which makes our dog’s bedding an ideal
Pest control materials are selected and ap- worm, and in severe cases, even anemia. place for this development to take place. The
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larvae are worm-like, and burrow down into • Vitamin B complex (with vitamin B1):
any available dark, protected areas, includ- Use a plant-source vitamin B complex, and
ing cracks in flooring, or underneath furni- again, adjust the dose for your dog’s weight.
ture cushions; outdoors, they migrate to ar- Some people simply add brewers yeast to
eas underneath leaf piles, decks, or porches. the dog’s diet for its vitamin B1. Note: Some
After a week or two of feeding, the larva dogs are allergic to brewers yeast.
spins a cocoon where it can maintain a pu-
pal state until an external stimulus triggers ➤ Some people have success with natural
it to hatch into the adult – sometimes up- topical preparations. Again, the results
ward of 140 days. While in the cocoon state, vary widely. What works well for some dogs
the flea pupa is protected from insecticides may not work at all for others. Desist if these
and other external threats. suggestions do not work within three to four
Stimuli that initiate the emergence from weeks.
the cocoon can include heat, vibration (a it’
it’ss almost impossible to contr ol fleas
control • Essential oils of cedar, tea tree, cit-
vacuum cleaner is a great trick tool!), mois- ar med with only a flea comb, but that’
armed that’ss ronella, lavender, eucalyptus, and penny-
ture, physical pressure, and carbon dioxide not rreally
eally the point of these wonder
wonderful ful royal (the last two are toxic to cats): Mix 10
– essentially anything that indicates a warm- tools. Rather
Rather,, rregular
egular inspection of the drops of certified organic essential oil to one
dog with a flea comb will help you monitor
blooded host is available. Larvae turn into the flea population. Look for adult fleas, tablespoon of olive oil. Spray on your dog
pupae, and new adults emerge. but also flea eggs and flea feces, as an as a repellent.
It’s been estimated that at any given time, indication to step up your contr ol ef
control for
effor ts.
forts. • A lemon rinse: Steep a cut-up lemon or
only about 1 percent of a population of fleas two in a quart of boiling water and allow to
is in the adult stage. About 14 percent are in and minimal stress.” Dr. Hamilton prescribes cool. Use liquid as a rinse or sponge onto
the pupal stage, 35 percent are in the larval a human grade food, preferably a raw meat the coat.
stage, and 50 percent are in the egg stage. diet for dogs, along with supplements, a Remember that topical preparations –
Focusing flea control efforts – especially, clean indoor air environment (see “No Room whether safe, natural remedies or poisonous
resorting to chemical poisons – on only this to Breathe,” WDJ October 2001), and no chemicals – target only 1 percent of the flea
tiny minority of the flea population (the vaccinations. Carolann Mancuso, one of Dr. population, the adults. While repelling adult
adults) just doesn’t make sense. That’s why Hamilton’s clients living near Tampa, fleas will help a flea-allergic dog, it should
IPM techniques work so well: They target Florida, has used this protocol for keeping never be your only focus.
every aspect of the flea population. her dog family healthy and flea-free for over
Fleas prefer temperatures of 65 to 80 a decade. ➤ Combing the dog daily with a flea comb
degrees and humidity of 75 to 85 percent. A healthy dog is less likely to be the tar- will help you determine the effectiveness of
Individuals living at high elevations (above get for fleas. Fleas seem to know which dogs your efforts. Comb around the dog’s tail,
5,000 feet) and in climates where freezing are ill in a household. If you are not already stomach, and face, where they tend to collect
can occur year-round are at the lowest risk feeding a raw meat, homemade diet or hu- in greater quantities. Look for fleas, as well
of flea problems. In cold weather (40 de- man-grade food, this is the time to shift as flea eggs (tiny white specks) and flea feces
grees or below), adult fleas die and the other gears. A healthy immune system will make (slightly larger black specks). Drop anything
stages lie dormant. In temperate climates, your dog less tasty to a flea. Consult a holis- you find into a glass of water; it will drown
where winters rarely bring freezing tempera- tic veterinarian to help boost the health of the eggs and fleas. Flea feces is comprised
tures, fleas may be active all year long. A your dog’s immune system. Some comple- largely of your dog’s blood, and will turn
flea program that is effective in temperate mentary therapies that are useful include the water reddish brown, confirming the
climates will be dependable anywhere. acupuncture, Chinese herbs, homeopathy, presence of fleas even if no adults are found.
and nutritional therapy.
Start with the dog ➤ During the height of infestation, bathe
In order to control a flea infestation with ➤ Use supplements. There are numerous your dog weekly with a noninsecticidal soap;
IPM techniques, it is necessary to treat not dietary additives reputed to be helpful in reduce this frequency as the flea problem
only your dog, but also the indoor and out- repelling fleas. Unfortunately, their effec- diminishes, because over-frequent bathing
door environments surrounding your dog. tiveness varies from dog to dog. Some can dry out the skin. Rinsing the dog com-
In discussing all of these, we’ll start at the people have found the following remedies pletely to remove all soap will help prevent
center: The dog. to be effective for their dogs. If, after giving drying the dog’s skin, as will increasing the
your dog any of these supplements for a essential fatty acids in the dog’s diet. For
➤ Improve the dog’s health. “The most month, you see no improvement in the flea dogs who are being bathed frequently, us-
important measure you can take for flea population, consult your holistic veterinar- ing a nonscented hypoallergenic shampoo,
control is similar to that with any illness, ian for further direction. such as Logona Free Shampoo and Shower
and that is to strengthen the overall health • Garlic: One clove per day of crushed Gel (800-648-6654), will be less irritating
of the animal,” states Don Hamilton, DVM, organic garlic for a large dog, half for a to their skin.
author of Homeopathic Care for Cats and medium-sized dog, and a quarter for a small
Dogs: Small Doses for Small Animals. “In dog. Or, use a capsule of cold-pressed garlic ➤ Keep your dog confined to areas of the
general, given the same environment, oil; adjust the canine dosage from the human house that are easy to manage when a flea
healthier animals suffer less from fleas. It dosage on the label (assuming a 150 pound problem exists (close off basements or extra
all comes back to good food, lots of love, human dose). bedrooms).
8 | MARCH 2002 Copyright© 2002, Belvoir Publications, Inc. TO SUBSCRIBE, CALL (800) 829-9165
Outdoor environment ➤ Vacuum carpeting daily during most ➤ There are several chemically inert des-
Outdoor flea populations can be controlled intense infestation, cutting back to once or iccant dusts, including diatomaceous earth
quickly and easily. Again, the focus here is twice a week when it is under control. Seal (DE), that can be applied to your carpeting
on the 99 percent of the flea population: the the vacuum bag each time and put it in a to effectively kill fleas in all their life stages.
nonadult stages of the flea. freezer to kill the fleas before reusing. Use only food grade (natural) DE – avoid
swimming pool grade. Use care when ap-
➤ Keep grass cut short, and rake leaves ➤ Wash your dog’s bedding at least once plying; keep animals out of the rooms being
to prevent piles where flea eggs, larvae, and a week in hot water and a mild detergent, treated. Dusts can cause breathing problems
pupae can harbor. vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide (a whitening in humans and animals and exacerbate asth-
agent). matic conditions. Do not use if any house-
➤ Apply a mixture of water and food-grade hold members have asthmatic or upper res-
diatomaceous earth (DE) – a piratory conditions. Wear a mask when han-
calcium dust ground from single- dling and apply close to the carpet surface
cell, ocean organisms – to your (avoid creating airborne dust).
lawns, walkways and planting Apply at the beginning of your flea sea-
beds (anywhere your dog son, and keep crawling children and animals
frequents). In wet, humid out of those rooms. A day after application,
climates, apply every other vacuum well to remove the residual.
month; in drier climates, you can
apply this less frequently. ➤ There are several boron-
This application works as an based compounds that can be
abrasive and desiccant, physically used to kill fleas, including (un-
drying out and destroying the scented) Twenty Mule Team
adult fleas’ breathing organs as well as dry- Borax (available in grocery
ing out and killing flea larvae. This process stores) or boric acid powder
is inexpensive, and the flea cannot develop (available in most garden cen-
resistance to DE. Use a mask whenever han- Never ters; use only products that are
dling DE; the dust can irritate the lungs. for get that
forget 100 percent boric acid). Flea
Planet Natural sells DE; see www.planet pesticides araree Busters /Rx For Fleas (800- or (800) 289-6656. danger ous poisons that can af
dangerous fect your
affect 765-FLEA) can be hired to apply sodium
dog as well as any other animals and polyborate (100 percent active ingredient)
humans in the house, as well as your
➤ Flood with a garden hose any outdoor outdoor envir onment. Reliance upon
environment. to your carpets about every eight months.
areas where dogs hang out; this will drown these chemicals needlessly endangers The Mancusos find that this works effec-
adult fleas, and kill flea larvae, pupae, and your whole family
family.. tively in their household.
eggs. Tests indicate that boron has some tox-
➤ Hire a professional to steam clean your icity when applied to broken skin.
➤ Beneficial nematodes are tiny worms carpeting, furniture, and dog bedding. Use
that kill flea larvae and pupae by feeding on only hot water in the steam cleaning – no Tincture of time
them. They can be purchased from additives. Steam kills adult fleas and larvae Sometimes the answer to our problem is very
progressive garden supply stores and and stimulates flea eggs to hatch. Vacuum simple, but takes the one thing we seem to
catalogs and spread around the garden. daily within two days after the steam clean- struggle with daily – time. Time to under-
Nematodes work especially well in warm, ing treatment to capture the newly hatched stand the full impacts of the flea product you
humid climates. They are available through fleas. Be thorough; move all furniture and are considering using, and time to create a
Gardens Alive (812) 537-8650) and Planet vacuum underneath and in all corners. Bathe healthy environment for your dog during the
Natural, (800) 289-6656. your dog right after steam cleaning. flea season, and year-round.
It does take more time for an IPM pro-
Indoor environment ➤ A light trap attracts and kills adult fleas. gram to work than it would if you used pes-
Indoor environment control is relatively Most traps employ light to attract fleas, and ticides. But it is important to understand that
simple, and like your outdoor control efforts, either adhesive material or water to trap and pesticide use can be dangerous to your
should focus on the largest part of the flea kill the adult fleas that arrive. You can also family’s health. In her book Designer Poi-
population – the nonadult stages. make your own trap with sticky tape or a sons – about the dangers of pesticides – Dr.
pan of soapy water beneath a hanging light Marion Moses minces no words: “When we
➤ Wash floors frequently. Flea eggs, bulb. Commercial traps are available from share metabolic or neuro pathways with in-
larvae, and pupae are attracted to cracks and Whitmire Research, (800) 325-3668. sects, we are impacted by these chemicals.
joints in floors. The difference is only in amount – just be-
Small, small danger cause it doesn’t kill humans or animals
➤ Remove area rugs during the flea So far, all the indoor approaches we dis- doesn’t mean it is not having damaging
season. If you are considering a remodel or cussed are nontoxic. The methods we’ll dis- health effects.”
new construction, choose alternatives to cuss next have some toxic properties. How-
wall-to-wall carpeting, such as cork, wood, ever, properly used, these are very safe – Kathleen Dudley is a writer and
ceramic, or linoleum (not vinyl) flooring. far safer than pesticides. photgrapher, and lives in New Mexico.
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