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Half-Elf Outlander

Keela Neutral Good 3rd Level

3rd Horizon Walker

+2 12 *Planar Warrior - Bonus Action - 30' Range. The next time you hit

16 +3 30'
that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by
the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra

1 11
1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in
this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
*Detect Portal - At 3rd level, you gain the ability to magically sense
the presence of a planar portal. See Rules for more info.

◆ +4

● +4



● +5
● +5

Longbow +7 1d8 +3
+5 1d6 +3
Main-Hand Shortsword

Off-Hand Shortsword +2 1d6

+1 Fey Lance +4 1d12 +2



+1 ●


● +4

+4 12

● +4

+2 ●

+1 1st ● Cure Wounds
+1 1st ● Hunter's Mark
+1 1st Protection from Good & Evil

+1 +1` 1st ● Zephyr Strike

*Darkvision 60' - You can see in dim light as if it were bright light,
and in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in
Darkness, only Shades of Gray.

*Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on Saving Throws against being

Charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.

Common - Elvish -

Sylvan - Abyssal Tongue

● ●

Archery - You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged

19 5'9" 150 Elvish Ears
Green Tanned Jet Black None (yet)

More comfortable around Keela was raised under unusual

animals than people circumstances indeed.
She was brought to Phandalin by her
father at the age of five and orphaned
by the age of six. She has a few of her
The natural world is more important Father's belongings and a mere hint of
than all the constraints of civilization who her mother was. Her Half-Elvish
Ancestory has made her a stranger of
almost everyone.

I will bring terrible wrath down upon

those that threaten my homeland

*The Fey Party *Raven Witch

I am slow to trust members of *Gail *Necromancers
*Miriam & Toblin *Cryovane
other races, tribes, societies *Purty
*Shadow & Mystic *Gortulmork

*You have Advantage on Initiative Rolls = *Longbow

You get to roll 2x dice every time we begin
combat, meaning you ought frequently go
Father's Military Pin *2x Shortswords (1x Gail's)
first! The Witching Cloak *Improvised Lockpick (Shivvie)
*On your First Turn in Combat you gain Scale Mail Dungeoneer's Pack:
Advantage on Attack Rolls against creatures
that have not yet acted.
*50' Rope
*You Ignore Difficult Terrain. This is more Father's Hexagonal Iron Ring *Crowbar
useful if used creatively than it sounds. *Hammer
*Acrobatics & Athletics: You've got a very
high dexterity, combined with proficiency in
*10 Pitons
acrobatics and athletics, and your ability to *10 Torches
Leather Riding Boots
navigate difficult terrain, this ought allow *Tinder Box
you to have some fun. 54 GP
*Tracking: Your tracking skills are such that
*Water Skin
you can gather information on the amount, *Ander's/Father's Journal
size, even type of creature, or what they are *Dog-Faced Doorknob
wearing and/or carrying The Witching Cloak
*Hunting Trap: Build simple traps for game
● *Letter to Iretrianna/Mother
*Transforms its weight to satisfy Keela's needs, from a light
or creatures given time and material, e.g., Summer wrap to a heavy Winter cloak
*1x Per Day - Reaction - grants +5 AC till beginning next Turn
snares, deadfall traps, tripwire alarms, etc.
Build more elaborate traps for game or Fey Lance
creatures given time and material, e.g., punji *1x Per Short Rest - Bonus Action - 30' Cone - Extra 2d6 Thunder
spiked pits, spiked limb whips, tiger traps, Dmg - DC12 Strength Save or Knocked back 10' & Prone
*Improvised Thieves' Tools: Currently Keela
The Big Book of Riddles
is using a Kobold's shivvie as an improvised
*1x Per Day - Solve a riddle to gain Advantage on next D20 - To
lock pick. Note - Keep practicing and you will Hit - Ability Check - Skill Check or Saving Throw - or, if not solved
eventually gain the Thieves' Tools Proficiency then gain Disadvantage on the same

and someday an opportunity will present to

acquire proper tools of the shady trade. Hearty Oats - 6 Feedings
*Heal Horses 1d8+2 or if horses are at full HP then gain that
amount as Temporary Hit Points.
*Also Ignore Exhaustion for 12 hours

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