Test Item Analysis With Frequency of Error

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Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 2 10.53 Mastered 190

2 4 21.05 Mastered
3 0 0.00 Mastered
4 0 0.00 Mastered 170
5 3 15.79 Mastered
6 0 0.00 Mastered 160
7 0 0.00 Mastered 150
8 0 0.00 Mastered
Number of Students

9 0 0.00 Mastered 140

10 3 15.79 Mastered
11 2 10.53 Mastered 130
12 2 10.53 Mastered 120
13 0 0.00 Mastered
14 4 21.05 Mastered 110
15 0 0.00 Mastered
16 3 15.79 Mastered
17 4 21.05 Mastered 90
18 0 0.00 Mastered
19 2 10.53 Mastered 80
20 0 0.00 Mastered
21 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered
22 3 15.79 Mastered 60
23 0 0.00 Mastered
24 2 10.53 Mastered 50
25 0 0.00 Mastered 40
26 0 0.00 Mastered
27 2 10.53 Mastered 30
28 1 5.26 Mastered
29 2 10.53 Mastered
30 0 0.00 Mastered 10
31 2 10.53 Mastered
32 0 0.00 Mastered 0
33 2 10.53 Mastered
34 0 0.00 Mastered
35 1 5.26 Mastered Item Number
36 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered
37 3 15.79 Mastered
38 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 2 10.53 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 4 21.05 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
3 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 19


1 2
2 4
3 0
4 0
5 3
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 3
11 2
12 2
13 0
14 4
15 0
16 3
17 4
18 0
19 2
20 0
21 5
22 3
23 0
24 2
25 0
26 0
27 2
28 1
29 2
30 0
31 2
32 0
33 2
34 0
35 1
36 5
37 3
38 5
39 2
40 4


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 10 38.46 Nearly Mastered 190

2 6 23.08 Mastered
3 10 38.46 Nearly Mastered
4 6 23.08 Mastered 170
5 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered
6 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered 160
7 10 38.46 Nearly Mastered 150
8 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered
Number of Students

9 10 38.46 Nearly Mastered 140

10 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered
11 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered 130
12 6 23.08 Mastered 120
13 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered
14 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered 110
15 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered
16 6 23.08 Mastered
17 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered 90
18 6 23.08 Mastered
19 15 57.69 No Mastery 80
20 6 23.08 Mastered
21 5 19.23 Mastered
22 6 23.08 Mastered 60
23 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered
24 6 23.08 Mastered 50
25 7 26.92 Nearly Mastered 40
26 3 11.54 Mastered
27 10 38.46 Nearly Mastered 30
28 11 42.31 Nearly Mastered
29 10 38.46 Nearly Mastered
30 12 46.15 Nearly Mastered 10
31 5 19.23 Mastered
32 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered 0
33 6 23.08 Mastered
34 10 38.46 Nearly Mastered
35 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered Item Number
36 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered
37 10 38.46 Nearly Mastered
38 5 19.23 Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 12 46.15 Nearly Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 6 23.08 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 1 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
1 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
25 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 26


1 10
2 6
3 10
4 6
5 9
6 8
7 10
8 9
9 10
10 9
11 9
12 6
13 8
14 9
15 9
16 6
17 9
18 6
19 15
20 6
21 5
22 6
23 9
24 6
25 7
26 3
27 10
28 11
29 10
30 12
31 5
32 9
33 6
34 10
35 9
36 8
37 10
38 5
39 12
40 6


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered 190

2 5 20.00 Mastered
3 11 44.00 Nearly Mastered
4 10 40.00 Nearly Mastered 170
5 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered
6 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered 160
7 5 20.00 Mastered 150
8 5 20.00 Mastered
Number of Students

9 6 24.00 Mastered 140

10 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered
11 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered 130
12 6 24.00 Mastered 120
13 10 40.00 Nearly Mastered
14 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered 110
15 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered
16 5 20.00 Mastered
17 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered 90
18 6 24.00 Mastered
19 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered 80
20 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered
21 5 20.00 Mastered
22 6 24.00 Mastered 60
23 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered
24 2 8.00 Mastered 50
25 7 28.00 Nearly Mastered 40
26 5 20.00 Mastered
27 7 28.00 Nearly Mastered 30
28 5 20.00 Mastered
29 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered
30 2 8.00 Mastered 10
31 4 16.00 Mastered
32 6 24.00 Mastered 0
33 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered
34 6 24.00 Mastered
35 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered Item Number
36 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered
37 10 40.00 Nearly Mastered
38 5 20.00 Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 6 24.00 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
22 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 25


1 9
2 5
3 11
4 10
5 9
6 8
7 5
8 5
9 6
10 9
11 8
12 6
13 10
14 9
15 9
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19 9
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24 2
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27 7
28 5
29 8
30 2
31 4
32 6
33 8
34 6
35 9
36 8
37 10
38 5
39 9
40 6


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 3 21.43 Mastered 190

2 3 21.43 Mastered
3 4 28.57 Nearly Mastered
4 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered 170
5 0 0.00 Mastered
6 6 42.86 Nearly Mastered 160
7 2 14.29 Mastered 150
8 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
Number of Students

9 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered 140

10 3 21.43 Mastered
11 3 21.43 Mastered 130
12 2 14.29 Mastered 120
13 6 42.86 Nearly Mastered
14 4 28.57 Nearly Mastered 110
15 3 21.43 Mastered
16 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
17 4 28.57 Nearly Mastered 90
18 3 21.43 Mastered
19 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered 80
20 0 0.00 Mastered
21 2 14.29 Mastered
22 6 42.86 Nearly Mastered 60
23 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
24 2 14.29 Mastered 50
25 6 42.86 Nearly Mastered 40
26 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
27 3 21.43 Mastered 30
28 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
29 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
30 1 7.14 Mastered 10
31 2 14.29 Mastered
32 6 42.86 Nearly Mastered 0
33 6 42.86 Nearly Mastered
34 2 14.29 Mastered
35 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered Item Number
36 3 21.43 Mastered
37 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
38 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 2 14.29 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 2 14.29 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
21 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 14


1 3
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 0
6 6
7 2
8 5
9 5
10 3
11 3
12 2
13 6
14 4
15 3
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18 3
19 5
20 0
21 2
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24 2
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27 3
28 5
29 5
30 1
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32 6
33 6
34 2
35 5
36 3
37 5
38 5
39 2
40 2


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered 190

2 0 0.00 Mastered
3 4 21.05 Mastered
4 2 10.53 Mastered 170
5 1 5.26 Mastered
6 3 15.79 Mastered 160
7 3 15.79 Mastered 150
8 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered
Number of Students

9 7 36.84 Nearly Mastered 140

10 8 42.11 Nearly Mastered
11 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered 130
12 2 10.53 Mastered 120
13 3 15.79 Mastered
14 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered 110
15 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered
16 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered
17 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered 90
18 7 36.84 Nearly Mastered
19 8 42.11 Nearly Mastered 80
20 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered
21 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered
22 8 42.11 Nearly Mastered 60
23 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered
24 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered 50
25 7 36.84 Nearly Mastered 40
26 4 21.05 Mastered
27 4 21.05 Mastered 30
28 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered
29 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered
30 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered 10
31 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered
32 9 47.37 Nearly Mastered 0
33 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered
34 2 10.53 Mastered
35 3 15.79 Mastered Item Number
36 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered
37 3 15.79 Mastered
38 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 2 10.53 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
26 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 19


1 5
2 0
3 4
4 2
5 1
6 3
7 3
8 5
9 7
10 8
11 5
12 2
13 3
14 5
15 6
16 5
17 6
18 7
19 8
20 5
21 5
22 8
23 5
24 6
25 7
26 4
27 4
28 5
29 6
30 5
31 5
32 9
33 6
34 2
35 3
36 6
37 3
38 5
39 2
40 6


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered 190

2 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered
3 3 11.54 Mastered
4 6 23.08 Mastered 170
5 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered
6 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered 160
7 3 11.54 Mastered 150
8 5 19.23 Mastered
Number of Students

9 2 7.69 Mastered 140

10 3 11.54 Mastered
11 6 23.08 Mastered 130
12 6 23.08 Mastered 120
13 5 19.23 Mastered
14 6 23.08 Mastered 110
15 7 26.92 Nearly Mastered
16 3 11.54 Mastered
17 4 15.38 Mastered 90
18 6 23.08 Mastered
19 6 23.08 Mastered 80
20 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered
21 2 7.69 Mastered
22 6 23.08 Mastered 60
23 3 11.54 Mastered
24 6 23.08 Mastered 50
25 7 26.92 Nearly Mastered 40
26 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered
27 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered 30
28 5 19.23 Mastered
29 7 26.92 Nearly Mastered
30 6 23.08 Mastered 10
31 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered
32 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered 0
33 6 23.08 Mastered
34 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered
35 5 19.23 Mastered Item Number
36 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered
37 2 7.69 Mastered
38 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 6 23.08 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 6 23.08 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
15 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 26


1 8
2 9
3 3
4 6
5 9
6 8
7 3
8 5
9 2
10 3
11 6
12 6
13 5
14 6
15 7
16 3
17 4
18 6
19 6
20 9
21 2
22 6
23 3
24 6
25 7
26 8
27 9
28 5
29 7
30 6
31 8
32 8
33 6
34 8
35 5
36 8
37 2
38 9
39 6
40 6


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 5 20.00 Mastered 190

2 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered
3 5 20.00 Mastered
4 6 24.00 Mastered 170
5 3 12.00 Mastered
6 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered 160
7 5 20.00 Mastered 150
8 3 12.00 Mastered
Number of Students

9 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered 140

10 6 24.00 Mastered
11 2 8.00 Mastered 130
12 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered 120
13 5 20.00 Mastered
14 4 16.00 Mastered 110
15 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered
16 3 12.00 Mastered
17 4 16.00 Mastered 90
18 6 24.00 Mastered
19 4 16.00 Mastered 80
20 3 12.00 Mastered
21 5 20.00 Mastered
22 6 24.00 Mastered 60
23 7 28.00 Nearly Mastered
24 6 24.00 Mastered 50
25 7 28.00 Nearly Mastered 40
26 6 24.00 Mastered
27 5 20.00 Mastered 30
28 5 20.00 Mastered
29 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered
30 5 20.00 Mastered 10
31 4 16.00 Mastered
32 6 24.00 Mastered 0
33 3 12.00 Mastered
34 6 24.00 Mastered
35 5 20.00 Mastered Item Number
36 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered
37 3 12.00 Mastered
38 5 20.00 Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 6 24.00 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 4 16.00 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
9 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 25


1 5
2 9
3 5
4 6
5 3
6 8
7 5
8 3
9 9
10 6
11 2
12 8
13 5
14 4
15 9
16 3
17 4
18 6
19 4
20 3
21 5
22 6
23 7
24 6
25 7
26 6
27 5
28 5
29 8
30 5
31 4
32 6
33 3
34 6
35 5
36 8
37 3
38 5
39 6
40 4


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 0 0.00 Mastered 190

2 0 0.00 Mastered
3 0 0.00 Mastered
4 3 21.43 Mastered 170
5 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
6 2 14.29 Mastered 160
7 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered 150
8 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
Number of Students

9 3 21.43 Mastered 140

10 2 14.29 Mastered
11 0 0.00 Mastered 130
12 2 14.29 Mastered 120
13 2 14.29 Mastered
14 1 7.14 Mastered 110
15 1 7.14 Mastered
16 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
17 1 7.14 Mastered 90
18 0 0.00 Mastered
19 1 7.14 Mastered 80
20 3 21.43 Mastered
21 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
22 2 14.29 Mastered 60
23 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
24 2 14.29 Mastered 50
25 1 7.14 Mastered 40
26 1 7.14 Mastered
27 0 0.00 Mastered 30
28 0 0.00 Mastered
29 0 0.00 Mastered
30 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered 10
31 0 0.00 Mastered
32 3 21.43 Mastered 0
33 2 14.29 Mastered
34 0 0.00 Mastered
35 0 0.00 Mastered Item Number
36 2 14.29 Mastered
37 1 7.14 Mastered
38 1 7.14 Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 1 7.14 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 0 0.00 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
7 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 14


1 0
2 0
3 0
4 3
5 5
6 2
7 5
8 5
9 3
10 2
11 0
12 2
13 2
14 1
15 1
16 5
17 1
18 0
19 1
20 3
21 5
22 2
23 5
24 2
25 1
26 1
27 0
28 0
29 0
30 5
31 0
32 3
33 2
34 0
35 0
36 2
37 1
38 1
39 1
40 0


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered 190

2 7 36.84 Nearly Mastered
3 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered
4 8 42.11 Nearly Mastered 170
5 4 21.05 Mastered
6 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered 160
7 7 36.84 Nearly Mastered 150
8 9 47.37 Nearly Mastered
Number of Students

9 0 0.00 Mastered 140

10 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered
11 9 47.37 Nearly Mastered 130
12 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered 120
13 8 42.11 Nearly Mastered
14 3 15.79 Mastered 110
15 0 0.00 Mastered
16 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered
17 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered 90
18 7 36.84 Nearly Mastered
19 3 15.79 Mastered 80
20 2 10.53 Mastered
21 2 10.53 Mastered
22 3 15.79 Mastered 60
23 2 10.53 Mastered
24 0 0.00 Mastered 50
25 0 0.00 Mastered 40
26 0 0.00 Mastered
27 0 0.00 Mastered 30
28 0 0.00 Mastered
29 0 0.00 Mastered
30 0 0.00 Mastered 10
31 0 0.00 Mastered
32 0 0.00 Mastered 0
33 0 0.00 Mastered
34 0 0.00 Mastered
35 3 15.79 Mastered Item Number
36 4 21.05 Mastered
37 3 15.79 Mastered
38 2 10.53 Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 2 10.53 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 3 15.79 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
14 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 19


1 6
2 7
3 6
4 8
5 4
6 6
7 7
8 9
9 0
10 5
11 9
12 6
13 8
14 3
15 0
16 6
17 6
18 7
19 3
20 2
21 2
22 3
23 2
24 0
25 0
26 0
27 0
28 0
29 0
30 0
31 0
32 0
33 0
34 0
35 3
36 4
37 3
38 2
39 2
40 3


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 6 23.08 Mastered 190

2 7 26.92 Nearly Mastered
3 6 23.08 Mastered
4 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered 170
5 4 15.38 Mastered
6 6 23.08 Mastered 160
7 7 26.92 Nearly Mastered 150
8 2 7.69 Mastered
Number of Students

9 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered 140

10 5 19.23 Mastered
11 2 7.69 Mastered 130
12 6 23.08 Mastered 120
13 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered
14 3 11.54 Mastered 110
15 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered
16 4 15.38 Mastered
17 6 23.08 Mastered 90
18 7 26.92 Nearly Mastered
19 3 11.54 Mastered 80
20 6 23.08 Mastered
21 2 7.69 Mastered
22 3 11.54 Mastered 60
23 2 7.69 Mastered
24 3 11.54 Mastered 50
25 7 26.92 Nearly Mastered 40
26 5 19.23 Mastered
27 6 23.08 Mastered 30
28 3 11.54 Mastered
29 3 11.54 Mastered
30 6 23.08 Mastered 10
31 4 15.38 Mastered
32 5 19.23 Mastered 0
33 3 11.54 Mastered
34 6 23.08 Mastered
35 3 11.54 Mastered Item Number
36 4 15.38 Mastered
37 3 11.54 Mastered
38 5 19.23 Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 5 19.23 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 6 23.08 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
8 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 26


1 6
2 7
3 6
4 8
5 4
6 6
7 7
8 2
9 8
10 5
11 2
12 6
13 8
14 3
15 8
16 4
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18 7
19 3
20 6
21 2
22 3
23 2
24 3
25 7
26 5
27 6
28 3
29 3
30 6
31 4
32 5
33 3
34 6
35 3
36 4
37 3
38 5
39 5
40 6


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 4 16.00 Mastered 190

2 3 12.00 Mastered
3 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered
4 6 24.00 Mastered 170
5 5 20.00 Mastered
6 3 12.00 Mastered 160
7 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered 150
8 2 8.00 Mastered
Number of Students

9 3 12.00 Mastered 140

10 2 8.00 Mastered
11 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered 130
12 7 28.00 Nearly Mastered 120
13 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered
14 3 12.00 Mastered 110
15 4 16.00 Mastered
16 6 24.00 Mastered
17 5 20.00 Mastered 90
18 3 12.00 Mastered
19 2 8.00 Mastered 80
20 3 12.00 Mastered
21 5 20.00 Mastered
22 6 24.00 Mastered 60
23 2 8.00 Mastered
24 6 24.00 Mastered 50
25 7 28.00 Nearly Mastered 40
26 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered
27 5 20.00 Mastered 30
28 5 20.00 Mastered
29 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered
30 5 20.00 Mastered 10
31 4 16.00 Mastered
32 6 24.00 Mastered 0
33 6 24.00 Mastered
34 6 24.00 Mastered
35 4 16.00 Mastered Item Number
36 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered
37 6 24.00 Mastered
38 3 12.00 Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 2 8.00 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 5 20.00 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
9 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 25


1 4
2 3
3 8
4 6
5 5
6 3
7 8
8 2
9 3
10 2
11 8
12 7
13 9
14 3
15 4
16 6
17 5
18 3
19 2
20 3
21 5
22 6
23 2
24 6
25 7
26 9
27 5
28 5
29 8
30 5
31 4
32 6
33 6
34 6
35 4
36 8
37 6
38 3
39 2
40 5


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 1 7.14 Mastered 190

2 3 21.43 Mastered
3 0 0.00 Mastered
4 3 21.43 Mastered 170
5 2 14.29 Mastered
6 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered 160
7 0 0.00 Mastered 150
8 0 0.00 Mastered
Number of Students

9 0 0.00 Mastered 140

10 0 0.00 Mastered
11 3 21.43 Mastered 130
12 2 14.29 Mastered 120
13 1 7.14 Mastered
14 1 7.14 Mastered 110
15 0 0.00 Mastered
16 0 0.00 Mastered
17 4 28.57 Nearly Mastered 90
18 0 0.00 Mastered
19 4 28.57 Nearly Mastered 80
20 3 21.43 Mastered
21 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
22 0 0.00 Mastered 60
23 4 28.57 Nearly Mastered
24 2 14.29 Mastered 50
25 2 14.29 Mastered 40
26 0 0.00 Mastered
27 3 21.43 Mastered 30
28 6 42.86 Nearly Mastered
29 0 0.00 Mastered
30 0 0.00 Mastered 10
31 1 7.14 Mastered
32 2 14.29 Mastered 0
33 3 21.43 Mastered
34 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
35 3 21.43 Mastered Item Number
36 4 28.57 Nearly Mastered
37 0 0.00 Mastered
38 1 7.14 Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 1 7.14 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 1 7.14 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
8 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 14


1 1
2 3
3 0
4 3
5 2
6 5
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 0
11 3
12 2
13 1
14 1
15 0
16 0
17 4
18 0
19 4
20 3
21 5
22 0
23 4
24 2
25 2
26 0
27 3
28 6
29 0
30 0
31 1
32 2
33 3
34 5
35 3
36 4
37 0
38 1
39 1
40 1


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 8 42.11 Nearly Mastered 190

2 0 0.00 Mastered
3 3 15.79 Mastered
4 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered 170
5 0 0.00 Mastered
6 8 42.11 Nearly Mastered 160
7 3 15.79 Mastered 150
8 2 10.53 Mastered
Number of Students

9 2 10.53 Mastered 140

10 1 5.26 Mastered
11 0 0.00 Mastered 130
12 2 10.53 Mastered 120
13 0 0.00 Mastered
14 4 21.05 Mastered 110
15 0 0.00 Mastered
16 3 15.79 Mastered
17 4 21.05 Mastered 90
18 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered
19 2 10.53 Mastered 80
20 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered
21 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered
22 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered 60
23 0 0.00 Mastered
24 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered 50
25 7 36.84 Nearly Mastered 40
26 0 0.00 Mastered
27 1 5.26 Mastered 30
28 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered
29 0 0.00 Mastered
30 0 0.00 Mastered 10
31 0 0.00 Mastered
32 0 0.00 Mastered 0
33 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered
34 0 0.00 Mastered
35 0 0.00 Mastered Item Number
36 8 42.11 Nearly Mastered
37 3 15.79 Mastered
38 5 26.32 Nearly Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 2 10.53 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 6 31.58 Nearly Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
14 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 19


1 8
2 0
3 3
4 6
5 0
6 8
7 3
8 2
9 2
10 1
11 0
12 2
13 0
14 4
15 0
16 3
17 4
18 6
19 2
20 6
21 5
22 6
23 0
24 6
25 7
26 0
27 1
28 5
29 0
30 0
31 0
32 0
33 6
34 0
35 0
36 8
37 3
38 5
39 2
40 6


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered 190

2 7 26.92 Nearly Mastered
3 3 11.54 Mastered
4 6 23.08 Mastered 170
5 0 0.00 Mastered
6 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered 160
7 3 11.54 Mastered 150
8 5 19.23 Mastered
Number of Students

9 6 23.08 Mastered 140

10 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered
11 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered 130
12 2 7.69 Mastered 120
13 0 0.00 Mastered
14 4 15.38 Mastered 110
15 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered
16 3 11.54 Mastered
17 4 15.38 Mastered 90
18 6 23.08 Mastered
19 2 7.69 Mastered 80
20 3 11.54 Mastered
21 5 19.23 Mastered
22 6 23.08 Mastered 60
23 2 7.69 Mastered
24 6 23.08 Mastered 50
25 7 26.92 Nearly Mastered 40
26 0 0.00 Mastered
27 0 0.00 Mastered 30
28 5 19.23 Mastered
29 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered
30 1 3.85 Mastered 10
31 4 15.38 Mastered
32 6 23.08 Mastered 0
33 6 23.08 Mastered
34 6 23.08 Mastered
35 9 34.62 Nearly Mastered Item Number
36 8 30.77 Nearly Mastered
37 3 11.54 Mastered
38 5 19.23 Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 2 7.69 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 6 23.08 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
10 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 26


1 8
2 7
3 3
4 6
5 0
6 8
7 3
8 5
9 6
10 9
11 8
12 2
13 0
14 4
15 9
16 3
17 4
18 6
19 2
20 3
21 5
22 6
23 2
24 6
25 7
26 0
27 0
28 5
29 8
30 1
31 4
32 6
33 6
34 6
35 9
36 8
37 3
38 5
39 2
40 6


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 5 20.00 Mastered 190

2 3 12.00 Mastered
3 6 24.00 Mastered
4 7 28.00 Nearly Mastered 170
5 0 0.00 Mastered
6 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered 160
7 5 20.00 Mastered 150
8 5 20.00 Mastered
Number of Students

9 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered 140

10 9 36.00 Nearly Mastered
11 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered 130
12 2 8.00 Mastered 120
13 6 24.00 Mastered
14 4 16.00 Mastered 110
15 3 12.00 Mastered
16 5 20.00 Mastered
17 4 16.00 Mastered 90
18 6 24.00 Mastered
19 4 16.00 Mastered 80
20 3 12.00 Mastered
21 5 20.00 Mastered
22 6 24.00 Mastered 60
23 5 20.00 Mastered
24 2 8.00 Mastered 50
25 7 28.00 Nearly Mastered 40
26 5 20.00 Mastered
27 0 0.00 Mastered 30
28 5 20.00 Mastered
29 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered
30 4 16.00 Mastered 10
31 7 28.00 Nearly Mastered
32 6 24.00 Mastered 0
33 6 24.00 Mastered
34 0 0.00 Mastered
35 5 20.00 Mastered Item Number
36 8 32.00 Nearly Mastered
37 3 12.00 Mastered
38 5 20.00 Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 3 12.00 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 6 24.00 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
9 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 25


1 5
2 3
3 6
4 7
5 0
6 8
7 5
8 5
9 8
10 9
11 8
12 2
13 6
14 4
15 3
16 5
17 4
18 6
19 4
20 3
21 5
22 6
23 5
24 2
25 7
26 5
27 0
28 5
29 8
30 4
31 7
32 6
33 6
34 0
35 5
36 8
37 3
38 5
39 3
40 6


No. Of
Students Frequency of Error
Item who got % Description
No. the
Answers 200

1 0 0.00 Mastered 190

2 0 0.00 Mastered
3 0 0.00 Mastered
4 3 21.43 Mastered 170
5 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
6 4 28.57 Nearly Mastered 160
7 0 0.00 Mastered 150
8 0 0.00 Mastered
Number of Students

9 6 42.86 Nearly Mastered 140

10 2 14.29 Mastered
11 2 14.29 Mastered 130
12 1 7.14 Mastered 120
13 4 28.57 Nearly Mastered
14 2 14.29 Mastered 110
15 0 0.00 Mastered
16 0 0.00 Mastered
17 4 28.57 Nearly Mastered 90
18 0 0.00 Mastered
19 4 28.57 Nearly Mastered 80
20 3 21.43 Mastered
21 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
22 0 0.00 Mastered 60
23 1 7.14 Mastered
24 2 14.29 Mastered 50
25 3 21.43 Mastered 40
26 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
27 1 7.14 Mastered 30
28 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered
29 2 14.29 Mastered
30 4 28.57 Nearly Mastered 10
31 0 0.00 Mastered
32 5 35.71 Nearly Mastered 0
33 6 42.86 Nearly Mastered
34 2 14.29 Mastered
35 0 0.00 Mastered Item Number
36 0 0.00 Mastered
37 0 0.00 Mastered
38 0 0.00 Mastered Based on the Item Analysis table, there are ten questions
39 1 7.14 Mastered that students had difficulty choosing the correct answers.
40 1 7.14 Mastered These are also represented by the towering bars found in the
Frequency of Error chart which corresponds to questions 11,
14, and 18.
Least Learned Skills 0 Upon inpsecting the 10 questions, the least mastered
skills are under the competencies "predict the qualitative
characteristics and solve the quantitative characteristics of
NO MASTERY images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses".
0 Since majority of the questions they struggled with involve
(50% - 100%)
NEARLY MASTERED problem solving, the teacher reviewed the lesson about mirror
12 and lens equations and considerable amount of problems were
(26% to 49%) given to ensure mastery and retention of the numeracy skill.
(25% and below)


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Total # of Students: 14


1 0
2 0
3 0
4 3
5 5
6 4
7 0
8 0
9 6
10 2
11 2
12 1
13 4
14 2
15 0
16 0
17 4
18 0
19 4
20 3
21 5
22 0
23 1
24 2
25 3
26 5
27 1
28 5
29 2
30 4
31 0
32 5
33 6
34 2
35 0
36 0
37 0
38 0
39 1
40 1



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