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Cyber Security Systems and The Future That Awaits

Richard Handy

Appalachian State Univerity


Dr. Clairice Brown

February 9, 2022
Your personal information could be stolen anywhere and at any moment, whether you're

going to work, going to the supermarket, or even taking your kids to school. Technology is one

of the most fantastic things that has ever happened to the planet, yet it also has a lot of

drawbacks. One industry that is taking control of technology and protecting people's personal

information is cyber security. When it comes to having your personal information stolen, hackers

are one of the most dangerous hazards. Cyber security systems are and will continue to be your

defense against hackers attempting to steal your data.

Other than the passwords on your smartphone or laptop, the only other thing keeping

strangers and hackers from seeing your personal information are these cyber security systems. In

2021, over thirty thousand new businesses were affected by hackers and data breaches. “In

March of 2020, the cooperation T-Mobile experienced a data breach causing unprotected access

to employee and customer information” stated (Osborn 2020). Some might suspect that our state

and national information might be protected more than others, but these secrets are still being

hacked and taken. Technology has been one of the greatest things to have ever happened to the

world, but these amazing things are what hackers are using to steal personal information from

people all over the world. Other than technology, people's personal tendencies are another main

reason hackers can access this personal information. As stated by Klimburg (2015)“Hackers

consider these predictable patterns in human behavior as a gateway into the technical, material

layer of computer networks” Klimburg(2015), later puts a lot of emphasis on these human

tendencies and the precaution people need to take when protecting themselves from hackers.

Kilimburg (2015) also speaks down on humans stating “Humans are fairly dumb; we are easily

led”. Kilimburg explains to the readers the common things we do in our everyday lives and how
these things can be perfect for hackers to steal information. She also states that humans are fairly

dumb, people all over the world make mistakes even if they do not notice, which is what makes

us human, but even these little mistakes are costing people their personal information.

The future of these security systems is very important. Many students are going to school

for cyber security, learning how to install, work, and see when a hacker is trying to infiltrate

these systems. However, many students are rethinking learning about these systems. Computer

programming is one of the reasons. Programming is usually not an important part when learning

about these security systems. As time goes on, businesses and corporations that produce these

security systems are requiring more programming knowledge, which is scaring these students

away. As stated in the article “In addition to students’ challenge in learning program, it is also

crucial for the IS educators to ensure they teach students the appropriate amount of computer

programming skills conforming to their students’ expectation” (Barker, 2002). The author uses

the word crucial when discussing the need for basic programming skills to be taught to students.

The need for more people to know the basics of programming is necessary to help defend against

hackers and other sorts of data breaches.

Job opportunities for students after graduating college, also play a big role in these

security systems, since they are the future workers of these security systems. A survey was given

to CIS students, asking them where they would prefer to intern. As stated in the article

“Employers should look within their organization to find how their company is meeting students'

needs” (Robbins, 1996). Many students are not wanting to graduate with certain degrees in

computer information systems due to the programming that has started to be taught. Also,

employers are looking for high knowledgeable students in programming without offering them

the right things, for this knowledge that they have.

Cyber Security systems are very important in today's time and will be increasing in need as time

goes on. Protecting businesses and people's personal information is the main safety precaution

when discussing security systems with corporations and college students pursuing a career in

CIS, students will be taught programming to a certain extent to help better them for their future

careers. Cyber security systems are the future of technology and everyday tendencies, going to

work, at the grocery store, or at the park, the future of cyber security will be able to protect

millions from hacking and data breaches.


Bureau of State Security. (2010). Regulations for Managing the Confidentiality of the

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Robbins, R. R. (1996). Attitudes and Perceptions of Computer Information Systems Students

Toward Employment Opportunities. Journal of Employment Counseling, 33(2), 61–69.

Klimburg-Witjes, N., & Wentland, A. (2021). Hacking Humans? Social Engineering and the

Construction of the “Deficient User” in Cybersecurity Discourses. Science, Technology &

Human Values, 46(6), 1316–1339.

Abdunabi, R., Hbaci, I., & Heng-Yu Ku. (2019). Towards Enhancing Programming Self-

Efficacy Perceptions among Undergraduate Information Systems Students. Journal of

Information Technology Education, 18, 185–206

Osborne, C. (2020, December 7). The biggest hacks, data breaches of 2020. ZDNet.

GUPTA, J. Y. O. T. I. (2019, September 19). Artificial Intelligence in Emergency Medicine:

Benefits, Risks, and Recommendations. AI in Healthcare: Drives Potential Enhancements across

the Healthcare Sector.

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