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Cinderella Story?

By Wardah Bte Mohd Rashid

Cinderella- Wardah Bte Mohd Rashid

Snow Black de Mirror- Risvine a/p Thiagu

Cinderella’s Mother/ Lady Montez & Merlin- Noor Aima bte Mohd Atar

Prince Arthur & Messenger of Prince- Emma Nurezzaty Syahira

Scene 1

Setting: Lady Montez house on the living room

Cinderella is wiping the floor. Lady Montez is watching Cinderella with hand on the

Lady Montez: You’re a lazy girl Cinderella. I asked you to wipe the whole area an hour ago yet
you haven’t finish it. What a slow servant!

Cinderella: (Looking at Lady Montez with sad eyes) yes mother. I will do it faster.

Lady Montez: Good. After you finish this, I want you to wash my clothes, wipe the shelves,
clean the stable, buy some bread and take Charlotte, the dog for a walk.

Cinderella: yes mother. I will do it later.

Lady Montez: I want you to finish it before dinner. Is that understood?

Cinderella: understood mother.

Lady Montez turns around and Cinderella acts as if she want to choke Lady Montez from
behind. Unfortunately, the mother turns around Cinderella and catches her with hands in the air
and a piece of cloth in her right hand.

Lady Montez: Imbeciles, what do you think you’re doing?

Cinderella: (Thinking) I thought I saw dirt on your back. So, I wish to clean it up, mother.

Lady Montez: (points to the piece of cloth in Cinderella’s hand with I-can’t-believe-it look) with
that thing?
Cinderella: (think for a sec) think so.

Lady Montez slaps Cinderella’s face.

Lady Montez: How dare you! Don’t compare me with a dirty little creature like you, the one who
are always covered with dirt. How could you wipe my pure skin with that dirty cloth which is as
dirty as you are?! Enough, I need my evening bath. Finish up your work or you will not have any
dinner tonight.

Cinderella: Yes mother.

Cinderella stands up and walks to a basket which is full with dirty clothe nearby a book
shelves. While trying to lift the basket, she sees a beautiful hand mirror in the shelves. A soft
light comes out from the mirror.

Cinderella: (excited) Wow, what a beautiful mirror!

Mirror: (angelic voice) Thank you.

Cinderella: Oh my God! This mirror can talk.

Cinderella jumps suddenly.

Lady Montez walks towards Cinderella.

Lady Montez: Cinderella, with whom are you talking to?

Cinderella: (taking the mirror) mother, the mirror is talking.

Lady Montez: (snatch the mirror from Cinderella’s hand)Nonsense! Don’t be silly! Thing like
this can’t talk!

Cinderella: I’m telling the truth mother. Try to say something to the mirror mother and you can
see that I’m telling you the truth.

Lady Montez: (use her free hand to pull Cinderella’s hair)So I will look idiot to you and you will
talk about it to the whole village that I’m an idiot who is talking to a mirror?

Cinderella: No mother. I’m telling the truth! Ouch! That’s hurt.

While Lady Montez is pulling Cinderella’s hair, the door is belling. Lady Montez lets go
of Cinderella’s hair.

Lady Montez: You’re lucky for once, young lady.

Lady Montez goes to the door and opens it. The Messenger of prince is in front of the
Messenger: (smiling) Good evening countess, I’m a Messenger of The Prince.

Lady Montes becomes cheeky.

Lady Montez: Of course I know who you are. Why do you come here? Did the prince need
something or someone?

The messenger opens a roll of paper.

Messenger: Indeed I have a message from him. This Friday night, there’ll be a ball held at the
castle. All the ladies in this country is demanded to come to the castle. No exception because the
prince will select his wife that day. Okay, that’s all. Have a nice day Countess.

The messenger walks away. Lady Montez walks in the house. Cinderella is now having a
chat with the mirror.

Cinderella: Hi, don’t you have a name?

Snow black: yes. My name is Snow Black.

Cinderella: What a weird name. Why do you have that kind of name? Who gives it to you?

Snow black: my late master gave it to me because..

Lady Montez runs towards Cinderella and snatches the mirror from her hand.

Lady Montez: Oh my God! The mirror can talk! Hey mirror, what is your specialty? Thing like
you must have some magic.

Snow Black: I’m created by my late master to tell the truth.

Lady Montez: (smirk evilly) if you say that… Mirror, mirror in my hands, who is the most
beautiful lady in this world?

Suddenly, the mirror becomes a black girl.

Snow Black: Hey, please don’t ask that kind of question. You have to know the truth that the
answer is definitely not you. You are THE UGLIEST person.

Lady Montez’s mouth opens wide and she passed out while mumbling “ugly,ugly,ugly”.
Cinderella runs toward Snow Black.

Cinderella: So, you are Snow black de Mirror.

Snow Black: Yes, Cinderella.

Cinderella: Thank you for saving my life.

Snow Black: No problem although the entire thing that I do is just telling the truth.

Cinderella: (jumping) Yay, I’m free from my evil mother. Hey, I got an idea. How about we go
to the ball together to celebrate our friendship?

Snow Black: (jumping) yes! I would really like that!

Cinderella: Let’s go.

Scene 2

Setting: Castle

Prince Arthur is sitting at the throne. Merlin is standing beside him.

Prince Arthur: Merlin, when will this event end? I want to have my sleep.

Merlin: you can have your peaceful sleep after you choose your wife, my prince.

Prince Arthur: That is definitely impossible. Look at them! Ugly! I don’t know who will I choose
because of their ugliness. Look at the girl over there. Who would want to marry a girl with a hair
like a bird nest?!

Merlin: My prince, your mother has the same hair as that and you say it beautiful all the time.

Prince Arthur: oh, is that so? I’m just bluffing to make her feel good. Look at the girl over there.
Her face her pimple. I can’t compare her with a bee hive. Doesn’t her mother tell her to wash her
face five times a day so that the skin will be smooth just like my mother use to tell me? If not,
she is a pity girl, isn’t she? (Waiting for Merlin answer) isn’t she, Merlin?

Arthur looks at Merlin who is sleeping by leaning on the wall. Arthur pokes Merlin on
the stomach.

Arthur: who asks you to sleep! You cannot sleep before I sleep. Understood?

Merlin: (sign) whatever…

Arthur: (pokes Merlin again) don’t talk to me like that. Can’t you be polite to me just once? I’m
your master after all. Don’t you know that being polite to your master is a must, huh, Merlin?
(waiting for Merlin’s answer) Merlin!

Arthur looks at Merlin again but he is not sleeping. Instead he is watching the crowd.

Arthur: who are you looking at?

Merlin: (points at Cinderella and Snow Black who just enter the castle) Look at those two. I
haven’t seen anyone as beautiful as they are. What is your opinion Arthur? (Waiting for Arthur’s
answer) Arthur?

Merlin looks at Arthur. Arthur freezes.

Merlin: Arthur..

Arthur stands up and walks straight to Cinderella and Snow Black who chatting happily.

Cinderella: what a crowd.

Snow Black: yup. There are so many girls who want to marry the so-called prince. I don’t think
the prince is so handsome. The girls simply put on make-up on their faces since yesterday
although they only have 0.01 percent chance to be chosen as the prince’s wife. Pity those girl’s
aren’t they?

Cinderella: (nodding). Yeah.. Talking about the prince, have you seen him before?

Snow black: (Shaking her head) no. not a chance.

Cinderella: I think it’s better for us to see him. It’s rude to come to a party without knowing the
master’s face. Right?

Snow Black: well, you are right. Let’s go.

They turn around to go to the prince’s seat but the prince is already standing in front of

Prince Arthur: Hello girls. My name is Prince Arthur. Want to have a dance?

Cinderella pulls Snow Black hand and move aside.

Cinderella: oh my god! The prince is handsome!

Snow Black: yes. It is.

Cinderella: I think I will dance with him.

Cinderella is going to the prince but her hand is pull by Snow Black.

Snow Black: (whispering) not fair. I want to dance with him to.

Cinderella: no, you have no right to dance with him. I’m Cinderella, the heroin of this story. I’m
the one who suppose to do that!
Snow Black: no,no,no and no. It because of your author wants me to become the heroin so my
author had transferred me from Snow Black story to Cinderella story. So, it’s my honor to
dancing with the prince. Stay aside!

Snow White pushes Cinderella away but Cinderella pushes Snow Black. They play the
pushing for a moment in front of the prince who having a headache on choosing who the one
should he dance with.

Prince Arthur: Stop it you two. Don’t fighting because of me! I know I’m too handsome for you
two to stop fighting but please don’t embarrass yourselves because of my handsomeness.

Cinderella and Snow Black stop fighting.

Cinderella: Okay we will stop if you choose one of us to be your wife.

Snow Black: yeah! If you do that, we will stop.

Prince Arthur thinking.

Cinderella: please think faster my Prince.

Snow White: we don’t want to stand here all night long. Make it quick.

Prince Arthur: Actually, I like both of you but I need a wife whom can fight like a man because I
need fully protection. You know..because of my greatness, handsomeness and all.

Cinderella turns to face Snow Black. She takes off her right glove and throws it in front
of Snow Black foot.

Cinderella: Snow Black, I challenge you for a combat.

Snow Black: I, Snow Black accept your challenge.

Cinderella and Snow Black pull their skirt to reveal a taekwondo’s trouser. Merlin comes
and become the referee.

Merlin: Chung, hung. Chareot, Kyong Rye, Chunbi.

Cinderella and Snow Black prepare with fighting stance.

Merlin: Xi Chak.

Cinderella and Snow Black begin to sparring. After a while, Merlin stops them.

Merlin: The result is draw.

Cinderella and Snow Black panting. Prince Arthur walks to them.

Prince Arthur: I’m sorry you two. I’m seriously can’t choose one of you. It’s so hard.

The scene becomes sad. Suddenly..

Snow Black: My Prince, I want to you to choose Cinderella.

Everyone look at Snow Black.

Cinderella& Prince Arthur: Why?

Snow Black:(Smiling while looking at Merlin) Because, I’m falling in love with your servant,

Merlin: (big eyes) with me?

Snow Black: yes, please take me as your wife.

Merlin: (smile widely with peace symbol) ok.

Cinderella: so, the conclusion is I get the prince and Snow Black get Merlin?

Everyone nodding with “emm emm” sound.

Cinderella: So, it’s the end?

Everyone nodding with “emm emm” sound.

Cinderella: (looks at the spectators) Thank you for watching everyone.

All of the actors wave their hand and the story end.

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