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An essay on how this course affect me as a PE major

During this pandemic, face to face delivery of courses in universities has been

canceled, but, this courses arrived in homes in a form of form of hardbound module. Anatomy is

the science studying the internal and external structure of a body and physiology is the science in

studying the purpose and functions of structure in the body. This course is the keystones that will

determine my capability as a Physical Education major. Being a Physical Education major is

being a fitness advocate. Physical Education major engages in physical activities such as sports,

recreational, dancing, exercise that includes human body movement. In able to execute it

smoothly, it need a sound and fit body. This things can only done with the aid of anatomy and

physiology. But due to physical interaction around school premises this course in a form of

module enables me to bend my capability to learn independently. As a PE major this course

helps me to execute physical activity requirement in a creative way without the aid of instructor


Teach the functions of the body helps me to identify what kind of simulation is needed to

improve a certain part of my body, example is when I want to be a good swimmer but the

problem is I had a hard time on doing swimming strokes, so, in able to do that I need to do

routines to improve the pair of muscle that covers my lower back, but of course I need to practice

also. In this situation knowing a gist of information in this course helps me to improve my

physical aspects.

Learning this course enables me to have adequate knowledge to evaluate the impact of

exercise in the body and enables me unveils and explore more about the structure of the body

that provides ample information that I am sure I will use in the future. I’m amazed that before I
only know some parts but this course helps me to understand what is responsible in this kind of

movement. It enlightened me also about the substances that I absorbed in my body making me

cautious about what I need to consume. Furthermore, this course also discuss a gist about how a

systems in a body of a human works and their relationship with each other.

It also enables me to assess what type of sports I am capable, for example the capability

of upper limbs versus the capability of my lower limbs. I have more capability and control on my

upper limb than my lower limb, Therefore, I can perform better in throws than track field. As I

can see this is not only the science of understanding and knowing but also the science that avoids

from further injuries. This course also help me to understand words and vocabulary that is new to

my tongue, which this words will be used throughout so I can survive this course. This course

made a gateway for me for more opportunity.

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