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Design Topic: Virginia’s Government Subject(s): History Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Veronica Eksteen

Understanding by Design

Unit Cover Page

Unit Title: The Three Branches Virginia’s Government Grade Levels: 5th

Topic/Subject Areas: Virginia’s Government/ Virginia Studies/ History

Key Words: Virginia government, judicial, legislative, executive, three branches

Designed By: Veronica Eksteen Time Frame: 2 weeks

School District: Regent University School: Teacher Ed & IDS Dept.

Brief Summary of Unit (including curricular context and unit goals):

“The Three Branches of Virginia’s Government” allows students to learn about the
three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial, that make up the government of
Virginia. Students will learn that each branch has a specific function and work closely
together to ensure that the laws agree with Virginia’s Constitution. Students will also
understand that the roles and decisions of the three branches of Virginia’s government
directly impact their lives as citizens of the state. Also, by the end of the unit, students
will be able to explain the function of each branch and state how they work together
by creating an art piece that demonstrates these concepts.

Unit design status: X Completed template pages – stages 1, 2, 3

Completed blueprint for each performance task X Completed rubrics

Directions to students and teacher Materials and resources listed

x Suggested accommodations x Suggested extensions

Status: Initial draft (date: ___________) Revised draft (date: ____________)

Peer Reviewed Content Reviewed Field Tested Validated Anchored


Unit Title: The Three Branches Virginia’s Government

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 1
Design Topic: Virginia’s Government Subject(s): History Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Veronica Eksteen

Established Goals (cite specific VA SOL): The student will demonstrate an understanding of
Virginia government, geography, and economics by a) Identifying the three branches of Virginia
Government and the function of each; (VDOE History & Social Sciences SOL Virginia Studies 10a,

Understandings: Students will understand that… Essential Questions:

(Provide no more than three) (Provide 5)
 The three branches, legislative, executive,  Why are laws useful in Virginia’s
and judicial, guarantee Virginia laws agree society?
with Virginia’s constitution.  How does Virginia’s government impact
 Each of the three branches (legislative, the lives of its residents?
executive, and judicial) of Virginia  What is the function of Virginia’s
government have specific roles to play and government?
these roles impact the lives of Virginia’s  How are Virginia’s citizens held
citizens. accountable for following laws?
 How do the three branches of Virginia’s
government ensure that the laws agree
with the state constitution?

Students will know: Students will be able to:

(Give about 5 to 10) (List at least 5 skills)
 Virginia’s state government is made up of  Create a graphic representation of the
three branches: legislative, executive, and three branches of Virginia’s government.
judicial.  Explain how the three branches of
 The three branches (legislative, executive, Virginia’s government ensures alignment
and judicial) ensure Virginia’s laws are with the state constitution.
aligned with Virginia’s state constitution  Identify the legislative branch of
(each state has their own state constitution, Virginia’s government as the General
and they differ from one another). Assembly.
 The legislative branch of Virginia’s  Define the function of the General
government is known as the General Assembly.
Assembly.  Differentiate between the two parts of the
 The function of the General Assembly is General Assembly: the Senate and the
to make state laws. House of Representatives.
 The General Assembly is divided into two  Identify the governor as the head of the
parts – the Senate and the House of executive branch.
Delegates.  Model how state laws are carried out by
 The executive branch is headed by the the executive branch.
governor.  Identify the judicial branch as the state’s
 State laws are carried out by the executive court system.
branch.  Model the purpose of the judicial branch:
 The judicial branch is the state’s court (1) deciding about people accused of
system. breaking the law, and (2) deciding
 The purpose of the judicial branch is to whether a law agrees with Virginia’s
Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 2
Design Topic: Virginia’s Government Subject(s): History Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Veronica Eksteen
decide: 1) about people accused of constitution.
breaking the law and 2) whether or not a
law agrees with Virginia’s constitution.


Performance Tasks: Other Evidence:
(Briefly describe 1 to 3 authentic assessments. (List 3 including MC quiz)
List your GRASP Summative Assessment first)
 Think-Pair-Share: students will get a
 Sort Cards: students will work to sort question from the teacher dealing with the
characteristics of the three branches into Virginia’s government. They will then
the correct categories. Students will have have a little bit of time to think about their
three groups to sort them into: executive, answer and then they will get together
judicial, and legislative (Rutherford, 2008, with a partner and discuss their thoughts,
94). and then the teacher will call on them to
hear their answer to the questions
 RAFT Letter: students will be writing a (Rutherford, 2008, 112).
letter to their pen pal in South-Africa. In
this letter, students will describe  Homework: students will be given a
Virginia’s government, the different parts, packet of homework where they will
and how they all work together determine if statements are characteristics
(Rutherford, 2008, 140). of the legislative, executive, or judicial
 Art Illustrator (GRASP): the students will
create a model/ painting that represents  Quiz: students will take a quiz dealing
the three branches of the government. with the three branches of Virginia’s
They will also write a letter explaining government.
their art and how all three branches are
represented in it.

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

(List 3)

 Entry ticket: at the beginning of each class- students will write one thing they know or think
about the topic that they will be discussing that day (Rutherford, 2008, 115).

 Interactive notebook: students will be given a statement dealing with Virginia’s government
that they will write down in their notebook. Under the statement, students will write their
personal thoughts about the statement- whether they agree or disagree with it and why they
agree or disagree (Rutherford, 2008, 228).
Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 3
Design Topic: Virginia’s Government Subject(s): History Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Veronica Eksteen

 At the end of each week, students will turn in their learning log that they have worked on
during the week. On this log students will write down two things that they learned that week.
They will give an opinion of their week, and they will write down something that they would
like to learn more about (Rutherford, 2008, 226).


Summary of Learning Activities:
(list by number here and then complete the week-by-week planning calendar below using the same

1. The teacher will display a Frame of Reference graphic on the board with the topic “Virginia’s
government” in the middle. Students will individually jot down words or phrases that come to
mind when they think of this topic. Students will also jot down how they came to know what they
know. Students will then be paired in small groups to share their thinking. The teacher will call on
students to share their thoughts and how they came to know that (Rutherford, 2008, 226). (Pre-
2. The teacher will ask students to think of a law that they would like to create, if they had the power
to create a law, and everyone had to abide by it. Students will write down their self-created law
and then the teacher will allow each student to share the law they created and why they created the
law. (Hook)
3. The teacher will introduce the big ideas, the objectives in grade-level terms, the essential questions
that students will be thinking and answering during this unit, and the summative assessment. The
teacher will explain to students that they will be Art Illustrators. They will create a model/
painting that represents the three branches of the government. They will also write a letter
explaining their art and how all three branches are represented in it.
4. Students will complete a learning log. On this log students will write down two things that they
learned that week. They will give an opinion of their week, and they will write down something
that they would like to learn more about (Rutherford, 2008, 226).
5. The students will answer the essential question “Why are laws useful in Virginia’s government?”
Students will think of their answers and then Think-Pair-Share their answers with a partner
(Rutherford, 2008, 112). (Instructional Strategy/ Cooperative learning).
6. TEACH: The teacher will teach students the first lesson on Virginia’s government dealing with
the legislative branch. The teacher will inform student that the legislative branch is known as the
General Assembly. This branch’s function is to make state laws. The General Assembly is divided
into two distinct parts: the Senate and the House of Delegates.
7. Students will take notes during the teaching in their interactive notebooks. The notes will be on
the right side of the notebook. On the left side, after the teaching, students will process their
learning by summarizing in a sentence what they learned, drawing a picture, create a graphic
organizer and fill it out, or create a metaphor for what they have learned. (Instructional strategy/
Differentiating by product).
8. Students will share out loud one thing that they think is important to know about the legislative
9. Students will be given a law that is currently in place in Virginia. Students will be asked to review
Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 4
Design Topic: Virginia’s Government Subject(s): History Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Veronica Eksteen
the law, summarize the law, and state why they believe the law was created. Based on students’
understanding and reading ability, they will be given laws that are appropriate for their reading
ability. Also, for ELLs, the laws will be given in their native language as well as English.
(Differentiation by content).
10. TEACH: The teacher will inform students of the executive branch of Virginia’s Government. The
executive branch is headed by the governor. And that the state laws are carried out by the
executive branch.
11. Students will be divided in groups to discuss essential questions. Students will share out loud with
the class their answers (Cooperative Learning).
12. Students will be given a homework packet to take home and complete over the next few days.
Students will determine if characteristics are part of the legislative, executive, or judicial branch
(which will be introduced later). Therefore, students will be given multiple days to complete it.
13. Students will state one thing that they have learned so far. They will write it on a sticky note and
post it on the whiteboard when they are done. The teacher will go over all the statements.
14. The teacher will introduce the RAFT letter. In this letter students will be writing a letter to their
pen pal in South-Africa. In this letter, students will describe Virginia’s government, the three
branches, and how they all work together (Rutherford, 2008, 140).
15. The teacher will distribute letter templates to students. The teacher will demonstrate to students
how to fill out a template. The teacher will give students time to work on their letters. The teacher
will scaffold the letter writing process for students. The teacher will hand out templates that have
less support for the advance students. The teacher will provide templates with more support for
struggling learners. And the teacher will provide medium support templates for students who
grasp the concept but need some help
16. TEACH: The teacher will teach the third lesson. In this lesson the teacher will review the judicial
branch. The teacher will explain that the judicial branch is the state’s court system.
17. The teacher will allow time for students to work on their RAFT letters. Students will reference
their letter templates in order to complete this assignment.
18. The teacher, along with the students, will discuss the importance of the three branches and how
they work together.
19. Students will complete sort cards. students will work to sort characteristics of the three branches
into the correct categories. Students will have three groups to sort them into: executive, judicial,
and legislative (Rutherford, 2008, 94). Students will have the option to work with a partner or
alone. (Differentiation by process).
20. Students will take a quiz. Students will take a quiz dealing with the three branches of Virginia’s
government. (Quiz).
21. Students will brainstorm what they want their GRASP art product to look like.
22. Numbered Heads Activity: students will be grouped up to discuss the importance of each branch
and how they work together. The teacher will call out a number and the student who was assigned
that number in each group will answer (Rutherford, 2008, 103). (Instructional Strategy/
Cooperative Learning).
23. Students will be given materials to work on their art product. They will have time to start their
project and complete it. The teacher will circulate the room to help whenever students need it.
24. Students will participate in Take a Stand. The teacher will create ten to fifteen statements dealing
with the three branches of Virginia’s government. Students will then state whether they agree or
disagree with a statement. The teacher will call on students who have opposing opinions and ask
them to defend their choices (Rutherford, 2008, 107).
25. Students will be given time to work on the Art Illustrator GRASP letter. They will state how their
art incorporates the three branches of Virginia’s government and their function. Students will
reference their letter template in order to complete letter.
Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 5
Design Topic: Virginia’s Government Subject(s): History Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Veronica Eksteen
26. Students will turn in their Art Illustrator (GRASP). Students will share what their art is and how it
represents all three branches of Virginia’s government.
27. Students will self-reflect on their Art Illustrator (GRASP). Students will state what they learned
from doing the project, what they liked about it, and what they did not like. Also, students will
have completed their second learning log and turn that in as well.

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 6

Design Topic: Virginia’s Government Subject(s): History Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Veronica Eksteen

Stage 3 – Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

Consider the WHERETO elements. You must include enough instruction for 10 lessons.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1. Pre-Assessment: Students 5. Essential Questions: 8. Share Out Loud: students 10. TEACH: the teacher will 13. Sticky Notes: students will
will fill out Frame of students will start their class by will share one thing that they introduce information on the keep write down one thing
Reference Graphic. answering essential questions have learned in yesterday’s executive branch of Virginia’s they learned the previous class
and Think-Pair-Share their lesson. government and its function. on a sticky note and put it on
2. Hook: Students will create a answers. the whiteboard.
law and state their reasoning. 9. Law Review: students will 11. Essential Questions:
6. TEACH: the teacher will review a current law in effect students will be divided into 14. Intro to RAFT Letter: the
3.Big Ideas, Objectives, introduce the legislative branch and why they believe it was groups to discuss essential teacher will inform students on
Essential Questions, and to students and its function. created. questions and share their the requirements and
Summative Assessment: conclusion with the class. expectations of the assignment.
Students will be introduced to 7. Interactive Notebook: 4. Learning Log: students will
all of these. The summative students will take notes during state two things they have 12. Homework: students will 15.Letter Template: the teacher
assessment is where student’s the lesson on the right and learned, their opinion of the be assigned homework that will provide students will letter
will be an Art Illustrator to process their learning on the day, and something they would they will complete over the templates and demonstrate
represent all three branches as left. like to work harder on. next few days. how to draft a letter.
well as a letter.
4. Learning Log: students will 4. Learning Log: students will 4. Learning Log: students will
4. Learning Log: students will state two things they have state two things they have finish their learning log and
state two things they have learned, their opinion of the learned, their opinion of the turn it in.
learned, their opinion of the day, and something they would day, and something they would
day, and something they would like to work harder on. like to work harder on.
like to work harder on.

16. TEACH: the teacher will 18. Discussion: the teacher will 22. Numbered Heads: students 24. Take a Stand: students will 26. Art Illustrator GRASP:
teach a lesson on the judicial lead the class in a discussion will be separated into groups to respond to statements from the students will present their
system and its function. on the importance of the three discuss questions. teacher and state whether they project to the class and explain
branches. agree with it or not. why they chose to create the
17. RAFT letter: the teacher 23. Art Illustrator Project art they did.
will allow students time to 19. Sort Cards: students will GRASP: students will have 25. Art Illustrator letter
work on their letter. complete sort cards by placing time to work on their art piece GRASP: students will be 27. Self-Reflection: Students
characteristics of each branch during class. allowed time to work on their will reflect on their GRASP by
4. Learning Log: students will under the correct title. 4. Learning Log: students will letters. stating what they learned, what
Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 7
Design Topic: Virginia’s Government Subject(s): History Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Veronica Eksteen
state two things they have state two things they have 4. Learning Log: students will they liked, and what they did
learned, their opinion of the 20. Quiz: Students will learned, their opinion of the state two things they have not like.
day, and something they would complete a quiz over the three day, and something they would learned, their opinion of the
like to work harder on. branches. like to work harder on. day, and something they would 4. Learning Log: Students will
like to work harder on. also complete and turn in their
21. Brainstorm: students will second learning log.
brainstorm what they want
their project to look like.

4. Learning Log: students will

state two things they have
learned, their opinion of the
day, and something they would
like to work harder on.

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 8

Design Topic: Virginia’s Government Subject(s): History Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Veronica Eksteen
High Level Middle Level Beginner Level
4-3 3-2 2-1
Essential Includes both the art piece, that Includes either the whole art Includes only the art piece that
Components illustrates all three branches of piece that illustrates all three illustrates all three branches of
__/4 Virginia’s government, and a branches of Virginia’s Virginia’s government or a letter
letter explaining the art piece. government and an incomplete explaining the art piece.
letter, or an incomplete art piece
and a complete letter detailing the
art piece.
Content Art piece: all three branches of Art piece: two out of the three Art piece: one out of the three
Virginia’s government are branches of Virginia’s branches of Virginia’s government
__/4 represented in the art piece. government are represented. are represented.
Letter: explains the art piece Letter: Explains art piece, but Letter: explains art piece but only
with all three branches of only mentions two branches of mentions one branch of Virginia’s
Virginia’s government and their Virginia’s government and their government and its function.
function. function.
Creativity Art piece is original, neat, and Art piece is somewhat original, Art piece is not original, neat, or
well thought out. neat, and thought out. thought out.
__/4 Letter addresses the Chrysler Letter addresses the Chrysler Letter does not address the
Museum Director and explains Museum and explains either the Chrysler Museum Director or
the uniqueness and purpose of uniqueness or the purpose of the explain the uniqueness or purpose
the art piece. art piece. of the art piece.

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 9

Design Topic: Virginia’s Government Subject(s): History Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Veronica Eksteen

Reference: Rutherford, P. (2008). Instruction for All Students (second). Just Ask Publications.

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 10

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