ENGLISH Grade 3 EGRA Learners Copy Ok

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English 3 Reading Pre-Test


I. Orientation to Print

1.) These are pages 1 and page 2 of a story book. Don’t read it now. On page
2, point to me where you would begin to read.
2.) Now, point to me what words you would read next.
3.) When you get to end of the first line, where would you read next?

II. Letter Name Knowledge

DIRECTIONS: Name all the letters I will show or point at. Give the
letter names and not the letter sounds.

III. Letter Sound Knowledge

III - A. Letter Sound Knowledge

Here are the letters from the English alphabet, please tell me the sounds, not
the names of the letters I will point at.

III-B. Beginning or First Letter Sound

What is the first or beginning sound in the word ________? I will read
the word twice.
1 car 6 vet
2 bed 7 pot
3 ax 8 wet
4 jam 9 yak
5 ham 10 fan

III-C. Final or Last Letter Sound

What is the last or final letter sound in the word ________? I read the
word twice.

1 can 6 red
2 fox 7 hot
3 big 8 mail
4 ham 9 far
5 rat 10 ten

IV. Familiar Word Reading

Read the words that I will point at. If you do not know how to read it, it
is alright/okay.
NOTE: The teacher will point to the words that the learner will read for one (1)

V. Invented Word Decoding

Read the words that the teacher will point at. If you do not know how to
read it, it is alright/okay.

VI. Oral Passage Reading and Comprehension

Here is a short story. I want you to read it aloud, quickly, carefully and with
understanding. When you have finished. I will ask you some questions about the
story. Do you understand? Ready? Begin.
Sentences (Story)
Good morning. My name is Pat.
I am seven years old. My brother’s name is Sam.
He is five years old. I also have a sister.
Her name is Ana. We live in the Philippines.
We like to read stories.
Every Saturday, my family and I go to the park.

QUESTIONS: (Oral Passage Reading and Comprehension)

Now, I am going to ask you a few questions about the story you read. Try to
answer them as well as you can.

1.What is the name of Pat’s brother?
2. How old is Pat?
3. Where does Pat live?
4. What do Pat, Sam and Ana like to do?
5. When does Pat’s family go to the park?

7. Listening Comprehension
I will read the short story aloud and ask you some questions. The title of
the story is “Please Read!”. Listen carefully.

Please Read!

There will be a Christmas Program at the school covered court on,

December 17 at nine o’ clock in the morning.
A guest speaker will talk about celebrating Christmas and New Year
safely. Some Grade Three pupils will sing and dance for the visitors.
Everyone is invited. Visitors are also welcome to attend.
(55 words)

1. What is the announcement about?
2. Where will the Christmas program take place?
3. When will the Christmas program happen?
4. Who are invited to attend?
5. Why will the speaker talk about celebrating Christmas and New Year?
VIII. Dictation

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