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Ashlea Gardens

Church of Christ
180 Club Avenue
Ashlea Gardens
Tel: 012 997 1983 A
Seen through the eyes of God
mbassador 5 June 2011

By Fred Bergh

Viewed through our own eyes our lives probably seem pretty good, especially if we consider
ourselves Christians. But how does God see us? What does He wish to see in us?
What grieves Him, and what brings Him joy?

When God looked down on His people

He did not see what He wanted to see,
according to the prophet Hosea’s mes-
sage to the northern kingdom of Israel
(Hos 4:1, 5:1, 6:1-6, 7:6-8, 11:8).
This kingdom was constantly under
attack by the Assyrians, but the people
of Israel had brought most of this trou-
ble on themselves. Because they had
chosen not to subscribe to God’s will
they did not experience peace.
At first God did not want to pun-
ish them and showed them mercy, but
still the people refused to heed Hosea’s
warnings and continued to turn their
back on God. Consequently, they ended
up in exile.
Today, when people are taught the
Gospel God looks directly into their
hearts to see their response, as revealed
in the interpretation of the parable of is just as unfruitful. Even though this of His hand. God elevates them because
the sower (Matt 17). person appears to be serving God obe- they have humbled themselves.
Some hear the Word but do not diently, spiritually they are dead. They To approach our heavenly Father for
grasp it fully and the devil easily have gained the world but lost their blessing holds incredible opportunities
snatches away the seed of the kingdom soul because their heart is filled with for us, but it comes with responsibilities
sown in their hearts with his lies. the cares and pleasures of the world. as well.
Sometimes the seed is sown in The seed sown in good ground – a What stops us from serving God in
stony places, where the hearts are hard, receptive heart – bears fruit and con- the way that He wants us to serve him
and because the seed cannot develop sistently experiences spiritual growth. so that He can look down on us and see
deep roots it only lasts a short time. At The good soul is thoughtful and what He wants to see?
the first sign of trouble the hard-heart- serious and yearns for the deliverance If we bear fruit for God “He guards
ed person falls away. of the world by God. God takes pleasure the paths of the just and protects those
The seed sown in thorny places in this and holds these souls in the palm who are faithful to him” (Prov 2:8).

Fred Bergh Chris Gerber Hennie Mulder Sean Bowes Henk Taljaard Alan Page Marcel Bergh
Students spread the Word on campus
About five weeks ago some of Ashlea
Gardens’ university and college students
began hosting a weekly Bible study at
Tukkies, with lessons presented by Marcel.
Initially, attendees were mostly friends of
the students, but recently these began
bringing their own friends along and the
class has grown to more than 20 people.
Indeed, a bigger venue is now needed to
accommodate everyone.
According to Daniel Verwey, university

Prayers of Supplication students are earnestly seeking good Chris-

tian fellowship and are eager to build their
relationship with God.
Joyce Mda is mourning the loss of her Please pray for this incredible minis-
mother. try and encourage any students you may
Neels Botes is recovering from an eye know to attend. Contact Daniel or Marcel
operation. for more information.
Those being treated for cancer: Esme
Rappard, Freda Jooste, Jana Kruger’s
mother and Christo (Salome’s nephew).
The chronically ill: Don Wilmot (heart
function) and Isabell Harding (back
Those looking for work: Donovan
Men’s Retreat
Wilmot, Grace, Paul Heger (family of
Krista) and Melissa Connoway.
The elderly: Vivien Bloem, Salmon Ger-
ber, Chris and Heillie Gerber, Dorothy
Kruger, Tina Verwey, Danie and Pat
Fourie and Hedda Botes.
Izak Connoway is working in Saudi When: 19-22 August
Where: Linga Longa
Deon Connoway and Isak’s partner,
Cost: R480 (adults), Jabu – 8th
R240 (boys U12)
Henk at the company and workshop. RSVP: Owain Kathy – 8th
Jabu Manzini’s son, Sayo is going Aurette – 10th
through a difficult time.
Keagan – 10th

Privileged to Serve in Worship

Today (5 June) Next Week (12 June) Study
Opening prayer: Gavin de Steur Opening prayer: Owain Bowes to show thyself
Table: Debri van Wyk Table: Addo Bediako
Servers: Liam de Weerdt Servers: Deon Taljaard approved
Sean Bowes Sean Bowes
Owain Bowes Willem Lombard
Charl Greeff Byron Harding
Reading, prayer: Deon Taljaard Reading, prayer: Keenan Bowes
Closing prayer: Athan Page Closing prayer: Christo Gerber Youth & Evangelistic
Sermon am: Fred Bergh Sermon am: Fred Bergh Tuesday @ 19h30
pm: Henk Taljaard pm: Alan Page Izak & Amelia’s home
Key, money orderly: Bernie Meyer Key, money orderly: Don Wilmot Ladies
Security bs: Don Wilmot Security bs: Bernie Meyer
Wednesday @ 10h00
am: Christo Gerber am: Deon Connoway Venue to be announced
pm: Mdu Mhlophe pm: Theo de Weerd

Women in God’s Service

Tea duty: Kim & Dinah Tea duty: Caitlin & Irmarie
Table preparation: Heillie & Annette
If you are visiting
Table preparation: Krista & Kathy
Flowers: Yolande Flowers: Amelia with us today
please sign our visitors book.

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