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Oracle upgrade 12.2 to 19.

1. Oracle version you can upgrade directly to 19c

2. Media Location : /SAPmedia/Oracle_19.7
3. Create new mount point: /oracle/<SID>/19.0.0
4. Check the RHEL version --> cat /etc/redhat-release (min. 7.5 above version)
5. Pre-requisire below packages has to be installed on the DB server :
Command to check :
rpm -qa | grep -i compat
rpm -qa | grep -i libstdc
rpm -qa |grep -i libaio

6. Take the backup of Control file, env, Listener, PFILE & SPFILE, OraInventory and

Control file backup:

alter databse backup controlfile to trace as '/SAPmedia/Oracle_19.7/PN1_trace.sql';
Control file location:

PFILE & SPFILE location:


ENV location:
/home/pn1adm --> ,

LISTENER location:

OraInventory and OraInst Location:


7. now set VMC display

export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0

8. unzip the oracle zip files

9. login with oracle or orasid user
10. setenv DB_SID PN1
11. pre-installation checks
./RUNINSTALLER -ohextract
now its ask/error : set oracle home dir, db_sid
setenv ORACLE_HOME/oracle/PN1/19.0.0
setenv DB_SID PN1
oracle base: /oracle/PN1
13. now oracle 19.7 software will installed in PN1

ERROR: [INS-32056] The specified Oracle Base contains the existing Central
Inventory location: /oracle/PN1/oraInventory.
take backup or move the exisisting oraInverntory dir to /oracle
14. now execute Root Scripts
it will set now ORACLE_ONWER= oracle , ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/PN1/19.0.0

15. Install log Location : /oracle/PN1/orainstall

16. ./RUNINSTALLER -ohsapcfg (verify the installation & checks)

1. ORACLE Bundle Patch
Check OPatch and MOPatch in new database /oracle/PN1/19
and take backup of it
uncar the SBP and copy MOpatch to /oracle/PN1/19
SBP logs : /oracle/SD0/19.0.0/cfgtoollogs

2. set env
setenv IHRDBMS /oracle/SD0/19.0.0
setenv OHRDBMS /oracle/SD0/19
setenv SBPFUSER /sbin/fuser


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