G4-Sci-Ch-1-Adaptation in Plants

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Student Notes

Grade 4 Subject Science Date of Assignment 21.06.2021

Topic Chapter-1: Adaptation In Plants Date of Submission 28.06.2021

Chapter-1: Adaptation In Plants

Write the following in your (C/W) book

I. Key Words:
• Habitat
• Adaptations
• Terrestrial Plants
• Cactus
• Deciduous Trees
• Water Lettuce
• Water Lilly
• Hydrilla

Word Buddy:
• Apex: Top most part of an object
• Scattered: Thrown in various and random directions

II. Very Short Question and Answers

1.) Define Habitat?

Ans: Habitat is the natural home of plant or an animal

2.) Define adaptations?

Ans: The process by which living organism develop special features to survive in the
given surroundings is known as adaptation.

III. Short Question and Answers

3.) What are Evergreen trees?

Ans: Some trees do not shed their leaves throughout the year. Such trees are called
Evergreen trees. Example: Tamarind and Mangrove are evergreen tress grown in Plains
Student Notes

4.) What are Deciduous trees?

Ans: Some trees that grow in plains shed their leaves in winter season to protect
themselves from cold. Such trees are called Deciduous trees.
Example: Maple and Oak

lV. Long Question and Answers

5.) Differentiate between floating plants, fixed plants and underwater plants?
1.) Floating plants: Floating plants are spongy and are filled with air. Thus, become light
and hence float on water.
Examples: Water lettuce, duckweed
2.) Fixed plants: These plants have roots fixed at the bottom of the water bed in the
Examples: waterlily, Lotus
3.) Under Water plants: These plants grow completely under water. Their leaves do not
have stomata. These plants breathe in carbon dioxide given out by aquatic animals.
Examples: Hydrilla, Tape-grass

(Note: Pictures are only for reference no need to draw in CW book)

V. HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) Question and Answers

6.) Why are leaves reduced to spines in desert plants?

Ans: In desert plants, leaves are reduced to spines to reduce the loss of water through
Student Notes

(Note: Pictures are only for reference no need to draw in CW book)

VI. Things to Think About

7.) Why is it difficult for plants to grow in coastal areas?

Ans: Coastal regions receive high rainfall and the water available is generally salt. Thus,
conditions of these regions are unfavourable to most plants to grow.

(Note: Pictures are only for reference no need to draw in CW book)

The End

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