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(B. A (Architecture), National University of Singapore)








The interest in the subject of urban lighting was inspired through my previous practice, the

acclaimed lighting company, Lighting Planners Associates Inc (LPA), headed by Mr Kaoru

Mende. Although I did not receive any formal academic training in artificial lighting, I was

taught many in lighting, aiding me in the production of this thesis and the germination of this

thesis subject. During my stint at LPA, I was introduced to urban lighting masterplanning,

which I was keen to derive many other manners of which concepts can be derived and how

different manners of lighting and urban studies can be combined and merged to form new

theories in the realm of qualitative lighting.

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for those who stood by me and tolerate my

temper during these stressful times, particularly my family and boyfriend. Also, I would like

extend my gratitude to internationally acclaimed lighting designers, like Speirs and Majors

Associates and Professor Lucy Hao from Tongji University, who introduced different

concepts to urban lighting master planning to me. Lastly, my supervisor, Assistant Professor

Dr, Stephen K. Wittkopf, who gave me much insight into the world of research, and enabling

a smooth transition from practice to academia.

This condensed version of this thesis was submitted and chosen for both publication and

presentation at the Urban Nightscape 2006, hosted in Athens and co-supported by CIE,

Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, while awareness in this subject was noted in the

latest annual MAAN conference hosted by University of Tokyo in Japan. This signalled

academic interest in this subject, whilst acknowledging that this subject, which examined

quality lit environment in the perspective of environmental perception.



1.0 Introduction

1.1 Importance of Urban Lighting and its Main Objectives 15

1.2 Artificial Lighting Design: Technical Specifications and Impact on 19


1.3 Lack of Knowledge Transfer: Between Studies on Human-Orientated 24

Urban Environment and Lighting Master plan Design Basis

2.0 Review of Current Planning Basis

2.1 Introduction on Recent Trends and Technological Advancement 32

2.2 Introduction of Realized Lighting Master planning Projects 36

2.2.1 Lyon, France – Lighting and Heritage Preservation 39

2.2.2 Tokyo, Roppongi, Japan– Futuristic Lighting 51

2.2.3 Hong Kong Victoria Harbour, China– Highlighting the Skyline 55

2.2.4 Alingsås , Sweden – Lighting and Functionality 59

2.2.5 Coventry, UK – Lighting and City Planning 64

2.2.6 Hang Zhou, China – Lighting for a Famed City 71

2.2.7 Xi Tian Di, Shanghai, China – Lighting and Heritage 79


2.2.8 Civic District Lighting Masterplan, Singapore – Lighting and 83

Civic Pride

2.3 Studies on International Codes of Practices for Urban Lighting

2.3.1 Introduction on Codes of Practices for Urban Lighting 89 IESNA – Lighting for Exterior Environment 90 BSI – Outdoor Lighting Guide 95 CIBSE & ILE – A Guide to Good Urban Environment 97

2.4 Analysis of Current Planning Practice

2.4.1 Analysis of Current Design Criteria and Approach 100


2.4.2 Generic Lighting Themes or Patterns in Current Urban 106


2.4.3 Limitations of Current Planning Basis 118

3.0 Neglected Component of Human-Environment Interaction

3.1 Introduction on Environmental Perception 125

3.1.1 Basis to a Legible Urban Space 129

3.1.2 “Being Involved” and “Making Sense” 135

3.1.3 Evaluative Image of the City 138

3.1.4 Light and its Effects on Spatial Perception 144

3.2 Effect and Importance of a Well-structured Visual Environment 148

4.0 New Proposed Planning Basis

4.1 Human-Environment Interaction: Lighting to Structure the Imageable 157


4.2 Designing Lit Urban Spaces for Human: Proposed Design Basis 161

4.2.1 Clarity in Urban Structure 162 Landmarks Pathways Nodes Districts Edges

4.2.2 Highlighting Textures and Details 165

4.2.3 “Naturalness” and Variety 166 Coloured Lighting Differentiation between Elements

4.2.4 Historic Significance 170

4.2.5 Visual Hierarchy 171


4.2.6 Perceivable Foreground and Background 172

4.2.7 Psychological Comfort 172

4.2.8 Context and Culture 173

5.0 Validation of Proposed Planning Basis 174

5.1 Survey 1: Utilization of Computational Simulation for Responses on 176

Perception of Indoor Lighting Environment

5.1.1 Test Methodology 178

5.1.2 Test Results 183

5.1.3 Survey Limitations 185

5.2 Survey 2: Test on Appearance of Night-time Urban Environment 186

5.2.1 Test Methodology 188

5.2.2 Survey Results 190

5.2.3 Analysis of Results to New Proposed Basis 198

5.2.4 Survey Limitations 201

5.3 Overview of Results Derived from Both Surveys 203

6.0 Conclusion

6.1 Towards the Formulation of Quality Lit Environment 205

6.2 Furthering Research for Urban Lighting 208

7.0 Appendix I 216

Appendix II 221

Appendix III(a) 222

Appendix III(b) 234

8.0 References 239



Quality lighting environment was defined as the lit space that supports human behavioural

needs, with considerations for architectural and economical aspects of the installation.

(Veitch, 2001) Although there are many codes, design guidelines and measurable indices to

describe quality of the luminous environment, no research had addressed to the impact of

urban lighting on human psychology and basic mechanics of visual perception. In this thesis,

a new set of design basis, which addressed to the neglected human perception needs in

environment, would be proposed for future Urban Lighting Master planning. Since this

component of Urban Lighting is lacking in current design practices, the new proposed design

basis should complement the current Codes and Regulations to derive a more holistic

approach towards the formulation of quality lit urban environment.

Due to the novelty of this subject, to highlight the neglected component of Human-

Environment relationship, the current design basis (Codes of Practices and selected realized

lighting masterplanning projects) were analyzed. Thereafter, the proposed basis would be

derived by integrating theories proposed in Environmental Perception researches and

potential noted to incorporate these theories into urban lighting masterplanning. The reviews

of selected realized projects and Codes of Practices had highlighted recent popularity in urban

lighting masterplanning, especially in this region. Yet, it was noted that current design basis

still stagnated on the quantifiable aspect of lighting, neglecting important human visual needs

of his environment. Although the realized projects of lighting masterplanning indicated that

there were some generic design parameters that were common, these were proposed without

concrete studies and the effects on human perception were not researched upon. These

prompted the research hypothesis that the current basis was not sufficient for design of a

quality urban nightscape. Studies on Environmental Perception and visual urban design

concluded that legible environment was necessary to construct a positive living environment,

particularly for the urban spaces. (Kaplan, 1983; Nasar, 1998; Rapoport, 1977; Lynch, 1960)

In these studies, it was noted that there were common design parameters to the construction of

quality environment. (See Table 10.0) Since these studies demonstrated possibilities to

quantify design parameters that were preferred by human and the importance in visual design

of an environment, the proposed set of design basis (See Chapter 4.0) to quality urban lighting

masterplanning were then validated through surveys.

Research methodologies of both surveys were adopted after detailed studies on similar

experiments. (See Chapter 3.1.4 and Chapter 5.0) Preliminary results of the questionnaires

indicated that although Urban Lighting Master planning was a new subject, all test subjects

are receptive towards new design techniques which would enable greater legibility of the

existing urban fabric. Also, several important points which would validate the proposed basis

were noted, suggesting future research opportunities. However, it must be noted that these

preliminary results should serve as a reference for potential future research directions and to

elevate design of urban lighting masterplanning to one that would take human perception

needs into considerations. In conclusion, the next step in research on urban nightscape would

be the re-evaluation of current design and design of visually well-structured urban nightscape.


Table 1.0 Recommended luminance of floodlit buildings (Li, 2006)

Table 2.0 Table illustrating Colour Rendering and Colour Temperature of Different
Lamps. (ERCO, 1992, p.84)

Table 3.0 Summary of various urban lighting masterplanning projects and their planning
objectives (Author’s own)

Table 4.0 IESNA Definition of Environmental Zones (RP-33-99) (IESNA, 1999, p.12)

Table 5.0 Illuminance level for floodlighting buildings and monuments (IESNA, 1999,

Table 6.0 Recommended Colour Temperature table for illumination (IESNA, 1999)

Table 7.0 Extracts of Lighting Recommendations (IESNA, 1999)

Table 8.0 Table illustrating steps to designing of the urban lighting master plan (Source:
ILE & CIBSE, 1995)

Table 9.0 Lamp characteristics (Source: USAF exterior lighting guide)

Table 10.0 Summary of important components of environmental quality from selected

studies (Rapoport, 1977, page 65 to 80)

Table 11.0 Preference matrix (Source: Kaplan, 1998 Page 13)

Table 12.0 Extracts from Kaplan’s definition of 4 environmental attributes (Source: Kaplan,
1998 Page 15 to 16)

Table 13.0 Design criteria for a legible urban environment (Source: Lynch, 1960, p. 105 to

Table 14.0 Positive Attributes for Visual Environment (Source: Nasar, 1998, p 62)

Table 15.0 Design guidelines for 3 spatial typologies (Source: Nasar, 1998)

Table 16.0 Table illustrating the experiment criteria for the computationally generated

Table 17.0 Definition of attributes for computational space (Source: Author’s own)

Table 18.0 Answers Obtained for Section A, Question 1(Source: Author’s own)

Table 19.0 Answers Obtained for Section A, Question 2 (Source: Author’s own)

Table 20.0 Answers Obtained for Section C (Source: Author’s own)

Table 21.0 Answers Obtained for Section C (Source: Author’s own)



Figure 1.0 Ranges of electromagnetic radiation. The spectrum of visible radiation

comprises the narrow band between 380 and 780 nm. (Source: ERCO, 1992)

Figure 2.0 Different effects of lamps used for outdoor lighting (Source: Philips Outdoor

Figure 3.0 Pictures showing the different effect of lighting techniques illustrated. Direct
Lighting; Direct and Diffused Lighting and Diffused Lighting (from left to right)
(ERCO, 1992, p.77)

Figure 4.0 Lighting Quality: The integration of individual well being, architecture and
economics. (Source: Veitch, 2001)

Figure 5.0 Research Framework (Source: author’s own)

Figure 6.0 Pictures of 2 products from Colour Kinetics Inc, products developed from LED
technology, which allowed the control of the lighting distribution of LED (which
is otherwise even) ( Source:

Figure 7.0 Example of installation of Colour kinetic fixture, Berkeley Homes Tower at
Tabard Square London, UK (Source:

Figure 8.0 Daytime image of Lyon (Source:

Figure 9.0 Night time image of Lyon(Source:

Figure 10.0 New Lyon Lighting Plan (Source:

Figure 11.0 Bridge Lighting in Lyon (Source:

Figure 12.0 Landscape lighting in Lyon (Source:

Figure 13.0 Part-Dieu in Lyon (Source:

Figure 14.0 Lighting Concept for Parc de Gerland (Source: PLD magazine no.25)

Figure 15.0 Parc de Gerland in the day(Source: PLD magazine no.25)

Figure 16.0 Use of saturated coloured lighting on meadows (Source: PLD magazine no.25)

Figure 17.0 Use of saturated coloured lighting on vegetation (Source: PLD magazine no.25)

Figure 18.0 Contrast of coloured lighting (Source: PLD magazine no.25)

Figure 19.0 Publication of Fête des Lumières 2005 (Source:

Figure 20.0 One of Lighting installations at the Fête des Lumières (Source: PLD Magazine
no. 23)

Figure 21.0 Use of Colour Lighting during the Festival of Lights (Source: PLD Magazine

Figure 22.0 Lighting landmarks during the Festival of Lights (Source: PLD Magazine no.23)

Figure 23.0 Outdoor Lighting in Roku Roku Plaza (Source: Author’s own)

Figure 24.0 Lighting Control of Mori Building (Source: Lighting Planners Associates Inc.)

Figure 25.0 Hong Kong Island Skyline from Tsim Sha Tsui promenade (Source: Colour
Kinetics Lighting)

Figure 26.0 City Hall in the Day(Source: Colour Kinetics Lighting)

Figure 27.0 City Hall after implementation of Lighting Master plan (Source: Colour Kinetics

Figure 28.0 HSBC Building in the day(Source: PLD magazine no.38)

Figure 29.0 HSBC Building after implementation of Lighting Master plan (Source: PLD
magazine no.38)

Figure 30.0 Use of coloured lighting and Pyrotechnics on buildings (Source: Colour Kinetics

Figure 31.0 Exterior of houses(Source: PLD magazine no.18)

Figure 32.0 Effects of fireflies on roofs(Source: PLD magazine no.18)

Figure 33.0 Highlighting elements in the landscape(Source: PLD magazine no.18)

Figure 34.0 The avenue after implementation of masterplan (Source: PLD magazine no.18)

Figure 35.0 Moonlight effects on the grounds (Source: PLD magazine no.18)

Figure 36.0 Blue lighting contrasted with warm lighting at base (Source: PLD magazine

Figure 37.0 Bridge lighting(Source: PLD magazine no.18)

Figure 38.0 Coventry Cathedral (Source : Coventry City Council)

Figure 39.0 Historical Spon Street (Source : Coventry City Council)

Figure 40.0 Pield Bull Yard (Source :Speirs and Major Lighting)

Figure 41.0 Phoenix Incentive – Millennium Place (Source :Speirs and Major Lighting)

Figure 42.0 Phoenix Incentive – Millennium Place (Source :Speirs and Major Lighting)

Figure 43.0 Old cathedral at night (Source: Coventry City Council)

Figure 44.0 Old cathedral at night (Source :Speirs and Major Lighting)

Figure 45.0 Coventry Council House (Source : PLD Magazine no. 18)

Figure 46.0 Su Dong Po Memorial (Source:

Figure 47.0 Along the West Lake at night(Source:

Figure 48.0 Nature and heritage sites along West Lake (Source:

Figure 49.0 Island in Moon in Three Pools(Source :


Figure 50.0 Huxin Pavilion (Source:

Figure 51.0 Characteristic scenic ponds in West Lake(Source :

Figure 52.0 Overview of West Lake(Source :

Figure 53.0 Wuling Square in the day (Source :

Figure 54.0 Wuling Square at night (Source :

Figure 55.0 Overview of Xin Tian Di (Source :

Figure 56.0 Xin Tian Di’s Shi Ku Men

(Source :

Figure 57.0 Taipingqiao Lake and Park (Source :

Figure 58.0 Xin Tian Di Mall (Source: Author’s own)

Figure 59.0 Liu Li Gong Fang (琉璃工坊) Museum (Source: Author’s own)

Figure 60.0 Shikumen lighting in Xin Tian Di (Source: Author’s own)

Figure 61.0 Conceptual design for Istana gates (Source: URA ,1996)

Figure 62.0 Conceptual design for War memorial (Source: URA ,1996)

Figure 63.0 Illumination of façade along Hong Kong Island, Victoria Harbour Lighting
Master plan (Source: Author’s own)

Figure 64.0 Illumination of façade along The Pearl River. Shanghai, China (Source:
Author’s own)

Figure 65.0 Montréal City Hall, Éclairage public Inc (Source:

Figure 66.0 Singapore City Hall (Source: Author’s own)

Figure 67.0 Alcazaba, Malaga, Spain(Source: Philips Lighting)

Figure 68.0 Frederikshavn, Denmark (Source: Philips lighting)

Figure 69.0 Kastrup Søbad bathing platform(Source: ERCO lighting)

Figure 70.0 Axis Lighting(Source: ERCO lighting)

Figure 71.0 Bollard lighting(Source: ERCO lighting)

Figure 72.0 In-ground recessed up-lighter(Source: ERCO lighting)

Figure 73.0 Continuous linear lighting(Source: ERCO lighting)

Figure 74.0 Interest & Preference in relation to increasing complexity (Source: Nasar, 1998)

Figure 75.0 Example of good tree lighting, Beppu Park (Source: Lighting Planners
Associates Inc.)

Figure 76.0 Example of bad lighting of trees, using Low-Pressure Sodium (usual for public
park lighting at night)

Figure 77.0 Example of using lamps of different Colour Temperature in proximity (Source:
author’s own, of Shanghai)

Figure 78.0 Example of using lamps of colour lighting in proximity (Source: author’s own, of

Figure 79.0 Tree diagram illustrating attributes affecting the perception of space (Source:
Author’s own)

Figure 80.0 Some images generated for the experiment – Downlight, Uplight and Colour
Scenarios(Source: Author’s own)

Figure 81.0 Question 16, Picture 1(Source: Author’s own)

Figure 82.0 Question 16, Picture 2(Source: Author’s own)

Figure 83.0 Question 17, Picture 1(Source: Author’s own)

Figure 84.0 Question 17, Picture 2(Source: Author’s own)

Figure 85.0 Extracts of New Lighting Master plan for Singapore (Source: URA, 2006)

Figure 86.0 Figure demonstrating the effect in variation of lamps on perceived colours of
same vegetation(Source: Philips Lighting)


Illustration 1.0 Computational rendering of lighting concept and fixture locations(Source: PLD
magazine no.25)

Illustration 2.0 Overall lighting masterplan of Roppongi Hills

(Source: PLD Magazine no.33)

Illustration 3.0 Lighting along Keyaki Zaka Street

(Source: Lighting Planners Associates Inc )

Illustration 4.0 Festive Lighting along Keyaki Zaka Street

(Source: Lighting Planners Associates Inc)

Illustration 5.0 Phoenix Incentive design concept (Source :

Illustration 6.0 Map of Xin Tian Di (Source :

Illustration 7.0 Conceptual demarcations of different lighting utilized (Source: URA ,1996)

Illustration 8.0 Lighting fixtures recommended for Parks and Open Spaces
(Source: URA ,1996)

Illustration 9.0 Map demarcating the 4 different routes in the site (Source: URA ,1996)

Illustration 10.0 Lighting fixtures recommended for Walkways(Source: URA ,1996)

Illustration 11.0 Concept rendering of lighting for various buildings (Source: URA ,1996)

Illustration 12.0 Different lighting techniques for Fort Canning Park (Source: URA ,1996)

Illustration 13.0 Recommended floodlighting geometry(IESNA, 1999,p.27)

Illustration 14.0 Illustration Different lighting techniques for landscaping areas (Source:
Singapore Civic District Lighting Plan)

Illustration 15.0 Dimensions of affective appraisals (Source: Nasar, 1998 extracted from Russell
& Snodgrass 1989)

Illustration 16.0 A model of evaluative responses to the environment (Source: Nasar, 1998)

Illustration 17.0 Veridicality and experimental control of some media of presentation (Source:
Nasar, 1998)

1.1 Urban Lighting and its Main Objectives

As its name suggested, Urban Lighting, referred to the design of artificial lighting for all

elements in the urban environment. Formerly, Urban Lighting was primarily provided for 4

main purposes, namely, safety of residents, security of the belongings of the city’s residents,

for the aesthetics of night-time environment and the economy of the country, which implied

the ability of lighting to support night activities both functionally and aesthetically. (IESNA,

1975) From the 4 above mentioned aspects, lighting for safety “involves ensuring proper level

of illumination to provide safe working conditions, safe passage and the identification of any

hazards indoors and outdoors” (IESNA, 1999), while lighting for security is defined as

“exterior lighting installed solely to enhance the security of people and property” (IESNA,

1999). With 2 main factors that related mainly to the provision of sufficient luminance level

for the ability of residents to supervise their belonging and psychologically perceived

security, good urban lighting was often mistaken with high luminance.

One of the misconceptions in urban lighting was to equate the level of brightness to aesthetics

of a space, thus resulting in micro-scaled problems like, glaring urban spaces that was

impossible to enjoy or light spillage to the macro-scale negative impact on the ecological

system. Studies (Cabello, 2001; Li, 2006) had also pointed out that over-lighting was a main

cause to “sky glow”, which was interpreted as a “brilliant hemisphere surrounding the city

sky”. (Cabello, 2001) Often, the main cause to ‘Sky glow’ is the mismanagement of urban

lighting, and would contribute to “energy waste, but also pollution that can affect the

visibility of roads and sky, the appearance of outdoor spaces and can generate disturbances

into private houses.” (Cabello, 2001) Also, the directionality of the emitted rays in relation to

the lit objects and the luminance of the lit surfaces could worsen this problem. Therefore, to

minimize over-lighting, upward light output ratio must be reduced and lighting designers

should utilize luminaries of better output control, while reducing in excessive surface

luminance of the floodlight buildings, as depicted in Table 1.0, which categorized the

intensity in the luminance of façade lighting to type of illuminated building. Moreover, the

background luminance of objects in the urban environment should relate to the character of

the area, in accordance to the recommendations stated in the International Codes of Practices.

(See Chapter 2.0 for details on Codes of Practices)

Table 1.0 Recommended luminance of floodlit buildings (Li, 2006)

Lighting is much required for the functionality of spaces in the dark, yet efforts must be

undertaken to minimize the problem of over illumination, as research in ecological impact of

artificial lighting in cities had pointed out how excessive lighting had disturbed the wellbeing

of the animals, insects or nature within or over the skies of the cities. (Rich and Longcore,

2006; Li, 2006) In addition, the application and appropriateness of artificial lighting is

correlated to various human biological needs or could affect mood and visual performance.

(Bommel, 2004; See Chapter 3.1.4) Since a main cause to the problem of “sky glow” or

wrong application of artificial lighting is due to mismanagement in urban lighting, the

conceptualization of urban lighting masterplans would aid in corrections for wrong perception

in lighting applications, while providing guidelines on sufficient luminance for urban spaces

with corresponding lighting technologies recommended towards the fulfilment of design


In recent years, technological advancement in development of lamp source and luminaries

had seen the realization of a kaleidoscopic range of lighting concepts, which could be

seemingly impossible more than 30 years ago. Also, the widespread usage of other High-

Pressure lamps, like Metal Halide lamps for urban lighting, in place of High-Pressure Sodium

lamps, indicated an improvement in the economic value of such lamps and efficacy of these

lamps, as compared to the past. This further suggested gradual acceptance of good urban

lighting, that was not restricted to its functional needs but placing equal importance on the

achievement of an aesthetically pleasing skyline. (See Appendix II for detailed range of lamp

properties for use in urban lighting) Hence, through the availability of this wide range of

lamps and advancing luminarie technology, particularly with rising popularity of LEDs (Light

Emitting Diodes) for urban lighting, many countries were inclined to utilize these

technologies to aid in the exhibition of their urban fabric and evoking dynamicism in the

cities at night. Principally, this trend is predominantly evident in Asian cities, with increasing

number of Asian cities committing themselves to the LUCI (Light for Urban Community

International), established by Lyon in 2002. Currently, LUCI had more than 60 member cities

and 5 Asian cities, committing them to support of excellence in urban lighting and provided a

platform for member cities to exchange information and experiences towards the provision

for a better lit environment. One of the moves towards providing for a distinctive nightscape

was the conceptualization of urban lighting masterplans, to educate the building professionals

and public on the importance of good nightscapes and how to achieve it. This is echoed

recently in Singapore, when the URA (Urban Redevelopment Authority) had announced its

new lighting plan in November 2006, together with the introduction of incentives for

developers who integrate façade lighting to their original architectural design and a public

exhibition on the new Lighting Master plan for Marina, Bras Basah, Orchard and CBD areas.

Besides this new Singapore Urban Lighting Master plan, that updated the previous lighting

masterplan designed by Louie Clair in the 1996, some new urban spaces (One-North) in

Singapore had invited Lighting Designers to draft and implement Urban Lighting

Masterplans. Furthermore, the annual Fête des Lumières (Festival of Lights) hosted in Lyon

had successfully integrate cultural event with promotion of global awareness towards urban

lighting. These examples illustrated the awareness towards quality nightscape either locally,

regionally or globally, thus indicating that the pursuit of a well-lit urban environment is a new

urban movement that should integrate professional expertise from both Urban Planners and

Lighting Designers.

However, without proper understanding of the technicalities offered by current luminarie and

lamp developments, design of quality illuminated environment would not be possible.

Moreover, as noted through reviews of current practice, there is still a gap between the

technical knowledge developed for luminaries and lamps, and the understanding of what

constitutes good lighting environment. Urban Lighting Design is still primarily the

engineering of the illuminated environment to suit recommendations of Codes and subjected

to individual designer’s perceived effects of the resultant illuminated space. The absence of

studies on the interaction of the lit environment and human perception resulted in a lit

environment that did not address to the primary perception needs of human, nor the intricate

human-environment relationship. Therefore, this paper aimed to directly address to what

defines the needed design basis to the formulation of a good urban lighting master plan. This

new proposed basis would relate urban lighting master planning to aspects of human

perception and visual basis in urban planning, offering an alternative perspective to the

subject of quality urban lighting masterplans, which current design basis still centered on the

quantitative aspects of lighting. Till now, the approach towards the formulation of the Urban

Lighting Master plan had been consistent and a few main design parameters noted as

important in the design of a good illuminated environment (See Chapter 2.0), yet the steps of

implementation, the underlying fundamentals and perceived effects on human perception,

behind all these design parameters should be investigated further. The research hypothesis

was derived through the various parallelism between the theories proposed in environmental

perception studies; propositions presented through urban visual design and their potential in

translating into Urban Lighting Master planning concepts. Therefore, an alternative design

basis would be proposed, which translated the various proposals in Environmental Perception

theories or Urban Visual Design, into possible lighting design strategies. This new-found

basis would be subjected to validation through a survey on the public’s perception of the

nighttime environment and the responses towards these proposed bases.

Although the concept of qualitative lighting seemed novel in Urban Lighting, it had been

developed and studied for interior lighting. Qualitative lighting design had been introduced

after the Second World War by Richard Kelly, which structured the visual environment using

artificial lighting. (ERCO, 1992) In the initiation of artificial lighting design, 3 concepts of

lighting were introduced, namely, general lighting, focal glow and play of brilliance. These 3

concepts summarized the importance of artificial lighting in the structuring of the visual

environment. “General Lighting” was understood as the provision of sufficient lighting for

general purposes, which was also termed as “ambient lighting”. “Focal Glow”, however,

introduced concept of visual hierarchy into lighting, by the highlighting of “relevant visual

information” (ERCO, 1992, p.24) using higher intensity lighting, or differed lighting

technique, for the intended object to be brought into focus amid the generally lit environment.

“Play of Brilliance” meant that artificial lighting could enable the conveyance of visual

information and evoking intended spatial mood. Therefore, these basic concepts behind

qualitative lighting had detailed how artificial lighting could visually structure space, offering

a kaleidoscopic range of possibilities on how lighting could relate to architecture and space,

while addressing to the “perceptual needs of the users of the space” (ERCO, 1992, p.24) This

also initiated the evolution of artificial lighting from a discipline that promoted the

engineering of sufficiently, functionally-lit spaces, to the introduction of artificial lighting to

create desired mood and atmosphere. Since Flynn’s studies in the 1970s on the effects of

various illumination techniques and their correlated effect on human psychological behavior

(Flynn, 1988), many subsequent studies aimed to uncover the underlying pattern behind

perception and artificial illumination of interior spaces. (See Chapter 3.1.4) This is

exceptionally important, as human were highly dependent on sight in the perception of his

environment, and the appearance of the illuminated space would affect the resultant

psychological comfort within the space. Results had indicated that through the variation of the

illumination techniques or lamps within the space, human reaction towards the same space

changed (See Chapter 3.1.4), demonstrating the ability of artificial lighting in the alteration of

spatial appearance.

1.2 Artificial Lighting: Technical Specifications and Impact on Perception

Therefore, lighting could influence our spatial perception, resulting in different appearance of

a single space through its permutation on various light-object interactions within the same

environment, or the applied luminaries’ inherent technical properties. Good lighting should

facilitate the use of the space, while allowing ease in the movement through space. Also,

quality lighting should aim to promote “a feeling of well-being in a particular environment

and at the same time enhancing that environment in an aesthetics sense.” (ERCO, 1992, p.28)

Therefore, good lighting design is a combination of the manipulation and application of

appropriate luminaries in the illumination of the space, yet taking the human perception needs

into priority. (Veitch, 2001) Therefore, to understand good lighting, it is crucial to know the

technical differences between various available lamps or luminaries and how they would

achieve different effects, which would alter spatial appearance. This knowledge is central in

understanding how lighting could potentially affect appearance and, thus, composition of the

lit urban environment.

Although it would be possible to manipulate the appearance of the illuminated space through

the various permutations of the utilized lamps or luminaries, the specifics on how and what is

affected in the appearance of the lit space remained unknown. It was only recent that artificial

lighting had advanced beyond the engineering aspects, towards the achievement of

aesthetically pleasing spaces. Therefore to clarify some misconceptions and to provide better

background knowledge, this sub-chapter would briefly introduce on how the utilization of

different lamps into the lighting environment could affect the perception of space and the

variety of lamps available for urban lighting.

Figure 1.0 Ranges of electromagnetic radiation. The spectrum of visible radiation comprises the narrow band
between 380 and 780 nm. (Source: ERCO, 1992)

The lamp sources available for urban lighting can be categorized into 2 main types, the

Thermal Radiators and the Discharge lamps (ERCO, 1992, p.24), in accordance to the manner

light is being produced from the source. Under the Thermal Radiators, it comprised of mainly

the Halogen and Incandescent lamps (See Appendix II for more details), while Discharge

lamps can be further classified into either high-pressure or low-pressure types. The high-

pressure Discharge lamps are the Metal Halide lamps, Mercury lamps and the High-Pressure

Sodium lamps and Fluorescent lamps, Low-Pressure Sodium lamps formed the group of Low-

Pressure lamps. All these lamps could be used for urban lighting design and since the

technical properties, like Lumen output, Colour Rendering or Colour Temperature for each

lamp type differed from each other (See Appendix II), one must select the appropriate lamp

for its proposed usage to achieve the desired effects. Figure 1.0 illustrated the spectrum of

visible radiation, of which the emitted light from each of the lamp source were positioned at

different parts of this spectrum, with Thermal Radiators having a higher percentage of the

Infra-red radiation, while Metal Halide lamps had higher percentage of Ultra-violet rays.

Hence, the composition of emitted rays, in terms of the Ultra-violet or Infra-red rays, would

determine the Colour Temperature of emitted light.

Figure 2.0: Different effects of lamps used for outdoor lighting (Source: Philips Outdoor Lighting)

Each lamp source has its unique properties and the design of the luminarie in which these

sources were housed would further manipulate the distribution of the emitted rays, thus

allowing for design of different illumination techniques. Figure 2.0 demonstrated 3 different

appearances of the same streetscape, where the appearance of the street was “modified”

through the choice of lamps, so demonstrating that besides the illumination technique,

appropriate choice of lamp is essential in presentation of the imagery to its most desirable

form possible. But, in summary, there are 4 main design parameters for artificial lighting

design, which would result in different appearance of the lit environment and any

misapplications might affect the quality of the lit environment. These features are namely

Glare, Distribution, Colour Temperature and Colour Rendering index. (ERCO, 1992) Glare

existed in 2 forms, discomfort and disability glare, which the latter would pose to impede on

visual judgment. More often, glare would occur if the contrast between the bright area and the

surrounding were higher than the threshold of tolerance. Since glare would affect our visual

comfort in space, lighting designers should avoid having high level of Illuminance ratio

between the illuminated and its surrounding to decrease the source of glare. (IESNA, 1975;

IESNA, 1989; IESNA, 1999 et al.)

Since the relationship between light and the illuminated object would affect the appearance of

the lit environment, distribution of luminarie or direction of its emitted rays in relation to the

object should be considered during design to illuminate the object to achieve the desired

visual effect. To simplify the different design techniques employed in lighting, there are

basically 2 types, direct lighting and diffused. Direct lighting could be translated as the

highlighting of chosen object in space, structuring the visual environment, resulting in focal

points and sharp shadows. On the other hand, Diffused Lighting is used for general lighting of

the environment, with even Illuminance. Since there would not be any visual structuring of

the illuminated objects, diffused lighting would therefore result in poor recognition of

geometrical forms and details, without interplay of shadows and light, which is unfavourable

for perception. (See Chapter 3.1.4 for Lighting and effect on spatial perception) Figure 3.0

illustrated the different lighting technique and the appearance of the same object in various


Figure 3.0: Pictures showing the different effect of lighting techniques illustrated. Direct Lighting; Direct and
Diffused Lighting and Diffused Lighting (from left to right) (ERCO, 1992, p.77)

Since the “colour of the illuminated object is the result of the spectral composition of the light

falling on a body and the ability of the body to absorb or transmit certain components of this

light and only reflect or absorb the remaining frequency ranges” (ERCO, 1992, p.84), the use

of lamp source and whether coloured lighting is being used, would eventually influence the

appearance of the illuminated object. Since the Colour Rendering index detailed the

comparison of the accuracy of colour of perceived object to the reference light source (See

Appendix I for technical definition), different lamps would result in different perceived colour

rendition of the illuminated object.

Table 2.0 detailed the different colour rendition categories, which is equated to their

recommended usage and task, for example, for lighting which required high colour fidelity to

the original object’s appearance, lamps of Category 1A would be preferred. On the other

hand, Colour Temperature of lamps would influence on the choice of the lamp, if illumination

of specific colours is required. For example, blue and green objects should not be illuminated

with thermal radiator lamps, as the reddish

inclination of the emitted light rays would

subdued the actual colour of the object,

rendering it grayish. However, if these

colours were being illuminated with

daylight white fluorescent lamps, it would

appear better, despite the fact that the

colour rendition of fluorescent is lower

than incandescent lamps.

To recapitulate, all the above illustrated Table 2.0: Table illustrating Colour Rendering and
Colour Temperature of Different Lamps.
that there are factors which would (Source: ERCO, 1992, p.84)

influence the eventual appearance of the illuminated in the design of the illuminated

environment. Moreover, researches had demonstrated that these factors would also affect the

psychological responses in relation to different usage of Colour Temperature or Lamp

Sources. (See Chapter 3.1.4) Therefore, a quality lit space is not a result of correct or

appropriate manipulation of lighting fixtures and sources, but to involve consideration for

visual comfort in human perspective as well. Moreover, it is noted that the brightness level of

am illuminated environment is resultant from the subjective appreciation of space that relates

to the totality of the illuminated space, which ranged from Lumen Output of utilized lamp

sources to Colour of the surfaces within the visual range. Hence, there is no direct relationship

between the luminance level and brightness level. (IESNA, 1975, p. 7) These further

demonstrate that there are many intricate details which involved human appreciation and

judgment in lighting, which could not be quantified, and researches should be done to address

the impact human preferences and visual judgment on the design of the illuminated


1.3 Lack of Knowledge Transfer: Between Studies on Human-Orientated Urban

Environment and Lighting Master plan Design Basis

“To heighten the imageability of the urban environment is to facilitate its

visual identification and structuring. The elements isolated above- the paths,

edges, landmarks, nodes and regions – are the building blocks in the process

of making fun, differentiated structures at the urban scale.’” (Lynch, 1960,

p. 95)

Researches (Rapoport, 1977; Kaplan, 1998; Kaplan, 1983) in human perception of his

environment had established that human had the innate need to establish their location relative

to their surroundings and structure their environment into coherent forms they could identify

with, which is related to the primitive need for comprehension of his environment for

survival. Lee had identified 3 ways information available in the world would control our

locomotive abilities, namely Exteroceptive, Proprioceptive, and Exproprioceptive, (Bruce,

1990; See Appendix) and these information are mainly obtained through sight. Exteroceptive

information is particularly relevant in terms of human’s position in relation to the world,

where it relates to the “layout of surfaces in the environment, and the position of objects or

course of events within the environment are needed to guide action in the world”. (Kaplan,

1983) Indeed, there are many ways at which the environment could be interpreted, through

one’s imposed meaning, or the recognition of the physical elements themselves. J.J. Gibson

had analysed the ecological approach to visual perception, which emphasized on the

“information which may be available in extended spatial and temporal pattern in the optical

array, to guide the actions of animals and people, and to specify events of importance or

interest’’. (Bruce, 1990) However, Gibson had structured his theories on perception that is

based on direct perception, which excluded mental associations of perceived object from the

initial impression from mere perception. (Nasar, 1988) However, critics of Gibson’s theories

had indicated that perception does not only involve the direct visual component but the

cognitive component as well. (Rapoport, 1977)

“Perception involves information in the environment picked up by the

observer. Cognition involves some internal processing of the information

picked up through perception. Perception and cognition, in turn, have

probabilistic relationships to one another and to the physical character of the

built environment.” (Nasar, 1998)

Rapoport had clarified that in perception, 3 processes of Direct Perception, Evaluation and

Cognition were involved. (Rapoport, 1977) This difference between the all components

involved in environmental perception, were presented in detail through the following

explanation, “perception deals with how information is gathered and obtained, cognition with

how it is organized (although the two are closely related) and preference deals with how it is

ranked and evaluated.” (Rapoport, 1977) Therefore, from the above explanation, it is evident

that perception, in comparison to cognition, is more direct and dependent much on the

sensorial experience1. Moreover, the latter referred to an inferred relationship, which is not a

direct resultant of perception, with intellectual references. These studies and differences

between various aspects of perception shall be elaborated in Chapter 3.0, which detailed the

studies on environmental perception and how they could be applied in the formulation of

design basis for urban lighting master plan. However, in our area of research, it is the direct

visual component of perception that is of importance, despite the acknowledgement that the

evaluative aspects of perception do affect the perceivable appearance of the space. The

importance of the physical structure of the environment was further supported by Lynch and

emphasized through his revolutionary work in Image of the City. Lynch had clearly stated in

the following statement that “there are other influences on imageability, such as the social

meaning of an area, its function, its history, or even its name. These will be glossed over,

since the objective here is to uncover the role of the form itself.

“It is taken for granted that in actual design form should be used to reinforce meaning, and

not to negate it.” (Lynch, 1960) Therefore, the forms that constitute the environment should

be the main body of question as they would form the eventual human response to space. He,

like many researches after him, had recognized the importance of cognition in perception, yet

he concluded that cognition is not as relevant as perception in the initial grasp of the structure

of the environment. (Lynch, 1960; Rapoport, 1977) Furthermore, his theories in visual design

of the urban environment had been researched and tested upon, with concluding findings had

further proved the validity of Lynch’s theories on the importance of physical aspects of space.

(Nasar, 1988)

1. It is evident that there existed an extremely intrinsic relationship between perception and cognition.
While many of the researches on environmental perception seek to define the difference between the
two. Rapoport had clearly defined the difference through the following paragraph extracted from his
book, “ While there is evidence that higher cognitive processes affect perception through mental set,
available categories and coding (Bruner,1968) there is also evidence that infants perceive objects
before they know what they are, so that while they register most of the information adults do, they are
able to handle less of this information, so that difference may be due to ways of handling information.
Since there is more agreement about what is perceived than about how it is structured or evaluated,
perception is more nearly specified by stimulus information from the environment than is cognition or,
even more, evaluation. Stated differently, the degree of abstractness or concreteness varies, with
perceptual processes being more concrete than cognitive and the evaluative being the most abstract.
(Rapoport, 1977, p. 36)

Therefore, to structure an illuminated environment that would best relate to human perception

needs, it would be of importance to understand how human perceived his environment and

parameters that would best facilitate perception. Lynch’s pioneering studies on visual

qualities of urban environment had highlighted the importance of visual design of the

environment to enhance the experience of one’s environment, enabling better identification of

one’s location and spatial qualities. In his revolutionary publication on the importance of

primary building blocks of urban environment, he advocated that “structuring and identifying

the environment is a vital ability among all mobile animals. Many kinds of cues are used: the

visual sensation of colour, shape, motion or polarization of light, as well as other senses such

as smell, sound, touch, kinaesthesia, sense of gravity, and perhaps of electric or magnetic

fields.” (Lynch, 1960) Hence, environmental perception is a complex process that involved

the participation of all senses, particularly our sight. Therefore, the composition of the

environment would influence the way we perceive our surroundings and lighting is one of the

main factors which would alter the appearance of our space. (See Chapter 3.1.4) Lynch had

also pointed out this importance of lighting, yet no researches had yet to verify the extent of

which relationship between the external environment and urban lighting would affect human

perception. Also, to maintain human interest in his visual environment and stimulate sensorial

experiences, variety and complexity should be introduced. (Kaplan, 1983; Kaplan, 1988;

Kaplan, 1998) Yet care must be taken that overly stimulated senses would result in sensory

overloading, which is undesirable. (Rapoport, 1977) On contrary, Rapoport had noted that “at

the perceptual level, inadequate information can be equated with deprivation while excessive

information is equivalent to overload.” (Rapoport, 1977) Thus, with no notable visual anchors

and clarity in the environment, the correlated preference for the same space would decrease.

Furthermore, upon contact with his environment, human would definitely impart a meaning

to the perceived object, which would be related to his background. (Nasar, 1998; Kaplan and

Kaplan, 1983) However, although perception and the derived mental image is unique to

individuals, there is often a pattern observed in the appraisal of subjective quality of

aesthetics, which is rather consistent for the masses, who were generally from similar cultural

and social background. (Nasar, 1998) There was a general inclination of preference towards

notable patterns, like the main “likable features” of “Naturalness, Upkeep, Openness,

Historical Significance and Order”. (Nasar, 1998p; Rapoport, 1977) These noted features in

the environment are similar to theories put forth by Lynch or Kaplan, who dealt closely with

the impact of visual elements in the environment. Also, Nasar had pointed out the generic

components for an appealing urban space, and this parallelism in tastes indicated that the

aesthetics quality of the city form is “less qualitative and subjective than many people think it

is”. (Nasar, 1998) Therefore, prior to the introduction of artificial lighting and the various

techniques to illumination, one must first consider the impact of these installations on human

perception and whether they would support perceptual needs.

In this analysis of Human perception of his environment, the relation of light in space is also

evaluated for the potential effect of how light would affect the way spaces were perceived. In

Gibson’s theories of “affordance”, he hypothesized that with the different textural

compositions of different object, the amount of information extracted from the surfaces of

objects and the way light interacts with the surfaces would amount to the presence of different

visual information. In many studies on interior lighting, it is proven that lighting, either

artificial or natural, affects perception. (See Chapter 3.1.4 for studies done on Lighting and

Human Perception).Therefore, these studies had presented much concrete evidence on studies

of how some perceived effects could results in uniformed human responses, suggesting that

through manipulation of the illuminated and non-illuminated, or interaction of lighting on

surfaces, appearances of the objects would be “modified”, hence resulting in different human

responses to the same object. Furthermore, the conclusion from some of the researches had

indicated the validity of such tests on human responses to his environment. In all, these

researches had demonstrated the importance of lighting in environmental perception and the

need for further studies to be done on the design basis to quality illuminated nightscape.

Figure 4.0 is a simplified diagram illustrating the relationships and characteristics for each

area of namely, Individual well-being; Architecture and Economics that composed the overall

attributes to lighting quality. (Veitch, 2001) This further emphasized that quality lit

environment is not a simplistic model of providing for sufficient lighting level for

functionality of space, but one that composed from the micro scale of well-being of

individuals to the macro dimension of environmental impact. This model is exceptionally

pertinent for quality in urban lighting, which addressed to the marriage of environmental

perception, urban planning and exterior lighting concepts. Thus, a quality lit environment is

simply summarized by Pellegrino as, “Good lighting designed to meet its users’ comfort

requirements should consider various aspects. It should, in fact, both enable people to perform

their task quickly, accurately and safely, and also contribute towards the establishment of a

pleasant and satisfactory environment.” (Pellegrino, 1999) Although quantitative parameters

were commonly utilized in the assessment of the lit spaces, they addressed to the measurable

terms like the luminance or Illuminance, but factors that comprised the aesthetics of lit spaces

extends beyond these benchmarks. These could only be referred to as guidelines to an

efficient lit environment, but more design basis to quality lit spaces should be addressed.

Figure 4.0: Lighting Quality: The integration of individual well being,

architecture and economics. (Source: Veitch, 2001)

Since there is no current research that pointed to the design basis to quality urban lighting

master plan, which analyzed the fundamentals to lighting masterplans that relates to the visual

“requirements” of the general public, this research shall form the basis of academic

knowledge and research through three main subjects,

1. Current Design Practices of Urban Lighting Master planning

a. Realized examples

b. Codes of Practices and Guidelines

2. Environmental Perception Theories

3. Visual Basis in Urban Design

Review of the current design practice to urban lighting master planning would allow one to

gain an insight into the current design practice, through the wide genre of realized examples

and Codes of Practices. On the other hand, theories to Environmental Perception and Visual

basis in Urban Design would provide the required insight on how human perceived his

environment and the visual structure he derived from the urban mass. The limited time does

not permit deeper research onto the cognitive aspects of perception in nature, while the author

acknowledged that perception and cognition co-existed in perception, and its importance in

the formulation of images of the urban form. Hence, this research paper intended to evaluate

what constitutes the design basis to good urban lighting masterplans, which indicated the

evaluation of urban lighting principles with visual design principles from environmental

perception theories and urban planning principles, based on human responses. This exposed

the research studies towards how general public deemed most visually important for urban

lighting masterplans and not merely from the design professionals, for a more community

responsive lit environment. Computation tools would be utilized as the main tools for

evaluation of various light environments. The diagram below summarized the approach to this

research and the field of knowledge that were elaborated in this paper’s contents. Together

with the identification of this research niche, this paper aimed to address to the definition of

good lighting and how the current design practice could be strengthened to achieve a better

illuminated environment.










Figure 5.0: Research Framework (Source: author’s own)


2.0 Review of Current Planning Basis

2.1 Introduction on Recent Trends and Technological Advancement

Exterior lighting fixture technology had advanced tremendously in the past decade, through

improving the efficiency of existing lamps and fixtures and introducing new lighting

technology. Previously, Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps were extensively used for Urban

Lighting, due to the high lamp efficacy and lamp life. However, due to the low colour

rendering abilities of these lamps, the resultant nightscapes were rendered in a greyish hue

and the originally vibrant colours were subdued in the night. But recent development resulted

in greater efficiency of Metal Halide Lamps and introduction of new lamps, like the LED

(Light Emitting Diode). LED fixtures allowed longer lamp life, ease in control and the size of

the fixtures allowed easy incorporation and minimal intrusion into the architectural details.

Furthermore, the ability to program these systems, with interchanging RGB (Red-Green-

Blue) interface enabled integrated colour changing ability and the generation of a wider

spectrum of colours, in comparison to the former available lighting systems. Therefore, the

further developments into how the output from LED could be increased and expansion of the

existing technical abilities of such lighting systems would be the current technological focus

in urban lighting developments. With improved technical properties of lamps for urban

lighting, it was noted that there existed a need for good urban lighting. Furthermore, with

current surge in international lighting conferences and subject matters that relate to the

provision of good urban lighting (the condensed version of this thesis was presented at the

Urban Nightscape Conference in Athens, September 2006), these signified the need in search

for the improvement of current urban illumination.

Figure 6.0 Pictures of 2 products from Colour Kinetics Inc, Figure 7.0 Example of installation of Colour
products developed from LED technology, which allowed kinetic fixture, Berkeley Homes Tower at Tabard
the control of the lighting distribution of LED (which is Square London, UK ( Source:
otherwise even) ( Source:

Therefore, one of the movements as a result of lamp and luminarie development was the

popularity of Urban Lighting Master planning, which is a recent movement to revitalize the

city’s existing fabric and renew the appearance of nightscape, while improving of the quality

of the lit environment. Often, these masterplans were commissioned by Urban Planning

Authorities to Lighting Designers for recommendations on the various requirements for

unique cities. Therefore, during the design of these plans, Lighting Designers referred to

Codes of Practices for the lighting requirements for various pockets of spaces, while

integrating their formulated lighting concepts into the existing urban fabric. Since most of

these urban lighting designs were perceived effect of the illuminated space on the general

public and the quality of the illuminated environment was measured through quantifiable

aspects of lighting, the definition towards good urban lighting remained blurred. Yet it must

be noted that Urban Lighting should not be as simplistic as the mere applications of

technically correct luminaries or lamps, but the analysis of the resultant composition or the

appearance of the lit environment based on lamp sources of different colour temperature,

should be performed. Also, it should not only restrict to the application of appropriate lighting

systems for individual spaces, yet as the experience through the urban area is continuous, with

greater field of vision, so the holistic approach to the design of the entire urban lighting

master plan should be considered. Also, it was noted through researches in road lighting that

the field of vision for human travelling through vehicles or walking pedestrians, would

require different level of sensitivity and analysis in application of Urban Lighting. (See BSI

5489 for details)

Since urban lighting master planning is a novel discipline, many had proposed their own

design philosophies and recommendations. (IESNA, 1999; IESNA, 1975; CIBSE, 1995)

However, it was through a recent seminar conducted by Philips Lighting (a strong supporter

in quality lighting master plans and the main supporting company that collaborated

seamlessly with Lyon in the recommendation of the most appropriate lamps and luminarie

designs), that the several basic steps in the planning of urban lighting master plan had been

most appropriately summarized. The following points had presented the summary of Philips’

steps to urban lighting master planning design, which had also categorized the process into 3

main steps: analysis, design and implementation.

Step 1: Analysis Step 2: Design Step 3:

1. Mapping the 1. Rendering of the
existing (traffic routes in accordance to 1. Application of
networks, major usable lamps’ colour the proposal
traffic routes) temperature
2. Detailed analysis
2. Opportunities (to 2. Sketches of chosen of parts through
recognize visual sections to measure the sketches of
opportunities in scale of the fixtures in sections
daytime relation to the spaces
urbanscape) 3. Application of
3. Analysis of existing suitable lighting
condition and systems to fulfil
computer montage of concept
proposed lighting requirements

4. Division of the cities

into areas and regions
as recommended in
Codes of Practices

To simplify, there are 3 fundamental steps to the design of the urban lighting master plan.

Firstly, would be the analysis of the existing conditions. This analysis of the daytime

condition of the city would allow the designers to recognize prominent existing problems at

the site or the areas which were below the prescribed lighting level as noted by the

International Codes and Practices. Secondly, the designer would start the master planning of

the site’s lighting requirements by portioning the areas into segments of zones in accordance

to the zonal divisions as noted in the Codes of Practices, for reference on the lighting

requirements of the area. Also, the major traffic routes would be highlighted in accordance to

the Colour Temperature of the proposed luminaries. Sketches of chosen sections would be

done to illustrate the interface between the physicals dimensions of proposed luminarie in

relation to the scale of the street and how the lighting strategy would interact with the urban

elements. Lastly, after the completion of the draft for the area, the application of the suitable

lighting technology to realize the proposed lighting concepts illustrated in stage 2 of the

design process. During this application of the suitable lighting technology, there must be

further analysis done on selected sections of the urban spaces, of which detailed lighting

interaction with the surfaces would be analyzed. Also, lighting calculations on the resultant

lighting level through use of certain chosen luminaries would be done to anticipate the

achievable and to compare against the required as illustrated through the Codes of Practices.

With recent departure of urban lighting from the engineering of the illuminated environment,

to one that considered the total imagery of the illuminated nightscape, the definition of good

urban lighting would be of utmost importance. Veitch defined a quality lit environment into a

lit space which embodied the synthesis of 3 main components, as shown in Figure 4.0, the

human well-being, relevancy to architectural language and economics of the lighting system.

Thus, the approach to quality lighting should not be concentrated on the provision of

quantitative component of lighting, but include analysis of human perception needs in his

environment. (Jay, 2002; Veitch, 2001) Recent studies in the appearance of lit spaces verified

and suggested that variations in artificial lighting of spaces, through the usage of lamp sources

of different colour temperature or illumination technique, would ignite different human

responses to spaces. (See Chapter 3.1.4) However, few of such studies existed and they were

mainly for interior spaces and none existed for urban lighting. Since there is an increase in

architectural interest in urban lighting, an alternative view towards the illuminated

environment should be proposed to address the current lack in design. Thus, analysis of the

existing site conditions should be extended to the consideration of how human would perceive

the illuminated urban spaces. The new proposed basis should complement the analytic aspects

in the design process of the urban lighting master plan, providing a basis for analysis of the

illuminated environment towards better constructed visual space. (See Chapter 4.0 for the

proposed basis) Therefore, the review of the current design basis should be approached from

two main sources, the analysis of the realized projects and the Codes of Practices utilized for

Urban Lighting. This analysis would reveal the current design practices and parameters to

define the illuminated environment, using the current luminarie technology. Also, through the

reviews, the lack in current practice would be highlighted and if they would suffice in the

construction of a well-lit environment.

2.2 Introduction of Realized Lighting Master planning Projects

With 5 Asian Cities in LUCI and many examples of realized Urban Lighting Master planning

projects in this region, it is evident that Asian cities were gradually aware of the need for

quality lit urban spaces. While cities involved in LUCI not only have a permanent lighting

installation to qualify as a member of the association, they would have to actively sought

excellence in lighting and aid in the association’s aim in design excellence in urban lighting,

together with complementing the urban strategies, environmental aspects, cultural aspects of

lighting and lastly, for lighting to be coherent with the latest trends and technology. Despite

Urban Lighting Master planning being a novel subject in Asia, there is an increase in public

awareness on good lighting and various possibilities of urban illumination. Through the

success of Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour Lighting Master planning in the dramatization of

the existing skyline, it demonstrated that lighting master planning could help boost tourism,

while differentiating the appearance of the city in the day and night. In recent years, the need

for urbanization and urban renewal in China had sparked the formulation of lighting master

plans for major cities like Shanghai and Hang Zhou, which were two of many cities selected

for case-study reviews. Shanghai implemented the city light-up project in 1989, illuminating

the breathtaking skyline along the Pearl River, and enhancing the historic character of the

architectural jewels. (Li, 2006) While, Singapore had unravelled the new Singapore Marine

Waterfront Lighting Master plan in November 2006, a close collaboration between URA

(Urban Re-development Authority) and engaged lighting designer of which the author was

extremely honoured to be part of the team, demonstrating how the new urban lighting master

planning and objectives can be integrated into the existing urban fabric. (URA, 2006)

Therefore, the review of these realized examples would illustrate how urban lighting would

relate to different urban context and the design process to the achievement of its design

objectives. Also, the current design basis to Urban Lighting would be evident through

analysis of these realized projects and Codes of Practices. Therefore, criteria of choice for

these projects for analysis would be the ability in these projects to address to the site context,

the variety in execution techniques and the availability of sufficient information that would

contribute towards their evaluation. Of all chosen projects for analysis, most were mainly

located in Asia, reflecting how Asian cities had formulate lighting masterplans and its

increasing popularity as a tool to complement urban planning strategies. Furthermore, to

enable better understanding on the current design strategies, some of the projects (like One-

North Urban Lighting Masterplans) would be studied but not elaborated in this thesis, due to

its similarity with example of Roppongi Hills. Hence, the wide polarity the chosen projects

would help represent the current design practice and enable the extraction of potential patterns

that might exist through the wide project genre. Table 3.0 summarized the different project

characteristics and key Urban Lighting Master planning objectives. However, further details

of each project would be elaborated in the subsequent chapters of the analysis of each project

listed below.

Name of Project Project type and main design objective

1. France, Lyon Historical city with significant cultural artefacts.
First European city to establish its lighting master plan and
had committed to the introduction of excellence in urban
lighting through the pioneering of LUCI.

Key objective: Heritage preservation. To highlight the

former urban fabric, respecting the original city fabric and
minimizing damage to the existing artefacts.
2. Tokyo, Roppongi Hills Development of a new mixed-use area.

Key objective: to enhance the new development through

use of latest lighting technology, to be consistent with the
urban planning and architectural vision of a futuristic city
3. Hong Kong Victoria Urban revitalization of water edge architectural structures
Harbour and appearance of city across the bay at night.

Key objective: To highlight the existing impressive

architectural gems along the waterfront, creating a
dynamic skyline.
Name of Project Project type and main design objective
4. Alingsås , Sweden Urban revitalization of existing city structure.

Key objective: To highlight the original city fabric in

another manner and innovate the appearance of these
ordinary urban elements, into something of visual interest.

5. Coventry, UK Urban revitalization of existing city structure.

Extremely successful scheme which were awarded with
excellence by lighting authorities.

Key objective: To use lighting as a tool to revitalize the

formerly “abandoned” city area, and enhance the existing
urban elements through use of artificial lighting.
6. Hang Zhou, China Historical city with significant cultural artefacts.

Key objective: To highlight the former urban fabric,

respecting the original city fabric and minimizing damage
to the existing artefacts.
7. Xi Tian Di, Shanghai, Urban revitalization of existing city structure.
Key objective: The existing city fabric was reconstructed,
while injecting newly introduced use of spatial programs.
8. Civic District Lighting Urban revitalization of existing city structure.
Masterplan, Singapore
Key objective: To use lighting as a tool to revitalize
central civic district and enhance the existing urban
elements through use of artificial lighting.
9. One North Lighting Development of a new mixed-use area.
Master plan, Singapore
Key objective: to enhance the new development through
use of latest lighting technology, to be consistent with the
urban planning and architectural vision of a futuristic city
10 New Singapore Lighting Urban revitalization of existing city structure.
Master plan (Orchard, In comparison to the previous lighting plan (Noted above
Marina, Bugis and Bras as no.8), the current lighting plan introduced the concept
Basah, Singapore River) of colour lighting, visuals and lighting installations, to
increase the dynamism and interactivity of the space.
Formally announced by
URA on the 22nd of Key objective: To use lighting as a tool to revitalize and
November, 2006. enhance the dynamicism of the existing urban elements,
whilst identifying opportunities for integration of lighting
together with the existing.
Table 3.0 Summary of various urban lighting masterplanning projects and their planning objectives
(Author’s own)

Generally, these lighting masterplans demonstrate clear integration Codes of Practice for

Urban Lighting, with design intentions of the lighting designers for individual spaces, for a

visually comfortable illuminated environment. Although most projects presented interesting

lighting concepts in the integration of artificial lighting with urban planning, some of these

projects presented some potential problems. These arose from overly zealous application of

latest luminarie technology without sensitivity to the site, or a visually monolithic

environment, where visual cues were unrecognizable. Thus, these neglected the primary

human visual needs when one navigates through his environment. In the following sub-

chapter, each of the realized lighting masterplans would be presented alongside with lighting

recommendations in the International Codes of Practices, to analyze the current design basis

and how it could be further improved.

2.2.1 Lyon – Lighting and Heritage Preservation Introduction

Figure 8.0 Daytime image of Lyon Figure 9.0 Night time image of Lyon
(Source: (Source:

Lyon is situated in the centre of Rhône-Alpes region, fringed by the Alps to its East and the

Massif Central to its West, while Saône-Rhône river valley divided it in the middle. Due to its

prominent geographical location, it served as a major cultural and architectural hub bridging

the Mediterranean and Europe. Hence, it preserved many architectural jewels and ancient

town configuration, making it one of many unique cities in the world. To celebrate its efforts

in preservation of its richness in architecture, it was awarded the UNESCO World Heritage

site in 1998. A Lighting Master plan was thus formulated to complement the existing ancient

structures, while maintaining a safe and well-lit night environment for the security of its

residents, as well as to identify its unique skyline for civic pride. Lyon’s pursuit for

excellence in its design of public spaces in the improvement of the locals’ standard of living

was well known internationally. Large public squares and public parks, like Place de la

Bourse and Place des Terreaux, are centrally located in Lyon, promoting community

interaction and indulging in beauty of nature. The Public Parks, like Place Croix Paquet, Parc

de Gerland and Sutter Park, were delightful collaboration between the artists, landscape

architects and lighting designers in the creation of an enjoyable public space that is utilized

fully by locals at all time of the day.

Lyon was the first European city to implement a lighting masterplan, and the resultant master

plan was a by-product from close collaboration between the city council, lighting

professionals and manufacturers. Since 1989, Lyon had targeted on the provision of a

pleasant, yet functional public lighting scheme that allowed the enhancement of its original

heritage. In Lyon Lighting Master plan, besides adhering to the standards recommended by its

authorities, development of individual pocket of spaces and to celebrate their unique character

was possible. Visual contrast between ancient town character and modern technology was

introduced in parts and small pockets, for visual interests as one navigate through the old

town. In addition, the authorities allowed for pockets of spaces to deviate from the main

lighting plan for visual variety and sensorial stimulation, as evident from the example of Parc

de Gerland. (See point 3 of Chapter This close collaboration between the government

authorities and private sectors was a main reason for success in the design of Lyon’s public

spaces and application of its Lighting Master plan. This master plan had undergone its third

revision since its implementation, highlighting the maturity of the master plan and vigour in

pursuit of good urban lighting.

Lyon’s drive in good urban lighting was not only restricted to the authorities but the various

bodies which promoted public interest in city illumination. During the annual Festival of

Lights, known as the Fête des Lumières (popular festive event that celebrate light and life),

lighting event was not only celebrated through scenography, illuminated sculptures,

integrating art and lights, the display of latest lighting technology and academic seminars aid

in the reaching of this event to the masses. It was not merely an annual tourist attraction, but

one event that celebrates Lyon’s efforts in the promotion of public lighting. Furthermore,

Lyon extended its enthusiasm in good urban lighting through the establishment of the LUCI

(Lighting Urban Community International).

From 1995 through to 1998, success in Lyon’s lighting masterplan had been studied and

applied in cities like St Petersburg, Havana and Ho Chin Minh City simultaneously. In the

latest press release, the mayor of Lyon had proclaimed new improvements to the public

spaces, and new plans to adhere for planning, namely the revision of lighting plan, “Green

Plan”, “Blue Plan” and “Colour Plan”. The Green Plan targets the protection of nature, Blue

Plan relates to the revitalization of the area around the confluences and Colour Plan referred

to the application of colours to large structures and along the riversides. The revised lighting

plan should support and complement the three other mentioned plans. Also, since Lyon

Lighting Master plan had undergone the 3rd revision since its initial implementation in 1998,

the new lighting master plan aimed to improve the efficiency of the existing systems, by

proposing the change of the existing conventional ballast to electronic ones, and the revision

of all T8 Fluorescent lamps to the more energy efficient T5 Fluorescent lamps. This move

coincided with the new European Union’s new commitment in reduction of energy wastage. Lighting Master plan Objectives and Design Principles

The main objective of the Lyon Lighting Masterplan was the development of a set of

guidelines that would highlight the historical character of Lyon, while maintaining

appropriate lighting level for safety, security and usability of all exterior spaces. Hence, to

integrate professional expertise from private and public sector, lighting designers and

manufacturers were involved in the development of the Lyon Lighting Master plan, resulting

in the development of customized lighting technology for Lyon’s streets and well

synchronized lit environment. Philips Lighting Manufacturer was one manufacturer which

worked extremely closely with the Lyon authorities in the recommendation of appropriate

lighting technology and new product development targeted specially for Lyon.

Lyon Lighting Master plan is centered

on some important lighting strategies

listed as following:

1. Spatial division and Clarity

2. Urban elements and their forms

3. Individual designs and

development of a holistic image

4. Relation of Lighting and time

5. Quality Lighting fixtures,

utilization of advanced Figure 10.0. New Lyon Lighting Plan

technology and researches

6. Annual festivals and public education on lighting master plan

1. Spatial division and Clarity

Lyon was analyzed on the whole and divided into different zones to highlight their individual

character, as well as for lighting be “personalized” for each zone. The identified zones are the

Confluences, Public spaces and Parks, the uniquely Lyon’s network of "Traboule",

architectural monuments and landmarks. The lighting strategy aimed to differentiate the

buildings on either sides of the river, while maintaining serenity through maintaining lower

illumination on nature along the waterfront. Since bridges played a significant part in the

history of Lyon, care is taken to illuminate each of them to their architectural feature. Parks

and garden should be maintained at an appropriate level of illumination to allow their use

even when night falls.

2. Urban elements and their forms

Lyon masterplan had expressed clarity in its

lighting of urban elements and express each in its

own definitive styles. The categorization of urban

elements is:

1. Historical monuments Figure 11.0. Bridge Lighting in Lyon

2. Parks and landscaping

3. Bridges

4. Buildings along River Saône

Quality fixtures, with high Colour Rendering

index and utilized in suitable lighting methods

Figure 12.0. Landscape lighting in Lyon
adopted for the particular element to be lit. (Source:

Following the internationally recommended

Codes of Practice for Urban Lighting, the

Illuminance level of each element is at its suitable

functional level, while highlighting the

architectural character of individual elements. For Figure 13.0. Part-Dieu in Lyon

example, special parts were drafted in their

unique character of each independent parcel, namely the Part-Dieu, Fourviere Basilica and La

Duchère towers, while maintaining coherence with the rest of the lit environment. Warmer

coloured lamps would be used to achieve the “olden atmosphere” simulating the atmosphere

of ancient Lyon city.


3. Individual designs and development of a holistic image

Figure 14.0. Lighting Concept for Parc de Figure 15.0. Parc de Gerland in the day
Gerland (Source: PLD magazine no.25) (Source: PLD magazine no.25)

The lighting plan identified several key areas for development of specific lighting schemes,

like Lyon-Confluence. Vaise Industrie, the Major City Project Lyon-La Duchère. One

example that illustrates this departure from the norm is the Parc de Gerland, which

implemented a totally different manner in the illumination of greenery. In order to minimize

distortion and familiarity of the illuminated object from its usually perceived image, public’s

opinion would be sought after the conceptualization of each design scheme.

Parc de Gerland in Lyon was one unique pocket of public space that was allowed to be

different from the main lighting masterplan. After careful analysis of the quality of proposed

lit environment and the design intentions behind the lighting designer’s idea of accentuation

of landscaping within the park, the authorities approved its design. Lighting within the Park

had revolutionized the manner vegetation should interact with lights, at which the designers’

main concept is that of an “impressionistic park”, when lighting would interact actively with

the landscaping elements. Lighting designer masterminding this project had drafted several

design criteria and objectives and they are listed as following:

1. Use of saturated colours for sensorial impact

2. Entrances as visual gateways

3. High mounted lamps for minimizing glare

4. High quality lamp sources used


5. Zonal division of spaces that is linked through a succession of continued


6. Rhythmic blend of light and shadows

Use of saturated colours for sensorial impact

The lighting concept of Parc de Gerland aimed to project the mystic characteristic of nature,

“unusual nocturnal world” (PLD, 2002) to create a different visual experience that differed

from its daytime image. Nature is illuminated, not in their true form, but saturated colours are

projected and blended with the original hue of the flora, creating dramatic visual experience.

Together with the effect colours have on our psychological experience of spaces and use of

appropriate lamp technology, this installation allowed this space to be enjoyed differently

from the usual display of natural colours.

Figure 16.0 Use of saturated Figure 17.0 Use of saturated Figure 18.0 Contrast of coloured
coloured lighting on meadows coloured lighting on vegetation lighting
(Source: PLD magazine no.25) (Source: PLD magazine no.25) (Source: PLD magazine no.25)
Entrances as visual gateways

To enhance the entry experience, the three different entrances, the river side, the large

meadow and Allee P. de Courbertin, are flanked by 2 3.5m pole mounted luminaries, which

illuminated different entrances in different colours. Each of the avenues was lit by pole top

mounted luminaries that were spaced about 14m apart, and in a spectrum of hues ranging

from violet of the New Avenue to the Yellow of J.P.Chevrot Avenue and Blue of Broussas

Avenue. The highlighting of circulation in a variety of colours not only specifically separate

each pocket from another, but enable the park to be legible and promotes the ease in


Illustration 1.0 Computational rendering of lighting concept and fixture locations
(Source: PLD magazine no.25)
High mounted lamps for minimizing glare

Most of the luminaries used are mounted from poles that ranged from 3.5 to 15m in height.

This minimized direct eye contact with the lamp sources, yet increasing the spread of the

emitted beams. The even spacing of poles and care taken into their daytime appearance,

helped in the integration of these structural elements into the park.

High quality lamp sources used

Most of the sources used were metal halide, which boost of a high Colour Rendering index of

90 and high burning hours of about 9000 hours, to minimize distortion of appearance of the

illuminated object. Hence, the only effect achieved is the blend of the coloured light and the

original colour of the lit objects. Colours are projected via integrating colour filters with

chosen luminaries. 16 Lighting Control units are installed to provide 2 different scenarios in

accordance to the activities that would be taking place, fully illuminated space from dusk to

1am and the basic lighting required for safety and security from 1am to dawn.

Zonal division of spaces that is linked through a succession of continued experiences

Each of the zones within the park is delegated with their own colour schemes, which the

choice of colours is based on the manner they complemented or contrasted with each other.

1. Gateways and ‘thresholds’ are in mixture of yellow and mauve

2. Avenues and paths are in mauve, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet

3. Large meadow in blue, flowerbeds in static interplay of red, green and blue, with their

contrasting colours

4. Skaters area, dynamic display of colours

5. Large trees, in Blue and Green

6. Coloured Fog

These schemes are coherent to their illuminated spaces and once read in conjunction with the

whole landscape, the resultant composed visual image that could be likened to an

impressionist painting.

Rhythmic blend of light and shadows

Despite the wide use of colours on designated objects within Par de Gerland, a visual rhythm

is maintained through the insertion of areas that is lower in illumination between those that

were lit. This maintained a subtle level of blend of lit and shadowed spaces, to avoid over

stimulation of senses and sensory fatigue.

4. Relation of Lighting and time

Lyon’s Lighting Master plan aimed to conceive some lighting schemes that changed with

time provides a dynamic visual environment for the urban dwellers, yet allowing the city to

evolve with its changes. These smaller scaled installations could be provided in the city as

forms of artistic installation or street furniture. These would be provided periodically and

their lighting level should respond to the time of day to provide a lit space of appropriate

brightness. Through these lighting installations, the streetscape of Lyon would vary with time

and promote visual variety and interest that were different from what the city dwellers

perceived on their daily routine.


5. Quality Lighting fixtures, utilization of advanced technology and researches

Lyon is committed to the use of up-to-date technology and using its spaces as experimental

grounds for urban lighting ideas and technology. Collaborated with research institutes,

universities, manufacturers, it aimed to be the showcase of Europe and experimental grounds

for urban lighting. In the new Lyon Lighting Masterplan, it would review all existing public

lighting luminaries and replace with luminaries that more ecologically sound, to reduce

effects on Sky Glow. The new fixtures utilized for roadway lighting should minimized

unwanted lighting spillage, while lighting for landscaping and pedestrian malls would

minimize on utilization of upwards lighting. That would minimize undesired energy lost to

the atmosphere and re-directing light beams to where they should. Fixtures that were of low

performance, low efficacy should be replaced with those of better performance. For example,

all T8 Fluorescent tubes with ferromagnetic ballast would be replaced with T5 of electronic

ballast for their lower energy consumption level. Also, there should also be a minimization on

use of lead and mercury lamps, which would pose pollution problems upon their disposal, and

all unwanted lamps should be recycled upon their maintenance routine.

With close collaboration with the lighting manufacturers, Lyon would develop fixtures that

are more targeted for urban lighting. Lyon authorities would support more researches on

urban lighting, like the development of impact of lamps of different Colour Temperature on

residents and detailed analysis of luminaries’ geometrical criteria for better integration into

their illuminated spaces. Since Lyon had established the Lighting for Urban Community

International (LUCI), it would utilize its resources and members of LUCI to participate in

excellence in their implementation of urban lighting. In addition, Lyon would see itself as a

database for urban lighting technology and host more researches and exchanges in urban

lighting to increase public awareness.


6. Annual Fête des Lumières and public education on lighting master plan

As the founder city of Light Urban Community International, Lyon committed itself in the

development of excellence in urban lighting, through the use of advanced technology and

efficient luminaries. In addition, it is the test bed for new urban lighting fixtures to evaluate

their performance. Also, the annual Light festival and conducting of reviews and seminars,

kept Lyon as the forth runner in urban lighting.

Fête des Lumières (Festival of Lights), Lyon

This event, which is hosted on the 8th of December annually, had history intricately entwined

with the culture and history of Lyon, since nearly 150

years ago. The Festivals of Lights was originally for the

inauguration of statue of Virgin Mary, of which residents

of Lyon lit up their homes as a form of celebration. It

was in the last 4 years that Lyon authorities had decided

to integrate this annual celebration with their Lyon

Lighting Masterplan. During the 4 days when the festival

Figure 19.0. Publication of Fête des
would be held, the whole Lyon city would participate on Lumières 2005 (Source:
a wide scale and when spectacular lighting displays and

new temporary lighting installations would be distributed in different parts of the city.

Moreover, the main heritage sites, landmarks and nodal points within the city would be

highlighted and identified through more unique lighting strategies.

Throughout the years of its celebration, it had

seen the participation of people from all sectors,

the manufactures, institutions, locals and tourists

alike. After the first conceptualization of the

lighting master plan and it being the predecessor Figure 20.0. One of Lighting installations at the
Fête des Lumières
(Source: PLD Magazine no.25 )

in pursuit of excellence in urban lighting, Lyon had been renowned as the “City of Lights”,

and the Fête des Lumières is a time when lighting designers showcase their use of latest

lighting technology to render their ideas, through a series of temporary installations. This

festival attracted millions of visitors to Lyon Of which, 2 methods in lighting had been

exceptionally welcomed by all.

1. Projection of over dimensioned images on the main façades of significant

buildings, like Basilica Norte Dame de Fourviere, the Town Hall, St Nizier’s


2. Coloured modifications of existing lighting installations, such as the sloping

streets in Croic Rousse and the Façade of Cite Internationale de Lyon on the

Rhone side.

Figure 21.0. Use of Colour Lighting during the Figure 22.0. Lighting landmarks during the Festival of
Festival of Lights (Source: PLD Magazine no.25) Lights (Source: PLD Magazine no.25)

These attempts, although not particularly coherent to the traditional architectural style of the

structure being illuminated, was a welcome contrast from the existing way to highlight the

historical character of the buildings. These are temporary installations to create visual interest.

Wide use of colours and lighting control systems meant an increase in the visual imageries

that would result from the lighting installations.


2.2.2 Tokyo, Roppongi – Lighting and City’s Dynamicism Introduction

Illustration 2.0 Overall lighting masterplan of Roppongi Hills

(Source: PLD Magazine no.33)

Roppongi Hills, situated in Minato Ward in Tokyo, is fringed by the symbolic 54th skyscraper

and large architectural structures that composed the mix-used area, which comprised of a

museum, residential and commercial facilities. The outdoor spaces and gardens were

connected through a succession of levels that bridged the entire site. It was envisioned as the

city of the future, where the lighting masterplan should embody usage of quality luminaries

and of latest technology, utilized in cutting edge lighting design methodology. With the

intention of experimenting revolutionary ideas on the future of urban lighting design, several

groups of lighting designers, architects and urban planners collaborated to present their

foremost ideas in this parcel. Several of internationally renowned lighting designers like

Motoko Ishii Lighting Design from Tokyo, Kaplan Partners Architectural Lighting from Los

Angeles and Isometrix from London, were responsible for the design of their designated

areas, while Lighting Planners Associate Inc. (LPA) were to provide the basic specifications

of which the individual firms were to conform and coordinate the potential impact each

lighting schemes would have on another. Lighting Master plan Objectives and Design Principles

Since Roppongi Hill Lighting Masterplan should be targeted for a futuristic city, technology

was excessively used in this project. In addition, the chief lighting consultant employed,

Lighting Planners Associates, LPA, coordinated with other lighting designs of individual

developments within the Roppongi Hills, in the achievement of a coherent lit environment.

The whole Roppongi Hills was analysed in detail and appropriate lighting strategy was

conceptualized. LPA had benchmarked their lighting design for Roppongi Hills on several

aspects, which are the viewpoints, changing scenarios with time, adhering to the architectural

character of the space and employing the most appropriate lighting technology. Of these

design criteria, viewpoint relates to the manner people perceive and navigate through space.

Primarily, viewpoint represents the distance and points at which the designated parcel might

be viewed from. Hence, lighting design had considered visual priority of every urban feature

viewed and the distance from which they would be seen. Due to the complexity of functions

and programs the site embodied, the following are the main lighting master plan objectives

and design criteria for the whole Roppongi Hills area.

1. Zonal division

2. Time, space and vista

3. Quality lighting environment

4. Establishment of Visual Points

1. Zonal division

The seamless integration of outdoor and indoor spaces is a main planning objective behind

this project, with the main circulatory route of Keyaki Zaka Street cutting through the entire

Roppongi Hills, separating the site into two man portions. This became a main manner of

zonal division, where the commercial spaces are distinctively separated from residential.

Moreover, within each parcel, the landscaping in the outdoor spaces was lit differently from

each other, dependent on their adjacent surroundings. For example, low Colour Temperature

and low level lighting was utilized for landscape lighting in the Japanese Garden that is next

to the residential area, but Fiberoptics

wrapped trees are the highlight of the surreal

garden of Roku Roku Plaza. Hence, lighting

had respond to the different functions each

area embodied, like the use of low level

Figure 23.0 Outdoor Lighting in Roku Roku Plaza
(Source: Author’s own)
lighting for the vegetation and parks, outdoor

plaza and high technology utilized for façade illumination. Together, the Colour Temperature

of chosen lamps different to highlight the character of the lit space, low Colour Temperature

lamps for intimate spaces and cooler Colour Temperature for areas of higher pedestrian traffic

flow. The difference in lighting strategy allowed non-uniformity for visual interest and clarity

in navigation.

2. Time, space and vista

Since the advancement of technology, the operation of a city is no longer constrained by time

but often a round-the-clock functioning system. The lighting system would adhere not only to

the change from dusk to night but varied during the night. This is a metaphoric symbol of

linking the city into a living organism that response actively with time. In addition, 3 different

visual environments were considered, as Roppongi Hills could be visible from many

surrounding points. First of which, the view from 1to 10km was best represented as the façade

appearance of each structure, medium tier represented the visual experience of from 1km to

0.5km and the range of less than 0.5km represented how the element would appear at close

range to each viewers. The setting up of visual hierarchy signified the importance of how the

city would appear from a macro scale to the micro.

Figure 24.0 Lighting Control of Mori Building (Source: Lighting Planners Associates Inc.)

3. Quality lighting environment

Quality fixtures that were glare-free, with high Colour Rendering index and integral

technology that enabled colour changing, like the Fiberoptics system and Light emitting diode

(LED) system were used intensively for the comfortable visual environment. This resulted in

vegetation that were entwined with illuminated Fiberoptics system, LED that changed colours

on a rhythmic and time-based routine, creating outdoor spaces that are both mystical and

enjoyable for all. Street lighting not only provided the basic illumination to the pedestrian

pathways and roadways, but spotlights were integrated with each street lamp to highlight

entrances to shops along the major Keyaki Zaka Street. Since this traffic node was

characterized by 2 rows of trees flanking each side, the illumination of these trees would

change together with the festivals or events that were ongoing.

Illustration 3.0 Lighting along Keyaki Zaka Street Illustration 4.0 Festive Lighting along Keyaki Zaka
(Source: Lighting Planners Associates Inc) Street (Source: Lighting Planners Associates Inc)

Also, to increase the interactivity of the space, lighting installations like the screen wall,

which occurred at junctions, lighting of the street furniture along the Keyaki Zaka Street were

proposed. Temporary lighting installations were proposed during festive times, along the

Keyaki Zaka Street, to highlight this main arterial road.

4. Establishment of Visual Points

Since Roppongi Hills development was a condensed parcel of new development area, the

approach to the site was crucial to the developers, to distinguish this area from the

surroundings prominently. The lighting master plan had identified a few view points from

which the site would be approached, and how different visual hierarchy could be established

in accordance to the distance from the site.

2.2.3 Hong Kong Victoria Harbour Lighting Plan – Lighting and Tourism Introduction

Figure 25.0 Hong Kong Island Skyline from Tsim Sha Tsui promenade
(Source: Colour Kinetics Lighting)

The Victoria Harbour Lighting Plan is commissioned by the Hong Kong Tourism

Commission and had seen a permanent display of light and laser show based on the

illumination of the prominent buildings that fronted both Hong Kong and Kowloon,

overlooking Victoria Harbour. This scenic spot is extremely popular with locals and the

18milion tourists that visited Hong Kong annually, hence to illuminate it as a background for

lighting display would complement the existing skyline in the night, yet lent a different look

to the normally dull display of skyline during the night. The formulation of this lighting plan

signified the first attempt to translate such an asset in such highly visible and coordinated

manner. Lighting Master plan Objectives and Design Principles

Prior to the development of the Lighting Plan, each building was lit in accordance to their

unique strategy and the relation of each to its surroundings was not considered. This resulted

in a skyline that was chaotic and at times, excessive lighting worsened the problem of light

pollution. Therefore, this plan had related each element to another and minimized the wrong

use of lighting strategy, which reduced the effect excessive lighting had. The Victoria

Harbour Lighting plan, also a scheme for urban revitalization, seek to highlight this excellent

skyline that was not brought to its best at night, to create a vibrant nightscape that would be

enjoyed by all across the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade Since this stretch of skyline extends

across the whole Hong Kong Island, the mirrored image of this lit environment on the

Victoria Harbour would intensify the experience. After careful analysis of the site, the

Victoria Harbour Lighting Masterplan was formulated with the following lighting design


Figure 26.0 City Hall in the Day Figure 27.0 City Hall after implementation of Lighting
(Source: Source: Colour Kinetics Lighting ) Masterplan(Source: Colour Kinetics Lighting)

1. Selected Viewpoints and illuminated landmarks

2. Automated lighting control system

3. Vertical extension and Light shows


Figure 28.0 HSBC Building in the day Figure 29.0 HSBC Building after implementation of
(Source: Source: PLD magazine no.38 ) Lighting Masterplan(Source: PLD magazine no.38 )

1. Selected Viewpoints and illuminated landmarks

The formation of “Harbour Lighting Plan” was divided into a few stages, of which energy

efficiency and potential problem like lighting pollution was initially analysed of each chosen

architectural element. The choice of illuminated structure was based on their visibility from

chosen viewpoint and also the angles at which each would be viewed. Then the list was

analysed with the lighting technique that would be utilized in the lighting of each structure

and on the pretext that the applied lighting strategy would be coherent to the original

architectural integrity of the chosen building. This resulted in a list of significant landmarks,

like the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank, Central Barracks, Jardine House and the Hong Kong

Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Although all the chosen architectural landmarks had their individual characteristic, it was still

complemented and analysed on the way each character would complement on the whole for a

visually balanced image of the skyline. The chosen buildings, which incorporated many of

Hong Kong’s prominent landmarks, were well spaced in relation to each other, so areas of

unlit spaces between the illuminated structure aid in the contrast and enhancement of the

overall composition. Together with the vast body of water that separated the prominent

viewpoint of Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade from the stretch of coordinated lit structure, there is

an appropriate distance to perceive the skyline as a whole and the reflection in the water

further enhanced the aesthetics of the lighting display. The further use of search lights on

most lit structures had visually extends the illumination display skywards and dramatized the

whole visual experience.

2. Automated lighting control system

Light emitting diodes, LED, on automated lighting control system was extensively used for

façade lighting for the creation of a dynamic skyline, which varied from the monotony of its

daytime image. To increase the vibrancy and heightening of sensorial stimulation, coloured

lighting was used extensively. The combination of coloured lighting and changing modes that

is synchronized across the skyline inject a festive mood to the whole waterfront and

heightened the experience as one moved through the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, or viewed

the whole skyline from The Peak.

Figure 30.0. Use of coloured lighting and Pyrotechnics on buildings (Source: Colour Kinetics Lighting )

3. Vertical extension and Light shows

Pyrotechnics were not utilized on a major scale in Hong Kong as a result of stringent

regulations, as compared to Sydney. Hence, approvals from major government bodies, like

the Fire Department, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, The Hong Kong Police and

Marine Department etc, was required before the execution of pyrotechnics display. The vast

body of water of Victoria Harbour also meant that the distance of fireworks to the view point

is greater as compared to other places with similar displays like Sydney and London. This

problem had been overcome with the increase of buildings that would incorporate fireworks.

Integrating use of lasers into the overall lighting plan, using High Powered Stella Ray

projectors installed into a few chosen buildings, like the International Finance Centre and

Central Plaza, to enhance the whole experience. Its use would depend on the extend of air

pollution for each day, as the higher the content of air particles in the skies, the greater is the

visibility of the beams, hence the more effective is the display. Laser would also allow active

interaction of the audience at Tsim Sha Tsui to the display on opposite banks, through

animated beams of lasers that span across the Victoria Harbour. In order to minimize impact

of the use of lasers on the marine and aircrafts navigation, approvals would be required from

relevant authorities. Furthermore, the type of lasers used would need to have high beam


2.2.4 Alingsås Lighting masterplan, Sweden – Lighting and Functionality Introduction

Situated in the arterial traffic route between Stockholm and Gothenburg, Alingsås is a typical

small European town with a small population of about 35,000 inhabitants. Although it was

made a municipality in 1690, historical records had its history dating back to the 1357. Its

urban fabric is mainly composed from historical wooden architecture, which some had

histories dating back 350 years from now. Due to this richness and variety in its urban fabric,

Alingsås was awarded a prize in Sweden as one of its best kept historical centre. All these

favourable opportunities had definitely opened the option of expending tourism industry in

Alingsås, of which the town would envision itself increasing the number of inhabitants, while

increasing its cultural significance and civic pride during the process. The lighting master

planning did not merely serve as a platform to boost the tourism industry but resulted in a

visually pleasing and functionally illuminated townscape. It was through a series of lighting

workshops that was hosted in Alingsås that the town became aware of the beauty of space

created by lighting and how lighting can supplement or complement the existing, to provide

for sufficient lighting at night. Temporary lighting installations as a result of those lighting

events were very welcomed by the residents, who expressed disappointment when the

installations were removed after the events. However, the milestone for application of urban

lighting master planning was the ELDA lighting event in October 2000, when many

internationally renowned lighting designers were invited to host workshops and design

lighting for urban elements that was distributed around the town. The elements being

considered were bridges of the town that cross a river that divided the town, an old water mill

and a small park, St Christine’s Church and an old Italian-style villa etc. Since the theme was

the event was “what is lighting masterplan? Do towns need them?”, the conferences and

installations were aimed at expressing the potentials in urban lighting, while educating the

public on urban lighting. The discussions revealed a series of idea exchanges among many

international lighting designers, manufacturers and experts in the area, which would suggest a

rapid development of ideas in urban lighting and the demand for lighting master planning as

the trend now. The scale of that event had not only indicated the trend in lighting towards

master planning lighting for townscapes, it had lead to public interest in lighting and had

brought over many innovative changes in the appearance of the town at night, when the

residents had voluntarily placed their own lighting fixtures in courtyards and gardens. Lighting Master plan Objectives and Design Principles

Figure 31.0. Exterior of houses Figure 32.0. Effects of fireflies Figure 33.0. Highlighting elements in
(Source: PLD magazine no.18) on roofs the landscape
(Source: PLD magazine no.18) (Source: PLD magazine no.18)

The main objective of Alingsås Lighting Masterplan was to enhance the old European small

town image this town uniquely possessed in the day, but the spirit of place diminished with

darkness. In addition, the introduction of points of visual interest as one moved through the

town was another highlight of this masterplan, while maintaining sufficient lighting level for

the functionality of exterior spaces at night. Also, the formulation of Alingsås Lighting

masterplan should also embody the important aspects of security, safety for the residents.

Hence, with adhering to international codes and standards, the basic lighting requirement is

fulfilled, while aesthetics in lit environment was expressed as a combination of the use of

appropriate lighting technique and expressing the architectural form in the most innovative

manner possible. Alingsås Lighting Masterplan was structured about this design basis that

was fundamental to the development of the overall lit environment.

1. Sensitivity to the Architectural Programme and Designed Atmosphere

2. Functionality and Complementing the Existing Landscaping

3. Complementing the Architectural elements

4. Using Lighting Technology in Realization of Design Concepts

1. Sensitivity to the Architectural Programme and Designed Atmosphere

One of the lighting masterplan formulated involved the existing Alingsås Mill, which was

separated from the main town from a railway that was constructed in the 1900s and a bridge.

The objective of lighting was to re-establish this visual link between the main town and the

Mill, as well as to revive the romantic atmosphere this Mill uniquely possessed, what was

fondly remembered by the residents of Alingsås. The park that fringed the mill was also

separated from the main town development, with only a small portion of it near the road in

use, which was partly due to the low provision of existing lighting. Lighting would revive the

Mill to its intended atmosphere, while connecting it with the park and the town visually and

sensitively. Lamps of warm Colour Temperature were utilized for the interior lighting of the

Mill, while the connection to the main town was via the roads that was symbolized the

original river. To convey the feeling of olden countryside, “Fireflies” was introduced as part

of the scheme to remind the residents of the Mill being a romantic place that was subtly lit by

fireflies at night. They were improvised through the use of 3M materials and lighting


2. Functionality and Complementing the Existing Landscaping

The Avenue that borders Alingsås was a stretch that is situated next to home of elderly and

the cemetery and hence lighting should complement the existing serene atmosphere. Since

this avenue was fringed by trees, functional lighting should integrate well with the nature, as

not to be visually obtrusive amongst the nature in

the day, yet highlight the greenery at night.

Since the main users were the residents who would

utilize this as a footpath or cycling route, lighting

level designed must be sufficient for them to

recognize the surroundings, as well as to allow

Figure 34.0 The avenue after implementation of
people to move through this well-used route at masterplan (Source: PLD magazine no.18)

different speeds, while enjoying the serenity of the

surroundings. Lamps of cooler Colour

Temperature was used to simulate the moonlight

by fixing them on the crowns of the trees and

aiming them onto the route, while warmer Colour

Temperature lamps was used to up-light the trees.

This created s series of lighting patterns onto the

route, wile providing with sufficient lighting level

Figure 35.0 Moonlight effects on the grounds
for the route to still be utilized at an optimum (Source: PLD magazine no.18)


3. Complementing the Architectural elements

The illumination of the church, situated in the main square of Alingsås, would complement

the original pristine character of the church, while highlighting its unique architectural

features. Prior to the implementation of lighting masterplanning to the town, Low-Pressure

Sodium lamps were utilized to illuminate the church, which rendered it in an orangey glow

and had suppressed the colours into greyish tones. New lighting plan would enhance the

architectural character, while introducing blue lights to façade lighting for an appropriate


Figure 36.0 Blue lighting contrasted with warm Figure 37.0 Bridge lighting
lighting at base (Source: PLD magazine no.18) (Source: PLD magazine no.18)

4. Using Lighting Technology in Realization of Design Concepts

The use of lighting technology in the realization of various lighting design would not be

possible without the advancement in research on lamps and control systems. These enabled

lighting to appropriately complement the architectural intend, while creating a lit environment

that is different from the daytime image. These subtle differences would increase one’s

enjoyment of space, as Kaplan had equated aesthetics with variety and balance. Bridges in

Alingsås had been an important transportation element that linked both sides of the town

across a river that divided the town into two. Designers had conceptualized their design

intend of how the bridge should be expressed and lighting would fulfil this design intention.

The use of coloured lighting, with good Colour Rendering index and glare-free fixtures would

allow the nightscape to be more interesting and visually intriguing. Some of the bridges’

illumination was controlled by control system that allowed programming of lighting scenes.

Hence, the designer could vary how the bridge would be illuminated, the change in colour in

an automated manner.

2.2.5 Coventry Lighting Masterplan – Lighting and City Planning Introduction

The City of Coventry was believed to be established in the year 1043, with founding of the

Benedictine Abbey by Leofric, Earl of Mercia and his wife Lady Godiva. It was situated in

the West Midlands of England and spanned an area of approximately 98.64 square kilometres.

It flourished in the middles ages and was one of the main trading centers for cloth in the 14th

century. Hence, many historical relics that were distributed about the city have history that

could be traced back to a few centuries. However, during the Second World War, many of the

historical landmarks and monuments, like the famous Coventry Historic Cathedral and City

walls, were damaged from a massive German air raid (the 'Coventry Blitz') on the 14th

November 1940.

Figure 38.0. Coventry Cathedral Figure 39.0. Historical Spon Street

(Source : Coventry City Council) (Source : Coventry City Council)

Coventry had engaged in rigorous Post-war restoration of its damaged city fabric but the

resultant architectural style of that era was monotonous and unappealing, as concrete was

used as the main construction material. In the period from 1970s to 1980s, a decline in the

British motor industry had a huge economic impact on Coventry, as it was the main source of

economic development of the town. This resulted in urban degeneration and abandonment of

local workforce from the town to look for better prospects in other Neighbouring cities.

However, Coventry City Council had committed themselves in a series of extensive urban

generation projects to revitalize the city centre and landmarks the city was once famous for.

In order to revitalize the degenerating urban fabric and to integrate the newer developments

with the existing, architects MacCormac Jamieson Prichard and lighting designers Speirs and

Major Associates, were invited to conceptualize the whole urban planning masterplan for

Coventry, that involved a detail section on formulating a new set of urban lighting master

plan, with the main objective, as highlighted by the architect, “a commitment to integrating

the refurbished historic and new urban spaces”. Of all, the Phoenix Incentive was the most

successful project as a result of the execution of these urban planning programs. It was

intended to be the new focal point within the city center, introducing new public spaces and

landscaping that would interlink the existing Basil Spence's Cathedral to the Coventry

Transport Museum. These linkages of heritage sites through a series of public spaces with art

installation provided visual variety and community interaction.

The Coventry Lighting Master plan

was also a result of this urban

revitalization move, with the main

lighting objective as to highlight the

existing monuments, while

implementing innovative designs for

public spaces. The formulation of a

lighting master plan should provide

“sufficient guidance and control

whilst remaining flexible enough for

those devising lighting solutions to

Illustration 5.0 Phoenix Incentive design concept
(Source :
be provided with a range of options.”

(Power, 2001) The Coventry Lighting master plan was conceptualized primarily as an urban

revitalization program, to enhance the existing urban fabric, while maintaining a functional,

yet aesthetically pleasing night time environment for its citizens. Since Coventry is composed

of unique buildings that are distinctive of their architectural styles and typology, lighting

would need to highlight this difference between the zones within Coventry, while relating to

the architectural context. After the completion of the lighting masterplan, there was a special

demonstration, ‘City Lights, illustrating various lighting techniques to the public, at the end of

October 1997. This involved use of colour changing luminaries on a larger scale and

projections to create a vibrant city center and increase public awareness of how lighting can

affect mood and drama within the space. This approach set the pace for the first phrase of the

masterplan’s development and generation of general public interest’s in urban lighting.

The efforts of Coventry City Council were recognized and Phoenix Incentive was awarded

the prestigious RIBA Award in 2004 and the success in urban regeneration of Coventry was

awarded locally and internationally. Lighting Master plan Objectives and Design Principles

In the Coventry Lighting Master plan, Spires and Major Associates recommended technical

guidelines for lighting of architecture, structures and spaces, whilst highlighting projects that

were culturally significant to Coventry, namely Council House, Coventry's three famous

spires of Christchurch Spire, Holy Trinity Church and old Cathedral, three post war tower

blocks (Coventry Point, Hillman House and Mercia House) and Spon Street. The formulated

lighting guideline would have to fulfil the functionality requirements of lit spaces, while

recognizing the original richness in Coventry’s urbanscape. Since Coventry is composed of

several districts that had their own character and boundaries, lighting design should allow this

distinction to be noted yet providing a coherent visual environment from one area to another.

The various districts are as following:

1. Cathedral district

2. University district

3. Shopping district

4. Civic district

5. Financial/ Commercial District


Out of these districts, the Cathedral district is most

culturally and significantly to Coventry. It is a unique

historical site that contains the ruins of Coventry’s second

cathedral, the St Micheal’s. The division of these zones

facilitate in the formulation of Basic lighting design

concepts for the Coventry Lighting Masterplan. The

design principles to Coventry Lighting Masterplan are as

Figure 40.0 Pield Bull Yard
listed: (Source :Speirs and Major Lighting)

1. Zonal clarity

2. Preserving original architectural character

3. Visual interest and sequencing

4. Quality lighting environment and

luminaries utilized


1. Zonal clarity

The cathedral district is extremely important culturally Figure 41.0 Phoenix Incentive –
Millennium Place
(Source :Speirs and Major Lighting)
and historically to Coventry. Hence the lighting of these

historical landmarks is one of the primary considerations

in the master plan. Since the 3 churches of St Micheal’s,

Christ chuch and Holy Trinity are symbolic of close

relationship between the development of churches and

history of Coventry, the illumination of these churches is

centred on the highlighting of the 3 spires and visually

Figure 42.0.Phoenix Incentive –
connecting the 3 churches at night. Although there is a Millennium Place
(Source :Speirs and Major Lighting)
need to bridge these three churches together visually, each

of the churches’ spires were lit in accordance to their own theme of namely, Regeneration and

Communication for Christchurch, Religion and Industry for Holy Trinity church and Conflict

and Reconciliation for the church of St Micheal’s. The other zones are the Spon Street, where

traditional wooden architecture of Middle Ages styles lined the streets on either side. Warm

lighting would be used for this area for the preservation of the traditional atmosphere desired.

Phoenix Incentive was seen as separated and should be

highlighted from the rest of the city centre.

2. Preserving original architectural character

The cathedrals were illuminated in warm coloured lighting

fixtures to highlight the materials used and the spatial

patterns. In addition, the fixtures were well integrated into

the architectural form, to minimise its visual obtrusiveness

in the day. With lighting visually connecting the 3 spires Figure 43.0.Old cathedral at night
(Source: Coventry City Council)
of Coventry, this would enhance the importance of these

cathedrals to the development of this modern city, while

extending the image of the cathedrals vertically.

Coventry Council House was also one of the landmarks of

the area, which the lighting master plan would utilize

warm white remote lighting sources to subtly light the

architectural features. Through this lighting technique, the

Figure 44.0. Old cathedral at night
(Source :Speirs and Major Lighting)
distinctive bay windows along the façade are lit by

highlighting the underside of the bays, or lighting these

windows from the sills. To create visual hierarchy and to

highlight the entrance, customized column fixtures were

tailor made based on the original lanterns that were hung

along the central bay of the Council House. Also, some Figure 45.0 Coventry Council House
(Source : PLD Magazine no.18)

low voltage spotlights were concealed on the columns to highlight the assortment of

architectural elements noted along the central bay. Moreover, the slate roof was illuminated

through a combination of using lamp sources of cool Colour Temperature and spill lights

from the lit turrets, to highlight the architectural form and line of the roofs. In addition,

spotlights were utilized to highlight the “Peeping Tom” statue located at the base of the clock


3. Visual interest and sequencing

Since the Phoenix Incentive project denotes a series of pockets of spaces were linked together

via a path that connected two landmarks of Coventry City, lighting would have to create a

sense of visual rhythm as one moved along the pathway. Innovative lighting techniques were

used along this path to introduce visual variety and heighten our sensorial experience of the

space. Warm lighting was used for intimate pockets of spaces and coloured lighting

introduced at random for visual variety. In addition, the mounting level of fixtures was kept

low to minimise direct eye contact and maintain a comfortable visual environment.

4. Quality lighting environment and luminaries utilized

Since urban centre are built around the concepts of nodes, landmarks and pathways and the

identifications of these elements for the ease of orientation in the urbanscape, lighting should

highlight the landmarks for ease in moving around the city. The lighting guideline is

conceptualized around the ease of identification of these elements and highlighting the

landmarks like churches in their best true form. The traffic circle that extremely prominent in

the city centre was character as a divided body, and lighting as a boundary as well as an

integrated body.

2.2.6 Hang Zhou(杭州), China – Lighting for a Famed City Introduction

“A Heaven on Earth”, a phrase coined by ancient Chinese, best summarized the experience of

all who had been to Hang Zhou. The city is the political, economical and cultural capital of

Zhejiang (浙江) province and located along the South-eastern coast of China, only 180

kilometres from Shanghai. Its unique water system was a result of its geographical position,

where it is located in the lower reaches of Qiantang River (钱塘江) and on a superior

location in Yangtze Delta and adjacent to the East China Sea. Hang Zhou was made capital

during the 5 Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty, thus, its richness in historically significant

relics. Although much were destroyed during the Taiping revolution in the mid nineteen

century, it was still recognized as one of the most prominent historical heritage sites, amongst

other historically significant cities, like Xi’an, Beijing and Chengdu, in China. Some of these

relics remained from past are the landscaping elements along the West Lake, the Six

Harmonies Pagoda and Lin Yin Temple, just to name a few. The "Ten West Lake Prospects"

(西湖十景) along the West Lake offered a series of viewpoints that is the choice of Hang

Zhou’s natural scenic surroundings, with its ancient monuments, and their names were further

inscribed with Qing Emperor Qian Long’s calligraphy. The names of these scenic attractions

are as follow:

• Spring Dawn on the Su Causeway (苏堤春晓)

• Listening Orioles Singing in the Willows (柳浪闻莺)

• View Fish in the Flower Harbour (花港观鱼)

• Lotus in the Breeze at the Winding Courtyard (曲苑风荷)

• Evening Bells at the Nanping Mountain (南屏晚钟)

• Autumn Moon over a Calm Lake (平湖秋月)

• Evening Sunshine over Leifeng Pagoda (雷峰夕照)


• Three Pools Mirroring the Moon (三潭印月)

• Melting Snow on Broken Bridge (断桥残雪)

• Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds (双峰插云)

The beauty of Hang Zhou, particularly West Lake, is well known in China and had been

celebrated since the ancient times by poets like Su Dong Po and Bai Ju Yi. From Hang Zhou

Tourism Committee’s Statistics, it attracted about 26 million domestic and 1.05 million

international visitors in 2002, while the West Lake was again awarded the National Civilized

Tourist Scenic Spot by the Central Government Bureau in Beijing in January 2006. To re-

vitalize the original urban fabric and preserve the historical relics, Hang Zhou’s municipal

government undertook a series of urban re-development projects to maintain the intricate

balance between the historical and modern, nature and man-made, and to retain the character

of ancient Chinese city Hang Zhou had always been known for. The Hang Zhou Lighting

Masterplan was formulated as part of this urban redevelopment exercise, to re-create the

charming ancient Chinese city at night, highlighting main scenic spots in Hang Zhou, while

maintaining a visually comfortable and well-lit environment for both locals and tourists. Lighting Master plan Objectives and Design Principles

The Hang Zhou Lighting master plan was conceptualized for ‘the lighting to present the soul

of Chinese traditional scene that is the aim of our plan’ (Hao, 2003) There are 3 main parts to

the formulation of the Hang Zhou Lighting Master plan, namely,

1. Adopting appropriate lighting strategy for elements along the West Lake

2. Lighting the nature in Hang Zhou, which the city is famed for

3. Skyline and architectural lighting along the east side of Westlake

4. Circulatory lighting in relation to landscaping

It is evident from the directions of this Lighting Master plan that its focal area is the Westlake

and how to highlight it in the best possible manner. The desired lighting level would be very

subtle and just sufficient for the functional aspect of space, to preserve the serenity of the

space and maintain appropriate balance of bright and shadowed spaces. While the main

lighting design objectives were drafted, recommendations on lighting environment was made

based on the usage of lighting fixtures of appropriate output and lamp source of suitable

properties to illuminate and render the target object in the internationally recommended

lighting level, with apt designed lighting atmosphere.

Figure 46.0 Su Dong Po Memorial Figure 47.0 Along the West Lake at night
(Source: (Source:

1. Adopting appropriate lighting strategy for elements along the West Lake

The West Lake is well known both within China and internationally as a top notch scenic

spot. The wondrous sights around West Lake not only been celebrated in ancient Chinese

literature, poems but myths and paintings as well. The famous Chinese poet, Bai Ju Yi had

managed sort out 10 most magnificent sights around the West Lake, known as to the” Ten

Scenic Sights", with the name of each site originated from a series of paintings on West Lake

done by a painter from the Southern Song Dynasty (1127~1279A.D.). These names not only

symbolized the enchanting beauty of flora and fauna in West Lake, but also how visually

intriguing, mesmerising West Lake was to the visitors since the ancient times.

The Lighting Masterplan had highlighted parts of the West Lake and implemented most

fitting lighting strategy for the area, by analysing the location in detail and choice of lighting

design strategy in the creation of a visually comfortable environment. The chosen areas to

highlight along the west lake river are listed as following,


1. The Su Dam (苏堤) and Bai Dam (白堤)

In the Su Dam and Bai Dam area, the main elements to consider for lighting

were the dams, bridges and the vegetation. Due to the proximity the visitors is

with the vegetation around the dams, human factors in lighting were of primary

consideration, for example, if fixtures

were considered as glaring, choice of

lamp source, choice of colour lighting.

Roadway luminaries and lighting for

vegetation along the periphery of Su

Dam should provide sufficient lighting Figure 48.0 Nature and heritage sites along
West Lake (Source:
level for pedestrian safety and movement.. Also, lighting for vegetation would

highlight the existing visual richness of the site, while creating “visual layers”,

through the simultaneous lighting of architecture and vegetations. This

combination of two different lighting strategies for basic lighting level would also

illuminate the profile of the Dam which can be easily perceived at all corners of

the West Lake.

The bridges spanned from the dams across the West Lake should maintain the

continuity in lighting level across its opposing ends, with required lighting level

for safety of the pedestrians and drivers. Lighting should also highlight the

architectural feature and character of these bridges, to maintain visual relation

with its daytime image. Also, lighting should highlight the physical continuity Gu

Hill had with Bai Dam. Since these historical elements on Gu Hill were visible

across the West Lake, their lighting should consider the highlighting of their

original character and their visibility. Spatial rhythm was created through the

appropriate introduction of shadowed and illuminated spaces.


2. Moon in Three Pools (三潭印月)

For Moon in Three Pools, the main

elements for lighting were the

architecture, furniture, bridges and

vegetations. Due to the variety and

richness of elements this area present, Figure 49.0 Island in Moon in Three Pools
(Source :
lighting strategy should allow for visual coherence and continuity from one

element to another, while ensuring the overall visual composition of the lit

environment is comfortable and suitable for the desired image. Lighting would

need to emphasize the outlines of roofs of architectural structures in this area, for

reflection in the lake, as well as to enhance the scenery when viewed from top of

the hills. To continue with the subtle lighting level used for lighting of this area,

the illumination level was kept at near to the internationally recommended

standard, and the luminaries to be mounted at low position, to avoid eye contact.

Vegetation on the island is analysed according to the shape, types and species of

the plants, while their scales, heights and positions, together with the textures of

their leaves. There should not be excessive lighting on the water surface to leave

it undisturbed; re-creating the serene atmosphere when ancient Chinese lingered

along the banks of West Lake.

3. Ruangong Island

The main illuminated elements were the architecture, furniture, bridges and

vegetations, similar to the previous focal points. Lighting for architecture should

emphasize their uniqueness and illuminated in warm lighting level , creating a

warm ambience in creating the appropriate setting for social events.


4. Huxin Pavilion

In the area of Huxin Pavilion, the main

highlights are the buildings and

vegetations. Due to its small scale and

area, a cohesive composition of

illuminated vegetation and ambience

Figure 50.0 Huxin Pavilion
should be achieved. (Source:

2. Lighting the nature in Hang Zhou, which the city is famed for

Figure 51.0 Characteristic scenic pots in Figure 52.0 Overview of West Lake
West Lake (Source : (Source :

Since the West Lake was fringed by only Willow and Peach trees, rendering its distinctive

image, the illumination technique should be carefully integrated to highlight this uniqueness.

All the vegetation types were studied in detail for the formulation of their appropriate lighting

design method, with that their individual position in relation to the adjacent surroundings.

This analysis would enable the choice of correct luminarie, lighting design method, the

demarcation of lighting zones and the focal of the lighting masterplan. These would integrate

to form a harmonious overall lit space and the lighting design of each vegetation type would

be dealt with an ecologically appropriate lighting technique.

From the review of all the plant types in West Lake Scenic Region, the types of plants can be

divided into 4 main types, according to their crowns and overall shape:

1 Ball shaped

2 Cone or column shaped

3 Vases, umbrella or fountain shaped

4 “Weeping” or Stringy type

Due to the variety of tree types and the difference in colours and textures of their leaves, the

lighting technique should showcase each tree in its truest form by rendering it in its natural

colour. Since visual variety and visual depth is very important for lighting an area of such

scale, trees of different zones were lit using lamps of different colours and highlighting a

variety of their detail.. This would present a kaleidoscopic view of nature’s beauty to visitors

walking along the banks of West Lake at night.

3. Skyline and architectural lighting along the east side of Westlake

The east side of West Lake is the only part that is urbanized. Hence, this urban skyline forms

a contrasting view when compared against the serene beauty of nature that is abundant along

the banks of West Lake. Hang Zhou lighting master plan aimed to contrast the night-time

view of West Lake Scenic Region to the vibrancy of developed urban nightscape. Yet

harmonious blend between these two entities should be achieved, for them to complement

each other. The lighting of urbanized skyline is based on the following considerations:

1 Height

Heights of the buildings within the urbanized area would determine how the skyline

would present itself; hence the study had resulted in the division of the skyline into 2

layers parts, with the Lake Centre Pavilion as the epicentre of this zoning. These layers

existed within a radius of 2km from the Lake Centre Pavilion and another layer spans

from 2km to 4km away from the centre of the Pavilion. After the establishment of these 2

layering of skylines, the visual hierarchy and impact of architecture that resided within

the demarcated zones is determined. Since the buildings that are within 2km radius from

the Lake Centre Pavilion are in proximity to the West Lake and are very significant in the

formation of skyline that could be viewed from all sides along the West Lake, these

would need to adhere to strict lighting design guidelines. Hence, exterior Lighting of

Buildings that are within 2km radius from the Lake Centre Pavilion would need to be

planned in accordance to the design principles set forth and should be coherent with the

total image of the nightscape.

2 Architectural forms

The geometrical form, especially the roofs, of architecture within the two demarcated

zones, is exceptionally significant in their impact on the appearance of skylines. Hence,

the elevation of buildings fronting the West Lake and the design of roof structure should

be considered in detail for suitable lighting strategy individually.

3 Focal / Controlling Points

Figure 53.0 Wuling Square in the day Figure 54.0 Wuling Square at night
(Source : (Source :

Several points are set up within the stretch of skyline for visual variety and highlights.

They are namely the, Wulin Square region (武林广场), Qingchun Road region

(庆春路), Jiefang Road region (解放路), Train Station Region and Chenghuang Ge.

These are known locally as landmarks, nodes and architecturally different sites. Lighting

with these noted points would be considered independently from the main Hang Zhou

Lighting Masterplan, due to their prominence and urban importance in the formation of

skyline. Also, the taller structures within these focal points would be the most important

element for exterior lighting design, to highlight and strengthen the character of these

points. Lighting of roofing elements of buildings within the focal points should be

carefully planned and synchronized with the surroundings. In addition, the primary

architectural forms within the focal points should be considered in detail to formulate an

appropriate façade lighting technique.

4 Choice of Luminaries for Quality-lit Visual Environment

The illumination strategy of the urban are should be different from the West Lake Scenic

Region. Hence, the lamps chosen should be of a higher Colour Temperature, in

comparison to those used in Scenic Region. Colour lighting should not excessively used,

as it would have impact on the skyline and the reflection upon the West Lake. Moreover,

coloured lighting of high saturation is only restricted to the roof components of buildings.

Also, illuminated signboards on the top of architectural structures should be coordinated

with the overall lighting of the architectural form to present a synchronized lit

environment. The lighting design strategy each architectural element would implement

should be considered together during its design for a seamless integrate with the

architectural form, as well as appropriately highlight its architectural character.

4. Circulatory lighting in relation to landscaping

Illuminance level and choice of lighting types for both roadway and pathway lighting is

extremely vital in the creation of a safe, yet visually comfortable night-time environment for

the enjoyment of outdoor spaces. The Hang Zhou Lighting Master plan had proposed a

special plan for road lighting, which introduced the road lighting principles, criteria for

classification of roads in Hang Zhou, industry standards to roadway lighting, Design for some

standard sections of the roadways and selection of appropriate luminaries. Since proximity to

nature and need for integration of man-made with the natural surroundings is fundamental to

the Hang Zhou Lighting Masterplan, certain sections of landscaping should contribute to

lighting on its adjacent pathways. This would provide the basic lighting level for functional

aspects, yet fulfil the aesthetic requirement in landscape lighting.

2.2.7 Xin Tian Di (新天地), Shanghai, China – Lighting and Heritage

Conservation Introduction

Illustration 6.0 Map of Xin Tian Di Figure 55.0 Overview of Xin Tian Di
(Source : (Source :

Xin Tian Di (新天地) located in central Shanghai City and south of Huai Hai Zhong Lu

(淮海中路), covered an area of approximately 30,000 square meters. The unique original

Shanghai architecture of Shikumen (石库门) was extensively conserved to preserve the

original character of the space, yet the interior spaces were readapted to modern uses. Hence,

the exterior of Shikumen housing was preserved in its original appearance and the interior

was re-furnished for modern usage like international gallery, bars and cafes, boutiques and

theme restaurants. This extensive effort had been internationally acclaimed and recognized by

a series of awards, like the national “Innovation China 2001 – Architecture Award”, “AIA

Hong Kong Citation 2002” and the 2003 Award for Excellence from United States based

Urban Land Institute.


To introduce architectural variety and support appropriate level of contrast, Xin Tian Di was

developed in two separate parts, where the North and South blocks were composed of

different architectural character, yet complementing each other experientially. The North

block was retained the original Shikumen architecture style, whereas the South block

introduced modern architecture, with preserved Shikumen architecture as a contrast to these

new forms.. The dividing line between the two blocks is the Xin Ye Lu, which was the site of

the first Congress Hall of Communist Party of China. Since Shikumen architecture was

greatly influenced by the French and Dutch

developers, in both 1926 and 1933 respectively, one

distinctive characteristic that differentiate them is in

their finishing. Those of French influence could be

identified by their “charcoal-grey coloured walls”,

while those Of Dutch influence was identifiable by

their “red-coloured brick wall”. (Steiber, 2003)

Taipingqiao Lake, largest man-made lake in Shanghai Figure 56.0 Xin Tian Di’s Shi Ku Men
(Source :
city, and Park (太平桥公园绿地和人工湖) were

introduced to the development of Xin Tian Di for

urban variety and different spatial experience. This

Park was connected to the main development of Xin

Tian Di by a path that spanned 1.2 km in length and it

traced along the periphery of the man-made lake. This

path allowed the visitors to experience spaces of

different scales and textures, as they moved from the

historically rich Xin Tian Di main development, whilst

experiencing the intimately-scaled Soft-scapes. In

Figure 57.0 Taipingqiao Lake and Park
(Source :

addition, 2 little islands, Magnolia (玉兰岛) and Unison (合欢岛), were created in the middle

of this 12,000 square meters Lake. Lighting Master plan Objectives and Design


Since the main objective behind the development of Xin

Tian Di was the preservation of the Shikunmen

architectural style and the urban character of olden

Shanghai, while maintaining this contrast of modernity

with the past, the lighting master plan was to recreate this
Figure 58.0 Xin Tian Di Mall
desired atmosphere and highlight the original
(Source: Author’s own)

architectural character of Shikunmen architecture, which

Shanghai was uniquely known for. The lighting master

plan would improve the “night ambience and image of

the city for visitors and residents”. (Steiber, 2003) The

analysis of Xin Tian Di had resulted in the following Figure 59.0 Liu Li Gong Fang
(琉璃工坊) Museum
(Source: Author’s own)
lighting design basis:

1 Zonal clarity

2 Visual hierarchy

3 Spatial Interactivity

4 Relation of Light to Architectural Form

1 Zonal clarity

Since Xin Tian Di is a mix-used development, the division of site into different zones, to

tailor-make lighting design for individual zones for ease of identification for separate spaces.

The entire development had been stratified into, Commercial, Residential, Conservation and

Landscaping. Automated colour changing lighting technology had been integrated into the

commercial areas, to liven up the space to create suitable atmosphere. In addition, different

lighting techniques, from “theatrical lighting, architectural lighting and accent lighting” were

utilized in Xin Tian Di Commercial Development for visual variety. Warm coloured lighting

was utilized in Residential area, like Lakeville, to create an inviting atmosphere, while an

appropriate balance of lit and shadowed spaces was noted in the rest of the residential

development, for a comfortable and relaxing night-time environment. Decorative pole lights,

coherent to the architectural style in “Li Long” the alley between each of the Shikumen

architecture, was used to provide for the appropriate lighting level in the spaces, while

minimizing visual obtrusiveness and glare on the passers-by.

Within the landscaping area, highlights were made on the specific features like the water

sprouts and selected spots. To achieve the sense of serenity in the Taipingqiao Lake and Park,

contrast between the lit and shadowed spaces was well distributed, with path lighting to

highlight orientation, while ensuring ease in navigation during night-time.

2 Visual Hierarchy

Since the pole lights and wall mounted customized fixtures are either positioned along the

main pathways or mounted on the walls of the restored Shikumen structures, they aid in the

provision of visual focal points for users navigating in the dark, differentiation of structures

and the circulation zones from retail areas. The vibrancy created by the use of coloured

lighting in the South block, in contrast the warm coloured temperature lighting used in the

North block, distinctively created the different atmosphere from one block to another. LED

in-ground indicator lights were used along the main circulation path between the North and

South Block, leading to the mall’s main entrance.


3 Spatial Interactivity

Although the North block is characterized by the use of

warm coloured temperature light source, which subtly

provided sufficient level of luminance to support

functionality within the spaces, the South block was

approached with an opposite design intention. The

introduction of the Xin Tian Di Mall and modern

structures within this block encouraged the use of

automated colour changing lighting highlighting the Figure 60.0 Shikumen lighting in Xin
Tian Di
underside of the Mall’s roof structure. Coloured lighting (Source: Author’s own)

is introduced in some of the structures in the South Block. One notable example is the Liu Li

Gong Fang (琉璃工坊) Museum, where coloured lighting is used to illuminate the glass

block structure, creating a kaleidoscopic image and intensifying interactivity of the space.

4 Relation of Light to Architectural Form

The luminaries are positioned aligned to the main entrances to each of the Shikumen

structures, also the Structures are also illuminated at the roof tops, highlighting the pitched

profile of the roof structures.

2.2.8 Singapore Civic District Lighting Masterplan - Lighting and Civic Pride Introduction

A site that is central to the development of Singapore, the Civic District is located within the

Downtown Core planning zone and consisted of the Museum Planning zone. Bras Basah

Road, Marina Bay, the Singapore River and the Istana Park via Clemenceau Avenue

constitute the periphery of the 105 hectares site. In the 1988, revitalization for the Civic

District was extensively executed, from the “coordinated pedestrian and vehicular network

and the improvement of parks and open spaces” (URA, 1996) to the conservation of several

noted historical architectural landmarks. These were done for the Civic District “to revitalize

and promote this area as Singapore’s Civic and cultural hub.” (URA, 1996) Architectural

diversity and variety of urban spaces present within the Civic District characterized the

uniqueness of this planning zone. The lighting master plan would provide for a nightscape

that highlights this diversity in architectural qualities of urban elements within this zone,

while providing for sufficient and appropriate lighting level for safe navigation through the

city. The site was divided into several districts, in coherence to the distinctive identity of each

area, namely, the Celebration Route, Heritage Link and Historical Link. (See URA 1996).

These areas should be characterized by the differences in their circulatory routes, with each

route having their distinctive visual image.

Illustration 7.0 Conceptual demarcations of different lighting utilized (Source: URA ,1996) Lighting Master plan Objectives and Design Principles

In order to “reinforce the Civic District’s night identity; encourage strolling at night; enhance

the architectural wealth of the District and highlight the parks and open spaces” (URA, 1996),

the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore (URA) commissioned French Lighting

designers from Light Cibles to conceptualize the lighting master plan for Civic District.

Hence, in 1992, the Civic District Steering Committee, a body comprising of several

government departments and statutory boards, did a detailed analysis on the existing site

conditions prior to the conceptualization of the lighting master plan. In addition, together

with URA’s planning objectives for the Civic District, the lighting master plan would,

“reinforce the identity of Civic District; reinstate pedestrian in the Civic District at night by

strengthening the prominence of the Celebration Route and Heritage Link; enhance the

architectural wealth of the Civic District and Highlight the green foliage, parks and open

spaces” (URA, 1996).

After a detailed analysis of the architectural forms and recognition for the variety of urban

elements within the Civic District, the lighting master plan had the following lighting


1. Zonal Clarity

2. Linkage Networks (Roads and Walkways)

3. Highlight Architectural Features

4. Open Spaces

5. Quality Lighting Environment

1. Zonal Clarity

In order to illustrate the differences in the different zones set up in the Civic District, different

lamps were used, which also correspond to the existing character of each zone. The following

are the categories of proposed lighting types:

• Modern, high rise, active and fast.

Lamps of cold white and white intense output would be used.

• Traditional, historic, low rise.

Lamps of warm white, gold orange lighting would be used

• Greenery

Lamps of cold white output would be used to “render the actual colours”.

Illustration 8.0 Lighting fixtures recommended for Parks and Open Spaces (Source: URA ,1996)

2. Linkage Networks (Roads and Walkways)

Illustration 9.0 Map demarcating the 4 different Illustration 10.0 Lighting fixtures recommended for
routes in the site (Source: URA ,1996) Walkways(Source: URA ,1996)

Although to provide for sufficient level of lighting that would render these circulatory routes

usable, differences between the Celebration Route, Heritage Link, Historical Trails and Retail

Corridor should be highlighted. The main differences should be through the colour of the

lamp sources used and the aesthetics of the pole lights to be used, which would relate to the

character of the route. However, for visual consistency, the colour of these luminaries would

be the same, but the detailing on the poles would be proportionate to the importance of the

route they are located. Also, the lighting level along Celebration Route and Heritage Link

would be higher than the others.

Since the Celebration Route spans from the Istana Park to the City Hall, the Colour Rendering

of lights used along this route would be comparatively better, with a more even lighting

distribution. On the other hand, the Heritage Link, which is of second importance to the

Celebration Route, would have lamps of different Colour Rendering and lower uniformity in

lighting distribution for differentiation from the former.

3. Highlight Architectural Features

Since the Civic District comprised of architecture of

various architectural typologies and characteristics,

the proposed lighting strategies would be divided


• Historic Buildings

Generally, lamp sources of warm white light would

be used to highlight architectural forms, by lighting

the roofs. This would enhance the architectural

character and highlight the “majesty of these

buildings” (URA, 1996)

• Modern Buildings Illustration 11.0 Concept rendering of

lighting for various buildings
(Source: URA ,1996)
Either Warm-white or Cool-white Colour

Temperature lamps would be used for illumination, which is also dependent on the

architectural style and details of these buildings. Also, in lighting these buildings, its relation

with its lit environment would be considered for a coherent visual composition.

• Symbolic and Historic Structures

The Istana Arch, located in the Istana Park and the War Memorial, were the two symbolic

features in the Civic Districts. To highlight their importance and contrast with their

surroundings, “powerful cold light” (URA, 1996) would be used.

4. Open Spaces

To preserve the landscaping elements in their actual colours, lamps of cool Colour

Temperature would be used. Also, the lighting level would be maintained at a low level to

minimize glare of these fixtures in the generally dim surroundings in the park. The scale and

relation of these landscaping elements would be considered and the big trees would be placed

on a higher visual hierarchy for appropriate contrasts. To further enhance the overall character

of the parks, namely a modern outlook for the Istana Park and Bras Basah Park versus the

Traditional concept used for the Esplanade Park, Fort Canning Park and Empress Place, the

appearance and the emitted Colour Temperature would be differentiated.

5. Quality Lighting Environment

Due to the variety in available lighting techniques and lamp sources, the choice of luminaries

and lamp source should correspond to the desired atmosphere to be created and to render the

urban environment in the suitable technique and colours. Generally, the Colour Temperature

of utilized lamps should relate to the lit object, where warm Colour Temperature is used for

the historical monuments, to highlight the materials and mood appropriately. On contrary,

cooler colour temperature lamps is used for illumination of greenery or for larger scale

lighting. Also, using lamps of good Colour Rendering would result in the lit objects being

closer to their actual colours. Moreover, uniformity in the lighting distribution is important in

the perception of spaces, hence should be observed whenever possible.

Figure 61.0 Conceptual design for Istana gates Figure 62.0 Conceptual design
(Source: URA ,1996) for War memorial (Source: URA

2.3 Studies on International Codes of Practices for Urban Lighting

2.3.1 Introduction on Codes of Practices for Urban Lighting

As highlighted earlier, the design of Urban Lighting Master plan is still dependent on the

choices made by the lighting designers, while implementing the recommended lighting

requirements from Codes of Practices, to ensure an aesthetically pleasing, yet functional,

illuminated environment. Despite the existence of design handbooks published by some

individuals (See Philips, 2002; Lumsden, 1974), the Codes of Practices were still the main

reference material, when the designers draft lighting requirements for each individual spaces.

There are four main lighting authorities, from which lighting designers would refer to,

namely, CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage), the IESNA (Illuminating

Engineering Society of North America), BSI (British Standards Institute) and the CIBSE

(Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers). The following sub-chapters shall briefly

individually introduce these publications and their recommended design basis to exterior

lighting or, particularly, urban lighting.

In summary, of these guidelines, the lighting guide published by IESNA is the most

comprehensive in terms of urban lighting, through dealing with the different areas of the

town, with their own design needs and criteria. In this Code, the city is divided into various

zones, in accordance to their architectural programme, while the appropriate lighting method

and type of luminaries or lamps were stated for their advantages and recommended usage. On

the contrary, the British Standards seemed to address to the techniques and appropriateness in

designing for road lighting, while the other exterior spaces, like the parks and squares, were

being treated as secondary spaces that was adjacent to the roadways. However, both Codes

had dealt with urban lighting in an overly simplistic manner, while the list of recommended

luminaries and lamps was not as extensive to those current available.

URBAN LIGHTING MASTER PLAN IESNA – Lighting Guide for Outdoor Environment

The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) is a professional body

which commit itself to the provision of good lighting. They had established many

publications on design standards and Codes of Practice for lighting of interior or exterior

spaces, which had been frequently referred to during the design of lit environment. The

Lighting Guide for Outdoor Environment was meant as a generic guide to good exterior

lighting, with introduction on the constituents to quality lit environment, with main objectives

as to “assist all who take or influence decisions that affect the safety, security and

pleasantness of urban and rural districts.” (IESNA, 1975, page 6). This guideline had been re-

edited from the previous edition published in the 1975 (see IESNA, 1975) to the recent

edition as published in the 1999. (See IESNA, 1999) From the comparison of these

publications, it is noted that the guidelines had inclined towards the provision of a lit

environment that facilitates visual comfort instead of the stringent implementation of lighting

levels and engineering values. Therefore, the author had noted that the second edition of the

Code of Practice is more comprehensive in the recommendation of good urban lighting

practice, thus would be reviewed in this subchapter.

Outdoor or exterior lighting should allow promoting safety and security at night, enhancing

appreciation and enjoyment of the surroundings and by giving a sense of belonging, assisting

people to relax.”(IESNA, 1975, page 7). This IESNA guideline for outdoor lighting is divided

into the following components,

1 Aesthetics and Impact on Visual Perception

2 Environmental Issue of Urban Lighting

3 Technical Aspects to a Well Lit Environment

4 Lighting for different urban elements

5 Economical Issues that Arise from Urban Lighting


1. Aesthetics and Impact on Visual Perception

Visual comfort and the aesthetics of the lit environment are two main attributes to good

lighting. Vision is categorized into 3 aspects, Photopic, Scotopic and Mesopic Vision. (See

IESNA, 1999 and Appendix for more details) Therefore, in the early part of this Code of

Practice, several basic knowledge to good lighting were introduced, namely, brightness versus

Illuminance, reflectance, Illuminance, glare, Colour Rendering and colour appearance.

Therefore, good lighting should consider these points raised, alongside with the various

lighting technique introduced in this guideline, such as area lighting, flood lighting, accent

lighting, covered area lighting and emergency lighting. To complement the previous edition

of urban lighting guideline, the edition published in 1999 introduced the concept of quality

urban lighting, which “helps define a positive urban character and image.” (IESNA, 1999, p.

3) Therefore, the composition of the illuminated environment is extremely important, whilst

one must relate to the community established lighting theme. Also, visual hierarchy must be

established to allow clarity in the structuring of the nightscape.

2. Environmental Issue of Urban Lighting

On contrary to the previous edition of the urban lighting guideline, this version published in

1999 introduced the concept of “light pollution” and “light trespass”, which were two

problems that arose from the mismanagement of the illumination techniques. Hence, to

minimize these problems, designers should limit the use of lighting that is directed towards

the hemisphere. Also, for directional light should be focused on the object and not aimed

elsewhere to minimise the “stray” light that might result in an uncomfortable visual

environment. The fixtures should be programmed that they would be switched off in periods

of non-use. Furthermore, to reduce the impact of light trespass, the exterior environment is

divided into 4 different zones (See IESNA, 1999, page 11 to 12), where the division is related

to the activities that would occur within the zone and its correlated lighting requirements. This

would also determine the brightness level of the luminarie used within each of the mentioned

zones. (IESNA, 1999)

Zone and Description
Zone E1: Areas with intrinsically dark landscapes – examples are national parks, 1 lux (0.1 fc)
areas with outstanding natural beauty, or residential areas where inhabitants have
expressed a strong desire that all light trespass be strictly limited.
Zone E2: Areas of low ambient brightness – these may be outer urban and rural 3 lux (0.3 fc)
residential areas
Zone E3: Areas of medium ambient brightness – these will generally be urban 8 lux (0.8 fc)
residential areas.
Zone E4: Areas of high ambient brightness – normally these are urban areas having 15 lux (1.5 fc)
both residential and commercial use and experience high levels of night-time
Table 4.0 IESNA Definition of Environmental Zones(RP-33-99) (IESNA, 1999,p.12)

3. Technical Aspects to a Well Lit Environment

In the composition of a well lit environment, the choice of appropriate lamps is especially

important. Both Colour Rendering and Colour Temperature are some characteristics of the

sources that might alter the visual appearance of the perceived objects to its actual form. In

addition, since the lamp life and efficacy of lamps differ from one to another, one would need

to take into the consideration of the characteristics of each lamp types, together with their

advantage and disadvantages, for their appropriate use. (See Appendix II for more

information on different lamps)

Table 5.0 Illuminance level for floodlighting buildings and monuments (IESNA, 1999,p.27)

Recommended Colour
Illuminated objects
Temperature (K)
When a warmer setting is required or in lighting of
2100 – 3500 (Warm)
specific type of architecture like the Brick or Sandstone
4000 – 5000 (Cool) Green Landscape
Table 6.0 Recommended Colour Temperature table for illumination (IESNA, 1999)

Illustration13.0 Recommended floodlighting geometry(IESNA, 1999,p.27)

Together with the specifications of the lamps, all luminaries and their operating accessories

should comply with the recommendations of relevant British Standards, while understanding

the conditions under which the luminarie would operate and provide for appropriate

maintainability of the luminaries. Also, each of the exterior lighting schemes should address

to these technical requirements, Illuminance suggestions; Illuminance uniformity; Addressing

to glare, Light pollution, Light Trespass; Glare control; Equipment types; Lamp

recommendations and Controls; Selection of Luminaries and Ballast. (IESNA, 1999, p. 14)

4. Lighting for different urban elements

Due to the existence of a variety of urban elements, one of the main objectives in lighting

would be to suitably highlight the different textures of these elements and to enhance the

skyline. IESNA had recommended lighting design practice for both architecture and

landscaping elements. A properly composed well-lit environment would definitely contribute

to the overall urban planning strategy of the city, by creating focal points and “circulation

patterns can be reinforced and the entire area unified with street lighting and landscape

lighting”. (IESNA, 1999) This guideline had streamlined the various urban elements by their

types, whilst addressing to the appropriate lighting systems and methods to be used for

illumination. The guideline had separated the whole area of exterior lighting into the

illumination requirements of separate spaces and these are divided into, Town and City

centre, urban residential districts and rural districts. Besides elaborating on the general

lighting requirements in terms of the measurable luminance level and composition of the lit

environment, the guideline address to the lighting of selected urban elements, as mentioned in

the following,

1 Buildings

2 Bridges and Viaducts

3 Individual features

4 Leisure and entertainment areas

Typology of
Illumination technique
Floodlighting technique, when employed in different methods:
1. Positioning in illuminating direction can create different effects
on illuminated surfaces, either the diffused shadows from direct
aiming of light on surface or the modelling of the details from
sharper shadows.
2. Floodlighting when directed in various methods can strengthen
the dimensional qualities of the element, like the construction
details (finish, textures, shape of surface material)
3. Nature of finishing would determine whether floodlighting
would be utilized. It is not recommended for highly reflective
4. Application of highlighting of discrete architectural details.
Architectural character of the illuminated structure should be considered in
whether floodlighting would be used. In the event of buildings with strong
verticality or distinctive architectural features, accent lighting would be more
appropriately used.

It is important to minimize instances when floodlighting is directed upwards, to

reduce lighting pollution. Hence, choice of correct beam spread, external and
internal shielding and careful field aiming would aid in the reduction of light

Primary lighting objectives:

1. controlling glare
(Soft-scape )
Table 7.0 Extracts of Lighting Recommendations (IESNA, 1999)

The above extract of the guideline clearly proposed the ideal situation in the application of

floodlighting technique to either the illumination of architecture or Soft-scapes. The guideline

also recommends certain manner to manipulate the floodlight to better highlight the urban

elements for designated visual effects.


5. Economical Issues that Arise from Urban Lighting

“Lighting system conditions should be considered in realistic rather than optimistic terms

when establishing such maintenance factors, as lamp lumen depreciation, luminarie dirt

depreciation and ballast factor.” (IESNA, 1999, p. 22) Besides the need to create an

aesthetically pleasing night-time environment, the proposed lighting system should be

examined in terms of their practicality. Hence, in the drafting of the urban lighting

masterplans, the lighting designers should also consider the maintainability of the proposed

system, together with the most suitable luminarie or lamp source in relation to the site

condition. British Standards Institute – Outdoor Lighting Guide

The British Standards is National Standards Body of the UK and develops standards and

standardization solutions to meet the needs of business and society, whereby they had drafted

a set of lighting codes for outdoor lighting, which lighting designers utilized in their design of

the lit environment. This publication was divided into a series of 9 different parts which

addressed to different exterior lighting environment and their needs. (See BSI, 1992) Of the 9

parts of the guidelines to road and urban centre lighting, only the part 9 is of relevance in

urban lighting. Although majority of this Code of Practice had related to the need for road

lighting to be sensitive to the various types of vehicular or pedestrian circulation, whilst

creating the optimal illuminated environment for their usage, the last part addressed to the

other areas of the urban centre, dividing the area into parts which relate to their functionality.

Primarily, besides the primary requirements of fulfilment for sufficient lighting level for

prevention of crimes and safety in vehicular movement, lighting could “bring a sense of order

to a space where it is lacking and enhance those building of significant architectural merit.”

(BSI, 1992), so achieving balance between the different urban elements and various visual

hierarchies of the different objects that required illumination. Furthermore, it is noted that the

lighting master plan should also address to the following, as indicated in BS 489, page 5.

(BSI, 1992)

1 Lighting design and choice of equipment in relation to the architectural

scene and urban landscape

2 Lighting to provide for safety for pedestrians from moving vehicles and

to deter antisocial behaviour

3 Lighting commensurate with the character and volume of vehicular

traffic (including cyclist)

4 Control of illuminated advertisements in the interest of the amenity.

5 Control and integration of permanent floodlighting installations into the

visual master plan

6 Control of temporary special lighting effects such as floodlighting,

festive decorations;

7 Control of road and direction signs and their relationship with other

illuminated material

8 Control and blending of lighting from both public and private sources, eg

bus shelters and telephone kiosks.

9 Protection of residential development from light pollution

10 Protection of installation from accidental or deliberate damage

11 Maintenance of installations.

Since the subject for study in this sub-chapter is the current practice for Urban Lighting as

highlighted in Codes of Practices, the ninth part of this Code would be studied in detail, of

which several urban spaces were addressed, namely the circulation areas, car parks, service

areas, conservation area, parks and landscapes, landmarks, decorative or festive lighting and

fountain lighting. Following the categorization of all the different urban areas that would

require illumination, the recommended lighting level and other technical recommendations

such as the lamp properties were listed for each of the elaborated areas. However, the various

elements listed in this Code would not be elaborated as the lighting recommendations and

objectives are highly similar to those stated in the IESNA Code. CIBSE & ILE – A Guide to Good Urban Environment

The main objective of this lighting guideline was to reconcile all the various lighting Codes of

Practices for various areas in the urban centres to derive a coordinated nightscape. It

recognized that currently, the cover of exterior lighting in existing Codes and Guidelines was

not sufficient and greater control should be executed. Hence, this guideline aimed to “form a

basis for future controls.” (ILE & CIBSE, 1995, p.1) It is recognized that lighting the exterior

environment would derive the following benefits,

1. Ambience Using lighting to create desired atmosphere and mood

2. Identity Using lighting to emphasize the area’s unique character

3. Safety Creating a night-time environment of sufficient lighting level for safety

of the residents

4. Security Lighting could aid in reduction of night time crime, while protecting

individual’s belongings and properties

5. .Orientation Illumination of roads and landmarks would aid in the recognition of an

unfamiliar night-time environment and would help in orientation in the


6. Promotion Aid in the promotion of the town or city for boosting tourism, while

increasing civic pride

7. Spectacle Lighting would aid in the utilization of the outdoors for leisure and the

extension of the usage of these spaces in the dark.

This guideline had addressed to the lighting requirements of various outdoor spaces, namely

the Urban fringes, Towns and Cities.


1. Urban Fringes

This area is recognized as the transition zone which is located between the built-up city area

and the countryside, which is particularly sensitive to the effects brought about by artificial

lighting, as the level of brightness is significantly lower compared to the concentrated city

area. Hence, there should be consistency in the lighting level, without any “sudden or frequent

variations in lighting levels”. (ILE & CIBSE, 1995, p.10) Also, the appropriate choice of

lamps should be executed and one should consider the utilization of the Colour Temperature

and rendering of the lamp sources, whilst minimizing the contrast between the illuminated

spaces to their darker adjacent spaces. Also, due to the high difference between the

illuminated spaces and their adjacent zones, care must be taken to minimize intrusion of light

into the darker areas. This can be carried out by limiting the use of luminaries that were

equipped with accessories to reduce glare and directing the light throw downwards or onto the

desired illuminated areas.

2. Towns

In comparison to the Cities, Towns are of smaller scaled and lower human activities, with

mainly residential spaces. Therefore, lighting level should be kept lower in comparison to the

city centres, while maintaining a visually comfortable space for the residents. Also, the fringe

areas between towns should be treated similarly to fringe areas. In addition, the town centres

should be highlighted appropriately, to enhance the public amenities and creating an

aesthetically pleasing nightscape.

3. Cities

The city embodied the concentrate of human activities and often, within the same area, there

would be a greater variety of lighting systems and requirement, in comparison to the towns or

the fringes. Hence, the planning of lighting within the city should address to different

concerns and prioritizing them despite the variety of lighting concerns in the city, the design

of lighting should also address to the appearance of the lit environment upon its approach,

creating the feeling of anticipation. The lighting concept should also address to the planning

of the whole environment, taking into the consideration of how the skyline and composition

of the lit objects. Moreover, different lighting methods could be adapted to highlight the

differences between the different districts within the city area, to create visual variety, while

using lighting to evoke the various moods desired. Besides addressing to the created lighting

effect, the physical dimensions of the luminaries should be coherent to the illuminated object

and should maintain visually coherent. This lighting master plan also addressed to the igniting

of interest as one navigates through the city, which could be achieved through the “variation

in lighting pattern, colour and Illuminance from one area to the next.” (ILE & CIBSE, 1995,

p.17) In all, the lighting of the city should consider the 4 following points, in the fulfilment of

the lighting needs of the environment,

• Functional needs

• Architectural

• Amenity

• Promotional

These 4 points should be considered prior to the classification of an area’s lighting

requirements. This would allow the identification of the designed area’s illumination needs,

which would facilitate the choice of the appropriate lamp source and to prioritize the lighting

level of the designed area in comparison to the adjacent area’s. To ensure a well-composed

illuminated nightscape, it is necessary to identify the overall visual hierarchy of the composed

nightscape, while ensuring that the highlighted area is within the visual range along the main

viewing direction. The design of the urban nightscape can be identified in the following


Step 1: Identification of the overall composition of the illuminated urbanscape

The assignment of the relative brightness of the individual building elements, on
a logarithmic scale, for example,
1 : 3 : 5 : 10 : 30 : 50 : 100
but the increment of this ratio should be kept manageable, to reduce the
incurrence of overly varied lighting environment of varied intensity.
Step 2:
For example, If our structure is in the urban fringe, then the ratio would translate
5cd/m2 : 15cd/m2 : 25cd/m2
With these ratios in mind, these could be translated into the designed Illuminance
with knowledge of the surface reflectance.

After the establishment of the basic requirements, the designer would need to
Step 3: choose the mounting position for the luminaries, to allow the appropriate light
modelling of the illuminated element.

Finally, one would need to select the appropriate luminarie and the lamp with
Step 4:
desired lighting distribution.

Table 8.0 Table illustrating steps to designing of the urban lighting master plan (Source: ILE & CIBSE, 1995)

Besides referring to the above steps in the planning of the urban lighting master plan, there is

a need to cross reference to the official publications on “Sport Floodlighting”, “New

Residential, Commercial and Miscellaneous developments”, “Advertisements” and “Listed

Buildings”, for more in-depth lighting requirements of these areas in details, in terms of the

lighting intensity required.

2.4 Analysis of Current Design Practices

2.4.1 Analysis of Current Design Criteria and Approach

Urban Lighting was a discipline that was highly inclined towards the engineering aspects, but

it is only recent that more efforts were taken in the awareness towards provision of quality

urban lighting. Currently there are 2 main approaches to the design of lighting masterplans,

namely through lighting designers’ analysis and personal aesthetics judgement to derive

lighting concept that best address the urban master plan, or referring to International Codes

of Practices for appropriate application of lighting level and Illuminance ratio for a visually

comfortable space.

Current design practice

Realized Lighting Masterplans Codes of Practices

1. Lyon, France 1. IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society

2. Coventry, UK of North America)
3. Tokyo Roppongi hills, Japan 2. BSI (British Standards Institute)
4. Singapore Civic District 3. CIE (International Commission on
5. Singapore One-North Illumination)
6. Hong Kong, China 4. CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building
7. Hangzhou, China Services Engineers)
8. Shanghai Xintiandi, China 5. ILE (Institute of Lighting Engineers)
9. Alingsas, Sweden 6. Singapore Standards

The above diagram illustrated the 2 components of current design basis which were being

analyzed in this paper for the derivation of current design basis. The previous subchapter had

elaborated on the choice of these selected realized examples of lighting masterplans, while

listing the various international lighting guidelines that were being utilized by professionals.

In these instances, publications by IESNA, CIE and BSI were often extensively referred to in

the design of lit environment. Generally, these standards had extensively reviewed the

lighting level, types of lamp sources and lighting design strategy recommended for mentioned

urban elements, together with the different lighting treatment for urban zones, from

countryside to the city centres. These International Codes of Practices had listed a

comprehensive table of quantifiable lighting levels and recommended lamps with appropriate

distribution level, intended for different urban areas in the books. In summary, these standards

are benchmarked on these main points,

1. Definitions to several visual issues, like Glare, Luminance, Visual Acuity and


2. Selection of appropriate luminaries

3. Different types of luminaries and illumination levels


4. Luminaries’ maintainability and economics of the lighting systems

5. Illumination of different urban structures

a. Architecture

b. Soft-scape Landscaping

c. Hard-scape Landscaping

d. Roadways and walkways

e. Pedestrian Mall

f. Parking lot

g. Outdoor retail

6. The provision of ordinances and involvement of community in design process

However, it must be noted that these lighting guidelines had addressed to the generic pocket

of spaces that existed in all urban environment, like Parks, Architecture, Historic Structures,

and Roadways etc. Current practice had terminated at the fulfilment of requirements for

individual spaces, but neglected the composition and relationships between these illuminated

elements within the larger urban environment. Although these stipulated lighting

requirements might provide for a visually comfortable environment, one would question on

whether they would suffice towards the construction of a quality lit environment. Urban

Lighting Master planning should not be simplistically translated into an exercise of

application of measurable illumination requirements for individual pockets of space, but

human’s perception needs of his environment and considerations on how all these

installations would affect psychological comfort within the environment. Hence, the current

design practice as noted from the recommendations in the Codes of Practice is not sufficient

towards the construction of a quality lit environment.

On contrary, these realized projects demonstrate the complexity involved in urban lighting

master planning, with some pertinence to urban planning ideologies, yet the analysis had

concluded that further improvements to the planning basis could be made. Although the cities

chosen for review is not the exhaustive list of all recent realized urban lighting master plan

established in the world, they represented the generic form of urban lighting master planning

for their individual category, with design criteria based on objectives set up jointly by

Lighting Professionals and Urban Planners. Moreover, the wide range of design objectives

and types of urban spaces, allowed the analysis if there existed an underlying pattern beneath

each unique master plan. In summary, these examples highlighted the urgency and potential

in the need for a quality lit environment, a departure from the conventional street lighting

which focused on the maintainability and sustainability of the urban lighting proposals. Since

all these projects, despite their commissioning from official local planning authorities, they

were all drafted by lighting designers; the analysis of these chosen lighting masterplans would

enable better understanding into the current practice in the design of urban lighting

masterplans and the methodology adopted by lighting designers. The study of these projects

revealed that there is a certain consistency maintained, despite the different genre and types of

projects, in the generic design approach to urban lighting master planning. Therefore, in the

analysis of these realized case-studies, the following research question would be asked,

1. Does a generic pattern exist in all current practices? Or does themes governed the

appearance of the lit environment?

2. Is the human-environment relationship neglected in the current design practice?

Generally, all realized projects had utilized advanced lighting technology, to highlight the

distinctive urban element or to re-create the required lighting atmosphere. However, during

the introduction of new lighting technology, care should be taken to reduce visual discomfort

from the use of wrong or badly engineered luminaries, exposed lamp sources or fixtures

mounted at the wrong location. It is also noted that most lighting masterplans had begun to

introduce colour lighting to urban spaces, or lighting with pre-programmed scene changing

modes, to promote dynamicism and interactivity of users with their spaces. Also, the

changing scenes would introduce the element of ‘time” and the manner at which the city

changed with different period of the day, for visual variety, as noted from the example of

Roppongi Hills, where the appearance of the entire city changes in accordance to time, in

terms of the intensity of the lighting level and the total lighting level for the spaces. Also, all

these case-studies had revealed a strong intricate link between the architectural character,

desired spatial atmosphere and the lighting methods. Often, these cities had utilized good and

appropriate lamp sources in the lighting of architecture, so the imagery of the city would not

be distorted and the colours subdued, often a result when Low-Pressure Sodium lamps were

used. Cities like Alingsås had tried to envision a different and more innovative method to

illuminate some functional spaces, like their periphery pathway or the bridges that linked the

town at various parts. This is contrary to Lyon, which lighting was not done driven by such

innovative intent but more of to highlight the historical feature of its architectural element in

their full glory. Furthermore, these master planning not only complemented the daytime

imagery of the city (Lyon, Singapore Civic District), or to re-create a new image of the city in

the night (Hong Kong or Roppongi Hills).

Besides adhering to the recommended technical requirements for the individual pockets of

space, it is noted that most the case-studies demonstrate general sensitivity to the general

composition and the need to evoking the correct atmosphere for the area. However, it is still

noted in all the case-studies that due to the overly enthusiastic incorporation of latest lighting

systems and unrestricted use of automated colour changing lighting systems, the resultant

nightscape often appeared to be visually chaotic, like the example of Hong Kong, where

colour changing lighting system were used for the major buildings.

The reviews of all these projects had indicated the essential knowledge of technical aspects of

lighting that must be accompanied with need to create required lighting ambience. Without

clear understanding of the specification of each lamp, the uninformed would associate the

Low-Pressure Sodium lamps the creation of olden world atmosphere, examples as noted in

Singapore Civic District, Shanghai Bund area and Xin Tian Di. Although these lamps have

extremely low Colour Temperature, their Colour Rendering abilities is extremely low. This

would distort the appearance of the actual colour illuminated object, rendering the building in

the orangey-greyish hue. Also, in China the misconception of using green filters with

luminaries in the lighting of Soft-scapes resulted in their use in illumination of parks and

landscaping spaces. Although no studies were done on the effect of using green coloured

lighting on perception of these soft-scapes, it is noted that colours would have certain

psychological effects which would affect perception. (Mahnke, 1987) Care must to choose the

correct complementary colours for the illumination of objects, as green lighting should not be

use for illumination of red objects, as the resultant appearance of the object would be altered

and subdued. (ERCO, 1992) Moreover, overly use of coloured lighting, which is evident

from the streets of Shanghai and Hong Kong, might result in sensory fatigue and visual chaos,

due to overly stimulated senses.

In summary, the approach towards quality lit environment should be examined further, as

most of current design basis, noted from the realized examples, were based on perceived

effects of lighting on urban environment. The Codes of Practices addressed to the needs in the

basic construction of a functionally lit urban environment, yet good lighting should not be

merely quantifiable through mathematical analysis, as these guidelines addresses to the

specific areas individually and not the whole urban environment as a composite body of

varied spaces. However, from a comparison of the different editions of the IESNA Lighting

Code for Exterior Environment, there was a gradual shift of urban lighting from the

engineering of individual pockets of space to the orchestrating of the whole illuminated

environment. It is evident from the revised outdoor lighting guideline drafted by IESNA (See

IESNA 1977 and IESNA 1999). Furthermore, the comparison of these two editions had

revealed a shift from provision of sufficient lighting level as per specified in the tables and

calculations, to the details that lighting designers should take note in the design of the

illuminated urban space. However, we can already note that some of these generic design

tools had paralleled to some of the fundamental design basis illustrated in environmental

perception theories. (See Chapter 3.0 on existing studies on human perception needs in

environment)Despite addressing to the composition of a nightscape that better relate to the

enhancement of the individual elements within the urban form, it must be noted that since the

perception is a continuous process, the design of the urban lighting master plan should be

dealt in totality, in the appearance of the composed space. Hence, the design basis of lighting

master plan should relate to the visual design of the urban environment, a subject that had

been extensively researched upon yet not linked to the formulation of urban lighting

masterplans. This visual design of the environment relates to the fundamental process of

human perception and how the environment should be designed to better relate to the human

perception needs. In all, this component of visual design had been neglected from the current

design practice and should be included for a better design nightscape.

2.4.2 Generic Lighting Themes or Patterns in Current Urban Lighting?

Due to the variation in physical form, local culture, the geographical position etc, no cities in

the world have totally identical character. Yet through review of all realized projects of urban

lighting masterplans, it was noted that although all the lighting masterplans possessed some

generic design qualities that paralleled across all the projects, but differentiated through their

execution, some of the lighting masterplans were shaped by the primary design objectives

which it was modelled after. With a strong design objective in mind, the resultant nightscape

often appeared synchronized, with a prevalent illumination strategy or created ambience, like

the case in Hong Kong Victoria Harbour lighting or Shanghai Light-up program implemented

in the 1998. The following provides a detail analysis of the role of urban lighting and the

generic design basis that governed the drafting of these lighting masterplans.

Figure 63.0 Illumination of façade along Hong Kong Figure 64.0 Illumination of façade along The Pearl
Island, Victoria Harbour Lighting Masterplan River. Shanghai, China (Source: Author’s own
(Source: Author’s own)

In some of the lighting masterplans, the primary objective was to highlight and dramatize the

exiting architectural skyline, like the case of Hong Kong Victoria Lighting Master plan and

Shanghai Light-up program. Often, in these masterplans, the one of the key features was the

large amount of coloured lighting and automated colour systems, creating the desired festive

atmosphere, resulting in a nightscape of strong visual impact and overall identity. However,

over-utilization of automated scenario changing luminaries, or too much concurrent ongoing

effects might result in sensory fatigue. (Kaplan, 1983) The mismanagement of these

nightscapes might result in either visual monotony or clutter, which is especially true when

coloured lighting were proposed, coupled with use of low quality lamp sources. This is

evident from the example of Shanghai Lighting Master plan, when the illumination of the

historical buildings utilized Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps, to evoke the Old-World charm one

would normally associate with olden shanghai. However, the low Colour Rendering abilities

of Low-Pressure Sodium lamps resulted in subdued appearance of the materials and

uncoordinated use of lamps resulted in a visually cluttered illuminated façade. Therefore, the

formulation of urban lighting master plan is not a simplistic task of utilization of the latest

luminarie technology and implementing it on the urban scale. Since lighting design is a visual

“exercise”, one must consider the composition of the resultant appearance of the lit

environment, yet more studies on quality illuminated nightscape should address to the

primary human visual needs in his urban environment.


Lynch’s advocate of “Sense” as one of potential dimensions in city planning, defined by the

ability of the city’s structure in relation to its implied functionality and the ease at which the

urban elements could relate to one another in a series of coherent linkages. (Lynch, 1960)

This clearly defined that visual master planning of the urban space should be ordered in the

form of a complete experience, with care taken in the planning of the visual composition, as

perception is a dynamic and continuous process. Besides fulfilling the minimal

recommendations designated for individual spaces, as noted in the Codes of Practices, the

following urban lighting master planning design basis were also noted,

1. Recognition of Geometrical Forms

Modelling of urban structures is extremely important in maintaining consistency of the

elements to its daytime appearance, which is especially true for Lyon, a UNESCO heritage

site. Choice of lamps differed in accordance to its architectural character, with warmer Colour

Temperature commonly used in the illumination of historical structures and cooler ones for

lighting modern forms or landscaping. Therefore, lighting for the buildings within the master

planning should allow for appropriate modelling of the façade, taking into consideration the

architectural form, colours and material. Thus, to accurately display the richness in

architecture, there are 2 main points to take note,

• The chosen lighting technique

• Choice of correct lamps and luminarie

Firstly, the lighting technique would determine how the emitted light would interact with the

architectural form. The placement of fixtures in relation to the buildings should be analyzed to

avoid the creation of image distorting shadows, while highlights should be created along the

focal point of the façade. The following pictures demonstrate the visual appearance of 2

historical buildings, under different lighting condition and choice of lamps. The façade of

Montréal City Hall was illuminated with low temperature Metal Halide lamps, while

highlights were created using higher intensity lamps, at the bay of each window. This created

rhythm and visual focal along the monotonous façade. In contrast, the Singapore City Hall

was illuminated using Low-Pressure Sodium lamps, which masked the original appearance of

the architectural materials. Moreover, the form and details of the architecture was not clearly

visible due to the placement of these luminaries. These 2 pictures clearly demonstrate the

ability of lighting to shape the appearance of the building, differentiating it from its daytime


Figure 65.0 Montréal City Hall, Éclairage public Inc Figure 66.0 Singapore City Hall (Source Author’s own)

2. Spatial Typologies

Generally, all the realized lighting master plan had divided the urban spaces through, the type

of luminarie chosen for the type of urban spaces to be illuminated and the required lighting

level, which often complement the spatial typology. For example, Metal Halide lamps were

often used for illumination of vegetation and façade, while lower Colour Temperature lamps

were utilized in the lighting of historical monuments. Automated colour changing or

programmable luminarie are often used to light public spaces, to inject vibrancy or

complementing the required spatial atmosphere. This was most apparent in the example of

Lyon, Coventry and Roppongi Hills, where different spatial typologies required varied

lighting treatment. In the lighting of Victoria Harbour, coloured lighting with automated

changing scenes were utilized to enhance the festive mood and complement the famous

skyline of Hong Kong Island. On the other hand, the historical fabric of Lyon was illuminated

using lamps of low Colour Temperature, while coloured lighting were utilized for the

illumination for small pocket of spaces, like Parc de Gerland, injecting visual variety.

Moreover, it must be noted that in the selection of lamp sources, the increase in Colour

Rendering of the lamp is correlated to the accuracy in the rendering of object’s colours to

actual appearance. Low Colour Rendering would render the space monotonous, without

highlighting the natural vibrancy of the urban structure, creating a stark contrast to its daytime

vibrancy. The lighting of Singapore Civic District is one example where the wrong use of

lamps had resulted in a monotonous nightscape. The choice of lighting had subdued the

original richness in colour and texture, which is apparent in the day. The clear application of

lighting to each pocket of spaces within the master plan would enhance the legibility of the

urban structure, defining the structures of the environment. In the process of illuminating the

landscaped using lamps of cool temperature and warmer tones for historical areas, it would in

turn accentuate the “edges” between different materials and ability in visual perception of

these differences, aiding in the legibility of the urban structure. With clarity in urban

structure, it would enhance the human ability to navigate through the urban fabric even in the

dark, facilitating perception.

3. Functional Requirements of Space

Since the Codes of Practices were still utilized as the basis in the determination of appropriate

luminance level for different space, they were often referred to on the luminance requirement

to support different spatial requirements during drafting of lighting masterplans. Often, these

Codes provided the basis for recommended lighting level for different spaces. Due to the

different spatial requirements, the level of brightness could contrast across different spaces,

creating visual hierarchy. Also, the required luminance levels for different urban spaces were

tabulated, with difference in accordance to their frequency of use, typology of space or the

anticipated human traffic. The table below illustrates the recommendations of lamps, with

their inherent properties, in relation to a variety of urban spaces they were recommended to be

used for.(See Appendix II for more details on lamps for urban lighting)

Lamp Type Color Rendition Efficiency Recommended Uses
renders colors well
750- pedestrian areas, where natural
Incandescent with emphasis on 10-20
2,000 color rendition is important
warmer tones
green to blue-
residential street lighting and
Mercury green; cannot
30-65 24,000 accent lighting for planting
Vapor render reds and
yellows well
white light; renders general area lighting in public
Metal Halide 75-125 15,000
colors well areas
High-Pressure primary and secondary roadway
golden cast 75-130 20,000
Sodium and parking lot lighting
Table 9.0 Lamp characteristics (Source: USAF exterior lighting guide)

From the table, it is clear that the use of lamps is paralleled to typology of spatial programme,

with the relation of the spectrum of emitted light correlated to the colour of illuminated

object, for example, incandescent lamps were recommended for use of lighting of spaces,

where there is higher human traffic, due to its good Colour Rendering properties. (IESNA,

1999; IESNA, 1975; ILE, 1995) Since these sources were radiators, with the higher

component of Infra-red rays from their emitted light, they would better complement human

skin colour, in comparison to Low Pressure Sodium Lamps. Therefore, it is noted that there

existed an intricate relationship between the choice of appropriate lamps and the spatial

programme. The relation of lighting requirements to different urban spaces is particularly

evident in master planning of Roppongi Hills and Hang Zhou, where the choice of lamps and

lighting levels varied in accordance to the spaces, with landscaped areas designed with lower

lighting level as compared to the main arterial traffic route that divided the site. Also, in

Alingsås and Coventry lighting master plan, both lighting requirements and innovative

lighting techniques complemented each other perfectly, demonstrating that Codes does not

impede creativity.

4. Visual Variety

Although the International Codes of Practices had categorized spaces in accordance to their

function, it would be overly monotonous if similar spaces were designed in the same fashion.

Hence, variety should be introduced in the master planning for visual interest. Differentiation

can be sought by a variety of lighting strategies for different elements, from architectural

structures of varied materials to the soft-scapes. This not only highlight the different materials

and details in their most suitable form, but also creating a sense of variety that is most

welcomed in perception of one’s environment, eliciting one’s desire for exploration. Visual

variety in urban lighting masterplans can be achieved through the following techniques,

1. Coloured lighting (Automated Colour-changing system, LED lighting, Neon)

2. Choice of luminaries (In-ground recessed, Floodlight, Linear Fluorescent etc)

3. Choice of lamps (Metal Halide, Low-Pressure Sodium, LED, Mercury vapor


4. Choice of lighting technique (Floodlighting, Indication Lighting, Spotlighting)

Due to the extremely wide range of fixtures and lighting technique available, it would be

impossible to illustrate all within the range of this thesis. However, examples would be

provided in the form of this paper to illustrate the various visual effects that would be

achieved with the different choice of source and techniques. The diagram below illustrates the

various typical lighting techniques that could be implemented for illumination of vegetation.

Therefore, it is evident that within the park spaces, different placement and choice of

luminaries would result in a varied appearance of the landscaping as one moved through the

space. Yet, coloured lighting could be manipulated with skill to create a mystic natural

setting, which was different from the conventional landscape illumination, as evident in Parc

de Garland.

Illustration 14.0 Different lighting techniques for landscaping areas

(Source: Singapore Civic District Lighting Plan)

Although urban lighting master planning often vary one space from another, for spatial

differentiation, the extent of which variety is introduced should be examined in detail. It is

noted that too much variety would result in visual clutter, while a monotonous space would

result from little variation between the spaces. Moreover, the use of coloured lighting should

be carefully evaluated and balance should be sought to avoid sensory fatigue, a problem

derived from too much sensory stimulation in one’s environment. (Nasar, 1988; See results on

colour lighting derived from survey conducted in Chapter 5.2.2) Also, automated colour-

changing lighting system had gained popularity recently as a technique for urban lighting

master planning, as a result from the advanced technological development of LED lighting

systems, evident from the reviewed projects, namely Roppongi Hills, Hong Kong Victoria

Harbour, and Coventry Urban Lighting. Therefore, it is evident that these advancements in

lighting technology had brought about new potential areas of research into their effect on

human perception and psychological comfort of his environment.


5. Visual Hierarchy

Visual Hierarchy is persistently consistent across all the lighting masterplans, which

differentiate different areas through the intensity of lighting, which coincides with the

hierarchy of the urban elements. In all reviewed lighting masterplans, visual hierarchy was

addressed to in the following manners,

1. Relationship between the illuminated and its adjacent elements

2. Contrast between the illuminated and shadowed

3. Creation of “layers” of illuminated space

Figure 67.0 Alcazaba, Malaga, Spain(Source: Philips Lighting)

Figure 67.0 illustrated how visual hierarchy could be achieved, through the use of lamps of

different Colour Temperature. It is clear that the façade is categorized into the visual

foreground, background and mid-ground. Lamps of different Colour Temperature were used

in the illumination of each of the identified planes, with the higher Colour Temperature lamps

chosen for illumination of the planes that were the furthest from point of perception. This

resulted in a subtle visual contrast with the lower Colour Temperature that was utilized for the

illumination of the foreground objects. The resultant composition appeared to be highly

structured, three-dimensional and dramatic.

In the highlighting of the landmarks, most lighting masterplans were designed with the

deliberate lowering of the Illuminance level of the elements in proximity to the highlighted

object. This would create an intentional contrast, bringing immediate attention to the

illuminated object, as evident in the example of Hang Zhou Urban Lighting Master plan,

along the famous scenic West Lake, as pictured. Although the rhythmic patterns of

alternating illuminated and shadowed spaces should be well composed to allow appropriate

contrast between these areas, the shadowed pockets should be maintained at an appropriate

level that functionality within space should still be permitted, and avoiding psychological

insecurity. Despite the popularity of these perceived effects in the design of Urban Lighting

Masterplans, academic researches had yet to investigate the level of contrast that is most

comfortable for perception, other method at which hierarchy can be enhanced.

6. Landmarks

Landmarks could be defined as one of physical prominence or of cultural or historical

significance, often the main visual element in aid of navigation and orientation in the larger

urban environment. Lynch had advocated Landmarks as one of the main elements which

should be made obvious in the visual design of the urbanscape, as they facilitate in way-

finding and imageability of the space (See Chapter 3.1.2). Hence, in the design of the Urban

Lighting masterplans, all reviewed examples had clearly highlighted the landmarks through

distinctive lighting techniques, to differentiate the appearance of these prominent elements

from the rest of the urban fabric. In the illumination of the Hong Kong Victoria Harbour,

identification of the landmarks were done prior to the design of the lighting master plan, and

of which, coloured lighting were used on the façade of these landmarks. Coventry Lighting

Master plan had set the landmarks apart from the rest of the urban fabric through usage of

specially orchestrated lighting effect, at the Trinity of three Spires, recognized by the locals

and visitors as the main cultural landmarks. However, considerations should extend towards

the identification of cultural and social landmarks, identified by the locals, instead of focusing

on the physical landmarks. Studies had indicated that landmarks should not be limited to their

physical prominence but the local’s familiarity of these elements does render them as

important nodes in establishment of locality. (See Results from survey 2, Chapter 5.2.2)

7. Time-based or Scenario-driven Lighting Controls

Originally, urban lighting techniques were restricted by the programmability of the lamps, of

which dimming control system was used to decrease the lighting intensity of the selected

areas according to the time of the day. However, due to the increase in incurred costs, coupled

with the inability of some lamps (namely, the standard High Intensity Discharge lamps like,

Metal Halide or Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps) to be dimmed unless fitted with special ballast

or control systems2, these control systems were only used for a handful of projects or areas.

Recent development in LED lighting technology had seen development of LED as a main

system for façade lighting or implementation of automated time based control. Extremely

high life span of LED allowed them to be extensively used for installation in spaces of low

maintainability. Also, flexibility in control and ability to integrate computational

programming of these LED fixtures allowed them to be integrated better in façade lighting for

a more dynamic lighting environment. Together with the development of these lighting

systems, urban lighting master planning had slowly introduced the concept of time-based

lighting control systems, as illustrated through the dynamic lighting display composed from

the illumination of façade along the Hong Kong Victoria Harbour. In addition, colour

changing LED fixtures were introduced in the illumination of leisure spaces, with the subtle

alternating of colours increasing interactivity between the users and his space. Due to the

unique operating technique and manner of which light energy was generated, enabled better

control of the Light Emitting Diode, especially when computers were integrated as a form of

2. In the dimming of HID lamps, there are a few technical issues which concerned the light output,
efficacy, lumen depreciation, service life and color. During dimming, HID lamps can experience a
color shift and correlated reduction in its color rendering ability, of which the Metal Halide lamps are
most susceptible to changes in lamp color characteristics. According to the
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lighting Research Center, clear Metal Halide lamps, for example,
will shift to a higher color temperature or cooler appearance during dimming, from white to blue-
green. When a clear Metal Halide lamp is dimmed to 50% of rated power, color temperature can
increase 1500. In addition, Color rendering may also be affected; when a clear Metal Halide lamp is
dimmed to 50% of rated power, the Color Rendering Index (CRI) value may decline from 65 to 45.
However, in comparison, coated Metal Halide lamps would experience a smaller reduction in CRI or
alteration in the Colour Temperature.
( Source: Craig DiLouie, Lighting Controls Association,

control system, with the development of its unique operating systems for programmable

controlling system on the LED systems. In contrast, those achievable by LED systems were

difficult to realize with the previous range of lamp sources, as limited control of the fixture’s

output is permitted.

Although LED is being introduced as an innovative expression of urban lighting design, its

usage is not explored in the Codes of Practices. Due to the flexibility of this lighting system, it

is foreseen that this lighting system would have significant effect on perception of space.

Hence, further researches would be required to explore the different effects colour changing

or scene changing lighting would have on human perception.

8. Clarity in movements

Orientation in dark is extremely important, as limit in visibility would render dependency on

visual guides based on the level of their illumination and the contrast of these illuminated

objects against backgrounds. Since “path” is one of the main urban elements which would

contribute to the construction of a legible environment (Lynch, 1960), it is essential that

pathway lighting to be one of the main design basis for lighting masterplans. Although all

Codes of Practices had recommended a minimal of 50 lux for the illumination of the

pathways, it must be judged that this is basically a rough figure for reference, while the actual

lighting level should vary in accordance to the site context. In the analysis of all the lighting

masterplans, all had structured the environment by highlighting the landmarks, but none had

identified how pathways should be addressed. Roppongi Hills had utilized specially designed

streetlamps to illuminate the main arterial traffic route that spilt the site into halves, while the

Singapore Civic District Lighting master plan utilized lower Colour Temperatures to visually

divide between the pathways that linked the historical monuments and the normal pedestrian

walkways. However, it must be noted that there existed many methods in terms of pathway

illumination, as illustrated in the pictures below.


Figure 68.0 Frederikshavn, Figure 69.0 Kastrup Søbad bathing Figure 70.0 Axis Lighting
Denmark platform (Source: ERCO lighting)
(Source: Philips lighting) (Source: ERCO lighting)

Figure 71.0 Bollard lighting Figure 72.0 In-ground recessed up- Figure 73.0 Continuous linear lighting
(Source: ERCO lighting) lighter (Source: ERCO lighting)
(Source: ERCO lighting)

The above only illustrated some of the common pathway lighting techniques, ranging from

the indirect lighting of the elements adjacent to the path, to the direct illumination of

pathways or integrating indicator lighting, serving as visual guides along the pathways.

Although there are many techniques in the illumination of pathways, indirect and indirect,

horizontal or vertical lighting, studies should be done on which of the technique would be

most effective and preferred by human in orientation, especially when the surrounding

elements offered little or high contrast to the Illuminance level to the pathways.

2.4.3 Limitations of Current Planning Basis

Originally, the main focus of urban lighting was the provision of sufficient lighting level for

safety of the residents, security of individual’s possessions (IESNA, 1975), while aesthetics of

the illuminated environment was one of the last considerations. With the advancement in

lighting technologies and increase in possibilities in fulfilment of different lighting design

concepts, urban lighting had transcended the engineering aspects of providing for the

functional aspects of urban spaces, to the orchestration of an aesthetically pleasing

nightscape. Through the review of the realized examples, it was noted that aesthetics should

co-exist with the fulfilment of the requirements as in the Codes of Practice. Furthermore,

these Codes should not be the main design basis, but to complement the design strategy

towards achieving well-illuminated environment. Although awareness in quality lit urban

environment had increased, there is a lack in detailed academic research on how these basis

could better construct and define quality urban lighting master plan. Furthermore, it is

apparent from the above analysis that the current design practice would not suffice, as the

relationship between human and his visual needs in environment remained unexplored.

Furthermore, without better understanding on the applications of these lighting installations

on human perception, some lighting designers would be inclined to utilize the latest available

luminarie technology, instead of prioritizing the construction of an illuminated environment

that best relate to human perception needs.

Since urban lighting master plan is akin to the visual design of one’s urban environment,

while using artificial lighting to complement the illuminated object, the impact of the various

illumination techniques, the utilization of the appropriate lamps or luminaries and the effect it

had on human should be studied in detail. Furthermore, despite the expense of studies done on

the visual design aspects in urban planning theories (See Chapter 3.0), the potential on how

these theories could contribute to the examination of quality urban lighting masterplans

remained unexplored. A research in these would definitely be advantageous in,

1. Reducing unnecessary lighting level and implementation

2. Minimization of light pollution

3. Well-structured nightscape

4. Educating the public on the meaning of good urban lighting and its


5. Better utilize the existing lighting techniques and luminaries

6. Exploring on the effects of current lighting technologies on human

psychological comfort and perception.


7. To better improve illuminated environment for safety and security and

reduction in crimes after dark.

Frequent occurrences of over-illuminated, yet chaotic urban lit environment, are noted in

some cities without proper urban lighting knowledge. Since one of the frequent

misconceptions in artificial lighting is equating high achieved lighting level to good lighting,

neglecting the composition of the illuminated space and examining the type of utilized lamps

or luminaries or how light interacts with the objects, through deepening the understanding of

the fundamental requirements to quality urban lighting would certainly enable better

understanding on how current design basis could be improved. This would further provide an

insight if current popular use of coloured lighting (as noted in the highlighted examples, or

even cities like Shibuya in Tokyo or Las Vegas, where the colourful illuminated nightscape

had became an urban feature) would impede visual qualities of a space. Hence, correct

perception on how lighting would better complement urban elements would definitely aid in

eliminating occurrence of discomfort glare, while providing an appropriately composed

nightscape, which facilitate human perception and easing the problem of light pollution,

through directing lighting to the illuminated objects, instead of causing visually

uncomfortable light spillage. Also, development in the understanding of the relation of

different lighting effects to impact on perception would suggest better implementation of the

existing luminarie technology in relation to the urban elements or the composition of the lit


In the perception of his environment, human depended on cues in navigation and obtaining

necessary information which is innately related to survival. Hence, ease in obtaining

necessary information is highly important in designing for visual perception. This is an

extremely intricate subject where detailed and rigorous studies had been undertaken since

Lynch highlighted this forgotten aspect of urban planning in his revolutionary book, The

Image of the City, in the 1960. Although the content of the book had been challenged by some

critics on its validity and ability to represent some of the key concepts proposed, the book had

initiated the importance in awareness in visual design of the urban environment. The

subsequent chapters would provide an introduction on the existing studies that had been done

on the visual qualities in the urban environment, which are highly preferred by human in the

perception of his environment. The cross-analysis would then establish the key points that

future urban lighting master planning could explore and validate in the design of a better lit

environment. Reviews on the visual perception of spaces, that involved direct perception and

“meaning” of the perceived object to the viewer, had derived several important basis of which

lighting design can be developed and studied upon for a better lit environment that is pertinent

to the manner human perceives his spaces. Kaplan theorized that human prefer environment

where information is offered easily, as the speed of extraction of relevant information is

correlated to the ability to survive in the environment. (Kaplan 1983). Further Rapoport and

Nasar had emphasized on the importance of an imageable environment and how the

environment would support human visual needs. (Rapoport, 1977; Nasar, 1988; Nasar, 1998)

The subsequent reviews had highlighted that although recognition for quality lit environment

had recently gained popularity in many countries, the knowledge in how various illumination

techniques and tools affect human perception and appearance of the lit indoor environment

were still stagnant in interior lighting, while the same area in urban lighting remained

undeveloped. It is only in the recent years that lighting research had strived to establish design

criteria for quality in provision of lighting, beyond the mere provision of required quantity for

the space to function. Visual and psychology impact of lighting had been research

extensively, since the revolutionary work done by John Flynn in 1960, establishing

correlations between the appraisal of space from its lighting design and choice of lamp

sources. Despite the urge in quest for quality lit interior spaces, through research of

appearance of various lighting scenes, in relation to human perception or comfort, no

researches on quality urban lighting or basis to which a better urban lighting master plan

could be drafted, was executed. The following intangible variables would affect human

comfort in space and thus, preventing generation of a stable and constant environment for


1. Site related issues:

• Scale of the actual test site

• Environmental changes – seasonal changes

• Existing lighting – street lamps, architectural lighting, landscape

• Types of urban elements and the complexity existing in lighting requirements for
each elements

• Variety of materials in the urban environment

• Difficulty in coordination for relevant test environment (Required co-operation

from different parties, building authorities, passer-bys and survey subjects to
maintain consistency in test environment.; Obtaining of approval of different
building management authorities)

• Glare from unanticipated sources (traffic, streetlamps etc)

• Presence of uncontrollable variables at site, which would potentially affect survey

of comfort at actual site. (Heat, Noise, Air Pollution etc)

• Need for additional installations which might be time-consuming

• Time for test to be conducted.

2. Luminaries used:

• Luminaries’ distribution and output

• Range of lamp sources (High-Pressure and Low-Pressure lamps)

• Quality of fixtures

• Mounting distance and height, which is a potential factor for glare

3. Experiment audience

• Choice of sample group (Different Race, Gender, Age and Professional versus
the General Public.)

• Size of Sample Group

• Perceivable objects

• Extent of vision

• Time in viewing

• Initial psychological comfort level of participants (as affected by dark), which

might affect their response.

The above list is not an exhaustive list which listed all the potential reasons which would

hinder the conducting of tests on quality urban lighting, but provided a proposed outlook on

why such tests were not realized, which an alternative test environment should be proposed to

overcome such problems. Since Urban Lighting involved many factors and considerations for

a successful experiment to be performed, the scale of site might mean that the users’

perception is not easily controlled and fixed on what was required to be tested. Therefore, in

study of quality urban lighting, actual conducting of experiment on-site would not be

recommended for a sound experiment. However, computational tools and virtual environment

had been introduced into the realm of test in artificial lighting (Mahdavi, 2002; Eissa, 2001;

Wittkopf, 2000) indicated the validity of use of computational tools and the effectiveness of

such tools in test for lighting design. The author had integrated the use of computationally

generated test environment for both surveys and the results achieved had indicated similar

findings as those proposed through prominent studies done in artificial lighting, also

correlations could be observed between the findings and the theories in visual design of the

environment. (See Chapter 5.0) These implied the effectiveness of such test environments as

surrogates of the actual environment for experiments in urban lighting, as the stimulated

space can be defined in accordance to all the lighting types and design, with photo-realistic

quality that would generate scenarios that is similar to the actual derived effects. Also, such

test environment would enable full-manipulation of the environment, while achieving the test

objectives designated for the experiments. Furthermore, reviews of literature on human

perception studies and tests for such studies had revealed that photographs or models, or even

interviews with support of relevant graphic materials were sufficient for the conducting of

such experiments. (Nasar, 1988; Nasar, 1998; Lynch 1960; Rapoport, 1977)

To re-evaluate the current basis of urban lighting master planning through an alternative

perspective, the subsequent chapters proposed to improve upon the current limitations as

observed through the current design basis, whilst highlighting the importance of other areas of

investigations in urban lighting.


3.0 Neglected Component of Human-Environment Interaction

3.1 Introduction on Environmental Perception

Human always receiving and analyzing information he extracted from his surroundings. The

study of environmental perception addressed the various manners human derived information

from his environment, of which human perception comprised of the following three main

areas, as extracted from Rapoport (Rapoport, 1977),

1. Environmental Evaluation and Preference - involving perceiving, knowing and

thinking, the basic processes whereby the individual knows his environment.

2. Environmental Cognition – the way in which people understand, structure and learn

the environment and use mental maps to negotiate it.

3. Environmental Perception – referring to the direct sensory experience one would

have the environment

As seen from these three highlighted processes, it is evident that perception is affected by

“nature of the stimuli, the physiology of perception and the state of the organism –

expectation, attention, motivation, selectivity or adaptation.” (Rapoport, 1977, page 178)

These processes do not occur independently, but interact during perception, forming the total

derived experience of one’s environment. Since human is constantly in search of information

from the environment and some researches had theorised this need to the primitive instinct for

survival (Kaplan, 1983; Nasar, 1988), the manner from which human extracted information

from the environment could be interpreted in 2 forms, where direct information defines the

sensory experience of the environment, and inferred information referred to the processed

image of the environment, with relation to one’s mental processing of the extracted

information, Undeniably, human’s experience of the environment is initially affected by the

direct sensory experience, and it is often the most analysed form of environmental perception

in researches. The significance of designing for human visual needs and mental mapping of

one’s environment is pioneered by Kevin Lynch, in the revolutionary works in The Image of

the City (Lynch, 1960) His work had spurred many subsequent researches in the importance

of visual design in urban planning and how visual structure could facilitate in the ease of

formulation of mental structure. Although environmental perception does not constitute of

only the visual aspects of the environment, and perception is often a result of multi-sensorial

experience, it is important to note that the visual experience of one’s environment is often the

most consistent amongst the other sensorial experience of environment. (Lynch, 1960;

Rapoport, 1977) Cognition is often the derived experience of the environment, and often

“static”, as opposed to the dynamic nature of perceptual experience, this is extremely relevant

for large scale environmental perception, which involved “exploration, movement, inference,

experience and memory” (Rapoport, 1977, page 184).

Various academic studies proved the importance of visual design of the environment and how

it is correlated to the quality of the environment. Moreover, the extent of which these

processes differ from one individual to another is also dependent on the social and cultural

differences, objectives for perception. (Rapoport, 1977; Nasar 1998; et al.) Of which,

cognition would be a resultant of analysis and experience of individual. Although perception

might be highly subjective, similarities in the responses to one’s environment is noted for

people with similar background and of similar geographical positions. This is noted from the

study of definition of a quality environment across different literature and researches

(Rapoport, 1977), which derived some main criteria to the definition of a quality space. Table

9.0 summarized several academic findings consolidated by Rapoport (Rapoport, 1977), to

define the parameters that human would perceive as elemental to the design of quality public

spaces. Since this research would address the better illumination of the physical elements in

the environment, to compose quality lit urban environment, only the physical aspects would

be focused in this table. The understanding of generic qualities that would formulate quality

environment would constitute background knowledge for the establishment of required

physical characteristic for urban lighting.


Reference Setting Physical components

1. Degree of enclosure
2. Size of space
Wiggins (1973) Urban Spaces 3. Character of space
4. Nature of enclosing elements
5. Amount of greenery
1. Scenic beauty
2. Small town atmosphere
Small town in a
UCLA (1972) 3. Visual quality – signs, distinct districts, orientation
recreational area
4. Air quality and weather
5. Transportation
1. Traffic hazard
2. Noise, vibration, pollution, trash
Appleyard and City blocks and 3. Maintenance
Lintell (1972) streets 4. Privacy
5. Greenery
6. Complexity and Variety
1. Natural preferred to artificial
Lowenthal (1967) Parts of town
2. Variety and contrast
1. Spatial quality (interest, contrast, greenery liked)
Lynch and Rivkin Urban streets, 2. Intrinsic interest of features
(1970) downtown 3. Specific buildings
4. Nature of traffic and parking
1. Natural character
Van der Ryn and
Part of city 2. Views without obstruction
Boie (1963)
3. Special dislike – utility poles
1. Maintenance level
2. Low pollution
3. Noise at night
4. Traffic dislike
Van der Ryn and 5. Ownership and identity of house
Part of city
Boie (1964) 6. Detached houses
7. Low density
8. Openness, spaciousness
9. Greenery
10. Hilliness and views
General visual 1. Natural greatly preferred to urban
Kaplan and Wendt
character of 2. Within any class – complexity, legibility,
scenes identifiability, coherence, interestingness, mystery
1. Signs recognized hence important – not seen as a
Carr ( 1973) Urban streets
2. Legibility and orientation

Other countries
De Lauwe (1965 1. Lively exciting cities – shops and street life
(a)) City 2. Those elements furthest away from rural life
FRANCE 3. Symbolic aspects – cultural symbols
1. General appearance of area
2. Elevations or apparent elevation
3. Extensive views of water or trees but no industry
Various urban
King (1971) 4. Detached houses
areas in large
AUSTRALIA 5. Newness
6. Greenery
7. Spaciousness
8. Individuality
1. High status area
Barrett ( 1971) Urban areas
(good scenery, topography, hills and views etc)

1. Spaciousness – the more space the better

2. Detached houses with gardens
3. Views – specially over large commons
Young and City and parts
4. Rural character or desirable older central areas
Wilmott (1973) of the city
(historical snobbery)
5. Topography – height and hills preferred to flatness
6. Proximity to water, if no industry along it
1. Proximity to recreation, water
Johnston (1971)
3. Microclimate
comparing Urban areas
4. Proximity o open country
different counties
5. Low density and space
6. Greenery
Table 10.0 Summary of important components of environmental quality from selected studies
(Rapoport, 1977, page 65 to 80)

Generally, there existed general preference for visual variety and interest in one’s

environment. This might be explained through Kaplan’s works, where he had pointed out that

complexity and legibility is correlated to quality visual environment, yet the extent of

complexity and variety should be controlled. Thus, an increase in complexity beyond the

tolerable threshold would result in the reverse scenario of decrease in likeability of

environment. (Kaplan, 1983) Kaplan further proposed that 2 different manner from which

environment were perceived, with the process separated into the extraction of information

from two dimensional planes (two-dimensional spatial qualities), and the depth in the

environment is correlated to the mystery and the need to explore (three-dimensional spatial

qualities).(Kaplan, 1983; Kaplan, 1988) On the other hand, Lynch proposed that in experience

of the larger environment, one constructed mental maps of the space, which is aided by

certain urban elements that would enhance the ease in which these mental structures were

constructed. (Lynch, 1960) Nasar had proposed a theory which is an extension of Lynch’s

idea of legibility of the city. He referred to the “city appearance as evaluated by the public

who experiences it” (Nasar, 1998, page 3), of which he proposed on how the city’s visual

structure could better enhance the likeability of the structure. Therefore, these studies implied

that human decision in environment is a reflection of the perception of the environment and

the ability to extract information from the environment. Generally, many consistencies noted

through the review of these environmental perception theories revealed similar, generic

design criteria towards quality visual environment, suggesting potential of extending this

research on how the visual environment could be further developed into design basis for

urban lighting masterplans.

The following sub-chapters detailed the various prominent studies on environmental

perception and visual design in urban planning, which could be the fundamental design basis

in urban lighting master plan. The possibilities in the integration of these neglected

components into existing design practices of urban lighting master plan, where emphasis is

placed on the quantifiable, indicated the potential of future studies in this novel subject.

3.1.1 Basis to a Legible Urban Space

“There is sheer delight in sensing the world: the play of light, the feel and

smell of the wind, touches, sounds, colours, forms. A good place is

accessible to all the senses, makes visible the currents of the air, engages the

perceptions of its inhabitants.” (Lynch, 1981, p. 132)

Of the 5 dimensions Lynch proposed as the various dimensions that composed the legible city

form, namely “Vitality”, “Sense”, “Fit”, “Access” and “Control” (Lynch, 1981), Sense is

especially pertinent to the clarity of city’s visual form. Sense is defined as “the clarity with

which it (the city) can be perceived and identified, and the ease with which its elements can

be linked with other events and places in a coherent mental representation of time and space

and that representation can be connected with non- spatial concepts and values.” (Lynch,

1981 page 131) Lynch was one of the earliest and most prominent pioneers who highlighted

the importance in the visual structure of the city, for ease in navigation and perception.

Although the perceivable structure of the city might be a subjective experience unique for

each individual, generally people of similar cultural background would enjoy similar

experience of the city and extract similar visual information. Researches by Lynch, Nasar and

Kaplan had consistently noted patterns in individual’s responses to their visual experience

within the city. Furthermore, in his revolutionary book, Image of the City, analyzing urban

planning through the visual qualities of the environment and addressing the vital building

blocks of the city, he demonstrated that the character of each city would be illustrated from

the mental maps people formed of the place, using case studies of 3 cities, Boston, Los

Angeles and Jersey City. The validity of the 5 building blocks to the city, namely the path,

landmarks, nodes, districts and edges, were tested upon and their significance illustrated

through the interview session conducted with the surveyed subjects. It was noted that the

paths embodied the highest significance to the subjects and the definition of the path could be

anticipated through the concentration of details, patterns and consistencies, noted as one

navigated along the paths. In his demonstration, he had proved that despite the similarities

noted in the perceptions of people within the same city, differences in what are noted and the

manner at which the mental map is constructed. For example, some might amplify the

physical proportion of the landmarks, symbolizing their significance in navigation, while

others might emphasize on the presence of pathways in orientation. However, the definition

of these 5 elements had proven to enhance the structuring of the urban environment, making

navigation a much enjoyable experience.

From the studies of the visual patterns people derived from their urban environment, Lynch

surmised the existence of 5 main urban elements that would construct the imageable urban

space, namely, landmarks, nodes, districts, paths and edges. (Lynch, 1960) Landmarks are

visual anchor points, which might imply its huge physical presence, or the high significance

of the object to the viewer, making it a visual anchor point in orientation. Paths are primary

routes in navigation through the urban spaces and their recognition can be enhanced by the

definition of its edges, the materials that fringed the paths, the patterns and consistencies that

enhanced the prominence of these paths. Districts are areas of which distinctive character is

noted throughout the area that segregates it from the other parts of the city. Edges denote the

separation between different materials or surfaces, which can further enhance the presence of

its separating objects. Nodes are focal areas where high human traffic is noted, traffic

junction, the traffic connector to other cities or a popular activity spot amongst the

community. Lynch noted that the city is constructed with these 5 primary building blocks of

which the presence of all would result in a more legible city structure, yet the interrelations

between each element should complement and enhance the overall experience. Following his

research, subsequent studies confirmed the existence of these generic building blocks of a

legible city. (Nasar, 1981; Kaplan & Kaplan 1998; Kaplan 1983) The development of these

design attributes of the larger metropolis is indicative of how dependent human is on the

visual impact of his surrounding and his imposed meanings and self-identification of his

environment. Human perception is further aided when he is able to ‘make sense’ of his

spaces, to visually and mentally organize his surroundings into forms which he could identify

with. (Kaplan, 1983) This mental construction is derived from the innate human need to

navigate in space and desire to orientate in the larger environment, particularly when one is

within an unfamiliar environment. This need is justified by many studies in environmental

perception, while discomfort is commonly noted in instances when one is unable to

comprehend his surroundings. Hence, Lynch noted that a highly legible environment is most

enjoyed and one that would best supports human activities. However, the legibility of the

environment is often coloured by personal experiences and rendered meaning, due to the

major role cognition had in perception. Therefore, Lynch did not refer to his 5 major elements

as fixed physical form with definitive geometrical forms, but also for urban forms that

fulfilled those symbolic meanings. These 5 points were not of single dimensional meanings

but possessed many layers of embodied meanings that would further aid in the formulation of

mental images of the city form for each individual.

“Given the general view and the task of constructing a limited set of

performance dimensions for the spatial form of cities, I suggest the


following ones. None are single dimensions; all refer to a cluster of

qualities. Yet each cluster has a common basis and may be measured in

some common way.” (Lynch, 1981, page 117)

Hence, the dimensions and qualities to the design of a legible city are not single dimensional

descriptive terms, but embodied meanings that pointed to generic characteristics of those

descriptions. In Image of the City, Lynch had also deduced the existence of some design

qualities to a legible city, summarized in the following table.

No. Design Qualities Characteristic

1. Sharpness of boundary
1 Singularity or 2. closure
figure background 3. contrast of surface, form, intensity, complexity, size, use, spatial
clarity location. To the immediate surroundings or viewer’s experience.
Qualities that make it identifiable or remarkable, usable and

2 Form simplicity Clarity and simplicity of visible form in the geometrical form, limitation
of parts (clarity of the system) Forms of this nature are much more easily
incorporated in the image, and there is evidence that observers will distort
complex facts to simple forms.

Continuance of an edge or surface; nearness of parts; repetition of

3 Continuity rhythmic intervals.

Qualities that facilitate the perception of a complex physical reality as one

or as interrelated, the qualities that facilitate the perception of a complex
physical reality as one or as interrelated, the qualities that suggest the
bestowing of single identity.

No. Design Qualities Characteristic

4 Dominance Size, intensity, or interest, resulting in the reading of the whole as a

principle feature with associated cluster.

1. Allows the necessary simplification of the image by omission

and subsumption.
2. Physical characteristic that is over the threshold of attention
3. Radiation of their concept to some degree

5 Clarity of joints High visibility of joints and seams

Clear relation and interconnections.
Strategic moments of structure and should be highly perceptible

1. Asymmetries
6 Direction 2. Gradients
differentiation 3. Radial differences
4. differentiate one end from another
5. heavily used in structuring on a differentiate scale

Qualities which increase the range and penetration of vision, actually or

7 Visual scope symbolically
1. Transparencies
2. Overlaps
3. vistas and panorama (increase the depth of vision)
4. Articulating elements
5. concavity
Relates to the facilitation in grasping of a vast and complex whole by
increasing the efficiency of vision

8 Motion awareness
1. The qualities which make sensible to the observer, through both
visual and the kinesthetic sense, his own actual and potential
2. A city is sensed in motion, so these qualities are fundamental and
they are used to structure and even to identify, wherever they are
coherent enough to make it possible.
3. Qualities reinforce and develop what an observer can do to
interpret direction or distance and to sense form in motion itself.

9 Time series 1. Sensed over time, including both simple item by item linkages,
where one item is simply knitted to the two element before and
behind it (in a casual sequence of detailed landmarks)
2. Truly structured in time
3. Melodic in nature

Table 11.0 Design criteria for a legible urban environment (Source: Lynch, 1960, p. 105 to 108)

Since the studies are often focused on the “generalizable connections between human values

and settle forms or how to know a good city when you see one”, the attributes above are

guidelines to which the legible city structure can be achieved, but the construction o the city

form is not as simplified as illustrated. Lynch had pointed out that in the explanation of how

the city form is made, three different theories would result in separate planning tools. The first

was the “planning theory”, which dealt with the “public decisions about city development are

or should be made” (Lynch, 1981, p 37), while the second theory of “functional theory”,

which address to how the city took a certain form and “how it functions”. (Lynch, 1981, p

37). In the final theory of “normative theory”, it is concerned mainly with the interactions

between individuals and the city forms, which addressed to the basic human needs in the

visualization of the city form. This is more on a personal level, and is or a more micro-scale

compared to the earlier theories where the policies and stringent rules were dogmas.

Lynch presented 3 different constituents to the construction of environment image, “identity,

structure and meaning”. (Nasar, 1998, p 6) and presented the 5 different elements that would

form the urban structure. Although researches that further analysed his theories subsequently

had proven the validity of his researches and the importance of the 5 elements, landmarks,

nodes, edges, districts and paths, some studies refuted his theories based on the overly

simplification of perception. However, his research had revealed that there are fundamental

requirements or basis to which individual’s directly experienced his space without the

involvement of cognition or evaluation, which would involved another realm of knowledge

into psychological influences on perception.

“The paths, the network of habitual or potential lines of movement through

the urban complex, are the most potent means by which the whole can be

ordered. The key lines should have some singular quality which marks them

off from the surrounding channels: a concentration of some special use, or

activity along their margins, a characteristic spatial quality, a special texture

of floor or façade, a particular lighting pattern, a unique set of smells or

sounds, a typical detail or mode of planning.” (Lynch, 1981, page 96)

It is noted through the analysis of Lynch’s research that he made a constant reference to light

as a prominence form shaper, to increase the distinctive quality to space. (Lynch, 1960)

Indeed, as how Le Corbusier had illustrated through his famous quote in Vers une

architecture, “Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses brought

together in light. Our eyes are made to see forms in light; light and shade reveal these forms;

cubes, cones, spheres, cylinders or pyramids are the great primary forms which light reveals

to advantage; the image of these is distinct and tangible within us without ambiguity. It is for

this reason that these are beautiful forms, the most beautiful forms.” The interaction between

light and the elements would result in a kaleidoscopic experience as one moved through the

city, which is extremely valid in today’s instances when the development of the artificial

lighting technology had the ability to render singular forms into a variety of appearances. The

city is an ever-changing conglomerate of human activities and physical elements, hence the

appearance of city in varied time of the day, season, distance, “static and moving” and the

state of mind should be considered in conjunction to maintain consistency. Lynch maintained

that the physical form of the basic 5 constituent elements to the city form should be

recognizable despite the changing form of the city. Lynch had executed his studies of the

urban form during the day, where visibility was only affected by the physical placement of

the objects or presence of obstacles but in the analysis of the appearance of the urban form

during the night, the lighting master plan would be the primary tool to enhance the

prominence of these elements, in the determination of their illumination level or lighting

design strategy. Hence, to employ this into the design of the urban lighting masterplan, the

current practice does not address to the concerns of appearance of the individual elements in

day or how the illumination would alter its appearance. Also, Lynch had also pointed out the

importance in the recognition of basic urban elements, which would be critical in the

formation of the urban lighting master plan, in the denotation of design hierarchy and

interrelations between the various illuminated forms.

3.1.2 “Being Involved” and “Making Sense”

“As pervasive and far-reaching human needs, making sense and involvement

are important components in preference. These needs profoundly influence

human preference for patterns of information. These preferences express

themselves not only in relatively abstract situations (as, for example,

people’s reactions to written or oral messages), but in people’s reaction to


the physical environment as well. People prefer, in other words, both

landscape and books, interiors and organizations, that offer promise of being

involving and of making sense.” (Kaplan, 1983)

Kaplan and Kaplan (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1998) focused on the specific human characteristics

that are central to the design and management of general settings, mainly addressing to

human’s basic needs of Understanding and Exploration.“ Understanding provides a sense of

security. When people cannot understand a situation, they can become distressed.” (Kaplan,

1998) Understanding can be interpreted as the comprehension of one’s surroundings for

psychological comfort and security. Hence, environment that supports the extraction of

necessary information for survival and clarity in navigation would be more preferred than

those which are visually cluttered. However, this extraction of information and how the

environment would support human interest depends on the manner at which human perceived

his environment.

The basis behind Kaplan and

Kaplan’s preference matrix is

from the formation of flat

retinal images to the ability to

Table 12.0. Preference matrix
extract depth from these two (Source: Kaplan, 1998 Page 13)

dimensional mental images. From the matrix, “Coherence” and “Complexity” are two

environment components, which are directly derived from object’s geometrical forms or their

layout in relation to each other. However, the information from the third dimension, like

“Legibility” and “Mystery”, “require the inference of the third dimension” (Kaplan & Kaplan,

1998, page 13). Furthermore, Coherence and Legibility are correlated in their aid in

understanding the environment, yet Mystery and Complexity would prompt further

exploration of the environment.


Visual attributes Characteristics

Organized into clear areas ; Few distinct regions
Coherence Repeating themes and unifying textures
Limited number of contrasting textures
Richness of elements ; Different visual components
Greater richness or variety would encourage exploration
However, increase in complexity might not suggest a decrease in coherence, as
long as the different groups are distinctive
Legibility Memorable components that help with orientation
Legible space would allow ease in navigation
Desire to explore a place would be enhanced if there were promise of more
offerings in the visual scene
Studies in people’s preference for different environments showed that mystery is
a particularly effective factor in making some scenes highly favoured.
Table 13.0. Extracts from Kaplan’s definition of 4 environmental attributes (Source: Kaplan, 1998 Page 15 to 16)

These environmental attributes, upon achievement, would allow the design of a preferred

environment, which supports functionality. Preferred environment would not only “enhance

people’s effectiveness” but is “supportive of mind and body”. (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1998) If the

environment were designed to facilitate orientation, it would entice exploration and contribute

to quality experience in that environment. Studies done on the effects of environment and

orientation to its resultant impact on human had shown negative feelings from being

disorientated. (Nasar, 1998; Kaplan & Kaplan, 1998; Lynch, 1960, et al.) Therefore, if the

structure of the visual environment were designed to allow for easy recognition of the

landmarks, the pathways, clarity in directions and minimization of visual clutter, ease in

orientation would result. Moreover, visual landmarks create focal points which capture

attention, which in combination of segregating the environment into regions would ease

visual perception in space.

“When local needs and understanding are routinely incorporated in design and management

the resulting solutions can be, and have been, far more satisfying for all concerned.” (Kaplan

& Kaplan, 1998, page 123) Kaplan had also recommended the public to be engaged in the

design process, for the design of an environment that better supports the public interest.

Nasar’s study earlier demonstrated the differences between design connotations between

design professionals and general public. (Nasar, 1998) Kaplan had advocated the importance

of visual forms in the appreciation of the environment. However, the derived effects from an

improvement of the visual space is not only localized on the city’s visual form, but the

“community’s meaning and appearance for the many people who experienced it” (Nasar,

1998) Studies had demonstrated and proved the impact of the city on one’s experience and

pleasure derived from the environment. (Kaplan, 1983; Nasar, 1998). Since people’s

participation in the design process of their space would result in better appreciation of their

environment, prior to the derivation of such guideline, the public’s evaluation and opinion

should be sought.

3.1.3 Evaluative Image of the City

“Likeability refers to the probability that an environment will evoke a strong

and favourable evaluative response among the group or the public

experiencing it. Inhabitants of a city with a good evaluative image find

pleasure in the appearance in the appearance of its memorable and visible

parts.” (Nasar, 1998, page 3)

Human’s experience of the city is not merely defined by the physical structure of the city and

the ease of which the identity could be perceived. Nasar proposed that the relation of the city

to ignite positive emotional associations in perception and these emotional meanings one

developed for the environment would “define the evaluative image of a city.” (Nasar, 1998, p.

8) From researches on human response to environment, it is concluded that “evaluation and

appearance to be primary dimension of the environmental experience’. (Nasar, 1998, p. 8)

Therefore, the greater the amount of these imageable elements in the environment, the more

likeable would be the environment. Three factors which Nasar had identified to “affect the

imageability of elements: distinctiveness of form, visibility and use/symbolic significance”

(Nasar, 1998, p. 61) From his experiment conducted in Knoxville and Chattanooga on the

evaluative map of these two cities, he concluded that “the evaluative image relates to

distinctiveness of form, visibility and use significance, or the convergence of these factors”

(Nasar, 1998, p. 61), of which he proposed a series of “likeable features” in the construction

of an imageable city.

Nasar analysed the outlook of the city according to the manner at which public response could

aid in the shaping of the urban form for spaces which are more conducive for activities. Since

he had analysed the common benchmark for visual appraisal of urban forms from the

aesthetic value to the “evaluative response”, which would minimize the subjective

connotation paralleled to beauty. In the idea of “evaluative response”, the appeal of the object

is not judged by its mere appearance but “refers to favourable emotions and meanings

experienced in relation to the environment.” It explored the meaning of attributes that could

contribute to the visual appeal of the space, for example in the extensive researches done by

psychologists James Russell and Larry Ward, there existed 4 dimensions to the space that

relates to its appeal in environmental appraisal, stated as Pleasantness, Arousing, Exciting and


Amongst the 4 presented cases of emotive quality of the environment, pleasure is the one

which is independent and possessed evaluative quality. It is of an opposing spectrum to

Arousal, while the other 2 qualities of Excitement and Relaxation are both sensations to one’s

environment that stemmed from a mixture of arousal and evaluation of one’s surroundings,

which can perhaps be related to as an indirect or derived response to one’s environment.

However, beyond these potential emotive qualities of spaces, human also imposed inferred

meanings to reviewed places and often link images of places to their “connotative

meanings.”(Nasar, 1998) These meanings would affect potential actions and psychological

responses within the spaces, for example a place which appeared to be unsafe might ignite

fear and insecurity of one’s safety. Hence, these qualities that might attribute to inferred

meanings about a place would eventually affect the evaluative image of the place to its users.

Although qualities of a place might present themselves as subjective and individual, studies

and researches in the area of visual appraisal of environment and environmental perception

had presented consistencies in one’s responses to the generic definition of a pleasing space.

(See Appendix study on environmental perception)

Illustration15.0 Dimensions of affective appraisals

(Source: Nasar, 1998 extracted from Russell & Snodgrass 1989)

Nasar’s concept of human’s perception of his environment involved the evaluative

component, which he would add upon Lynch’s proposal of the city’s legibility with

recognition of the city’s “identity, structure and meaning” (Nasar, 1998). Nasar had expanded

the meaning of evaluative city to encompass the emotional component of one to his

environment. His researches had pointed to the existence of a common benchmark to the

widely perceived generic aesthetics quality of the environment. He quantified it as the

likeability of the environment, which he sought through the “evaluative quality of the

environment”, which is a benchmark extracted from public’s opinion, instead of the

professionals who are closely involved in the mentioned area. He referred this quality of

likeability to “the probability that an environment will evoke a strong and favourable

evaluative response among the groups or the public experiencing it.” (Nasar, 1998, page 3)

His research had advocated 5 environmental attributes as being enjoyable and rated as

appealing, existing in the urban fabric. The 5 attributes are “Naturalness, Upkeep, Openness,

Historical Significance and Order.” (Nasar, 1998 page 62) These attributes are not single

dimensional, but is correlated to the cognitive images of these attributes to certain positive

image in the perceivers’ minds.

Positive Environment
No. Definition
The presence of vegetation, water or mountains.
1 Naturalness Typically involves the users’ perception of an area as natural or
predominance of natural over built environment.
Maintenance of areas. Untidiness of urban spaces is referred as
2 Upkeep/Civilities
physical incivilities, pointing to cues of social disorder.
3 Openness Vistas.

4 Historical significance Places having historical significance.

Degree at which an area looks organized, visual order, meaning the
5 Order
area’s order, cohesiveness and compatibility.
Table 14.0 Positive Attributes for Visual Environment (Source: Nasar, 1998, p 62)

Table 14.0 illustrated the positive attributes to environments and the existence of these

attributes would render the visual environment pleasant. Various studies had demonstrated the

validity of Nasar’s claims. “Naturalness” had been studied to be a predominant feature in the

environment during visually appraisal and it had always been distinguished from the built.

(Kaplan & Kaplan, 1998; Nasar, 1998) Reviews had also demonstrated the consistencies at

which natural had been preferred over the built environment, and regardless of the age of the

respondents. Also, the reviews had proven that the increase of vegetation in the scene is

highly correlated to an increase in the preference for it. This is highly related to Lynch’s

report of utilizing vegetation to heighten the imageability of the space, and studies on the

features associated with buildings that would reinforce its image in the users had shown that

vegetations contribute and enhance its impression on the people for navigation. (Nasar, 1998)

Also, the restorative and connotative image that is closely related to nature is perhaps one of

many factors that rendered “Naturalness” as being a positive attribute in the visual appraisal

of environment. “Upkeep or civility” is one environmental attribute that possessed strong

connotative meanings, which is evident in the studies done on the users judging their

environment based on the appearance of environment and increase in visual clutter in form of

overhead wires, billboards or poor maintenance of building façades result in low preference.

Responses derived from such studies also relate these visual clutters to “old”, “dirty” and

“drab” (Lynch 1960; Nasar, 1998). However, their removal would result in a higher

preference for the same environment, implying that upkeep of visual order had not only

served as an indicator to the connotative image of such spaces in the users’ mind, but also

affecting their enjoyment of spaces. Presence of “Openness” is closely related to an increase

in the preference, is perhaps attributed to the ability to seek for visual coherence, and for the

ability to perceive one’s potential threats in the environment. Also, Kaplan had related open

vistas to “mystery” offered in the scene, for one to acknowledge the depth in space and the

ability to venture further. Studies by Lynch and Kaplan had also reflected that open vistas and

panoramas is equated to enjoyment of space. (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1998; Kaplan 1983; Lynch,

1960) It is also pointed out in Nasar’s studies that the existence of deflected vistas after dark

would give pedestrians psychological comfort. (Nasar, 1998) Historical significance of the

building is highly associated with its potential as a landmark and hence complemented the

building’s imageability in the overall surroundings. Lastly, “Order has also emerged as a

prominent dimension of human response to the surroundings.” (Nasar, 1998, page 72) Order

in the visual environment had implied image on the civility of the space, and increases the

coherence of the units within the space, easing perception. Although order could aid in the

ease of recognition of forms and reduce visual clutter, complete order would render the space

boring and characterless. Hence for variety, complexity should be moderately present to

prevent visual clutter, yet present for visual interest. Hence, the figure below reflects on the

relationship of complexity in space with the correlated responses reflected in affective

appraisal. It showed that the increase in complexity would reflect on low preference and

stagnant interest from users’ responses.


Figure 74.0 Interest and preference in relation to increasing complexity (Source: Nasar, 1998)

Guidelines for environment

Exciting appearance Relaxing appearance High-status appearance

Built element to dominate Natural element to dominate Large open space
Well-kept and organized
High complexity High coherence
Low coherence and
Built elements, where they
compatibility, bright colours Large, free standing Tudor and
occur, to look
and high contrast between Colonial style buildings
1. Fitting or compatible with
one another and nature
High levels of movement and
2. Familiar and historical Ornamentation
Table 15.0 Design guidelines for 3 spatial typologies (Source: Nasar, 1998)

Nasar derived the set of design guidelines for 3 different spatial requirements and had tested

with the subjects, further proving the existence of the five environmental attributes he had

pointed out earlier. These illustrated that although preference and aesthetic value of general

public might differ due to different cognitive associations formed for individual forms.

However, these general characteristics had repeatedly surfaced from interviews and various

studies demonstrated that there are indeed design guidelines for different spaces to evoke the

character it is required for functional purposes. These revealed the potential to expand the

study of extracting environmental qualities into aid in formulation of design policies and

spaces for clearer and more enjoyable spaces for the general public.

3.1.4 Light and its Effects on Spatial Perception

“The resultant structures of the urban community were seen as being

identifiable only when temporal aspects were considered coincidentally with

the spatial aspects.” (Parkes, 1980, p. 322)

Light, as the form giver, is exceptionally central to the basis at which lighting influences

perception and appearance of the object visually. Urban lighting would shape the visible

environment and create different images of the same city, rendering the visually monotonous

concrete jungle to a kaleidoscopic array of colours at night. Initially, the concept of artificial

lighting of spaces was to provide for sufficient Illuminance to suffice for the basic

functionality of space (IESNA, 1975) and effects brought upon by these illumination

techniques, were perceived and not proven. The effects of different lighting techniques and

how these lamps interact with objects for the eventual appearance of spaces were not

researched upon, until John Flynn’s revolutionary works in the 1970s. He was keen to

establish concrete findings on the appearance of lit indoor spaces and established a series of

tests, using actual constructed spaces and achieving statistically justified results gathered from

a number of respondents through questionnaires. (Murdoch, 2004; Flynn, 1998) His proposal

was extremely revolutionary at that time, when artificial lighting was equated to the

quantitative level of luminance or the measurable qualities. However, Flynn had proposed

that lighting is not only constituted by these measurable qualities bit its potential effect on the

intangible qualities that encompassed human perception, which he termed this potential

quality of space as “spatial illumination”. (Flynn, 1998) Since different lighting methods,

namely direct or indirect lighting, could shape the spatial appearance, while the illumination

level would limit one’s visibility, the presence of these effect of lighting on spatial perception

is highly anticipated. Hence, Flynn hypothesized that “lighting, in addition to providing task

visibility, also influences motivation, orientation, mood, social interaction and well-being”

(Murdoch, 2004). From his studies, he had noted several consistencies in the responses of the

perceivers to the varied lit environments. In actual experiment site constructed, the

environment is varied accordance to the Colour Temperature, the intensity of lighting and

uniformity. (Flynn, 1998) Flynn proposed that lighting would have potential effects on the

behaviour of users in space, which takes lighting to the level beyond the provision of

appropriate lighting level, but the overall synchronization of the lit environment.

Also, Flynn proposed that lighting patterns would result in correlated responses, which would

potentially “affect personal orientation and user understanding of the room and its artefacts”

(Flynn, 1988, page 156). His studies concluded with high statistical correlations on the effects

of lighting on the users’ psychology comfort, derived through semantic differentiate scales

and aesthetics appraisal. Flynn proposed that in the design of a quality lit environment,

lighting would need to fulfil the following design criteria,

1. Create focal centers

2. Outline the space

3. Be un-cluttering

4. Create patterns of light and shade

5. Provide orientation

6. Present the space without distortion

7. Be stimulating without being overpowering

8. Be glare-free

9. Provide balanced luminance ratios.

In Flynn’s studies, it is noted that he had integrated some of the design criteria for legible

spaces, proposed by Lynch, Nasar and Kaplan, into his proposed lighting design criteria. For

example the need of spaces to be legible and structuring spaces to allow for ease in

orientation were similarly proposed by Nasar, Lynch, Kaplan and realized in form of concepts

for illumination by Flynn. The creation of focal centre would allow distinguish of different

zones and clarity of different areas, for formation of visual hierarchy. Also, minimization of

visual clutter allowed visual order to be established and clarity in perception. These

similarities justified that attributed that were defined as facilitating to human perception could

be realized through artificial lighting, making spaces legible and enabling better orientation

during the dark. This is most appropriately emphasized by Veitch, who clarified the intricate

link between the disciplines of artificial lighting and human perception as, “intervening

psychological processes believed to underlie the lighting-behaviour relationship: perceived

control, attention, environmental appraisal and affect”. (Veitch, 2001, p125) Veitch, like the

other researchers who followed up on Flynn’s research on effect of illuminated environment,

hypothesized that there were effects on human perception, as a result from employment of

various lighting design techniques. The parameters presented by Flynn were further supported

by subsequent studies done on quality of illuminated space. Recent studies on effect of

lighting to visual perception had demonstrated statistical correlations between light source

types on visual comfort appraisal. (Laurentin, 2000) Mansfield had presented in his paper,

where he had concluded that in the quantification of the acceptability of the appearance of the

illuminated space, it would be possible to derive such description through the definition of the

light pattern “using the average luminance and the luminance distribution standard deviation”

within the horizontal 40 band (within the human’s normal field of vision). (Mansfield, 2000)

To extend Flynn’s research findings, Loe tried to examine the “relationship between a

subjective response to a lit environment, and its luminance distribution as a contribution to

improving lighting design.” (Loe, 1994), through the construction of mock-up space which is

to be illuminated in 18 varied manners and the analysis of these spaces were done through

questionnaires and the results analyzed through factor analysis. He concluded that the tests he

had done proved that it would be possible to measure human attitude to different illuminated

spaces, yet there should be a more extensive method done in the quantification in appearance

of illuminated spaces, instead of reliance on the existing codes of practices as they do not

addressed to the human aspects in lighting and perception of illuminated spaces. His results

indicated that the two factors that would contribute to good interior lighting, “visual

lightness” and “visual interest” were essential in the composition of the illuminated space3,

but the exact ratio between interest and contrast would differ based on the context on which

they were applied. Lighting needs to be a composition of light and shade put together in such

a way that it complements architecture in a holist way, and in doing this, provides a lit

environment that is both light and interesting.” (Loe, 1994) The above only characterized few

of many milestones that were obtained through research on appearance of lit indoor

environment, which the author saw a potential and need in the extension of such studies for

urban lighting, to derive a better urban environment that were orientated towards addressing

the Human-Environment needs.

However, due to the “poor quality of existing research” (Veitch, 2001, p.126), opportunities

should be given for future research to ponder upon this intricate link between human and his

illuminated environment, for the creation of quality environment which would facilitate

human presence. Regardless, the existing body of research on quality illuminated space, on

human-environment relationship, had been restricted to studies for indoor lighting, but no

studies were done for urban lighting. The study done by Li and his team had concluded that

the current recommendations as reflected in the Codes by CIE did not appropriately address

to the manner the buildings could be better lit, in accordance to their architectural significance

and human subjective appraisal. (Li, 2006) This signalled that human perception is extremely

important in urban lighting, yet neglected in the current design basis. Hence, these tests

signalled the ability to emulate the earlier tests procedures done for interior lighting, for

quantification of appearance of illuminated urban environment.

3. The results derived by Loe was similar to another research on appearance of illuminated space,
using different lighting techniques (indirect lighting, direct lighting and combination system) done by
the author. The author had performed the test with aid from computational tools and modelling of the
various required scenes using AutoDesk Lightscape 3.0, with radiosity options, and the survey of the
various scenes was done on a sample group of approximately 40 students through display on slides.
The results indicated that there were clear dislike of spaces with high or extremely low contrast and
there were no direct correlation between bright space and visually aesthetic. This clarified the
misconception that bright spaces were normally associated with preferred spaces or aesthetically
pleasing spaces by designers on users. (Ong 2005)

3.2 Effect and Importance of a Well-structured Visual Environment

“Environmental evaluation, then, is more than a matter of overall affective

response than of a detailed analysis of specific aspects, it is more than a

matter of latent than of manifest function, and it is largely affected by

images and ideals. It can, however, be clarified by identifying some of its

constituent elements.” (Rapoport, 1977, p. 60)

Human depended highly on sight, of the five senses in the perception of his environment. Yet

studies indicated that with the complementing of other sensorial experiences, it would

heighten one’s spatial experience. (Rapoport, 1977) J.J Gibson proposed human perception is

a process that involved the extraction of relevant information in the “stimulus array”, rather

than affected by personal mental evaluation of the space and cognitive processing. Hence, he

named these visual cues that human extracted from his environment as “affordance”, which

implied that the amount of information present for individual objects is to amount is central to

perception. Hence, the “additional information, such as textures, shadows, colour,

convergence, symmetry and layout are all central to their effect on the appearance of the

object to our eye. (Nasar, 1988) This theory solely address to the physical information that is

present for all objects, whilst excluding the mental associations one would from these objects,

as these information were often subjective and intangible. Gibson is revolutionary in his

proposal of human perception as the by-product of his direct perception of the environment,

which is exclusive of further mental processing. (Nasar, 1988) However, this theory assumed

that perception is an active process between the environment and the perceiver, with the

perceptions made in reference to human bodily position or functions in relation to his

environment. This opposed to the traditional Gestalt theories4, which emphasized on the

importance of the stimulus organization and relationship between the perceiver and his

objects. Although there were debates on Gibson’s exclusion of cognition in perception, it is

undeniable that cognition and evaluation, as pointed out by Rapoport, would affect human

judgement. (Rapoport, 1997) However, the extent of such impact of these named mental

processes, as opposed to the direct process of perception would differ in their intensity across

different individuals, and often dependent on the influences from other social, geographical

backgrounds. In Lynch’s research on the importance of physical cues on the urban

environment, he had based his research primarily on the physical components of the urban

space, and justifying that the design form should be of priority in the structuring of the urban

space, to complement the meaning of the spaces.5 (Lynch, 1960) This implied that there

remained measurable direct responses on perception, which is still untainted by evaluative

responses, which are the main objective for research in the quantification of subjective

responses to the aesthetics quality of spaces.

As mentioned previously, human perception involved the total system comprising of direct

component of sensorial perception, with the processed component of the environment,

through individual cognition and evaluation, with these three processes “mutually supporting”

each other (Rapoport, 1977). Although perception might be a subjective process, various

academic papers and studies indicated the existence of environmental design parameters to,

which is correlated to spatial quality and would improve spatial experience. (Lynch, 1960;

Nasar, 1998; Rapoport, 1977) The above review summarized that human had certain concepts

towards definition of quality environment design and clear preferences were noted for most of

4. Gestalt theories stressed on the effect of the perceived forms on human perception psychology, and
at few instances, the “perceptual mechanism is stronger than our conscious reasoning”(ERCO, p.33)
A few basic laws of Gestalt involved the “interpretation of closed forms as a figure”, “preference to
perceive lines as steady continuous curves or straight lines, and to avoid bends and deviation”,
arrangement of objects into groups using the element of “symmetry” or” movement”. (See ERCO,
1992 for more details)The understanding and application of Gestalt theories is extremely fundamental
for lighting designers in the modelling of the appearance of the objects or space.

5. Lynch limited his research on the 5 main constituents to the structure of the urban form, to the
physical elements, which he justified as “This analysis limits itself to the effects of physical, perceptible
objects. There are other influences on imageability, such as the social meaning of an area, its function,
its history, or even its name. These will be glossed over, since the objective here is to uncover the role
of form itself. It is taken for granted that in actual design form should be used to reinforce meaning and
not to negate it. ” (Lynch, 1960, p.46)

the environmental attributes being rated. (See Lynch, 1960; Nasar 1998) In addition, these

tests had proven that it is possible to perform well-structured surveys or questionnaires to

derive measurements to defined environmental attributes that contribute to quality space.

(Lynch, 1960; Rapoport, 1977; Nasar, 1998), indicating possibilities of measurement of

proposed design basis to quality lighting masterplans, through validation from well-tailored

questionnaires with appropriate sample size to the minimization of statistical errors.

Human have the innate need to orientate in the larger environment and easily extracting

relevant information for survival (Kaplan, 1983; Kaplan, 1976; Kaplan, 1998).Since Urban

Lighting Master planning is a process in visual design of one’s environment, the composition

of the illuminated nightscape should complement these needs. The above subchapters had

reviewed and highlight several key points to the design of a legible environment, and

psychological effect artificial lighting had on spaces. Hence, to increase the imageability of an

environment, there must be visual clarity in structuring of the environment and the

identification of its individual parts, to form a holist image. (Lynch, 1960) Beside the

differentiation of the parts through contrast and prominence of physical forms, the continuity

of the imageable environment must be made visible in both day and night. Researches by

Lynch, Nasar and Rapoport had revealed that the quality of lighting on space would influence

the eventual appearance of the space, while lighting patterns can be utilized as a form of

spatial differentiation. This is most appropriately summarized by Lynch in the following

statement, “the key line should have some singular quality which marks them off from the

surrounding channels: a concentration of some special use or activity along their margins, a

characteristic spatial quality, a special texture of floor or façade, a particular lighting pattern,

a unique set of smells or sounds, a typical detail or mode of planting.” (Lynch, 1960, p.96)

These strategies that were proposed by Lynch, which characterized a certain area with its

unique spatial qualities, rendered the distinctive quality of space tangible via evoking of the

senses in its perception, while differentiating various parts of the urban environment. In these,

Lynch had highlighted the potential of light in urban spaces in the formulation of spatial


Kaplan and Nasar had

researched and complemented

the information that was

pioneered by Lynch. Both

proved and supported the claims

of Lynch in the design of a

legible city. Their studies had

further demonstrated that the

lack of a legible environment

would result in negative

Illustration16.0 A model of evaluative response to the environment
psychological effects among the (Source: Nasar, 1998)

perceivers. (Nasar, 1988; Nasar, 1998; Kaplan, 1983; Kaplan, 1998) Kaplan had addressed to

how human perception would be supported by the provisions of information that would

support natural perceptions, like the ability to judge distance and directions for navigation and

intrigue in visual space to encourage explorations. (Kaplan, 1983; Kaplan, 1988)On the other

hand, Nasar theorized that perception is an evaluative process, when perception is coloured by

meanings and personal experiences. Spaces with implied connotative meanings, like open

spaces or ordered spaces, would relate to positive responses in the surveyed subjects, as they

often relate to the high-class districts. (Nasar, 1998) Therefore, Nasar proposed that

perception embodied the evaluation component, which would affect judgement. Although the

theories differs from the manner at which perception interacts with cognition and

environment, they all proved that perception can be affected by the design of the visual

environment, and resultant discomfort when perception is not supported by the visual

environment. (Nasar, 1998) This significant relationship between perception and visual

design of environment is closely related to urban lighting masterplans, when the subject of

perception and design of the visual environment is extremely relevant and pertinent. These

design qualities pointed out the potential of integrating visual design basis in urban planning

ideologies to the foundations that constitutes the urban lighting master plan.

John Flynn’s pioneering studies in effects on lighting on spatial perception had demonstrated

the potential impact of light on psychological comfort, explored through tests via varying

lamp’s Colour Temperature, lighting intensity and distributions. The potential effects

highlighted by Flynn had been researched and proven by many others, who constructed real

experimental spaces, and the patterns noted are distinctive and consistent. However, Flynn’s

tests are restricted to indoor lighting, where the actual experimental space is easier to control

and there are lesser independent variables which might affect the results of the tests. These

highlighted potential effects would be greater and extensive in urban lighting, where a greater

variety of lamps and luminaries are used in comparison to indoor lighting. (See Appendix II)

Therefore, this highlighted the fundamental question of what would be the basis to urban

lighting and how lighting could address to the quality of lit environment. Many consistencies

and parallels noted between the visual perception theories and urban lighting design

fundamental concepts provided the impetus to study whether these principles to design of a

legible city would form the basis to design basis of a legible nightscape.

“Meier has observed that Singapore is becoming an intensive 24-hour city,

with expansion into time well advanced. It is perhaps the best model for

distributing activities round the clock, and it will become even more

efficient when it is able to make full use of world market situations

transmitted to it through communications satellites.” (Parkes, 1980, p. 327)


Due to no studies in the design basis that constitute the quality lit environment, the

establishment of these preliminary design basis would aid in the understanding of how

different lighting strategies would have varied effects on the perceivers. Also, amidst the

advanced technology and the ability of luminaries to fulfil different lighting design concepts,

lighting designers would need to understand urban lighting design from what would be the

basis to design to provide for a more legible nightscape, while minimizing visual chaos, a lit

environment that would be more coherent to human perception. Lynch had addressed to the

importance of the consistency in the maintenance of the image of the city through different

time of the day and importance in using lighting as a form of spatial differentiation strategy.

(Lynch, 1960) Although studies on perception of city had been extensively researched upon,

few had addressed to the change of visual perception and how one perceived his surroundings

at night. A city’s rhythm is not constrained within the day but night is proven to alter the

behaviour perspective of human. (Parkes, 1980) Majority of the studies on environmental

perception had not demonstrated clarity in the differences between perception at varied times

of the day, or “time has tended to be absent as an integral factor in the study of the structuring

of urban images.” (Parkes, 1980, p. 323) In the series of studies which relates changes in

visual perception of same spaces to different times of the day, results had showed significance

deviation of the responses of the same spaces in the day from at night. It is extremely evident

in the responses derived from a study on 120 test subjects in evaluation of urban spaces in

Newcastle, Australia. The study indicated that same spaces that were rated as safe or familiar

in daytime, would be rated as unsafe or “feel strange to be in” at night. (Parkes, 1980) This

might be attributed to the cognitive meanings of these same places at different times of the

day, the lack of sufficient luminance level for the subjects to feel psychologically safe or

individual meanings of time etc. However, these studies had successfully demonstrated that

perception of urban spaces varied with time; hence, the visual perception of city spaces at

night should be treated with more sensitivity to the correlated effects on human psychological

or visual comfort. The basis of how visual basis to quality lit urban environment is further

justified by the psychological effects artificial lighting had on perception.

“Indeed, a distinctive and legible environment not only offers security

but also heightens the potential depth and intensity of human experience.

Although life is far from impossible in the visual chaos of the modern city,

the same daily actions could take on a new meaning if carried out in a more

vivid setting.” (Lynch, 1960, p. 5)

An imageable city is not only clear in its structure, enabling ease in navigation and

identification of its separate components; it enriches the various different districts with their

individual character. Such contrast and rendering of unique meanings to different components

of the urban entity, not only allow locals to characterize their personal meaning of the space

to the physical components, but give rhythm to movement in space. The helpless feeling of

being lost would be prevented in a legible city, where the structuring of the urban

environment is further supported by its planning and visual cues. Also, the clear the urban

structure, the easier people would be at ease, hence “a good environmental image gives it

possessor an important sense of emotional security. He can establish a harmonious

relationship between himself and the outside world.” (Lynch, 1960, p. 4). This would ease in

the formulation of mental maps, where certain urban elements were extracted and imprinted

in individual’s mapping of the urban space, with individuals residing in city with clearer

urban structure, having more comprehensive mental maps. Rapoport illustrated this through

the analysis in Holland (Rapoport, 1977), where the “mental maps seem easiest to form where

the street pattern is regular with a single dominant path and where there are characteristic

nodes and unique landmarks. Where overall structure and patterns were difficult to grasp and

unclear, isolated landmarks, single buildings and individual paths became more important as

did visual details.” (Rapoport, 1977, p.115)This demonstrate the human need to establish

certain significant referencing points in orientation which are often distinctive and contrasted

with the background, so as to know his locality within the larger environment. Through the

involvement of other senses, together with sight, would increase the memorable aspects of

immersed space whilst intensifying spatial experience, as compared to the singular use of

visual appraisal of one’s environment. (Lynch, 1960; Rapoport, 1977; Lozano, 1988) The

resultant experience is more informative, yet demand more attention in terms of the surge in

amount of information the environment conveyed to the perceiver. Therefore, it is necessary

to identify the primary sense of sight, and allowing other senses to complement it, to prevent

over-whelming the senses within the time-frame of perception.

Despite all needs to relate one’s presence in space through the involvement of all senses in

perception, care must be taken against over-stimulation of the senses, that beyond a certain

threshold, which might differ across individuals, the experience derived from his environment

would gradually deteriorate. (Nasar, 1998) Although human perception might be subjective, it

was commonly recognized that one could not over stimulate the senses in perception nor the

absence of a varied environment be preferred. Lozano had elaborated on the subject of visual

variety and visual interest, of which he observed that the existence of these two named

character of urban space would increase human preference for the space, and these design

characteristics were present in urban design since the period of medieval towns. However the

concepts of visual design did not materialize till Lynch’s revolutionary works. (Lozano, 1988)

He noted that the integration of these design characteristics should be noted with sensitivity,

as “monotony, then, can be considered as a sensorial deprivation, since human senses tend to

reject such visual conditions.” (Lozano, 1988, p.403); “If confusion is defined as the quality

of environments that lack orientation, it can be said that confused environments lead to

undifferentiation.” (Lozano, 1988, p. 404) Thus, as illustrated by Lozano through the above

statement, a urban environment that support human perception would certainly mark the

synthesis of both visual variety and ability to support human orientation.


As evident from the analysis of the current practice and the reviews of literature on

environmental perception, there is a strong linkage between these two disciplines that is still

ignored. Lighting researches on quality of lit environment and appearance of lit spaces, in

relation to human perception and visual design parameters to urban environment, had always

pointed out how each discipline could complement the other, yet no researches had proposed

the linkage between the two. (Veitch, 2001; Lynch 1960, et al.)The design of the Urban

Lighting Master plan should extend beyond the application of the quantifiable; instead, it

should be an exercise of visual design, where the relationships of various lit elements, the

composition of the nightscape, should be of priority too. Therefore, this neglect of Human-

Environment relation inspired the establishment of a new set of visual planning basis for

urban lighting master plan, in design of a more coherent illuminated environment, while

providing new basis for design. From the analysis of the needs and parameters to visual

design of the urban environment, the author would extract the essential design basis which

could be realized through the implementation of appropriate lighting design techniques. These

would then formulate a new set of design basis for future urban lighting master planning and

enabling better understanding of how human would navigate through the complexities in his

urban environment. The subsequent chapter would elaborate on the extraction of these design

bases, and the formulation of the final concluded set of parameters which would constituent

the proposed design basis.


4.0 New Proposed Planning Basis

4.1 Human-Environment Interaction: Lighting to Structure the Imageable City

“The shaping or-reshaping should be guided by what might be called a

“visual plan” for the city or metropolitan region: a set of recommendations

and controls which would be concerned with visual form on the urban

scale.” (Lynch, 1960, p.116)

As pointed out from the earlier subchapters that there were many factors that could contribute

to a more wholesome visual environment which would much facilitates the extraction of

relevant visual information. As opposed to the current practice which focused on the

achievement of measurable quantity designated for each element, the proposed design basis

served to answer to various considerations in the formulation of the urban lighting master

plan. The proposed design basis should be a combination of the proposed basis with

application of the lighting level as recommended to fulfil the usability of the space.

Firstly, the illuminated nightscape should be considered as a whole, the composition and

interrelationship between each element, as contrary to what was highlighted in the Codes of

Practices, as identified parts of the environment. Lynch mentioned about the imageability of

the urban environment was derived as a result of the composition of various forms with

hierarchy and clear structure to aid in the imageability of the space. (Lynch, 1960) Moreover,

from the extractions of ideas presented by Kaplan and Nasar, it is clear that human perceive

their environment as a general experience, and do not experience only in parts and the

enhancement of the constituents of the urban forms would increase the preference of the

environment. (Kaplan, 1998; Kaplan, 1983; Nasar, 1998; Nasar, 1988) Currently, although it

is noted that the lighting masterplans focused on the highlighting of landmarks, but they are

restricted to the physical or historical landmarks and circulations were stratified in accordance

to the applications of the varied Colour Temperature for identifications. Although the master

planning strategically identified the varied lit elements and opportunities for applications, the

underlying concepts that governed these concepts were mainly subjective and pivoted about

the Lighting Designer’s personal preferences. This thesis would offer another perspective into

the formulation and application of design basis for urban lighting master planning, focusing

on the human perceptual needs and the better synchrony of the illuminated elements, whilst

proposing a hierarchy for illumination based on the environmental perception theories. Lynch

had identified lighting as a prominent tool in the distinguishing of areas from another, whilst

creating patterns which would ease movement in space. (Lynch, 1960) Therefore, these new

proposed basis would be formulated after analysis of the design basis and key design points

proposed in Lynch and other visual design elements identified by Nasar and Kaplan, and

realized these through application of lighting design. Therefore, these proposed basis would

not be mere theoretical but they could be realized with sensible lighting applications.

Therefore, the definition of the 5 elements and key design strategies to quality environment

that was mentioned by Lynch (See Table 10.0) should be examined and of relevance to the

formulation of the lighting master plan.

Secondly, the overall composition of the illuminated space should retain the daytime

character of the environment even at night, or even to complement the existing daytime urban

elements and select the elements to highlight to promote ease in navigation of the space.

Therefore, careful analysis of the daytime character of the urban spaces should be done, not

only physically, but also through interviews with locals to identify the key points for

illumination. “Forms should be manipulated so that there us a strand of continuity between

the multiple images of a big city: day and night, winter and summer, near and far, static and

moving, attentive and absent-minded. Major landmarks, regions, nodes or paths should be

recognizable under diverse conditions and yet in a concrete rather than an abstract way.”

(Lynch, 1960, p. 109) Lynch pointed out the need to maintain the visual distinctiveness of the

key elements, during daytime or when dark falls. Hence, urban lighting master plan should

recognize this important maintaining of continuity of the city image and identify these.

Thirdly, visual variety and visual interest are instrumental in the design of a quality urban

environment, however their application should be executed with care to maintain coherence

with site context, taking care not to overly stimulate or deprived one’s sensory perception, as

pointed out by Kaplan and Lozano. (Kaplan, 1983; Lozano, 1988) Therefore, this need to

include items of interest and contrast for variation of spatial experience should be considered

in the formulation of lighting masterplans. Thus, creating spatial rhythm through varying

lighting intensity would create variety in the visual environment, promoting interest in the

space. (Kaplan, 1983) Also, the much enjoyed complexity could be achieved by the variation

of lighting strategy in the environment, and the introduction of coloured lighting or automated

lighting scene changing fixture and lighting control, which would be analyzed in detail in the

later chapter.

Fourthly, from the reviews of the various literatures, on elements that were highly preferred

by human in the visual environment, the ability to recognize the “naturalness” of the place is

one important aspect in perception. (Rapoport, 1977; Nasar, 1998; Kaplan, 1983; Kaplan,

1998) Therefore, lighting masterplans should emphasize in highlighting the original nature of

the vegetation, whilst retaining the texture and characteristics of the plants being highlighted.

Therefore, the lighting of the vegetation should not be restricted, as of current practice, to

certain designated lighting level for basic functionality, but advance towards the visual

construction of the greenery to retain the daytime character even at night.

Lastly, Gibson highlighted that human perception is dependent on the information provided

by the environment, which can be derived from the textures of objects, details in the

environment etc. The greater the presence of these visual “information”, the better would be

the ability to extract the information of which objects were being perceived or the spaces one

is located at the point of time in perception. Therefore, lighting master plan must also

consider the ability of human to extract information through the illumination of the relevant

façade and revealing of the architectural details and the illumination of urban elements, to

allow recognition of these elements after dark. The perception of details and texture would

allow better structuring of the perceived object and to allow the individual in the obtaining of

more information from the object. Therefore, lighting should not concentrate on the even

illumination of the object but highlight any unique details or texture to enable ease in

perception and recognition of the object to its daytime appearance. Furthermore, future

research could consider if the increase in amount of illumination of details, in comparison to

illumination of the building’s geometrical form, would result in a more preferred lit


The above illustrated the links between the visual design parameters to design of a legible city

form and the translation of these concepts into urban lighting master planning design basis.

These would definitely require understanding of the existing urban structure, together with

analysis of the local requirements and understanding of general public’s attitude to the urban

spaces. This would then clarify the relationships between the illuminated and thereby, visual

hierarchy of the composed lit environment would enhance the clarity of the existing urban

structure. Therefore, this new proposed urban lighting master plan design basis would renew

the current practice of urban lighting master plan design, providing another outlook into this

subject, which was formerly centred on the application of the quantifiable and latest luminarie

technology. Lynch’s statement had encapsulated the quintessence objective that underlying

this quest for new design basis of urban lighting master planning, as “the conception of the

city as a total visible form.” (Lynch, 1960, p.116)


From the studies on theories proposed by academics on environmental perception and the

practice standards and design basis, this subchapter shall reunion these named disciplines and

draft a new set of proposed design basis for the drafting of future lighting masterplans.

However, it must be noted that these proposal basis should serve as the initiating basis to this

novel research subject and not as the definitive list of all visual basis that should address to all

the human-lit urban environment concerns. Furthermore, future research into this subject

should be supported and the extension of research into this list of basis should be analyzed

into how these could be translated into future research opportunities and objectives. These

concerns would be addressed at the end of this chapter.

4.2 Designing Lit Urban Spaces for Human: Proposed Design Basis

The following list of design basis proposed would unite the theories proposed in visual design

towards an Imageable environment and how lighting could achieve these proposed strategies.

These proposed design bases should complement the existing Codes of Practices which were

used in the determination of appropriate lighting level to achieve the functionality of the

space. However, it must be noted that there were no existing researches on the quality of

appearance of lit urban environment and the human-lit environment relationship is still

ambiguous and highly speculated. Therefore, this paper would initiate the study in this area,

via the proposal of these set of design basis which would perhaps aid the design of future

lighting master plan, through addressing to the design using another approach by adopting

similar strategy as visual design of the urban environment. Also, the set of drafted parameters

would caution against some of the current practice of over-zealous application of colour

changing lighting systems or use of lamps of low Colour Renderings. These would result in a

visual environment that would not be constructive for human perception, and perhaps even

neglecting some of the fundamental human perceptual needs. This list was derived after the

understanding and analysis of the human perceptual needs, after the review of the literature on

the environmental perception and visual design theories. They comprised of the following,

1. Clarity in Urban Structure

2. Highlighting Textures and Details

3. Naturalness” and Variety

4. Coloured Lighting

5. Differentiation between Elements

6. Historic Significance

7. Visual Hierarchy

8. Perceivable Background and Foreground

9. Psychological Comfort

10. Context and Culture

Lighting had the potential in “pattern-making” in the urban environment and distinguishing

between the various elements in the urban environment. (Lynch, 1960) Each of the factors

was extracted from the studies and was also ranked as parameters in urban design that were

preferred by human. (See Rapoport, 1977, Table 8.0) It must be noted that each of the noted

parameters are not singular in their implied meaning but could be expanded to accommodate

different strategy which brought abut its realization. Although this list is not an exhaustive

one, detailing all the necessary design basis that would contribute to a highly legible visual

nightscape, it provide a starting point into the analysis of human perception and urban

lighting, whilst addressing potential future research topics.

4.2.1 Clarity in Urban Structure

Lynch had established that clarity in the urban structure is extremely important in perception

and the enhancement of the differences between different urban elements within the larger

environment. “Identification with place is also related to uses, perceptual differences, affect,

social identity and status.” (Rapoport 1977, page 114) The ability to recognize the various

elements which constitute the urban environment is related to the ability to form image of the

environment, while promoting the ease in navigation. Researches after Lynch had followed

up on his theories on the 5 urban elements which were to be highlighted and concluded that

the enhancement of these elements would allow the ease in formulation of the mental map.

(Nasar, 1998) However, Lynch had pointed out that these 5 elements were not single-

dimensional, and they might represent a range of meaning dependent on the local urban

context. This implied that “landmark” should not be taken as physical landmarks, which

extremely visible against other urban elements, but “landmark” might implied an object of

historical or cultural significance, which might be familiar to the locals. Therefore, in the

formulation of the masterplans, lighting designers had often restricted themselves to the

highlighting of the physical landmarks, but more information should be obtained through

interviews with the locals in the recognition of the cultural landmarks. This would minimize

the distortion of the daytime versus the night time image of the urban environment and avoid

the highlighting certain urban objects which were highly recognizable in the local context. Landmarks

Landmarks do not implied to the physical landmark but cultural or historical, as well.

Therefore the lighting master plan should highlight all these landmarks, and recognition of

these could be verified through interview with the local or observation of the site context.

Moreover, the lighting master plan should illuminate these landmarks in their “true form”, to

prevent the distortion of the daytime image in comparison to that at night. Good Colour

Rendering fixtures should be utilized in the lighting of the landmarks, to preserve their actual

appearance at night, with choice of appropriate lamp sources’ Colour Temperature or

illumination strategy. Pathways

The distinction of pathway from the surroundings would facilitate movement and orientation.

Previous lighting strategy had failed to recognize the importance of pathways in terms of

relation to human-environment relationship. Previously, in practice, pathway lighting was


originally denoted with a functional purpose, with the provision of sufficient lighting level for

the ability to orientate, yet due to the low lighting level usually provided for pathway lighting,

they would not be obvious to people in the navigation through the urban environment. Thus

future lighting masterplanning should provide for an appropriate contrast between the

pathways to the immediate surroundings to maintain visual distinction of these elements.

However, different illumination techniques of pathways (direct, indirect or indication

lighting), spurred by development of vast variety of luminaries and lamps, brought about the

study of how these different illumination techniques might affect human perception. Nodes

Nodes can be defined as the central points of activities and they should be highlighted for

locals to recognize and utilize these public facilities even at night, particularly to support their

usage even after dark. Lighting should recognize these important structures within the larger

environment, as these do serve as points of orientation for the locals and a space for

community to congregate. Districts

Districts signalled a grouping of the similar elements together or the separation of a

distinctive parcel from the adjacent area. This might be evident from the lighting strategy

adopted by Lyon, where the whole city was separate into parts, in accordance to their

historical significance. In the usage of illumination to separate areas, the perceivable

difference between various urban zones becomes clearer. However, care must be taken not to

exaggerate the differences between the zones, as they might provide too much visual variety,

resulting in over-simulation of the senses in perception, leading to fatigue.


Since the definition of edge could be multi-dimensional, it might be defined as the boundary

between different objects or the definition of the structure or outline of geometrical forms.

(Lynch, 1960) In the illumination of the edges of forms, the object would be more apparent

against the background. In addition, the highlighting of the edges would enable better

perception of the geometrical form of the object, easing perception and gaining of immediate

information of the object. Edges can also de defined as the boundary between 2 different

objects, which should be distinctive, for clarity of forms and visual contrast. Illumination of

these objects can highlight edges by clearly highlighting the object, while maintaining an

appropriate level of contrast between the object and its background. In addition, illumination

of the forms can also clearly distinct the edges of the geometrical forms through using

continuous lighting fixtures, like LED strip. They could outline the forms and enhancing the


4.2.2 Highlighting Textures and Details

Gibson highlighted that in perception, the ability to perceive the textures or details of the

objects is extremely important. (Nasar, 1988) While all objects’ textures and details would be

evenly illuminated in daylight, the illumination of these forms reminded to be explored.

Illumination should take into consideration, the unique details or textures of the objects and

highlight these. This would maintain consistency with its daytime appearance. In the lighting

of these objects with special details, care must be taken in the placement of the objects and

the relationship of the light and the angle of illumination, to avoid the undesired shadows.

Studies in perception of statues at night had concluded that if the lighting fixtures were placed

at the bottom of the statue (which is a common illumination technique for statue

illumination), it would result in unsavoury shadows which would cause the statues to appear

“frightening” and “intimidating”. (Mavhik, 2000)


4.2.3 Naturalness” and Variety

“Studies show naturalness as a powerful predictor to preference. Moreover, they

show that adding vegetation to scenes increase preferences and that people

prefer natural scenes to scenes perceived as having human intervention.” (Nasar,

1998, p.64)

Human had this natural preference for nature and vegetation. (Kaplan, 1983, Kaplan, 1998;

Nasar 1998; Rapoport, 1977 et al). Studies had pointed out that there is a correlation between

nature to preference of the space and Nasar, upon evaluation of other studies and his

experiment, concluded that “cities can improve their evaluative image by adding natural

elements (such as trees, water and mountain) and providing views to nature.” (Nasar, 1998, p.

65) Although studies had yet to verified if artificial lighting for vegetation or its absence

would directly influence the preference of the space, it could be concluded that lighting for

vegetation is extremely important in the formulation of the lighting masterplan. Although the

Codes of Practices had placed little emphasis on lighting of parks, besides providing for the

appropriate lighting level for functionality of space, illumination of nature should highlight its

texture and the form of the trees. Also, lamps of correct Colour Temperature and rendering

should be used, to emphasize the greenness of the flora, instead of subduing it in the grayish

hue of Low-Pressure Sodium Lamp Lighting. These Sodium Lamps were often used in public

area lighting for their economical lamp life and higher lamp output. However, they would not

produce satisfactory rendering of colours.

Figure 75.0 Example of good tree lighting, Beppu Figure 76.0 Example of bad lighting of trees, using Low-
Park (Source: Lighting Planners Associates inc.) Pressure Sodium (usual for public park lighting at night)

“Through the evaluative maps seem to accent order, theory and research

indicate that human also prefer visual arousal and complexity. We see some

indirect references to this variable in the preferences for historical areas (that

tend to have more detail) and in the visual richness of the most liked areas.”

(Nasar, 1998, p. 74)

Variety is preferred for human, due to the constant seek for sensory stimulation and studies

had indicated that people would prefer variety, yet there must be an order to this variety, by

clustering of similar elements or the subtle formation of visual groups, as too much variety

might led to complexity, which beyond a certain threshold, is not preferred. (Kaplan, 1983)

Therefore, it is evident that variety in urban lighting masterplan is important in maintaining

users’ interest and upkeep the enthusiasm for exploration (Kaplan, 1998) Variety can be

achieved by,

1. Different lighting methods

2. Introduction of coloured lighting (the following shall discuss the implications

of coloured lighting)

3. Separation of the entire illuminated area into zones, by their functionality or

desired atmosphere. This would create a rhythm in the urban environment,

which would extend the interest to explore further. However, care must be

taken in the treatment of the “edges” between these zones (See previous

section on “edges”.) Coloured Lighting

Colours are integral in our environment and its potential effects in perception is widely

acknowledged in many literature and researches. (Mahnke, 1987) Since colours would be

rendered in materials or in form of coloured illumination, therefore, lighting could potentially

alter the appearance of the objects. (See Appendix II) Studies had demonstrated that colours

in both illumination or rendered onto surfaces of materials could affect one’s preference for

the object, as colours would evoke mental images, as studies had shown that certain colours

had strong cognition meaning, dependent on cultural influences. (Mahnke, 1996) Therefore in

the application of coloured lighting, care must be taken in the choice of colours in relation to

the illuminated object and the context. Due to the rapid development of LED illumination

technology, a wide range of automated colour changing LED lighting systems were available

for exterior lighting. This increasing popularity of coloured lighting for exterior façade

lighting is also attributed to the wide-spread integration of LED lighting systems into façade

structures. This is notable from many of the exterior lighting projects and integration of these

coloured lighting systems into urban lighting masterplans. Exterior coloured lighting had been

mainly attributed from the use of either light filtered through coloured filters, or the use of

coloured lamps, like Neon or Cold Cathode Lamp sources. Although coloured lighting might

inject vibrancy and dynamicism into spaces, careful planning would be required to determine

the extent at which coloured lighting is utilized. Research had proven that light and colour

have potential impact on human, either “visual and non-visual basis” (Mahnke, 1987). Studies

on colours had concluded that colours had significant psychological impact on the human

within the space, as the cognitive meanings of colours would the users to initiate meaning of

the space, so colours can effectively render space and potentially complement the spatial

intentions. (Thompson, 1994) For example, vibrant colours had positive effects on the

recovery of patients, while care had to be exercised in the combination of colours to minimize

chaos and over-stimulation of senses, which would lead to sensory fatigue. However, our

environmental should not be deprived of colours, as monotony in environment would

decrease the motivation to explore our environment. Visual quality is of utmost importance in

the appreciation of our environment. Therefore care should be undertaken to seek the balance

in which colours should be introduced into the visual environment.


Figure 77.0 Example of using lamps of different Colour Figure 78.0 Example of using lamps of colour
Temperature in proximity (Source: author’s own, of lighting in proximity (Source: author’s own, of
Shanghai) Shanghai)

Although academic researches on coloured lighting and its potential effect on spatial

perception are limited, patterns could be noted on the general impact of colours on perception.

Investigations on Colour Temperature from lamp sources and its correlated effects on

perception had demonstrated that patterns could be noted from the preference of spaces

rendered in different Colour Temperature spaces; also different Colour Temperature lamps

are usually associated with different intended atmosphere.(Laurentin, 2000; McCloughan,

1999) Since all these studies had pointed out that coloured lighting should not be applied at a

wide scale, and it should relate to the context of the illuminated object, to minimize visual

distortion, with relation to its daytime image. Distinct differences of the daytime image in

comparison to that at night would result in negative feeling and sense of disorientation.

(Lynch, 1960) Differentiation between Elements

Lynch had stated lighting should take into context the visual effect of each object in the urban

environment (Lynch, 1960), so it is clear that with the wide variety of objects in the

environment, care should be taken on how these individual objects should be illuminated to

preserve their appearance and not to allow visual distortion. Furthermore, the appropriate

choice of lighting technique and lamps should complement the context of the object and relate

it to its surrounding. Although differentiate should be sought, too much contrast would also

render the object separately from its setting. This would disrupt the continuity in experience

through the urban spaces, so care must also be taken to visually integrate, yet characterize the

uniqueness of individual elements.

4.2.4 Historic Significance

Nasar suggested that the prominence of Historical Significance as a feature for the

construction of a likeable city, were attributed to that “historical content enhances building

imageability”, “meaning” and “historical significance may also evoke favourable responses

through favourable associations”. (Nasar, 1998, p. 72) Rapoport had also concluded that with

his studies on the various literature that analyze on design features to urban planning,

identification of historical landmarks is often preferred by users and therefore, suggesting that

this identification of the historical landmarks would not only improve on the imageability of

the environment, but might be correlated to preference. (Nasar, 1998, p. 72; Rapoport, 1977)

Most of the lighting masterplans would recognize the historical forms as landmarks, yet many

did not highlight them using appropriate lighting strategy. Most of the historical landmarks

were illuminated using Low-pressure Sodium lamps, due to their orangey lighting output,

they seemed to render these historically important building with an old world charm.

However, these Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps had low Colour Rendering, which would

subdue the original colour of the architecture. Also, the luminaries which housed these Low-

Pressure Sodium lamps are usually bulky and would be visually obstructive in relation to

these historical facades. The following are 3 items to note in lighting for historical landmarks.

1. Choice of lamp source

2. Angle of illumination

3. Creating focal points within façade (for highlighting entry and important


4. Securing of luminaries on façade

5. Non-obtrusive mounting on façade


As highlighted earlier, various lamp sources had their unique technical properties which

rendered the lamp suitable for designated purposes.(See Appendix II for list of Lamp sources)

It is preferred to highlight the historical architecture in their true form and actual colours,

using lamps of appropriate Colour Rendering properties. Lower Colour Temperature lamps

were often preferred for illumination of historical buildings, to highlight the historical

atmosphere desired. The relation of the chosen luminarie to the illuminated façade should be

considered, if diffused lighting on the façade or accent lighting to highlight certain

architectural features would be required. Also, these luminaries should not be visually

prominent during the day and they must be incorporated well into the details of the façade,

while minimizing the physical damage on the façade. Although there is a need for the position

of the luminaries to be considered in terms of their resultant appearance, the angle of their

illumination should be considered to light the building in the desired effect.

4.2.5 Visual Hierarchy

Researches in quality lighting of indoor environment had concluded that human responded to

an illuminated environment of varied lighting level and contrast. (See Chapter 3.1.4)In the

lighting master plan, a sense of rhythm should be maintained through the movement in the

larger environment, as human would prefer variety and the senses are heightened from the

presence of environmental stimulants. (Lynch, 1960) In the creation of different visual

hierarchical structure for the whole master planning, it would lend clarity and highlights in the

urban night time environment, and orientation would be easier, while visual landmarks

identifiable. Hierarchy should be identified in the order of importance in relation to the

daytime image of the city, and districts can be drafted to separate the spaces of different

lighting intensity or brightness level, in relation to whether special lighting effect would be

utilized. This would enable the analysis of the composition of the resultant illuminated space.

Lighting should not only consider the illumination of the landmarks individually, but how

each landmarks should relate to another landmarks, whether in close proximity or distant.

Also, the highlighted elements should not have high contrast to the neighbouring elements, to

prevent glare.

4.2.6 Perceivable Foreground and Background

In all the lighting codes and practices, many masterplans had considered the illumination of

building or districts individually, without consideration of the composition of the entire

illuminated nightscape, in relation to how human perceive his environment. Since the urban

composition is more complex, as compared to indoor lighting environment, together with the

elements which existed in different geometrical shape and height, there would be visual

“layering” of these elements. This is extremely evident when panoramic views across the

whole skyline were possible, with example like the Victoria Harbour Lighting Master plan. In

these instances, the composition of the foreground elements to the perceivable background

would be important, and whether the contrast between the foreground and background would

be appropriate to highlight either of the elements. In addition, in the physical landmarks, the

top of these building should be sufficiently highlighted using quality illumination, to allow

visual identification of these landmarks at any point within the city, which would ease


4.2.7 Psychological Comfort

All Code of Practices proposed tables of allowable illumination for different areas in the lit

environment. (See Chapter 2.3) However, these had fulfilled the functional requirement for

lighting within each zones but neglected the human psychological needs. Nasar had

highlighted in his case-study of the ratings derived of same spaces within the city during the

day and night and concluded that the spaces which were favourably rated in the day, were

rated neutral to unfavourable in the dark. (Nasar, 1998) Hence, this indicate that the lighting

level is not just a quantitative requirement but is correlated to psychological comfort of the

illuminated space, which is perhaps attributed to the foreboding sense of danger lurking in the

corners in these areas. (Parkes and Thrift 1980; Hanyu, 1995)Studies had demonstrated that

the level of brightness is not necessarily correlated to the psychological comfort it would

render on the users. Another factor that should be considered is the environment which is of

proximity to the illuminated space or the character of the illuminated environment. It is

especially evident in areas where the crime rate is higher or if there were no clear visual

access to any neighbouring inhabitants. Therefore, “guidelines sensitive to both conditions

might call for a deflected vista during the daylight but the use of permeable vegetation and

lighting to remove concealment after dark” (Nasar, 1998, p.124), were two design strategy to

increase the psychological comfort of users in the dark.

4.2.8 Context and Culture

Nasar had elaborated on the importance of context in relation to urban design. (Nasar, 1998)

In perception, there exist 3 components, namely, direct perception, evaluation and cognition.

(Rapoport, 1977) From the name, we would derive that direct perception is the direct reaction

to the viewed objects, while evaluation and cognition relied on the mental processing on the

significance of the processed object. (Rapoport, 1977) Although cognition is often volatile

and affected through a variety of personal factors, it is still clear that site context and

cognition still play a role in the resultant visual imagery formed. (See Chapter 3.0 for details

on perception) Lighting could consider the culture through the choice of appropriate coloured

lighting, as colours would have psychological effects on human perception. For example, red

might be related to good fortune for the Chinese, yet might relate to the opposing meaning in

another culture. In addition, the lighting designers should have a thorough understanding of

the site context before the proposal of any drastic lighting design for the area, for example,

some might feel that the modern LED lighting or perhaps the concepts of illuminated flooring

should not be seen together with old historical elements. Although these installations would

not pose to be of any visual highlight in the day, they might appear to be jarring or disturbing

at night, which demonstrate a strong contrast to the daytime image of the city.

5.0 Validation of Proposed Planning Basis

“Although the methodology to introduce visual inputs in the design process

is poor and inadequate, the visual qualities of the built environment are

extremely important.” (Lozano, 1988, p. 395)

The main research hypothesis of this thesis highlighted that the neglected component of

human orientated design basis should be considered and is important in the future formulation

of urban lighting master plan. The integration of these fundamental human visual

requirements would aid in better structuring and legibility of the illuminated nightscape.

Therefore, tests should be done to validate the proposed basis, as well as to establish

preliminary understanding on how human perceived his night-time urban environment. Due

to the novelty of this research subject, the proposed tests should also highlight if there would

be potential for future tests, while ascertain new subjects for further testing. From the review

of all literature on human perception of environment, or impact of lighting on appearance of

indoor environment, it is noted that although preference is highly subjective, criteria that

contribute to quality perceived environment could be derived through questionnaires,

conducted with relevant test environment and appropriately identified test variables. (See

Chapter 3.0 for studies) In order to verify the potential effect of lighting on human perception,

two different experiments were carried out. These tests would aid in the verification of the

possibilities of lighting affecting perception and investigate into how human perceived his

night-time environment.

The first survey demonstrated if there were any correlations between the brightness of the

room surfaces, with the type of lighting strategy adopted in illumination, and if the variation

of either factor would result in different appearance of the space. The second survey aimed to

establish understanding of current public awareness of the illuminated environment and

features of the environment which would be important for human at night. Thereafter, the

derived results would be compared against the proposed basis to establish their validity. In

both experiments, computational stimulations were used to generate the relevant test

environments to enable total control in the test variables. Tests on artificial lighting design

which utilized computationally modelled spaces, indicated that computationally generated test

environment or photographs could suffice as surrogates for the actual experience spaces, as

human could relied on associative mental images to establish how the shown pictures could

be translated into realized examples.(Nasar, 1998; Rohrmann, 2002; Newsham, 2005)

However, it must be noted that the replicated test environment should be as close to the actual

environment as possible, as the greater the accuracy, the more precise would be the derived

responses as a mapping of the actual experiment conducted.(Eissa, 2001; Mahdavi, 2002;

Wittkopf, 2000) Although human perception is a totality of personal preferences and cultural

influences, together with social background of individuals (Nasar, 1998), studies had

indicated that it were possible to quantify preference from the selection of statistically valid

sample group, whilst taking into consideration, age, gender, social background and race of the

respondents. (Nasar, 1998; Tiller, 1992) Studies on perception of lit environment further

indicated through the consistency of the responses obtained, there were notable responses

towards certain lighting patterns within a demarcated space. (Tural, 2005; Veitch, 2001;

Shepherd, 1992, Fotiossa, 2005 et al.) However, it must be noted that the studies undertaken

for this thesis were novel, and a forth runner in this subject for quantitative research. So,

further investigations should be taken to establish a more concretized understanding of human

perception of his exterior environment, through the design basis concluded.

In all, this chapter should detail potential experiment for the validation of this proposed

design basis to lighting master plan or whether it would prove to be more efficient as

compared to the current practices. Furthermore, this chapter would establish further

knowledge into how lighting would affect spatial appearance, public perception of their

illuminated environment and the potential of the proposed basis to be integrated into existing

lighting master planning practices. Since no studies had yet to address to the structuring of the

lit environment in accordance to human perception needs, the results of both surveys should

not be concluding but should serve as guidelines and subjects to address towards in future

researches. It must be noted that for tests on design basis, for both illuminated environment or

general design of the environment, should not be easily concluded through one preliminary

test, but further tests should be done to exclude the potential statistical errors and to examine

the factors exclusively. Hence, the second survey would serve as an introduction for both

lighting professionals and layman to understand how the nightscape could be designed

towards a better-constructed legible visual environment, even at night. Therefore, the analysis

of the second survey should extend towards potential directions for future researches in the

last chapter.

5.1 Survey 1: Utilization of Computational Simulation for Responses on

Perception of Indoor Lighting Environment

“Although such anecdotal statements exist in abundance and there is much

data on the human –engineering aspects of light in architecture, there needs

to be more research on the use of light to meet the symbolic needs of

people.” (Lang, 1988, p. 18)

Although lighting design had been highly “speculative”, where the design intentions are a

result of anticipated human response to the illuminated space, yet few researches served to

concretize the anticipated effects and prove if lighting does result in certain human responses

to the space. (Veitch, 2001) The gap between knowledge of luminarie technology and the

perceived effects is widening with the introduction of greater variety of lamp sources and

improvement in research in fixture technology. Researches on effect of artificial lighting on

spatial perception had demonstrated that variation in lighting patterns would evoke certain

psychological responses in the definition spatial atmosphere for certain design intentions.

(See Chapter 3.1.4) John Flynn had noted that there were patterns to lighting design of

interior spaces that was related generalized human responses. His experiments, conducted in

real constructed space, had derived findings that “peripheral lighting” and “non-uniform

lighting” would give the impression of a “relaxed space”. (Flynn, 1988) Hence, his

experiments established the grounds for the existence of qualitative lighting design and that

artificial lighting effects on spaces could be derived through detailed experiments. This

indicated a change in directions towards lighting design, which was formerly the engineering

of the illuminated environment and had neglected the component on human perception.

Although no researches had been done on the evaluation of quality urban lighting, that is

centred upon human visual needs of his environment, researches on quality of indoor spaces

had indicated the impact of lighting on spatial appearances. (See Chapter 3.1.4) Through

these researches, it was also noted that computational simulation would be a potential tool to

establish the test environments. These tests had indicated that the simulated test environment

would be easily manipulated. Furthermore, due to the nature of the generated images, they

could be easily translated into different mediums for public evaluation, through slides or

worldwide web. Also, the results derived through these tests were often statistically sound, so

justifying the integration of these research tools for the future of exploring lighting design

using computational aids. (Eissa, 2001; Franz, 2005; Wittkopf, 2000; Mahdavi, 2002 et al)

“Responses to photography accurately reflect on-site experiences and

responses to colour photos or slides more closely reflect on-site

responses than responses to other stimulations such as drawings,

models or black-white photos. “ (Nasar, 1998, p. 147)

The validity of using photographic representative of test environment or computationally

simulated images was verified by Nasar who stated that the responses derived from using

photographs as a test medium had derived similar results with the on-site responses of the

same photographed site. (Nasar, 1998.) He had also concluded that “airbrushing,

photomontages, photos of models or computer imaging also allow for simulation of different

conditions” (Nasar, 1998, p.147) Since mental evaluation formed part of the environmental

perception experience, subjects would imagine themselves “actually” experiencing what they

had perceived in the photographs. (Nasar, 1998) Therefore, this verified the use of

computational modelling as the test medium, as “Computer imaging allows researcher to

sample a diversity of real scenes, digitize them and alter them to control extraneous

variables.” (Nasar, 1998, p. 147) Earlier, it was pointed out that one major factor of which

hindered the research on quality of urban lighting was the inability to control the intangible or

unpredictable variables that might be present during the setting of real urban lighting

experiment. However, the raising popularity of using computational simulation in the test for

users’ responses had provided a reliable solution to simulation of the urban lighting

environment for tests on responses. Studies undertaken to justify the use of computational

tools had justified that simulations could effectively act as the surrogate for real experiment

sites, but the quality of the modelled space must be ensured, as its accuracy to the real

environment would result in more reliable results. (Eissa, 2001; Mahdavi, 2002)

5.1.1 Test Methodology

For this survey, the main research objective was to initiate the potential of lighting to affect

spatial perception and to establish patterns that would contribute to perception. Furthermore,

this survey would help establish the use of computational simulation and test the stability of

such tools for use in survey 2. The limitations and problems encountered in the course of

experiment would be reviewed and minimized for conducting of the second experiment.

Reviews on researches in appearance of interior lit environment revealed that there were

several key factors that would affect the appearance of the lit interior space,

1. Lighting methodology: interaction between the emitted light and the surfaces.

2. Material type: Apparent brightness of surfaces is correlated to the surface


reflectivity. Furthermore, the surface brightness or the nature of the surface

(polished) would affect the intensity of reflected light. Also, distinctive textures or

details of the materials would enable better recognition, due to higher amount of

potential visual information one might derive. (Kaplan, 1983)

3. Chromaticity: Colours have impact on perception and so the choice of the colours of

surface is related to the resultant perception one would derive of the space. (Mahnke,


4. Visual Variety: Although variety and complexity would entice exploration, studies

indicated that too much sensorial stimulation would result in discomfort and sensory

fatigue. (Nasar, 1988; Kaplan, 1998)

5. Field of Vision: Studies indicated that human would be primarily affected by objects

within the visual range of 40

6. Geometrical shape of room

Figure 79.0 Tree diagram illustrating attributes affecting the perception of space (Source: Author’s own)

An enclosed test environment was generated in Autodesk CAD 2004, with a visual reference

object situated in the centre of the room. Two different artificial lighting strategies were

utilized to vary the interaction of light with different room surfaces, and the utilized fixtures

were obtained from the lighting manufacturer’s website (ERCO Lighting). Together with the

use of Autodesk Lightscape 3.2, as the main tool for rendering of the generated spaces, it

would maximize the accuracy of the rendered images to the actual test scenario. This was

made possible through the radiosity option and lighting fixtures with IES files, which would

generate images that would mimic the real scenario, together with correct mapping of

surfaces and construction of shadows.

The surfaces of the simulated room were divided into 3 different planes, “wall”, “floor” and

“ceiling. Thereafter, different permutations of images were generated, with variation in the

colour of the surface material (categorized Bright, Medium and Dark). Furthermore, to

introduce tests on perception of colours, coloured surfaces were introduced into the

experiment. To maintain consistency of the perceivable lighting effect, the surface reflectivity

was kept constant.

Surface definition
Lighting fixture used
Ceiling Wall Floor

Erco linear up-lighter Bright (B): H: 0 S: 0 V: 0.8

( Erco 12410.000, 2x54W ) Medium (M): H: 0 S: 0 V: 0.5
- Greyscaled Dark (D): H: 0 S: 0 V: 0.2

Erco linear down-light Bright (B): H: 0 S: 0 V: 0.8

( Erco 12410.000, 2x54W ) Medium (M): H: 0 S: 0 V: 0.5
- Greyscaled Dark (D): H: 0 S: 0 V: 0.2

Erco linear down-light Yellow (Y): H: 60 S: 1 V: 0.8

( Erco 12410.000, 2x54W ) Green (G): H: 125 S: 1 V: 0.5
- Coloured Blue (Bl): H: 240 S: 1 V: 0.2

Table 17.0 Definition of attributes for computational space (Source: Author’s own)

The above table illustrated the different fixtures that were utilized in the study. The lumen

output for all three fixtures used was calculated and maintained at consistent level to maintain

same lux level across all the generated lighting scenarios. The images that were rendered were

generated from a normal human viewpoint of 1.6m, with focal length of 31.18mm, field of

view 60, and at a high resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels, so as to preserve the high quality of

generated images which would be presented to the surveyed subjects. Microsoft Powerpoint

XP was employed as the tool to present the sets of images, to allow flexibility in

randomization of the sets for tests, while limiting the exposure time to 15 seconds per set. The

short exposure time would allow the derivation of direct visual responses, minimizing impact

from evaluative component in human perception. (Rapoport, 1977)

These simulated images were shown to the subjects in sets of 2, for comparison between the

two images and clear preference can be mapped, to reduce complexity in derived results. The

sets were shown to 34 test subjects (statistically sound sample group) who were undertaking

Masters in Building Science and did not receive any professional training in lighting design.

Their responses would be valuable to constitute the general public’s perception of their lit

interior spaces. Results from the survey would be analysed using statistical software, SPSS

12.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Science) where ranking and correlation between each

sets and attributes were generated. (See Appendix II (a) for results derived through SPSS)

Figure 80.0 Some images generated for the experiment – Down light, Up light and Colour Scenarios
(Source: Author’s own)

The questionnaire posed to the surveyed subject consisted of 3 main sections, which

addressed to the following research objectives for individual sections, as following,

1. Perceivable Brightness

The research objective for this set of images shown is to demonstrate the whether different

lighting strategies adopted for interior would result in difference in perceived brightness. It is

a common perception that direct lighting would appear to be comparatively brighter than

indirect sources of same resultant luminance level. Also, misconceptions on luminance level

is benchmarked on the surfaces of the illuminated rooms, as the rooms with brighter room

surfaces would appear to be brighter than a room with darker surfaces, despite the same

luminance level. Hence, for this test, a pair of images, both of grey-scaled room surfaces, with

each image would be generated from different lighting types, direct and indirect sources. Of

the 2 images shown, per set, subjects were asked to identify the image which illustrates the

room that is comparatively brighter. Although these images were only differentiated through

the lighting technique used (Direct or Indirect lighting), whilst maintaining consistency in the

character and colour of the room surfaces.

2. Perception of Visual Comfort

This set of questions would target what defined visually comfortable rooms, whether the

contrast of the surfaces would define the visual comfort level or which lighting technique is

more preferred for visually comfortable spaces. The test procedure is the same as the earlier

experiment, with a pair of images illustrating rooms with different lighting design used, while

maintaining the same type of room surfaces for both images. The subjects were to identify

which of the rooms they would feel most comfortable in, if they imagine themselves inside.

3. Perceived Visual Aesthetics

Researches had noted that aesthetics is not exactly a subjective quality that could not be

defined as general parameters to aesthetically pleasing space could still be noted from bipolar

semantic differential scales. (Kaplan, 1998; Nasar, 1988) Hence, for this set of research

questions, the basic parameters to an aesthetically pleasing space is noted through mapping

the responses of the users to spaces with coloured surfaces, in comparison to grey scaled

surfaces. For the experiment, 2 different sets of images is shown to the subjects at each time,

one illustrating the room with coloured surfaces and another for room of grey scaled surfaces.

Both utilized the same lighting technique and similarities were in the same classification of

the surface brightness of the coloured and the greyscale simulated rooms. Therefore, the

results could demonstrate if colours were a factor in the determination of the room’s

aesthetics value, and whether the contrast value between the surfaces would be a factor in the

appraisal of these spaces.

5.1.2 Test Results

The results had demonstrated that it was possible to derive patterns of the general aesthetics

value that would be common for general public, as people would have preconceived

benchmark on how certain spatial configuration would lead to the anticipated spatial

atmosphere. Therefore the three main areas of investigation, namely Perceivable Brightness,

Perception of Visual Comfort and Perceived Visual Aesthetics, had derived results that are

somewhat consistent across the general surveyed subjects. This relatively low standard

deviation achieved also suggested the reliability of the achieved results

Generally, the achieved results had pointed that Visual Comfort and Brightness is not directly

correlated, which helped to clarify the misconception that equates the level of brightness

within the space to comfort and aesthetics, as the results of rooms that were ranked amongst

the most visually comfortable were not the visually brightest. This might be explained that

most spaces that were perceived as bright were noted as glare sources, and too glaring for

functionality. However, the fact that the level of brightness is psychologically comforting for

users is a subject that would involve studies of greater depth and intensity to pursue the level

or ratio of brightness a space would require for optimum functionality. Furthermore, the

results derived for either the direct or indirect lighting scenarios present 2 different sets of

ranking. This implied that the manner at which light interact with various room surfaces and

the presentation of the resultant composition of the lit room, would result in different

preference of the individual towards the same space.


Also, despite consistency in the same employment of lighting technique, different

composition of the room, in the colour of different room surface would derive different

preference rankings. The preliminary results implied that human preferred surfaces with low

contrast level but appropriate enough to stimulate the senses sufficiently. This is further

verified by Kaplan or Nasar’s findings on the fact that human would require visual variety for

sensory stimulation and to function appropriately in his environment. (Nasar, 1988; Kaplan

1983; Lozano, 1988) Lastly, the experiment focused on the difference between the responses

for coloured spaces and those grey-scaled ones. The comparison between the grey-scaled

spaces and the coloured ones, keeping the lighting technique consistent for each pair, had

noted that there is no clear preference towards either coloured or grey-scaled ones. However,

one interesting pattern was noted that the preference was for the grey-scaled spaces only

when the contrast between the colours of the surfaces of the coloured spaces was too high.

This usually occurred when the colours were too overpowering or when the hues that were at

opposing ends on the Munsell colour wheel were used together in one enclosed area. This

could perhaps be attributed to the fact that human had pre-conceived ideas on how colours

would be combined and complemented in the space, or the cognitive images of colours to

each individual would be too influential for its use in the space. Since the psychological

impact and cognitive meanings of colours had been addressed in many studies and literature,

it might be a possible reason for which coloured images were not consistently being preferred

over the grey-scaled ones, even though human had clear preference for visually stimulating

spaces. Hence, it might be attributed to this fact that the change of either one of the 3 values

of Hue, Saturation and Value would result in greater psychological reaction from the

surveyed subjects. To develop the ideas of how coloured spaces and lighting would result in

certain psychological responses or patterns, more in-depth studies would be required to

analyze this.

In conclusion, it is noted that spatial perception is a complex process which is a result of the

total composition of the appearance of the environment. Preference of a space might be a

result from different factors that constitute the overall spatial experience, and not only

restricted to lighting. Hence, lighting designers should visualize their design as the resultant

composition, whilst considering all factors that reside within the space, and not only on the

interaction between light and the illuminated object.

5.1.3 Survey Limitations

Despite the common notion that preference is subjective and differed across individuals,

various tests on human perception of his indoor lit environment had concluded that human

had generalized responses towards his lit environment and these responses had remained

consistent despite differences in lighting patterns. (Pellegrino, 1999; Shepherd, 1992; Loe,

2000 et al.) Through the execution of this survey, several problems in questionnaires were

noted. These problems and limitations could aid in the formulation of future surveys and

minimize any potential errors in subsequent studies. Moreover, the existence of these

limitations did not discount the validity of the experiment, but its indication would serve to

caution future similar experiments that were to be executed, whilst indicating some of the

lessons which the author had noted, which should be taken into considerations during the

conducting of future similar tests.

1. Distance between the question number and answer box is too wide, so subjects would

have taken extra effort to ensuring that the responses were in the correct box.

2. Coloured answering boxes were rather hard to be filled in.

3. Spacing between questions is too narrow and makes the reading of the question very

difficult. Thus to rectify, the questions could be grouped into two columns and allow

for bigger spacing between each question.

4. Consistency in the arrangement of both the question number and the shown images

should be observed. The images were arranged in a vertical fashion, while the

questions were ordered horizontally. Thus, the subjects would have to spend more

time to orientate themselves to select correct box.

5. The questions should be grouped and sectioned to avoid “breaks” between answering

each question.

Furthermore, this test integrated use of computer simulated spaces for tests on artificial

lighting design. One main limitation of such tests would be the accuracy of the simulated to

the actual test scenario. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that the generated images

would illustrate the achieved effect. In this case, with the radiosity mapping options of

Autodesk Lightscape 3.2 and the utilization of the lighting fixtures with correct IES files

downloaded from the manufacturer’s website, the images simulated would be close to the


5.2 Survey 2: Test on Appearance of Night-Time Urban Environment

“Can we scientifically study something as apparently subjective or

qualitative as community appearance, evaluation and meaning? Yes.” (Nasar

J.L, p. 22)

Result from survey one demonstrate that variation in illumination techniques or difference in

the colours of room’s surfaces, would result in different human responses within the same

space. Also, these results had shown the potential of using colours to alter the visual

“appearance” of the room, while different appearance would indirectly conjured certain

human psychological responses. Hence, the results from this test verified Flynn’s claims that

“some psychological aspects of lighted space can be recognized and perhaps documented if

we are prepared to discuss and study lighting design as an exercise in visual communication.”

(Flynn, 1988, p. 156) Therefore, the above test encouraged the development of the second

survey, which would propose deeper understanding of the illuminated urban environment6.

The second survey conducted would, therefore, answer the following research questions on

current urban lighting master planning practices,

1. Gaining further insights on how general public understands the illuminated city

(people without prior architectural lighting background)

2. Introduction of new Human-centred Design Basis for Urban Lighting Master


3. Importance of orientation in cities at night

4. Derivation of visual hierarchical definition of existing urban elements

(Understanding which were the visual anchor points individuals depended upon in

navigation through the city at night)

5. Testing of some popularly utilized urban lighting concepts and their effectiveness

6. Understanding public’s receptiveness of new lighting technology (Coloured lighting

and automated colour changing lighting)

7. Gaining further insight on whether urban lighting would complement psychological

comfort of cities at night

The results from this survey would derive the factors that are important in the structuring of

the lit environment and whether the proposed basis (See Chapter 4.0) was important in the

design of the urban lighting master planning and the possibilities of them aiding in the design

of a legible environment. Since the previous chapters had elaborated on the lack of

development of Human-orientated design basis in Urban Lighting Masterplans, whilst

highlighting the potential of research on these design basis through studies on environmental

perception theories, this survey would allow better establishment on whether these basis

6. See Chapter 5.0 for the Proposed Design Basis which would be used for development of the test
variables of Survey 2.

would be useful in designing for a more legible nightscape, as well as to provide for validity

for future studies. Previously, the new proposed design basis was extracted as the primary

constituents to quality visual environment and was characteristic of the visual cues from

which human extracted from his environment. This survey would, therefore, allow us to

establish the validity of these proposals. Questionnaire was utilized as the main tool of test, to

understand of human preference, as this is commonly utilized as a means to evaluate human

responses to the environment. (Nasar, 1998; Nasar 1988; Lynch; 1960; Rapoport, 1977;

Kaplan, 1983; Kaplan, 1976; Kaplan, 1998) As observed from studies on design criteria to

quality environment, interviews or questionnaires (where answers given were structured in

form of semantic differential scales or ratings) were the adopted test mediums to obtain

responses concerning subjective design qualities that were preferred by the public. (Nasar,

1998; Pellegrino, 1999) Furthermore, predecessor studies which utilized computer generated

environment for tests in lighting had indicated the validity of using such tools in the obtaining

of relevant survey responses, in the achievement of test objectives, and often such generated

environments were more predictable, with greater abilities to manipulate the potential

variables that might be existent in actual test environment. (Mahdavi, 2002; Eissa, 2001;

Newsham, 2005) All studies indicated that these surveys, with well-structured answers would

enable the mapping of qualities that would contribute to a well-designed environment.

5.2.1 Test Methodology

Since we would require the understanding of the basic perception needs of general public, the

questionnaire would be conducted with a group consisting of 40 architectural postgraduates

and undergraduates students, without any prior knowledge of lighting master planning.

Therefore, their evaluation of the nightscape would be purely instinctive and not informed,

7. The validity of photographs or computationally generated images had been verified by many
literatures on the subject of evaluation of quality in environment. (Nasar, 1998)

yet the number of participants in the sample group would be sufficient for a statistically sound


Figure 81.0 Question 16, Picture 1 Figure 82.0 Question 16, Picture 2
(Source: Author’s own) (Source: Author’s own)

Figure 83.0 Question 17, Picture 1 Figure 84.0 Question 17, Picture 2
(Source: Author’s own) (Source: Author’s own)

The relevant pictures that would be used in this survey would be computationally rendered,

using Adobe Photoshop 7.0, replicating high accuracy of the montage images to the actual

photographs7. The questionnaire was divided into 3 sections, with Section A requiring the

respondents to fill in the ranking of the stated elements, while Section B featured a series of

questions where the subjects had to choose either a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. For Section C, the

subjects had to compare and choose the image which they prefer. The 20 questions short

questionnaire was emailed to these respondents, to be replied within 4 days, without time

restriction during their answering of the survey. Also, they could retain privacy, as no direct

contact would be made, except via email. Therefore, this minimized any reservations in

providing true answers, while the answers derived was not affected by any professional

knowledge in urban lighting (none of the subjects received professional training in urban

lighting). The pictures were digitally altered to achieve the desired effects of illumination of

all building’s façade, as evident from the picture on the right. The picture on the left showed

the unaltered image of Singapore’s skyline, where the forms of each building was not clear. In

contrast to picture 2, where the image was digitally enhanced to ‘illuminate’ the form of all

buildings that construct the skyline. The second set of image would suggest the use of

coloured lighting in illumination, so the respondents were to determine if they would prefer

the illumination of nightscape using non-coloured lighting or coloured lighting.

5.2.2 Survey Results

The distribution of the survey via emailing had provided the opportunity to randomize the

sample group, while ensuring that the educational background of the subjects remained

consistently similar. A total of 40 students, a mixture of different genders and either

Architectural undergraduates or post-graduates, replied to the survey with their answers.

Some, however, had indicated personal responses on their emailed questionnaire (which is

possible if the respondents retained privacy), which are extremely valuable for future studies.

The results had indicated several interesting points, which could be followed up in

formulation of future research objectives and researched in detail. Also, the responses

demonstrate potential of future research into,

1. Use of Coloured Lighting and the potential impact on human perception

2. Gender influenced aspects of lighting in urban environment

3. Illumination as a means to increase psychological comfort at night

4. Colour Temperature and their relation on façade illumination

5. Value of illuminated urban elements in relation to culture

The above potential directions for future research shall be elaborated in the later chapter,

where further analysis would be given to approach these research subjects from different

angles. Generally, the results had indicated that 100% of respondents feel that the current

illumination of Singapore’s cityscape could be improved upon. For the second section, all

given responses to each survey question were clearly inclined towards a unanimous answer.

Also, pattern can be noted for the ranking of the various illuminated elements which human

would like to see in the dark, noted clear preference which would constitute to the visual

hierarchy of these elements. However, some of the responses noted indicated difference

between the perceived design direction of the lighting professionals and public’s perception,

which would be elaborated upon in the later part of this chapter. The following points

summarize the results derive from the questionnaire,

1. General Preference of Well-structured Lit Environment

As evident from the responses derived from the questionnaire, 100% of the respondents

believed that further improvements could be done for the existing Singapore nightscape,

while 95% of the respondents indicated that they would prefer a city which is easy to

orientate at night. To verify the need for an attractive skyline, 92.5% of those surveyed

indicated the appeal of these beautifully lit skylines. Also, 83% of the respondents had

indicated that it is important for them to know their orientation and recognize the key urban

elements at night. Therefore, these indicated the need for the urban elements to retain the key

appearance at night, and focal points would need to be drafted to highlight certain elements in

comparison to the others, introducing visual hierarchy into urban lighting master planning. As

evident from the table below, which is the ranking derived for each of the listed elements

below. It is clear that the public transport station, parks and gardens were ranked at the last

and second last places respectively, at 38% and 40% of the people voting for their places

each. In comparison, the public would prefer to see prominent buildings, pathways and

familiar buildings they recognize in the daytime, as they have an average of 23% to 25% of

the respondents placing them in the first place. In addition, landmarks are important visual

features, with about 28% of the people voting for them in the second place and 18% of the

surveyed subjects voting them in the first place.













Prominent Building 9 23 8 20 6 15 4 10 9 23 3 8 1 3
Pathway / walkways 10 25 5 13 8 20 6 15 6 15 4 10 1 3
Familiar Buildings 9 23 9 23 7 18 4 10 4 10 3 8 4 10
Landmarks 7 18 11 28 7 18 6 15 4 10 5 13 0 0
Public Transport Stn 0 0 3 8 3 8 10 25 6 15 2 5 16 40
Parks / Gardens 2 5 1 3 6 15 2 5 6 15 15 38 8 20
Bridges 3 8 3 8 3 8 10 25 5 13 6 15 10 25
Table18.0 Answers Obtained for Section A, Question 1 (Source: Author’s own)

From the analysis of the visual preference of the surveyed subjects, it is evident that human

would construct their personal mental map of the environment, where they are navigating,

thus validating Lynch, Nasar and Kaplan’s’ theories (Lynch, 1960; Nasar, 1988; Nasar 1998,

Kaplan, 1983). Human would establish their points of reference in the environment and these

‘landmarks’ could be personal and not necessary due to the physical distinctiveness of the

structure. Instead, familiar buildings or prominent buildings (with elaborate or unique

architectural details) were more visually prominent in comparison to landmarks. (Lynch,

1960) Therefore, landmarks were not clearly the first choice of preference in an illuminated

environment. Also, human had the primary desire to be aware of his orientation and

positioning within the environment. Also, pathway allowed one to establish his bearings and

know the potential of information available ahead. (Kaplan, 1983; Kaplan, 1998) Thus,

pathways were amongst the important visual cues human would desire to see in the

illuminated environment. On contrary, public transport station, this was noted as a node (See

Lynch, 1960), was ranked at the last. This might be attributed to their usual lack of design

appeal and often an object of transit, so people would utilize it at great volume, yet not

wanting it to appear too prominently in the nightscape. The above result had derived a

preliminary set of illuminated elements human would desire to see at night. Thus, in the

drafting of the urban lighting master plan, it is primary that lighting designers understand and

derive the hierarchy for illuminating, in accordance to the visual hierarchy human recognized

for his urban environment.

Derivation of Visual Preference for Illumination












Textures lighting (of
6 15 11 28 4 10 10 26 3 8 5 13 0 0
buildings or plants)
Brightly lit areas 12 31 1 3 7 18 5 13 4 10 0 0 10 26

Illumination of nature 2 5 4 10 5 13 6 15 5 13 7 18 10 26

Colour lighting 3 8 2 5 4 10 2 5 10 26 12 31 6 15
Temporary Lighting
4 11 5 13 8 21 5 13 8 21 5 13 3 8
4 11 6 16 4 11 5 13 5 13 5 13 9 24
changing lighting
Lit Architectural
5 13 10 26 5 13 7 18 6 16 5 13 0 0
Table 19.0 Answers Obtained for Section A, Question 2 (Source: Author’s own)
Section A established the ranking of the visual elements that would construct the lighting

masterplans, together with the manner of their definition of the illumination strategy. The

second question established the hierarchy of ranking of the various lighting strategies in

lighting master planning and the results would help lighting designers establish the visual

hierarchy of the stated elements in relationship to each other. It is evident from the list that

human would prefer brightly lit areas, of all the listed lighting techniques, at 31% of the

surveyed placing it at the first place. In addition, the illumination of textures and lit

architectural details had about 28% and 26% of the people voting for them in the second

place respectively. However, it was indicated that the surveyed subjects do not prefer

dynamic colour changing lighting systems, as about 24% voted it in the last place. Coloured

lighting is also lowly preferred by the subjects, with 31% of the subjects voting it at the 6th

position and 15% denoting it at the last place. Also, lighting of nature is ranked lowly at

about 26% of the people voting it in the last place, while 18% voted for it in the second


Although the ranking for various lit elements varied in accordance to personal subjective

preference of his visual environment, the results had indicated that there is a pattern to the

preference of individuals, while suggesting the establishment of certain visual hierarchy of

the illuminated details in accordance to the manner human construct his visual environment.

It is noted that the preference of details and textures can be accounted for by Gibson and

Kaplan’s theories, which proposed the extraction of visual information in accordance to the

information derived from textures and details of the object. Therefore, human would prefer

the ability to perceive details and textures from his perceivable environment to understand the

geometrical structure and the object he perceived. However, visual sensory stimulation in

form of coloured lighting or automated scene changing lighting system is not preferred,,

indicating human preference for ability to perceive objects than complexity in the

environment, or information overload. Also, the low preference of illumination of nature

might suggest that the in the drafting of the lighting master plan, the lighting of the parks or

nature should be of lower priority in comparison to the illumination of built elements.

2. Urban Lighting on Psychological Comfort

82.5% of the respondents indicated that they would feel unsafe if they lost their way or were

unfamiliar with the surroundings at night. Furthermore, 87.5% of the subjects indicated that

they would derive pleasure from awareness of their orientation in the city at night. However,

they did not associate brightness level with psychological comfort, as only 60% of the

subjects indicated that increasing the brightness of the space would decrease their fear. This is

contrary to the rationale lighting designers often depended upon in design of the illumination

level of the urban spaces, where the brightness is tagged to the frequency of use of the space

and functionality of the space. (See IESNA Exterior Lighting Guide) However, this finding

supported another result derived by Parkes and Thrift (Parkes, 1980), who concluded that in

the perception of psychological comfort, people would also depend on the appearance of the

structure, or whether the existing condition of the urban space would result in any seeming

danger. For example, a brightly illuminated cathedral, which appeared to be abandoned and

intimidating in the day, would not decrease the perceived fear of the people who passed by it.

Therefore, the relationship between brightness and psychological comfort is not direct, and

other factors should be considered as well.

3. Responses versus Lighting Conventions

From the evaluation of the results, it is notable that several of the responds indicated that

some of the popularly-utilized lighting techniques need to be re-evaluated in accordance to

their resultant reaction on the perceivers. Furthermore, there is a difference between the

opinions of the lighting designer and the general public, which was anticipated through

several studies which compared the difference in opinion between the layman and the


Use of Colour Lighting or Colour Changing

In accordance to the results from the survey, although lighting designers widely perceived

colour lighting as a means to inject dynamicism and life into urban environments, the public

would prefer an illuminated environment where visual complexity is kept to the minimal and

sensory stimulation is only timely introduced. From the results, 52.5% of the subjects

expressed their dislike of using colour changing illumination for the urban spaces. However,

77.5% of the subjects express their liking of using coloured lighting to distinguish the various

urban spaces (in the coding of different districts), while 77.5% expressed that they like the use

of coloured lighting in illumination of urban elements. One probable translation of this result

was that human prefer legible visual environment, yet too much sensory stimulation would

not be preferred. This stimulation can be in the form of colour changing lighting systems, or

variety in the appearance of the illuminated environment through coloured lighting. This is

further complemented by the evaluation of the images in section C, where the general

responses indicated that there is a preference of the illuminated nightscape, with 75 % of the

people indicating that they would prefer the illumination of the nightscape using non-coloured

lighting, instead of coloured lighting. But, it is rather surprising that a slight majority of the

public prefer non-illuminated nightscape in comparison to the illuminated one, as 55% of the

subjects indicated their preference for the non-illuminated skyline, instead of the one

generated through computational manipulation.


QN 17 22 55 18 45
QN 18 10 25 30 75
Table 20.0 Answers Obtained for Section C(Source: Author’s own)
The results indicated potential of coloured to be introduced to urban lighting master planning,

yet further studies should be done to explore the relationship between coloured lighting and

human perception. Preliminary studies on coloured lighting and perception had indicated that

different colours might result in a variety of effects on perception. (Mahnke, 1987; Mahnke,

1996). To verify, results from Survey 1 had indicated that coloured lighting does interact with

appearance of interior spaces and combination of different colours would result in

psychological reactions from the surveyed subjects. Therefore this suggested that this

relationship between colours and human perception is important and should be addressed

through detailed and specific researches. The potential of this subject, the approaches and

various potential concerns of coloured lighting in urban lighting master planning would be

explored in the later chapter on future research directions.

Colour Temperature and Resultant responses


QN 19 33 83 7 17
QN 20 10 25 30 75

Table 21.0 Answers Obtained for Section C (Source: Author’s own)

From responses derived from the associative image of orangey hue lighting to illumination of

historic buildings, 56% of the subjects denied the association. This is contrary to the

conventional lighting design basis where the lower Colour Temperature is usually designated

for the illumination of historic buildings. Therefore, this suggested that the illumination of

these monuments should not be merely dependent on the Colour Temperature of the selected

lamps, but also on the resultant appearance of the illuminated object. Therefore, refuting the

rampant use of Low-Pressure Sodium lamps for the illumination of historic monuments,

where technical knowledge of different lamps were absent.8

Also, the above results obtained for Section C of the survey indicated that 83% of the people

prefer picture 1 for questions 19, which compared the picture of the scene illuminated using

White Sodium lamps of 2500K, with the Metal Halide lamps, which is about 3000K. Some of

the responses had indicated that the 3000K lamps appeared to be “cold”. The results indicate

similar conclusions to another study done for the indoor lighting, using lamps of different

Colour Temperature. (See McCloughan, 1999) Spaces illuminated by lamps of warmer

Colour Temperature are noted to be more facilitating for social interactions and conducive to

create a relaxing environment. However, too low Colour Temperature would not be preferred,

as only 25% of the subjects indicated their preference for the scene where High-Pressure

Sodium lamps of 2200K were used. This implied that there is an inclination of human

preference in choice of certain Colour Temperature for illumination of the urban environment,

which remained to be verified through further tests, with Colour Temperature as the main

research objective.

These feedbacks would be useful in the tailoring of future surveys, particularly the potential

survey for those conducted to evaluate the quality of urban lighting masterplans. However,

this research for interior lighting and the preference derived from different compositions of

the room surfaces and illumination techniques had demonstrated that patterns do exist in the

evaluation of subjective qualities like aesthetics, which would provide the basis in the

establishment of design basis and quality design that appeals to the general public. This is

extremely valid when many researches had pointed out the different aesthetics value between

those professionals and the general public, as the latter were not biased against stylistic

design movements or trends. (Nasar, 1988)

5.2.3 Analysis of Results to New Proposed Basis

The responses from the survey indicated that several of the new proposed bases were of

importance in the construction of a visually legible illuminated nightscape. However, the

survey provided an insight into human perception of his illuminated environment, yet further

tests should be conducted to perform detail study on each of the proposed feature in order to

better understand the constituents to a quality illuminated environment.


Clarity between the various illuminated elements was important in the visual structuring of

the space and Lynch had proposed the usage of lighting to differentiate between urban spaces.

(Lynch, 1960) Furthermore, the results of this survey indicated that there were certain

8. It was noted that Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps were widely utilized in the illumination of Historic
monuments in Shanghai and Singapore, due to their orangey hue emission. Yet the appearance of the
actual architectural material is being compromised through the choice of such lamps.

elements that were more visually important as compared to the others (See results of Section

A, Question 1), and the rankings derived from the respondents were rather consistent.

Therefore, the survey indicated that visual clarity and structuring of the illuminated

nightscape was important in the perceiving of the nightscape, as well as to facilitate

navigation through the city in the dark.

Highlighting Textures and Details

Approximately more than 25% of the respondents indicated that they would most prefer to

perceive textures and architectural details in the illuminated urbancape, suggesting that these

features were important and should be perceivable in the dark. These results supported

Gibson’s theories on perception and importance in perception of textures and details, whilst

implying that Kaplan’s proposal on the significance of ability in the extraction of information

from the environment is extremely important in the perception of one’s environment.

(Kaplan, 1983; Kaplan, 1988; Kaplan, 1998) Hence, the design of future illuminated

nightscape should encompass these qualities.

Naturalness and Variety

Although these two features were much highlighted in the environmental perception theories

as positive visual features (Rapoport, 1977; Nasar, 1988; Nasar, 1998; Kaplan, 1983), results

from this survey indicated that vegetation illumination was ranked amongst the lowest in the

features which people would like to see. Moreover, about 52.5% of the subjects indicated that

they would not prefer a nightscape where coloured-changing lighting was used. In contrast,

about 77.5% of the subjects indicated that they would prefer the colour lighting in their

environment. Thus, these results suggested a need to evaluate the effect in use of coloured

lighting and the appropriateness in the extent of its use in urban lighting, for development of

quality lit urban environment.


Historic Significance

One of the misconceptions in urban lighting was the association of orangey-hue lighting with

historic buildings. However, the results indicated that about 55% of the subjects indicated that

they do not associate orangey hue lighting with historic buildings, correcting the practice in

urban lighting, where often low colour temperature lighting were to illuminate the historic

buildings, to evoke the Old World feel.

Psychological Comfort

Psychological comfort is extremely important for the ease in moving through the city in the

dark. Parkes studies had indicated that psychological comfort and the daytime appearance of

the place do affect the desired brightness level of the space at night, as a place perceived to be

unsafe in the day would require higher brightness level for its use at night, to minimize

psychological discomfort. (Parkes, 1980) The results of the survey had indicated that 60% of

the subjects feel that by increasing the level of brightness of the area, it would decrease their

fear of the dark if they were lost at night. Hence, in the formulation of the Urban Lighting

Master plan, to depend on the Codes for recommendations would not suffice, as there were

other factors that would affect perception, which should be considered during the drafting of

the Lighting Master plan.

Of the proposed design basis, a few of the proposed could not be accommodated within this

short survey, namely Visual Hierarchy, Perceivable Foreground and Background, and

Pertinence to Context and Culture. Since these would require different forms of tests and the

questions to test for the validity of these would be vastly different from the genre of the

survey question. Furthermore, although the results had indicated that about 80% of the

subjects indicated that they prefer a different appearance of the city in the day as compared to

the night-time image of the city. In addition, on the application of coloured lighting and

colour changing lighting, further studies should be done to find out the extent of its

recommended application and how it would affect perception, if it were applied on a large

scaled basis.

5.2.4 Survey Limitations

The limitation of this survey shall be elaborated through the following sections, which divides

the potential problems into categories, listed in the following paragraphs. However, the author

would like to note that these limitations would be minimized through multiple experiments

and the refinement of the test procedures in pilot surveys. But the time limitation in the

progress of this thesis would not permit the execution of pilot surveys. Furthermore, since this

survey would serve as an introduction to the understanding of how human perceive his night-

time cityscape based on his perception preference, this survey would allow the establishment

of the underlying patterns that would aid in understanding of the primary constituents that

would aid in the structuring of human’s perceivable environment, so precision of the test

would not be critical. Also, problems would be unavoidable due to the novel nature of this

subject for test and the non-existence of predecessor studies.

Tools generated for survey

The correct identification of the survey variables is important in the establishment of an

appropriate survey in mapping users’ responses. However, one must not tailor the survey to

influence the subjects towards certain inclined answers. Neutrality must be preserved in the

subject’s stand upon the evaluation of the questions. Since computational simulations were

gradually introduced in the construction of valid test environments, where the execution of

the test in actual site would be extremely difficult, the digitally altered images should be as

close to the actual scenario as possible. As pointed out earlier, the validity of using

computational generated images for test on perception would be dependent on the accuracy of

the generated images to the real examples of the same proposed scheme. The higher the

realism, the better is the derived results as a representative for the general public’s responses.

(Rohrmann, 2002; Eissa, 2001) Furthermore, Nasar had pointed out the effectiveness of using

graphical tools in evoking public responses in evaluation of the environment. (Nasar, 1998)

Therefore, the quality of the generated images would be one of the determinant factors in the

derived results when the original images were compared against those digitally altered. Care

should, thus, be taken in the rendering of the effects in the superimposition of the effects on

the actual altered photographs in Adobe Photoshop, using colours which are visually accurate

with the colour of the emitted lights from luminaries. With the correct use of adjustments for

highlights and fine tuning on the effects of which lighting would create on the facades of the

buildings, the images is rendered to mimic the actual effect achieved. Although limitations

were noted for the usage of computationally generated images as the test environment,

experiment undertaken by Mahdavi (Mahdavi, 2002) had demonstrated that the responses

achieved through the comparison between actual test environment and computationally

generated space revealed that achieved responses were consistent, indicating that

computationally generated spaces were effective surrogates to the actual built environment.

Therefore, the main limitation, as pointed out by Mahdavi, the use of computationally

generated images is to the accuracy of the actual to the simulated. Yet precautions should be

undertaken to minimize this limitation, whilst preserving the validity of the achieved results.

Coloured Lighting and the generation of images

It is recognized that coloured lighting for urban environment should be studied in detail on

their impact on perception, but is impossible to cover within the length of this thesis. Thus the

future research direction should provide detail insight on this subject. However, the

stimulation of colour lighting in this survey suggested preliminary insight into human reaction

towards the use of colour lighting in urban lighting. In this survey, the presentation of

coloured lighting suggested the use of a single colour hue, but the achieved responses might

be derived from the personal judgement of the colour used, and not to relate as a form of

coloured lighting strategy, which would be applied for façade illumination. Therefore, the two

questions in Section B and ranking of the various illumination techniques in Section A would

provide a preliminary insight on human responses towards coloured lighting. Yet, to reduce

potential statistical error through the rendering of single colour for façade illumination, a

comparison of different colours should be done for further studies.

Structuring of questionnaire

The division of the questionnaire into 3 sections, with 20 questions allow the obtaining of

easy and quick responses to some of the proposed design basis drafted in earlier section.

Care was taken to maintain the relevancy of the questions to the objective of the survey.

However, the post-survey interview revealed that some of the respondents felt that the

questionnaire could be improved by adding another option of “maybe” and allow them to

give their personal responses for Section B. Also, the ranking of Section A ,Question 2 was

not clear, leading to one of the surveyed subjects not answering the whole question. This

highlighted the need for clarity in the structuring of the questionnaire to achieve the correct

results from the subjects.

5.3 Overview of Results Derived from Both Surveys

The results derived from both studies had provided interesting insights into how the general

public perceived his illuminated environment, whilst offering alternative viewpoints for

some of the conventions in artificial illumination. Both surveys indicated the ability of

artificial lighting in the influencing on spatial perception. Furthermore, a variation in the

illumination technique, from normal to coloured lighting, or the different manner lighting

interact on surfaces, might result in the different human response towards the same space.

In Survey 2, the hierarchy of the illuminated elements was derived from the survey of these

environmental features with the subjects, proving that human’s formulation of personal

mental maps in navigation. Although clarity in the structuring of the illuminated


environment is preferred by all, physical landmarks were not as important as personally

familiar “landmarks”, as noted through the survey. Hence, in the drafting of the Urban

Lighting Master plan, the designer should allow detailed studies on the public’s responses,

while establishing clear visual hierarchy in the various identified elements.

Colours or coloured lighting have an important impact on the visual appearance of the object

and resultant human response towards the choice of colours might be influenced by personal

tastes or cultural background (Mahnke, 1987; Mahnke, 1996).Therefore, to tailor for a

visually pleasing environment, an appropriate decision in the choice of colours or manner

colours interact with materials or another hue would be recommended. However, the

advancement of lighting systems or automated scene changing systems, particularly LED,

had introduced various potentials in the illumination of the dynamic skyline. However, both

studies had indicated the potential of coloured lighting in resulting in visual complexity and

chaos. Therefore, studies on appropriateness of coloured lighting or time-based controlled

lighting system should be executed towards the construction of quality illuminated


Also, both studies had clarified the misconception most had on the relationship between the

level of brightness, with perceived aesthetics and psychological comfort. Both demonstrated

that there are no direct correlations between brightness and aesthetics and psychological

comfort. Therefore, further studies should be done to clarify how illumination of space

should be in relation to human preference.


6.0 Conclusion
6.1 Towards the Formulation of Quality Lit Environment

Human-orientated design basis are extremely important in the visual design of a comfortable

nightscape and studies in environmental perception further justified the importance of a

legible visual environment. Current advancement and development in various lighting

technologies and gradual popularity for cities in formulation of their unique lighting

masterplans, had indicated the need and feasibility in research on how the current design basis

should be improved, beyond the quantitative aspects of urban illumination, to better

understand the relation between artificial lighting and perception. Despite no researches done

in appearance of illuminated urban nightscape on human, the analysis on current researches

done in interior lighting revealed that artificial lighting does evoke psychological responses in

human. (See Chapter 3.1.4) Furthermore, results from survey 2 had indicated many potential

and feasibility in the derivation of design parameters which is aesthetically pleasing for the

visual nightscape, whilst survey 1 had concluded the possibilities on how artificial lighting

can modify the appearance of space. Also, results from both tests indicated clear preference

that can be derived from the human responses to the illuminated environment, indicating need

for future research to follow up on the how various urban lighting techniques can influence

the appearance of the total urban space. Since human’s visibility of his environment is mainly

dependent on the interaction between artificial lighting and his environment, there exists a

need in the investigation on how human-environment relationship can be enhanced through

the appropriate use of artificial lighting design on the urban elements, and how lighting could

be better integrated as form of visual enhancement tool for Urban Design, as proposed by

Lynch. (Lynch, 1960) Although this thesis proposed an alternative view on which the subject

of quality illuminated urban master planning can be dealt with, it must be noted that all that

were proposed is not all, but the beginning of the study in quality urban lighting, through

another perspective.

Urban Lighting had advanced from the mere provisions of sufficient illumination level for

functionality of spaces, to the understanding on how lighting could affect human perception.

Therefore, the complexity of urban lighting should not be underestimated, as urban lighting

embodied the human-environment factors, besides the wide variety of lamps that could be

utilized for illumination. Hence, there remained a need to better understand the intricate

relationship on how the existing technology could enhance human perception and for the

Urban Lighting design basis to complement the existing urban structure. This is especially

crucial, the recent surge in lighting technological development that lighting designers might

be overly eager in the employment of new technology, without careful consideration of the

resultant composition of the created nightscape. Although there was awareness in the

provision of quality nightscape in some cities in the review, many were still keen on the

utilization of latest technology or lamp efficacy, to consider how the resultant nightscape

would affect perception of one’s nightscape and the definition of quality illuminated


As noted from the latest Singapore Urban Lighting Master plan for Marina, Bugis, Orchard

and Central Business District (See The Straits Times, 22th of November 2006), many new

lighting installations and planning basis were introduced in this master plan. Furthermore, the

new urban lighting master plan presented how new lighting technology could integrate into

the existing urban fabric. Although this new master planning proposal appeared to be

extremely rich in the aspect of visual variety, one would still question on its relevance to the

context of site or if these proposed lighting installations would result in over sensory-

stimulation in perception. Therefore, through this new master plan, we could note that further

efforts might be required in the understanding in the appropriateness of the current design

basis and better understanding should be taken into what would constitute the fundamentals in

urban lighting master plan. These highlighted urgency in the design for Urban Lighting

Master plans that do not merely present a seemingly attractive illuminated nightscape, but

offered visual comfort and deeper consideration into how human perceived his nightscape.

Figure 85.0 Extracts of New Lighting Master plan for Singapore (Source: URA, 2006)

The new proposed design basis aimed to forge a more coherent human-environment

relationship, in the design of Urban Lighting Master plans, to complement the lack noted in

the current design practice. (See Chapter 4.0) Since the design of the Urban Lighting Master

plan should embodied the subject of Human visual needs in his environment, many new

design basis were noted after the review of several prominent literature on environmental

perception, to derive the final proposed basis, which pointed out the main elements which

should be considered in illumination and future formulation of lighting master plan. This

would aid in the derivation of a well-designed visual nightscape and the establishment of a

visually coherent day and night scene. Previous tests, in environmental perception research,

had indicated that the presence of these visual qualities, like historical significance,

naturalness and distinctive urban forms, is correlated to the increased preference for the space

and would complement human perception of his environment. Furthermore, studies had

indicated that a legible visual-scape would improve preference and decrease negative feelings

on his environment. (See Chapter 3.0) Therefore, the review demonstrated positive effects of

a well-designed visual environment, while proving the existence of human-oriented design

parameters in the visual environment, thus a potential to incorporate these parameters in the

guiding fundamentals when lighting masterplans were being drafted.


6.2 Furthering Research for Urban Lighting

A legible nightscape is important to both locals and visitors, to minimize disorientation and

maximize the spatial experience one would derive. The earlier questionnaires would allow

better insight on the importance of the illuminated environment, how human perceived his lit

city and effect of artificial lighting on spatial perception. However, it must be noted that since

this subject is new and no previous researches were undertaken, the proposed basis in this

thesis would serve as a starting ground for future researches to be undertaken in this area, and

not as the conclusion to the research on Human-oriented design basis for Urban Lighting

Master planning. Since this topic would complement the current design basis, towards the

design of a legible nightscape, future development of this research topic should be detailed,

for possible follow-ups in subsequent researches which would aid in the verification of the

existence of such planning basis.

The analysis of both surveys, together with the reviews of the literature on Environmental

Perception and current Urban Lighting Design Basis, had revealed many opportunities and

potential for furthering studies on the improvement of the quality in formulation Urban

Lighting Master planning. Furthermore, Survey 2 revealed some interesting findings which

present contrary viewpoint to some urban lighting design convention. Therefore, the

following list of questions and potential subjects were proposed to initiate further studies into

the investigation of Human-orientated Urban Lighting. Design basis of urban lighting master

plan, whilst proposing new research subjects for further studies.

1. Coloured Lighting and their relation with,

a. Different materials or textures

b. Architectural typologies

c. Urban element type (vegetation, building etc)

d. Zoning (Proximity to water or historic districts)


e. Extent of application (Coloured Illumination on every façade or at


f. Different attitude towards coloured lighting in relation to culture or

geographical locations

g. Complementary hues or Contrasting hues

2. Urban Illumination ratio or Illuminance level, in relation to,

a. Gender related preference

b. Locations (Proximity to Historic areas, Entertainment)

c. Potential danger (Abandoned buildings, Unsafe neighbourhood)

d. Psychological comfort at night

e. Illumination ratio between lit and shadowed for visual priority

3. Choice of Luminarie or Lamp Sources

a. Variation of Colour Temperature on same objects

b. Vertical illumination versus horizontal illuminated surfaces

c. Different Illumination strategy and effect on perception

d. Colour Rendering properties and effect on human perception

e. Lighting Distribution patterns on perception

Figure 86.0 Figure demonstrating the effect in variation of lamps on perceived colours of same vegetation
(Source: Philips Lighting)

Also, the following questions provides a source of evaluation into the quality of existing

lighting master planning and served as a cautionary insight for the relevant parties during the

formulation of lighting master plan.

1. Would discomfort be detected if the daytime image of the city were different from its

appearance at night? Many urban lighting masterplans had been designed with the

intention to explore different illuminated scenery which differed from the daytime

appearance of the city, to inject dynamicism and variety into the urban environment.

However, no study had demonstrated whether this difference would result in negative

responses in terms of recognition of familiar objects or landmarks and navigation in

the night. Thus, this would examine whether a difference in the daytime appearance

of the urban environment would result in negative Reponses amongst the

respondents, through preliminary investigation into this difference, noted in Survey 2,

Question 5, had 80% of the subjects indicating their acceptance of this difference.

However, Lynch maintained the importance of the appearance of the city to maintain

legibility in various times of the day and at different seasons. (Lynch, 1960)

2. What is the relationship of the urban elements to each other at night, for example, the

illumination of the foreground, together with the background and how would the

illumination of both, or lack of either would result for perception of one’s

environment? This would investigate on the composition of the illuminated

environment, whether a sense of depth could be created through the manipulation of

foreground or background. Currently, lighting designers manipulate the perception of

depth through use of different Colour Temperature lamp sources or the contrast

between the shadowed and lit spaces. (See Chapter 2 on the examples of current


3. What is the scale of these lighting installations in relation to the site upon which they

are located? Since these installations should be classified in the same category as a

statue or street furniture, so does the acceptance of their scale in relation to the street

varied, in accordance to its illuminated surface area?

4. Would the ability to perceive greater details in one’s space aid in the enhancement of

one’s visual perception and understanding of spaces? This would investigate the

theories proposed by J.J. Gibson, which proposed the study of the objects through the

understanding of the details and human’s extraction of information through greater

understanding of the object’s composition. Preliminary investigations through Survey

2 had suggested that Human would prefer to perceive the illuminated textures or

illuminated details. (See Chapter 5 on the results of Survey 2). Yet the understanding

on the potential negative feelings evoked through the absence of these, remained not


5. Visual variety in urban environment, versus the lack of it, how would it affect

perception? This is extremely important for night time environment, as a contrast to

the daytime when the city is covered in darkness and the objects being illuminated are

critical to our perception of the city forms at night. Visual variety can be interpreted

as the ability to perceive the complexity of urban forms in their true appearance,

without distortion of colours, or the use of coloured lighting, which is an increasing

trend now. Results from Survey 2 indicated that variety should be “controlled” and

not overwhelming, as the subjects indicated low preference for coloured lighting or

automated colour changing system, perhaps suggesting that these visual stimulants

could resultant in potential sensory overload or fatigue.


6. Is there any preferred lighting treatment to a space or would different lighting design

concepts within a space might ignite visual chaos and how much “visual variety”

would be permitted for enjoyment of night time spaces. This addressed to the

application and the appropriateness of the proposed design, so serving a word of

caution for the lighting designers in the development of the lighting concepts for

different zones within the larger urban environment and how the various illumination

techniques for different zones would relation and compose the overall illuminated


7. Would the quality of illumination or the illumination patterns affect perception? If

low Colour Rendering were used extensively, would it result in negative ratings for

the environment?

The earlier chapters had pointed out that the current design basis had neglected the natural

human perception of the environment and the need for visual cues. Current practice had

focused on the design of a well-lit environment which addressed to the utilization of correct

quality luminaries of appropriate lighting level, instead of the composition of the lit

environment and how the overall appearance of the environment would facilitate perception,

whilst being coherent to the daytime image. Thus, the above questions only constitute a part

of many questions that quality urban lighting could relate to, but it would propose to extend

the understanding of design basis for urban lighting masterplans, towards the formulation of a

quality lit environment, which was beyond current quantitative lighting requirements, as well

as to complement on the existing urban lighting master planning practice.

Research Limitations and Practice Exceptions

Although a legible visual environment is always preferred by human, too much predictability

and no surprises would result in monotony and an un-stimulating environment that would not

prompt explorations. (Kaplan, 1983; Rapoport, 1977; Lynch, 1960) Since human thrive

through innate need to visually explore and extract information from his environment, variety

and balanced complexity should be present, to spur interest in one’s visual environment.

(Lynch, 1960; Kaplan, 1983; Kaplan, 1998) Hence the design basis for quality nightscape,

should allow for variety and less predictability, as too much monotony and legibility were still

not preferred. Therefore, it is understood that a perfectly legible visual environment would be

impossible to achieve, yet legibility and the extent of its introduction into the visual design of

one’s environment remained to be investigated further.

Through the two experiments executed by the author, using semantic differential scaling for

test of human responses to lit environment, and use of computationally generated

environment as surrogates of the actual test environments, several potential limitations were

noted that would serve as precautionary measures for future tests. However, it must be noted

that the existence of these limitations would not override the validity of potential results

achieved, yet served as parameters for further studies. Furthermore, through analysis of

previous researches on researches in appearance of lit environment, it is noted that in the

research on appearance of quality lit environment, there were different aspects to consider,

mainly, the test environment, mode of test, the formulation of questionnaires and the choice

of test respondents. (See Chapter 3.1.4 and Chapter 5.0) In this case, as highlighted through

both experiments carried out by the author, since computational modelling would be the main

tool to investigate the validity of the implementation of these design bases, the quality of the

computationally generated model is equated to the validity of the experiment results (Eissa,

2001; Wittkopf, 2000) and the quality of derived results from the research. Hence, one of the

main limitations of this research would the quality of the computationally generated images or

models for tests, methods of its generation and the computational tools used. Another

limitation to future researches would be the chosen subject and the sample size. It was noted

that responses from professionals and general public might be different, (Nasar, 1998), future

tests should consider the choice of appropriate in accordance to research objective. Also, the

questionnaire posed should be precise, with every question pointing to the test variable in

question, while the research objective should be clear prior to the formulation of the question,

to minimize statistical errors, which arises from unclear phrasing of the questions, which

would not allow immediate responses. Nasar had pointed out the advantages and

disadvantages between the different modes of tests, through tele-conversation, interviews or

mailing. (Nasar, 1998) Since this test is utilized computational modelling, the test medium is

extremely portable, and the production of photorealistic images of the different effects or real-

time simulation, could be presented to the test audiences in form of photographs or ,to extent

to the other countries or study on the responses from people of different geographical

locations, be posted on the world wide web, to enable participants from different areas, to

study whether culture would be a factor which should be considered in the design of the

visual environment, since prior researches had demonstrated the different viewpoints of

people from different cultural background.

With recent interest in the understanding of quality nightscape noted through various

conferences and seminars hosted by different authorities (like the International Urban

Nightscape Conference, where a condensed version of this thesis was presented, the Annual

Light Fair or the Biannual Light and Building Fairs), it is noted that the interest in provision

for a better illuminated environment would continue and more efforts would be taken in the

understanding of quality nightscape. (Ong, 2006(a)) Furthermore, analysis of all the case-

studies undertaken for this thesis revealed that the implementation of urban lighting

masterplanning had been rampant in recent times, particularly in Asia, as author’s paper on

urban lighting masterplanning for Asian cities had been highlighted for presentation in the

2006 m AAN conference in Tokyo. (Ong, 2006(b)) Also, comparisons across all case-studies

revealed that the design strategy and ideology conceived for each masterplan had matured in

the use of lighting fittings and the relations of lighting to urban planning theories. (See

Chapter 2.0) Furthermore, the revisions in the international codes revealed a need to better

design our exterior lit environment.

All these highlighted the receptiveness of new ideologies for the design basis of urban

lighting masterplanning and the variety of available fittings further signalled the need for

design basis to better relate to human perception needs for his visual environment. Hence,

Urban Lighting Master plan should embark upon a new direction, from the quantitative

aspects of lighting and measurable spatial requirements, to one that would better address to

the previously neglected component of human visual needs in his environment. Therefore,

with a better understanding of how human visual needs could be addressed in the formulation

of future lighting masterplans, it would not be long before city dwellers would enjoy well-lit

spaces, which were not only centred on their functional requirements as stated in Codes, but

designed with greater sensitivity on human-environment visual needs, in mind.


APPENDIX I (Extracts from IESNA, RP – 33-99 & RR-89)

Since there are a lot of technical jargons that are specifically used in lighting design,
choice would be made on the selected terms that are often referenced to in the thesis. The
definitions for the elected terms are based on internationally recognized publications that
are extensively used and often quoted in practices of lighting design.

1. Accent lighting Directional lighting to emphasize a particular object or to draw

attention to a part of the field of view.

2. Ballast A device used with an electric Dischargelamp to obtain the

necessary circuit conditions (voltage, current, and wave form) for
starting and operating.

3. Ambient lighting Lighting throughout an area that produces general illumination.

4. Colour General expression for the effect of a light source on the colour
Rendering appearance of objects in conscious or subconscious comparison
with their colour appearance under a reference light source.

5. Colour Measure of the degree of colour shift objects undergo when

Rendering index, illuminated by the light source as compared with the colour of
CRI those same objects when illuminated by a reference source of
(of a light source) comparable Colour Temperature.

6. Colour The absolute temperature of a blackbody radiator having a

Temperature of a chromaticity equal to that of the light source.
light source

7. Conspicuity The capacity of a signal to stand out in relation to its background

so as to be readily discovered by the eye.
8. Cut-off angle The angle, measured up from the nadir, between the vertical axis
(of a luminaire) and the first line of sight at which the bare source is not visible.

9. Direct glare Glare resulting from high luminances or insufficiently shielded

light source in the field of view. It usually is associated with bright
areas, such as luminaries, ceilings and windows, which are outside
the visual task or regions being viewed.

10. Direct lighting Lighting by luminaries distributing 90 to 100 per cent of the
emitted light in the general direction of the surface to be
illuminated. The term usually refers to light emitted in a downward

11. Disability Glare Caused by stray light scattered within the eye, which reduces the
(veiling contrast of the primary image on the retina. This contrast reduction
luminance) can be thought of as a “veil” of luminance over the objects, thus
the term veiling luminance.

12. Discomfort Glare Does not necessarily reduce the ability to see an object (as in the
case of disability glare), but it produces a sensation of discomfort.
It is caused by high contrast or a non-uniform distribution of
luminance in the field of view. Discomfort glare can be reduced
by decreasing the luminance of the light source, or increasing the

background luminance around the object.

13. Distal stimuli In the physical space in front of the eye one can identify points,
lines and surfaces and three dimensional arrays of scattering
particles which constitute the distal physical stimuli which form
optical images on the retina. Each element of a surface or volume
to which an eye is exposed subtends a solid angle at the entrance
pupil. Such elements of solid angle make up the field of view and
each has a specifiable luminance and chromaticity. Points and
lines are specific cases which have to be dealt with in terms of
total candlepower and candlepower per unit length.

14. Field of view The field of vision is the part of the observable world that is seen
at any given moment.

Different animals have different fields of view, depending on the

placement of the eyes. Humans have a 180-degree forward-facing
field of view, while some birds have a complete 360-degree field
of view. In addition the vertical range of the field of view may

15. Lamp Efficacy Luminous efficacy of a radiant flux: The quotient of the total
luminous flux by the total radiant flux by the total radiant flux. It is
expressed in lumens per watt.

Luminous efficacy of a source of light: The quotient of the total

luminous flux emitted by the total lamp power input. It is
expressed in lumens per watt. It is expressed in lumens per watt.
The term luminous efficiency has in the past been extensively used
for this concept.

16. Floodlighting A system designed for lighting a scene or object to a luminance

greater than its surroundings. It may be for utility, advertising or
decorative purposes.

17. General lighting Lighting designed to provide a substantially uniform level of

illumination throughout an area, exclusive of any provision for
special local requirements.

18. Glare The sensation produced by luminance within the visual field that is
sufficiently greater than the luminance to which the eyes are
adapted to cause annoyance, discomfort, or loss in visual
performance and visibility. The magnitude of the sensation of
glare depends upon such factors as the size , position and
luminance of a source, the number of sources and the luminance to
which the eyes are adjusted.
See Blinding glare, Direct glare, Disability glare and Discomfort

19. Illuminance The density of the luminance flux incident on a surface; it is the
quotient of the luminous flux by the area of the surface when the
latter is uniformly illuminated. S.I unit of illuminance is lux.

20. Lamp A generic term for a man-made source of light. By extension, the
term is also used to denote sources that radiate in regions of the
spectrum adjacent to the visible.
21. Lamp Lumen The multiplier to be used in illumination calculations to relate the
Deprecistion initial rated output of light sources to the anticipated minimum
factor rated output based on the relamping program to be used.

22. Light Loss Factor A factor used in calculating illuminance after a given period of
LLD time and under given conditions. It takes into account temperature
and voltage variations, dirt accumulations on luminaries, lamp
depreciation, maintenance procedures, and atmosphere conditions.

23. Local lighting Lighting designed to provide illuminance over a relatively small
area or confined space without providing any significant general
surrounding lighting.

24. Luminaire A complete lighting unit consiting of a lamp or lamps together

with the parts designed to distribute the light, to position and
protect the lamps, to position and protect the lamps and to connect
the lamps to the power supply.

25. Luminance The quotient of the luminous flux at an element of the surface
surrounding the point, and propagated in directions defined by an
elementary cone containing the given direction, by the product of
the solid angle of the cone and the area of the orthogonal
projection of the element of the surface on a plane perpendicular to
the given direction. The luminous flux may be leaving, passing
through and/or arriving at the surface.

26. Luminance The relationship between the luminances of an object and its
contrast immediate background.

27. Nuisance or Can be defined as glare that causes complaints, such as the “light
annoyance glare shining in my window” phenomenon.

28. Object colour The colour of the light reflected or transmitted by the object when
illuminated by a standard light source.

29. Perceived object The colour perceived to belong to an object, resulting from
colour characteristics of the object, of the incident light, and of the
surround, the viewing direction and object adaptation.

30. Quality of Pertains to the distribution of luminance in a visual environment.

lighting The term is used in a positive sense and implies that all luminances
contribute favourably to visual performance, visual comfort, ease
of seeing, safety and aesthetics for the specific visual tasks

31. Quantity of light The product of the luminous flux by the time it is maintained. It is
(luminous energy) the time integral of luminous flux.

32. Subjective The subjective attribute of any light sensation giving rise to the
brightness percept of luminous magnitude, including the whole scale of

qualities being bright, light brilliant, dim or dark. The term

brightness often is used when referring to the measurable
luminance. While the context usually makes it clear as to which
meaning is intended, the preferable term for photometric quantity
is luminance, thus reserving brightness for subjective sensation.

33. Veiling A luminance superimposed on the retinal image which reduces it

luminance contrast. It is this veiling effect produced by bright sources or
areas in the visual field that results in decreased visual
performance and visibility.

34. Vision Vision is classified into 3 different types, as defined in IESNA RP

33- 99. (See IESNA, 1999 for more details), Photopic, Scotopic
and Mesopic.

1. Photopic Vision – Human eye’s response at high light

levels whereby the cones account for the majority of
vision. The cones are also responsible for foveal vision, the
central area where the eye focused on objects. Color is also
perceived by the cones. This vision is generally assciated
with adaptation to a luminance ≥ 3cd/m2 (≤ 0.0001 cd/ft2)
2. Scotopic Vision – Human eye’s response at very low light
levels such as moonlight. At these levels, the rods account
for the majority of vision. Stimuli from the rods are also
responsible for peripheral vision, with everything
appearing in black, white and grey. This vision is generally
associated with adaptation to a luminance ≤ 0.001 cd/m2
(≤ 0.0001 cd/ft2)
3. Mesopic Vision – A combination of Scotopic and Photopic
vision, occurs under the majority of exterior night lighting
conditions. Both the rods and the cones contribute to the
visual response. This vision is generally associated with
adaptation to a luminance 3 and 0.001 cd/m2 (0.3 and
0.0001 cd/ft2) Exterior lighting design should take into
account the prevalence of mesopic conditions. When
clarity, depth-of-field and peripheral detection are
important, then a light source rich in short wave length
(blue and green) light should be used. Current research
indicate that less light is required with a light source rich in
green and blue components (metal halide, fluorescent)
relative to a light source with few green and blue
components, for an equivalent peripheral mesopic

35. Visibility The quality or state of being perceivable by the eye. In many
outdoor applications, visibility is defined in terms of the distance
at which an object can be perceived by the eye.

36. Visual acuity A measure of the ability to distinguish fine details. Quantitatively,
it is the reciprocal of the minimum angular separation in minutes
of two lines of width subtending one minute of arc when the lines
are just resolvable as separate.

37. Visual field The locus of objects or points in space that can be perceived when
the head and eyes are kept fixed. The field may be monocular or

Binocular visual field: that portion of space where the fields of the
two eyes overlap.

Central visual field: that region of the visual field corresponding to

the foveal portion of the retina.

Monocular visual field: the visual field of a single eye.

Peripheral visual field: the portion of the visual field that falls
outside the region corresponding to the foveal portion of the retina.

(Extracts from IESNA, Lighting for Exterior Environment,RP-33-99, 1999)
The below illustrates the various available lamp sources for urban lighting applications, to
understanding he technical properties unique to each lamp and their applications in
relation to the illumination of choice urban elements.

Representation of the different kinds of electric light sources according to the means of their light production.
(Source: ERCO, 1992, p. 44)


The below is the survey used for the test where the results were analyzed in Chapter 5.1.
The results derived from all the responses are attached behind this survey.


Sex: [ ] Female [ ] Male

Age: [ ] < 20 years old [ ] 20 - 25 years old [ ] 26 - 30 years old

[ ] 31 - 35 years old [ ] 36 - 40 years old [ ] > 40 years old

Do you suffer from any visibility impairing problems, which affects any one of the listed:

[ ] Yes [ ] No Difficulty in distinguishing between different colours or contrast?

Difficulty in Distinguishing shapes and brightness level even with
[ ] Yes [ ] No
visual aids (like spectacles)


Part A The Series of images generated showed a series of different scenes generated. For
each of the shown set, please indicate which of the images is brighter, by ticking in
the correct box.

Qn. Image shown: A B

1 SET 1
2 SET 2
3 SET 3
4 SET 4
5 SET 5
6 SET 6
7 SET 7
8 SET 8
9 SET 9
10 SET 10
11 SET 11
12 SET 12
13 SET 13
14 SET 14
15 SET 15
16 SET 16
17 SET 17
18 SET 18
19 SET 19
20 SET 20

Part B The Series of images generated showed a series of different scenes generated. For

each of the shown set, please indicate which of the images is brighter, by ticking in
the correct box.

Image shown: A B

21 SET 1
22 SET 2
23 SET 3
24 SET 4
25 SET 5
26 SET 6
27 SET 7
28 SET 8
29 SET 9
30 SET 10
31 SET 11
32 SET 12
33 SET 13
34 SET 14
35 SET 15
36 SET 16
37 SET 17
38 SET 18
39 SET 19
40 SET 20


Part C Please imagine yourself in each of the rooms depicted, and choose the image that
represented the room whereby you would feel more comfortable in.

Image shown: A B

41 SET 1
42 SET 2
43 SET 3
44 SET 4
45 SET 5
46 SET 6
47 SET 7
48 SET 8
49 SET 9
50 SET 10
51 SET 11
52 SET 12
53 SET 13
54 SET 14
55 SET 15
56 SET 16
57 SET 17
58 SET 18
59 SET 19
60 SET 20
51 SET 21
52 SET 22
53 SET 23

54 SET 24
55 SET 25
56 SET 26
57 SET 27
58 SET 28
59 SET 29
60 SET 30
61 SET 21
62 SET 22
63 SET 23
64 SET 24
65 SET 25
66 SET 26
67 SET 27
68 SET 28
69 SET 29
70 SET 30

Part D Please imagine yourself in each of the rooms depicted, and choose the image that
represented the room whereby you would feel more comfortable in.

Image shown: A B

71 SET 31
72 SET 32
73 SET 33
74 SET 34
75 SET 35
76 SET 36
77 SET 37
78 SET 38
79 SET 39
80 SET 40
81 SET 41
82 SET 42
83 SET 43
84 SET 44
85 SET 45
86 SET 46
87 SET 47
88 SET 48
89 SET 49
90 SET 50
91 SET 51
92 SET 52
93 SET 53
94 SET 54
95 SET 55
96 SET 56
97 SET 57
98 SET 58
99 SET 59
100 SET 60


Part E Please imagine yourself in each of the rooms depicted, and choose the image that
represented the room whereby you would feel more comfortable in.

Image shown: A B

101 SET 1
102 SET 2
103 SET 3
104 SET 4
105 SET 5
106 SET 6
107 SET 7
108 SET 8
109 SET 9
110 SET 10
111 SET 11
112 SET 12
113 SET 13
114 SET 14
115 SET 15
116 SET 16
117 SET 17
118 SET 18
119 SET 19
120 SET 20
121 SET 21
122 SET 22
123 SET 23
124 SET 24
125 SET 25
126 SET 26
127 SET 27
128 SET 28
129 SET 29
130 SET 30



The results of the survey one, with the summary analyzed in Chapter 5.1.

Results of all tests sets

Subject analyzed: Perceivable Brightness

Results of all tests sets

Subject analyzed: Perceivable Contrast

Results of all tests sets

Subject analyzed: Perceptive ranking of coloured images against greyscaled images


The below is the survey used for the test on human’s perception of his night-time
environment, where the results were analyzed in Chapter 5.2. The results derived from all
the responses is attached behind this survey.

Survey for Appearance of Night-time Environment

(optional) :
Age: Sex:
Please indicate if you are :
(1) Undergraduate Architectural (2) Postgraduate Architectural student

Section A: Kindly indicate your choice clearly for each of the question below.

Qn 1 Picture yourself walking through the city at night.

Please rank all of the following stated urban elements you would want to see, in order
of importance. (1 – most important & 7 – least important)

Prominent Building (appearance – Public Transport Stations

wise / physical / historic) (Bus-stops, Taxi stands)
Pathway / walkways
Parks / Gardens

Familiar Buildings you recognized

in the day.


Qn 2 Imagine yourself walking through the city at night.

For each urban feature, at a scale of 1-7, please rank the importance of seeing each of
the following lit features in the environment (1 – most important & 7 – least

Textures lighting (of buildings or plants)

Brightly lit areas

Vegetation or illumination of nature

Colour lighting

Temporary Lighting installations (Street-art)

Dynamic-scene changing lighting (Interactive lighting)

Lit Architectural details

SECTION B: Please indicate your choice of Yes or No clearly by underlining the selected answer for
the list of questions below:

Qn 3 Do you enjoy walking in the city at night?

Qn 4 Would you prefer a city where it would be easy to orientate yourself at night?
Qn 5 Would you prefer a city where the daytime appearance is very different from the
night-time appearance?
Qn 6 Do you think a city with beautifully illuminated skyline would be attractive to you?
Qn 7 Is it important for you to know your orientation and the recognition of the city’s
element at night?
Qn 8 Do you feel any pleasure from knowing your orientation at night?
Qn 9 Do you feel any unsafe if you do not recognize your surroundings or are lost, at night?
Qn 10 Would increasing the brightness level of the surroundings help decrease your fear, if
you are lost at night?
Qn 11 Does differentiating the different areas (parks, main pedestrian walkways, and
waterfront) in different lighting colours, help you in easy identification of these
Qn 12 Do you like the use of colour lighting in lighting of urban elements?
Qn 13 Do you like colour-changing lighting for lighting of urban spaces?
Qn 14 Do you take note of the Singapore city lighting when you are strolling in the city at
Qn 15 Do you associate orangey-hue lighting rendering with lighting of historic buildings?
Qn 16 Do you think the lighting design of our city can be improved?
SECTION C: For the series of pictures shown, please indicate which of the picture you would prefer,
by underlining the picture annotation, below the picture.


(Picture 1) (Picture 2)


(Picture 1) (Picture 2)

(Picture 1) (Picture 2)

(Picture 1) (Picture 2)

Thank you for your participation in the above questionnaire.

Your help is greatly appreciated.
Survey analysis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Undergrad / Post grad P P P P U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U P U P U U U P U U P U U U U U U U U

Sex: F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

Question 1

3 3 4 4 3 7 5 5 5 3 4 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 5 1 2 6 2 6 5 1 1 5 2 5 4 5 1 5 2 6
Prominent Building (appearance –wise / physical / historic)
4 4 3 3 6 2 3 4 2 5 6 1 6 2 5 2 5 3 7 5 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 4 4 6 3 4 2 3 3 1 5 1
Pathway / walkways
1 2 7 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 7 2 3 6 3 2 7 2 3 3 3 2 5 5 4 4 7 3 2 5 1 4 3 6 1 4 6 1 2
Familiar Buildings you recognized in the day.

2 1 1 1 1 6 6 2 6 2 2 3 4 5 1 4 3 1 5 2 2 6 3 3 4 5 3 4 4 3 2 2 6 1 3 2 2 2 4 5

5 5 2 5 4 4 7 3 7 7 3 4 5 7 7 6 7 4 4 7 7 4 4 7 3 2 7 5 2 7 7 4 7 7 7 4 5 7 6 4
Public Transport Stations
7 6 5 6 7 1 2 7 3 6 7 6 7 6 4 7 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 4 6 7 6 1 7 5 3 3 5 6 5 6 6 3 3 3
Parks / Gardens

Bridges 6 7 4 7 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 4 2 5 4 6 1 4 4 7 7 6 7 3 5 2 6 6 6 7 1 2 1 7 7 4 7 7

Question 2

3 1 2 2 2 2 5 6 6 3 1 4 1 4 1 3 4 6 2 2 6 2 1 6 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 2 4 2 1 4 2 2 4
Textures lighting (of buildings or plants)
4 1 1 1 7 3 4 7 7 1 3 1 3 7 7 7 4 3 5 5 5 1 3 1 3 7 7 1 7 7 1 4 5 4 2 3 1 1 1
Brightly lit areas
1 3 5 4 1 6 7 3 4 7 7 7 2 5 3 2 5 7 4 4 7 3 7 2 6 5 2 5 6 6 4 7 7 6 7 6 4 6 3
Vegetation or illumination of nature
7 5 3 6 5 6 1 5 1 5 4 3 7 6 2 6 6 1 6 6 3 6 5 7 7 6 5 6 3 4 5 5 6 5 5 7 6 7 2
Colour lighting

Temporary Lighting installations (Street-art)

5 7 6 5 3 5 3 2 2 6 6 5 4 1 4 4 3 2 3 3 1 4 6 5 5 3 3 2 1 1 6 2 3 7 3 5 7 4 5

6 6 7 7 6 7 2 1 3 2 2 6 6 2 5 5 5 5 7 7 4 7 4 4 1 2 1 7 2 3 7 4 2 3 4 1 5 3 7
Dynamic-scene changing lighting (Interactive lighting)

Lit Architectural details 2 2 4 3 4 4 6 4 5 4 5 2 5 3 6 1 5 4 1 1 2 5 2 3 2 1 6 3 4 2 2 2 1 1 6 2 3 5 6

Question 3 Do you enjoy walking in the city at night? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Question 4 Would you prefer a city where it would be easy to orientate yourself at night? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y

Question 5 Would you prefer a city where the daytime appearance is very different from the
night-time appearance?
Question 6 Do you think a city with beautifully illuminated skyline would be attractive to
Question 7 Is it important for you to know your orientation and the recognition of the city’s
element at night?

Question 8 Do you feel any pleasure from knowing your orientation at night? Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y

Question 9 Do you feel any unsafe if you do not recognize your surroundings or are lost, at
Question 10 Would increasing the brightness level of the surroundings help decrease your
fear, if you are lost at night?
Question 11 Does differentiating the different areas (parks, main pedestrian walkways, and
waterfront) in different lighting colours, help you in easy identification of these spaces?

Question 12 Do you like the use of colour lighting in lighting of urban elements? Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N

Question 13 Do you like colour-changing lighting for lighting of urban spaces? N Y N Y N N N Y Y Y N Y Y N N N N N Y N N N Y Y N Y N Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y Y N

Question 14 Do you take note of the Singapore city lighting when you are strolling in the city
at night?
Question 15 Do you associate orangey-hue lighting rendering with lighting of historic

Question 16 Do you think the lighting design of our city can be improved? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Question 17 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1
Question 18 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2

Question 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
Question 20 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1
Survey analysis

Undergrad / Post grad


Question 1
9 23 8 20 6 15 4 10 9 23 3 8 1 3 40
Prominent Building (appearance –wise / physical / historic)
10 25 5 13 8 20 6 15 6 15 4 10 1 3 40
Pathway / walkways
9 23 9 23 7 18 4 10 4 10 3 8 4 10 40
Familiar Buildings you recognized in the day.
7 18 11 28 7 18 6 15 4 10 5 13 0 0 40
0 0 3 8 3 8 10 25 6 15 2 5 16 40 40
Public Transport Stations
2 5 1 3 6 15 2 5 6 15 15 38 8 20 40
Parks / Gardens

Bridges 3 8 3 8 3 8 10 25 5 13 6 15 10 25 40

Question 2
6 15 11 28 4 10 10 26 3 8 5 13 0 0 39
Textures lighting (of buildings or plants)
12 31 1 3 7 18 5 13 4 10 0 0 10 26 39
Brightly lit areas
2 5 4 10 5 13 6 15 5 13 7 18 10 26 39
Vegetation or illumination of nature
3 8 2 5 4 10 2 5 10 26 12 31 6 15 39
Colour lighting
4 11 5 13 8 21 5 13 8 21 5 13 3 8 38
Temporary Lighting installations (Street-art)
4 11 6 16 4 11 5 13 5 13 5 13 9 24 38
Dynamic-scene changing lighting (Interactive lighting)

Lit Architectural details 5 13 10 26 5 13 7 18 6 16 5 13 0 0 38

Y (%) N (%) T

Question 3 Do you enjoy walking in the city at night? 38 95.0 2 5.0 40

Question 4 Would you prefer a city where it would be easy to orientate yourself at night? 38 95.0 2 5.0 40

Question 5 Would you prefer a city where the daytime appearance is very different from the
32 80.0 8 20.0 40
night-time appearance?
Question 6 Do you think a city with beautifully illuminated skyline would be attractive to
37 92.5 3 7.5 40
Question 7 Is it important for you to know your orientation and the recognition of the city’s
33 82.5 7 17.5 40
element at night?

Question 8 Do you feel any pleasure from knowing your orientation at night? 35 87.5 5 12.5 40

Question 9 Do you feel any unsafe if you do not recognize your surroundings or are lost, at
33 82.5 7 17.5 40
Question 10 Would increasing the brightness level of the surroundings help decrease your
24 60.0 16 40.0 40
fear, if you are lost at night?
Question 11 Does differentiating the different areas (parks, main pedestrian walkways, and
31 77.5 9 22.5 40
waterfront) in different lighting colours, help you in easy identification of these spaces?

Question 12 Do you like the use of colour lighting in lighting of urban elements? 31 77.5 9 22.5 40

Question 13 Do you like colour-changing lighting for lighting of urban spaces? 19 47.5 21 52.5 40

Question 14 Do you take note of the Singapore city lighting when you are strolling in the city
36 90.0 4 10.0 40
at night?
Question 15 Do you associate orangey-hue lighting rendering with lighting of historic
18 45.0 22 55.0 40

Question 16 Do you think the lighting design of our city can be improved? 40 100.0 0 0.0 40

O1 (%) O2 (%) T
Question 17 22 55.0 18 45.0 40
Question 18 10 25.0 30 75.0 40
Question 19 33 82.5 7 17.5 40

Question 20 10 25.0 30 75.0 40



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Web-based research information:

A collection of all pictures on Hang Zhou and West Lake:

Annalise Falzon. Light Pollution and its effects on the Environment.

Coventry City Council official website:

Hang Zhou’s West Lake Tourism website :


Information on West Lake.

Lyon official website on fete des Lumieres (Festival of Lights):

Lyon official website on lighting masterplan:

Official guide on Lyon’s traboules.

Official Hang Zhou City’s website: http://www.Hang

Official website for City-people-light.

Official website for Coventry City Council.

Official website for Lighting for Urban Community International (LUCI):

Official website of Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA):

Official website of lighting designers who conceptualize the Coventry Lighting Masterplan, Speirs and
Major Associates.

Official website of mix-use development in Hang Zhou Westlake:

Official website of Philips Outdoor Lighting Application Centre (OLAC).

Official website of Shanghai’s Xin Tian Di Project:

Official website of Shui On Group, developer of Xin Tian Di and Xihutiandi.

Official website of write up on Coventry Lighting Masterplan.

Official website to Grand Lyon.

Travel website containing information for Xin Tian Di:

Website from architect illustrating the concept behind the phoenix incentive project in Coventry.

Website introducing Coventry History:

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