PRPC10 AM Rigid Body Mechanics

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PRPC10 Applied Mechanics

Lecture Notes
Rigid body Mechanics

Dr. Prakash Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Production Engineering
NIT Tiruchirappalli
• Review of Forces and Moments, Introduction to Equilibrium, Application of the
Equations of Equilibrium,

• Friction, Forces and Moments Transmitted by Slender Members,

• Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams. Mechanics of Deformable Bodies.

• Force-Stress-Equilibrium, Multiaxial Stress and Strain, Multiaxial Strain and

Multiaxial Stress-strain Relationships, Linear Elasticity - Material Behaviour, Stress
Transformations and Principal Stress, Stress and Strain Transformations, Failure of

• Pure Bending, Moment-curvature Relationship, Beam Deflection, Symmetry,

Superposition, and Statically Indeterminate Beams, Torsion and Twisting, Energy

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• Science: Science may be defined as the growth of ideas through observation and
• Applied Science: The branch of science, which co ordinates the research work, for
practical utility and services of the mankind, is known as Applied Science.
• Engineering: Engineering is the application of mathematics, empirical evidence and
scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge in order to invent, innovate,
design, build, maintain, research, and improve structures, machines, tools, systems,
components, materials, processes and organizations.
• Mechanics: Mechanics is the science which describes and predicts the conditions of
rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces
• or
• Mechanics is an area of science concerned with the behavior of physical bodies when
subjected to forces or displacements, and the subsequent effects of the bodies on their

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• Mechanics can be described as that physical science which describes and predicts the
condition of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces.
• It is divided into three parts : mechanics of rigid bodies, mechanics of deformable
bodies and mechanics of fluids.
• The mechanics of rigid body is subdivided into statics and dynamics.


Mechanics of rigid Mechanics of Mechanics of

body deformable body fluids

Statics Dynamics

Kinematics Kinetics

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• Statics: The branch of mechanics which deals with the forces and their effects, while
acting upon the bodies at rest.
• Dynamics: The branch of mechanics which deals with the forces and their effects,
while acting upon the bodies in motion.
• Kinematics: The branch of dynamics which deals with the bodies in motion without
any reference to the forces which are responsible for motion.
• Kinetics: The branch of dynamics which deals with the bodies in motion due to the
application of forces.
• Applied mechanics: A systematic study of different laws and principles of mechanics
along with their applications to engineering problems is known as applied mechanics.
• Applied mechanics acts as bridge between principle theory and its application to
• Applied mechanics is a branch of the physical sciences and the practical application of
mechanics. Applied mechanics describes the response of bodies (solids and fluids) or
systems of bodies to external forces.

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Concept of rigid and deformable bodies
• Rigid bodies:
• A body that do not deform or change its shape when subjected to force .
• The distance between two particles remain fixed and unchanged when they are
subjected to forces.
• Physical bodies are never absolutely rigid but deform slightly under the action of
loads. If the deformation is negligible as compare to its size the body is termed as
• Deformable bodies (elastic bodies)
• A body that deforms or change its shape and size when subjected to forces.

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Fundamental concepts in Newtonian Mechanics
• In Newtonian mechanics, space time and mass are absolute concepts, independent of
each other (It is not true in relativistic mechanics) and the concept of force is not
independent to the other three.
• These concepts cannot be truly defined, they should be accepted on the basis of our
intuition and experience and used as a mental frame of reference.
• Space : It is the region which extends in all directions and contains everything in it.
The concept of space is associated with the notion of the position of point P. The
position of P can be defined by fundamental quantity (length) measured from certain
reference point, called origin, in three given directions. These lengths are known as
coordinates of point P(x,y,z)
• Time : It is the measure of duration between successive events. Time is the basic
quantity involved in the analysis of dynamics but not in statics. The times defines the
instant of occurrence of event.
• Matter : It refers to anything that occupies space and can be perceived by our senses.
• Mass : It is the quantity of matter contained in a body. These quantities do not change on
account of the position occupied by the body. The force of attraction exerted by the Earth
on two different bodies with equal mass will be in same manner. Mass is the property of a
body which measures its resistance to a change of motion. Its SI unit is kg.
• Particle : It is a matter having considerable mass but negligible dimension. A body
whose shape and size is not considered in analysis of a problem and all the forces
acting on a given body are assumed to act at a single point is considered to be a
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• Continuum: A body consists of several matters. It is well known fact that each
particle can be subdivided into molecules atom and electrons. It is not possible to
solve any engineering problem by treating a body as a conglomeration of such
discrete particles. The body is assumed to consist of a continuous distribution of
matter. In other words, the body is treated as continuum.
• Scalar : A physical quantity which requires only magnitude for its complete
description is known as scalar. For example, distance, area, volume, mass, work,
power, energy, time, density, speed, etc. Scalar quantities are added and subtracted by
simple arithmetic methods.
• Vector : A physical quantity which requires both magnitude and direction for its
complete description is known as vector. For example, force, displacement, velocity,
acceleration, momentum, moment, couple, torque, impulse, weight, etc.
• Force: Force is push or pull. Force may be defined as any action that tends to change
the state of rest or motion of a body to which it is applied.
• The three quantities required to completely define force are called its specification or
characteristics. So the characteristics of a force are:
• 1. Magnitude
• 2. Point of application
• 3. Direction of application
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Principles (law) of mechanics
• The study of elementary mechanics rests on six fundamental principles based on
experimental evidence.
• (i) Parallelogram law for addition of forces: It sates that two forces acting on a particle
may be replaced by a single force called their resultant, obtained by drawing the
diagonal of the parallelogram which has sides equal to the given forces.
• If two forces represented by vectors AB and AC acting under an angle α are applied to
a body at point A. Their action is equivalent to the action of one force, represented by
vector AD, obtained as the diagonal of the parallelogram constructed on the vectors
AB and AC directed as shown in the figure.

• Force AD is called the resultant of AB and AC and the forces are called its
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Special cases
• Case I: If α=0°

• Case II: If α=180°

• Case I: If α=90°

• Resolution of a force
• The replacement of a single
force by a several components
which will be equivalent in
action to the given force is called
resolution of a force.

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Numerical Problem 1
• Boat is moved uniformly along a canal by two horses pulling with forces P = 890 N
and Q = 1068 N acting under an angle α = 60°. Determine the magnitude of the
resultant pull on the boat and the angles β and γ.

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(ii) Principle of transmissibility
• It states that condition of equilibrium or of motion rigid body will remain unchanged
if a force acting at a given point of the rigid body is place by a force of the same
magnitude and same direction, but acting at a different point , provided that the two
forces have the same line of action.

• This means the action of a force may be transmitted along its line of action.

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Newton`s law of motion
• (iii) First law: Every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight
line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it.
• If the resultant force acting on a particle is zero, the particle will remain at rest ( if
originally at rest) or will move with constant speed in a straight line ( if originally
in motion ) .
• The first law states that an object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will
stay in motion unless acted on by a net external force. Mathematically, this is
equivalent to saying that if the net force on an object is zero, then the velocity of the
object is constant.
• σ𝐹 = 0 ֞ =0
• where F is the force being applied (Σ is notation for summation), v is the velocity, and
dv/dt is the derivative of v with respect to time t.
• Newton's first law is often referred to as the principle of inertia.
• Newton's first (and second) laws are valid only in an inertial reference frame.

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• (iv) Second Law: force is equal to the change in momentum (mV) per change in time.
• If the resultant force acting on a particle is not zero, the particle will have an
acceleration proportional to the magnitude of the resultant and in the direction of
resultant force.
• The second law states that the rate of change of momentum of a body over time is
directly proportional to the force applied, and occurs in the same direction as the
applied force.
• F=dp/dt
• Where p is the momentum of the body.
• For objects and systems with constant mass, the second law can be re-stated in terms
of an object's acceleration.
𝑑(𝑚𝑣) 𝑑𝑣
• 𝐹= =𝑚 = 𝑚𝑎
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
• where F is the net force applied, m is the mass of the body, and a is the body's
acceleration. Thus, the net force applied to a body produces a proportional
𝑑𝑚 𝑑𝑣
• For variable mass system 𝐹+𝑢 =𝑚
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
• here u is the velocity of the escaping or incoming mass relative to the body.
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• (v) Third Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
• The forces of action and reaction between bodies in contact have the same
magnitude, same line of action and opposite sense.
• The third law states that all forces between two objects exist in equal magnitude and
opposite direction: if one object A exerts a force FA on a second object B, then B
simultaneously exerts a force FB on A, and the two forces are equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction: FA = −FB.
• The third law means that all forces are interactions between different bodies, or
different regions within one body.
• The magnitude and direction of the forces are determined entirely by one of the two
bodies, say Body A; the force exerted by Body A on Body B is called the "action", and
the force exerted by Body B on Body A is called the "reaction".
• This law is sometimes referred to as the action-reaction law, with FA called the
“action” and FB the “reaction” and vice versa.

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(vi) Newton’s law of gravitation
• Newton's Law of Gravitation :
• The force of attraction between any two bodies in the universe is directly proportional
to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between them. For example, if ml and m2 are the masses of two bodies and r is the
distance between them, then the force of attraction F between them is given by

• Where G is universal gravitational constant (G = 6.673 x10-12 N.m2/kg2)

• Consider a body of mass m located on the surface of the earth, whose mass is M and
radius R. Then the force of attraction between the two bodies is given as

• We can see that the terms within the bracket are constants, hence we can write
• F = mg
• where g is a constant called the acceleration due to gravity.

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Idealization in Mechanics
• A number of ideal conditions are assumed to exist while applying the principles of
mechanics to practical problems. In fact without such assumption it is not possible to
arrive at practical solutions. The following idealizations are usually made in
engineering mechanics.
• The body is rigid.
• The body can be treated as continuum.
• If the size of the body is small compared to other distances involved in the problem, it
may be treated as particle.
• If the area over which force is acting on a body is small compared to the size of the
body, it may be treated as point force.
• Support condition are idealized as simple, hinged, fixed etc.

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• Force is some thing which changes or tends to change the state of rest or of uniform
motion of a body in a straight line. Force is the direct or indirect action of one body on
• The bodies may be in direct contact with each other causing direct motion or
separated by distance but subjected to gravitational effects.
• There are different kinds of forces such as gravitational, frictional, magnetic, inertia or
those cause by mass and acceleration.
• The force has a magnitude and direction, therefore, it is vector. While the directions of
the force is measured in absolute terms of angle relative to a co-ordinate system, the
magnitude is measured in different units depending on the situation.
• When a force acts on a body, the following effects may be produced in that body :
• (i) It may bring a change in the motion of the body i.e., the motion may be
accelerated or retarded ;
• (ii) it may balance the forces already acting on the body thus bringing the body to a
state of rest or of equilibrium, and
• (iii) it may change the size or shape of the body i.e., the body may be twisted, bent,
stretched, compressed or otherwise distorted by the action of the force.

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• The two commonly used units of force are :
• 1. Absolute units and 2. Gravitational units.
• Absolute units. Because the mass and acceleration are measured differently in different
systems of units, so the units of force are also different in various systems :
• In the F.P.S. - poundal - force as produces an acceleration 1 ft/sec2 in a mass of one pound.
• In the C.G.S. - dyne - force as produces an acceleration of 1 cm/sec2 in a mass of one gram.
• In the M.K.S. -newton - force as produces an acceleration of 1 m/sec2 in a mass of 1 Kg.
• Obviously, 1 newton = 105 dynes.
• Gravitational units of force. Gravitational units are the units which are used by engineers
for all practical purposes. These units depend upon the weight of a body (i.e., the force
with which the body is attracted towards the centre of the earth). Now the weight of a body
of mass m (i.e., the quantity of matter contained in a body). = mg, where g is the
acceleration due to gravity.
• So the gravitational units of force in the three systems of units i.e., F.P.S., C.G.S. and
M.K.S. are Pound weight, Gram weight and kilogram weight.
• 1 lb wt. (or lbf ) = g poundal = 32.2 poundals (app.)
• 1 gm wt. (or gmf ) = g dynes = 981 dynes (app.)
• 1 kg wt. (or kgf ) = g newtons = 9.81 newtons (app.)
• Gravitational unit of force = ‘g’ times the corresponding absolute units of force.
• Usually, kg, wt (or kgf) is written simply as kg.
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Characteristics of a Force
• The characteristics or elements of the force are the quantities by which a force is fully
represented. These are :
• 1. Magnitude (i.e., 50 N, 100 N, etc.)
• 2. Direction or line of action (angle relative to a co-ordinate system).
• 3. Sense or nature (push or pull).
• 4. Point of application
• Graphical Representation of Force
• A force is represented graphically by drawing a straight line parallel to the line of
action of the force. Taking some suitable scale for the magnitude of the force its
magnitude is represented by the length of this line drawn to scale. The direction is
given by the angle made by the straight line with reference axis and represented by
means of an arrow head placed at the end of the line.

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Classification of Forces
• There are several ways in which forces can be classified. Some of the important
classifications are given as under :
• 1. According to the effect produced by the force :
• (i) External force. When a force is applied external to a body it is called external
• (ii) Internal force. The resistance to deformation, or change of shape, exerted by the
material of a body is called an internal force.
• (iii) Active force. An active force is one which causes a body to move or change its
• (iv) Passive force. A force which prevents the motion, deformation of a body is called
a passive force.
• 2. According to nature of the force :
• (i) Action and reaction. Whenever there are two bodies in contact, each exerts a
force on the other. Out of these forces one is called action and other is called reaction.
Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
• (ii) Attraction and repulsion. These are actually non-contacting forces exerted by
one body or another without any visible medium transmission such as magnetic

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• (iii) Tension and thrust. When a body is dragged with a string the force
communicated to the body by the string is called the tension while, if we push the
body with a rod, the force exerted on the body is called a thrust.
• 3. According to whether the force acts at a point or is distributed over a large
• (i) Concentrated force. The force whose point of application is so small that it may
be considered as a point is called a concentrated force.
• (ii) Distributed force. A distributed force is one whose place of application is area.
• 4. According to whether the force acts at a distance or by contact.
• (i) Non-contacting forces or forces at a distance. Magnetic, electrical and
gravitational forces are examples of non-contacting forces or forces at a distance.
• (ii) Contacting forces or forces by contact. The pressure of steam in a cylinder and
that of the wheels of a locomotive on the supporting rails are examples of contacting

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Force System
• When the number of forces act simultaneously on a body then they are said to form a
force system.
• A force system is a collection of forces acting on a body in one or more planes.

• Depending upon whether the line of action of all the forces acting on the body lies in
the same plane or in different plane, the force system may be classified as follows :
i. Coplanar Force System : If the line of action of all the forces in the system lies
on the same plane then it is called a coplanar force system.
ii. Non-coplanar Force System : If the line of action of all the forces in the system
do not lie on the same plane then it is called a non-coplanar force system.

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• These two force systems can be subclassified into three groups:
• (a) Concurrent Force System : If the line of action of all the forces in the system
passes through single point then it is called a concurrent force system.

• (b) Parallel Force System : If the line of action of all the forces in the system are
parallel to each other then it is called a parallel force system. Parallel force system can
be further subclassified into two groups, like and unlike.

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• (c) Non-concurrent and Non-parallel Force System : If the lines of action of all the
forces in the system are neither concurrent nor parallel then it is known as non-
concurrent and non-parallel force system.

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Composition of forces
• Forces may be combined (added) to obtain a single force which produces the same
effect as the original system of forces. This single force is known as resultant force.
The process of finding the resultant of forces is called composition of forces

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Lami’s theorem
• Lami’s theorem states that, if a body is in equilibrium under the action of only three
forces, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two forces.

• Converse of Lami’s theorem: If three forces are acting at a particle such that each
force is proportional to the sine of angle between the rest two forces, then three forces
remain in equilibrium.
• Law of polygon of forces: “If all the forces acting at a point can be represented by
successive sides of a closed polygon, then forces will be in equilibrium”
• Other form of law of polygon of forces:- if a number of forces acting at a particle can
be represented by sides of an open polygon, then their resultant is represented by
closing side taken in opposite order.

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Numerical problem 2
• (a) Two forces of magnitude 30N and 15N are acting at a point. The angle of
inclination between two forces is 60°. Determine the resultant force when (i) both
forces are in tension (ii) 15N forces is in compression whereas 30N force is in tension.

• (b) A body of 130N is suspended by two light strings. Ends of both strings are fixed
on horizontal line at two points 13 m apart. Lengths of the string supporting body are
5m and 12m. Determine tension in the strings.

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Numerical problem 3
• Jib crane is an instrument used to raise heavy loads. A load w can be lifted by using
chain and pulley.

• Tie member is a tensile member and jib is compressive member. Find the forces in the
jib and tie when a load of 4800N is hung from the crane

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Resolution of Forces
• The process of breaking the force into a number of components which are equivalent
to the given forces is called resolution of force.
• The law of parallelogram shows how to combine two forces into a resultant force
whereas resolution of force is an inverse operation in which a given force is replaced
by two components which are equivalent to the given force.

• Single force R is replaced by two components of force P and Q.

• Figure shows that we can have infinite number of pair of oblique components of
single force R such that R is the diagonal of various parallelogram.

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Numerical problem 4
• Resolve the 150 N force acting a 30° to horizontal into two component one along
horizontal and other along 120° to horizontal.

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Resolution of Force into Rectangular components of Force
• The process of breaking the force into mutually perpendicular components, which are
equivalent to the given force, is called rectangular components of force.

• By trigonometry, we have the relation of components Fx and Fy with F and θ.

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Resolution of Force into three component
• Generally a force is resolved into two components (in 2D), i.e. along mutually
perpendicular directions.
• The force F can be resolved as

• Where Fx, Fy and Fz are the x,y and z component of F.

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Resolution of concurrent coplanar forces:

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Numerical problem 5
• Find the resultant of a given concurrent three force system and the direction of
resultant from x axis.

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• When a body is acted upon by number of forces, the body is said to be in equilibrium
if there is no unbalanced force acting on it i.e. the resultant of all the forces will be
• A structure is in equilibrium when all forces or moments acting upon it are balanced.
• Type of Equilibrium
• (a) Stable Equilibrium
• A body is said to be in stable equilibrium, if it returns back to its original position,
after it is slightly displaced from its position of rest.
• This happens when some additional force sets up due to displacement and brings the
body back to its original position.
• A smooth cylinder, lying in a curved surface, is in stable equilibrium. If we slightly
displace the cylinder from its position of rest, it will tend to return back to its original
position in order to bring its weight normal to horizontal axis.

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• (b) Unstable equilibrium
• A body is said to be in an unstable equilibrium, if it does not return back to its original
position, and heels farther away, after slightly displaced from its position of rest. This
happens when the additional force moves the body away from its position of rest.
• A smooth cylinder lying on a convex surface is in unstable equilibrium.
• If we slightly displace the cylinder from its position of rest the body will tend to move
away from its original position.
• (c) Neutral equilibrium
• A body is said to be in a neutral equilibrium, if it occupies a new position (and
remains at rest in this position) after slightly displaced from its position of rest.
• This happens when no additional force sets up due to the displacement.
• A smooth cylinder lying on a horizontal plane is in neutral equilibrium.

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Conditions of Equilibrium
• Consider a body acted upon by a number of coplaner non-concurrent forces. A little
consideration will show, that as a result of these forces, the body may have any one of
the following states:
• 1. The body may move in any one direction.
• The horizontal component of all the forces (Σ H) and vertical component of all the
forces (ΣV) must be zero. Mathematically,
• 2. The body may rotate about itself without moving.
• If the body is to be at rest or in equilibrium, the moment of the couple causing
rotation must be zero. Or in other words, the resultant moment of all the forces (Σ
M) must be zero. Mathematically
• 3. The body may move in any one direction and at the same time it may also rotate
about itself.
• The horizontal component of all the forces (Σ H), vertical component of all the
forces (Σ V) and resultant moment of all the forces (Σ M) must be zero.
• 4. The body may be completely at rest.

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Principle of equilibrium
• (a) Equilibrium of a two force body:
• It states that if a two force body is in equilibrium, the two forces must have the same
magnitude the same line of action and opposite sense.

• If F1=F2, the body is in equilibrium.

• (b) Equilibrium of a three force body
• It states that if a body acted upon by three forces is in equilibrium, the resultant of any
two forces must have same magnitude, the same line of action but opposite sense
(direction) with the third force.

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Free body diagram (FBD)
• For the analysis of equilibrium condition it is necessary to isolate the body under
consideration from the other bodies in contact and draw all forces acting on the body.
• For this, first the body is drawn and then all applied forces, self weight and reactions
from the other bodies in contact are drawn.
• A diagram of the body in which the body under consideration is free from all contact
surfaces and is shown with all the forces on it ( including self weight, reaction from
other contact surfaces) is called the Free Body Diagram (FBD).
• Free body diagram is necessary to investigate the condition of equilibrium of a body
or system.
• FBD is a graphical illustration used to visualize the applied forces, and resulting
reactions on a body in a steady state condition.

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Importance of F.B.D.
1. The sketch of F.B.D. is the key step that translates a physical problem into a form
that can be analysed mathematically.
2. The F.B.D. is the sketch of a body, a portion of a body or two or more connected
bodies completely isolated or free from all other bodies, showing the force exerted
by all other bodies on the one being considered.
3. F.B.D. represents all active (applied) forces and reactive (reactions) forces. Forces
acting on the body that are not provided by the supports are called active force
(weight of the body and applied forces). Reactive forces are those that are exerted on
a body by the supports to which it is attached.
4. F.B.D. helps in identifying known and unknown forces acting on a body.
5. F.B.D. helps in identifying which type of force system is acting on the body so by
applying appropriate condition of equilibrium, the required unknowns are calculated.

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Procedure for Drawing F.B.D.
1. Draw a neat sketch of the body assuming that all supports are removed.
2. F.B.D. may consist of an entire assembled structure or any combination or part of it.
3. Show all the relevant dimensions and angles on the sketch.
4. Show all the active forces on corresponding point of application and insert their
magnitude and direction, if known.
5. Show all the reactive forces due to each support.
6. The F.B.D. should be legible and neatly drawn and of sufficient size to show
dimensions, since this may be needed in computation of moments of forces.
7. If the sense of reaction is unknown, it should be assumed. The solution will
determine the correct sense. A positive result indicates that the assumed sense is
correct, whereas a negative result means the assumed sense was incorrect, so the
correct sense is opposite to the assumed sense.
8. Use principle of transmissibility wherever convenient.

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Numerical problem 6
• A uniform wheel 500mm in diameter rests against a rigid rectangular block 150 mm
thick. Find the least pull through the centre of the wheel to just turn it over the corner
of the block. All surfaces are smooth. Find also the reaction of the block. Wheel
weight 850N.

150mm 250mm

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Numerical problem 7
• Solve the reactions at A, B, C and D on the two cylinders shown in the figure.
Assuming the surface to be smooth

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Numerical problem 8
• Two identical rollers each of weight 1000N are supported by an inclined plane and a
vertical wall as shown in figure. Assuming smooth surfaces, find the reaction induced
at the point of support A, B and C.

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Numerical problem 9
• Three cylinders weighting 1000 N each and of 30 mm diameter are placed in a
channel of 70 mm width as shown in Fig.

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Numerical problem 10
• Two smooth circular cylinders (B and C) each of weight W = 450 N and radius r =
150 mm are connected at their centres by a string of length L= 400 mm and rest upon
a horizontal plane, supporting above them a third cylinder A of weight 900 N and
radius r = 150 mm. Find the forces in the string and the pressures produced on the
floor at the point of contact.

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Moment and couples
• When a force tries to rotate a body about a fixed point, the phenomenon which
produces rotation is called moment.
• Moment of a force is equal to the product of magnitude of force and perpendicular
distance drawn from the axis of rotation to the line of action of force.
• The perpendicular distance of the point from the line of action of the force is called
moment arm.
• Moment of force = Force x perpendicular distance

• Moment is a vector quantity.

• The moment of a force F about point O can be
expressed using vector cross product as

• Direction: The direction and sense of Mo are determined by the right hand rule as it
applies to the vector cross product.
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Geometric Representation of moment of force:
• Suppose a force F is acting along AB on a body . Body is free to rotate about a fixed
• Moment of force, M=F×OM
• Since, F=AB
• M=2(1/2 AB×OM)
• M=2x Area of ΔOAB
• Therefore, moment of force about a point is equal to twice the area of triangle
considering axis of rotation as vertex and the line representing force as base of
• Sign convention:

• As per the right hand thumb rule, we obtain anticlockwise moment as positive and
clockwise moment as negative
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Classification of moments
• Moment are classified according to their effects about the axis of rotation.
• (1) Turning Moment: This moment tends to rotate a body about a fulcrum. In this
case, the body is free to rotate about a fulcrum.
• When effect of moment is only turning a body about a fulcrum, it is called turning
• Moment M=F×d

• (2) Bending Moment: This moment tends to bend a body about one of its fixed end.
• Bending Moment, M=F×d.
• (3) Twisting moment or Torsion: This moment tends to twist a shaft about its one
fixed end.
• Suppose a shaft is fixed at one end. Tangential force F is applied at circumference.
Then, twisting moment M= M=P×r

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Varignon’s Theorem (or Principle of Moments)
• This theorem state that “The algebraic sum of the moments of two forces about any
point in their plane is equal to the moment of their resultant about that point.”

• Proof.
• Case 1. When the two forces are concurrent.
• Suppose two concurrent coplanar forces P and Q acting at A.
• The magnitude of P is represented by AB and that of Q is represented by AD.
Complete the parallelogram ABCD.
• AC represents the resultant R of P and Q.
• Take any other point O in the plane of the forces P and Q and in the line CD produced
as shown. Join OB and OA.
• Moment of P about O=2ΔOAB
• Moment of Q about O =2ΔOAD
• Moment of R about O = =2ΔOAC
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• But area of ΔOAB = area of ΔABC = area of ΔACD
• Adding algebraically the moments of P and Q
• = 2 ΔOAB + 2 ΔOAD
• = 2 ΔACD + 2 ΔOAD (Substituting ΔACD for ΔOAB which are equal)
• = 2 (ΔACD + ΔOAD) = 2 ΔOAC = Moment of R about O.
• Hence algebraic sum of the moment of forces P and Q is equal to the moment of force

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Case 2: when the two forces are parallel to each other.
• Let P and Q be the two parallel forces as shown in Figure.
• Draw a line AB perpendicular to the forces to meet their lines of action in A and B.
• Locate any O in the plane of the two forces on AB produced.
• The resultant of P and Q will be R which is equal to sum of forces P and Q .

• Let it act through a point C in AB so that

• The sum of moments of P and Q about O =P×OA+Q×OB
• = P(OC + CA) + Q(OC - CB)
• = (P+Q)OC + P×CA - Q×CB
• = (P+Q)OC (⸫ Q×CB=P×CA)
• = Moment of R about O.
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Generalised theorem of moments
• According to this “The algebraic sum of moments of a system of coplanar forces
about a moment centre is equal to the moment of their resultant force about the same
moment centre.”
• Let a body is being acted upon by a system of coplanar forces, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6 …
and their resultant is R.

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Engineering application of moment
• Some of the important engineering application of moments are as follows:
• 1. The levers (simple, curved, bent or cranked and compound)
• 2. The balance 3. The common steel yard 4. Lever safety valve
• Lever: A lever is a rigid, straight or bent bar (or rod) which is capable of turning about
a fixed axis.
• Examples: scissor, crowbar, claw hammer, hand pump etc.
• The axis about which the lever turns, passes through a point of the lever which is
called fulcrum.
• Principle of lever: An ideal lever works on the principle of moments. When the lever
is in equilibrium.
• The clockwise moments about the fulcrum= anticlockwise moments about fulcrum.
• Mechanical advantage of lever: According to principle of lever.

• Therefore, mechanical advantage or leverage of a lever is equal to the ratio of the

length of effort arm to the length of load arm.

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Classes of levers
• (a) Simple lever: A simple is one which has only one fulcrum. These lever consist of
only one power arm and one weight arm.
• Depending upon the position of their fulcrum load and effort, simple levers are of
three types
• Class I: The fulcrum is located between the load (W) and the effort (P).
• Example: scissor, see saw, claw hammer etc.
• Mechanical advantage of class I may have any value greater than 1,equal to 1 or less
than 1.

• Class II: The load is in between effort P and the fulcrum.

• Example: wheel barrow, Lemon crusher, Nut cracker, Paper cutter.
• Mechanical advantage of class II lever is always greater than 1.

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• Class III: the effort P is in between fulcrum and load W.
• Example: sugar tong, fore arm used for lifting a load etc.
• Mechanical advantage is always less than 1.

• NP: A person is supporting a 500N load on a rod which is resting on his shoulder.
Length of rod is 1m and load is at 40 cm from his shoulder. Find the effort applied by
person and also calculate force on shoulder.

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Curved bent or cranked lever
• A cranked lever is a two arm lever which is hinged at the junction of two arm. The
two arm may be inclined at any desired angle as per the requirement of the machine.
The main plus point associated with these levers is that effort can be applied in
convenient direction to overcome the resistance in the desired direction.
• Cranked lever rotates about the fulcrum and is useful for various devices and

• A bell crank lever which is an important type of cranked lever. In this case, the two
arms of the lever are at 90°. Effort is applied horizontally and load is lifted vertically
• By principle of moments, P × AF = W × BF

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Numerical problem 11
• The lever ABC of a component of a machine is hinged at B, and is subjected to a
system of coplaner forces as shown in Fig. Neglecting friction, find the magnitude of
the force (P) to keep the lever in equilibrium. Also determine the magnitude and
direction of the reaction at B.

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Compound levers
• A compound lever is one which comprises of several levers to get an increased
leverage (mechanical advantage) to overcome greater resistance than that which can
be handled by the force in a single lever.
• Leverage of compound lever = leverage of first lever × leverage of second lever ×…
• MAC= MA1 × MA2 × ……

• Numerical problem 12
• A compound lever is shown in figure . Determine the weight that can be lifted by 20N
force applied at A.

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The Balance
• It consists of a rigid beam having two scale pans suspended from each end. The beam
can turn freely about a fulcrum F which is outside the beam but rigidly connected with
it. A pointer is attached to the beam at its middle point M. A scale is also provided as
shown in Fig..
• For true balance the following conditions must be satisfied :
• 1. The arms of the balance must be of equal size.
• 2. The weights of scale pans must be equal.
• 3. The fulcrum, the centre of rigid beam and c.g. of the beam including its connected
parts must lie on the line perpendicular to the beam.

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The Common Steel Yard
• It is a simple machine used to measure the mass of an objects.
• It is used generally for measuring the weight at railways godowns, factories and
wholesale markets of goods.
• It consists of a rod AB which can move about a fixed fulcrum F which is kept near
one of the ends.
• The rod is made heavier on the shorter side so that the c.g. of the whole rod and pan
which is attached to the end of the shorter side lies on the shorter side.
• The rider (movable weight) is kept on the longer side as shown in Fig. The longer
arm on which the rider moves is graduated.
• The position of rider determines the weight of the body acting on shorter side end
when the rod rests in a horizontal position.

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Numerical problem 13
• Mass of steel yard is 5 kg. its centre of gravity G is at 5 cmfrom fulcrum (F). Mass to
be measured is suspended at 10

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• A couple is a special pair of parallel forces, consisting of two non-collinear parallel
forces equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. Obviously, the sum of the two
forces forming a couple is zero. It means a couple has no translatory effect. It has only
rotational effect, which is expressed by its moment, M.

• Moment of a Couple
• A couple is shown in Fig. Two unlike parallel forces, each of magnitude F, are acting
at points A and B. The perpendicular distance between their lines of action is d, and is
known as the arm of the couple. The moment of the couple is the product of the force
F and the arm of the couple d,
• M=r ×F

• Sign Convention: A couple that tends to cause counterclockwise (CC W) rotation is

taken as positive; and the couple that tends to cause clockwise rotation (C W) is taken
as negative.

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Properties of a Couple
• 1. Moment of couple is equal to the product of one of the force and the arm of couple.
• 2. The tendency of couple is to rotate the body about an axis perpendicular to the
plane containing the two parallel forces.
• 3. The resultant force of a couple system is zero.
• 4. A couple can only rotate the body but cannot translate the body.
• 5. Moment of couple can be added algebraically as scalar quantity with proper sign
• 6. A couple can be replaced by a couple only and not by a single force.
• 7. A couple is a pure turning moment which is always constant. It may be moved
anywhere in its own plane on a body without any change of its effect on the body.
Thus, a couple acting on a rigid body is known as agree vector.
• 8. A system of parallel forces whose resultant is a couple can attain equilibrium only
by another couple of same magnitude and opposite direction.
• 9. A couple does not have a moment centre, like moment of force.

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Resolution of a force into forces and a couple
• Any force F acting at A on a rigid body can be moved to an arbitrary point B provided
that a couple is added whose moment is equal to the moment of F about B.

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Resultant of non concurrent force system.
• Resultant of a force system is the one which will have the same rotational and
translatory effects as the given system of forces. It may be a single force, a pure
moment or a force and a moment.

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Reduction to a wrench
• The combination of collinear force and couple moment is called wrench or screw.
• The axis of the wrench has the same line of action as the force. Hence wrench tends to
cause both a translational along and a rotation about this axis.

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Numerical problem 14
• Various forces to be considered for the stability analysis of a dam are shown in Fig.
The dam is safe if the resultant force passes through middle third of the base . Verify
whether the dam is safe.

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Numerical problem 15
• A bracket is subjected to three forces and a couple as shown in figure. Determine
magnitude, direction and the line of action of the resultant.

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