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NAME: Saskia Putri Sukmana ATT #: 22 DATE: April 7

Paraphrasing Exercise
Directions: Write a paraphrase of each of the following sentences or

1. The student requested that the professor excuses her absence, but the
professor refused.

The student requested that her absence be justified by the professor,

however the professor denied.

2. International Center is hosting English Conversation classes. They help

non-native speakers of English practice their English speaking skills.

English Conversation lessons are being held at the International Center.

They assist non-native English speakers in honing their English speaking

3. The car that was pulled over by the police officer yesterday just had an
accident. That driver is not careful.

The automobile that was pulled over by the cop yesterday had just been in
an accident. That motorist is not being cautious.

4. Of the more than 1000 bicycling deaths each year, three-fourths are
caused by head injuries. Half of those killed are school-age children. One
study concluded that wearing a bike helmet can reduce the risk of head
injury by 85 percent. In an accident, a bike helmet absorbs the shock and
cushions the head. From "Bike Helmets: Unused Lifesavers," Consumer
Reports (May 1990): 348.

Three-fourths of the more than 1000 biking deaths each year are caused by
head injuries. Half of those brutally murdered are children of school age.
According to one research, wearing a bike helmet minimizes the
probability of brain injury by 85 percent. In the event of an accident, a bike
helmet absorbs the damage and cushions the head. Consumer Reports
(May 1990): 348, "Bike Helmets: Unused Lifesavers."

5. "The Antarctic is the vast source of cold on our planet, just as the sun is
the source of our heat, and it exerts tremendous control on our climate,"
[Jacques] Cousteau told the camera. "The cold ocean water around
Antarctica flows north to mix with warmer water from the tropics, and its
upwellings help to cool both the surface water and our atmosphere. Yet the
fragility of this regulating system is now threatened by human activity."
From "Captain Cousteau," Audubon (May 1990):17.

"The Antarctic is our planet's enormous supply of cold, just as the sun is
our source of heat, and it has immense power over our climate," [Jacques]
Cousteau told the camera. "The cold ocean water surrounding Antarctica
moves north to mingle with warmer tropical water, and its upwellings
contribute to temper both the surface water and our atmosphere. Human
activity, however, is threatening the fragility of this regulating mechanism."
Audubon (May 1990):17, "Captain Cousteau."

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