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Name : Alfajri Nurul Khair

Class : TIB1A

NIM : 2012054
Definition of Internal Quality
Internal Quality Audit is a
testing process
systematic, independent, and
documented for
ensure that the implementation
of activities at PT is in
accordance with procedures
and the results are in
accordance with the. standards
to achieve
institutional goals.

AMI benefits for the leadership of PT

1. Knowing consistency in the translation
of the curriculum and syllabus with
educational goals, and expected
competencies of graduates
(Learning Outcome).
2. Knowing the consistency of planning,
implementation, and evaluation
learning process towards curriculum and
syllabus achievement.
3. Knowing compliance with planning,
implementation, and evaluation
the learning process of procedure
manuals and instructions
study program work.

The main objective of an Internal Quality Audit is to

get room for improvement on that aspect
determined as the audit scope.
Fulfillment or improvement of the quality system accordingly
room for improvement in the audit
quality needs to be periodically
quality institution.
So that the improvement of the quality system can be done with
easy then the audit findings must be formulated
well so that the increase space can be
easily understood
Benefits of AMI
Mulia University participated in the SPMI and AMI Workshop at the Midtown
Xpress Hotel Balikpapan, this workshop was initiated by Mulawarman University
in the context of implementing the 2019 Kemenristekdikti Superior College
Fostering Grant Program In relation to achieving an increase in accreditation that
satisfies the participants, they reopen their understanding of the Internal Quality
Assurance System (SPMI), on the first day participants are taught to create and
compile quality documents for their respective study programs using the PPEPP
cycle approach (Determination, implementation, evaluation, control, and
evaluation). improvement) in preparing and implementing quality assurance
documents This workshop is the initial stage of the PT Unggul Foster Grant
Program, it is hoped that in the next activities in the form of monitoring, mapping,
and status promotion programs, the transfer of knowledge will continue and have
a significant impact.

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