Java Programming IT105 STI College Q&A Laboratory 6A

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Java Programming | IT105 STI College

Q&A Laboratory 6A


At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to:

 Create a simple game that exhibits file input and output.

Software Requirements:

 Latest version of NetBeans IDE

 Java Development Kit (JDK) 8


1. Create a folder named LastName_FirstName (ex. Reyes_Mark) in your local drive.

2. Create a new project named LabExer6A. Set the project location to your own folder.
3. Create a simple guessing game (similar to Hangman or Hangaroo). In this game, the user guesses a letter and then
attempts to guess the word.
4. Create a Notepad file named words.txt which will store any number of words each written per line.
5. The Java program shall:
 randomly select a word from the list saved in words.txt;
 display a letter in which some of the letters are replaced by?; for example, ED??A??ON (for EDUCATION);
 place the letter in the correct spot (or spots) in the word each time the user guesses a letter correctly;
 inform the user if the guessed letter is not in the word; and
 display a congratulatory message when the entire correct word has been deduced.


package labexer6a;

import java.util.*;

public class LabExer6A{

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
char guess;

File file = new File("words.txt");

Scanner sc = new Scanner(file);

String words[] = sc.nextLine().split(",");

Random r1 = new Random();

int value =r1.nextInt(words.length);

String phraseSolution = words[value];

StringBuilder phrase = new StringBuilder("");

for(int i=0;i<words[value].length(); i++){

if(i%2==0 && words[value].charAt(i) != ' '){


Scanner input = new Scanner(;

System.out.print(phrase+ "\nEnter a letter you suspect is in this phrase\n--------------");

while (!phraseSolution.equals(phrase.toString())) {

System.out.println("\nEnter a Letter you suspect is in the phrase");

guess = Character.toUpperCase(input.nextLine().charAt(0));
boolean check = check(guess, phraseSolution);

if (check) {
int spot = placeLocator(guess, phraseSolution);
phrase.setCharAt(spot, guess);

System.out.println("Correct! Enter another Letter you suspect is in the phrase");

System.out.println("Sorry! This letter is not in the phrase please guess another!");

System.out.print("\nCongrats! You found all letters and finished the game!");


public static int placeLocator(char input, String phraseSolution){

int place;
int x = 0;

while (input != phraseSolution.charAt(x)){


place = x;

return place;

public static boolean check(char input, String phraseSolution){

boolean validation = false;
int letter = 0;

for (int x = 0; x < phraseSolution.length(); x++){

if (input != phraseSolution.charAt(x)){
validation = false;

validation = true;

if (letter >= 1){

validation = true;

return validation;

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