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 Introduction

1. Jwara is independent disease also it is an important symptoms and

complications of many diseases.
2. Jwara vyadhi is known as the pradhan vyadhi in all the vyadhis
3. Charan sanhita describe-

 दे ह ,इदि्य, मन ये तिनो भाव पदार्थों कि विकृति रहती है,

 Deha, indrya & mana satap are pratyama linga / important
feature of jwara vyadhi.
 सर्व रोगआग्रज – The origin of all the diseases / all diseases are
started from jwara.
 बलि – it’s produce many disease & sign & symptoms.
 जन्म मत्ृ यु समय आवश्यक - present at the time of birth &
 सर्व प्राणी मात्रा मे रहनेवाला – occurrence seen in animals,
birds, plants, mountain, earth etc
Jwara Nirukti –
 Reference –

1. Charak Nidan adhyayan 1

2. Charak chikitsa adhyaya 3
3. Sushruta uttartantra adhyaya 39
4. Ashtanghyrudaya nidan adhyaya 2
5. Madhavnidan adhyaya 2
6. Bhavprakash adhyaya 4

 Jwara paryaya –


पाप्मा – पाप कर्म से उत्पन्न

 Jwara Prakruti –

क्षय - धातू का क्षय

तम – मोह उत्पन्न होने के वजह से
पाम्पा - पाप कर्म के वजह से
यमात्मका - मत्ृ यु के पास ले जाने वाला

 Jwara Pravutti –

परिग्रह - लोभ
 Types of Jwara

अधिष्ठान भेद शरीर, मानस

स्वभाव भेद सौम्य, आग्नेय

गति भेद अंतर्वेगी, बर्हिवेगी

काल भेद प्राकृत, वैकृत

साध्य असाध्य साध्य असाध्य
काल बल प्रवत्ृ त संतत, सतत,
ु , तत
ृ ीयक,
आश्रय भेद रस, रक्त, मांस, भेद,
अस्थि, मज्जा,
अवस्था भेद साम, पच्यमान,
काल भेद नव, जीर्ण
कारण भेद वात, पित्त, कफ, वात
पित्त, वातकफ,

 Samanya Hetu –

स्वकारणसे , मिथ्याहार विहारसे, प्रकृपित दोष ज्वर कि उत्पत्ति करते हैं

 स्नेहन, स्वेदन, वमन, विरे चन, आदि कार्यो का मिथ्यारुप, या अतिमात्रा में
 अनेकविध शस्त्र तथा पाषाणादि प्रहार(Trauma)
 विद्रधि आदि रोगो का उत्थान तथा प्रपाक होना (Inflammation)
 श्रम(tiredness) ,श्रय(consumption), अर्जीण(Indigestion), विष(poisoning)
 सात्त्विक तथा ऋतु परिवर्तन(seasonal influence)
 विषौषधि पुष्प की गंध (allergy to drugs & pollens)
 शोक Psychic factors/sadness
 नक्षत्र पिडा, ग्रह बाधा
 अभिचार (unholy things) ,अभिशाप(curse), मनोविकार- काम, क्रोध आदि
 विषम प्रकृति, सति
ु का का विषम उपचार, स्तन्य जनन काल आदि.
As per Vagbhat
 सन्निकृष्ट निदान- वातादि दोष से उत्पन्न, काल दृष्टि से नजदीक
 विप्रकृष्ट निदान – मिथ्याआहार, विहार से उत्पन्न, काल दृष्टि से दरु

 Samprapti –

1. निदानो का अतिसेवन
2. दोष प्रकृपित (वात, पित्त, कफ)
3. आमाश्रय मे दोषो का स्थान संश्रय
4. अग्निमांद्य
5. आमौत्पती (प्रकुपित दोष + रस धातु संयोग)
6. स्त्रौतौरोध ( रसवह + स्वेदवह स्त्रोतम ्)
7. जठराग्नि का स्वस्थान से बहिर्गमन
8. दे ह, इंद्रिय, मन संताप (उष्ण गण
ु बढना)
9. ज्वरउत्पत्ति

 Samprapti ghatak –

1. Dosh – pitta (pachak pitta)

2. Dushya – Rasdhatu (& koshthangi)
3. Strotovikruti – Ras & Swedvaha Strotas
4. Udhabhav stan – Amashaya
5. Adhishthan – Deha , indriya, Maan ( Whole body)
6. Vyakti stan – Twacha (skin)
7. Sadhya asadhyatv – sadhya

 Jwara PurvaRupa –

 श्रम (tired) , अरति(restlessness), विवर्णत्व(discoloration of skin) , वैरस्य(bad

smell) , नयनप्लव(eyes full of tears) , इच्छाव्दै षो, मुहुश्चापि शीत वात आतप
आदिष(ु Alternate likes & dislike to cold, wind, sun etc)

 जंभ
ृ ा(Yawning) , अंगमर्दो(pressing or Squeezing sensation) ,
गुरुता(heavyness), रोमहर्ष(tingling sensation or horripilation), अरुचि(loss of
taste), तम(darkness), अप्रहर्ष(displeasure), शितच भवत्युत्प स्याति ज्वरे
(cold touch feel by the patient)
क्लम (fatigue) , ज्वलन आतप वायु अम्बु भक्त्ति व्दे षावनिश्चितौ(change in
behavior about cold,hot, air & water) , आस्यवैरस्ये (tasteless) , शील
वैकृतं(behavior change)

 Samanya Lakshana –

स्वेदावरोध, संताप, सर्वागग्रहण (pain all over the body) combination of the these
3 symtoms is called jwara

 Types of jwara –

1. Vataj Jwara –

वेपथु(Shivering ), विषमोवेगः(irregular fever) , कंठ ओष्ठ परिशोषणम ्(dryness of
throat& lips) , निद्रानाश(loss of sleep) , क्षवस्तमभो(absence of sneezing) ,
गात्राणा रोक्ष्यमेव(roughness or dryness) ,शिरो ह्रदय उरू गात्र वक्त्र(pain
in head, chest heart,& body) , वैरस्य(bad taste) , गाढविट्कता(hard
and dry stool passing) , शल
ु ाआध्माने(distention of abdomen) ,
ृ भणं च(yawning).

2.Pittaj Jwara –

Burning sensation in eyes

वेगस्तिक्ष्णो (very high temperature), अतिसार(diarrhea) , निद्राल्पत्व(loss of
sleep), वमि (vomiting), कंठ ओष्ठ मुख नासानां पाक(ulcers or inflammation of
throat,lips, mouth & nose) , स्वेदश्च (sweating), प्रलापौ(irrelevant talk) ,
वक्त्रकटुता(bitterness of mouth) , मर्च्छा
ु (unconscious), दाहो(burning sensation),
मद(drunken), स्तष्ृ णा(thirst), पितविण्ड्मुत्रनेत्रत्व पैत्तिके(yellowness of stool,
urine,&eyes) , भ्रम(vertigo) .

3 . Kaphaj jwara –

Anorexia – अरुचि

स्तैमित्य(feeling of covered with wet clothes), स्तिमितोवेग(uninterested

to move & mild temperature), आलस्य(laziness), मधुर आस्यता(sweet
taste in mouth) , शुक्ल मुत्र परि
ु षत्व(whitish colour of urine & stool),
स्तम्भ(rigidity), स्तप्ति
ृ अथापिच(state of satisfaction about food &
drink), गौरव(heaviness), शित(cold), क्लेदो(nausea), रोमहर्ष(horriplation)
, अतिनिद्रता(over sleeping) , प्रतिश्यायो(rhinitis or common cold) ,
अरूचि(dislike) , कास(cough) , अक्ष्णो शक्
ु लता(whitish colour of eyes),

4.Vatpittaj jwara –

तष्ृ णा (thirst), मुर्च्छा(loss of consciousness), भयो(giddiness), दाह(burning

sensation), स्वप्ननाश(loss of sleep),शिरोरुजा(headache), कंण्ठ आस्य
शोषो(dryness of throat & mouth) , वमथ(vomiting),

रोमहर्ष(horripilation), अरुचि(loss of appetite)स्तम(feeling of darkness),
पर्वभेदश्च(pain in joint) , जम्
ृ भा(yawning)

5.Vatkaphaj jwara –

स्तैमित्य(feeling of covered with wet clothes), पर्वणाभेद(pain in joints),

निद्रा(sleepiness), गौरव(heaviness), प्रतिश्याय(rhinitis or common cold) ,
कास(cough) , स्वेदप्रवर्तनम(sweating), सन्तानों मध्यवेगश्च(morderate rise
of temperature)
6.Kaphpittaj Jwara –

लिप्त(coating inside the mouth), तिक्तास्याता(bittertaste in mouth) ,

तंद्रा(drowsiness), मोह(delusion) , कासो(cough), अरुचि(distaste), तष्ृ णा(thirst),
मुहुर्दाहो मुहुःशित(alternative feeling of heat and cold).

7.Sannipatik jwara –
क्षणे दाहः क्षणे शित(alternatively feeling of heat &cold ),अस्थिसंन्धी
शिरोरुजा(pain in bones, joints & headache), सास्त्रावे कलुवे रस्ते निर्भुग्ने च अपि
लोचने(dirty, red, depressed eyes with discharge), सस्वनौ सरजी कर्णौ(earache) ,
कण्ठ शुकैरिवावत
ृ ः(feeling of throat is full of hairs) , तन्द्रा(drowsiness),
मोह(delusion) , प्रलाप(irrelevant talk), कास(cough), श्वासों(difficulties in
respiration) , अरुचि(loss of appetite) , भ्रम(giddiness), परिदग्धा खरस्पर्शा
जिव्हा(ulcers, rough edges of tongue), सत्रस्त आग्ड्गता(weakness of limbs) ,
ष्ठीवन रक्तपित्त(spitting of blood, bile cough with sputum), शिरसोलोटन(rolling
of the head) , तष्ृ णा(thrust), निद्रानाश(loss of sleep), ह्दव्यथा(pain in heart),
स्वेदमुत्र पुरिषाणा चिर अदर्शन अल्पश(elimination of small quantities of sweat,
urine &faeces (stool) at long intervals) , कृशत्व नातिगात्राणा( body gets weaker) ,
प्रततं कण्ठं कुजनम(continuous sound in throat ), कोठानां श्यावरक्तना मंण्डलाना च
दर्शन(dark red spots & patches on the skin) , मुकत्व स्त्रोतसो पाका(ulceration of
the orifices) , गरु
ु त्व उदरस्य(feeling of heaviness), चिरात दोषाणां पाकश्च(dosha
undergoing paka)

As per the sushrut samhita – सुश्रुताचार्य ने दोषो के तरतम भाव से सान्निपातिक

ज्वर का वर्णन किया है , परं तु उन्होंने अभिन्यास या हतौजस ज्वर का विशेष वर्णन
किया है .

Other types of sannipatak jwara by samhitakara –

1) Madhav nidan – 6 types – vibhu, phalgu, makari, visphurak,
shighrakari, kaphaj Or phaphhan (फफ्फण).
2) Vangsen – 13 types
3) Yog ratnakar – 13 types
4) Bhavprakash – 13

 Sadhya Asadhyata –

If the involved dosha are profound & deep seated, if the digestive capacity
of the patient is completely decreasing & all other feature are increasing in
that sach cases of sannipatik jwara becomes incurable, otherwise it is
curable with difficulty.
8 Agantuja. Jwara –
आंगतुज ज्वर में दोष प्रकोप होता है , परं तु इस मे सुरू के काल में विशिष्ठ
वेदना होती है , फिर कुछ कालावधि के बाद ज्वर कि संप्राप्ति पुर्ण होकर ज्वर
उत्पत्ति होती है .
यह कालावधि टिकाकारो ने 3 से 7 दिन का है .

प्रकार –
अभिघातज – Injury
अभिषगज – evil spirits
अभिचार – unholy things
अभिशापाज – punishment by saint

1.Abhighataj jwara –

 Due to trauma , weapons, stone, hunter, wooden stick, slap or teeth etc
 By above etiological factors vata increase & harm to (prakrut) blood then
results seen like swelling, discoloration & pain.

2.Abhishangaja jwara –
 Etiological factors are passion, grief, fear, anger, & evil spirits
 Pitta gets increased & harm to other doshas & then symptoms are
increase according to the parts are involved.
 मुर्च्छा (Unconsciousness),उव्दे ग (anxiety),प्रलाप (delirium), शिरशुल
(headache), क्षुधा नाश loss of appetite)

3 . Abhicharaj Jwara & 4. Abhishapaj Jwara –

 Jwara caused By unholy things is called abhicharaj Jwara.

 Jwara cause by punishment by Sant is called abhishapaj jwara.
 Both these conditions similar like sannipataj jwara lakshana along with
trouble of mind, sense organ and body.
 As per sushrut samhita –
अभिचार अभिशापजभ्यं मोह स्तष्ृ णा च जायते … .. . ( सु.उ.39/79)

(Because of) delusion (मोह), thirst (तष्ृ णा) are main clinical
features of Abhicharaj & Abhishapaj Jwara.

{Note – some other types of jwara –

1) Kamaj Jwara – due to unfulfilled sexual desire.
Symptoms – instability of mind, drowsiness, laziness, anorexia,
pain in heart & whole body.
2) Shokaj Jwara – due to excessive sadness & cry
3) Bhayaj jwara – due to constant fear of something.
4) Krodhaj Jwara – due to anger.
5) Bhutaj Jwara – because of super human’s will
6) Vishay Jwara – due to poison. }

 According to swabhaav bheda –

सौम्य & आग्नेय ज्वर –

 सौम्य ज्वर (Soumya )– These are vatakaphatmak jwara present with a

symptoms ushnabhipriyata, that is desire for hot things.

 आग्नेय ज्वर (Aagneya ) These are vatapittatmak jwara present with a

symptoms sheetabhipriyata, that is desire for cold things.

Note – Due to synergistic ( योगवाही ) action of vata it produces hot types of

effects for E. g combination with pitta produces heat & combination with kapha
produces cold.
 According to Gati bheda –

अन्तवेर्गी ज्वर –

When temperature & burning sensation is felt from inside the body, where
as the external body temperature is normal, it’s known as antarvegi jwara.
Symptoms – Antardhaha , trishna adikya, pralap, shwas, bhrama, sandhi –
asthi shoola, asweda, & atisar.
As per Sushruta samhita – has named it as gambhir jwara.

 बर्हिवेगी ज्वर (Bahirvegi) –

When body temperature can be felt externally. It’s known as Bahirvegi

Symptoms – all like Antarvegi Jwara in mild form.

 According to the kaal –

1) Prakrut Jwara–
 The jwara seen in prakrut rutu is known as prakrut jwara
 Which occurs due to prakopa of particular dosha in specific rutu as
 E.g – vataj jwara in varsha rutu, pittaj jwara in sharad rutu, kaphaj jwara in
vasant rutu.

2. Vaikruta Jwara –
 When jwara occurs in rutu due to the prakopa of specific dosha
which is other than that mentioned in the samhita is called as vaikrut
 E.g – Vataj jwara in a rutu other than varsha rutu.

 According to sadhya asadhya Jwara –

 Sadhya Jwara –

Strong physical strength, little morbidity of doshas & free from

complications is the characteristics features indicate curable nature
of Jwara.

 Asadhya Jwara –
Following indicates the in durability or bad prognosis of Jwara patients-
 Due to many etiological factors
 Complete appearance of sign & symptoms
 Destruction of sense organs
 Jwara associated with delirium, giddiness , breathlessness, kills the patient
either on 7th day or 10th or 12th day.
 Weak & edematous person
 Jwara spreading to all dhatus
 Persistence of jwara for serval nights
 Hair falls

Visham Jwara – (kaal baal pravutta) –

प्रायशः सन्निपातेन (Its also type of sannipatak jwara because of vata's irregular
fever & other dosha. )

ु त अनन्धि
ु त्वं विषमत्वम ् – ( मुक्तता & अनुबंध, this two stages comes
continuously (irregular) so it’s called visham jwara .

विषमो विषम आरम्भ क्रियाकालो अनुषग्डंवान – irregular starting, conditions, &

ending . It’s called visham Jwara.
Samprapti –

The doshas that have slightly increase due to unsuitable (food) diet & activities
(behaviour) & get lodged in other dhatus & generate visama Jwara.
 Types or Dhatu Relationship of Visham Jwara –

The santata Jwara involves rasa dhatu & rakta dhatu, anyedyuska Jwara involves
mamsadhatu, the tritiyaka Jwara involves medas, the chaturthaka Jwara involves
asthi & majja dhatus.
1) Santata Jwara –
 The fever which remains continuous for seven (7) , ten (10), twelve (12)
days Or more even is called as santata Jwara.
 The visham Jwara causing abnormal doshas spread throughout the body
through rasavah strotas (blood vessels)
 Ashray sthan – tridosha , saptadhatu, & mutra purisha.
 As it has been suggested in the condition of the dhatupaka this type of
tridosaja fever proves to be deadly with in 10 days if pitta dosa prominently
 If kapha dosa is prominently contaminated then it is deadly with in 12 days.
 If vata dosha has been prominently contaminated then it was deadly with
in 7 days.

2) Satatak jwara –

अहोरात्रे सततको व्दौ कालौ अनव

ु र्तते || (स.ु उ.39/70)

 In satatak type of fever, there is a double rise of temperature in a period of

24 hours.
 Raktadhatu ashraya

3) Anyedushka Jwara –

अन्यघष्ु कः तु अहोरात्रात ् एककालं प्रवर्तन॥ (सु.उ.39/70)

 The fever which occurs only once in 24 hours is called anyedushka jwara
 Anyeddhuska jwara is caused by dosa which gets support of the strength
either from time Constitution & dushyas produces obstruction in the
medovaha strotas.
4) Trutiyaka Jwara & Chaturthak Jwara –

ृ ीयकस्तत
ृ ीयेहि चतुर्थकहि चतर्थ
ु ॥ (सु.उ.. 39/71)

 The tritiyaka Jwara rise of temperature take place on alternate days

 While in chaturthaka Jwara it take place on every fourth day.

Types of trutiyaka Jwara – 3 Types – kaphapittaj, vatakapha, vatapitta

Note – Asthi dhatu ashraya

Kapha + Pitta Vata + Kapha Vata + Pitta

Fever starts with severe Fever starts with pain in Fever starts with pain in
pain in lower portion of upper portion of the the head
the back. back
Dushit Kapha, Pitta – Dushit Vata + Kapha – Dushit vata +dushit pitta
Prakopa & then prasar prakopa & then prasar -prakopa & prasar
Sthan sanshrya – Sathansanshraya – पष्ृ ठ Sthan sanshrya -Kapha
trikpradesh (lumbo pradesh (Shir pradesh)
sacral region) प्रदे श(upper portion of
the back

 Types of Chaturthak Jwara – Majja dhatu ashrays

1) If kapha is contaminated fever starts from the pain in thighs

2) If Vata is contaminated fever starts with headache
[ Note - Chaturthak Viparyaay Jwara –

 One of the type of visham Jwara is chaturthak visparyaay, in this fever vata,
pitta & kapha was contaminated & give rise to fever.
 But fever is not experienced on the 1st & 4th but it is there on the two days
in the middle.
 Ashraya – Asthi & Majja dhatu. ]

Pralepaka Jwara –

 When the patients feel as if he has been covered with sweat has heaviness
in the body along with a low degree fever & a sensation of coldness, he is
suffering from the fever that has been identified as pralepaka Jwara.
 Pralepaka Jwara observed in cases of Rajayakshma & it kills them
 It is very difficult for management associated with mildness & dryness of
tissues .
Vatbalasaka fever –

The vatabalasaka Jwara is generated by contaminated kapha, it has mild fever

occuring daily with dryness, oedema, weakness & feeling of stiffness of the body.
Dhatugat Jwara –
Intro –
 In Jwara dosha tooks ashraya of rasdhatu & develop Deha Indriya Maan
 But when other dhatis are contaminated by this dosha & doshas took
ashraya of dhatus is called as dhatugata Jwara.
 As said earlier rasa dhatu forms the ashray for dooshit doshas, but as the
samprapti progresses it gradually involves uttarottar gambhir , dhatus in
the dosha – doosya sammurchana.

1) Rasagat Jaara –
Feeling of Heavyness of the body, nausea, weakness, vomiting, loss of
appetite & feeling of helplessness

2) Raktgat Jwara –

Haemoptysis, burning sensation, sweating, vomiting, giddiness, delirium

(irrelevant talk), rashes or small boils on the skin & thirst.

3) Mansagata Jwara –

Pain in the calves (thighs) , thirst, frequently passing of urine & stool, high
temperature, burning sensation inside, unnecessary & involuntary movement of
hands & feet, exhaustion (tiredness).

4) Medogata Jwara –

Profuse sweating, thirst, unconsciousness, delirium, vomiting , bad smells

from body, loss of appetite, exhaustion & intolerance.
5) Ashtigat Jwara –

Cracking pains in bones, weak voice from throat, breathlessness, diarrhoea,

vomiting, involuntary movements of the hands & feet.

6) Majjagata Jwara –

Appearance of darkness in front the eyes, hiccups, cough, shivering (cold

feeling), vomiting, burning sensation with in the body, difficulty in breathing,
cutting type of pain in the heart & other vital stops of the body.

7) Shrukragata jwara –

Death appears by constant erection of penis & profuse discharge of semen.

Sadhya asadhya –

The rasagat & rakta gata jwara are curable the mamsagat, medogat, ashtigat
jwara are difficult to treat & response late & shrukragata Jwara is incurable.

Types According to Jwara Awastha –

 Aam is the most important Vyadhighak in all disease.

 Because of his high – low quantity , we observe sama – panchyaman -Niram
stage in the diseases
 This stage is most important for line of treatment
 As per Madhukoshkara, the condition of samata has been considered to be
of two types –

Rasasamata Dosasamata
Acute fever continuous Acute fever discontinuous
after 8 days

 This types help in the treatment in acute fever

 In dosasamata no medicine was given
 But in the case of rasasamata digestive medicine are administered.
 So that charak states that after completion of 6 days starts light food along
with digestive medicine ( ch . Chi. 3/161).

1) Aam Avastha –

अरुचि(anorexia), अविपाक(indigestion), गुरुत्वम ् उदरस्य(heaviness in

abdomen) , हृदयस्य विशध्दि
ु (impurities of heart) , तन्द्रा(sleepiness),
आलस्य(laziness), ज्वर अविसर्गी(continuous fever), बलवान
दोषाणाम(powerful doshas), लालाप्रसेको(salivation), हृल्लास(nausea),क्षुत ्
नाशो(loss of appetite) , विरसं मख
ु म ्(loss of taste), स्तब्ध सप्ु त गरु
ु त्व च
गात्राणा(stiffness,numbness of body), बहुमुत्रता(excessive urination), न
विड् जीर्णा(improper formation of stool) , न च ग्लानि(weakness or

Note -
आम गुण – अरुचि, आलस्य, गात्रगौरव, निष्ठव, मलभेद, अपक्ति, उदर गौरव,
गात्रगौरव, अग्निमांद्य, अविपाक, हृल्लास, लालाप्रसेक, मख
ु वैरस्य, क्षुधामांद्य.

आम स्त्रोतसावरोध – गात्रस्तब्धता , गात्रसुप्तता, गात्रस्तंभ, बहुमुत्रता – क्लेद

because of ama – मुत्रस्य क्लेद वाहनम ् – बहुमुत्रता.

Similarities between sama Jwara & Kaphaj Jwara –

गुरुगात्रता, लालाप्रसेक, हृल्लास, स्तंभ, तंद्रा.

Difference - मलभेद, अपक्ती, बहुमुत्रता.

2 ) Panchyamaan Avastha –

 In panchyaman avastha the pitta is increase & observe the paka avastha
 So that jwara vega, trishna, pralap, shawas bhrama, & dravmala pravritta
are observed
 Mostly similar like antarvegi Jwara avastha.

3) Niram Avastha -

 When amapachan is completely achieved it is known as Niram Jwara.

 Duration of disease is eight days (8)

 Jirna Jwara –
 It’s a special stage ( Awastha) in Jwara, developed because of continuous
 In Jwara vyadhi because of agnimandhya developed dhatu agni mandhya,
dhatudaurbalya, & dhatu khashaya, because of that again developed
vatprakopak signs (I.e – rukshata , karshya, burbalata)
 In Jwara vyadhi because of pitta's ushna & tikshna guna the snehansh of
body was decreased & develop vataprakopa.
Jirna Jwara samprapti

तिव्र अग्निमांद्य

धातु दौर्बल्य- धातु क्षय

3 सप्ताह से ज्यादा ज्वर

जीर्ण ज्वर

 Jwara Moksha –

Recovering from jwara

There are 2 types
Darun Adarun
Suddenly temperature Temperature falls slowly
was fall & gradually
Always seen in short Long duration of fever
duration of fever
Only Dosh dushti Dosha & Dhatu dushti

 Jwara Mukti Lakshana –

Sweating, feeling of lightness of body, itching of the head, ulcers in the mouth,
sneezing & desire for food are the feature of person relived of the fever.

 Jwara Upadrava -
Upadrava denotes that (if upadrava is developed that was the signs to difficult to

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