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The Cold War

Emili Rivera
Korean War Background Information

Division of Korea after WWII

- North korea surrenders to the Soviet Union (communist)

- South korea surrenders to the U.S (democratic)
- Korea gets divided at the 30th parallel
Korean War Begins

-North korea crosses line and goes into south korea

-When both the USSR and US go into korea to disarm the the japanese troops
stationed there they decided to divide korea. American troops controlled the south

-united nations held a meeting; do we send troops to help? Approved troops go to

south korea to help

-United Nations against north Korea

-90% of troops were from the us

Korean War and General Douglas MacArthur
-The USSR was trying to prove that they didn't need the United Nations so they did not
send representatives to the united nations meeting

-China also didn’t send a representative to the United Nations meeting so they had no
vetoing power
President Truman and General MacArthur

-Truman feared that if America attacked china it would bring the USSR into the Korean
war. MacArthur criticized Truman Publicly. Truman declared General MacArthur
“Insubordinate and took away his title as commanding general.

-The american people still saw MacArthur as a hero and did not see him as

-Macarthur over used his power and didn't listen to orders

Korean War Ends
-The war lasted about 3 years
-America was divided about how it ended
-War changes from the containment of communism to getting rid of
-USSR steps in trying to have peace between the U.S and China
Eisenhower and Brinkmanship

-Eisenhower was different than truman did not care and would threaten and us
nuclear weapons

-Eisenhower joined the military is 1911 and graduated in 1915 and by 1917 he was a
lieutenant colonel.

-He used weapons and bombing people as threats and he 3 times he threatened to us
nuclear weapons
Eisenhower and Brinkmanship

3 times he threatened to use nuclear weapons

-He used the threat of nuclear weapons a lot during the korean war

-It was announced that the use of nuclear weapons was in “active consideration”
against the Chinese during the korean war

-It was threatened to use nuclear weapons to end the korean war
CIA and covert operations of the Cold War

-They have killed leaders of countries to benefit others

-They did many things such as bugging the USSR Military major communications line
in east Germany
CIA and covert operations of the Cold War
-The CIA’s goal was to avoid public scrutiny and so they tried to do everything in

-They developed important aircrafts like the u-2 and spy satellites that could take
pictures of anything that could be used against the U.S
CIA and covert operations of the Cold War

-Eisenhower use covert operations to overthrow elected leaders like the

leader of iran Mohammad Mosaddeq

–In 1954 the CIA overthrew another countries leader and it was Jacobo
Arbenz Guzman and he was the ruler of Guatemala
Eisenhower and the U2 Incident

-Use planes that flew so high they could not be shot down, they take pictures of their

-The relationship was improved between ussr and us and they were going to shut
down the spy plane program but on the last mission the plane was shot down

-Kruschev walked out of the summit in paris because he did not get an apology from
eisenhower but when he realized he wasn't going to he walked out and took away the
invitation to visit the ussr away
Eisenhower and the U2 Incident

Impact on US/USSR relations

-Eisenhower tried to cover up the spy plane mission by saying it was a weather plane
but when the Soviet Union investigated it they found that there were pictures of
missiles and the soviet union and that it was a spy plane and not a weather plane
President Kennedy and Flexible Response

Definition of options for military than going to nuclear war

Reasons for Kennedy thought that we needed to be ready and have ways to defer
wars or anything that could cause harm to any country

Examples of If there was a war and the U.S discouraged the other country by not
getting involved in the first place or try to negotiate peace things would be better
President Kennedy

Peace Corps as a method of a Cold War program

-young people signing up to go to a third world country for 2 years and help them by:
teaching kids, bringing water, ect.

- how does the peace corp fit into cold war philosophy( countries that are poor and
might fall to communism
Vietnam War

-Leader Ho chi Minh declares independence and has communist ties

-Vietnam wants independence from France and does not want to be a colony of them
anymore but had been sense mid 1800

-Vietnam is divided at the 17th parallel at a conference in geneva 1954, North vietnam
is communist and south vietnam is democratic

-France wants to U.S to be at the conference to have an ally and they wanted anti
communist presence
Ho Chi Minh

-Leader of vietnam and when vietnam is split he leads the north side (communist)

-Wasn't always communist but ends up turning to communism because of his

communist allies that would support him

-The united states missed many opportunities to turn vietnam into a democratic
government from before WWi however we did not because we were allies with the
Ngo Dinh Diem
Who was he

-Ngo Dinh Diem was the leader of south vietnam (democratic side) however he is very corrupt in government
and treatment of people

-He attacks buddhism and alot of people in vietnam were buddhist and a monk set himself on fire because of
Ngo dinh Diem

US connection to Diem

-The U.S gave Ngo Dinh Diem military support because they want a strong democratic government in vietnam

Diem’s removal from power

-The U.S supported a military coup with the Southern vietnam government to assassinate Diem and the
government also killed his brother because the Diem were to die his brother would take his place
Vietnam War and the Kennedy Administration

-Kennedy sent 16,000 military advisors to help and train south vietnam soldiers

-Kennedy was only in the war because he didn't want to look soft to communist and
communism and needed a win
President Johnson and Vietnam

-The Attack by North Vietnamese patrol boats attacked a U.S warship (The Destroyer)
but the attack never actually happened and the warship was not damaged in anyway
President Johnson and Vietnam
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

-johnson wanted to have international peace and security with southeast asia

-Johnson did not take any actions to retaliate to the alleged attack

Impact/Effect of Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

-Johnson increased the number of troops in vietnam to over 500,000

Vietcong, Vietnam, and ARVN (Army of the Republic
of Vietnam)

-Vietcong were communist south vietnam supporters but were allied with north
vietnam who wanted to conquer south vietnam

-ARVN was the main fighting front for south vietnam, It started with 150,000 troops
and had over 1 million armed men
Tet Offensive

Description/What happened

-The Tet Offensive was a bunch of surprise attacks on south vietnam and american
allies during tet (Vietnamese new year festival)

-The Tet offensive was huge military fail for the communists with around 50,000
communist troops dying however it was still a win for communism
Tet Offensive

Impact/Effect of Tet, militarily and mentally

-The tet offensive impacted the U.S by making the public support weaker for the the
vietnam war and led to a massive drop of support from the public

-South Vietnam started to lose support from the public and lost influence as Viet Cong
guerrillas took over rural areas
Ho Chi Minh Trail
-The Ho Chi Minh Trail is a series of road built across vietnam and through neighboring countries like Laos
and Cambodia.

-The trail was 9,940 miles long and had truck routes and paths for foot and bicycles.

-Over the time span of 16 years the trailer transferred over 1 million North Vietnamese soldiers and countless
amount of supplies to battlefields in south vietnam.

-The united states could not do anything about the Ho Chi Minh Trail by ground forces because of the
countries they passed through were offically nuetral they bombed the trail extensivly in hope of trying to stop
the veotnamnes soldiers from bringing supplies and other things.
Napalm and Agent Orange
-Napalm is used by The united states and south vietnamese soldiers in order to clear out the enemies from
their bunkers or trenches that they were taking cover in.

-Napalm Increases the amount of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the air so if the enemy was in
bunkers or trenches they would suffocate before they could get out.

-Napalm is a jelly like substance and it sticks to anything and burns up in 10 minutes and it is very low chances
that u survive with it getting up to temperatures 1,500-2,200 degrees fahrenheit.

-Agent orange was used in 1965-1970 during the vietnam war and was used by people to deprive vietnam
farmers of clean food and water.

-24 percent of southern vietnam was sprayed with agent orange and destroyed 5 million acres of upland and
500,000 acres of crop and farm land.
My Lai Massacre

-The 11th Brigade Americal Division entered a village (My Lai) in vietnam and soon after the brutal murder of
504 unarmed children, women and the elderly occured,182 women—17 of them pregnant—and 173 children,
including 56 infants.

-The My Lai massacre didn’t reach the american public until November 1969 when it occurred March 1969. The
American political establishment, military chain, and the divided american public were all shocked by this

-The army’s public information officers were quick to release a statement full of lies and claims that the My lai
massacre never happened and that they killed 128 viet cong.
Anti-War Demonstrations

Kent State -Some faked a medical illness to get out of being drafted

-people who were rich or in college did not have to drafted

-some protesters burned their draft cards as a sign or protest

President Nixon and Vietnam

Why Johnson did not run again

-He didn't run again because he was not much of a war president but instead he
wanted to eliminate poverty in society

-nixon secretly bombed cambodia and had to explain why he did it

“Americanization” vs. “Vietnamization” of the War

Vietnam War Ends

Fall of Saigon

-The us was forced to evacuate 7000 U.S citizen from south vietnam

-The U.S had to abandon the embassy and south vietnam soldiers were forced to
Vietnam War as a Cold War Legacy

Your summary

-The voting age was 21 but changed to 18

-The Vietnam was was the end of drafting from the U.S which is why the Vietnam war
was such an important part in American history and an important part of the cold war
The Cold War Thaws: Nixon Goes to China
-He wanted to change the relationship between china and the U.S

-Nixon visits china to gain a better relationship and even before he was president he
still wanted better relations with china

-At the time Nixon visited china the U.S was considered one of it’s loyal foes
The Cold War Thaws: SALT I
-SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) occurred from 1969-1972 and was during the
time period that the Soviet Union and the U.S were negotiating an agreement to
place restrictions on some of their important Nuclear weapons

- A result of the agreement was The treaty to not use (ABM) anti-ballistic missile
The Cold War Thaws: SALT II
-SALT II was also apart of a agreement signed by Carter and Brezhnev in vienna

-The agreement was to limit the total of the nations nuclear forced and they placed
many more restrictions on strategic nuclear forces including MIRVs.
The Cold War Thaws: Mikhail Gorbachev

“Glasnost” Has many different meanings in the russian language and it was used at
“openness” and “transparency” but it was used as a policy that would permit open
discussions of political or social issues

“Perestroika” Was a political movement in the soviet union in the 1980’s and was used
to promote MikHail Gorbachev and his Glasnost policy
The Cold War Thaws: The Collapse of the Soviet Union

-The Soviet Union collapsed because of a decision made by Gorbachev to allow

multi party systems that would lead to presidency and the government being more
Democratization and slowly disable communist control

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