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By : Ankush Yadav
Reg. No.: 12004039
Wind Energy Certificate
• The wind profile is logarithmic at high wind
• The wind speed depends on the
surface roughness.
• Winds are different during day and night.
• However, the wind profile also depends on
the height of the boundary layer and
the horizontal temperature gradient
Wind Altar
Analysis and
Summary of WASP:
• Wind resource depends on the surface roughness, orography and
shelter obstacles.

• This information should be represented in detailed digital maps of the

wind farm and the surrounding area.
Why is turbulence relevant for wind energy?
• Main factors that cause Turbulence are Friction at the ground and
temperature difference between air parcels.
• Two commonly used instruments for measuring wind are Cup and
Sonic Anemometer.
• Turbulence is relevant for wind energy because it influences the loads
on the wind turbine.
Economics of Wind Energy(The Cost of Wind
• Naming the four phases of a typical wind farm timeline.
• List the five of the major components of the cost of a wind farm.
• Describe the economic profile of a wind farm project.
• The wind farm project timeline is as follows:
• Development .Implementation .Operation
The Wind Farm Project Timeline:

Development Implementation
• Finding a Site. • Procurement
• Site Characteristics. • Construction
• Wind Farm Design
• Permissions and Licenses
• Financing
• Public Engagement
The Wind Farm Project TimeLine:

Operation Decommissioning
• Operation • Remover
• Maintenance • Repower
Components of the Cost:
Development: Implementation:
.Site assessment • Turbines
.Wind resource • Foundations
.Permissions and Other • Sub-station
Formalities. • Cabling
.Preliminary Design • Grid Connection
.Legal and Contracts
.Environmental Study
Wind Farm Economic Profile:(Economy of
Wind Power Operations):
• Wind Power Turbines are expensive generating installation
Investments. Hence the production costs are highly dependent on
installation costs and their financing.
• Another component of the cost includes the cost of capital which is
the cost of the money needed to build the wind farm.
• Wind Energy Projects are capital intensive compared to traditional
energy projects.
Energy Production and Revenue:

.Make a simple calculation of a very approximate energy production
.Naming four of the commonly used electricity tax types for wind
.Explaining the importance of revenue in the economics of a wind farm.
.The economic revenue of a wind farm is related to:How much energy it
produces and how much the energy is sold for (including any
Revenue Production: Annual Energy
• Net AEP is measured at the electricity meter.
• For a proposed project this will have to be estimated.
• An average over the lifetime of the windfarm.
• Simple Approximation: 50MW @ capacity factor 0.25 gives 110 GWH
Energy Production.
• Electrical Energy from wind is a commodity.
• Price of any commodity can vary from:
Cost of Production to whatever a buyer is prepared to pay.
Can sell wind energy into an electricity market.
Supporting investment in renewable energy.
Revenue from a wind farm has two important
Points.Energy Production and the Price of Energy:

An approximate energy calculation can be made for

Summary Of rough purposes using:

AEP: Installed Capacity and estimated capacity.

There are some common tariff mechanisms that

are used to apply for the wind energy.
Tools for
Wind Energy
Calculating the 'Simple Playback
Time' (SPT) for a wind farm.

Explaining the meaning of the

Objectives of Wind 'net present value (NPV)' of a
Energy Economics: wind farm project.

.Describing the data and

steps necessary to arrive at
the 'Levelised cost of energy (LCOE).
Simple Payback Time
Some basic
tools for Wind Netpresent Value (NPV)

Levelised Cost Of
Energy (LCOE)
• Simple Playback • Net Present
Tools for Wind Time(SPT): Value(NPV):To help to
Energy To find out how long it will
decide if a proposed
project is an attractive
take to pay back the
Comparison: investment by using three
factors: Capital • NPV is the sum of
Investment, Costs and the cash flows in
Electricity Sales. today's money minus
the original investment.
• It is a measure of
the attractiveness of
the investment.
If NPV > 0 then the project is

If NPV < 0 then the project is
Present not profitable.
SUM of PVs and initial
investment gives Net Present
Value (NPV).
We can make a simple calculation that indicates
how long it will take to pay back the
investment,using the SPT tool.

Summary of
Basic Tools for The decision on whether to go ahead with a
project can be helped by evaluating the net
Wind Energy: present value of the project,using the NPV tool.

To be able to compare the cost of producing

wind energy with that from
another wind farm,we can calculate the
levelised cost of energy,using the LCOE tool.
Concepts for extracting wind energy can be divided into
four categories:

Flutter Power outputs of the concepts depends on the swept

area and power coefficient.
Energy All concepts are subject to "conservation of Momentum"
leading to different achievable power coefficients.
List the main componets of the commercial horizontal
axis wind turbine.

.List the main degrees of freedom of the commercial

horizontal axis wind turbine.
Stiff,Strong and brittle fibre
material (glass and carbon fibres)
(Blue dotted lines).
Soft,Weak and Ductile
Composite matrix material (epoxy or
Materials: polyester matrix) (Greeen).
In between stifness and strength
values.(GFRD and CFRD) (Red)
Formulating Formulating the basic principles in Structural Design

Design of
Wind Turbine Explaining Explaining the difference between loads,boundary conditions
and strength.

Explaining Explaining the load carrying capacity of a wind turbine blade.


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