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Topic: Meaning and relevance of history; distinction of primary and secondary sources

History is a discipline that studies the chronological record of event based on a critical
examination of source materials. Presenting an explanation on what exactly happened through
evidences. History is treated in a number of articles, for the principal treatment of historiography
and gathering various specific information on historical topic, such as the history of specific
people, cultures, and countries. Though history could be also based on the aspect of military,
economics, law, literature, sciences, and other fields under this study.

What is the use or relevance of studying history? The history is inescapable. History
studies the past and the legacies, in fact all people whom living to this day are histories. To be a
example community that speak the language are inherited from the past, the complex societies
that people lived on is part of history. The tradition and religion people follow and any other
beliefs are from the past which is also history. And the genetic templates that people have that
evolved from time to time are also part of history. Basically, understanding the linkage between
the past and present is a absolutely basic for a good understanding the condition of being human.
And history is not just the annals of the past that not just useful but it is also essential.

Though history is still unappreciated and always been subjected by students is because of
memorization, and it is taken for granted by the youth today to be called “the millennial”.
According to the book Batis, sources of the Philippines. The improper way of teaching towards
history has deprived many students from primary to the tertiary level. Due also to the brimming
age of technology nowadays where one click away towards the information which led to a waste
of time memorizing everything without comprehending the true essence of the texts in the book.
Also tackles the problem of getting information in this digital age which most of students’
findings on the internet is also based on secondary information. Though both primary and
secondary sources are both gives information, they differ in a way they deliver information. On
primary, the information such as official documents, pictures, statements of a person himself or
should say directly, on the latter, secondary sources such as books, article, documentaries,
though they cover the same topic, but add a layer of interpretation and analysis. Going back to
the problem, where students uses secondary sources, primary sources are often better than
secondary, and there are also times primary sources since students can relate in a personal way
and have better understanding on the primary text they have read also they can develop critical
thinking skills as they read and examine the documents and object. And construct knowledge as
they encourage students to debate with contradictions and compare sources that differs in point
of view.

Topic: External and Internal Criticism

As the researchers gather a vast amount of data and information from records and
documents, dissertation must be carefully evaluated their worth for the purposes of the particular
study, evaluating the historical data and information is referred to as historical criticism and the
reliable data collected by the process are known as historical evidence. Which the evidences is
derived from historical data by the process of criticism that divides into two, external and

External criticism is concerned with establishing the authenticity or the credibility of

data, which is called lower criticism. It is aimed at the document itself than the interpretation or
meaning of them in relation to the study. Tests that involves establishing the age or authorship of
a document whether the document he wrote is credible or not as the tests of factors such as
signatures, handwriting, scripts, type, etc. as the aim of external criticism, through several
question need to be asked in a attempt to evaluate the accuracy of a document and the
truthfulness of its author. Internal criticism which is also known as higher criticism is which is
concerned with the validity, credibility, or worth of the content of the document. Both the
accuracy of the information contained in a document and the truthfulness of the author need to be
evaluated. In other words, internal criticism looks within the data itself to try to determine truth,
facts and reasonable interpretation. Internal criticism has to do with what the document says.
Primary Sources

A primary source provides direct or firsthand evidence about an event, object, person, or work of
art. Primary sources provide the original materials on which other research is based and enable
students and other researchers to get as close as possible to what actually happened during a
particular event or time period. Published materials can be viewed as primary resources if they
come from the time period that is being discussed, and were written or produced by someone
with firsthand experience of the event. Often primary sources reflect the individual viewpoint of
a participant or observer. Primary sources can be written or non-written (sound, pictures,
artifacts, etc.). In scientific research, primary sources present original thinking, report on
discoveries, or share new information.

Examples of primary sources:

• Autobiographies and memoirs
• Diaries, personal letters, and correspondence
• Interviews, surveys, and fieldwork
• Internet communications on email, blogs, and newsgroups
• Photographs, drawings, and posters
• Works of art and literature
• Books, magazine and newspaper articles and ads published at the time
• Public opinion polls
• Speeches and oral histories
• Original documents (birth certificates, property deeds, trial transcripts)
• Research data, such as census statistics
• Official and unofficial records of organizations and government agencies
• Artifacts of all kinds, such as tools, coins, clothing, furniture, etc.
• Audio recordings, DVDs, and video recordings
• Government documents (reports, bills, proclamations, hearings, etc.)
• Patents
• Technical reports
• Scientific journal articles reporting experimental research results

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