Case Analysis-7322 S1 2022

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IBUS 7322 – International Service Operations Management S1, 2022


The objective of case analysis is to develop students’ decision-making skills in real-life

situations confronted by international service operations managers. In addition to developing
teamworking, analytical, communication and critical thinking skills, case analysis will
enable students to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical problems. Please note that
the cases should be analyzed based solely on the information included in the case. All data
should be related to the time period of the case. Additional research may be conducted
relating to course concepts/frameworks and theory topics that may help analyse and provide
solutions to the case and answer any case questions. The detailed criteria on which the case
analysis will be assessed are included in the rubric.

Case Analysis (Team) (weightage 20%) (due date – in class, during the scheduled week)
Each week, teams that have been scheduled, The assigned case study will be made available
in the week prior to the team presentation and the case study is based on a related course
topic. Students are required to work together in their team to solve the case and answer any
assigned case questions. Students in their presentation will provide a brief overview of the
case and apply any relevant course concepts to assist with solving the case/answering the
questions. Presentation timing is max 20mins plus Q&A and class activity interaction time.
Presentations need to be engaging and actively involve the student audience through
activities/questions etc. Presentation slides must be submitted prior to the time of the
presentation date. Full assessment task description is available on the course blackboard site
in the Assessment section. Case presentations commence in seminar week 2.

Oral Presentation & PPT Slide Format

Be sure to submit the powerpoint presentation to the team oral presentation online
assessment submission point on Blackboard. Only one team member needs to submit the
powerpoint file. Please ensure that your presentation:
 Address all assessment criteria
 Answer all parts of the questions/issues in the case
 Focus on problems/issues that are relevant to the case and relate to this course
 Show continuity and linkage across various sections of the presentation
 Are critical and analytical rather than descriptive; address the ‘how’, ‘why’ and ‘so what’
questions in addition to the ‘what’ question
 Link empirical observations with appropriate theoretical/conceptual frameworks related to
this course (such as from the course textbook, key readings and additional research related
to service operations literature).
 Includes in text referencing and reference list (APA or Harvard)
 Slide presentation should have clear structure, be well designed, engaging and have
relevant content and provide illustrations, figures, charts, tables etc with appropriate data,
figures and examples.
 Show good overall organization, clarity, completeness, consistency, conceptualization,
expression, style and editing (e.g., spell-check, paragraph formatting, layout, page

numbers, citations and references, numbering and referencing of tables, figures and
Self and Peer Evaluation
Initially, a single grade will be awarded for the team assessment to all members of the team.
For teams that submit a self and peer evaluation, the marks of members with less than 100%
contribution will be reduced in proportion to the individual’s contribution to the team work.
To get the same marks as the other members of your team, please work well in teams and
make equal contribution to the team tasks (see the team peer evaluation on the course
Blackboard for details).
Additional Information
It is expected that every team member is fully familiar with all of the parts of the
presentation presented in class. The instructor and the participants may ask any member of
the team for clarification and explanation about the case and their presentation.



Assessment Criteria
1 Understand the current situation confronted by the company. 10
- Situation analysis, including brief case introduction.
- Identify and explain the key objectives of the firm in the case.
- Identify and explain the problems/opportunities and/or issues in the case
and prioritize them.
- Illustrations and support for arguments with data and figures including
tables, charts, pictures, etc.
- Analytical, critical & innovative rather than merely descriptive.
2 Evaluation, qualitative & quantitative, key conclusions from analysis. 10
- Identify, explain & justify your options/alternatives to resolve the
- Identify, explain, justify, prioritize your criteria to evaluate alternatives
for solutions.
- Evaluate your options/alternatives against your criteria.
- Explain and justify the evaluations.
- Apply appropriate course/topic related concepts, theory tools and
frameworks that are relevant for the issues/problems in the case.
3 Provide recommendations. 10
- Based on your analyses in (1) and (2), recommend a suitable strategy to
resolve the issues/problems that you have identified for the company.
Justify both your recommended & rejected alternatives. Answer any
assigned questions
- Outline an implementation plan for your recommended strategy.
- Linkage/integration between objectives, analysis, and recommendations,
and relevant concepts & conceptual frameworks.
4 Delivery: Presentation & Discussion 10
- Presentation/discussion clarity, quality of oral communication,
engagement with the audience, generated discussion, demonstrated
understanding. Used effective visuals/ppts.
- Engaged the class with relevant activity and presentation slides & media
- Demonstrated understanding, effectively answered questions.
- Kept to time limit
- Effectively worked as a team
OVERALL: Final Report & Presentation Marks /40
Mark out of 20 /20

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