The Sims 2 Walkthrough

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Table Of Contents
*Crtl+f to move in on a specific part of the FAQ*
-1.0 Introduction
-1.a Controls
-1.b Sanity and Urgencies
-1.c Skills
-1.d Perks
-1.e Interaction
-1.e.i Woo-Hoo
-1.e.ii Soulmate
-1.f Secrets
-1.g Purchasing Furniture and Designing your Home
-1.h Changing Apperance
-1.i Tips, Tricks, en Hints
-2.0 Walkthrough
-2.a Service Station
-2.b Paradise Palace
-2.b.i The Beakers
-2.b.ii The Dentes
-2.b.iii Doctor Newlow
-2.b.iv The Rossums
-2.c Deadtree
-2.c.i Finding Roberta
-2.c.ii Nervous Subject Ghost
-2.c.iii The Nightbeast/Werewolf/Pugwolf
-2.c.iv The Will and The Viola
-2.c.v The 19th Century Vampire Kine Dairy
-2.d Division 47
-2.d.i Litrene Duty
-2.d.ii Escape
-2.d.iii The Photo Album
-2.d.iv Kidnapped
-2.e Monument
-2.d.i Catastrophe
-3.0 Walkthrough Finale
-3.a Why a Sims 2 FAQ?
-3.b Thanks
-3.c Legal Information *Read before copying any part of walkthrough
1.0 Introduction
'The Sims 2' is the sequel to the series 'The Sim's which came out in 2000.
The original Sims enabled people across the world to take control of simulated-
people or 'Sims'. Numerous expansion packs followed the release of The Sims,
some including the ability to own pets or wield magic. In 2004 'The Sims 2'
came along. It featured improved graphics, genetic hereditary, and many more
improvements compared to its predecessor. The Sims 2 is now on every game
console and played all around the world from USA to Singapore.

1.a Controls
-Walk/Run- Analog stick or D-pad
-Action- X button
-Back- Triangle button
-Rotate camera- L-shoulder or R-shoulder
-Camera zoom- L-shoulder and R-shoulder tap
-Perks and wants view- Square button
-Use perk- O button
-Goal, Sim, and Inventory screen view- Select button
-Start menu- Start button
1.b Sanity and Urgencies
In the Sims 2 your Sims now have wants and fears. In the PSP version you also
have sanity and urgencies.
Sanity is basically what you know it is, your sanity. There are four levels of
sanity in this game as represented by your crystal in the lower left corner:
Red- Your about to freak out, Green- Mediocre, Gold- Good, Platinum- As good
as it gets which also slows down most urgencies. If your crystal becomes empty
you will go crazy and need to be sent to the mental box. When you come back
you'll be out 500 $ and some urgencies will be messed up.
In order to keep you from a padded cell with a guy named Bubba, you'll have to
fulfill your Sims wants. Your Sims wants are represented in the left corner by
the four square boxes with icons within them. Your Sim will need to complete
tasks such as making food or making whoopee with the local inhabitants of
Strangetown. By completing tasks you're rewarded with a sanity mood boost and
sanity ponts which are useful for buying perks.
Urgencies are basic insticts like going to the bathroom or breathing
(sarcasm). There are eight urgencies which are view at by pressing the select
button and viewing the Goal screen. It's best to keep all of them full and
each on are as followed: Exhaustion which is kept full by sleeping.
-Hunger that is kept full by eating.
-Bladder which if you don't know is kept by going to the local toilet.
-Stinkiness is as to showering or washing your hands alot, Boredom is kept by
watching TV or anything that will hold your attention.
-Nausea is kept by two methods such as vomiting or taking medication.
-Finally Headaches and Debt. Now, the last two are actually synced together
somewhat because when you are in Debt(such as not owning any money or getting
instatutionalized by the crazy police and not having enough money to cover
therapy classes) you will suffer headaches meaning you need to get some cash.
Headaches are easily cured by medicene or a night on the bed.
1.c Skills
There are six skills in the game which will help advance the story, unlock
certain perks, or improve their social ablities.
-Body: This skill helps enable the Iron Stomach perk which is useful for
the 'Smack-a-Ghoul' minigame.
-Charisma: This is the best skill to help intimidate, flirt, or chat with
-Logic: This skill is useful for hacking into keypads or searching for
specific information.
-Creative: Useful for painting pictures and selling them for money or making
-Mechanical: If you want to fix a computer or repair your toaster with a knife
this is a useful skill.
-Cooking: Good for eating. Which you need to do.
1.d Perks
Perks are tools and/or abilities that you gain after either buying them or
obtaining them. Most Perks are obtained by buying them using sanity points
that you get from completing your Sim's wants. The Perks you buy usually are
passive such as Iron Stomach which passively resists Nausea. It is possible to
trade perks with your friends if they also have a copy of The Sims 2 and Wi-Fi
connect with you.
1.e Interactions
There are three types of interactions:
Chat: This is your everyday ordinary talking. It makes you better friends with
whoever your trying to chat with pending that you suceed the mini-game.
Flirt: This is like hitting on another person.. And it gets creepy sometimes.
Makes whoever your trying to flirt with 'good' friends and eventually leading
to making the babies(which by the way, you cannot have babies in the PSP
version of The Sims 2) pending you pass the mini-game.
Intimidate: Think of this as 'Interigating'. You basically smack someone up
until they give you information. If you fail you lose a bitof sanity, but if
you suceed you gain a secret but that person will hate you.
1.e.i Woo-Hoo
Too have whoopie or woo-hoo, have a level 4 love relationship with the person
and flirt with them or get on a bed and relax. Then invite whoever your trying
to woo-hoo with and cuddle.. And basically it rolls on from there. Also works
with the hot tub. Having a love potion also helps.
1.e.ii Soulmate
Have a level 4 friendship with the person(s). If you want a room mate they
must be at this state.
1.f Secrets
There are many secrets within the town of Strangeworld. Many of which creepy,
but thats okay people will actually buy your secrets for a pretty heavy
ammount. In game, selling secrets is basically the best way to get money.
Right besides actually completing the main storyline. Just so you know, this
walkthrough tells where most secrets are as the story progresses so do not
worry about collecting each one unless you are a perfectionest. They are
small, blue, glowing, and have four pointy sides.
1.g Buying Furniture and Designing your Home
Buying furniture is accessed by using the phone in your home (not your
cellphone). Because EA is lazy though you have a limit to how much you can
actually stick into your home. You can design your home by also using your
home phone. You will go through each room and have the ability to change
the walls and flooring.
1.h Changing Apperance
To change your clothes or buy new clothes use any dresser. You can press the
square button to change colors or variations of the types of clothing.
To change any facial features, goto a mirror and primp. You should be able to
change hair, glasses, en etc.
1.i Tips, Tricks, en Hints
-Painting Simolians: The easiest way to make money is to first max out your
creativity. Buy a painting easel and begin to work on a new painting but just
as the white board appears, cancel and you should be automatically done.
500$ easy.
-Roomate: There's a reason this is in the tips tricks etc section, I'm just
lazy to explain why. To have a roommate you must clear your house of ghosts
(except for Emily), the sim must be homeless(you'll just see them on the street,
they do not go in or stay in homes), and you must have a level 4 love and/or
friend relationship with a person.
-Aspiration Alteration: To change your aspiration goals, once you complete the
game go touch Doctor Dominion's helmet once more. You'll be given a list of
options and thusly the one you choose wil influence your new goals. You will
also unlock new perks by changing aspirations.
-Freeplay: You automatically unlock this by beating the game. It is just
playing as your current sim. It's not really all that good.
2.0 Walkthrough
To actually start the game you will need to Create-A-Sim from the main menu.
2.a Service Station
You start out driving your beater car on a dusty road across the desert and it
breaks down because your Sim is too busy looking at the glowing green diamond
overhead. Once you get past the cinematic your shown the controls screen for a
brief moment. As you close that window your instantly immersed into the game
and start out in the mechanics garage. Go over and talk to Oscar Del Fuego
(the mechanic so-to-speak) and browse through your talk options. You'll ask
him how much money it'll take to fix the car but he'll say it's more about the
respect. He complains that your talking to him like a everyday ordinary
mechanic and blather on with artistic misconceptions about the Mona Lisa and
Michelangelo. He doesn't really want payment he complains, he wants to be
treated like a human being and asks that you chat with him.
After your done chatting with him(pending you suceed in doing so) you guys
shake hands and he asks if that chatting wasn't so bad. He then claims he is
going to give you a discount for being friends now. You can either take
advantage of his offer or actually be a friend and do the whole 'you shouldn't
have!' thing. Either way your out 500 simoleons. He'll tell you to head to the
Curio Shoppe to hang out for awhile while he fixes your car and since your
stuck in the desert you don't have a choice. He'll also tell you to see Mambo
Loa the lady who mans the cash register while your at it. Finally he
introduces you to the goal list via select button. Nice guy that Oscar now
exit the building.
When you leave the garage go around the left and there should be three cars.
Go behind the garage and pick up the blue glowing object hidden behind the
tires. This is a secret which can be later used to obtain some cash. Also, go
to the furthest red car parked right by a cactus. Search right by the cactus
and there should be another secret. When your done go into the building with
the red 50's double doors.
Wow it looks like a 7-11 in here does it not? You should see two people in
here a Bella Goth in a red dress and Mambo Loa behind the cash register. First
head into the bathroom and pick up the secret right across from the sink. Then
go talk to Mambo Loa, there she will give you here special personality test.
Basically it's a giant thing telling you what your aspirations and fears will
be. You can let here choose or you can skip ahead and choose them yourself.
When you're done she'll tell you about your wants but first pick up the secret
to the right of Mambo Loa behind the cash register then go fulfill one of your
wants. Take this time to fill your sanity meter to platinum while your at it
also and return to Mambo Loa. She'll then persist to talk to you about sanity
and secrets. Then Mambo will force you to pry a secret out of by chatting with
her Bella and return to Mamboa. She'll tell you all about that jazz of secrets
and that she buys secrets(Right now, do not sell any secrets to her, your
wallet will thank you later) and get onto another subject; Love. She'll tell
you to either flirt with Bella or the cop outside, Deputy Duncan. The choices
are oh so heavily weighed are they not? When you're done flirting once again
return to Mambo and she'll basically force you to buy something. That dirty
sunnuva- Got off track. Go around the counter and buy something that won't
spend all of your assets, like a ice cream and then talk to Mambo again.
She'll begin to explain one of the most basic of things to you; Eating. Open
up to your inventory menu and eat whatever you bought. Finally go back to
Mambo one last time and she will tell you she has nothing else for you to do
and to go check on your car. Leave the Curio Shoppe and head outside.
Go around the left and behind the shop. Building's gone? Good, your on with
the story then and a cell phone will be left infront of the ruins of the
garage. Go pick it up and you will be forced to talk to Doctor Dominic Newlow.
Somehow he knows that your car and the building have been misplaced somewhere
and he left his cell phone right where your standing yesterday. Moving onto
his point, he needs a new assistant and wants you to do the job but you need
a ride and place to stay. Go back inside the Curio Shoppe again.
Go talk to Bella, not chat. She'll tell you she needs to leave town because
something horrible has happened to her. Ask her if you could have a place to
stay and she'll actually wants to sell you her MANSION. You'll ask her how
much she is asking for the place and you'll get a outrageous offer of 900,000
simoleons. Thats not gonna work. Bella will tell you she will take whatever is
currently in your wallet. She takes all your money but cannot give you a ride
out of the Service Station. Then out of no where she tells you she is never
going back to that mansion. Something's obviously wrong with it. Then she'll
tell you she even sold you a maid with the mansion. Sweetness. Anyways, once
your done having your conversation with her go over to Mambo Loa and sell her
all of your secrets. Right there, right now. Get yourself some pocket scratch.
Once your done, go outside again.
Look to your right and you'll see Deputy Duncan and his car, but first go
behind his car and look at the bushes. They're sparkling. Go get the secret
hidden there and talk to Duncan. You can get in his face(I did) or you can
tell him your just killing sometime. Ask him if you could also get a ride into
town while your at it. He'll tell you he's out of donuts, how.. Non-chilant.
He'll ask that you go and smack Mambo Loa around because she is hoarding
donuts from Duncan. Run back into the Curio Shoppe.. Again..
Go back around the counter and talk to Mambo again, except this time do a
Social Game and intimidate her. Try to suceed though, because if you fail at
intimidations you lose a bit of sanity. You'll find out she hides her donuts
in the trash can in the bathroom. Nice. Go into the bathroom and start
salvaging through the trash bin. You'll lose a part of your lunch most likely
by doing this, but it has to be done. Once you have your dumpster-donuts, go
back outside and hand them over to Duncan by asking him for a ride into town
again.. He's not too smart about food though. He'll ask you if you got a place
to stay. Luckily you got your place cheap from Bella. He'll tell you whenever
your ready, get in the car. Que the music, NEXT PART!
2.b Paradise Place
Here you are at your new neighborhood. Your now the owner of the Espirtu
Estate, the place where Duncan parked his car infront of. Your character
comments on how rich Bella must have been and Duncan comments that she took
all your money and gives 800$ to you. Nice. Where Duncan gets it, we don't
wanna know. Anyways Duncan tells you that you should meet your new neighbors:
The Rossum's, the Dente's, the Beaker's, and finally Dr. Newlow. When your
done talking to Duncan, run up into your house.
As you enter your house, you are greeted by your new maid, Emily Emory. She
kind of.. Screams at you. You tell her you are the new owner of the estate and
she makes a back-handed comment on how something is wrong with the place. She
says it'd be easy to show you the problem, rather then tell you. Walk inside
your home and head to the room on the right. OMFGZ GHOST! Run to the right
quickly and guess what? OMFGZ GHOST. Most likely they will scare the
metaphorical crap out of your Sim. Run back and talk to Emily. Obviously your
Sims tells her about the hauntings. She's not surprised and attempts to get
you to stay in the house proclaiming that there are only three ghosts and
they're nice. Obviously you cannot see the third ghost, thats a later secret.
She'll tell you that the ghosts are just lonely and cannot move on until their
unfinished buisness is done. She'll proceed to tell you about Dennis the Ghost
who lies in your music room. She'll tell you about his mysteriously awkward
death with the pool and the ladder and that Dennis never got a proper burial.
Then your slapped with a new mission, get the ghosts out of your house.
Preferably Dennis at the moment. (If you want to figure out where the third
ghost is, chat with Emily enough and she will tell you.)
Go outside your front door and go on the rightside around your fountain. Ping.
Secret. Once you're outside make a left around your bushes and stop. Then make
another left and you should see a secret hidden behind a tree. Then turn
around and cut through the graveyard. You should be able to see another secret
far away in the open. Turn around once more and run to Deputy Duncan's car
placed right outside your door and turn left. You should see a house with part
of the wall glowing purple. Run to the glowing while going around the bush and
you should find ANOTHER secret.
Alright your done collecting secrets for now, go talk to Deputy Duncan. He'll
explain he is having trouble and wants you to help. He will explain how the
garbage man went missing and that he believes the Beaker family has something
to do with it. Then you'll change subjects onto the graveyard problems and in
the process you should earn a secret. Anyways Duncan will tell you how the
dead are getting up out of their graves and if you want to earn a bit of
pocket scratch you should try to put them back in each night.
2.b.i The Beakers
Alright, to move the plot along go to the house that has a awkward red glow.
This is your neighbors the Beakers. They basically hate you. Once you enter
the house a message will pop up saying these are the people who kidnaped the
garbage man. First go into the far back right room and research your logic up
to level two with the bookcase. When your done, attempt to hack that keypad
outside of the library next to the kitchen. Either Loki or Circe will come up
and verbally smack you for touching it. Once your done, go and talk to the
other housemate who did not stop you from using the keypad. Either way- Circe
will tell you she thinks Loki is keeping things from her like patents which
could cost alot of money and Loki thinks that Circe is having some marriage
problems. Lets start off with Circe's problems. Head off into their bedroom.
Right by their dresser is a secret, pick it up. Now wait in this room for a
minute and Loki should come around poking his nose in his dresser all sneakly-
like which is creepy. Obviously somethings in that dresser, examine it. BAM-
Patent city, take them to Circe quickly. And prepare to feel used- Circe had
no intention of leaving whatsoever, just to make you go on a random goose hunt
but she'll attempt to pay you off. Accept it or leave it either way, move on
to pay her back. Intimidate her, because she has it coming. No seriously, do
it. She'll spill her guts and admit to having an affair. Go back and talk to
Loki about it. Loki and Circe will from there on end proceed to be unavalible
to stop you from hacking the keypad now. Go and rescue that garbage man but
get the secret in his captivity room while your at it.
-Take a little time for yourself to earn some money, work on your skills, buy
some perks, or raise your sanity at this point.
2.b.ii The Dentes
By now you've probably gone to Espirtu Estates to rest up a bit, I don't blame
you. I did. Were going to now start with the Dentes, whose house is directly
left of Espirtu Estate and is glowing blue; go inside and talk to Hazel Dente.
She'll explain that she needs some help doing some tasks around the house and
to talk to her fiance, Roland, about the jobs. First go into her backyard
though and take a direct right. Once you reach the fence take another direct
right and you should find a secret. Now go talk to Roland and you two will
chat about how Roland and Hazel met and that they need some help preparing for
their wedding. Tell Roland that Hazle had some work for you and he'll give you
three jobs:
-Plant the garden with garlic seeds
-Scrub the bathroom
-And make hotdogs
Let's start with scrubbing the bathroom since that should be relativly easy.
Go to their bathroom and scrub everything down. As you clean the sink though
you'll find a ring lodged in Hazel's drain. Riiight, clean everything else and
pick up the secret by the bathtub. Report back to Roland.
Now lets begin the hot dog preperations. If you haven't already, go and pick
up some cooking skills by watching the Yummy Channel on the telly for awhile
so you can pick up a uncooked hotdog from a fridge. What's this? Inside
Hazel's fridge is a note to the police. Creeeepy.. Go cook that hotdog and
report back to Roland once more.
Now onto the finale, run to the Service Station and go buy some garlic seeds
and a road map(for the future) from the register. Now rush back to the Dentes
and head to their backyard. First go behind their pool and examine the object
that looks like a propane tank connected to a box. This actually happen's to
be Dennis the Ghost's remains..! First go to the far left plot in the garden
which is to the direct right of the back yard entrance and plant the garlic
seeds. Gasp, you find a pacemaker in the plot? That's just nasty.. Again go
back to the plot where you planted your seeds and bury the remains of Dennis.
He shall bother your music room no more. Report back to Roland once more then
talk to Hazel to tell her about the things you found while working in her
house. She'll explain that all of these things were accidents but it clearly
looks like foul play and accuse her of it. Hazel will tell you she isn't
telling you anymore and the only way you'll get anything more is to intimidate
her. Get to it. Once you suceed in intimidating her (pending you do suceed)
she'll explain how she 'blacks out' sometimes and how she found all of her
husbands dead. You'll point out how Roland needs to know but Hazel doesn't
want him too because then he might leave her. You'll have to tell him
yourself, so go do it. As a reward, Hazel will teach you howto garden which is
really a sub-par reward.
-Return back to your home and Emily will annouce that Dennis is no more and
you have a whole room to yourself but now you have to take care of the ghost
in your Main Bedroom. She'll explain that the ghost is so depressed. Emily
will explain that he had a girlfriend and how he was a test subject for Loki
Beaker's nervous system project and how it fried him one day. She'll also
explain the he had a little charm that his girlfriend Annie who is a waitress
at the Nightowl bar in Deadtree and that you need to dig it up to give to her.
Take time to decompress and up your skills(specifically mechanical up to four).
2.b.iii Doctor Newlow
As you leave Espirtu Estates, Doctor Newlow's home is direct right to yours
and also the one that glows purple. Go inside his house and you should find
him in his study; speak with him. Tell him your ready to work for him to get
some pocket scratch. The job is pretty basic too, sell secrets. Give him five
and he will give you a bonus. After all the secrets I have pointed out, you
should be able to make five. Sell him all of your secrets and talk to him
about the bonus. And he pulls out.. A GAT! RUN!- I mean, ahem.. He
disappeared. How strange.. And so is that bookcase next to the window. Examine
it. That bookcase seems to be a trick door! Attempt to open it and you'll be
greeted by none other than the antagonist Doctor Dominion. There's nothing
else to do but obey but pick up the secret behind his desk and the one stashed
away by his piano on your way out.
2.b.iv The Rossums
As you leave Doctor Dominion's home, take a direct right and you'll be at the
home of the Rossums. It glows orange just to fill your head with a direction.
Enter the house and speak with Issac. He will explain how he is just leaving
and that his wife, Roberta, needs a friend. Do it out of the goodness of your
heart because this is a relativly easy task. Go and chat with Roberta then
talk to her. She'll freak out robo-style. Roberta will explain how she is a
robot and programed to do everything Issac tells him but she doesn't want to
do that. Going on she also tells how Doctor Newlow(Dominion) had a program
called liberator.exe to help her become normal. You'll have to hack it off his
private computer. Go back to Doctor Newlow's home, hack the computer in his
secret room, and return to Roberta. She'll ask for a simolian, give it to her
because your nice. Yay, Roberta is now free from the clutches of being a
robot. Go into the invention room now and look in the closet, you should find
a secret. Issac is home now so go talk to him and he'll explain some long-
winded thing about real-intelligence and your phone will begin to ring. Anwser
it and you'll be a slave to the green crystal again. Your now to go into the
invention room again and use the green machine to make a cow. Once your done
take it and pull the rod that is sticking out of the generator-esqe thing to
the right of the cow-maker-thingy. Now goto Roberta and give her the items and
you will be called one more time by Doctor Dominion to remind you the sentence
order newsreader, waiter, trousers. Talk to Roberta once more and say the
sentence about milk. Roberta will inevitably freak out again robo-style and
leave the home. Talk to Issac and you'll explain that you were under control
by Doctor Dominion and he has ROberta now. Issac wants you to goto Deadtree to
find Roberta or what's left of her. Your basically 1/4th the way complete now.
-Take time to save your data or whatever. Make some turkey or something..
2.c Deadtree
To get to Deadtree you must go up the road of Paradise Palace and take the
right turn. The left leads to the Service Station. When you reach Deadtree
you'll recieve a phone call from Isaac instructing you onto using the tracking
device. And just to start off go past the first two buildings on your right
and then go around the pole, you should see a secret. Then keep going straight
until you reach a dead end with a barn on your right and acouple of benches to
your left. Look behind a tree on your right and you should find another secret.
2.c.i Finding Roberta
-First go along the road until you see a merchant on the street. Go behind her
and you should see a chest. Pick the chest's lock and you should find
Roberta's torso.
-Turn around so the exit of Deadtree to Division 47 is facing your back and
head fowards and enter the Nightowl Saloon infront of you. As you enter, turn
around the look left; that table's leg is a leg. Take it and go into the
womens bathroom, you'll find a secret. Then leave the bathroom and enter the
bar with the old guy in it who serves drinks, there's a secret. Now you can
-Go towards the exit to Deadtree that leads to Paradise Place and stop at the
church and go inside. Go past the benches and take a left and then a immediate
right outside into the graveyard. Attempt to not make eye contact with
zombies. Out in the open there should be one of Roberta's arms. Pick it up
then goto the far left graves. You'll know which they are because you'll find
a secret next to them. Check the graves and one should allow you to dig. Do
it. Now leave the graveyard and church.
-Go directly across the street from the church and enter the library. Pick up
the secret and attempt to take the arm off of the dish-thingy. You can't, hack
the computer next to it and then snatch it. You'll be golden.
-Leave the library and head towards the Nightowl bar, but don't enter it.
Instead talk to the guy in the white robe talking about cows. OMG its Roland,
Hazel's ex-fiance and he's selling flyers for a cult(I call it a cult, deal
with it). Sign yourself up, buy one, and read it. Now enter the building next
to the bar with the cow on it's door. As you enter, go towards the guy who is
next to the door. He won't let you in unless you anwser the for great pillars
of the Kine Society. Luckily for you the anwsers are as follows: 1. Always
stay with the herd. The stray cow falls into the thicket. 2. Always keep your
eyes on the cow infront of you. Attention yields obdience. 3. Always look to
the future. The path behind you is strewn with manure. 4. Always be warry ...
the enemy tips the cow who sleeps. After you have anwsered them you should be
allowed in. Go directly to the cow statue then turn right. Leg ahoy. The only
thing that remains is to bring her remains back to Isaac since the head is
really the only thing Doctor Dominion wanted and he would most likely not get
rid of it so easily. Goal list complete.
2.c.ii Nervous Subject Ghost
If your doing this in order then you should currently have the charm. If not,
keep reading. Go into the Meeting house which is right across from the Old
Library. Go past the benches and take a left then a immediate right. Go into
the far back right side of the graveyard and dig up the charm. Leave the
meeting house and head to the Nightowl Bar. Talk to the girl with pig tails
and only half of a complete outfit, you should be talkin' to Annie. Ask her if
the good luck charm looks familiar and she'll explain that it was her
boyfriends. It rolls downhill from here and you now have a whole master
bedroom to yourself when you go back and talk to Emily and your now living in
a technically ghost free household.
2.c.iii The Nightbeast/Werewolf/Pugwolf
To begin this, talk to the old guy who serves drinks to people. He introduces
himself as Hoot and his little sister Annie. As you two go deeper into
conversation Hoot will begin to talk about the Nightbeast and it scarin' away
all his buisness. He wants you to find out how to get rid of it but to first
find out who IT is(Tip: Watch a real-life werewolf movie). He'll tell you also
how to make a taser to check the person who you believe it is to be the
Nightbeast. Go outside purchase parts from the merchant(you may have to talk
to her first) on the street and build yourself a taser. Now just wait for a
Nightbeast attack. You'll know when it attacks because the music will change
and be very imposing and loud. What do you notice about the Nightbeast? It has
pigtail-ears and shorts just like Annie. Guess what? I like kittens. Oh, and
Annie's the Nightbeast. Go zap it out of her and she'll transform and get
angry with you. Annie will explain how everytime she gets even a slight bit
angry she transfroms, and ironically the customers make her irratated every-
freakin'-day. Tell her she needs anger managment classes and that you will pay
for them and she will go back to normal. Pay her off when she's a human and
then talk to Hoot. He'll give you a free bottle of Cider and money.. Mmm..
2.c.iv The Will and The Viola
Starting off you should talk to the merchant on the street; her name is Pita.
She happens to be the sister of the garbage man you saved and explains how her
family used to own all the land of Strangetown. Now all her family owns is the
cart she brings her stock to sell on. What is currently going on is that a
squatter who has a supposed will, Ophelia, is in the Meeting House that Pita's
grandfather built with his bare hands and she wants to make a claim on it
believing that her family rightfully owns it because Pita believes the will
does noy exist. She wants you to become best friends with Ophelia and ask her
where the will is. As you enter the Meeting House take a direct right inside
the curtains containing a bed and you should find a secret. Proceed to chat to
Ophelia and then talk about her knocking over the bookcase to the will and
proclaiming that some outside force told her to do it. Leave the Meeting House
and head to the Old Library directly across from you. From entering via stairs
turn right, right again and head towards the desk, turn left until you stop at
the candle stick and turn left once more. Get the will from the fallen
bookcase and head to Pita. Talking with her reveals that Ophelia really does
own the Meeting House. Pita is disappointed but wants you to retrive a family
heirloom from the graveyard so she doesn't have to worry about the Meeting
House anymore. Go to the graveyard and search every tombstone until your given
the option to dig. Do so and return to Pita, she will reward you. Coal
Gomplete (switched letters..)
2.c.v The 19th Century Vampire
Start by going to the Old Library which is opposite the Meeting House. Once in
there, talk to the guy with the hover device. This is Lincoln Broadsheet, D-
Grade reporter that cannot support his own weight. He start out by saying he
knows you but I assume like you guys, haven't talked to him until now. He'll
employ you to get secrets for him but he wants dirt on a specific person,
Virginya Feng, the redheaded girl who hangs out in the Nightowl Bar. First
goto the Meeting House and check the far right graves. You should see HER
tombstone dating back to the late 1800's. Go back to the library and tell this
to Lincoln. You two will begin to search for info about her but you'll need a
certain level of logic to do so. You'll find a old pictuire of her, show it to
Lincoln. He'll tell you to ask acouple of street merchants. IE: Talk to Pita.
She'll tell you she is not so good with female customer relations as her
brother Gimi. Go search for a guy in a green suit and that'll be him.
Intimidate the info out of him after talking to him. He's been selling plasma
(blood) to her..! Report back to Lincoln and tell him. He'll force you to get
close to Virginya as either a friend or a 'friend'. Either way, successfully
interact with her acouple of times and you'll get a chomp in the neck from
her. Stupid vampires! And by the rules of vampirism, your one too. You need to
go out to the Service Station and talk to Mambo Loa once more and she will
tell you a cure. Now you need to go back to Deadtree and buy two garlics and
two plasma packs. Then you need to use a workbench to create it and give it to
her and yourself. Goal complete.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kine Dairy
Talk to the guy in the white robe talking about cows by the Nightowl Bar. OMG
its Roland, Hazel's ex-fiance and he's selling flyers for a cult(I call it a
cult, deal with it). Sign yourself up, buy one, and read it. Now enter the
building next to the bar with the cow on it's door. As you enter, go towards
the guy who is next to the door. He won't let you in unless you anwser the for
great pillars of the Kine Society. Luckily for you the anwsers are as follows:
1. Always stay with the herd. The stray cow falls into the thicket. 2. Always
keep your eyes on the cow infront of you. Attention yields obdience. 3. Always
look to the future. The path behind you is strewn with manure. 4. Always be
warry ... the enemy tips the cow who sleeps. After you have anwsered them you
should be allowed in. Go into the room and pick up the cow excrement first
then to the direct left of where you enter the barn doors and you should see a
secret. Now you'll need to talk to Sinjin Balani or the guy not in a creepy
robe. You'll need to do three things to get into the Kine, he'll tell you.
Listed below:
-Obtain a copy of Bovinomicon: The shop in the building is selling it in the
front. Also, behind the counter is a secret.
-Gain sponsership: Chat with the woman in the brown cloak until you reach
relationship 4 status with her.
-Learn the ritual: Ask the woman to teach you the ritual once you have
befriended her. Then you need to go over to the cow idol and do the sunshine
After that you need to talk to Sinjin once more to pass his inspection. He
says you pass and that he needs your help with summoning the mighty
Beezlebeef. You'll need to do three things again..
-Create Cowporri: Go buy some smart milk and pick up some cow doody and goto a
craft bench. Once you create it, go to the cow idol and move it to the candle
holder to the far left.
-New Cow Idol: Goto Isaac Rossum's and use the cow idol maker and make a new
one. Bring it back to the Kine Dairy and give it to Sinjin.
-Beezlebeef Ceremony: Do the Kine Sunshine Ritual and choose Beezlebeef.
Once you have done these things, Doctor Dominion will show up and steal
Beezlebeef..! Great, go talk to Sinjin and he will explain how HE was
brainwashed and wants you to hunt Dominion down. He also got you a job in
Division 47 which is like the rough equivlent to Area 51. End.
2.d Division 47
Go along the road that you arrived upon from Paradise Palace and follow it
until you get until the end of the road. You should arrive infront of Lazlo
Curious, talk to him. After your done, head to the downed saucer that crashed
into the gate and look left. You should see a secret. Then go towards the
barracks and you should be able to see another secret right next to a hummer.
2.d.i Litrene Duty
Head towards the barracks and talk to the guy in the general's outfit with a
green beret. This guy is the General and he is a complete and utter pain-in-
the-membrane. He tells you there is a job open but not to anyone who he does
not like. Que the befriending. Get to relationship level 2 with him and then
he will give you the only job he has left, as a janitor. You have three tasks:
-Fix Tank Grunt's Computer: Basically go out of the General's office and fix
the computer that is there. Once your done, talk to the Rambo guy beating up
the cashier and try to calm him down.(Get the secret behind the desk in the
General's office while your at it)
-Clean the Barracks Bathroom: Goto the bathroom and clean every thing related
to tolietry and mop the floors.
-Pick up Trash in the Laboratory: Leave the Barracks and go into the
Laboratory. Pick up everything that is in the white rooms.
Once your done, report back to the General. Goal complete.

2.d.ii Escape
In order to begin this set of goals you will have to talk to the alien in the
Barracks. Johnny Smith here is a teenager and wants to escape from Division
47. Obviously your help is needed to make everything go smoothly. He'll need a
fake ID and to loop the security feeds on Tank Grunt's computer(the guy's
computer you fixed). Basically all you do is sit his computer and press the
buttons depending if you have the skills to do so. Once you've done both the
objectives, tell Johnny and he'll be gone in acouple of seconds in Deadtree.
End goal.
2.d.iii The Photo Album
Tank Grunt is getting suspicious about the aliens that take resident in
Division 47. Mister Smith specifically. He believes he is hiding something and
wnats you to figure out what it is. Start off by befriending Mister Smith's
wife to relationship level 4. Jenny Smith happens to be a human in the
Barracks with a blonde ponytail with a green shirt and blue pants just so your
not confused. You need to then talk to about her husband and she tell you how
he is going out each night searching the flying saucer crash looking for
something. She is worried that this might get them in trouble and wants you to
find out what he's doing. You need to wait until 12 AM then go outside and
confront Mister Smith outside near the wreckage. You have two choices:
Intimidate him or relationship level 4 him. Either way he will tell you how
Jenny was not his first wife and his friend had been delivering a photobook to
him but got shoot down by the military. He wants you to fetch it now. Goto the
Laboratory and head for the door straight infront of you while going down
along the hall and picking up the secret on the way. Intimidate the Man in
Black to give you the code to the Secret Sublevel. Use the keypad next to the
door and go down. Exit the elevator and go around to the right to pick up the
secret. Turn around and break open the safe to obtain the photo album. Go down
the hall and take the right door first and pick up the secret in the curtains.
Finally go and return the album to Mister Smith in the Laboratory. Smith will
go on how General Grunt is a jerk but hey what can you do? Goal complete.
2.d.iv Kidnapped
Start this by talking to the guy in the black shirt in the Laboratory. This is
Pascal Curious and he'll tell you a long story about how he believes the Men
in Black Suits took his son and that Lazlo or Vidcund have a hand in his
disappearance. Obviously you're playing good cop, bad cop so begin to ask them
questions.... I'll give you a minute to do this... Done? Alright now
intimidate who you believe helped in the kidnapping. To make this short, it
was Vidcund. He will explain how his research needed to be funded and that the
Men in Black would help but they needed Pascal's son. Tell Pascal and he wants
you to risk yourself to get him. Run down to the Secret Sublevel, go down the
hall, and take the left turn. You should find Tycho in a crib so pick him up
and return him to Pascal. He couldn't be happier and you're not going to burn
in heck for this one.
2.e Monument
2.e.i Catastrophe
You'll receive a call from Isaac and it will begin the goal. You can start
anytime but once you reach the end there is no turning back. Get your sanity
platinum, your urgencies pacified, and max your skills. Isaac will call you
and tell you he found a code while rummaging through Doctor Dominion's
belongings. He found a password,'or4ngut4n' and you need to use it for
something. Go to the Division 47 Secret Sublevel and goto the end of the
hallway and go through the door with the keypad. Interface with the computer
to the right and input the code. Ask to have the teleportation device and it
will make you go through an 'Identity Test.' Pass the test and grab the
teleportation device to the left. You will be able to use it like a taser- do
so and make it so you teleport to the 'Monument' (IE: The five dots in the
lower right hand corner.). Now please, FOR THE LOVE OF YOUR PSP, say yes to
Maxis' request and SAVE. You will finally come face to face in a climatic duel
like Star Wars..! Kidding.. You have two minutes to hack a computer that uses
Roberta's head as a control system and remove the magnet from the Beelzebeef's
stomach which is used for fuel and THEN successfully complete a taunt with
Doctor Dominion. You MUST do this all within two minutes or Doctor Dominion
will take control of your PSP and exit the game for you. Don't pay attention
to Oscar and get to the action..! Go do it, I'll leave the ending to you to
see not read. :3
3.0 Walkthrough Finale
3.a Why a Sims 2 FAQ?
I felt that I needed to work on something during my winter break and also I
feel that this will help players with problems they have for finding objects
or stuck in-game. I am a avid-Sims fan but just recently have I actually put
the gauntlets back on and gone back into the ring with a Sims game. I had some
fun writing this but considering I went out and started over. Every part of
this Walkthrough was written as I did the action in game. So please tell me if
there are any problems and thank you for reading this.
3.b Thanks go to:
Me- I made this walkthrough, took the time to type and play along, whilst
making a new game on Sims 2. Dance for me.
You- Obviously you took the time to read this.. I think.
My Mum- She went out and bought me a 250$ PSP and THEN sumed up the difference
when I went to buy Sims 2.
Soda- The drink... 'S good.
EA and Maxis- Thanks for the Sims series.
Lystra Matthews- Sections 1.g
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use unless you credit the author. It may not be placed on any web site
or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. IE: You
copy this whole thing, or numerous paragraphs of it and don't recognize that I
was the one who has written the information you'll get a warning first. If
after multiple time I've had to ask you to recognize me as the author and you
have not, say hello to a lawsuit. Use of this guide on any other web site or
as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of
People with permission to post this FAQ: ( is a affilate, thusly yes they have
permission to show this FAQ)
If you see this FAQ anywhere else, please contact me. I'll see that you get
thusly rewarded for your efforts AND you'll get credit here. Thanks in
advance. If you wish to e-mail me regarding the FAQ do so with the e-mail
titled 'Sims 2 FAQ/Walkthrough'.
Copyright ¿: 2005-2006 Nephthus1
The SimsTM 2 (Console)
¿ 2005 Electronic Arts Inc. The Sims, EA, the EA logo, Maxis and the Maxis
logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the
U.S. and/or other countries. All rights reserved. EATM and MaxisTM is an
Electronic ArtsTM brands.
The SimsTM
¿ 2000 Electronic Arts Inc. The Sims, Maxis and the Maxis logo are trademarks
or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other
countries. All rights reserved. MaxisTM is an Electronic ArtsTM brand.

Submitted by nephthus - Created 12/30/05 (Last Modified 3/28/06)

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