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A different way of life A

19BCE0003 - Mateen Jamal

19BCB0132 - Babitha N

19BIT0103 - Manav Popli

19BIT0357 - Brundha K

19MIS0122 - Sri Ganesh D

Proposed Business
Auti-care | Different way of life

Our company is called auti-care, and it's an Augmentative and Alternative

Communication (AAC) app for kids with speech problems. It's beneficial for

kids with Autism (including Autism Spectrum Disorder), Cerebral Palsy,

Intellectual Disabilities, Down Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome, and other


The concept of auti-care is to give people a way to communicate through

typing and photos. Our idea is to improve the communication for people

with special needs by utilising graphics to build phrases that the other

person could understand.

Auti-care will be beneficial in bridging communication gaps between

people. It can be utilised by people with verbal difficulties as well as those

who want to communicate with people who are deaf. It provides voice

option by allowing them to express a word by pressing a button.

Auti-care is simple to use and requires little instruction or experience to get


Its services are available in a variety of languages. It features a

customisable image vocabulary and guesses words based on previous

Auti-care's Vision
Auticare's goal is to provide people with a way to communicate through typing and

photos. Auticare will be created to help people with special needs communicate

more effectively by utilizing photos to create phrases that can be understood by

others. Auticare will be effective in bridging communication gaps between people. It

can be utilized by people with verbal difficulties as well as those who want to

communicate with people who are deaf.

Provide a mode of communication to people through typing and


Improve communication for people with special needs by using

pictures to form sentences which the other person can


Gives voice to the people by tapping on a button to speak a word.

It features a customisable image vocabulary and guesses words

based on previous usage.

Tap on a box for the app to speak it out.

Live Chat for customer support.

Auti-care | Different way of life

Auti-care | Different way of life
Business Model Canvas
Auti-care | Different way of life

Industry Analysis
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that one

in 160 children has an autism spectrum disorder, and the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the

figure is around one in 59 in the US.

A number of therapies can help people with autism

improve their abilities and reduce their symptoms.

Starting therapy early -- during preschool or before --

improves the chances for the child’s success, but it’s

never too late for treatment.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends

you start to research therapies as soon as you suspect

your child has autism, rather than waiting for a

formal diagnosis.
Target Market
1. Children suffering from disabilities

2. Parents and Teachers

3. NGOs ,Special schools and centres

working for welfare of those suffering

1. Communication

2. Learning

3. Leisure support tools

4. Emotions

5. Social behaviour

6. Resources for parents

and professionals

Auti-care | Different way of life

1. Adults, young, children

2. Children

3. Young, children

4. Adults, young

5. Young

6. Adults

Auti-care | Different way of life

Global and Future Competition
Researchers at the MIT Media Lab have now developed a type of personalized machine

learning that helps robots estimate the engagement and interest of each child during these

interactions, using data that are unique to that child. The Centre for Autism and Related

Disorders (CARD) is the world’s largest autism treatment provider. It provides services at 253

locations in 33states. The CARD program includes comprehensive and cutting-edge curricula

that can be tailored to the specific needs of individuals from birth through adulthood.

So here the drawback is the excess amount of capital involved for getting into such


Companies like Google are working extensively on language technologies, powered by

artificial intelligence and machine learning which could aid people with verbal disorders.

However, Google products need to pull in information from the cloud at a real-time basis.

Here it is still in process of development and do not cater to personal needs rather provides a

global umbrella not specific and unique to each child and only limited to speech correction.
Barriers To Entry:

Because of such huge competition among various applications there

has to be something unique in Auti-care. Auti-care’s approach is

different. It has been designed with an effort to make it available

online. Auti-care takes a lot of data and converts it into a small set

of rules which can capture the pattern in this large amount of data.

Auti-care focuses on capturing linguistic patterns from this enormity

of data and using those patterns to express language.

Major issues and required solutions

Communication Skills Social emotional Skills Functional life Skills

Approach for Better Communication

Picture Identification Motor Planning


Manufacturing and Production plans

Labour requirements

Quality control

Supply and distribution

Order fulfillment and customer service

Research and Development

Marketing strategy
Auti-Care enables young children to communicate with others in a natural manner. Many schools and orphanages run
by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) care for such children. We first keep the product free. Aside from that,
users can pay for a version that is free of adverts. Even so, the features will be the same for both. People from our
team can raise awareness of our product through advertisements and campaigns, and interested people can look into
Marketing Tactics
Auti-Care is a result of the technological progress. We will advertise the product through online seminars and events in
orphanages and schools for physically handicapped children. These non-profits can help us expand our reach even
further because they function on a national and international level. AUTI-CARE aims to help millions of people all over
the world overcome their difficulties. Social media will also be an excellent tool for promoting the product. The internet
is the primary source for reaching a global target market. Many people and non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
desire to aid disabled children but lack the resources to do so. We want Auti-Care to be that point of contact.
Strategic Partnership
We will form agreements with companies who make low-cost hardware devices for our offering. We must offer a
device with the app installed. We can assist the collaborating company by growing device sales and providing us with
low-cost hardware to use as a platform for our app. This will enable us to offer the product at a low cost to those who
cannot afford cellphones.
Key employees
Financial analyst Technical personnel

Customer support representative

Product manager

Initially our product will be free of cost. There will also

be paid version without ads which can be bought by the

customers. Our main source of revenue will be from the

Variable expenses:

• Postage, mailing, packaging, and shipping costs

• Commissions on sales

• Production costs

• Raw materials

• The wholesale price of goods to be re-sold

Fixed Expenses:
• Rent

• Utilities

• Phones (business phones and cell phones)

• Credit card processing - monthly fees

• Website service fees

• Advertising, publicity, and promotion commitments

• Business insurance

• Professional fees (legal and accounting)

As we are taking care of every aspect, environmental aspect is also very important. Because we

are using Google cloud services, cloud services we are most likely reducing the energy usage. In

2013, Google revealed in a research paper that by moving commonly used software applications

to the cloud, energy usage would decrease by 87%. But as every good thing has a

disadvantage cloud services also hasdvantages. Computer equipment generates a lot of heat

and so data centres must be kept cool. Cooling typically accounts for 40% of total entry

consumption and up to 80% if the natural climate of the data centre is warmer.

Furthermore, an additional environmental impact of cloud computing is the electronic waste

produced by the industry. In 2018, 50 million metric tons of e-waste was generated globally as,

for commercial reasons, equipment is often replaced as soon as more efficient technology

becomes available. Other environmental impacts of data storage include the coolant chemicals

used in the server rooms, which are often hazardous, and the battery back-ups of the data

centres. The components of these batteries are often mines unsustainable, and the disposal of

both toxic batteries and the chenvemical coolants could have a devastating impact on the local

environment if not properly managed.


A different way of life

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