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The weather is damp, gloomy and so rainy . It's raining cats and dogs.

Jesse doesn’t want to go Terabithia because he thinks it is dangerous, and He is worries , He thinks rushing
water can be dangerous, so He takes Prince Terrien to Terabithia. EX: Jess took Prince Terrien across inside his jacket,
but the puppy was growing so fast he might pop the zipper any time and fall into the water and drown.” Jesse worry
about P.T maybe, he thinks rain is dangerous”

Jesse’s dad had been laid off. This mean They’re going to have bigger economic(financial) troubles . Jesse’s
dad(Mr. Aaron) is unemployed so Aaron family's life is going to harder.

Jesse said he didn't buy anything for himself . He said that “ I did not buy any clothes for myself At least let her
come with us at Leslie.” Jesse’s mother (Ms. Aaron) is worry about Leslie’s clothes because other people can kidding
her. So Ms. Aaron agreed on the condition that she would wear her dress .

They showed a stubborn attitude about the dress, so they are selfish . They argue for the dress Easter day . Ellie
said she would go to church if Mother would let her wear the see-through blouse, and Brenda would go if she at least
got a new skirt. And dress problem solved.

Jesse thinks church is boring because he went church a lot of times but Leslie has never gone to church before
She thinks this can be good experience.

page112: "I never knew you went to church."

"Just Easter." He concentrated on the warm udders. "I guess you think that's dumb or something."

She didn't answer for a minute. "I was thinking I'd like to go."

He stopped milking. "I don't understand you sometimes, Leslie."

"Well, I've never been to a church before. It would be a new experience for me."

He went back to work. "You'd hate it."


"It's boring."

May belle is devoted to her religion. May Belle thinks She must believe in religion, the Bible and Jesus. Leslie
still doesn’t think God goes around damning people to hell.



He answer hard this mean Jesse skeptical about his religion. Jesse believes Jesus and Bible
but He doesn’t question his religion, like Leslie. And the second thing is he don’t want to
discuss Leslie about it.

May Belle depends on her religion and traditions. Her parents what taught her before She
believes them . She doesn’t question her religion.

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