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1 - Jesse has a hard time accepting the fact that Leslie is dead. Thıs mean Jesse ıs not strong against
the bad events. And also He is confused.

2 – Firstly Leslie comes and took Jesse. And then they are go to the Terabithia at night. Jesse
narrated his Washington DC trip with Miss Edmunds what they did in Washington DC. And He
apologized from Leslie for He didn’t invite her, but Leslie sad that She had had been Washington DC
and this places times. She only didn’t saw Buffalo Hunt. Finally Jesse was brave and
sad to Leslie I scared to go to the Terabithia.

3 – Normally Jesse’s mom is shows aggressive reactions to Jesse but that morning she made
pancake for Him and showed good behavior to Jesse. This cause is Leslie’s dead because they think
Leslie was Jesse’s best friend, and Jesse so upset for her dead. And his mother be angry to Ellie and
Brenda because of Jesse.

4 –Jesse ate pancakes hungrily and eagerly because he is very hungry and pancake is unusual thing
for Aaron family. This mean sometimes important events can cause to unusual things and Aarons
are poor.

5 – They are want to go Burke’s home with Jesse for condolence of Leslie.

6 - Jesse thinks he's his parents making fun because he doesn't want to accept Leslie's death. And
he was aggressive to his parents because of they suggest to go Burke’s house. This is not strange
for a child in that state, Leslie is Jesse’s best friend, so Jesse is serious topics about it.

7 -At first, his father was aggressive, but later began to pass this aggression. His father show
behavior to Jesse is state of mind. He love Jesse.

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