SSF - Most Relevant Changes

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(This translation is carried out for AIN for internal purpose.

INGOs ;Fu ;fGble{s kl/jt{g Most Relevant Changes (for INGOs) made
to SSF Procedure, 2018 ( amended on July
16, 2019) (unofficial transalation
^ M ;'ljwfsf] ;Ldf M Sec. 19. Scope of the Scheme…
(6) This procedure doesn’t limit the
-^_ o; bkmf adf]lhd ;'ljwf k|fKt contributors, who are entitled to services
ug]{ of]ubfgstf{n] g]kfn ;/sf/ under this section, to claim health services
jf cGo aLdf of]hgf adf]lhd under Nepal govt. or other insurance
s'g} :jf:Yo ;'ljwf lng kfpg]
ePdf To:tf] ;'ljwf lng o;
sfo{ljlwdf n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn]
afwf kg]{ 5}g .
!(= of]hgfdf ;xefuL x'g] M Sec. 19. Participation to the Scheme…
(3) Contributors, who are enlisted into
-#_ ;fdflhs ;'/Iff sf]ifdf ;" rLs/0f SSF, and whose contribution has been
e} sf]ifn] of]ubfg lng k|f/De deposited to SSF shall be considered to be
u/]sf] ldltaf6 pkbkmf -!_ the participant to SSF, as per sub section
(1), from the day on which such deposits
adf]lhdsf] of]hgfdf ;xefuL are made.
ePsf] dflgg]5 .
(4) Workers who are depositing provident
-$_ sf]ifdf of]ubfg z'? x'g'eGbf fund and gratuity to the retirement plan
being operated under prevailing law before
cufl8 k|rlnt sfg'g the commencement of SSF or whose such
adf]lhd ;~rfngdf /x]sf cGo deposits are kept with the employer shall be
cjsfz of]hgfdf pkbfg, ;~rosf]if treated as follows:
hDdf ug]{ jf /f]huf/bftfsf] (a) If contributing workers are willing
lhDdfdf /x]sf] to transfer to SSF, such transfer
of]ubfgstf{ >ldssf] shall be made from the date
prescribed by the decision of
/sd ;DaGwdf b]xfo adf]lhd management committee of SSF as
x’g]5 M per sections 52 (5) and 53 (5) of the
Labor Act, 2074 B.S. and chapter
-s_ s'g} of]ubfgstf{ >ldsn] five of the Labor Regulation, 2075
To:tf] /sd ;fdflhs ;'/Iff
sf]ifdf x:tfGt/0f ug{ rfx]df
sf]ifsf] ;~rfns ;ldltn] tf]s]sf]
ldltjf6 >d P]g @)&$ sf] (b) To ensure transfer of money as per
clause (a), SSF shall coordinate with
bkmf %@ sf] pkbkmf - relevant retirement fund or
%_ / bkmf %# sf] pkbkmf - employer.
%_ tyf >d lgodfjnL @)&%
(c) If a worker doesn’t like to transfer
sf] kl/R5]b % adf]lhd his/her previous contribution made
sf]ifdf /sd x:tfGt/0fsf] to a retirement fund to SSF as per
Joj:yf ldnfOg]5 . clause (a) after his/her enrollment to
SSF, s/he can receive the full
payment or can continue to keep
such amount in such retirement
-v_ v08 -s_ adf]lhdsf] /sd fund.
x:tfGt/0f k|of]hgsf] nflu
sf]ifn] ;DalGwt cjsfz sf]if;
+u jf /f]hufbftf;+u ;dGjo
ug]{5 .
-u_ v08 -s_ df pNn]v ul/P
adf]lhd s’g} >ldsn] sf]ifdf
of]ubfg z’? u/]sf] ldlteGbf
cufl8sf] ;~rosf]if / pkbfg
jfktsf] /sd ;fdflhs ;’/Iff
sf]ifdf x:tfGt/0f ug{ grfx]df
sf]ifdf of]ubfg z’? ug]
{ ldlteGbf cufl8sf] To:tf]
/sd ;DalGwt >ldsn] cfkmF}
e’QmfgL lng jf k|rlnt sfg”g
adf]lhd ;~rfngdf /x]sf] cGo
cjsfz sf]ifdf /x]sf] /sd ;f]xL
sf]ifdf g} /fVg ;Sg]5 .
@)= lgj[Qe/0f of]hgfdf ;xeflutf
!# 20. participation in pension scheme:

Following workers shall be the participants

x'g] M lgj[Qe/0f ;'/Iff of]hgfdf in the pension scheme:
b]xfo adf]lhdsf >ldsx? ;dfj]z
x'g]5g\M– (a) (a) All workers who are employed
after July 17, 2019 (i.e.,2076
-s_ @)&^ ;fn >fj0f ! ut] Srawan 1)
kZrft\ s'g} klg
(b) If a written application is submitted
/f]huf/bftf;Fu to SSF by workers who have been
/f]huf/ ;DaGw sfod ePsf
>ldsx?, receiving provident fund and
gratuity as per prevailing law.
-v_ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhdsf] ;~ro
sf]if / pkbfg k|fKt ul//x]sf >ldsx?
sf] xsdf lghx?n] lnlvt ?kdf lgj]bg
lbPdf o; of]hgfdf ;xefuL
x'g ;Sg]5g\.
@@= lgj[Qe/0f kfpg of]Uo 22. Conditions to receive pension: (1) A
!% 15

contributor should be sixty years old and

x'g] cj:yf M -!_ lgj[Qe/0f k|fKt should have contributed to 180 months.
ug{ of]ubfgstf{sf] pd]/ ;f7L
jif{ k'/f ePsf] / sDtLdf !*) dlxgf
of]ubfg u/]sf] x'g'kg]{5 . (2) Irrespective of whatever is stated in
clause (1), if a contributor reaches 60 years
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f before depositing 180 months’ contribution,
such contributor shall get either one-off
n]lvPsf] eP tfklg s'g} payment of his/her contribution,
of]ubfgstf{n] !*) dlxgfsf] of]ubfg contribution made by his/her employer, and
gub}{ ;f7L jif{ pd]/ k'/f ePsf] the profit accrued on his retirement fund by
SSF’s investment, or can take pension
/x]5 eg] To:tf] of]ubfgstf{n] equivalent to the amount, which is the
lghn] sf]ifdf u/]sf] of]ubfg, amount due to him divided by 180.
/f]huf/bftfsf] tkm{af6 ePsf]
of]ubfg / sf]ifsf] nufgLjf6 k|fKt
k|ltkmn ;d]t hf]8L x'g cfpg] s'n
of]ubfg /sd Psd'i7 ?kdf lng jf
s'n /sdnfO{ !*) n] efu ubf{ x'g
cfpg] /sd k|To]s dlxgf lghsf]
hLjgsfne/ lgj[Qe/0f lng] dWo]
s'g} Pp6f ljsNksf] 5gf]6
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@#= cjsfz ;'ljwf M -!_ bkmf @) 23. retirement facility: (1) Contributors16
who are in jobs, before the commencement
sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd lgj[Qe/0f of section 20 (1), but does not submit
of]hgf nfu"x'g' cufj} written application to get pension, such
/f]huf/Ldf /x]sf of]ubfgstf{n] !^ contributors shall get one-off payment of
his/her contribution, contribution made by
lgj[Qe/0fsf] nflu lgj]bg glbPdf his/her employer, and the profit accrued on
bkmf !( sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd o; his retirement fund by SSF’s investment.
sf]ifdf hDdf ul/Psf] ;~ro sf]if /
pkbfg jfktsf] of]ubfg /sd,
/f]huf/bftfsf] tkm{af6 u/]sf]
of]ubfg / ;f]df sf]ifn] u/]sf]
nufgLjf6 k|fKt k|ltkmn ;d]t hf]8L (2) other provisions related to this shall be
prescribed by the fund from time to time.
x'g cfpg] /sd lgh cjsfz x'Fbfsf avt
Psd'i7 e'QmfgL kfpg]5 .
-@_ o; ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf
sf]ifn] ;do ;dodf tf]s] adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
@$s= ljb]zL gful/sn] /sd 24a. Foreigner can take their

contribution back: (1) Foreigners can take

lkmtf{ n}hfg kfpg] M -!_ ljb]zL their retirement fund back at any time after
gful/sn] /f]huf/ ;DaGw ;dfKt the termination of their jobs.
ePkl5 h'g;'s} ;dodf sf]ifdf /x]sf]
j[4 cj:yf ;'ljwf of]hgf adf]lhd
kfpg] /sd lkmtf{ n}hfg ;Sg]5 . (2) If a foreign citizen dies during his/her
service or after the termination of the job
but before receiving his retirement fund,
-@_ s'g} ljb]zL gful/ssf] g]kfndf such fund shall be handed over to his/her
sfo{/t /xb} jf ;]jf ;dfKt ePkl5 /sd nominee or a family member.
lkmtf{ lng' cufl8 d[To' ePdf
(3) If a Nepali citizen who has renounced
lghn] O{R5fPsf] JolQm jf Nepalese citizenship and has acquired a
xsjfnfnfO{ sf]ifn] /sd e'QmfgL foreign citizenship, can take his/her
ug]{5 . retirement fund back after submitting an
application along with such evidence.
-#_ s'g} g]kfnL gful/sn] g]kfnsf]
gful/stf TofuL ljb]zL gful/stf
lnPsf]df ;f]sf] k|df0f ;lxt lgj]bg
lbPdf ljb]zL gful/s ;/x sf]ifn] /sd
lkmtf{ lbg]5 .
@$ª= 25e Voluntary participation in
@! 21

contribution: Employees, who have

of]ubfgdf :j]lR5s ;xefuL crossed the age of 60, and are still working
x'g ;Sg] M ;f7L jif{ pd]/ k'/f u/]/ can voluntarily participate in the pension
klg >d ;DaGw sfod /x]sf scheme, if s/he wishes so.
JolSt :j]R5fn] ;fdflhs ;'/Iff
of]hgfdf ;xefuL x'g ;Sg]5g\.
#$s=;'ljwfsf] lg/Gt/tfsf] nflu 34a. Contribution for the continuation
@# 23

of services: If an employment of a
of]ubfg ug{ kfpg] M lgj[Qe/0f contributor is terminated before reaching to
kfpg] pd]/ gk'u]sf] s'g} the retirement age or his/her one job ended
and s/he has not started another job, s/he
>ldssf] ;]jf ;dfKt ePsf] jf Pp6f ;]jf can continue with SSF by depositing the
;dfKt eO{ csf]{ ;]jf z'? gePsf] total amount from his/her own if s/he
cj:yfdf klg lghn] ;fdflhs ;'/Iff wishes so. Such fund shall be deposited to a
account prescribed by SSF.
of]hgfdf lg/Gt/tf lbg rfx]df
of]ubfgsf] ;Dk"0f{ /sd :jo+n]
Joxf]/L of]hgfdf lg/Gt/tf
lbg ;Sg]5 . o;/L of]ubfg
ubf{ of]ubfgsf] /sd sf]ifn] tf]s]sf]
vftfdf hDdf ug'{ kg]{5 .

!!, !#, !%, !^ klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt . 11,13, 15, 16- amendment by the first
!@, !&, @!, @# = klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk . 12,17, 21, 23- insertion by the first amendment.

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