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Workshop/Manufacturing Practices
Experiment No. 3

1. Title:
To prepare a square Butt joint through Metal Arc Welding (MAW) in flat position

2. Objectives:
. To acquaint the students with the procedure of metal arc welding.
. To know the working procedure of welding tools and safety equipments.
. To develop the confidence in metal arc welding operation.

3. Theory:
Arc welding uses an electric arc to coalesce metals. Arc welding is common method of welding
metals. Here electricity travels from electrode to base metal to ground. The temperature of
arc is about 60000C at the tip.

4. Drawing of the job:

5. List of equipments used:

a) Arc welding transformer with all its accessories
b) Electrode
c) Well insulated Electrode Holders.
d) Welding cables:
e) Ground clamps

6. A. List of tools used:

a) Steel rule
b) Scriber
c) File

d) Wire brush
e) C-clamp
f) Chipping hammer
B. List of safety equipments used:
a) Welding helmet and hand screen or Shield
b) Safety goggles
c) Apron
d) Gloves
e) Tongs

7. Raw material:

Two mild steel flat pieces of size 80mm x 20mm x 8mm each.

8. Working Procedure:

a) Preparatory:
a) We collect and check the raw material for shape and dimensions.
b) Next we collect welding equipments.
c) After that we collect safety equipments.
d) We check the specifications of the arc welding transformer.
e) We also check the specification of the electrode.
f) We acquaint ourselves with the working knowledge of the welding process.
g) We acquaint ourselves with the knowledge of the use of the safety equipments.

b) Edge Preparation:

a) To obtain sound welds, we carefully clean the faces to be welded from dust, sand, oil &
b) We file the edges and make them square.

c) Operation:

a) We keep the two prepared pieces on welding table with the squared edges butting each
other and carrying a proper root gap.
b) We hold the two pieces firmly in perfect alignment and tack weld at both ends, as well as
along the seam at some interval.
c) Wee check and ensure that proper alignment and root gap are available after tacking.
Correct them, if required.
d) We place the work piece in Flat position of the table after cleaning the tack welds.
e) We set proper current and lay the weld bead using 2.5 mm diameter M.S Electrode. Do the
welding at uniform speed and give wavy (side to side) movement to the electrode during
welding in order to get better results.
f) We clean the weld bead using Chipping Hammer and Wire Brush and check the penetration.
g) We then invert the work pieces and deposit the weld bead at other side of the work pieces.
We do the welding at uniform speed and give wavy (side to side) movement to the electrode
during welding in order to get better results.
h) We use a chipping hammer followed by a brush, to clean the beads on both sides.

i) We inspect the work piece visually to ensure that the beads are free of surface defects and
distortion. Check the weld bead for proper penetration.

9. Experimental Table:

Voltag Curren Size of Job
taken Observati Remar
Run e t (mm x mm x
for the on ks
(V) (A) mm)


10. Calculation:

11. Result:

12. Discussion:

13. Safety Precautions:

a) We always wear proper protective clothing during welding.

b) We use hand shield during welding to protect eyes. It is very important.
c) We use goggles during cleaning of the joint.
d) Loose clothing should always be avoided. We wear apron which will not burn or melt due to
molten droplets of metal during welding.
e) We maintain proper arc length.
f) We always use correct current and correct electrode size.
g) We never handle the hot job by hand. Use tongs for this purpose.
h) Tools which are not being used should always be kept in their respective places. They
should not be allowed to scatter on the work place.
i) No machine should be operated without the permission of the shop in-charge.
j) No machine should be operated without the working knowledge of the machine.
k) We must follow the instructions of the teachers.

l) Welding shop should be well ventilated to reduce fumes and hazardous gases generated
during welding.

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