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Peer Assessment

1.What is peer assessment, and why do we use it at University of the People?

According to, Peer assessment or self-assessment, is a process whereby students

or their peers grade assignments or test bases on a teacher’s benchmark. This method provides

the students with a great opportunity to “teach and be taught by one another, expanding their

perspectives and fostering meaningful connections” (University of the People, n. d.). Peer

assessment is a part of the fundamental curriculum at UoPeople because it allows the student to

gain a different insight and perspective from each other while gaining memorable experiences

especially since the university is online.

2.What are the benefits of peer assessment?

Peer assessment allows the student to develop their own learning skills along with their

analytical skills as they would not only need to read but also understand what they are assessing.

“ The best way to understand something is to teach it - when peer assessing, you will reach a

deeper understanding of course concepts. This week, we’ll explore the benefits of peer

assessment” (University of the People, n. d.). Other benefit that comes with it includes the

students developing their collaborative skills by working in groups which is an essential skill.

Students that accept constructive criticism are the ones who are on the right path to success as

they can use these criticisms to better themselves.

3.What are the challenges of giving peer feedback in peer assessment?

Giving students feedback can have positive outcomes while at the same time having negative

experiences. This is the case as at times there can be misunderstanding occurring regularly as the

person giving the feedback isn’t there in person to explain and words can be misinterpreted over

the internet since the emotions behind the words are left to the read’s interpretation. Also, quite

frankly, some students are not prepared to assess others as they are not trained in doing so such

assessing students wrongly.

4.What are the challenges of receiving peer feedback in peer assessment?

Some students might not appreciate others criticizing their work therefore feeling as if they are

being targeted by their peers. Secondly, some students may miss out on the opportunity of being

assess by their peers altogether which might make them feel unappreciated therefore not

wanting to take part in peer assess assignment or discussions.

5. What strategies will you use to peer assess written assignments? How will you assess

discussion assignments?

Firstly, I will do my best to make sure I understand the rubric that’s being used for grading and

do my best to follow it precisely as asked. I will also give my peers feedback that they can used

to further develop their points while at the same time respecting their opinions. Discussion

assignments strive on each student responding to the initial post so I will make sure I add my

take on the current topic while also learning gaining new perspective.

Word Count: 426

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