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.r~~r-*i~,..&-,,'e "l qbfl~ ,'e tT-hft.

, ~~lclA~ ...?&.T:JIt"' , , , ~


~ .
- >
flkft-.fA'f ~x../r"cr. "t'l"h/rn.fcr. tT-nll..h
~P'/;1i'11~<;: qou:J.4t'rr: jji' " 13'hYear NO.51
r;"1I1'I 1'w,tJr-:f 9"hc t1.-rmll'8'1T rlMI ADDlS'ABABA'2]" .August,lOO7
fI~.fI Mrll '1t1l1\:a; '0/')1: i!f'ii!
~ ,l!':c .~

~\~"f.'- ~"fc?;r~li/Hirjjj. q.r .

Proclamation No. 541/2007

" r.'hC' h,)III)T";A°'l.pttJ?n:J>"'l1(J\~"'9".


DlJt'J~4'..r Dev,\1IQpment,Cons~rvfltioo a.nd Utilization of Wildlife

ProGlamatioq Page. 37.34 , ,
h WJf,,';,..l~'.~ik~f 1J!'~b;';

. .
PROCLAl\1~TION, NO.541/2007.
n'P~ 4I'rC ?;f~li/ljj f1jj':
r~C . ~'i\1+A'1Tf
~'ffl~~r, (. DEVE:~OPlVI~J'JT CON$,~~VATI9r,.(;A~P .
.'" '. .", T .:
,,'cp"'"' -,:' ,:'UTJLiZATiqNOFW1~DLiFK
. . .

r~ C },") i\" :,. LJ11 :,. ClA .,. 4>c; ~ ~. h t\X"'Ilf 11 WI;I~REAS, unpi'Hm~d ao,d.\happtopriate, utilize-
Otf~ hm:P4>9" 9"h"}.p:" "r't'ODc;OD~ OOD9"flH:c; Fition of wifdlife has resulted :'ihtheir depletion and
UAP-5~ar~ l~!f.;J ;" ~.
,lTl!or f,- cfIJ endangered existence;
. . .

"{}htf~ t\~C ,,"}{},,:,. "r.,. f.{'1 .rt\OJ- 1'O:Pc; ~HE~E;\Slthe,consetvation6f , wildlife under-
""}hl1tJn. 0>-m.,+-°7 tfLJ Clt\OD17i: J taken so far knot productive;

O'rO~.fI;f-91,~fhtJflo..r~'i {.Or:1.ddl~"'()rtlC; WHEREAS, allowing local 'communities residing

r'?Aflt\,'/'1H'. :f1 O~C" ''''~:'':A(l7t~: arounQCdnservationareas ,and .privateinyestors to
hm:P4>9" ".e :,)cf1;~'T":1'~.' '.""} fI7Y:1.1aetively'partlcipate in wndlife<i~v~lopment,
mcf>°"/.:1'or r"li\ "'t\tf~J conservation.an1d?utiJizatjon hass,ignificantvalue;

'4>f.9'J'f)'f\or irtDm;if~. ~"'hJ1~ p°?iP?fI:foJ- WHEREAS, the proclamations, regulations and

, directives.issued'previously;and;stillri!1 forC,e,are not in
hCP~:f: f.1f1 :fr," ~:;;nl..r 91:f"r1JtO>-i''ttJ.1.Cl6J.1'
l).~.J.. .e~1';Hn.fhiJ.7 ;llH~).1'" ~(:~/,.~«f'. .PCl}:" line with the existing .objeptive reality and}he, present
... statesttucture;
r+h+t\. Clt\Uotfr.':'foFJ'" " '"

,,"},..,,:,. 011:" r°1.170r")' WHEREAS~ it is appropri~te to enhance the

h~c h.tILJo7..r~c;
contribution of the wildlife sector towards poverty
1'7.~Cl~'lfrT~~ norj"lAo':f,Af:U~+. :"~/)~J-
reduction strategy by maximizing the economic. and
{}:".t~~l;jCr~li'i.l.or"}:hY5(,rj~ f.~ rT1:fJ"';flOutf~.J
socialbehefiftobe derived froni the wildlife~resource;

~o£I,.I)iP.' ""tqo'ht.().~rq!:J',I.Tl1t\.h i . NOW; THEREFORE, Tn accordance with Article

, . ..
U1OD1'?p:" h"}4>?\ y?; 1!i/iIn,pl.:f po7JI't't\OJ-. ."

55 'S~b-Articles\(lrof the' COflstitution; ,It is hereby

:rOr~A:: .proclaimed as follows:

.I"}~ 'P;J 't;J/.'} ,'JII,nl T,"f,"', '!ii'i.ti

Unit Price 4.40 Negarit G. P.O,Box 80001
1~' ri'i.Hill?; c"fuMA ,;J(,'''' ,;JI/, fl/ 4t'l'C !lli ~th(}. X?; etltl Negarit Gazeta No, 51 21" August, 2007,,, page 3735

Ii. i\6£bCC()/)

,eu htp~ "r~c h'){)~~ A°'i~T Proclamation may be cited as the i

h m.P cf>
9" h cP~ ~ 'J'C?; f ?i~l I fif 1fi" 1:11,(\" "Development Conservation and. Utilization of i!
. . W:ildlife1>f{)dl~mationNo. 541/2007."

t'\.mcf>{) ,e:fItA:: '

I. TC=}~ 2. Qefinition,,~, -,:rt :"i-'.

r .Pl\, h'lfJl1 t\1t~C1'9" rO~,f()mO}O In thisPrhcfatnatiofi; u,nless',the:'context requires

O{)Tcf>C OltlJi\tp~ (J}-{)'J'T otherwise:
.. . .. .
- . -, .,','
'". oJ. .,- -

(il "r~c h1ft"')'" .t1JAT ho.Th1ft" Oil.,...,.C ,

'\vildnf~".,!pe~ns,~»y.ttve'or dead vertebrate or
O,-n.eOJ"" I A OJ.e?" rqo.,.. r ~ C() "'1'1"" ihve'rtebrate anlmat, other than domestic
IAo" OJ.e?" rlbAOJo h'}{I" ~l&:1 animal;
2/ "wildlife resource" rneanswildaniinalS foUnd
~I "r~c h1ft""", IJ11",,"07A'+ 'O".+r-A-I 'in Ethiopia anddincludes:those $pecies
r07,11'.cf&.C?t"tlllt-c.I!'it\:t:1\I!1 ~,,1C(l}1. migrating, .from, ..countrYcto"d.c.ountry and
"1C r~f'l1.~jt '«e ouAh 0". ""r-A-I temporarily staying ih'Ethiopia;
r07,tj'f,""1 1ICI9'1' .eat?"&-Al
31 "wildlife .prbduct'~meahs any sample of wild
" E/ "r~c h1ft" 0J0m.""" °7A"" rD?1~()J'?" r~c animal or its body part like, egg, embryo, horn,
h1ft" Cj,JDoCj OJ.e?" r~1ii"OJ., "t"tATf.t1<h tooth;' I1ail~skin, meat, hair, f~atheror.trophy.
"A JHh ~T 1I!l~ Tef> 1£;} 'tgft~,- T£f! ~~~- andincJude& prod.u~tsJ)1~d~JQ~fegf:js .wel)as
F ;J': m1,C: ,,() OJ.e?" 1e;::,,0J0 I\lf1 hh~iiti' bird nest, wood, grass, bark, flower, honey and
ri'IP'f. OJ'm..t'-1'1Cj hh 1ft"0J0 outj tl "t"t()Q
the like obtained from the habitat of the
ri'1"i'''''1r(J}e;::1~T h1at""T ''1C: Afll"ll'T ,"
"O()T °7C'J' r(/Dl'If'lt\,'r1 .eQ;1?,,&-Al
4/" , ,,-, . ,
in ()r out
W Odlife h~Qitflt." m~an"s,as .ar,~a.with , ,
, .
. ,

Q/ \\f~,C h')(tl'tf(/Dt]t, hl,llO/'I1JI\:" ff,nftT . . ,,-,>':" ,.

of thewildIife c°9:servatjon area;itr which wild

" ..""'~'
" ' .


fa,.-/ ht'A "a)~cr tJ,t\":1crf'Dtftt'r'r 1ft] life inhabits and includes land, water bodies or
f~,C ,.;h ,)ftl't'rf~ t]'f,(}'r f 1'C, ,h1ft?'r
f'l'(}'p (1;)' OJ.ecr h'l'(}'p (1;J~CJ}<a~'l'fl\,ft'i:~
'10" i '

51 "Person" means any naturafor juridical person.'


(;;/ "(W)," ff'/I\~ fi'&.1'C' (}(J)' O)~'r(lih"1

UOlPl~ J1jcc (}CD'~~' ff()m(JJo ()at.
~. ~~

6/ '~Ranch"ITreaI1s an- at:ea"idesigfiatedJor the

Z/ "~1"f"ff'/I\~(]"}1rfi''J. 'tJJ.f.?" h?~£;,
fi'(}(](}{t f~.Ch ''''It'~1 i'1t:!llhO conservation and rais.ihg ofipurchasedor
Off'/ltf."1 1'~F ,,~ I\ff'/lft\ffhl\t\
collected wildlife for latter'use.
p/~~ ~CD'I
7/ "wildlife.conservation
area" l1)eans, an area
1.1 '~f~C h1ft""" 'l'o,Pn;r" '''71\'''' A~C ; designated; for the~QnserYation of wildlife, and
h1ft""" fOjJ> r+hAt\p:.e;::&;,l\lf1 11,-h.~«ei j~clu;des'~n~tiQnal'.~i1~Jife conservaiion parks,
f~C h1ft""" '1'0:» ;rch1: f~CdMJ;ft""" wJJdlife sanctuaries,wilctl!fe..xeserves . a,np
qumAI9'1'1: r~c h1ft""" '1'0:» hAft.. 1-1 wildlife controlled hunting areas;
~Cj r ~C h111""". e4l'l''I'c "1.,}<f>Olb9'1-1
.ea-..?"t..Al : , ,,~

8/ , "national park"cI11~~nsanart?a'design~t~4 W
;con~erve wildlife and ,associated natural
" 117A"" ,r~c h1ft"""1Cj .: \- . !, -.~ ,:
tl "f'n,-h.~~:f'ch "', < '.':' - .- '," u".- :-' '. ',- ".. ',',", -:'-.

resources to preserve' the scenic and' scientific "

h~H,IJ' ;JC ri' I I H.""'} m.e~ 1''}Cj lbft..1'

OOJ'V r1'i'it.~'Fe;::&-SJJ:r'1at?"r.' A"h()QOJ'
value,of the area" whi<;hm(;lY inclu,p.t,\lake~
. . .'
.',,' .'
other aqua~icareas; '"
OJ.o""Cj A".e'}I)~ hOJ'ef>"'" ro?t.+"",
ri't.'I'r.' V1).t'-1'AoumO:" r°'l.hAA n;r ~OJ'l ".
.1~' ri'i.:t.i=~J7; "'fpl..A ;Jt"} ;J'l.n/ </I'I'C U ~(hn. !?; .,,"} niY.:w '}.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.51 21st August, 2007.. page 3736

j}/ "f~C h1(}t)~ ODmft.f'" tl'1ft~ h1~ 9/ "wildlife sanctuary" means an area designated
tD.e9" hH..e n~.e ft 0' '1. h~-";;: ~h.~~ to conserve one or more species of wildlife that
.f-",,,nl:'~ar f~C h1(}t)~ 1'n~ f°'1.hftA require high conservation priority;
.P'~~' 'ar;

XI "fPJoC h'}{)I'J-r.
'r.n:'> hAA" oIM-r ft~C 101 "wildlife reserve" means an area designated
h 1{}1'J-r 1'0"" fO?hftA .P'~/r lftj iI~/rOJ' to conserve wildlife where indigenous local
ft~C h 1{}1'J-r 'r,n"" hunhftft. O&.-r OhAft. communities are allowed to live together with
{1J'iI'r ()~(.OJ' f.,O'i. ()9'1' f -"JoC h 1i1I'J1: 1 and conserve the wildlife;
h f"'1hfJhO. O{1;1'OJ' h 1P'. tj'i. fO?,~ 4' ~O-r
f'rO"" (1;)' .,OJ';

Xiii "f~C h1(}t)~ fc/:1'1'C hf.1 4>nl\". 11/ "wildlife controlled hunting area" means an
tl'1ft~ ft~C h1(}t)~ 1'n~ f'°?jJftA c,' area designated to conserve wildlife and to
c/:1'1'C hf'~f.~1 ~~~ hf.1 carry out legal and controlled hunting;
f'°Vl~Y:n~ .P'~~' .,ar;

IJ./ "f~C h 1(}t)~ 1<XJY: " °'1ft~ f~C

12/ "wildlife trade" means the import, export or
h 1(}t)~1 tD.e9" f~C h 1(}t)~ arm,f- :'f1 re-export of wildlife or their products or any
tDf.ar6f!' OD~h tDf.h1C ar(}1' tI?(}111~ kind of business transaction related thereto;
,. ODA(t IDf.ar6J!' OD~h tD.e9" h'lH.U'I.
f°'1.ODfth~ tl'11;;:ar9" <}.e'l~ f'1"'1Y:
Aarar1' .,ar;
13/ "wildlife anti-poaching officer" means an
XEI "fPJoC h1i1l'J-r iI'r'rC {Pt..,.'1" olM-r f~C officer assigned by the Ministry or the
h1i1l'J-rC,' fPJoC h1i1l'J-r OJ'ffi,'f-1'1 OO?,un concerned regional government organ to
fth-r fO?~~oP' 1),1 LD'r ~C1..r'1'1 h1P'.~ control illegal acts to be committed against
t1lmC OO?,".iI-t'i. LD~9" 0°?unft h.,.OJ' fhAA wildlife and wildlife products;
un1"l.P'-r llt)A f"'Ullf.O IPlr"''1 .,OJ';
14/ "hunting" means any measure or action taken
UH "°'1 f. T' O?ft-r f~C h1i1l'J-r1 ftun"lf.A: to kill, wound, eliminate, scare, chase, capture
ft°'1i1()A: ft°'1'r4.-r: ft°'1i1~/rlr-r: ft°?fJ/.C: or trap a wild animal or take an egg or feather
ftunf"U: ft°'1'run~ LD~?" fPJoC h1i1l'J-r "fJ of same;
LD~?" h 1 iI" A ft unOJ'()~ f°?,tD()~ hC?" 1!
LD~?" h 1:'>iI""/\ "OJ';
15/ "weapon" means firearm, dart-gun, missile,
. X{;I -'Ul)l~/.f" °'1ft-r fPJoC h1{}1'J-r1 ftUlI"lf.A:
explosives, bow and arrow, stick, sword, trap,
ftunf"U LD~9'J h1P,.funAm' ft°'1~('"l
net, holes, poison, chemical or any other
4'oP'O-r l' ~-r fO?, .,.h.iI UlH~/.f: P,C-r :n:
-f'(DCtp/. O?l'JfA: ~ 11!.: 4'iI-r: PJo": ilft-r: instrument used to kill, capture or disable wild
(D'rUlI~: un(.'fF 1'~=}~: unC"U: ItO?t)A: animals;
LD~9" ft." °'11 '1 OJ'9" ftlf.U "'"lfJC fO?OJ'A
un'IA1f .,OJ': )

16/ "aircraft" means any type of airplane,

J'k/ "fhfC OD1t}~h.c" °'1ft~ n(tar tD.e9" helicopter, airship whether or not controlled
1ft (tar f°'1. 14>t)4>(} O'e;' nqo-,.c -p.eA or directed by human agency and without
nhfC ~.e n°'1.'~ htJA -Cl:F t).etD(t1 tl'1CJ being limjted to devices flown by automotive
:far9" h.eC'T~1:- ~ft.t}T-"C:- nhf'C ~.e power;
-"1t)~t. htJA:- .,ar;
17/ "Ministry" or "Minister" means the Ministry
J%/ or Minister of Agriculture and Rural
"°'1.'.(}-t;c" tD,e?" "°'1.'.(}~C" tl'1ft~ h 1f.
:J>f.?U -,.h-"ft. f<XJ'nCCJCJ f'1mC Af/'1~ Development, respectively;
°'1.'.(}-t; C (IJ.e9" °'1.'JJ~C .,ar;
c 'If, Ei'i.?;t~i!% '..f./..A ,'Jt,} <IITC .oil; ~(hn. !?; 4"} nn:w '},Y" Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.51 21" August, 2007... page 3737

:[1;1 "h A A " {HI

f't T 0h. T r- *' ,f' ~o,e..t. It «P. 18/ "region" means any region referred to in
,e..lfUht.o..f'cp' t 1:-flf't.h r)11 on1DJ /»T Article 47 of the Constitution of the Federal
h14'?\ ifJ% f'.f'onf'tt).f'aJ-'} "'/1~a"'}?" Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and
hAA "hCJ n~.{) nO(nCJ f'.e.'~~cp includes Addis Ababa and Diredawa
UD{)'f'~J7.'C'} .eGLb9" ~b\:: Administration.

c, (l'l~~ 3. Objectives

f'1I.VhCP~ «PCJ «PCJ f}It"'/$P"f f'°7,h'f'f't'T

CJ:1~aJ-; This Proclamation shall have the following major
~I f'h.Tr-*"f'1 f'~C h1{)I1T OoflT
iIDmO~J: on1hCJhofl: {/'/(.\{''/TC,' Oh DJCJO.
1/ to conserve, manage, develop and properly
utilize the wildlife resources of Ethiopia;
'J'~9" It.e {',/«PA;
2/ to create conditions necessary for discharging
II f'~C h 1{)I1T 011T1 hmCJO~: h 1hofll1 government obligations assumed under
~CJ hm:P4>9" O°,/.onMJT on1DJ/»T Of}
treaties regarding the conservation,
f't9" f}4'~ ()9"9\J.Y.:f onlP(. T f'1CJ:raJ-1 development, and utilization of wildlife;
°l,e..;r 9):f f'ton ~ '" 9" h 1~. :f A 0. 'b;r 9):f 1
{''/on y: :~ T ;

.I' ;:1 O~C h 1{)11-r 011T It.e f'.f'onlP(..f' .t:t 3/ to promote wildlife-based tourism and to
119" h 1~.{)4.4.'i' h.1 (b{)Ton1T h 1~.O(. encourage private investment.
;r;r 0. 'l.;r 9)"f 1 {''/on;F:~ T ::

h~A (}.f'tT PART TWO


g, UL&.6-A~ OO''1FT pf'''2.f'1t'lJI}-S' c fD?""'~K'" 4. Wildlife Conservation Areas to be Designated

t'&_Ch "lI1T1'-O? J):!'P!"f and Administered by the Federal Government

!il f'°7,h.f'f't'T f'~C h 1{)I1T 'J'O:P n;r9):f 11 The following wildlife conservation areas
O~o,e..t.A on1DJPT f'°7,r'lf'oo.CJ f'°'/.'f'~ shall be designated and administered by the
f.?- .eIfCJf't.; Federal Government:

0) h~'f'~ f'~C h1{)I1T ofIlIO rt1.elDT a) national parks that are nationally and
().n'J' C cr~:~ aJ- h 1t- «P.c,' f}f't?" h 4' globally significant and known to have
4. Cp. m 4' OJI.;r ,f'It r aJ-1 lD11.e 9" V ~ t. representative ecological zones and
4>mc,'9):f f' ,f'II' ofIrh.t.«p. ;rCfl:f; embrace immense'diversity of wildlife;

f't) h1t.t: Oofl:t:~ CJf't~T~T f'9"T;rlD

. b) national parks and wildlife sanctuaries
~CJ:l~aJ-'i' f'thA~T f'.f':Pt.O. lIC,f'9):f that are inhabited by the country's
uucrt! f'1f~. ofIrh.t.cp. ;rCfl:f'i' f'~C endemic and endangered species;
h1{)I1T onmf't!$P:f;

c) any wildlife conservation areas

rh) oooAhh 9" f:C h4'",/onnlraJ-
geographically situated within two or
OO.f'tTCJ tm.!?" Olt.e CJf't. hAf't,,:f
more regIons;
aJ-{)'J' f'°7,17'{''/CJ:~aJ-?" f'~C
h1{)I1T f''J'O:P n;r9)"f; hCJ
'17\ ri"i.:i,f~i);!: I...Y.(..A :J(.'} .:111.
III </ITe :Iii ~,h(\, g .p'} nn:w Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 51 21't August, 2007... ... page 3738

00) h~t.o."" ~1(~:f :JC 0""9"9""" fO?* d) any trans-boundary wildlife conservation
*°0. t'.Vi:': OJ'9" f ~,}OC IIf\A f~C areas that may be established in
h'},...fJ"" 'r0~ p:r9):f:: accordance with agreements with
neighboring countries;
~/ Oil. U ~ ,}4'1\ '}().,... ~ ,}4'1\ (j?) f-I'OOf\tH:'}
'},...fJ"" f'rO~ P;r9):f fO?f'lfOo,"" 2/ The wildlife conservation areas referred to in Sub-
f ~C
" 00 IPt. ..,. Article (1) of this Article shall be designated by
a? 0 a? J' 4' COOt- 'IfJ11
"."" -I;~. regulations to be issued by the Council of
fa? ".""""(~:f 9"hC 0."" OO?J'(lJnIO" f. '}-fI
. Ministers upon the recommendation of the
,elf ciA:: Ministry.

l;. (lht\fto T fO?OfOO-C;fO?.,.~g~u

e~c ",,)t'T 5. Wildlife ,Conservation Areas to be Designated
fTO?P:rsPT and Administered by Regions

?if flII.U hCP~ h'}</'Yi 9 '}(}.{) h'}</'Yi (/i) UIJIPt.:" 11 unless designated and administered by the
fI~..e..t.A UIJ'),?P':" '}~.t'lro(J.c,' h '}~. .,.~.e.~. .federal Government pursuant to Article 4
" I,.lp' ;rcp :-"" f'~.c
hoY.Y,t.1.:" fI{).f'</,C 'Ut'" Sub-Article (1) of this Proclamation, national
"'}fJfJ.} ODmf\.f' 9J:f., f'~.c "'}()fJ.} T'U:" parks, wildlife sanctuaries, Wildlife reserves
hAf\":-"" "c,' r~.c "'}()fJ:" r<f:TTC ~.e.'} and wildlife controlled hunting areas shall be
'I'll lt9':-"" r01.f'I rOO-'}'lI f'°2, .,.~.e.~..} t\ hA f\" :-". designated and administered by regions.

~/ Oll.U ~ ,}4'1\ '}(}.,... ~ ,}4'1\ (j?) f-I'OOf\h-I:"" 2/ The wildlife conservation areas referred to in
" f~C h'}""fJ.} f'rO~ p;r$1':f fO?f'lfO'?''''' Sub-Article (1) of this Article shall be
hAf\,,:f OO?.f'(lJnJ.,:t:o,. rl,~:f ,elrC;A:: designated by legislation of the regions

~, O""1Aflft'l-o.y.T fO?"'~f.~ f~C ",,...fJ-r 6. Wildlife Conservation Areas to be Administered

TO~ P;rsPT by Private Investors
faJA flf\'.fl.f.:f h&",Qo~t\ uo'},?;».).e;
Private investors may be authorized to administer the
h01.oof\tJ:r:':(lJ' hAf\o:f .'JC OO?JJf.C=H:O"
wildlife conservation areas referred to in Article 4 and
ftl,}f\ 7i'} OJ'f\,,:f OOIPt."" Oll.U ~CP:~ ~,}4'1\ 9. 5 of this Proclamation by concession agreements to be
'he; ?; f-"oof\tJ-I:""'} f~C h '},...fJ"" f'rO~ concluded with the Federal Government and the
P:r9'T h '}~..f'''''-I'~~~ f\.&.<I>
~'I:,:o,. ,e :f'lA:: concerned regions.

~. ,(Ih I'JfIQ ih1lt. .,.ollfDt .,.~ g H

f_&.C"'lt"'~ 7. Wildlife Conservation Areas to be Administered
TO? P:J"'sPT by Local Communities
Oil. U ~ cpJ': ~ ,}4>1\ 9.: (; h C; ?; h'I'OOf\h'I:""
f'rO~ P:r9):f 0"61]> f01.17' f~C h '},...fJ""
Wildlife habitats other than the conservation areas
00 if /,.f' ~ I-JfIO. 9) :f 0 ~ I-JfIO.0" r)l-fl t. -I' f'I-fI referred to in Articles, A, 5, and 6 of this
h '}~. -"~f. ~ 0 01.00 f\tJ:r:': 0" hAf\o:f f\.&.4>~ Proclamation may be authorized by the concerned
,e:f'lA:: regions to be administered by the local
fh~' ~? f: 8. Hunting Permit

M °1."1.""'1;~ (lJ,e9" f01.OOf\tJ.1'0" fhAA ~I-JA

II No person, other than the Ministry or the
'l'aJfI~ '} f\l'1hC,'(lJ'} 001.J' f.C 10" 'l.f.""
..,. concerned regional organ in the discharge of
9" h '}.f' h 01.&.1\
0 0 0" ~ f. '} 0,...-I'4>C their duties, may hunt any game animal
t'1,}~0"9" f'l0J' f ~f. '} &.~ ~ fJ,e l' f ~C
h'},...fJ"" t'1f.'} f-HJf\hf\ "0":: unless he is in possession of a hunting permit.

2/ The conditions applicable for the granting,

~/ f~f,'} &.~Y: f°2,f'I'rO"": f01.;rf.,...0"": renewal, suspension and revocation of
f °1.:r 1f."0"" C; f o?lP t. 110"" V.." ;r ,e U'} hunting permits shall be determined by
~ CP.~ f\ °1,...&.'119" O°2,OJm' f. ,}P :fc; regulations and directives issued under this
OOOO/,f9':f OOIPt."" fO?OJf'I'} ,eLfC;A:: Proclamation,
ri'i.XtiJHi. c...Y.MA :J/"'" ;lII,nl <II'}'.. U ~,h/'l. H; ""} nW.Hi 'Ulu Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 51 21s\ August, 2007... page 3739

i:1 OI/;~ nY,T}c; fnY:} H~op1r'} 31 The Ministry shall issue regulations pertaining
OOl/.out'\h')' Y:}<o ymfTJA:: to appropriate hunting and hunting methods.

9. Permit for Collection of Wildlife or Wildlife

;. t\ll.f,1lltf ",.,llC f~C A1ftll:"1 OJ.f,'r CINn.+ Products for Scientific Purposes.
:f T (IV) fOIl (}11(}11 t.:I' 1:
1/ The Ministry may grant permit to an applicant
(il h:1'tD'" rl),e ,}il '1'*9') r'f'~tt r 1:;J~ in possession of a recommendation letter
~l1~o. OODJ'1# r~c h '}"I)"" tD,e9'J from a recognized scientific institution for
Orm"" t\OD()1I()11~ t\1),e '}I)~ 'f'"/llC collecting wildlife or their products for
tD,e9') ""9')UC"" t\1'?CfJA t\°1.m,e;'f> scientific or academic purpose.
1\ODAf'J:f 0?,"."1:~ tt?f: t\.()'P ,e:'f"A::
21 The Ministry shall grant the permit referred
to in Sub-Article (1) of this Article in
~I °1.",,,'f; ~ OH,U 1\,}"'f\ '}O." 1\,}"'f\ liil accordance with directives issued by it i'n
r'I'ODt\h'I'Or'} tt? 1: r°1.()mor tlH,U conformity with the provisions of this
1\CP~~ r~c h'}"I)"" 'PO?'} h°1.ODt\h1: Proclamation and other laws and regulations
lbl\..'f ;n'ff~ ~ ,}(1"f ;JC O'f'IJ,IJ,OD LJ.~:1' pertaining to wildlife conservation..
007.ftDlJ,or ODODtf ODlPt."" ,e1fS"A::

tl~A~ll.r P ART THREE

hof1'iOt.fIf. A,}pil?f'l.sP:.r-CJ rTP'l":.r- ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND BENEFITS

10. Economic Activities

I. hof1«jOt f If A'}:"":p f'I.
1/ Any economic activity to be undertaken
{il O~C h '}"I)"" 'PO? (1:1' Or"'P rO?,~t."/ within a wildlife conservation area shall be
I'?')~ Or 9') h.°1.,r'P. r P' t. h 1;'f>"?f'I. rHo carried out in accordance with this
U'} 1\CP~C;' 1\CPn.'} t\"? tt 'A9') r°'1.tDm' ~ '} Proclamation and regulations and directives
(1:'f~ ODODt.r9J:'f') 1:'};J1.9'T W'? ,e?t. '} to be issued hereunder.
LJ.~..J- ODf'J~f: 1\t\0""::
2/ The mechanism whereby the Federal and Regional
Governments, may share the profits derived from
!!.I h~c h '}"I)"" ,/11"" 1\m?"'9'J r°1.170r'} the utilization of wildlife resources and the
10, r ~o~t.A c; fhAA 00'),,/ J» ;r~)' mathods by which the community maybe
r°'1.;J~o"" OD,}1f:CJ fiti111{lm. ;'dll-to'O benefited shall be determined by regulations to be
-tl11.P0I/. fOl/.lf'}O'r ilA'r OH.U nCfJ~ issued under this Proclamation.
ODlPt."" OOVDIJ' ~,}1I ,etD()~A::

;ii. as.Lb1lL"-T_1111~"~ r'f'ODlPt.~~ 11. Wildlife Resource Based Tourism

11 The Ministry and regions shall, in

~ °'l""1:~~
, , hAt\"T 1\"/1l1l f'J":for nf'J""" collaboration with the relevant bodies,
;JC OOD'I'llOC O~C h '}"I)"" LJlI"" ",e promote investment in wildlife-based
f 'I' ODIP 1.1: r ~I:t'H 9'J 1\, '} ii "..,. OD '},y. :'f '} tourism.
fOt.:1' :1'1\'::
21 The Ministry, for Regions and other
concerned bodies, shall ensure that
!!.I °'1.",,,1: ~ l' t'\hAt\.. :'fC; t\~ r fOl/.oot'\h;r ~evelopment activitIes to be undertaken in or
rlD' nil"')' O~C h '}"I)"" 'PO? (1:1'9'T outside of wildlife conservation areas shall be
Or"'P 9') If., hh .,(). orQ;), rO?hc;'tD'} r 1\J.- carried out in such manner that the well-
'1:t 'H9') A I'?"" r n f'JllO,or'} P'''-9'JU~t.'P. being of the ecosystem of the areas are not
~U'}""" h'};';J f~C;Jt\.:: dlsturbed.
'.,.yD/..t:\ ;Jt..,. ;1'1."' 4I'I'C :ui ~~h"- Xl; 21st August, 2007 page 3740
1~ ri'i.%Y.~
""J Xill'1il lUlu Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 51

II. os.c h1(11)TS" CD-m.-f-TTCIJ-i1/\oo.,'t: 12, Trading in wildlife and their Products

1/ The following are prohibited unless a permit

~I h'H~h'1ClO. h°1.".{)'I;~ cDf,9" h°1.oot\h.,.oJc is obtained from the Ministry or the
rhAA hl-}A 0'''11 L~f: oowt.+ I-}Alf., concerned regional organs, as qppropriate:
O{)." 4>c-=

0) OS.C h '}{)l)+'1 OS.C h '}()l)+ a) Any activity of trade in wildlife and

oJcm.+ roo.,1f: ''''1ClC t'71-}~f:: their products;

b) the ownership, sale, transfer, export or

t\) (l7'}~oJc,}9U r'''H;J~: cDf,9" fA"'H import of any processed or unprocessed
;J~: r~c h '}{)l)..,.. oJcm.+ OClt\o.+ wildlife product.
- .,+ OD.e'H: 0001': (l7{)"'i\t\~: tD"
Ibi\ h1C ooi\h cDf,9" cD" h1C
OJchT t'7{)1Cl+-= r'HJt\ht\ "OJc::
2/ The Ministry and the concerned regional
!f.1 °1.".{)'I;~c,' r07.00t\h:.r:foJc rhAA hl-}i\+ organs may issue permits pursuant to Sub-
Otl.U h'}4>?\ '}o.{) h'}4>?\ 1M r'''m4>ooJc'}
Article (1) of this Article in compliance
L:P f:'+ Otl.U h tp~c,' h tpjf. '}
with the provisions of this Proclamation,
N'7{)L"h9" O°7.tDm. "'}(l:f'l ooODtf9':f regulations and directives issued hereunder
h'}~.O.9" h1t'l: hClA Olf.,:r-Cl:foJc ~t\9" and treaties to which Ethiopia is a party.
h 4>~ {)9"9"~'Y.:f r.,." .,11.+'} OODh.,.A
l' f,lf'lA::
h~A hto+ . PART FOUR

Xi:. rl7!. ~()-l;~ PAnl,C;"''1f1C

13. Powers and duties of the Ministry

°7.".{)~1;~ Oll.U htp~ Ibt\.,:f f:'};J1.9':f The Ministry shall, in addition to those given to
h'"om.."f. 0'"av'7t r07.h."t\.+ FAnl'}c,' it under other provisions of this Proclamation,
''''1Clt.+ f,cr~:.rA; have the powers and duties to:
M r~c h'}{)l)+ 0-0+ At'7""'}: TO~,}'I 1/ prepare and present to the government draft policy
h m.4' 4>9') '} 0'" ODt\ h,,, ;r t\. 05 r (')1'1 t. ~ :,. .
and laws relating to the development, conservation
h.eH;J~ t\OD'}"1F"" ,e4>CClA; O.L4>~9" and utilization of wildlife; and follow up the
OD q>i\ :f oJc '} f, h :.r'" i\ A ;
." 61ClC i\ f, implementation of same upon approval;

!f.1 Oll.U htp ~ h ,}4>~ q OD'Pt."" r.,,**oo,""'}

2/ develop and administer wildlife conservation
r~c h '}()l)"" TO:P (l:.r9':f'} ft\t'7A: .e{) areas established in accordance with Article 4
'''~f:t.A: (')11 cDT ''''1Cl'~+ h'}~f,L"h°o,
of this Proclamation and control illegal
Cl:foJc f,tJi\tJi\A;
activities to be committed in relation thereto;
;:1 00Jc61!' -t:t{)'Y.:f t\°1.I-}~f: h~ '} L~ f:'
f,OnIA~ 3/ issue hunting permits to foreign tourists;

Q/ 0'/r;:fo)c19" f'~C h1il"''''' W1.9" f'~C h1il"''''' 4/ issue permits and health certificates to export
OJ'm.'Y.1'1 hh1C t\°,/il(Otll"" (01.9" W~ h1C and import any wildlife or wildlife products;
OJ'il 'I' t\ °,/ il1 fJ..,. f' 0,/.f il1' A /..:J>~ r; f'm. c,'
9"ilhc w(."''''' 1. "till'. ;

(;1 OH.U htp~ ODWt."" . r.,.**oo, r~c 5/ ensure that wildlife conservation areas established
h'}{)l)+ rTO:P (l:r9':r- ~t\9" h4>~«P. in accordance with this Proclamation meet
OD{)LC"" °7~ i\:r:foJc'} OO7t.;J1T 0~t\9" international standards with a view to facilitating
their registration by the International Union for
h 4>~ r"'LT(~ .,-0"" TO~ (')l-ot.""
Conservation of Nature, and follow up their
f{)ODH'1ClA: h"H.U", OD{)LC.y.:f m-04>oJc
administration accordingly;
OD,"~"t.:foJc'} f,h:r'"i\A ~
1~ Ei'i.X.f?ifi I...Y./,.f;\ :J/.'''' :J/"n/ ",...C :ui ~d,(\, H; ""} I.ii.f:H! '}.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.51 21" August, 2007... page 3741

'kl ft~C "1f)t}.} Al'7.}C; -r0.P P-I; hth 6/ establish international relations with all bodies
lIC p,:rC; fbi\9" f: ."J~ ft,flm, h°?" """ft' having the potential of providing technical
CD1e;""" ."JC LJft9" h4>~ <>JT'i,~,} assistance and other aid for wildlife
~unlPC;1--A~ development and conservation;

%1 h. .}f"*' hClA P(f~"fCl:fCD- LJft9" h4>~ 7/ ensure the implementation of treaties to which
()9"9" H'" ...,.. O-"<>JClC"1P,,~1-0D, .r f.C."JA ~
Ethiopia is a party and compile and submit
h~~1-l'7TOr19" o-"unfth-" fto?"unfth:r:for periodical reports to the concerned
LJft9" h4>~ -"*1I7.} OP1,H.Or t.TC.} international institutions;
O'H."J~ '{)-"i\A4.A;
X;I P~C "1{)"'.} A1I7.}: -r0.PC;' hm.P4>91J1 8/ conduct research and training programs and
007"unfth.} -rC;.}C; PP'AmC; T(~<>J/'.9" collect, process and provide to users up-to-
.rl-)y'P,A~ CD~)
:r'P. unt.1(9)"""1 ,flCl{)ClA: date information on wildlife development,
.r4>~Cl-O/'.A: l\-I'm.P°?,,9''''''' .rIPI£,6li).A~
conservation and utilization;

W fthAft..""" O~C "1{)"'.} Al'7.}C; -r0.P 9/ provide support to regions with respect to the
t. 1f: h{)~i\ 1,Or1 "1tl .r f.C ."JA; development and conservation of wildlife;
II h{)~i\1. (fe; fl.1~ P'AnnC;-I'<>JCl~1 10/ delegate its powers and duties to other federal
ftfbft..""" P~oJ!../'.AC; PhAA un1<>Jp'.}
and regional government organs where
hl-)i\.} OOrhAC; ~fln/A::
Xiii O~.C "-}(}I}.} TOj' 11;1'9J7j.?" lf~ hTOj' 11/ Prevent and control incidents of wildlife
11;1' 9J"';, OJ'bbl. r O? .,'f. r ~. c -}()I}.} i\.e diseases with in or outside of conservation
" areas
1\.f. C(}. rO? 7j'I\. O'li;1' 9'".f.'} .ehi\ hi\A f
12/ Supervise wildlife conservation areas
. administered by private investors in
1ft/ ht..J!..t,.A oo1°//».} ;JC Oi'1l1 rp1(}.'n1 (I)'A accordance with concession agreements
OOIPt..} OO/A l1t\u.01'-""" rO?".,',v..(~,'}1 r P',C entered with the Federal Government.
"1l'1""} TO"" (1;)..!p""',1 .e.f>£lIffil£'A::
14. Powers and Duties of Regions
Iq, rllAf\..".f P'Arl11C;u -I'<>JqC
Regions shall, in addition to those given to them
hAft..""" OH.U hCP~ fbft..':j. f:1."J 1. 9'...,.. under other provisi°t:1s of this Proclamation, have
h-l'fln). TOr 0-"aV'7t. p°?"h-l'ft,.} p'Annc; the powers and duties to:
-"<>JCl/'..} ~e; z::t:CPA;
1/ develop and administe,r wildlife conservation
areas established pursuant to Article 5 of this
lil Oll.U hCP~ h14>1\ (; un,Pt..} P-"**
ou...}1 Proclamation;
P~C "1{)"'.} -r0.P (1;1--9'''''''
.rftl'7ft,: .r{)-I'p'f:/,.ft,~
2/ control illegal activities to be committed
II 007.,{)-"P,.r:Z::foJ. P~C h 1{)"'.} -r0.P against wildlife in conservation areas
l1;1--9'''''''C;h~c "1{)"'.} -r0.P (1;1--9)'-"" administered by them and outside of
Or~ p07,1J'.} P~C 1{)"'.} l)11 CD-r conservation areas; and provide the necessary
-I'<>JCl/'..} "1P'~~1-oD'ClTOr " ~hi\hi\ft.; support in controlling such illegal activities
O~oJ!../'.A un 1°1P'.} 0°?"-"P'f. ~ P~C in relation to wildlife conservation areas
"1{)"'.} -r0.P {1:1'9)""" ;h1 tD-r -I'<>Jl1t...} administered by the Federal Government;
Or1 f:."J~ , Ounhi\hA
t. 1f:9" h{)~ 1.
3/ supervise wiJdlife conservation areas
A Clft U-01'- ':j.C; (1hl-)l1 Q ;,.. -0 t.
-" fI-o administered by private investors and local
pO?,,-I'P'~.}1 P~C "1{)"'.} P-rO.P communities;
11;1--91""" ~~nlml£'ft,~
"1?i r7i.?;t~f{ !...fu/,.t\ ."J{.''''; .p-re jii ",hl), H; .p'} nn:w '}.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.5] 21'1 August, 2007. . ... page 3742

QJ O~C h 1()t')-r 1'O.P fl;r$1J:f9" lf~ 41 control and prevent incidents of wildlife
h1'O.P fl;r$1J:f o}<QJ. 0°1. 1"'1. P~C diseases within and outside of conservation
h 1()t')-r '1.e t\.~CO' p°1. "fIt. Oa;r$1J:f1 areas and inform the Ministry when the case
.eh'1h'1".: .e~n'm{,.".: hit""9'" 0'1.e is beyond their capacity;
O.lf1 "°1. ~.().I; ~ !t')0)< ~ ".;
51 issue permits for the establishment of wildlife
(;I P~C h1()t')-r hCll;rC,' {'.1:f ~.Pf: ranches and farming and supervise same;
.eon,,,.: .e~n'm{,.".;
'kl 0001- ;",.elD-rCJ 1o(l~-r '1.e it~;J 61 undertake the necessary study on wildlife
0°1.! ~co. P~C h 1()t')-r '1.e .t'10.0}<1 causing threat to human life and property and
'PCJ-r 0"1I'J~f: :f"1~ p°1..P"AO-r1CJ take appropriate measure to. minimize and
P°1.lD1f:0-r1 hc?"if .elD()~".; hit""?" prevent the threat, and report to the Ministry
when the case is beyond their capacity;
0'1.e o.lf1 "°1. ~.()-I;~ !4> Cll".;
:M tJO}<61!''i:t().Y.:f O().t'~C olb"o'.f o?J:f 7/ issue hunting permits to persons other than
"°1.I'J~f: it~ 1 ~.P f: .eon",.; foreign tourists;
1;1 P~C h1()t')-rCJ P~C h1()t')-r o}<m'Y.:f
8/ issue permits to own, transfer and sale locally
Ollft(l.-r~-r "oo.rll: f1"'1()""'1"~C,' Oit1C
wildlife and wildlife products;
o}<()1' "0001' p°1.!() :fA ~.P f: .eon",.::
If;, f~C h'}()lt-r ~1'1'C lP&-T~ f-U!;\fl" 15. Powers and Duties of Wildlife Ant-Poaching
'* P~C h 1()t')-r ~1'1'C 1P{,..t'~ p°1.h.t'(t°}< A wildlife ant-poaching officer shall have the
~Ann .elj'~CPA; following powers:
M P~C 7,1(}t')-r lD.e9') P~C h1()t')-r
o}<m-r .e,' P.t'170}<1 (''1190}<19') o°}< 1/ to require any person who is in possession of
7,HI. U~' 00 ,r 11 ,r () ;F" OJ-'} (11.')cr. ~.P f: wildlife or wildlife products to show the
" permit authorizing such possession;
h1~..rt').e poomP"";

~I .
alan OUlJ"'Itl\~ O,e,',+ ruC f'1'f. t. 1. f'~C 2/ to enter and search any private landholding,
"'}(lilT to,e'J" r~c "'}()IIT OJ'm 'f. building, tent, vehicle, aircraft or boat as well
1'f.'n"'~A 'nl\o I\O?UlJ'} oet 'J"h'}fT f'l.l;'C as search bags or sealed items, without court
fl\~C~ (1T O?H'1r OJf. O?'}~OJ''J'' t'lO)'
order, where there are sufficient grounds to
UlJ&'T: ()l'}": ~'}f;J. '}: 1'7itJcl1t: f'hrC
UlJ'}f,.t.tJ.c to,e'J" .~Arr OJ'{)'J' f'UlJ"lrrTfj'
believe that wildlife or wildlife products are
f'UlJt.1'7i "'}~.tJ.'J" 7j'}nl to,e'J" "7i"l kept illegally;
EI ()l"l'} OUlJ1'''I\~ n,e";r FC f'1'f. t. 1. f'P,.C 3/ with a view to secure an order of confiscation
','}{)IITC,' r~c "'}{)IIT OJ'm.f.1''} "'}~.tJ.'J" pursuant to Article 16(2) of this Proclamation, to
'J'4.1: f'1't.~UlJrr:t~OJ''} UlJUftf?J1' nH.U h~.([. seize and takeover, upon issuing receipt in
h'}.,.1\ X?;(!:) UlJIPt.T "'}~.tOt.t'I. I\O?~t."l accordance with the format issued by the Ministry
,,'}~.;r-A O<P-'J''J'C FC rO?~t."1c,' "'l.'1.{)1;c;. or the concerned regional organ, any wildlife or
(IJ,e'J" r"?anl\tJ1'OJ' rhAA hl1A rrtOnlOJ' wildlife product which is a proceed of an offence
f'UlJUlJ'1I10.f :"1\ UlJIPt..). 1'10.OJ''} f.t.t'I~ as well as "the weapon with which the offence has
t'I'J"'" rUlJt.tJ.tH been committed;

QJ PH.U1 itCP:(. it14>7\ l'k f:1;J1.?J:f 4/ where a person is found committing an

000.t''1''~ 1'~-r o.~7\?" ,r170}<1 o°}< offence in violation of Article 16 of this
,r"~Cf: Cl.-r -rOllll .e,' "°1.oo"h't'o}< Proclamation, to detain, without any court
;ho/ it()hfJt itI'JA "'1""~o(l:: order, and handover him to the appropriate
law enforcing body.

{;I 0IJ'}7/m'cr {}m. .eU'}'} hCP~ l\OIJ()&.ocr 5/ Any person has the Obligation to collaborate
fOUi''10C "7.e..;J' hf10"}:: in the implementation of this proclamation
11\ ri'i.H~r /..,Y.lrA ;J{.'''' ;JII."I 4I'I'C !Ui ~,hlt IG ""} 'Hu Federal Negarit Gazeta No.51 21" August, 2007... ... page 3743

II. ~nl:r- 16. Penalty

iif O(D1~ft~ ill'? UUlP(.T rOftm :"n'T 1/ Unless it entails higher penalty under the
rO?yft.,.nl I1Alf~ OftT4>C-=
criminal law:

V) I'? 1 ~ aJ- 9" (a OJ- -=

a) any person who:.
(i) to1m'P r~c h 1ftl}T hK1
(D.e9u 1'?f: f:C1.T hL~uu-= ( i) commits an act of illegal wildlife
hunting or trade;
(ii) o~e ~ ,)ilt} -r '1'0:1> (1..j'9'1"
OJ'iI'1' fA1'.(.<f>P,. 1'''1CJ(~1''') I-Jhc,' (ii) carries out unauthorized activities
OJ" (0 ~ 9" 0 o,/Ij':r-(D.?" };t;l,:\'} within wildlife conservation areas
Cl'1H.IJ.II~ 1.~-r I-J"~"': (D~9" or causes, in whatever way,
damage thereto; or
(iii) r~c h 1ftl}T1 m.e9') r~c
h 1 ftI}T aJ-m.of:r-1 y ftL:P f: (iii) is found in possession of wildlife
.ell hT17-= or wildlife products without
having a permit;

hllc (in. W'?Y1ftc; hllC ~n. shall be punished with fine not less than Birr
Wry.eOA'P uu4>{!'b m.e9" hh 1f: 5000 and not exceeding Birr 30,000 or with
t}UUT t}UUT imprisonment not less than one year and not
.I' W'? Y1ftCj' hh9"ftT
exceeding five years or with both .such fine
W'?.eO.eA'P hftt-T m.e9') 'ov.ft and imprisonment.
rl:9" .ecpnlA::
(b) any person who commits other offences in
fI) fH.U'} };tp.~ i:'};J 't 9' 1'. (D~9" };tpjf.') I\°'/il
.(.~?" flOffl. "')(1:Y''} (D~?" ununtf~1"')
violation of the provisions of this
Proclamation or regulations or directives
0 un I'll 1\~ fb ft.::;. '1' 4. .f-1"'} r .(.~ un °,/ ') ~ OJ<~
issued hereunder shall be punished with fine
"'(J}~ h11e f.'X O°,/f,}illj' Eli. 0°,/ ~OA'1'
not less than Birr 500 and not exceeding Birr
un<f>~ (D~?" h}; '}i: tOe OO,/f,}illj' hili:iI-r
(0 ~ 9\J 0 IJ.t\ -To?"
3,000 or with imprisonment not less than one
OJe 0 °,/ ~ 0 A '1' ~ iItr -r
month and not exceeding six months or with
~<f>nIA: :
both such fine and imprisonment.
~f OH.Uh14>1\ 10,ft h14>1\ (!i) UUlP(.T
~Cf: o.T :"n'T (a.tDft1 h:,.nlrf: 2/ Where a court passes a sentence pursuant to Sub-
Article (1) of this Article, it shall, in addition to
Ort'm/'?t h'P4.rf: rrt'1"iaJ- r~c h1ftl) the sentence, order the confiscation of the
(iJ.e9" r~c h 1ftl) aJ-m.T h 1~.V'9" wildlife or wildlife products which are the
'P4.~ rrt'L~UUOT uuUfty aJ-Cft proceeds of the offence together with the
h1.'tlf1 .em(aC;A:: weapon with which the offence is committed.

rf °2.~~ft1;?- m.e9" r°2. uufthTaJ- rhAA 3/ The Ministry or the concerned regional organ
hl1A-= may, as appropriate:
IJ) r1'(O~"'(D''} r~e h'}ilt}
(O~?" r~e ~')
ilt} (D'm.-r ~'}"};"1CJO, unO'1': f\1't~,}iI (a) sale, transfer to a scientific purpose, to
"'"/CJC:- I\-r?"ue-r 1'*?" O'/il1'III\lj: academic institution or destroy the
(D~?" h'1':"?" OJ'6J!' ~')~,lf,} 0'/i:~"1 confiscated wildlife or wildlife product;
unUftf ~,}"};"1CJO, I\°"/.UlJI\ (b) transfer to the appropriate government
1\) r1'(D~"'OJ''}
h1'OJ' un'}"1P'..j'if. };I-JA O'/il1'IJI\lj:
organs or destroy the confiscated
(D~9" tl'1':"?" OJ'6J!' ~,)~.lf,} 0'/i:~"1: weapon.

17. Power to Issue Regulations and Directives

I1. t/}llCJ uuuu6Y foYfm-nlT. F"nt}
1/ The Council of Ministers may issue regulations
!if rO?~.ftTr.':f 9')hC o.T .eU1 h«P~ necessary for the implementation of this
ft°?ftL~9') rO?yftLA 1. f,.'}(l:f1 fturmn, Proclamation.
~ i'7i Uu;o c..~.(..A ;.It..,. ;.I1J.frJ"'.,.C U ~"'t\ 1li 1iifjii 'U" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. SI 21'" August. 2007 page 3744

II °t~/)"I:~ .eU"} htp:(-li Off.U h"}+1\ "}()./) 2/ The Ministry may issue directives necessary
h "}+1\ (Ii) uPlP(.:'" f'(JJm. ,,"}t1"f"} for the implementation of this Proclamation
1t°7/)/..'A9'" f'°tf/)/..A"I. uPuP6f?J"f"} and regulations issued under Sub-Article (1)
It.f(JJnl .e"fltA:: of this Article.
1~ .f'Ti}"~'L~~~J~~tL~ 18. Repeal and Savings
iiI f'°7.hTIt.:'" ;h1"f on.u rhtp:(- T7i(.tpAI
1/ The foHowingare hereby repealed:
0) f' "}li ~C "}/)1):,.. 1'O:J»li A°7:'" (a) the Forestry and Wildlife Conservation
htp:(- 4l1'C " lif.jI/Iiif.G'1 I""}"T and Development Proclamation No.
7i7iIt! ; 192/1980;
It) f' ~ C ,,"} /)1):,.. 1'0:J» ,,"} 11' 41l' C (b) the Wildlife Conservation Regulations
p.f.X?;ln!f.~'p' I""}" T7i7ilt/:: No. 416/1972 (as amended).

2/ The foHowing legislations shaHbe deemed to

II f'°thTIt.:'" m1:'f on.u htp:(- uPlP(.:'"
,,"}"(JJm. T$1'(.a>- f''A'I. .etrli It.I have been issued under this Proclamation and
shaHremain in force:

0) f'h tp7i 11rh. &-'f f' ~C ,,"} /)1):,.. l' O:J» (a) the Awash National Park Establishment
;r C tl D?cJ:cJ:°t f :,..~ tl'H elll' C Order No. 54/1969;
(b) the Simien National Park Establishment
It) . f' ()till"} 11rh.&-'f f'~C ,,"}/)1):,.. 1'0? Order No. 59/1970.
;rCtl °7cJ:cJ:°tf :"'~tI'H 4l1'C
:li!lIj}f.~I: : 19. Inapplicable Laws
'B. TL'ltrtM~M.~ .tb.-).T
No law, regulation, directive or practice may, in
h n. u h tp:(-
;JC f'°t:J» (. ") °7li :fa>-9" ;" '? T so far as iUs inconsistent with this Proclamation,
"}11T uPuP6 f (JJ.e9" f'hIP &-C AIJ':f: ,O".,!.' b.e.;c,\p.pUcableto matters provided for by this
htp:(- OTuPlth1: "I.~f""f It.e T/..~ot'l:'" Proclamation.
h.ecr (.0>-9'"::

.~,~ 20. Effective Date

This Proclamation shalt" come into force up on

.eU hCP:(- (1~.e..~A .,;1t-r ;1t1.n, ;r-rlfO Publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.
hCDnJl1-r~') ~9"C' fOli .etfliAu
1\.Ilfl1\Oq~d1f\1~ +11fif'jfl ",.. Done at Addis Ababa, this 2111 day of August, 2007

"lC'" CDA-" 1.~C1.fI
fh.:"'~*, f 401v~''ce .Il'fDh~(\fce DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA
tTofIt\.h ,.~tL~1:'"

~ ...; ,:~ . ~I'

<-oCY~'~ M+ ",.,."t1 ~C~+

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