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Siti Fitrianti Aminah Febryana, Ainun Nadhifah, and Eko Budi Minarno
Department of Biology Faculty of Science and Technology
Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang

Mendong (Fimbristylis globusa) is a grass plant that morphologically looks similar to
rice and is used for a variety of handicrafts. Handicrafts from mendong plants are often
found in Blayu Village, Wajak District. The purpose of this research is to get information
related to the utilization of mendong plant (Fimbristylis globusa). The type of research
used is descriptive exploratory through survey and interview method. The community in
Wajak District, specifically Blayu Village, Meduran and Bebekan Sub-village utilize
mendong plants (Fimbristylis globusa) as handicrafts such as mats and ropes.
Keywords: Mendong Plant (Fimbristylis globusa), Handicraft, Wajak District

Mendong (Fimbristylis globusa) merupakan tumbuhan rumput yang dari segi morfologi
tampak seperti padi dan dimanfaatkan untuk beragam kerajinan tangan. Kerajinan
tangan dari tumbuhan mendong banyak dijumpai di Kecamatan Wajak. Tujuan dari
penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait pemanfaatan tumbuhan
mendong (Fimbristylis globusa). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif
eksploratif melalui metode survey dan wawancara. Responden adalah masyarakat desa
Blayu Kecamatan Wajak Kabupaten Malang yang ditentukan dengan purposive
sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Desa Blayu Kecamatan
Wajak Kabupaten Malang memanfaatkan tumbuhan mendong (Fimbristylis globusa)
sebagai kerajinan tangan seperti tikar dan tali tambang kerajinan.
Kata Kunci: Tanaman Mendong (Fimbristylis globusa), Kerajinan Tangan, Kecamatan

INTRODUCTION mendong plant to fulfill the needs of

natural fibers used as the raw material for
Mendong plant (Fimbrystilis
producing handcrafted products. The plant
globusa) is a grass-type plant from
is refined and processed by the community
Cyperaceae family that naturally grows
to produce raw materials for handicrafts
and reproduces wildly in swampy areas
with a higher economic value.
and all-year-round waterlogged lands. This
plant can be utilized to produce webbings; Handicrafts made of Mendong
as a result, it is cultivated by the (Fimbrystilis globusa) as the raw material
community. can be found in Blayu Village, Wajak
District, Malang Regency, East Java
Webbing handicraft is a creative
Province. Blayu Village is a supporting
work made of mendong plants
village for the capital of Wajak District
(Fimbristylis globusa) (Rohidi, 2000).
situated at an altitude of 495 meters above
Therefore, the community cultivates the
sea level. In the village, some community
groups gather to produce raw materials and
webbing handicrafts, such as mats. For the
craftsmen, the quality of the material and
color are a significant concern for
producing excellent handicraft products.
Mendong (Fimbristylis globusa)
has a triangular flower stalk; the stem is
green-colored, tightly arranged, easy to be
rigid, cylindrical, and relatively flattened
Image 1. Map of Wajak District
under the flower stalk. The stem (flower
stalk) grows upright; it is long segmented, This research is categorized as
hollow, and flexible (not hard) so that it is descriptive exploratory research while
convenient to be utilized for various employing a survey method and interview
handicrafts (Sunanto, 2000). technique. The total of respondents was 16
people. The respondents consisted of non-
The purpose of this research is to
get scientific information related to the key persons that involved two heads of
sub-villages, two local public figures who
utilization of mendong plant (Fimbristylis
globusa) through the survey method and understood the history of webbing
handicraft with mendong (Fimbristylis
open interview technique.
globusa) as the raw material, and twelve
MATERIAL AND METHOD key-persons who were webbing craftsmen.
They were selected for this research
This research was carried out at
through purposive sampling. The interview
Blayu Village, Wajak District, Malang
for key-persons included questions about
Regency, East Java Province (Image 1).
mendong plant (Fimbristylis globusa), the
The instruments used in this research were
methods from obtaining and processing the
a camera, a tape recorder, an interview
plant to producing the webbing handicraft.
guideline, and stationery. Additionally,
mendong plant (Fimbristylis globusa) was
the primary material for producing
webbing handicrafts that could be found in
the community's local environment (Image

Image 2. Mendong fields in Blayu Village


The utilized part of mendong plant
(Fimbristylis globusa) for the handicraft
was its stem. This organ of Mendong plant
(Fimbristylis globusa) was obtained by the
craftsmen from farmers who owned
mendong fields. After the harvesting
process, the harvested mendongs were
dried with wood ash. It was intended to
make the mendongs dried, withered, and
flexible. Nevertheless, it would not
damage the plants; it would only result in
the change of color from green to
Image 4. Mendong Ropes
brownish-gray (Image 3). The drying
process with wood ash needed ± 1 day, The production of ropes have
depended on the weather. undergone a technological advancement;
initially, the craftsmen applied a manual
Once dried, the mendongs were
technique by holding a log of wood or
collected and tied. According to Simon
bamboo with mendongs tied to it
(1998), this drying process of plants for
alternately and then pulling it till the
handicraft was intended to reduce the
mendongs stretched. In its advancement,
starch and sugar content in the plant. As
from the production of ropes made of
for producing ropes, the dried mendongs
mendong, it develops into webbing
were twisted traditionally with the help of
handicrafts such as mats made of mendong
tools made of wood. (Image 4). In
(Fimbristylis globusa) as the raw material.
addition, for the production of mendong
mats, the dried mendongs were weaved by The production of handcrafted mats
using a simple weaving tool. was mainly conducted by the community
in Blayu Village, Bebekan and Meduran
Sub-village (Image 5). The number of
craftsmen of handcrafted mats decreased
because of the low request for webbing
handicrafts made of mendong (Fimbristylis
globusa), and also because of the
consequence of the production of plastic
mats made of synthetic materials which are
not environmentally friendly.

Image 3. Mendongs that had changed its color to

naturally. Furthermore, mendong
(Fimbristylis globusa) cultivation did not
require any seed provisions like the
cultivation and planting of agricultural
plants in general. This mendong
(Fimbristylis globusa) cultivation has a
positive impact towards the biodiversity
and the earning of the people of Blayu
Village, Wajak District, Malang Regency
Image 5. Mendong Mats
either as the farmers who provide the raw
Based on the mentioned data, we material, craftsmen, or even the merchants
can infer about the value and benefit of the who sell handicrafts made of Mendong
environmentally friendly webbing (Fimbristylis globusa).
handicrafts made of mendong
(Fimbristylis globusa). According to
Batoro et al. (2015) journal, it said that if CONCLUSION
products from mendong plant were
The parts of Mendong plant
damaged, it could be burned to collect its
(Fimbristylis globusa) primarily its stem
ash because it could be used as fertilizer.
and flower organs have been utilized by
Accordingly, this local wisdom or
the community in Blayu Village, Wajak
indigenous knowledge of the community
District, Malang Regency, East Java
of Blayu Village, Wajak District, Malang
Province as handicrafts, either finished
Regency, East Java Province needs to be
webbing handicrafts (such as mats) or half-
conserved and developed in the form of
finished materials that need to be
webbing handicraft diversification so
processed further (such as ropes).
various products, not limited to mats, can
be produced. Besides, mendong plant
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