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MBA (exe)

Asma Rasheed (10302)

Khurram Qayyum (10304)

Muhammad Bilal (10305)

Maqsood Ali Shah (10315)

Ajmal Noor (10317)

The Hiring Process

The hiring process includes recruiting, processing, eliminating, and selecting. The steps we will
take are given below:
i) We will start by posting a job advertisement in appropriate places.(e.g. Newspapers,
internet etc)
ii) Develop an Application for Employment: A well-designed employment application
form is a critical management tool. It generates a detailed overview of a candidate’s
work history, skills, interests, and education and it organizes all applicants’ data that
helps for comparing it with others.

iii) Interview the Candidates: After we have reviewed numerous resumes and job
applications and selected the candidates we believe could best fit our needs. Now it is
time to interview them. The interview is an opportunity for us and the employee to
learn more about each other.

iv) Gather Data & Exchanging of opinions over possible candidates: We will write
down our opinions as we progress through the hiring process. Sometimes the top
candidate on paper is less impressive in person. We will consider certain points after
the interview to evaluate our impressions of the individual.

v) Make the Offer: After the screening and interviews, we will make our selection. We
will be careful in choosing our best candidate. Once we have made our choice for the
job, we will call the applicant immediately and make a verbal offer. We will answer
any questions the person might have, especially those concerning compensation and
benefits. Follow up with a formal written offer soon after the conversation. If the first
choice declines our offer for any reason, we will move to our second choice without
wasting any time.

Recruitment Strategy
Recruitment Sources:

Selection Tools: Application Forms, Personality Tests, Interviews.

Interviewing Method: Panel interview

Interview Questions
1. What is it specifically about our organization and this position that is attractive to you?
2. What do you know about the financial position of our company?
3. Have you ever left an employer involuntarily? If so, what were the circumstances?
4. Can you work under pressure? Tell me about a time when you had to meet a tough
5. Have you had an opportunity to work on a team? What was your role? Was the team
successful? Why or why not?

Reference Check Question

1. If I describe the position we are hiring for to you, could you describe how good a fit you
think (The Candidate’s Name) would be for the position?
2. Did you evaluate (The Candidate’s Name) performance? Can you speak to his/her strong
and weak points? What was noted as needing improvement during this performance
3. Can you describe (The Candidate’s Name) experience working as a member of a team?
4. Did (The Candidate’s Name) supervise other employees? How effectively? If I spoke to
those employees, how do you think they would describe (The Candidate’s Name)
management style?
5. Is there anything I haven't asked that you would like to share with me?

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