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Lesson 1.

Problem analysis


On your own observation, what are some of the problems you see
around you?
Adolescent pregnancy, lack of funding for school and services, health
disparities, many are starving due to the loss of their jobs due to this
pandemic, corruption, improper process and services of hospitals, gov.
officials are using this situation for monetization, online games addiction,
and etc.

Lesson 1. Problem analysis
1. It can help us to solve the problem completely, first time round, rather
than just addressing part of it and having the problem run on and on.
And also it can help us to consider all possible causes of a problem,
rather than just the ones that are most obvious.

Lesson 2. Introduction to research

Surveying prior knowledge
Differentiate research from inquiry.
Inquiry is the process of finding answers to questions, whereas research is
the systematic and formal investigation and study of materials and source
in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
Nurturing theories
Hypothesis writing

A. Pollution - The particles that make up the pollution form a visible haze. A thick
pollution haze exists in some cities and is known as smog. It is a dark grey or brown
in colour. It occurs in the lower layers of the atmosphere.

Facts – pollution is one of the biggest killers, affecting more than 100 million

B. Climate change – sea level rise change, change in weather patterns like drought and
flooding, and much more. Things that we depend upon a value- water, energy,
transportation, wildlife, agriculture, ecosystems, and human health are experiencing
the effects of a changing climate.

Facts – The Philippines lies in the worlds most cyclone-prone region, averaging
19-20 cyclones each year.

C. Watershed degradation – The abra watershed areas are already in critical

conditions. Deforestation contributes a lot in the degradation.

Facts – Everyone lives in a watershed. Nearly half of our rivers and streams and
more than one third of our lakes are polluted and unfit for swimming , fishing, and

D. Deforestation – As time goes on, the trees in the forest will be decreasing and the
wild animals also become extinct.

Facts – forest cover 30 % of the earths land.

Agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation.

Formulate a hypothesis why the problems listed in number 1 occur.

This are environmental problems caused by humans. Humans are the also to blame
why this environmental problems happen.
Lesson 2 introduction to Research

I. Identify what is asked in the following sentences. Write your

answer provided below

Research 1 .It is the scientific approach of answering a research

question, solving a problem or generating a new knowledge
through a systematic and orderly collection, organization, and
analysis of information.
Research process 2. The series of steps which make up research from
the development of idea to the completed research paper.
Scientific method 3. A way of conducting research, based on theory
construction, the generation ofvtestable hypotheses, their
empirical testing, and the revision of theory if the hypothesis is
Empirical 4. A characteristic of research that is based on direct
experience or observation by the researcher.
Scientific hypothesis 5. A tentative explanation about the cause of the
problem or a particular phenomenon.
II. write the characteristics of research in column B. based on the
description given in column A.

Description Research characteristic
1. Research is based on valid Logical
procedures and principle
2. Research utilizes proven
analytical procedures in Analytical
gathering the data
3. Research is conducted
using systematic method Generally
and procedures
4. Research exhibits careful Eritical
and precise judgement
5. Research is based on Empirical
direct experience

Lesson 3. Types of research

Surveying prior knowledge
Write qualitative or quantitative in column B based on the characteristic
listed on column A.
Table 1.Quantitative and qualitative research characteristics

Characteristic Qualitative and Quantitative

1. Purpose to understand & Qualitative
interpret social interactions
2. Types of data are in the form Quantitative
of numbers and statistics
3. Describe, explain, and predict Qualitative
4. Identify patterns, feature, Qualitative
5. Specific variable studied Quantitative
Nurturing theories
Table 2. Qualitative and quantitative research


Research tittles Qualitative Quantitative Basic Applied
1. Employability of forestry x x
graduate ASSIST
2. Socio-economic impact
of cropland agroforestry:
x x
evidence from Jessore
District of Bangladesh
3. Effects of different
sowing media on
x x
germination and early
seedling growth of
Terminalia ivorensis
4. Assessing landscape
ecological risk induced
by land-use/cover
change in a country in x x
china: A GIS and
5. A phenomenological
study of the lived
experiences of parents of
young children with x x
autism receiving special
education services
6. Indigenous knowledge
and practices for the
sustainable management
of ifugao forests in x x
Cordillera Philippines

Lesson 3. Types of research
Multiple choices: read the statements and choices carefully and
select the best answer. Write your answer on the space provided

B 1. A type of research aim to obtain empirical data that can be used

to formulate, expand, or evaluate theory to expand the frontiers
of knowledge without regard to practical applications.

A. Applied B. Basic c. exploratory D. qualitative

B 2. The primarily goal or objective of this type of research is to

understand the nature of mechanisms of the relationship between
the independent and dependent variable.

A. Applied B. Explanatory c. Exploratory D. Qualitative

D 3. A method of inquiry that stresses on the “why” and “how” of

things rather than the “what”, “where”, and “when” of things.

A. Applied B. Explanatory c. exploratory D. qualitative

C 4. This type of research is usually carried out when problem is not

well identified or it has not been visible defined or its real scale is
yet unclear.

A. Applied B. Explanatory C. Exploratory D. Qualitative

A 5. This type of research aims to solve an immediate practical
problem. Applications are made from theory to help in in the
solutions of practical problems.

A. Applied B. Explanatory C. Exploratory D. Qualitative

Lesson 4. Research design

Surveying prior knowledge
Quantitative research design Qualitative research design
Experiment Phenomenological
Descriptive Ethnographic
Correlational Action research
Quasi-experimental Historical
Experimental research Case study

Nurturing theories
Research design
Table 4.
Research title Research design
1. Visitors willingness to pay
for the enhanced
conservation of the mount ethnography
Makiling forest reserved,
Philippines (Torres and
2. Assessment of farmer’s
climate change resiliency in
selected community based Descriptive research
forest management areas
in laguna, Philippines
(Lalican, 2020)
3. Estimation of the carbon
sequestration rates and
carbon densities of fas- Experimental research
growing tree plantations in
Mindanao, Philippines
(Lantican and Uy, 2020)
4. Assessing the adequacy of
forestry curriculum and its Case study
graduates in addressing the
changing needs of the
Philippines forestry
landscape (Palma-Torres et
al., 2020)
5. Effects of different sowing
media on germination and Phenomenological research
early seedling growth of

Lesson 4. Research methods

A. Identification. Identify what is described in the following sentences.

Choose your answer from the box below.

Ethnography 1. The goal of this kind of study is to learn and

describe the culture’s characteristics much the
same way anthropologists observe the cultural
challenges and motivations that drive a group.
Descriptive 2. A research design that aims to accurately and
systematically describe a population, situation or
Research design 3. The framework of research methods and
techniques chosen by a researcher.
Experimental 4. A research design where one or more
independent variables are manipulated and applied
to one or more dependent variable to measure their
effect on the latter.
Case study 5. A research methodology that helps in exploration of
a phenomenon within some particular context through
various data sources.

B. Essay : write your answers on the space provided below.

1. Differentiate phenomenological design from a case study.

A phenomenological study focuses on examining the essence of

an experience (phenomenon), whereas a case study looks to
deeply describe and analyze a bounded case or multiple cases
(bound in time and place).

2. Differentiate experimental from quasi-experimental research.

Differences between true experiments and quasi-experiments: In a

true experiment, participants are randomly assigned to either
the treatment or the control group, whereas they are not
assigned randomly in a quasi-experiment.

Lesson 5. Quantitative data Collection and analysis

Surveying prior knowledge

What are the common methods used in collecting quantitative data?

There are several methods by which you can collect quantitative data,
which include:
 Experiments.
 Controlled observations.
 Surveys: paper, kiosk, mobile, questionnaires.
 Longitudinal studies.
 Polls.
 Telephone interviews.
 Face-to-face interviews.

Lesson 5. Quantitative research methods

I. Multiple choices. Read the sentence and choices carefully and

select the best answer. Write your answers on the space
provided below.

A 1.It involves a direct conversation between the researcher and the

A. Interview B. Observation C. Survey D. secondary data

B 2. An objective collection of data which is primarily focused on numbers

and values associated to, of or depicted in terms of quantity.
A. Interview B. Observation C. Survey D. Secondary data

C 3. A method of collecting primary data that involve asking questions from

respondents with the aid of questionnaire.
A. Interview B. Observation C. survey D. Secondary data

D 4.a type of data that are already collected and can be used as input for
A. interview B. Observation C. survey D. Secondary data

A 5.the process identifying the respondents from the target population.

A. Sampling B. Observation C. survey D. Secondary data

II. Identify the given words in column A falls under descriptive or

inferential. Write our answers in column B.

Descriptive or inferential statistics
1. Mean
2. regression
3. t-test
4. Mode
5. Standard deviation
7. Variance
8. Median
9. Correlation

III. Enumerate the characteristics of quantitative data given in this

lesson and provide a brief description of each characteristic.

A. Numerical – A quantitative data, because of its numerical feature, is

definitive and objective.The data, illustrated and quantified, makes it more

B. Comprehensive – The data gathered in quantitative data givesca precise

result when the data is robust.

C. Discrete and Continous data – A discrete quantitative dat possess finite


Lesson 6. Qualitative data collection and analysis

Surveying prior

What are the common methods of collecting qualitative data?

Some of the most common qualitative data collection techniques

include open-ended surveys and questionnaires, interviews, focus
groups, observation, case studies, and so on.
Lesson 6. Qualitative Data collection and analysis

Identification. Identify what is being asked in the following sentences.

Write your answer on the space provided below.

Validity 1. The accuracy with which a method measures what it is

intended to measure and yields data that are really represents

Reliability 2. The consistency of the research findings .

One-to one interviews 3. One of the most commonly used data

collection instrument for qualitative research.

Focus groups discussion (FGD) 4. A data collection method that

involves asking questions from a group of 6-10 people.

Process of observation 5. A data collection method that involves

the researcher to immerse himself/ herself in the setting where the
respondents are.

Lesson 7 Experimental designs

Surveying prior knowledge

Enumerate example of experimental designs used in forestry.

Table 6. Experimental design
Research Tittle Experimental Treatments Experimental units
propagation of aquilaria
cumingiana (Decne)
Ridl.: effects of IBA
concentration and leaf
trimming (Pinon and
Tomas, 2020)

2.Effect of agroforest
tree leaf biomass on
yield and yield
contributing characters
of wheat cv. Akbar
(Hasan et al., 2019)
3.Effect of spacing
Regimes on Growth
yield, and wood
properties of Tectona
grandis at Longuza
Forest plantation,
Tanzania (Zahabu et
al., 2015)

4.Effect of NPK status,

Growth, Dry matter and
yield of rice (Oryza
sativa) by organic
fertilizers appliedin field
condition (Moe et al.,
5.Effect of commercial
plant growth regulator
on the growth of dragon
fruit (Hylocereus sp.)
cuttings under
greenhouse condition
(Dano et al.,2020)

Lesson 7. Experimental designs
Multiple choices.
Read the sentences and choices carefully and select the best
answer. Write your answers on the space provided before the number

B 1. It is method of gathering data which necessitates manipulation of

variables and observation of their effects on other variable.

A. Experimentation B. Experiment C. Randomization D.Treatments

B 2. The procedures regarding how the measurements are to be made and

how these measurements can be used to prove or disprove a

A. Design B. Experimental design

C. Randomization D.Experimental Error

A 3.Refer to the units of materials to which the application of treatment is


A. Experimentation B. Experimental C. Experimental units D. error

D 4.The difference among experimental plots treated alike.

A. Experimentation C. Experimental Units

B. Experimental design D. Experimental error

A 5.A planned inquiry set-up in the field or in the laboratory to answer one
or more questions concerning the effects of procedures, materials, or
conditions on certain traits of the subjects of the experiment

A. Experimentation C. Randomization
B. Experiment D. Treatments

B 6.Refers to the procedure, materials, conditions whose effects are to be

tested in Experiment.

A. Experimentation C. Randomization
B. Replication D. Treatments

D 7.This refers to the manner in which the treatments are assigned to the
experimental units.

A. Experimentation C. Randomization
B. Experiment D.Treatments

A 8.Replication is needed to obtain the measure of experimental error.

A. True B. False

A 9.Randomization allows every treatment to have an equal chance of

being assigned to any experimental unit.

A. True B. False

A 10. An important feature of experimental designs is its ability to uniformly

maintain all environmental factors that are not part of the treatments
being evaluated.

A. True B. False

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