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Over the last week while writing my analysis for the song “Roxanne” by Arizona Zervas, I

had many things that I think I did well, but there is probably an equal amount of things I could do
better or change.
One of my strengths was my time management, I think I started writing my paper plenty
early. Another strong point is, my research started very early, I had decided what song I was
going to use around a week before I started my paper.
I think one of the first weaknesses I will have for any research is being able to look past
what the surface shows or tells me. Trying to look at the bigger picture, and writing things down
as I think of it. A lot of times I will think of something or a way to explain something and then I
will simply try to remember it until I finally sit down to write my paper; normally by then I have
forgotten what it was.
Another one of my strengths I feel was organization. This would be more shown in just
the way I decided to write the paper, I did the original then I talked about the cover.
Something I am unsure of rather it would be a strength or a weakness would be my
argument and analysis. I feel like the thesis was made very clear, but I am not sure if there was
anything evidence wise that I could have explained further or more in depth. However, I believe
I did give all the evidence to support my thesis.
For the rhythm and the flow of the paper, I feel there were places it could have been
better, like the transition between the paragraphs switching from talking about the original and
the cover song. The variety in sentence lengths I feel I did very well with this, as I had a good
amount of both and I do not think I had any run on sentences.
For citations, the in text citations I think were good, but I still need to fix my reference
page citations.
The punctuation in the paper I think was good, I would say that was another one of my
strengths in the paper. The thing I tried using was the semi-colon “;”. This is still a confusing
piece of punctuation, but I think I used it correctly throughout the paper.

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