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colonial official - "


Marble - is a waterproof flooring

material that can handle moisture
without any molding or other issues.
first of all, when people from different cultures come into contact main problem is language, if you don't know his or her
language, for example if someone who is Russian wants to come into contact with you and you don't know Russian
language you have already problem, you can not explains anything. also, The problem is when cultural views do not
coincide when talking to people from other cultures.

first of all, when people from different cultures come into contact main problem is language, if you don't know his or her
language, for example if someone who is Russian wants to come into contact with you and you don't know Russian
language you have already problem, you can not explains anything. also, The problem is when cultural views do not
coincide when talking to people from other cultures.
Natural tendencies - is when
something is derived form
culture, for example, in one
country it is natural tendency
when husband betrays the wife, culture is defined as institutions of
in some country this fact is just people of populations, which is
normal, and just natural passed from generation to
tendency. generation. any culture include
language, religion, rituals, dress, art
and so on.
Brough up - is phrasal verb,
when someone brings up a
child and looka at hime until
wake up.

Neither - nor
passive voice

past simple


It is hard when people visit or live in a different culture, because as I say different
culture is different language, religion, dress, rituals and It is difficult for a person to
adapt to a culture other than his own culture.
but, it should be noticed that there are many benefits if you visit or live in a
different culture, because You learn a lot about the cultural history and rules of the
country where you are, I think its very interesting, and beneficial for us.
past simple

Walked off - to
get rid of a bad
feeling or
condition by
going for a walk.

culture is the language, beliefs values, norms, rules, and material objects which are passed from one generation to
another generation. A person has one culture in which he grew up, he has not learned that culture and peculiarities
because he lives in that culture, but if someone wants to learn different culture firstly he or she should learn
language than history of culture of country, norms, rules, values and so on.

first of all, when people from different

cultures come into contact main problem
is language, if you don't know his or her
language, for example if someone who is
Russian wants to come into contact with
you and you don't know Russian language
you have already problem, you can not
explains anything. also, The problem is
when cultural views do not coincide when
talking to people from other cultures.
Robe - a long, loose piece of
clothing, worn at ceremonies.
Ringing the church
bell form the nearby
Muslim place.

reached over - overtop, to reach above or beyond

very large social mistake

secretly watched the

cradle - hold
carefully and
innocuous -
not harmful or linger -
offensive spend a
long time
misconstrued - to over, be
interpret something

molestation - sexual
assault or abuse of a
person, especially a
woman or child.
punch - strike, push with the fist

surefire - thing is
something that is
certain to succeed
or win. (utkuari)
Closely related -
means that the
relationship between
one person and
another is that of
parent and child;
siblings; grandparent

toe-to-toe -
standing directly in
front of one another
two-handed pressing flesh - the act
handshakes - Usually of greeting and shaking
seen among hands with people
Politicians, this type of especially while
handshake is said to campaigning for
convey the meaning of political office.
warmness, friendly,
honest and trustworthy
bent down - To bend
one's legs while
upright to get to a
lower position.

quintessential - unhesitatingly - without

representing the hesitation; not delayed by
most perfect or uncertainty
typical example (ukokmanod)
of a quality or
get along - could not get well,

riots - a violent disturbance

of the peace by a crowd.

idle - lazy, "usakmuri"

uninformed response -
"arainpormirebili pasuxi"

pouring - come or go in a steady stream

and in large numbers.
"people poured out of the train"

realm - a kingdom
recycle bin -
trash can

preconceived -
(of an idea or opinion)
formed before having
the evidence for its
truth or usefulness."
winaswar chapikrebuli"
satisfactorily - in a way that
fulfils expectations or
needs; acceptably.
indulge - to allow yourself
to have or to do something
for pleasure "asiamovno
sheni tavi" hence -
for this
reason "

conscious - having
knowledge of something.
quaint - attractively
unusual or
old-fashioned "

drainage - the action or process

of draining something "drenaji, pine splinters - "pichvis
wklis sistemebi" namskhvrevebi"
plumbing -
the system of pipes, tanks, fittings, and palm hut - "palmis qoxi"
other apparatus required for the water
supply, heating, and sanitation in a
building. "santeknika"
peasant - the system of
pipes, tanks, fittings, and
other apparatus required for
the water supply, heating,
and sanitation in a building. "

sweat and labor - "opli

da shroma" "tsikvi"
intrinsically - naturally,
in an intrinsic manner;

window sills - "panjris

rafebi, zgurblebi"

gone astray - "gzaabneuli" burro - a small

donkey used
as a pack

bargaining -negotiate the

terms and conditions of a
transaction. "vachroba"
passing away -
phrasal verb. You can
say that someone
passed away to mean
that they died, if you
want to avoid using
the word 'die

craftsman - a
person who
is skilled in a
craft. "


vargant - "mawanwala"
swallow - cause or allow
(something, especially
food or drink) to pass
down the throat. "

nasty remarks - say

something as a
comment; mention. "
blurted out - "

apiece - "
wili" -

in stock - is a security
that represents the
ownership of a fraction
of a corporation "
sawyobSi, maragshi"

hurried -
done in a hurry;
rushed. "
bidder - a person or
organization making
a formal offer for
especially at an
auction. "pretendanti"

to be frank with
you - to introduce a
statement which is
your honest opinion "
gulrwpeli rom viko"
1. Backward –
directed towards the
back, slow to develop
or learn, "

2. Bowed - bend the

head or upper part of
the body as a sign of
respect, greeting, or
shame, "misalmeba
tavis daxrit"

3. Dull – not

4. Straw - "chala" , dried

stalks of grain, used
especially as fodder or
as material for thatching,
packing, or weaving.
grasp -
1. planetaruli

2. meurveobis

3. garemosdacviTi

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