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Q 1. In which aspect of agriculture GIS can be used?
A. Pesticides
B. Fertilizer
C. Seed requirement
D. Soil analysis
Ans. D
Q 2. Which one of the following is true?
A. Rapid earthquake damage assessment application is an example of short lived GIS applications
B. An automated cadastral system is an example of short lived GIS application
C. GIS systems and GIS application are same
D. GIS application does not require any database management software
Ans. A
Q 3. Most appropriate way to represent any object in map which does not require information of shape
and size is_______.
A. Line
B. Point
C. Polygon
Ans. B
Q 4. Spatiotemporal data models are way of organizing representations of __________ in GIS.
A. size and time
B. space and temperature
C. space and time
D. continuous field
Ans. C
Q 5. Which one of the following is correct about time dimension?
A. time can only be considered as linear
B. today, last year, tomorrow are examples of absolute time
C. valid time is the time when event was stored in database
D. time can be measured along a discrete or continuous scale
Ans. D
Q 6. The best way to represent telephone booth and railway track on map are using ______ and
_______ respectively.
A. point vector layer, line vector layer
B. line vector layer, area vector layer
C. area vector layer, tetrahedron vector layer
D. line vector layer, point vector layer
Ans. A
Q 7. The mathematical properties of the geographic space used for spatial data are : ________
A. Euclidean space, Ramanujan space, topological space
B. Euclidean space, metric space, topological space
C. interior and boundary, metric space, Hilbert space
D. interior, Hilbert space
Ans. B

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Q 8. Which one of the following is not functional component of GIS?
A. Data analysis
B. Data capture
C. Data hiding
D. Data storage
Ans. C
Q 9. Which of the following is not full-fledged GIS packages?
D. AutoCAD
Ans. D
Q 10. Which of the following device can be using create hard copy of map data?
A. Printer
B. Magnetic tape
C. Internet
Ans. A
Q 11. What is the full form of DBMS?
A. Database Monitoring System
B. Database Management System
C. Database Manufacturing System
D. Data Maintenance System
Ans. B
Q 12. Which one of the following is not a reason for which DBMS is used with GIS?
A. A DBMS supports the storage and manipulation of very large data sets
B. A DBMS can be instructed to guard over data correctness
C. DBMS can also use to represent graphics
D. A DBMS supports the concurrent use of the same data set by many users
Ans. C
Q 13. Data integrity constraints are used to _______.
A. Control who is allowed access to the data
B. Prevent users from changing the values stored in the table
C. Ensure that duplicate records are not entered into the table
D. Improve the quality of data entered for a specific property
Ans. D
Q 14. The use of backup and recovery in dbms is ________.
A. To restore a computer to an operational state following a disaster
B. To reduce redundancy in data
C. Enforcing integrity rules
D. To allow concurrent use
Ans. A

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Q 15. Which one of the following is not required while relation is created?
A. name
B. purpose
C. attributes
D. domain of each attribute
Ans. B
Q 16. The set of tuple in a relation at some point in time is called ______.
A. relation schema
B. relation attributes
C. relation instance
D. relation domain
Ans. C
Q 17. SDI Stands for _________.
A. Spatial Data Interchange
B. Spatial Data Instruction
C. Spatial Disk Infrastructure
D. Spatial Data Infrastructure
Ans. D
Q 18. Which one of the following attribute can be considered as a key attribute?
A. Id
B. Name
C. City
D. Department
Ans. A
Q 19. The relation with the attribute which is the primary key is referenced in another relation, in that
another relation that attribute is called as ______.
A. Unique key
B. Foreign key
C. Candidate key
D. Super key
Ans. B
Q 20. Which of the following is used to retrieve the data from database?
A. Relational language
B. Compiler
C. Query language
D. Relational calculus
Ans. C
Q 21. ________ works like a filter.
A. Intersection
B. Join
C. Attribute projection
D. Tuple selection
Ans. D

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Q 22. LAN stands for ______.
A. Local Area Network
B. Land Area Network
C. Local Attribute Network
D. Land Attribute Network
Ans. A
Q 23. SQL stands for ______.
A. Spatial Query Language
B. Structured Query Language
C. Special Query Language
D. Structural Quality Language
Ans. B
Q 24. Tuple selection operation can work on _____ input relation/relations.
A. three
B. two
C. one
D. four
Ans. C
Q 25. Attribute projection operation can work on ______ input relation/relations.
A. four
B. three
C. two
D. one
Ans. D
Q 26. Join operator takes ____ input relation/relations and produces _____ output relation/relations.
A. two, one
B. one, two
C. three, one
D. four, two
Ans. A
Q 27. A row in a table is also known as ______.
A. attribute
B. tuple
C. relation
D. domain
Ans. B
Q 28. Currently, GIS software packages are able to store spatial data in database software with the help
of _______.
B. Oracle
C. Spatial extensions
D. Sybase
Ans. C

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Q 29. Spatial database allows user to ______, _______ and ______ collections of spatial data.
A. analyse, create map, query
B. create graph, map, analysis
C. store, represent, create graph
D. store, query, manipulate
Ans. D
Q 30. Series of standards relating to geodatabases are released by ______.
Ans. A
Q 31. Which one of the following is the process involved in spatial data capture and preparation?
A. Scanning and analysing
B. Digitizing and Scanning
C. Sampling and analysing
D. Making map and graph
Ans. B
Q 32. SDI defines as _______.
A. field that attempts to integrate various techniques of handling spatial information
B. selection of tuples that meet the condition
C. the relevant base collection of technologies to provide access to spatial data
D. a technique to create projection
Ans. C
Q 33. Which one of the following is correct query?
A. select * where ares_size>1000 from parcel
B. from parcel select * where area_size>1000
C. area_size>1000 select * from parcel
D. select * from parcel where area_size>1000
Ans. D
Q 34. A ________ in a relation represents a relationship among a set of values.
A. tuple
B. attribute
C. key
D. domain
Ans. A
Q 35. For each attribute of a relation, there is a set of permitted values, called as the ________ of that
A. relation
B. domain
C. set
D. schema
Ans. B

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Q 36. Which one of the following are advantages of raster representation in GIS?
A. efficient representation for topology
B. adapts well to scale changes
C. efficient for image processing
D. allows representing networks
Ans. C
Q 37. Which one of the following are disadvantages of raster representation in GIS?
A. difficult to implement overlay
B. inefficient for image processing
C. Complex data structure
D. difficulties in representing topology
Ans. D
Q 38. Spatial Data capturing involves ______.
A. surveying engineering, photogrammetry, remote sensing and digitization
B. digitization, finding statistical values, creating maps
C. rasterization, creating maps and presenting on output device
D. surveying engineering and digitization
Ans. A
Q 39. Which one of the following are advantages of vector representation in GIS?
A. efficient for image processing
B. adapts well to scale changes
C. simple data structure
D. simple implementation of overlays
Ans. B
Q 40. Which one of the following are disadvantages of vector representation in GIS?
A. difficult to represent topology
B. cell boundaries independent of feature boundaries
C. complex data structure
D. less compact data structure
Ans. C
Q 41. In spatial data preparation, semi-automatic digitizing method uses device called as _______.
A. digitizing tablet with cursor
B. mouse cursor on computer monitor
C. scanner
D. line following software
Ans. D
Q 42. Raster approach subdivides space into regular cells. These cells are called _______ in 2D and
______ in 3D.
A. pixels, voxels
B. voxels, pixels
C. 2D Cartesian coordinate, 3D Cartesian coordinate
D. 2D geographic coordinate, 3D geographic coordinate
Ans. A

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Q 43. In raster approach cell values are stored in the list can be left to right, top to bottom (not always),
so this encoding is known as _____.
A. column ordering
B. row ordering
C. indexing
D. spatial data ordering
Ans. B
Q 44. SDSS stands for ______.
A. Spatial Data Support Systems
B. Space Data Support Systems
C. Spatial Decision Support Systems
D. Space Decision Support Systems
Ans. C
Q 45. Mark the incorrect statement from the following.
A. All major GIS packages provide facility to link with a DBMS
B. GIS packages provide facility to exchange attributes data with a DBMS
C. GIS packages provide support for both spatial and attribute data
D. Low level storage structures for vector data are much easier
Ans. D
Q 46. ________ works like tuple formatter.
A. Attribute projection
B. Join
C. Intersection
D. Tuple selection
Ans. A
Q 47. In GIS, data are usually grouped into _____
A. Tables
B. Layers(themes)
C. Objects
D. Set of tuples
Ans. B
Q 48. In non-spatial domain, database has been in use since ______.
A. 1970's
B. 1989's
C. 1960's
D. 1950's
Ans. C
Q 49. Cartography mainly deals with which of the functionality of GIS?
A. Spatial data capture and preparation
B. Spatial data analysis
C. Spatial data storage and maintenance
D. Spatial data presentation
Ans. D

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Q 50. To create relationship between two tables what is to be used?
A. primary and foreign key
B. join
C. attribute projection
D. Cartesian cross product
Ans. A

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