T.Y.B.Sc. It Sem Vi GIS MCQ-Unit-5

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Q 1. Satellite image use the ______ encoding method for data storage.
A. Cell by cell
B. Run length encoding
C. Quad tree
D. Spatial System
Ans. A
Q 2. What does GPS do?
A. Determine absolute location
B. Map, Analyse and process different info
C. To determine landscapes
D. To determine colleges
Ans. A
Q 3. What is Glonass?
A. Missile Defence System
B. Europe's GPS system span
C. China's GPS System
D. Russian’s GPS System
Ans. D
Q 4. What is the main benefit of GLONASS?
A. Global Orbiting Navigation International System
B. Global Positioning Satellites
C. Precise Position System
D. Global Russian Orbiting Navigation System
Ans. D
Q 5. What is DGPS
A. Detectable Global Positioning System
B. Deliberate Global Positioning System
C. Discombobulated Global Positioning System
D. Differential Global Positioning System
Ans. D
Q 6. What applications GLONASS did it have?
A. Regulated public service
B. Navigation to any side of the world
C. Weather transmission, communication, navigation and data recognition
D. For war and espionage
Ans. C
Q 7. Topological characteristics of spatial data do not include:
A. Adjacency
B. Inclusion
C. Connectivity
D. Elevation
Ans. D

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Q 8. Which of the following is an example of spatial analysis?
A. Natural vegetation on hillsides
B. A Checkboard pattern created by farmers
C. The sizes of major oceans
D. The flight patterns of birds
Ans. B
Q 9. What is the name of the Russian equivalent of GPS?
Ans. A
Q 10. Explanatory list of symbols on a map _________.
A. Topology
B. Navigational map
C. Legends
D. Objects
Ans. C
Q 11. Map that shows the continents, countries, capitals is called as ________ map
A. Physical
B. Political
C. Thematic
D. None
Ans. B
Q 12. Map that shows mountains, plains, plateaus and rivers is called ____________.
A. Political map
B. Physical map
C. Thematic map
D. World map
Ans. B
Q 13. ___________ Should be indicated at the bottom of the map
A. Details
B. Scale
C. States
D. Countries
Ans. B
Q 14. The map that shows temperature, forest and minerals resources is _________.
A. Physical
B. Political
C. Thematic
D. None
Ans. C

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Q 15. The distance between two points on the map to corresponding distance on ground is called
A. Scale
B. Sketch
C. Direction
D. None
Ans. A
Q 16. Which of the following maps are especially prepared by the government to realize revenue and
A. Wall maps
B. Topographical maps
C. Cadastral maps
D. Atlas maps
Ans. C
Q 17. The scale of topographical maps varies in general from____________.
A. 3 inch to the mile to 3/4 inch to the mile
B. 2 inch to the mile to 2/4 inch to the mile
C. 1 inch to the mile to 1/4 inch to the mile
D. 16 inch to the mile to 32 inch to the mile
Ans. C
Q 18. In which of the following maps, the actual height of a region from the sea level is denoted by
contour lines?
A. General relief map
B. Land-form map
C. Land-Slope map
D. Flatland-ratio map
Ans. A
Q 19. When different objects are shown by various colours, the map is known as____________.
A. Choro-schematic
B. Chorochromatic
C. Chorographic
D. Choropleth
Ans. B
Q 20. Which of the following is not an example of economic map?
A. Land use map
B. Transport map
C. Agricultural map
D. Vegetation map
Ans. D
Q 21. Which of the following map not comes under the category of physical map?
A. Mineral map
B. Astronomical map
C. Soil map
D. Vegetation map
Ans. A

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Q 22. The distribution of the elements of natural environment is denoted by______________.
A. Geographical map
B. Physical map
C. Topographical map
D. Hypsometric map
Ans. B
Q 23. In which of the following sciences maps occupy the most important place?
A. Oceanography
B. Pedology
C. Climatology
D. Military science
Ans. D
Q 24. What does a map legend do?
A. Explain the distance on a map.
B. Explain the value of a map.
C. Explain the symbols on a map.
D. Explain the title of a map.
Ans. C
Q 25. Which of the following is qualitative data?
A. Bankful capacity measurements
B. A description of flood damage
C. Infiltration rates
D. % of different land uses
Ans. B
Q 26. Elevation is ______?
A. a compass
B. the height of ground above sea level
C. coordinates
D. a map
Ans. B
Q 27. Map often represents ______
A. Abstraction of geographic reality
B. Abstraction of virtual reality
C. Abstraction of data reality
D. Abstraction of spatial reality
Ans. A
Q 28. A cartographic grammar represents ________
A. Cartographic data
B. Cartographic maps
C. Cartographic rules
D. Cartographic locations
Ans. C

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Q 29. Partitioning of space into mutually exclusive cells is known as________________.
A. Tessellation
B. Tracking
C. Thematic Study
D. Tier I Study
Ans. A
Q 30. Conversion of maps from one scale to another may lead to problems of ______________.
A. Visualization
B. Cartographic generalization
C. Map characteristics
D. Map presentation
Ans. B
Q 31. Map based scientific visualization refers to____________.
A. Sci Visualization
B. Map Visualization
C. Geo visualization
D. Point visualization
Ans. C
Q 32. Translation of Spatial data from database into graphics is known as____________.
A. Catographic
B. Cartographic
C. Spatigraphic
D. Tempographic
Ans. B
Q 33. In the sentence, "How do I say? What? To whom? ", ‘How’ and 'I' refers to_______________.
A. Demographic information methods and demographer respectively
B. Geological methods and geologist respectively
C. Geographic methods and geologist respectively
D. Cartographic methods and Cartographer respectively
Ans. D
Q 34. In the sentence, "How do I say What To whom? ", ‘What’ refers to______________.
A. Demographic information methods
B. Geological methods
C. Geographic methods
D. Spatial Data and its characteristics
Ans. D
Q 35. Animated GIF can be seen as a_____________.
A. draw only version of dynamic map
B. view only version of dynamic map
C. draw only version of static map
D. view only version of static map
Ans. B

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Q 36. Cartographic visualisation process is_______________.
A. conversion of spatial data into graphics
B. conversion of spatial data into other form of data
C. conversion of spatial data into facts and figures
D. conversion of spatial data into reports
Ans. A
Q 37. __________ is calculated as the number of cells multiplied by the cell area size
A. Location of an individual cell
B. Size of individual cell
C. Width of cell
D. Area of raster
Ans. D
Q 38. NOT (LandUse = 80) would select_____________________
A. All areas with land use class 100
B. Al areas with land use class 80
C. all areas with a different land use class than 80
D. all areas with land use class 80 & 100
Ans. C
Q 39. NOT (LandUse = 80) can also be written as ______________________.
A. LandUse < > 80
B. LandUse > 80
C. LandUse < 80
D. LandUse = 80
Ans. A
Q 40. Which type of query uses containment relationship?
A. Attribute projection query
B. Point in polygon query
C. Tuple selection query
D. Join selection query
Ans. B
Q 41. Standard arithmetic operators in raster overlay operation are__________________.
A. Addition & Subtraction
B. Multiplication
C. Integer & Modulo Division
D. All of the above
Ans. D
Q 42. Map algebra equation C1 := A + 10 denotes:
A. add a constant factor of 10 to all cell values of raster A and store the result as output raster C1
B. add a constant factor of 10 to first cell value of raster A and store the result as output raster C1
C. add a constant factor of 10 to all first row values of raster A and store the result as output raster
D. add a constant factor of 10 to all first column values of raster A and store the result as output
raster C1
Ans. A

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Q 43. Assignment C2 := A + B
A. The interactively defined selection objects like points, lines, or polygons are used 37:41 in which
type of query?
B. Will add the values of A and B cell by cell, and store the result as raster C2
C. Will add the first values of A and B and store the result as raster C2
D. Will add the anchor point values of A and B and store the result as raster C2
Ans. B
Q 44. Which of the following is not standard comparison operator of raster overlay operation?
A. <>
B. ><
C. =
D. <
Ans. B
Q 45. Comparison & logical operators will store values in output raster a______________.
A. Imaginary values
B. Numerical values
C. True & False
D. Zero
Ans. C
Q 46. Output raster:= CON(condition; then expression; else expression) means:
A. condition is the tested condition, then expression is evaluated if condition holds, and else
expression is evaluated if it does not hold
B. condition is the tested condition, then expression is evaluated if condition does not hold, and else
expression is evaluated if it hold
C. none of the above
D. both are correct
Ans. A
Q 47. In given assignment CON (A = forest; 10; 0) ___________.
A. Forest is else statement, 10 is then statement & 0 is condition
B. Forest is condition, 10 is then statement & 0 is else statement
C. Forest is then statement, 10 is condition & 0 is else statement
D. Forest is condition, 10 is else statement & 0 is then statement
Ans. B
Q 48. Given assignment CON (A = forest; 10; 0) will evaluate to ________________.
A. 10 for each cell in the output raster where the same cell in A is classified as forest
B. 0 for each cell in the output raster where the same cell in A is classified as forest
C. Forest for each cell in the output raster where the same cell in A is classified as 10
D. Forest for each cell in the output raster where the same cell in A is classified as 0
Ans. A
Q 49. What is a use of Interpolation in GIS?
A. to create discreate surface from continuous points
B. to create continuous surface from discrete points
C. to calculate area using some random point
D. to calculate area from boundary points
Ans. B

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Q 50. Interpolation is made possible by a principle called_______________.
A. Spatial Autocorrelation
B. Spatial auto-correction
C. Thematic Autocorrelation
D. Thematic auto-correction
Ans. A

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