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FLIGHT 73 IN 1986
Done by Y.V.S.R.Dheeraj
Geetha Reddy prov/bba-7-21/206



 What is terrorism
 Destruction caused by terrorism

 Hijacking of pan flight 73
 Destruction and deaths caused by hijack

 Following government given rights to terminate terrorism
 Respecting all the religions

 Introduction: Terrorism is unlawful use of force

or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce
a government, the civilian population, or any segment
therefore, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
Generally, terrorists prefer to target people rather than
facilities because of the high value most governments give to
human life. Since terrorism wants to draw attention to its
cause and magnify its limited power. During a televised
address to a joint session of Congress, George Bush said, "Our
war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there.
It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has
been found, stopped and defeated.


In 1986 a Pan Am world Airways flight was scheduled to fly
from Bombay, India to New York with stops in Karachi,
Pakistan and Frankfurt, Germany. Right after the landing in
Karachi flight 73 was hijacked on the ground of the airport by
four armed Pakistan people belonging to the Abu Nidal
Organization in order to free pakistanian prisoners in Cyprus
and Isreal with the aircraft. The situation on board escalated
and though many passengers were able to get off the plane
and save their lives twenty passengers were killed and over a
hundred were injured when the hijackers started shooting
into the cabin. All hijackers were arrested and sentenced to
death what later was commited to a live in prison sentence.
The Pan Am head assistent of the flight, Neerja Bhanot,
posthumously received Indias highest peacetime award for
bravery, the Ashok Chakra Award, for her efforts to save
many lives. Unfortunately, she got injured during the course
of the hijacking while she was saving three childrens lives and
died subsequently.
The fact that a majority of the passengers - and the 23 people
who were killed in the bloodbath - were of Indian origin has
added another hostile element to Indo-Pakistan relations,
best symbolised by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's strong
condemnation of Pakistan's "bungling" of the hijack in the
middle of the Non-Aligned summit in Harare, where President
Zia-ul-Haq was also present. Despite the unstinting praise for
Karachi's handling of the crisis from US President Ronald
Reagan and Pan Am officials - which would have been highly
unlikely were American passengers among the dead - the
Indian Government, international aviation experts, eye-
witnesses and the passengers on board the ill-fated aircraft
who survived the 16-hour nightmare are convinced that the
bloody denouement was exacerbated by a series of
unforgivable blunders on the part of authorities managing the
crisis at Karachi airport.
 CONCLUSION: Respect for the rule of law, good
governance, and human rights for all are the fundamental
basis of the fight against terrorism. These measures include
for this region the implementation of a rule of law based
extradition, cooperation in the asylum system, and
developing clear and detailed criminal procedures and
guarantees to prevent abuse of power while ensuring full
respect of human rights. The media and the education system
play a key role in promoting positive values that could counter
violent extremist tendencies in Central Asia, and as such, their
roles and capacities must be enhanced.

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