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2225 Sycamore Street

Harrisburg, PA 17111
Phone: (717) 233-8850
James Lee, President

Top Line Survey Results – USA/National Public Opinion Survey

The Federalist ~ Susquehanna Polling and Research, Inc.
Interviews Conducted April 19-27, 2022
Sample Size: 800 Likely Voters


Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is (YOUR FIRST NAME). I am calling on behalf of Susquehanna Polling and
Research, a public opinion research firm. May I speak to (name on list) or another registered voter in your household?
(If name on list or another registered voter is not available, TERMINATE)

INTRODUCTION: We are conducting a survey of attitudes and opinions concerning some important issues facing the
United States today. May we have just a few minutes of your time to complete a brief survey?

Great, thank you…

F1: Are you, or is any member of your household a reporter, journalist or employed by the media?

1. Yes -- (TERMINATE)
2. No 800 (100%) (PROCEED TO Q1)

Q1. Generally, speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? (Test Intensity…)

1. Strongly approve 181 23%

2. Somewhat approve 131 16%
Total Approve: 312 39%

3. Neither approve nor disapprove/Undecided 33 04%

4. Strongly disapprove 348 44%

5. Somewhat disapprove 82 10%
Total Disapprove: 430 54%

6. Refuse 25 03%
Do you approve or disapprove of the job President Biden is doing on each of the following issues… (ROTATE Q2-Q5)

Q2. Stopping illegal immigration at the Southern border? (Test Intensity…)

1. Strongly approve 142 18%

2. Somewhat approve 132 16%
Total Approve: 274 34%

3. Neither approve nor disapprove/Undecided 111 14%

4. Strongly disapprove 381 48%

5. Somewhat disapprove 32 04%
Total Disapprove: 413 52%

6. Refuse 2 00%

Q3. Addressing record high gasoline prices for consumers? (Test Intensity…)

1. Strongly approve 172 22%

2. Somewhat approve 132 16%
Total Approve: 304 38%

3. Neither approve nor disapprove/Undecided 45 06%

4. Strongly disapprove 392 49%

5. Somewhat disapprove 57 07%
Total Disapprove: 449 56%

6. Refuse 2 00%

Q4. Addressing inflation? (Test Intensity…)

1. Strongly approve 121 15%

2. Somewhat approve 140 18%
Total Approve: 261 33%

3. Neither approve nor disapprove/Undecided 49 06%

4. Strongly disapprove 406 51%

5. Somewhat disapprove 83 10%
Total Disapprove: 489 61%

6. Refuse 1 00%
Q5. Cracking down on crime? (Test Intensity…)

1. Strongly approve 163 20%

2. Somewhat approve 130 16%
Total Approve: 293 37%

3. Neither approve nor disapprove/Undecided 76 10%

4. Strongly disapprove 352 44%

5. Somewhat disapprove 78 10%
Total Disapprove: 430 54%

6. Refuse 1 00%

(Rotate Q6-Q9)

Q6. Is your opinion of Speaker of the United States Congress Nancy Pelosi favorable, is it unfavorable, or do you have no
opinion of her? (Test Intensity…)

1. Very favorable 137 17%

2. Somewhat favorable 113 14%
Total Favorable: 250 31%

3. No opinion 79 10%

4. Very unfavorable 404 50%

5. Somewhat unfavorable 67 08%
Total Unfavorable: 471 59%

6. Never heard of/unaware 0 00%

Q7. Is your opinion of Joe Biden favorable, is it unfavorable, or do you have no opinion of him? (Test Intensity…)

1. Very favorable 230 29%

2. Somewhat favorable 117 15%
Total Favorable: 347 43%

3. No opinion 36 04%

4. Very unfavorable 362 45%

5. Somewhat unfavorable 55 07%
Total Unfavorable: 417 52%

6. Never heard of/unaware 0 00%

Q8. Is your opinion of former President Donald Trump favorable, is it unfavorable, or do you have no opinion of him?
(Test Intensity…)

1. Very favorable 220 28%

2. Somewhat favorable 139 17%
Total Favorable: 359 45%

3. No opinion 70 09%

4. Very unfavorable 290 36%

5. Somewhat unfavorable 81 10%
Total Unfavorable: 371 46%

6. Never heard of/unaware 0 00%

Q9. Is your opinion of Vice President Kamala Harris favorable, is it unfavorable, or do you have no opinion of her? (Test

1. Very favorable 170 21%

2. Somewhat favorable 132 16%
Total Favorable: 302 38%

3. No opinion 76 10%

4. Very unfavorable 363 45%

5. Somewhat unfavorable 59 07%
Total Unfavorable: 422 53%

6. Never heard of/unaware 0 00%

Q10. Thinking ahead to the upcoming elections for your U.S. Member of Congress, if the election were held today would
you vote Republican or Democrat? (ROTATE PARTIES)

1. Republican 389 49%

2. Democrat 311 39%
3. Other (Do Not Read) 26 03%
4. Undecided 62 08%
5. Refuse 12 02%
Now, thinking way ahead to the next election for President in 2024…

(Rotate Q11-Q12)

Q11. If the general election for President were being held today and the choices were Donald Trump, the Republican
candidate, and Joe Biden, the Democrat candidate, for whom would you vote? (ROTATE NAMES)

1. Trump/Republican 371 46%

2. Biden/Democrat 387 48%
3. Other (Do Not Read) 19 02%
4. Not Sure 23 03%

Q12. If the general election for President were being held today and the choices were Donald Trump, the Republican
candidate, and Kamala Harris, the Democrat candidate, for whom would you vote? (ROTATE NAMES)

1. Trump/Republican 366 46%

2. Harris/Democrat 389 49%
3. Other (Do Not Read) 29 04%
4. Not Sure 16 02%

Thinking about several policy issues affecting the nation for a few minutes…

Q13. In comparison to 6 months ago, has the economy gotten better, gotten worse or has it remained about the same?

1. Gotten better 113 14%

2. Gotten worse 526 66%
3. About the same 151 19%
4. Not Sure 10 01%

Q14. How likely is it our country will experience a recession in the next 6 to 12 months – very likely, somewhat likely or
not at all likely?

1. Very likely 325 41%

2. Somewhat likely 274 34%
Total Likely: 599 75%

3. Not at all likely 156 20%

4. Not Sure 43 05%
5. Refuse 2 00%
Q15. When it comes to competition in sports, do you believe that it's fair to force female athletes to compete against
male athletes who identify as transgender and claim to be female?

1. Yes/it’s fair to force female athletes to compete against male athletes 123 15%
2. No/it’s not fair to force female athletes to compete against male athletes 552 69%
3. Not Sure 108 14%
4. Refuse 17 02%

Q16. Entrepreneur and Tesla founder Elon Musk recently offered to purchase the social media platform Twitter as a way
to eliminate censorship on its platform and protect the freedom of speech of its users. Do you support Musk's bid to
purchase Twitter as a mechanism to protect free speech?

1. Yes 469 59%

2. No 220 28%
3. Not Sure 93 12%
4. Refuse 18 02%

Q17. Florida recently passed a law prohibiting public school teachers from introducing sexual topics to elementary
school children without parental consent. Do you support or oppose proposals that protect young children from being
exposed to sexual topics by school employees without parental consent or knowledge? (Test Intensity…)

1. Strongly support 489 61%

2. Support 67 08%
Total Support: 556 70%

3. Strongly oppose 86 11%

4. Oppose 95 12%
Total Oppose: 181 23%

5. Not Sure 51 06%

6. Refuse 12 02%

Q18. Do you trust the corporate news media to tell the truth when covering news stories, or do they misrepresent the
facts to push a political agenda?

1. Trust the corporate news media to tell the truth 139 17%
2. Mispresent the facts to push a political agenda 584 73%
3. Not Sure 70 09%
4. Refuse 7 01%
Now, I just have a few more questions for demographic purposes and we’ll be through…

Q19. What was your age on your last birthday? (Use brackets below)

1. 18-24 64 08%
2. 25-34 131 16%
3. 35-44 144 18%
4. 45-54 144 18%
5. 55-64 159 20%
6. 65 and older 158 20%

Q20. Which political party are you registered to vote with?

1. Republican 321 40%

2. Democrat 325 41%
3. Independent 114 14%
4. Unaffiliated 27 03%
5. Other party 9 01%
6. Refuse 4 01%

Q21. Regardless of how you are registered to vote, do you tend to think of yourself mainly as a Republican, a Democrat
or as an Independent?

1. Republican 302 38%

2. Democrat 302 38%
3. Independent 188 24%
4. Other 5 01%
5. Refuse 2 00%

Q22. When it comes to your political ideology, do you consider yourself to be conservative, moderate, liberal,
progressive, Libertarian or something else?

1. Conservative 287 36%

2. Moderate 248 31%
3. Liberal 168 21%
4. Progressive 31 04%
5. Libertarian 23 03%
6. Other 30 04%
7. None 8 01%
8. Refuse 5 01%
Q23. What is your highest level of education? (UNAIDED)

1. High school diploma or less 149 19%

2. Some college, but no college degree 200 25%
3. 2-year college degree/Technical or trade degree 101 13%
4. 4-year college degree 142 18%
5. Post-graduate degree/Masters/Doctorate studies 207 26%
6. Refuse 1 00%

Q24. What is your main racial or ethnic background? (One answer only)

(In Alpha Order)

1. Asian/Pacific Islander 18 02%

2. Black/African American 87 11%
3. Hispanic/Latino 121 15%
4. Native American/Alaskan Native 1 00%
5. White/Caucasian 545 68%
6. Multi-racial or biracial 3 00%
7. Another race/ethnicity not listed 10 01%
8. Refuse 15 02%



1. Male 391 49%

2. Female 409 51%

USA Regional Area Grouping (coded from list):

1. Northeast (CT, DE, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT) 149 19%
2. South (AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA) 172 22%
3. Midwest (IL, IN, KY, MI, OH, WV, WI) 137 17%
4. North Central (CO, ID, MT, NE, ND, OR, SD, WY, KS, MN, IA, MO) 93 12%
5. Southwest (AZ, NM, OK, TX, AR, LA) 111 14%
6. West (AK, CA, HI, NV, UT, WA) 138 17%

This telephone poll is commissioned by The Federalist and conducted by Susquehanna Polling and Research, Inc1. Interviews were
conducted April 19-27, 2022, with 800 registered/likely voters in the continental USA. Survey respondents are randomly contacted
using random selection procedures, and all telephone interviews are conducted using live telephone agents. The sample frame was
drawn from a randomly selected universe of U.S. households provided by L2, Inc. of Bothell, WA, which uses census state
population data compiled from certified voter registration rolls, as well as computer coding protocols to ensure the sample is both
random and geographically representative of the U.S. population. Eligible respondents are then pre-selected for the sample frame
based primarily on U.S. households with prior vote history in at least 1 of 4 (or better) general elections, using G21, G20, G19 and/or
G18 as the base universe; new registrants to the voter rolls since G21 are also eligible to be contacted. The sample frame includes a
balanced mix of both landline and cellular households consistent with the latest telephone usable patterns available. Households
are pre-screened to eliminate telephone numbers on the federal Do Not Call registry in compliance with federal and state laws.

Interviews are closely monitored to ensure a representative sample of registered/likely voters in the USA is achieved based on party
self-identification, geography, racial background, gender, age and other demographics; results are sometimes statistically
weighted to account for non-response and/or coverage bias.

The margin of error for a sample size of 800 interviews is +/-3.46% at the 95% confidence level.

Susquehanna Polling and Research, Inc. is a nationally recognized polling and focus group company and conducts polling for political, media and
corporate clients in numerous states. SP&R’s polling has been featured on many national platforms, including the Rush Limbaugh Radio Show, FOX
News Channel, The O’Reilly Factor, the Bill Maher Show and MSNBC. The former internet news service Sunshine State News of Florida referred to
SP&R as “one of the most prominent pollsters in the country” for its accurate polling in the 2010 Florida Gubernatorial GOP Primary Election. The
website lists SP&R’s Presidential Battleground Polling in PA, WI, NC, FL and AZ as some of the most accurate polling by
any survey firm in the 2020 POTUS elections. CBS’s nationally televised Inside Edition program chose SP&R to profile on two separate segments due
to its unmatched accuracy in 5 key battleground states in the lead up to the 2020 General Election.

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