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Academic Year : 2020-2021


Study Of Total Internal Reflection

Program: Civil Engg. Program code: CE 1 I A
Course : ENGLISH Course Code :22101

Name of Guide: G. M. Dak



This is to certify that Mr./Ms. Bilolikar Aditya Abhijit Roll No. 134 of 1st Semester of

Diploma in Civil Engineering of Institute, GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, NANDED has

completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in Subject- English (22101) for the academic year

2020-2021 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place : Nanded
Date : /03/2021 Exam Seat No.: 303209

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

G. M. Dak S.R. Mudholkar

Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project
Academic Year : 2020 - 21. Name of the Faculty: G. M. Dak

Course: ENGLISH. Course Code: 22101 Semister: I

Title of the Project: Study Of Total Internal Reflection

Cos address by Micro Project:

A: Formulate grammatically correct sentences.
B: Give presentation by using audio visual aids.
C: communication skillfully.
D: write reports using correct guidelines.

Major learning outcomes achieved by the students by doing the project.

(A) Practical outcome:

1) Deliver presentation (seminar) effective.

(B) Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain.

1) Prepare the points for computer presentation.
2) Make seminar presentation.

(C) Outcomes in affective domain:

1) Function as team member.
2) Follow Ethics.
3) Make proper use of computer and Internet.
Comment /suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)
Roll No. Student Name Marks out of 6 for Marks out of 4 for Total out
performance in group performance in of 10
activity oral/presentation
(D5 Col.8) (D5 Col.9)
133 Bhadare Maharudra Honaji
134 Bilolikar Aditya Abhijit
135 Bodake Antesh
136 Bodake Ganesh
137 Chamalwad Divesh

(Signature of Faculty)
G. M. Dak



“Study Of Total Internal Reflection”


1st Discussion and finalization of Topic
2ND Discussion and finalization of Topic
3RD Preparation and submission of Abstract
4TH Literature Review
5TH Collection of Date
6TH Collection of Date
7TH Collection of Date
8TH Collection of Date
9TH Discussion and Outline of Content
10TH Formulation of Content
11TH Editing and 1st proof Reading of Content
12TH Editing and 2nd Reading of Content
13TH Compilation of Report and Presentation
14TH Seminar
15TH Viva-voce
16TH Final submission of Micro project

Sign of the Students Sign of the Faculty

133 - Bhadre Maharudra Honaji G. M. Dak

134 – Bilolikar Aditya Abhijit

135 – Bodake Antash

136 – Bodake Ganesh

137 – Chamalwad Divesh Digamber


Sr. Chapter/Title Page

No. No.
1. Introduction 6
2. Reflection of Light 6
3. Total Internal Reflection 8
4. Critical Angle 8
5. Formula 9
6. Condition 9
7. Examples 10
8. Optics 10
9. Solved Examples 12

Whenever a ray of incident light travels from one medium to another, its path is
changed i.e. it gets refracted.
If the ray travels from denser medium to rarer medium, it suffers deviation away
from the normal at the point of incidence. As the angle of incidence is increased,
the angle of refraction also keeps on increasing. At a certain angle of incidence,
called the critical angle, the refracted ray grazes along the surface of separation i.e.
angle of refraction becomes just go. If the angle of incidence is further increased,
no refraction takes place. Instead such a ray gets reflection inside the medium itself.
This phenomenon is called total internal reflection.

Refraction :The phenomenon of bending of light when it come from one

medium to another medium is called refraction.

Reflection :The phenomenon in which a ray comes from one medium and
bending of that ray in same medium i.e. Total Internal Reflection takes place called

Reflection of Light
When a ray of light approaches a smooth polished surface and the light ray
bounces back, it is called the reflection of light. The incident light ray which lands
upon the surface is said to be reflected off the surface. The ray that bounces back is
called the reflected ray. If a perpendicular were to be drawn on a reflecting surface,
it would be called normal. The figure below shows the reflection of an incident
beam on a plane mirror.
Here, the angle of incidence and angle of reflection are with respect to normal and
the reflective surface.

Laws of Reflection
The laws of reflection determine the reflection of incident light rays on reflecting
surfaces, like mirrors, smooth metal surfaces and clear water. Let’s consider a
plane mirror as shown in the figure above. The law of reflection states that

• The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal all lie in the same plane
• The angle of incidence = Angle of reflection

Types of Reflection of Light

• Regular reflection is also known as specular reflection
• Diffused reflection
• Multiple reflection

Total Internal Reflection
Total internal reflection is defined as:
The phenomenon which occurs when the light rays travel from a more optically
denser medium to a less optically denser medium.

Consider the following situation. A ray of light passes from a medium of water
to that of air. Light ray will be refracted at the junction separating the two media.
Since it passes from a medium of a higher refractive index to that having a lower
refractive index, the refracted light ray bends away from the normal. At a
specific angle of incidence, the incident ray of light is refracted in such a way that it
passes along the surface of the water. This particular angle of incidence is called the
critical angle. Here the angle of refraction is 90 degrees. When the angle of
incidence is greater than the critical angle, the incident ray is reflected back to the
medium. We call this phenomenon total internal reflection.

Total Internal Reflection

Critical Angle .

Total internal reflection is a complete reflection of a ray of light within a medium

such as water or glass from the surrounding surfaces back into the medium. It only
occurs when both of the following two conditions are met:

• A light ray is in the more dense medium and approaching the less dense
• The angle of incidence for the light ray is greater than the so-called critical
The critical angle is the angle of incidence, for which the angle of refraction is
90°. If light enters a denser medium from a comparatively rarer medium, then the
direction of light changes and the light ray bends towards the normal.
One can witness an effect by opening his or her eyes while swimming just below the
surface. If the water is still, the surface outside the critical angle appears mirror-like,
reflecting objects below. The region above the water cannot be seen except
overhead. The hemispherical field of view is compressed into a conical field known
as Snell’s window, whose angular diameter is twice the critical angle.

Formula of Total Internal Reflection

Total internal reflection n1/n2= Sin r / Sin i

Critical angle, Ө sinΘ= n2/n1

Notations Used In The Total Internal Reflection Formula And Critical Angle

• r is the angle of refraction

• i is the angle of incidence
• n1 is the refractive index in medium 1
• n2 is the refractive index in medium 2
• Ө is the critical angle

Conditions of Total Internal Reflection.
Following are the two conditions of total internal reflection:

• The light ray moves from a more dense medium to a less dense medium.
• The angle of incidence must be greater than the critical angle.

Examples of Total Internal Reflection

Following are the examples of total internal reflection:
When the incident ray falls on every face of the diamond such that the angle formed,
the ray is greater than the critical angle. The critical value of the diamond is 23°.
This condition is responsible for the total internal reflection in a diamond which
makes it shine.

It is an optical illusion that is responsible for the appearance of the water layer at
short distances in a desert or on the road. Mirage is an example of total internal
reflection which occurs due to atmospheric refraction.

Like all the different types of light, the spectrum of visible light is absorbed and
emitted in the form of tiny packets of energy called photons. These photons have
both the properties of a wave as well as a particle.

Hence this type of property is called wave-particle duality and the study of light in
the area of physics is known as Optics.
Optics is the branch of physics which is concerned with light and it’s behavioural
pattern and properties.

Optics is a branch of physics that deals with the determination of behaviour and
the properties of light, along with its interactions with the matter and also with the
instruments which are used to detect it.
Optics, in a simple manner, is used to describe the behaviour of visible light,
infrared light, and ultraviolet. Imaging is done with the help of a system called an
image forming an optical system.
Ray optics is also called geometrical optics. It is a branch of science that describes
light propagation in terms of “rays

Optical fibre:
When the incident ray falls on the cladding, it suffers total internal reflection as the
angle formed by the ray is greater than the critical angle. Optical fibers have
revolutionised the speed with which signals are transferred, not only across cities but

across countries and continents making telecommunication one of the fastest modes
of information transfer. Optical fibers are also used in endoscopy

Solved Examples on Total Internal Reflection

Q1. An optical fibre made up the glass with refractive index n1 = 1.5 which is
surrounded by another glass of refractive index n2. Find the refractive index
n2 of the cladding such that the critical angle between the two cladding is 80°.
Critical angle, θ = 80°
Refractive index, n1 = 1.5
Refractive index n2 = ?
Using the below formula, we can calculate n2:
sinθ=n2n1sinθ=n2n1 sin80∘=n21.5sin80∘=n21.5 n2=1.5×sin80∘n2=1.5×sin80∘ n2=1.48n2=1.48

Q2. Find the refractive index of the medium whose critical angle is 40°.
Critical angle, θ = 40°
Refractive index of the medium, μ = ?
μ=1sinθμ=1sinθ μ=1sin40∘μ=1sin40∘ μ=10.65μ=10.65
µ = 1.6



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