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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Solid vs. Liquid: What is it?

Students will be able to… Identify whether a substance is a solid or liquid.
Students will be able to… Understand how these substances change form due to heat.

State Standards:

2.P.3A.3: Conduct structured investigations to test how adding or removing heat can cause
changes in solids and liquids.

Students will likely have background knowledge on solids and liquids such as water and

ice. However, they will lack a deeper understanding of how these properties relate to each other

and are essentially made of the same components even if they appear physical different. This

lesson will be focused on water and ice as they will be new to the concept of changing the form

of a substance, but it will prepare them for more advanced lessons in the future. For example,

here are some changes done to liquids that form them into a solid that are irreversible, which

they will discover in future lessons.

Students will have groups of 5 based on an entrance slip on the solid, liquid, and gas unit.

This will give me an idea of how much they know on these subjects prior to receiving lessons on

them. In this lesson, data will be collected through the Lab notes completed by the group and an

online forum done individually by the students about the lesson. Additionally, a kahoot will be

done at the end as a fun, competitive way to track students understanding.


Part of lesson Material used Link

Introduction Smartboard N/A

Teacher directed Smartboard

Collaborative Lab journals, N/A

water, ice, access

to freezer

Independent Digital iPad Google form

Closure iPad, Kahoot Kahoot

Introduction (20 minutes):
I will give students 10 minutes to enter the classroom, put away their bags, and take their

seats at their respected desks. I will tell them we are beginning a new unit about solids, liquids,

and gasses but we will be focusing on solids and liquids for today’s lessons. I will ask the

students to name a few solids or liquids they know of and will write them on the board for all

students to see. Then I will explain what the students will be doing at each station and let them


Teacher Directed (15 minutes):

I will begin by showing the students a YouTube video about solids vs. liquids and how

they are interchangeable. The video discusses how they are both states of matter, real-world

examples of both, and what distinguishes one from the other. After watching the video, I will
have each student approach the board and write down one thing they learned or build off the idea

of a peer who went before them.

Collaborative (15 minutes):

The students will work in groups with a teachers aid present. To begin the lab, they will

be asked to fill an empty ice tray with water and place it into a freezer. At the same time, they

will take an ice piece already in there and place it by a window with sunlight exposure. As the

ice melts, they will be asked to describe what is happening to the ice to make it melt as well as

drawing images of the ice at the beginning and what it looks like throughout the melting process.

Ten minutes in, they will take the ice tray from the freezer and observe the change. They will

then be able to understand that heat can turn a solid to a liquid and its removal can do the

opposite. They will write a one paragraph reflection on this phenomenon at the end of the lab.

Independent Digital (15 minutes):

Students will take this time to complete a google form that will ask questions from both

the video watching during the teacher directed and collaborative parts of the lesson. They will

not be able to use notes during this portion, so I have an accurate understanding of how well they

retained the content or if the lesson was not effective enough.

Closure (20 minutes):

The students will play a Kahoot at the end of the day using their iPads. The results will

allow me to see which students succeeded in the lesson and who may need more help. This will

help me make groupings for the next lessons on this subject. I will review all the labs and choose

the one best completed to show at the beginning of the next class.
Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of
Solids and Liquid Lesson YouTube video:
This video is useful as it introduces students to the basic information about solids and

liquids as well as how to tell them apart. This gives the students a relevant background of

the topic prior to them completing a lab, forum, and Kahoot on the content. The video is

not incredibly high quality, but it does do a good job of engaging students as well as

explaining the topic in detail in terms they will understand. As the narrator speaks, words

and pictures appear on the screen which appeals to different types of learners.

Kahoot game:
Many students enjoy playing Kahoot as it gives them a break from lecture and allows

them to play competitively. This game will act as a quiz for the students and will allow

me to see their understanding of the content as a whole for future lessons. Students will

be quite engaged during this part and motivated to do well due to the competitive aspect

against other classmates.

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