Ip-Dect: Central Directory Access (CDA)

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Central Directory Access (CDA)

4080 IP-DECT
8340 Smart IP-DECT

8AL 80885 USAA ed01

IP-DECT: Central Directory Access (CDA)

1. IP-DECT: CENTRAL DIRECTORY ACCESS (CDA) ........................................................................................................ 3

1.1 WHAT IS IT? ............................................................................................................................................................. 3

1.2 SUPPORTED DATABASE TYPE ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 LAYOUT EXAMPLE OF EXCEL SHEET ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.4 INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4.1 PROCEDURE: Creating an Excel Sheet Database .............................................................................................. 6
1.4.2 PROCEDURE: Installing the Central Directory Access Tool .............................................................................. 7
1.5 SETTING IP-DECT FOR CENTRAL DIRECTORY ACCESS ..................................................................................................... 10
1.6 CONFIGURATION AND DIAGNOSTIC FILES ..................................................................................................................... 11

2. USE OF THE 500 DECT .......................................................................................................................................... 11

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IP-DECT: Central Directory Access (CDA)

1. IP-DECT: Central Directory Access (CDA)

1.1 What is it?

The Central Directory Access Tool provides Central Directory Access for 500 DECT and 500 EX
DECT on IP-DECT system.

This tool connects a directory database to the IP-DECT system.

Once installed, the Central Directory Access tool consists of two services running under MS

There is no user interface available. TCP/IP Port 30160 is open for external access from IP-DECT
system. IP-DECT connects to the Central Directory Access tool via the TCP/IP socket which is
defined in the DAP Configurator tool.

500 DECT and 500 EX DECT handsets support Central Directory dialing and private directory

Note: CDA (as described in this document) is used with Omni PCX Enterprise (OXE) but not with
Omni PCX Office (OXO).

See figures hereafter for more descriptive information:

Figure 1: Generation of CDA excel file with LDAP directory copy

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IP-DECT: Central Directory Access (CDA)

Figure 2a: Use of central directory

Figure 2b: Call with central directory

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IP-DECT: Central Directory Access (CDA)

Figure 3: Flow graph showing protocol between DAP, DAP Controller and OXE when using 500 DECT

1.2 Supported Database type

The Central Directory Access tool only supports one database type:

• Flat Excel database

You can create a simple Excel sheet containing your central database. During installation of the
Central Directory Access tool, you must specify the path to the Excel file and the file name. When
you update the file (do not change the file name!), it is immediately active in the Central Directory
Access tool.

1.3 Layout example of Excel sheet

The contents of an Excel sheet for the Central Directory Access tool is simple. It consists of three
columns and as many rows as entries. Below, you see an example of an Excel sheet with two

Figure 4: Example of Excel sheet

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IP-DECT: Central Directory Access (CDA)

The first row is as follows:

DbId Name Extension

Figure 5: First row of the Excel sheet

Note that it is important to use the correct column headers: Dbld, Name and Extension.

Also note that the first column contains a sequence number. Each number has to be unique.

Other example of directory:

Figure 6: Other example of directory

1.4 Installation

The following procedure gives a step by step installation guide for the Central Directory Access tool.
If you want to use an Excel Sheet as database and you don’t have it yet, you must create an Excel
Sheet first. Use the following procedure.

1.4.1 PROCEDURE: Creating an Excel Sheet Database

Note: Example achieved with Microsoft Excel 2003.

It is recommended to save excel file with .xls extension.


1. Open Microsoft Excel file

2. A new excel document is displayed. Right mouse click the tab “Sheet3” and select “delete” to
delete this sheet.

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IP-DECT: Central Directory Access (CDA)

3. Right mouse click the tab “Sheet2” and select “delete” to delete this sheet.

4. Right mouse click the tab “Sheet1” and select “rename” to rename this sheet to: directory.

5. Enter the column names exactly as they are shown in figure 1 of section "Layout Example of
Excel Sheet". These column headers are: Dbld, Name and Extension. (Dbld = <capital letter “D”>
<lower case letter “b”> <upper case letter “I”> <lower case letter “d”. It is an abbreviation of
“Database Identifier)

6. Right mouse click the top of the column “Extension”. In the menu that is displayed, select
“Format Cells ...”.

7. In the window that is displayed, you can choose the cell format. Select Text under “Category”.
Click OK.

8. Enter sequence numbers in the first column as shown in figure 1 of section "Layout Example of
Excel Sheet". Each number has to be unique and you must have as many sequence numbers as
you have entries in your excel database.

9. Enter the names and the numbers. See the example given in figure 1 of section "Layout
Example of Excel Sheet".

10. Save the database giving it the file name: cda_names.xls.

1.4.2 PROCEDURE: Installing the Central Directory Access Tool

1. The installation of the Central Directory Access tool can be done on any PC in the network as
long as it meets the same requirements as the PC for the DAP Controller.

2. The tool needs to have a directory database (Excel sheet) as input.

3. Make sure that you have the Central Directory Access tool software. It consists of a folder
(DISK1) with a setup file inside. Run the setup.exe file.

4. You will see a window displayed.

Click Next.

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IP-DECT: Central Directory Access (CDA)

5. In the window that is displayed, select the type of database you want to use:

Select the Excel database type and click Next.

6. You will see the screen below as you have selected the Excel database.

Browse to the Excel file that contains the Central Directory data.

Example of directory for cda file:


Note: After installation, do not change the file name.

Warning: Note the CDA path and file name before installation.

Click Next.

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IP-DECT: Central Directory Access (CDA)

7. The following window will be displayed.

Click Install.

8. Installation will take place. When the window “InstallShield Wizard Completed” is displayed, click

9. As result of the installation, there should be two new services running,

- NEC AccessService

- NEC DirectoryService

Check that these services are installed and running.

Note: Opening the Windows Services list

To open the Services list:
Open a run box.
Type services.msc and press return.

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IP-DECT: Central Directory Access (CDA)

1.5 Setting IP-DECT for Central Directory Access

Use the following procedure to configure IP-DECT for using Central Directory Access.



1. IP-DECT must be configured to reach the Central Directory Access services. Open the DAP
Configurator and click Modify.

2. Select the IP DECT system that you are running. Click IP Settings and then select the tab “CDA
IP Configuration”.

3. You will see the following window displayed:

Enter the CDA IP Address and the CDA port. The IP address is the IP address of the computer
running the Central Directory Access tool. The port number is the port that is open for Central
Directory Access on the CDA computer.

The default port number is 30160.

4. Click Apply and then Save System.

5. Click Activate / Deactivate / System Status. Restart the DDS service.

6. Click the button Reboot to reboot all DAPs in the system.

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IP-DECT: Central Directory Access (CDA)

1.6 Configuration and Diagnostic Files

Configuration and Diagnostic Files are available. In case of problems (after reboot of the PC),
please send those files to your support desk.

The configuration file is called DataAccess.dll.config and is found in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\xxx\Services\DataAccess.dll.config

You can find diagnostic files in the following directories:

C:\NEC\Diagnostics Files\BASE\AccessService.WinService\*.*

C:\NEC\Diagnostics Files\BASE\DirectoryService.WinService\*.*

2. Use of the 500 DECT

CDA is supported from v0054 version of 500 DECT.

CDA is enabled in factory.

If CDA has to be enabled in the handset, go to the service menu of the 500 DECT handset:

- Select “Menu”

- Type: xxxxx (xxxxx is the password for entering “Service Menu”)

- Select “Central directory”

- Select “On”

Select « Menu » then « Contacts »

Select “Central directory” (Choice: “Private” or “Central directory”):

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IP-DECT: Central Directory Access (CDA)

To display names, type the key corresponding to each letter repeatedly and quickly until the desired
letter appears. To type a new letter, just type another numeric key.

For instance, for “Clermont”, press “2” three times (letter C), press “5” three times (letter L), press “3“
twice (letter E) and then press « Ok ».

The names are displayed in “Central directory” as follows:

Note: - Scrolling down: Until the end of the list

- Scrolling up: Not possible starting from the first name of the list. Up to 10 names when
scrolling down is achieved on more than 10 names.

Press soft key “Call” to make the call.

Remark: Soft key “More” allows to get information ( “Info”) or to send a message ( “Send message”).
In “Info” the phone number corresponding to the name selected is displayed.

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